Reading configuration files

In this section, we are going learn about the configparser module of Python. By using the configparser module, you can manage user-editable configuration files for the application.

The common use of these configuration files is that users or system administrators can edit the files using a simple text editor to set application defaults and then the application will read and, parse them and act based on the contents written in them.

To read a configuration file, configparser has the read() method. Now, we will write a simple script named Before that, create a .ini file named read_simple.ini and write the following content in it: read_simple.ini

url =

Create and enter the following content in it:

from configparser import ConfigParser
p = ConfigParser()'read_simple.ini')
print(p.get('bug_tracker', 'url'))

Run and you will get the following output:

$ python3


The read() method accepts more than one filename. Whenever each filename gets scanned and if that file exists, then it will be opened and read. Now, we will write a script for reading more than one filename. Create a script called and write the following code in it:

from configparser import ConfigParser
import glob

p = ConfigParser()
files = ['hello.ini', 'bye.ini', 'read_simple.ini', 'welcome.ini']
files_found =
files_missing = set(files) - set(files_found)
print('Files found: ', sorted(files_found))
print('Files missing: ', sorted(files_missing))

Run the preceding script and you will get the following output:

$ python3

Files found: ['read_simple.ini']
Files missing: ['bye.ini', 'hello.ini', 'welcome.ini']

In the preceding example, we used the configparser module of Python, which helps in managing configuration files. First, we created a list named files. The read() function will read the configuration files. In the example, we created a variable called  files_found, which will store the names of the configuration files present in your directory. Next, we created another variable called files_missing, which will return filenames that aren't in your directory. And, lastly, we are printing the file names that are present and missing.

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