Calculating frequency distributions and sorting using MapReduce

Frequency distribution is the number of hits received by each URL sorted in the ascending order, by the number hits received by a URL. We have already calculated the number of hits in the earlier recipe. This recipe will sort the list.

Getting ready

  • This recipe assumes that you have followed the first chapter and have installed Hadoop. We will use the HADOOP_HOME to refer to Hadoop installation folder.
  • Start Hadoop by following the instructions in the first chapter.
  • This recipe assumes that you are aware of how Hadoop processing works. If you have not already done so, you should follow the recipe Writing a WordCount MapReduce sample, bundling it and running it using standalone Hadoop from Chapter 1, Getting Hadoop Up and Running in a Cluster.
  • This recipe will use the results from the recipe Performing Group-By using MapReduce of this chapter. Follow it if you have not done so already.

How to do it...

The following steps show how to calculate frequency distribution using MapReduce:

  1. We will use the data from the previous recipe here. So follow the recipe if you have not already done so.
  2. Run the MapReduce job using the following command from HADOOP_HOME:
    > bin/hadoop jar hadoop-cookbook-chapter6.jar chapter6.WeblogFrequencyDistributionProcessor/data/output2 /data/output3
  3. Read the results by running the following command:
    >bin/hadoopdfs -cat /data/output3/*

    You will see that it will print the results as following:

    /cgi-bin/imagemap/countdown?91,175      12
    /cgi-bin/imagemap/countdown?105,143     13
    /cgi-bin/imagemap/countdown70?177,284   14

How it works...

The second recipe of this chapter calculated the number of hits received by each link, and the frequency distribution as a sorted list of those results in that recipe. Therefore, let us sort the results of the second recipe.

MapReduce always sorts the key-value pairs emitted by the mappers by their keys before delivering them to the reducers. We will use this to sort the results.

You can find the source for the recipe from src/chapter6/

Map task for the job will look like the following:

public static class AMapper extends Mapper<Object, 
  Text, IntWritable, Text>
  public void map(Object key, Text value, Context context) throws 
    IOException, InterruptedException
  String[] tokens = value.toString().split("\s");
    new IntWritable(Integer.parseInt(tokens[1])), 
    new Text(tokens[0]));

Map task receives each line in the log file as a different key-value pair. It parses the lines using regular expressions and emits the number of hits as the key and the URL name as the value. Hadoop sorts the key-value pairs emitted by the mapper before calling the reducers, and therefore the reducer will receive the pairs in sorted order. Hence, it just has to emit them as they arrive.

public static class AReducer extends   
  Reducer<IntWritable, Text, Text, IntWritable>
  public void reduce(IntWritable key, Iterable<Text> values, 
    Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException
    Iterator<Text> iterator = values.iterator();
    if (iterator.hasNext())
      context.write(, key);

The main() method of the job will work similar to the one in the earlier recipe.

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