Selecting a build system

So far, we have approached our application in somewhat reverse order. We basically skipped past the initial project setup and dove straight away into code, so that all the plumbing would make more sense once we got there.

Well, we have now arrived! We need to pull all of this code together into an organized project structure, make sure that all of its JAR file dependencies are available, and establish a process for running the web application or packaging it up as a WAR file. We need a project build system.

One approach that we won't consider is doing all of this by hand. For a small application using bare-bones Hibernate ORM, we might depend on just over a half-dozen JAR files. At that scale, we might consider setting up a standard project in our preferred IDE (for example, Eclipse, NetBeans, or IntelliJ). We could grab a binary distribution from the Hibernate website and copy the necessary JAR files manually, letting the IDE take it from there.

The problem is that Hibernate Search has a lot going on beneath the covers. By the time the time you finish adding the dependencies for Lucene and even the minimal Solr components, the list of dependencies will be multiplied several times over. Even here in the first chapter, our very basic VAPORware Marketplace application already requires over three dozen JAR files to compile and run. These libraries are highly interdependent, and if you upgrade one of them, it can be a real nightmare to avoid conflicts.

At this level of dependency management, it becomes crucial to use an automated build system for sorting out these matters. Throughout the code examples in the book, we will primarily be using Apache Maven for build automation.

The two primary characteristics of Maven are a convention-over-configuration approach to basic builds, and a powerful system for managing a project's JAR file dependencies. As long as a project conforms to a standard structure, we don't even have to tell Maven how to compile it. This is considered boilerplate information. Also, when we tell Maven which libraries and versions a project depends on, Maven will figure out the entire dependency hierarchy for us. It determines which libraries the dependencies themselves depend on, and so forth. A standard repository format has been created for Maven (see for the largest public example), so that common libraries can all be retrieved automatically without having to hunt them down.

Maven does have its critics. By default, its configuration is XML-based, which has fallen out of fashion in recent years. More importantly, there is a learning curve when a developer needs to do something beyond the boilerplate basics. He or she must learn about the available plugins, how the lifecycle of a Maven build works, and how to configure a plugin for the appropriate lifecycle stage. Many developers have had frustrating experiences with that learning curve.

Several other build systems have been created recently as attempts to harness the same power as Maven in a simpler form (for example, the Groovy-based Gradle, the Scala-based SBT, the Ruby-based Buildr, and so on). However, it is important to note that all of these newer systems are still designed to fetch dependencies from a standard Maven repository. If you wish to use some other dependency management and build system, then the concepts seen in this book will carry over directly to these other tools.

To showcase a more manual non-Maven approach, the sample code available for download from Packt Publishing's website includes an Ant-based version of this chapter's example application. Look for the subdirectory chapter1-ant, corresponding to the Maven-based chapter1 example. A README file in the root of this subdirectory highlights the differences. However, the main takeaway is that the concepts shown in the book should translate fairly easily to any modern build system for Java applications.

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