Preparing the database

An SOA Suite cluster requires specific configuration which is covered in this section.

Getting ready

The database preparation requires SYSDBA privileges. As the installer of the SOA Suite does not necessarily have SYSDBA privileges for the database, it is wise to get all the tasks that require SYSDBA privileges completed before starting the installation and configuration of the SOA Suite.

How to do it...

  1. Check the character set requirements.

    Have DBA verify that the database character set is AL32UTF8.

    SQL> select value from nls_database_parameters where PARAMETER='NLS_CHARACTERSET';

    If it is not AL32UTF8 then the DBA needs to change the character set (easy if the current character set is a strict subset of AL32UTF 8, hard if it is not) or create a new database with the correct character set.

  2. Check process requirements are satisfied.

    Have the DBA verify that there are sufficient processes, at least 300 for SOA and 400 if using BAM with SOA.

    SQL> show parameter PROCESSES

    If necessary, increase the number of processes and restart the database.

    SQL> Alter system set PROCESSES=400 scope=spfile;

    If the database is an RAC database, have the DBA create database services for the SOA components. Additional services can be created for WSM and BAM if desired.

  3. Create database services for SOA and WSM.
    SQL> execute DBMS_SERVICE.CREATE_SERVICE(SERVICE_NAME => 'soacluster.cookbook', NETWORK_NAME => 'soacluster.cookbook'),

    Where 'soacluster.cookbook' is the name of the service you want to create.

  4. Register the service with database instances in the RAC cluster.
    > srvctl add service –d orcl –s soacluster –r orcl1,orcl2

    Where orcl is your database name and orcl1 and orcl2 are instances in your RAC cluster.

  5. Start the service.
    > srvctl start service –d orcl –s soacluster
  6. Create the SOA repository.

    Have the DBA run the Repository Creation Utility (RCU), it requires SYSDBA privileges. After completion, verify that you can connect to the <prefix>_soainfra schema.

    SQL> connect dev_soainfra/welcome1
  7. Configure SOA schema for transaction manager recovery.

    With SYSDBA privileges, grant visibility on pending transactions to the soainfra schema:

    SQL> grant select on sys.dba_pending_transactions to dev_soainfra;
  8. Grant ability to commit or rollback in doubt transactions to soainfra schema:
    SQL> grant force any transaction to dev_soainfra;
  9. With SYSDBA privileges, create a leasing tablespace:
    SQL> create tablespace leasing logging datafile '/home/oracle/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/leasing.dbf' size 32m autoextend on next 32m maxsize 2048m extent management local;

    Where /home/oracle/app/oracle/oradata/orcl is the location of the database data files (<ORACLE_BASE>/oradata/<DB_NAME>).

  10. Create a leasing user with privileges to create tables and connect to the database:
    SQL> grant create table, create session to leasing identified by welcome1;

    Where welcome1 is a password of your choosing.

  11. Set the leasing user to use the leasing tablespace and allow him/her unlimited size in the tablespace:
    SQL> alter user leasing default tablespace leasing;
    SQL> alter user leasing quota unlimited on leasing;
  12. Get a copy of the leasing.ddl script found in "<WL_HOME>/server/db/oracle/920" where <WL_HOME> is the location of the WebLogic server directory. This may have to wait until you have installed the WebLogic server software.
  13. Run the leasing.ddl script as the leasing user:
    SQL> connect leasing/welcome1
    SQL> @leasing.ddl

    This assumes that you are running SQL*Plus from the directory where leasing.ddl is located. Note that if you get errors about unknown commands and an error about table or view does not exist, these can be safely ignored.

    SQL> @leasing.ddl
    SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "WebLogic S..." - rest of line ignored.
    SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "Copyright ..." - rest of line ignored.
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

How it works...

Setting the database to AL32UTF character set is important if you will be processing non-Latin characters through the SOA Suite. Failure to set this character set can result in mis-representation of non-Latin character sets such as Chinese, Arabic, and Korean.

The leasing table is used by WebLogic to track which machines are running which migratable managed servers. A migratable managed server is configured to be able to migrate from one machine to another in the event of machine or other failure. The SOA servers and the BAM servers should be configured to do this.

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