Appendix A. Library References

This appendix is organized into two sections, Section A and Section B.

In Section A, we will explore the following:

  • Popular REST-based service frameworks/APIs:
    • Ruby on Rails
    • Restlet
    • Django
    • Flickr
    • Google
    • Yahoo!
  • Working with Visual Studio 2013 IDE

In Section B, we will discuss the following points:

  • HTTP response codes
  • The ASP.NET Web API class library

Section A

This is Section A of this appendix. We will start our discussion in this section with the popular REST-based service frameworks.

Popular REST-based service frameworks

Representational state transfer is an architectural paradigm. The key goals of REST include the following:

  • Scalability
  • Compatibility with other technology and platforms
  • Generality of interfaces
  • Discoverability; that is, interconnectivity between resources
  • Components can be deployed independent of one another
  • Reduced latency
  • Better security
  • Extensibility

A RESTful Web API is a web API that conforms to the REST principles. The main principles of REST include:

  • Identification of resources
  • Stateless communication
  • Manipulation of resources through representations
  • Self-descriptive messages

The following sections will explain the popular REST-based service frameworks or APIs.

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is an optimized open source web application framework that runs on top of the Ruby programming language. Ruby on Rails follows the basic software engineering patterns and principles. The Rails Web API is a framework that facilitates the creation of web applications based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework. The View layer is composed of templates and most of these templates are HTML-based with embedded Ruby code. The Model layer represents the domain model, the business logic classes, and the data access classes. The Controller layer handles incoming HTTP requests. Note that the Rails controller can generate XML, JSON, PDFs, and also mobile-specific views. You can get more information on this framework from


Restlet provides support for an extensive list of extensions that include the following:

  • Spring
  • WADL
  • XML
  • JSON

The benefits of Restlet include the following:

  • Support for a fully symmetric client/server API
  • Support for connector protocols other than HTTP
  • Support for complete URI routing control through the Restlet API
  • It is fast and scalable
  • Powerful filtering support
  • Support for a consistent client/server API

You can explore more on this API from

Django REST

The Django REST Framework provides a powerful and flexible API using which you can build Web APIs seamlessly. This API provides an extensive documentation and an excellent community support. You can know more on this framework from this link:

The Flickr REST API

The Flickr REST API is simple and easy to use. Flickr also has some JSON APIs that you might make use of for invoking the API through JavaScript. You can get more information in this regard from

The Google API

The Custom Search JSON/Atom API from Google enables developers to write applications that can leverage this API and retrieve and display custom search in the applications. This API allows you to use RESTful calls for web search and get the results in the JSON or Atom format. You can know more on this API from this

Yahoo! Social REST APIs

The Yahoo! REST APIs provide a collection of URI resources that can provide access to the following:

  • Users' profiles
  • Status messages
  • Status updates

These URIs are actually grouped into APIs depending on the information they return. For more information, you can refer to the following site:

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