“Rising levels of life expectancy and literacy and falling levels of poverty and disease make this objectively one of the best times to be alive - we have never had it so good. Yet at the individual level, many seem to have lost touch with what it takes to make us happy. This book unpacks the recipe for happiness, to best leverage our unique qualities in an increasingly AI world. It gives the reader a valuable yet simple toolkit for building good habits and getting rid of bad habits, in pursuit of wellbeing.”

Dr. Liz Mellon, Chair of Editorial Board, Dialogue, Duke Corporate Education

“Good health is a critical factor for the performance of our footballers, basketball players and other sportsmen and women. Yet wellbeing is what distinguishes the good teams from the great. We are continually engaged with our athletes to give them the best chance of thriving in a highly pressured environment and I see many parallels with what MacGregor and Simpson have brought together for the business world. This is a timely and indispensable guide for health, wellbeing and performance in today’s world.”

Dr. Gil Rodas, Medical Doctor, FC Barcelona

“If you care about improving your own wellbeing and that of your people, this is the book for you! Steven MacGregor and Rory Simpson present a bold vision and practical ideas for increasing the ROI of wellbeing into every organization.”

Professor Gretchen Spreitzer, Professor of Management and Organizations, Michigan Ross School of Business

“In a world that will change beyond recognition in the next decade, it is those people, and organizations who remember and embrace their humanity who will best manage the inevitable turbulence. MacGregor and Simpson provide that means of reconnecting with our human selves and make an important contribution to the human awakening so critical for our increasingly noisy world.”

Pablo Rodríguez, CEO, Alpha

“Disruption is here, now, everywhere. Learning is the only way forward. Chief Wellbeing Officer offers unique insights, entertaining thoughts, and crazy ideas for survival and success in our new paradigm. In fact, these guys are true paradigm pioneers.”

Bernardo Quinn, CEO, Telefónica Latin America South

“The most valuable asset any company has is its human capital. Chief Wellbeing Officer lays out a vision of how to create a more human-focused workplace necessary for a thriving society. Steven P. MacGregor and Rory Simpson have elegantly interwoven their research, stories, teaching, and ideas to produce something that’s accessible , practical and compelling.”

Arianna Huffington, Founder HuffPost & Founder and CEO of Thrive Global

“In a world where disruption comes from everywhere and often seemingly overnight, Chief Wellbeing Officer offers a range of deep insights that will help both the individual and organization to future-proof themselves in order to truly thrive.”

José María Álvarez-Pallete, CEO, Telefónica

“Life is about two things: Awareness and Choice. Developing leaders in our increasingly complex world is about enhancing their skills and abilities in both domains. With heightened inner and outer awareness, they can confidently choose a different response to today’s challenges, allowing for different and better outcomes. MacGregor and Simpson’s delightful new book provides practical guidance on both of these critical dimensions.”

Peter van der Vlis, Partner and Co-Founder, Aberkyn, the leadership development firm of McKinsey & Company

“This most inspirational and entertaining book explains how executives can effectively lead their people by implementing wellbeing strategies, the next frontier of management development. An authoritative contribution between two of the most experienced and thoughtful experts in talent management.”

Professor Santiago Íñiguez, President, IE University

“In a world full of data, analytics and measurement, MacGregor & Simpson’s excellent book reminds us that more than ever it is vital for organizations to focus on people. The ‘what’ we do is important, but equally valuable and necessary for high performance is understanding the ‘why’ (Why this, Why now?) and the ‘how’ (How will we make this happen?). After all, to ensure sustainability at all levels, we must balance our doing with our being. This is a very timely and important book!”

Professor Jean-François Manzoni, President and Nestlé Chaired Professor, IMD Business School

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