Chapter 9. Testing and XML

This chapter covers

  • Comparing XML documents with XMLUnit
  • Ignoring superficial differences in XML documents
  • Testing static web pages with XMLUnit
  • Testing XSL transformations with XMLUnit
  • Validating XML documents during testing

XML documents are everywhere in J2EE: deployment descriptors, configuration files, XHTML and XSL transformations, Web Services Description Language, and on and on. If you are going to test J2EE applications, you are going to need to write tests involving XML documents. Notice the title of this chapter is “Testing and XML,” and not “Testing XML.” It is not our mission here to test XML parsers, but rather to describe how to write tests involving XML documents and other XML-related technologies, such as XSL transformations. Given that XML documents are everywhere, it looks to us that this is an important skill to have, and we can summarize the entire chapter in two words: use XPath.

The XPath language defines a way to refer to the content of an XML document with query expressions that can locate anything from single XML attribute values to large complex collections of XML elements. If you have not seen XPath before, we recommend Elizabeth Castro’s XML for the World Wide Web, which describes XML, XSL, and XPath in detail.[1] The overall strategy when testing with XML documents is to make assertions about those documents using XPath to retrieve the actual content. You want to write assertions like this:

1 Also consider Elliotte Rusty Harold’s Processing XML with Java (Pearson Education, 2002). Castro’s book is a more general introduction, whereas Harold’s deals directly with Java. Harold’s book is available online at

   assertEquals("Rainsberger", document.getTextAtXpath("/person/lastName"));

This assertion says, “the element lastName inside element person at the root of the document should have the text Rainsberger.” Following is an XML document that satisfies this assertion.

Listing 9.1. A simple XML document
   <?xml version="1.0?">
       <firstName>J. B.</firstName>

This is perhaps the simplest and most direct way to use XPath in your tests. When testing Java components whose output is an XML document, you want to treat the XML document as a return value and write assertions just as we described back in chapter 2, “Elementary tests.” The key difference is that you need some additional tools to help you manipulate XML documents as Java objects, and that is where XPath comes in. You can use XPath to obtain the text of an element, to obtain the value of an attribute, or to verify whether an element exists. For example, if you have an XML document with many person elements and want to verify that there is a Rainsberger among them, you can use the same technique but with a different XPath statement:


Here, the method getNodesAtXpath() works rather like a database query: “find all the person elements having a lastName element with the text Rainsberger and return them as a collection.” The assertion says, “The collection of person elements with the lastName of Rainsberger should not be empty.” These are the two kinds of XPath statements you will use most often in your tests.

Up to this point we have said little about where to find methods such as getNodesAtXpath() and getTextAtXpath(), because they are certainly not part of JUnit. There is an XPath API that you can use to execute XPath queries on a parsed XML document. The most widely used implementations of the XPath API are found in Xalan ( and jaxen ([2] You could use this API directly to make assertions about the structure and content of XML documents, but rather than reinventing the wheel, we recommend using XMLUnit ( This package provides XMLTestCase, a base test case (see recipe 3.6, “Introduce a Base Test Case”) that adds custom assertions (see recipe 17.4, “Extract a custom assertion”) built on XPath. To use XMLUnit, create a test case class that extends org.custommonkey.xmlunit.XMLTestCase, then write your tests as usual. In your tests you will use the various XMLUnit assertions to verify that XML elements exist, to verify their value, and even to compare entire XML documents. Let’s take an example.

2 Our experience is with Xalan, rather than with jaxen, so when we discuss XPath throughout this book, we are referring to the Xalan implementation.

Consider XML marshalling, which is the act of turning Java objects into XML documents (and the other way around). Web applications that use XSL transformations (rather than page templates, such as JSPs) as their presentation engine typically need to marshal Java beans to XML so that the transformation engine can present that data to the end user as a web page. Other systems marshal data to and from XML to communicate with other computers in a heterogeneous environment—one involving many computing platforms or programming languages, such as that created by web services. Suppose we are testing a simple XML marshaller that creates an XML document from a Value Object. The “person” document in listing 9.1 could have been produced by our XML marshaller operating on a Person object with the String attributes of firstName and lastName. We ought to be able to write out the XML document corresponding to a Person object and verify its contents. Enough words; it is time for a test.

Assume that the XmlMarshaller constructor takes the class object corresponding to our Value Object class and a String that you would like it to use as the name of the XML root element. The remaining XML elements are named according to the attributes of the Value Object. Listing 9.2 shows the resulting test.

Listing 9.2. Testing an XML object marshaller
   package junit.cookbook.xmlunit.test;

   import junit.cookbook.xmlunit.*;
   import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.XMLTestCase;

   public class MarshalPersonToXmlTest extends XMLTestCase {
       public void testJbRainsberger() throws Exception {
           Person person = new Person("J. B.", "Rainsberger");
           XmlMarshaller marshaller = new XmlMarshaller(
           StringWriter output = new StringWriter();
           marshaller.marshal(person, output);

           String xmlDocumentAsString = output.toString();

           assertXpathExists("/person", xmlDocumentAsString);

               "J. B.",


One thing you will notice about this test is that it makes no mention at all of files. We are very accustomed to thinking of XML documents as files, because we usually use XML documents in their stored format, and we usually store XML in files. Nothing about XML requires that documents be processed using files. In fact, web services generally send and receive XML documents over network connections without ever writing that data to file. To keep everything simple, our XmlMarshaller writes data to a Writer—any Writer—and the most convenient kind to use for this kind of test is a StringWriter: this way we do not have to load the resulting XML document from disk before parsing and verifying it. It is already in memory!

The assertions we make in this test are the custom assertions that XMLUnit provides. The first we use is assertXpathExists(), which executes the XPath query and fails only if there are no nodes in the XML document matching the query. Here we are using this custom assertion to verify the existence of a person root element. The other custom assertion we use is assertXpathEvaluatesTo(), which executes an XPath query and compares the result to an expected value; the assertion fails if the result and the expected value are different. XPath queries generally return either a list of nodes (in which you can search for the one you expect) or a String value (corresponding to the text of an element or attribute).

We could simplify this test, at the risk of making it more brittle, by making an assertion on the entire XML document which we expect the XML marshaller to produce. XMLUnit provides the method assertXMLEqual(), which checks whether two XML documents are equal. The way that XMLUnit defines equality in this case, though, requires some explanation. With XMLUnit, documents may be similar or identical. Documents are identical if the same XML elements appear in exactly the same order. Documents are similar if they represent the same content, but perhaps with certain elements appearing in a different order. Sometimes it matters, and sometimes it does not. As XMLUnit’s web site says, “With XMLUnit, you have the control.” Referring to listing 9.1, the order in which the <firstName> and <lastName> elements appear does not affect the meaning of the document. If we compare the document in listing 9.1 to a copy with <lastName> before <firstName>, we would expect them to be equal, based on the way we interpret the documents. This way of interpreting whether documents are equal--viewing them as data--is common in the kinds of applications we build, so assertXMLEqual() compares documents for similarity, rather than identity. As an example, here is a test for our XML object marshaller. We are verifying that the data is marshalled correctly, so we can build the test around assertXMLEqual() without having to resort to multiple XPath-based assertions (we have highlighted the differences between this test and the previous one in bold print):

   public void testJbRainsbergerUsingEntireDocument()
       throws Exception {

       Person person = new Person("J. B.", "Rainsberger");
       XmlMarshaller marshaller =
           new XmlMarshaller(Person.class,"person");
       StringWriter output = new StringWriter();
       marshaller.marshal(person, output);

       String expectedXmlDocument =
           "<?xml version="1.0" ?>"
               + "<person>"
               + "<firstName>J. B.</firstName>"
               + "<lastName>Rainsberger</lastName>"
               + "</person>";

       String xmlDocumentAsString = output.toString();

       assertXMLEqual(expectedXmlDocument, xmlDocumentAsString);

Rather than write an assertion to verify each part of the document that interests us, this second test creates the entire document we expect and compares it with the actual document the XML marshaller gives us. This is how to use XMLUnit in its simplest form. There is, however, one warning to go with this technique: what you think of as white space differences are not really mere white space differences in XML.

An XML document consists of a structure of elements—a tag, its attributes, and its content. The content of an XML element can either be text, more elements, or a combination of the two. It is the “combination of the two” that creates problems when comparing XML documents with one another. To illustrate this important point, let us consider what happens when we change the expected XML document in what we believe to be a purely cosmetic way. Another programmer has decided that failure messages would be easier to read if the expected XML document were formatted with line breaks and tabs, so she changes the test to the following:

   public void testJbRainsbergerUsingEntireDocument()
       throws Exception {

       Person person = new Person("J. B.", "Rainsberger");
       XmlMarshaller marshaller =
           new XmlMarshaller(Person.class,"person");
       StringWriter output = new StringWriter();
       marshaller.marshal(person, output);

       String expectedXmlDocument =
           "<?xml version="1.0" ?>
               + "<person>
               + "	<firstName>J. B.</firstName>
               + "	<lastName>Rainsberger</lastName>
               + "</person>

       String xmlDocumentAsString = output.toString();

       assertXMLEqual(expectedXmlDocument, xmlDocumentAsString);

When she executes this test, she fully expects it to continue to pass, so she does so almost absentmindedly.[3] Much to her surprise, she sees this failure message:

3 Do not be critical of her for this. Other programmers have concluded in similar cases, “It’s a superficial change, so I’m sure it works. I’ll just check in my change and go on vacation.” At least she ran the tests!

   junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: org.custommonkey.xmlunit.Diff [dif-
     ferent] Expected number of child nodes '5' but was '2' - comparing <per-
     son...> at /person[1] to <person...> at /person[1]

Five nodes? By our count there are two: firstName and lastName. What’s the problem? The issue is that what you treat as white space, and therefore not a node, an XML parser treats as a text node with empty content. When you look at the following XML document, you see a person element with two elements inside it:

   <?xml version="1.0" ?>
       <firstName>J. B.</firstName>

When the XML parser looks inside the person element, it finds an empty text element (thanks to the carriage return/linefeed character or characters), a firstName element, another empty text element, a lastName element, and another empty text element—that makes five. That explains the failure message, although it is not exactly the kind of behavior we want. We would like to ignore those empty text elements altogether. Fortunately, XMLUnit provides a simple way to ignore these kinds of white space differences. We invoke one extra method in our test, telling XMLUnit to ignore white space (we have highlighted the new method invocation in bold print):

   public void testJbRainsbergerUsingEntireDocument()
       throws Exception {

       Person person = new Person("J. B.", "Rainsberger");
       XmlMarshaller marshaller =
           new XmlMarshaller(Person.class,"person");
       StringWriter output = new StringWriter();
       marshaller.marshal(person, output);

       String expectedXmlDocument =
           "<?xml version="1.0" ?>
               + "<person>
               + "	<firstName>J. B.</firstName>
               + "	<lastName>Rainsberger</lastName>
               + "</person>

       String xmlDocumentAsString = output.toString();

       assertXMLEqual(expectedXmlDocument, xmlDocumentAsString);

This tells XMLUnit to ignore all those extra elements containing only white space when comparing XML documents. Spaces in an element’s content are not affected by this setting. If you need to do this for entire suites of tests, then move this statement into your test case class’s setUp() method, as it is part of those tests’ fixture.

There are other kinds of superficial differences that you may want to ignore on a test-by-test basis. You may, for example, want to compare only the structure of two documents without worrying about the values of attributes and the text. XMLUnit allows you to decide which differences are significant by implementing your own DifferenceListener. See recipe 9.3, “Ignore certain differences in XML documents,” for details.

As we mentioned previously, many web applications transform XML documents into XHTML using XSLT ( as their presentation engine. If so, you will want to test your XSL transformations in isolation, just as you would test your JSPs or Velocity templates in isolation. See recipe 9.6, “Test an XSL stylesheet in isolation,” and also see chapter 12, “Testing Web Components,” for recipes addressing JSPs and Velocity templates. The next most common use of XML documents in testing concerns the various J2EE deployment descriptors. There are many cases in which making an assertion on a deployment descriptor is more effective than testing the underlying deployed component. See the other chapters in this part of the book for details on when, how, and why to use the various J2EE deployment descriptors during testing. Finally, it is possible to treat HTML documents as though they are XML documents by writing XHTML ( You can test web pages in isolation in one of two ways: either write them in XHTML and use the techniques we have previously described, or use an HTML-tolerant parser that converts web pages into easy-to-verify XML documents. See recipe 9.5, “Test the content of a static web page,” for an example of how to do this.

Validating XML documents provides a way to avoid writing some JUnit tests for your system. We like JUnit, but whenever there is an opportunity to do something even simpler, we take advantage of it. You can validate XML documents using either a DTD or an XML schema, and although this book is not the place to describe how to do that, see recipe 9.7, “Validate XML documents in your tests,” for a discussion on making XML document validation part of your testing environment.

9.1. Verify the order of elements in a document


You want to verify an XML document whose elements need to appear in a particular order.


You have code that produces an XML document, and the order in which the elements appear in the document changes the “value” the document represents. Consider, for example, a DocBook document: the order in which chapters, sections, and even paragraphs appear determines the meaning of the book. If you are marshalling a List of objects out to XML (see the introduction to this chapter for a discussion of XML marshalling) then you will want the corresponding XML elements to appear in the same order as they were stored in the List (otherwise, why is it a List?). If you have tried using assertXMLEqual() to compare documents with this sensitivity to order, then you may have seen XMLUnit treat certain unequal documents as equal, and this is not the behavior you want. You need XMLUnit to be stricter in its definition of equality.


To verify the order of elements in a document you may need to check whether the actual document is identical to the expected document, rather than similar. These are terms that XMLUnit defines by default, but allows you to redefine when you need to (see recipe 9.3). By default, documents are identical if their node structures are the same, elements appear in the same order, and corresponding elements have the same value. If you ignore white space (see the introduction to this chapter) then XML documents are identical if the only differences between them are white space.[4] If the elements are at the same level of the node’s tree structure, but sibling elements with different tag names are in a different order, then the XML documents are not identical, but similar. (See the Discussion section for more on this.) You want to verify that documents are identical, whereas assertXMLEqual() only verifies whether they are similar.

4 Specifically ignorable white space as XML defines the term. This includes spacing of elements, but not white space inside a text node’s value. Node text “A B” is still different from “A B”.

Verifying whether documents are identical is a two-step process, compared to just using a customized assertion. First you “take a diff” of the XML documents, then make an assertion on that “diff.” If you are familiar with CVS or the UNIX toolset, then you know what we mean by a “diff”: the UNIX tool computes the differences between two text files, whereas XMLUnit’s class Diff (org.custommonkey.xmlunit.Diff) computes the differences between two XML documents. To take a diff of two XML documents with XMLUnit, you create a Diff object from the respective documents, after which you can ask the Diff, “Are the documents similar? Are they identical?” Let us look at a simple example.

Consider a component that builds an article, suitable for publication on the web, from paragraphs, sections, and headings that you provide through a simple Java interface. You might use this ArticleBuilder as the model behind a specialized article editor that you want to write.[5] As you are writing tests for this class, you decide to add a paragraph and a heading to an article and verify the resulting XML document. Listing 9.3 shows the test using assertXMLEqual().

5 Ron Jeffries explores building a specialized article editor in “Adventures in C#” ( as well as his book Extreme Programming Adventures in C# (Microsoft Press, 2004).

Listing 9.3. Comparing documents with assertXMLEqual()
   public class BuildArticleTest extends XMLTestCase {
       public void testMultipleParagraphs() throws Exception {

           ArticleBuilder builder =
               new ArticleBuilder("Testing and XML");

           builder.addAuthorName("J. B. Rainsberger");
           builder.addHeading("A heading.");
           builder.addParagraph("This is a paragraph.");

           String expected =
               "<?xml version="1.0" ?>"
                   + "<article>"
                   + "<title>Testing and XML</title>"
                   + "<author>J. B. Rainsberger</author>"
                   + "<p>This is a paragraph.</p>"
                   + "<h1>A heading.</h1>"
                   + "</article>";
           String actual = builder.toXml();
           assertXMLEqual(expected, actual);

Here we have “accidentally” switched the heading and the paragraph in our expected XML document: the heading ought to come before the paragraph, not after it. No problem, we say: the tests will catch that problem—but this test passes! It passes because the expected and actual documents are similar, but not identical. In order to avoid this problem, we change the test as shown in listing 9.4 (the change is highlighted in bold print):

Listing 9.4. Testing for identical XML documents
   public void testMultipleParagraphs() throws Exception {

       ArticleBuilder builder =
           new ArticleBuilder("Testing and XML");

       builder.addAuthorName("J. B. Rainsberger");
       builder.addHeading("A heading.");
       builder.addParagraph("This is a paragraph.");

       String expected =
           "<?xml version="1.0" ?>"
               + "<article>"
               + "<title>Testing and XML</title>"
               + "<author>J. B. Rainsberger</author>"
               + "<p>This is a paragraph.</p>"
               + "<h1>A heading.</h1>"
               + "</article>";

       String actual = builder.toXml();

       Diff diff = new Diff(expected, actual);
           "Builder output is not identical to expected document",

First we ask XMLUnit to give us an object representing the differences between the two XML documents, then we make an assertion on the Diff, expecting it to represent identical documents—specifically that the corresponding elements appear in the expected order. This test fails, as we would expect, alerting us to our mistake. So if we run the risk of this kind of problem, why does assertXMLEqual() behave the way it does? It turns out not to be a common problem in practice.

While looking for an example for this recipe, we asked programmers to show us examples of XML documents with a particular property. We wanted to see a document with sibling tags (having the same parent node) with different names, where changing the order of those elements changes the document’s meaning. For the most part, they were unable to come up with a compelling example, which surprised us. Far from a proof, let us look at some reasons why.

Consider XML documents that represent books or articles. These documents have sections, chapters, paragraphs—structure that maps very well to XML. In an HTML page, paragraphs merely follow headings, but the paragraphs in a section really belong to that section. It makes more sense to represent a section of a document as its own XML element containing its paragraphs, as opposed to the way HTML does it. This is the approach that DocBook ( takes: a section element contains a title element followed by paragraph elements. The paragraph elements are siblings in the XML document tree, the order of the paragraphs matters, and the elements all have the same name. On the other hand, when we use XML documents to represent Java objects, we often render each attribute of the object as its own element. Those elements have different names, and most often the order in which those elements appear in the document does not affect the value of the object the document represents. So there appears to be a correlation here:

  • If sibling elements have different names, then the order in which they appear likely does not matter.
  • If the order in which sibling elements appear matters, then they likely have the same name.

Based on these simple observations, we can conclude that assertXMLEqual() behaves in a manner that works as you would expect, most of the time. It may not be immediately obvious, but we thought it was neat once we reasoned it through.


When you use assertXMLEqual(), XMLUnit ignores the order in which sibling elements with different tag names appear. This is common when marshalling a Java object to XML: we typically do not care whether the first name appears before or after the last name, so long as both appear in the resulting XML document. We emphasize “different tag names” because XMLUnit preserves (and checks) the order of sibling elements with the same tag name, even when checking documents for similarity. If you need to marshal a Set, rather than a List, to XML, then you will likely represent each element with its own tag and those tags will have the same name, such as item. When comparing an expected document with the actual marshalled one, you want to ignore the order of these item elements. In order to ignore this difference between the two documents, you need to customize XMLUnit’s behavior, which we describe in recipe 9.3.


9.2. Ignore the order of elements in an XML document


You want to verify an XML document and the order of certain XML elements within the document does not matter.


In recipe 9.1, “Verify the order of elements in a document,” we wrote about a correlation between the names of XML elements and whether it matters in which order the elements appear. We claimed that when there are many tags with the same name, the order in which they appear tends to be important. One exception to this rule that we have encountered is the web deployment descriptor. Servlet initialization parameters, request attributes, session attributes, and other parts of the servlet specification are all essentially Maps of data. In particular, a servlet’s initialization parameters are stored in a Map whose keys are the names of the parameters (as Strings) and whose values are the values of those parameters (also as Strings). The web deployment descriptor—or web.xml as you may know it—represents servlet initialization parameters with the XML element <init-param>, which contains a <param-name> and a <param-value>. It treats the parameters as a List of name-value pairs, but those name-value pairs do not logically form a List; they form a Set instead. The order of the parameters in the deployment descriptor generally does not affect the meaning of those parameters.[6] Accordingly, when we test for the existence of and the correctness of a servlet’s initialization parameters, we either have to pay attention to the order in which we specify the parameters in the deployment descriptor or change the test so that it does not take their order into account.

6 If your servlet initialization code depends on the order in which the web container hands you those parameters, then you are in for a surprise one day. Consider yourself warned.


The most direct way to solve this problem, which we recommend, is to traverse the DOM (Document Object Model) tree for both XML documents. In general, if you are unconcerned about the order of a group of sibling elements with the same tag name, then they represent items in either a Set or a Map.[7] For that reason, we recommend you collect the data into a Set (or a Map) using the XPath API, then compare the resulting objects for equality in your test. XMLUnit does not do quite as much for us in this case as we would like, but no tool can be all things to all people. As an example, consider the servlet initialization parameters in a web deployment descriptor for a Struts application, although it could be for any kind of web application. We just chose Struts because we like it. Listing 9.5 shows such a sample:

7 We looked hard—honestly, we did—for a counterexample and could not find one.

Listing 9.5. A sample web deployment descriptor
   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
   <!DOCTYPE web-app
       PUBLIC"-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"

       <display-name>Struts Taglib Exercises</display-name>

       <!-- Action Servlet Configuration -->
           <!-- Additional settings omitted for brevity -->

We want to focus on the elements in bold print, gather them into Map objects in memory, and then compare the corresponding Map objects for equality. This makes for rather a simple looking test:

   public void testActionServletInitializationParameters()
       throws Exception {

       File expectedWebXmlFile =
           new File("test/data/struts/expected-web.xml");
       File actualWebXmlFile = new File("test/data/struts/web.xml");

       Document actualDocument = buildXmlDocument(actualWebXmlFile);
       Document expectedDocument =

       Map expectedParameters =

       Map actualParameters =

       assertEquals(expectedParameters, actualParameters);

The good news is that the test itself is brief and to the point. In words, it says, “get the initialization parameters from the expected and actual documents and they ought to be equal.” The bad news is that, as always, the devil is in the details. Rather than distract you from your reading, we have decided to move the complete solution—which is mostly XML parsing code—to solution A.3, “Ignore the order of elements in an XML document.” There you can see how we implemented getInitializationParametersAsMap() and buildXmlDocument(), the latter of which uses a nice convenience method from XMLUnit.



Network connectivity and the DTD— Notice that the web deployment descriptor in listing 9.5 declares that it conforms to a remotely accessible DTD. XMLUnit tests will attempt to load the DTD from the remote location at runtime, requiring a network connection. If XMLUnit does not find the DTD online, it will throw an UnknownHostException with a message reading “Unable to load the DTD for this document,” which does not clearly describe the real problem in context. One way to avoid this problem is to execute the tests on a machine that has access to the remote site providing the DTD. Perhaps better, though, is to make the DTD available locally by downloading and storing it on the test machine. Include the location of the local copy in the DTD declaration as follows in bold print:

   <!DOCTYPE web-app
      PUBLIC"-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"

This also has the pleasant effect of avoiding the remote connection in the first place, increasing the execution speed of your tests. Of course, now your tests are slightly more brittle, as they depend on files on the local file system. We describe the trade-offs involved in placing test data on the file system in both chapter 5, “Managing Test Data,” and chapter 17, “Odds and Ends.”



When we first tried to write this deployment test, we compared the actual web deployment descriptor against a Gold Master we had previously created[8] (see recipe 10.2, “Verify your SQL commands,” for a description of the Gold Master concept):

8 The Gold Master technique is only as good as the correctness of the master copy itself. Be careful! Make sure that the master is absolutely correct and is under strict change control.

   public void testStrutsWebDeploymentDescriptor()
       throws Exception {

       File expectedWebXmlFile =
           new File("test/data/struts/expected-web.xml");
       File actualWebXmlFile = new File("test/data/struts/web.xml");

       Document actualDocument = buildXmlDocument(actualWebXmlFile);
       Document expectedDocument =

       assertXMLEqual(expectedDocument, actualDocument);

We decided that it was simpler to just compare the entire document, so that is what we did. When we executed this test, all was well until we started generating the web deployment descriptor, rather than handcrafting it. The generator wrote the parameters to XML in a different order than when we wrote the document by hand. We were not concerned about the order of these tags, and when that order changed, our test failed unnecessarily. This is when we decided that we needed to change the test to do what this recipe recommends.

Next we tried solving this problem with an XMLUnit DifferenceListener (see recipe 9.3), but were not able to do it, at least not always. This is another place where a human’s interpretation of the document differs from the software’s interpretation. The XMLUnit Diff engine sees four <init-param> tags in both the expected and actual documents and says, “Same names and the same number of them, so they are the same.” It does not consider the nontext content of the <init-param> tags when comparing them to one another, so it does not notice (yet) that they are different. Only when the Diff engine proceeds to compare the <param-name> and <param-value> tags does it notice a difference, and by that point, it interprets the difference as “<param-name> nodes have different text,” rather than the much more benign “<init-param> nodes are out of order.” The former is a failure, but the latter is not, leading to a false negative result in our tests. We could not think of a way to safely ignore these differences, short of tracking all the values we have seen so far and comparing them against one another after the Diff engine has processed all the <init-param> nodes. That is just too much work. At that point, we thought we may as well just process the nodes in the first place, which is why we recommend the solution in this recipe.

This may not always be a problem, so try using assertXMLEqual() before embarking on writing all this extra code. This problem is caused by the document itself: the fact that the differences between the <init-param> nodes are found deeper in each node’s subtree, and not right at the same level as the <init-param> nodes themselves. If, for example, the <init-param> nodes had ID attributes and those ID attributes were out of sequence, the Diff engine would have detected that and reported the difference as a sequence difference, which we could easily ignore. See recipe 9.3 for details on how to use the DifferenceListener feature to ignore those kinds of differences.


  • 9.1—Verify the order of elements in a document
  • 9.3—Ignore certain differences in XML documents
  • A.3—Ignore the order of elements in an XML document (complete solution)

9.3. Ignore certain differences in XML documents


You want to verify an XML document, but need to ignore certain superficial differences between the actual and expected documents.


We generally prefer comparing an expected value to an actual value in our tests, as opposed to decomposing some complex value into its parts and then checking each corresponding part individually. For this reason, we prefer to use assertXMLEqual() over individual XPath-based assertions in a test, but sometimes we run into a situation where we want to compare, say, 80% of the content of two XML documents and ignore the rest. We might need several dozen XPath-based assertions, when really all we want to do is to ignore what we might determine to be “superficial” differences between the two documents. We want to ignore a few values here and there, or the order of certain attributes, but compare the rest of the documents for similarity without resorting to a mountain of assertions.

In our Coffee Shop application there is an unpleasant dependency between our tests and the product catalog. Our choice of XSL transformation for the presentation layer prompts us to convert Java objects from the business logic layer into XML suitable for presentation. In particular, we need to convert the ShopcartModel, which represents the items in the current shopcart. When the user places a quantity of coffee in her shopcart, the system adds CoffeeQuantity objects to the ShopcartModel. When it comes time to display the shopcart, the system needs to display the total cost of the items in her shopcart, for which it must consult a CoffeeBeanCatalog. The catalog provides each coffee product’s unit price from which the system computes the total cost. In summary, we need to convert a ShopcartModel into an XML document with prices in it, but in order to do this we need to prime the catalog with whatever coffee products we want to put in the test shopcart. That does not seem right. If we just ignored the prices, trusting that our business logic computes them correctly,[9] we could avoid the problem of having tests depend on a specific catalog.

9 The business logic has comprehensive tests, after all.


The good news is that XMLUnit provides a way to ignore certain differences between XML documents. The even better news is that XMLUnit allows you to change the meaning of “different” from test to test. You can “listen” for differences as XMLUnit’s engine reports them, ignoring the superficial differences that do not concern you for the current test. To achieve this you create a custom difference listener—that is, your own implementation of the interface org.custommonkey.xmlunit.DifferenceListener. To use your custom difference listener, you ask XMLUnit for the differences between the actual and expected XML documents,then use your listener as a kind of filter, applying it to the list of differences between the documents in order to ignore the ones that do not concern you. We can solve our problem directly using a custom difference listener.

Looking at the DifferenceConstants interface of XMLUnit, we can see the way XMLUnit categorizes differences between XML documents. One type of difference is a text value difference (represented in DifferenceConstants as the constant TEXT_VALUE)—that is, the text is different for a given XML tag. We can therefore look for differences of this type, examine the name of the tag, and ignore the difference if the tag name is unit-price, total-price or subtotal. Another type of difference is ATTR_VALUE—that is, the values are different for a given tag attribute. We can look for differences of this type, examine the name of the attribute and the element that owns it, and ignore the difference if both the element name is item and the attribute name is id. (Product IDs depend on the catalog, too.) We now have enough information to write our IgnoreCatalogDetailsDifferenceListener. We warn you: the DOM API is rather verbose, so if you are not accustomed to it, read slowly and carefully. First, let us look at the methods we have to implement from the interface DifferenceListener, shown here in listing 9.6:

Listing 9.6. An implementation of DifferenceListener
   public class IgnoreCatalogDetailsDifferenceListener
       implements DifferenceListener {

       public int differenceFound(Difference difference) {
           int response = RETURN_ACCEPT_DIFFERENCE;

           int differenceId = difference.getId();
           if (DifferenceConstants.TEXT_VALUE_ID
               == differenceId) {

               String currentTagName =

               if (tagNamesToIgnore.contains(currentTagName)) {
                   response =
           else if (DifferenceConstants.ATTR_VALUE_ID
               == differenceId) {

               Attr attribute = getCurrentAttribute(difference);

               if ("id".equals(attribute.getName())
                   && "item".equals(
                           .getNodeName())) {
                   response =
           return response;
       public void skippedComparison(
           Node expectedNode,
           Node actualNode) {

           // Nothing to do here

XMLUnit invokes differenceFound() for each difference it finds between the two XML documents you compare. As a parameter to differenceFound(), XMLUnit passes a Difference object, providing access to a description of the difference and the DOM Node objects in each document so that you can explore them further. Our implementation looks for the two kinds of differences we wish to ignore: text value differences and attribute value differences.

When our difference listener finds a text value difference, it retrieves the name of the tag containing the text, and then compares it to a set of “tags to ignore.” If the current tag name is one to ignore, then we respond to XMLUnit with “Ignore this difference when comparing for similarity.” (There is another constant we can return to say, “Ignore this difference when comparing for identity.”) We declared the Set of tag names to be ignored as a class-level constant.[10]

10 The coding technique here is to create an anonymous subclass with an instance initializer. It sounds complicated, but the benefit is clear, concise code: one statement rather than four. It looks a little like Smalltalk. See Paul Holser’s article on the subject (

   public class IgnoreCatalogDetailsDifferenceListener
       implements DifferenceListener {

       // Remaining code omitted

       private static final Set tagNamesToIgnore = new HashSet() {

We also provided a convenience method to retrieve the name of the “current tag”—the tag to which the current Difference corresponds. The method getTagName() handles Text nodes differently: because a Text node does not have its own name, we are interested in the name of its parent node:

   public class IgnoreCatalogDetailsDifferenceListener
       implements DifferenceListener {

       // Remaining code omitted

       public String getCurrentTagName(Difference difference) {
           Node currentNode =

           return getTagName(currentNode);

       public String getTagName(Node currentNode) {
           if (currentNode instanceof Text)
               return currentNode.getParentNode().getNodeName();
               return currentNode.getNodeName();

When our difference listener finds an attribute value difference, it retrieves the current attribute name and the name of the tag that owns it, compares it against the one it wants to ignore, and if there is a match, the difference listener ignores it. Here is the convenience method for retrieving the current attribute name:

   public class IgnoreCatalogDetailsDifferenceListener
       implements DifferenceListener {

       // ...

       public Attr getCurrentAttribute(Difference difference) {
           return (Attr)

If differenceFound() does not find any differences to ignore, then it responds “accept this difference,” meaning that XMLUnit should count it as a genuine difference rather than a superficial one. If there remain genuine differences after the superficial ones are ignored, then XMLUnit treats the documents as dissimilar and assertXMLEqual() fails. Listing 9.7 shows an example of how we used this difference listener (the lines of code for the difference listener are in bold print):

Listing 9.7. Using the DifferenceListener

   import java.util.Arrays;
   import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.*;

   public class MarshalShopcartTest extends XMLTestCase {
       private CoffeeCatalog catalog;

       protected void setUp() throws Exception {
           catalog = new CoffeeCatalog() {
               public String getProductId(String coffeeName) {
                   return "001";

               public Money getUnitPrice(String coffeeName) {
                   return Money.ZERO;

       public void testOneItemIgnoreCatalogDetails() throws Exception {
           String expectedXml =
               "<?xml version='1.0' ?>
                   + "<shopcart>
                   + "<item id="762">"
                   + "<name>Sumatra</name>"
                   + "<quantity>2</quantity>"
                   + "<unit-price>$7.50</unit-price>"
                   + "<total-price>$15.00</total-price>"
                   + "</item>
                   + "<subtotal>$15.00</subtotal>
                   + "</shopcart>

           ShopcartModel shopcart = new ShopcartModel();
                   new Object[] { new CoffeeQuantity(2,"Sumatra")}));
           String shopcartAsXml =
               ShopcartBean.create(shopcart, catalog).asXml();

           Diff diff = new Diff(expectedXml, shopcartAsXml);

               new IgnoreCatalogDetailsDifferenceListener());
         assertTrue(diff.toString(), diff.similar());

In the method setUp() we faked out the catalog so that we would not have to prime it with data. Every product costs $0 and has ID 001.

If the documents are not similar, in spite of ignoring all these differences, then the failure message lists the remaining differences. You can then decide whether to change the difference listener to ignore the extra differences or to fix the actual XML document.


An alternative to this approach is to build a custom Document Object Model from the XML documents, an approach we describe in recipe 9.2, “Ignore the order of elements in an XML document,” by loading servlet initialization parameters into a Map.[11] It is then easy to compare an expected web deployment descriptor document object against the actual one, because the Map compares the servlet entries the way you would expect: ignoring the order in which they appear. We think that this approach is simpler; however, if you doubt us, then as always, try them both and measure the difference.

11 You do not need to build a custom DOM for the entire document, just the parts you care about.

Remember the two essential approaches to verifying XML documents: using XPath to verify parts of the actual document, or creating an entire expected document and comparing it to the actual document. When working with Plain Old Java Objects, we will generally go out of our way to use the latter approach by building the appropriate equals() methods we need. Our experience tells us to expect a high return on investment in terms of making it easier to write future tests. With XML documents the trade-off is less clear.

Building a complex difference listener can take a considerable amount of work, which mostly comes from the difficulty in figuring out exactly which differences to ignore and which to retain. This is not a criticism of XMLUnit, but the way its authors have categorized differences may not map cleanly onto your mental model of the differences between two documents. This complexity is inherent to the problem of describing the difference between two structured text files.[12] From time to time, depending on the complexity of what “similar” and “identical” XML documents mean in your domain, you may find yourself spending an hour trying to build the correct difference listener. If this happens, we recommend you stop, abandon the effort, and go back to using the XPath-based assertions. We also strongly recommend sticking with XPath-based assertions if you find yourself wanting to ignore 80% of the actual document and wanting to check “just this part here.” It may be more work to describe the parts of the document to ignore than simply to write assertions for the part you want to examine. In that case, you can combine the approaches: use XPath to extract the document fragment that interests you, then compare it with the fragment you expect using assertXMLEqual().

12 How many times has your version control system reported the difference between your version of a Java source file and the repository’s version “in a strange way?” That is the nature of the problem.


  • 9.2—Ignore the order of elements in an XML document

9.4. Get a more detailed failure message from XMLUnit


You want a more detailed failure message from XMLUnit when documents are different.


The XMLUnit Diff engine stops reporting differences after it finds the first difference, just as JUnit stops reporting failed assertions once the first assertion fails in a test. Although this is consistent with JUnit’s core philosophy, it limits the amount of information available to diagnose the causes of the defects in your code. It would certainly be helpful if you had more information from XMLUnit about the differences between the document you have and the one you expect.


We recommend placing all the differences between the expected and actual XML documents in the failure message of your XMLUnit assertions. To do that, create a DetailedDiff object from the original Diff then include it in your failure message. Here is an example (our use of DetailedDiff is in bold print):

   public void testMultipleParagraphs() throws Exception {

       ArticleBuilder builder =
           new ArticleBuilder("Testing and XML");

       builder.addAuthorName("J. B. Rainsberger");
       builder.addHeading("A heading.");
       builder.addParagraph("This is a paragraph.");

       String expected =
           "<?xml version="1.0" ?>"
               + "<article>"
               + "<title>Testing and XML</title>"
               + "<author>J. B. Rainsberger</author>"
               + "<p>This is a paragraph.</p>"
               + "<h1>A heading.</h1>"
               + "</article>";
       String actual = builder.toXml();

       Diff diff = new Diff(expected, actual);
       assertTrue(new DetailedDiff(diff).toString(), diff.identical());

This DetailedDiff lists all the differences between the two documents, rather than just the first difference. In this case, the paragraph and heading elements are mixed up in the test, although we do not realize that right now. (Sometimes we make a mistake when writing a test.) Here is the information that XMLUnit gives us when this assertion fails:

   [not identical] Expected sequence of child nodes '2' but was '3'
    - comparing <p...> at /article[1]/p[1] to <p...> at /article[1]/p[1]

   [not identical] Expected sequence of child nodes '3' but was '2'
    - comparing <h1...> at /article[1]/h1[1] to <h1...> at /article[1]/h1[1]

This tells us that the test expects the <p> tag to appear in position 2 and the <h1> tag to appear in position 3, relative to the <article> tag that contains them both. That does not make sense! The heading ought to come before the paragraph! This is the detailed information we need to see that this time it is the test, and not the production code, that needs fixing. Once we reverse the order of the lines in the expected XML document, the test passes:

   public void testMultipleParagraphs() throws Exception {

       ArticleBuilder builder =
           new ArticleBuilder("Testing and XML");

       builder.addAuthorName("J. B. Rainsberger");
       builder.addHeading("A heading.");
       builder.addParagraph("This is a paragraph.");

       String expected =
           "<?xml version="1.0" ?>"
               + "<article>"
               + "<title>Testing and XML</title>"
               + "<author>J. B. Rainsberger</author>"
               + "<h1>A heading.</h1>"
               + "<p>This is a paragraph.</p>"
               + "</article>";
       String actual = builder.toXml();

       Diff diff = new Diff(expected, actual);
       assertTrue(new DetailedDiff(diff).toString(), diff.identical());

That’s much better.


We recommend building a custom assertion (see recipe 17.4, “Extract a custom assertion”) called assertXMLIdentical(String expected, String actual) with this specialized failure message. We are a little surprised that no one has added it to XMLUnit yet—or perhaps by now they have! That is the essence of open source: if the product is missing something you need, add it yourself, then later submit it for inclusion into the product. You do not need to be stuck with code that falls short of what you need, even if only a little bit. Of course, XMLUnit is an excellent library and we are not out to criticize it, but all software needs improvement.


  • 17.4—Extract a custom assertion

9.5. Test the content of a static web page


You want to test the content of a web page, but your web pages are not written in XHTML, so they are not valid XML documents.


We love XHTML, but it has one fatal flaw: no web browser on the planet enforces it. Browsers are very lenient when it comes to HTML, which is why very few people—programmers, web designers, hobbyists—are motivated to write their web pages in XHTML. It is more work for them to do it and, unless they need to parse their web pages as XML, they benefit nothing from the effort. If web design tools were to create XHTML by default (and some at least give you the option to do so) then the story might be different, but as it stands, very few people write XHTML. As a result, unless you write every part of every web page you need to test, you will have to work a little harder to use the testing techniques we have introduced in this chapter. The alternative is to use another tool to help turn loosely written HTML into well-formed XML.

This recipe works best for verifying static web pages. If you want to verify the content of a dynamically generated web page, see chapter 12, “Testing Web Components,” and chapter 13, “Testing J2EE Applications.” The former discusses testing web page templates in isolation and the latter describes how to test generated web pages by simulating a web browser. HtmlUnit, the tool of choice for so-called “black box” web application testing, uses the techniques in this recipe to provide a rich set of custom assertions for verifying web page content. This recipe explains some of the machinery behind HtmlUnit, in case you wish to, or need to, get along with HtmlUnit.

There are HTML parsers that you can use to convert HTML documents into equivalent, well-formed XML. These parsers present web pages as DOM trees which you can inspect and manipulate as needed. The two most well-known parsers are Tidy ( and NekoHTML ( Although one can generally use either parser, we favor NekoHTML, as it handles a wider range of badly formed HTML. The general strategy is to load your web page into the HTML parser, which then creates a DOM representation of the page (see figure 9.1). You can then apply the techniques in the preceding recipes to analyze the DOM and verify the parts of it you need to verify. We will use this technique to verify the welcome page for our Coffee Shop application.

Figure 9.1. Testing a web page by converting it to XML.

Following is the web page we would like to verify. As you can see, it is not quite XHTML compliant: the link and input start tags do not have corresponding end tags and there is text content without a surrounding paragraph tag.

   <link href="theme/Master.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
   <form name="launchPoints" action="coffee" method="post">
   Browse our <input type="submit" name="browseCatalog" value="catalog">.

The test we would like to write verifies that there is a way to navigate from this welcome page to our product catalog. We are looking for a form whose action goes through our CoffeeShopController servlet and has a submit button named browseCatalog. If those elements are present, then the user will be able to reach our catalog from this page. In our test we need to configure the NekoHTML parser, parse the web page, retrieve the DOM object, and use XMLUnit to make assertions about the content of the resulting XML document. Listing 9.8 shows the test we need to write:

Listing 9.8. WelcomePageTest


   import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.XMLTestCase;
   import org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser;
   import org.cyberneko.html.HTMLConfiguration;
   import org.w3c.dom.Document;
   import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
   public class WelcomePageTest extends XMLTestCase {
       private Document welcomePageDom;
       protected void setUp() throws Exception {
           DOMParser nekoParser =
               new DOMParser(new HTMLConfiguration());





               new InputSource(
                   new FileInputStream(
                       "../CoffeeShopWeb/Web Content/index.html")));
           welcomePageDom = nekoParser.getDocument();
           assertNotNull("Could not load DOM", welcomePageDom);

       public void testCanNavigateToCatalog() throws Exception {
                   +"//input[@type='submit' and @name='browseCatalog']",

The test itself is very simple: it uses a single XPath statement to look for a form with the expected action that also contains the expected submit button. Our web application maps the URI coffee to the servlet CoffeeShopController, which explains why we compare the form’s action URI to coffee. We could have written separate assertions to verify that the expected form exists, that it has the expected action URI, that it contains a submit button, and that it contains the expected submit button, as shown here:

   public void testCanNavigateToCatalog() throws Exception {
       assertXpathExists("//form", welcomePageDom);



               + "//input[@type='submit']/@name",

There are a few differences with this more verbose test. First, because each assertion verifies only one thing, it is easier to determine the problem from a failure. If the second assertion fails, you can be sure of one of two causes: there is more than one form in the web page or the first form on the page has the wrong action. Next, these assertions are more precise: if there are other forms on the page or other buttons in the form, these assertions may fail. Whether this last difference is a benefit or excessive coupling depends on your perspective. We generally prefer to make the weakest assertion that can possibly verify that we have done something right, rather than make the strongest assertion that can possibly eliminate everything we have done wrong. The latter kind of assertion tends to make tests overly brittle.

We should mention the way we have configured NekoHTML for this test. We highlighted in bold print the classes that we imported, because we are not actually using the NekoHTML parser, but rather a Xerces DOM parser with NekoHTML’s HTML DOM configuration. This allows us to assume in our tests that all tag names and attribute names are lowercase (the XML standard) even though the web page may not be written that way. This configuration minimizes the disruption that web-authoring tools may introduce into a web design environment. Many tools automatically “fix up” web pages, making them conform to whatever conventions the tool uses when it generates HTML in WYSIWYG mode. These include trying to balance some tags, converting all tag names to uppercase, converting all attribute names to lowercase, and so on. You want your tests to be able to withstand these kinds of changes. We therefore use the NekoHTML HTMLConfiguration object to create a Xerces DOMParser, which allows us to set various NekoHTML-supported features and properties on the parser, including “convert all tag names to lowercase” and “convert all attribute names to lowercase.” We recommend that you consult the NekoHTML documentation for a complete discussion of the available features and properties.


There are some important configuration notes about NekoHTML, which its web site discusses in detail. First, be sure to put nekohtml.jar on your runtime class path before your XML parser. Next, you only need nekohtml.jar, and not the XNI version of the parser. The most important item, however, has to do with how your web pages are written: specifically, whether the HTML tag names are uppercase or lowercase. It is very important to get this setting right, otherwise none of your XPath-based assertions will work. It is standard practice in HTML for tag names to be uppercase and attribute names to be lowercase, such as in this HTML page:

   <LINK href="theme/Master.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
   <FORM name="launchPoints" action="coffee" method="post">
   Browse our <INPUT type="submit" name="browseCatalog" value="catalog">.

By default, NekoHTML is configured to expect web pages written this way; so if you write an XPath-based assertion that expects the tag input, the assertion fails, because the tag name is INPUT. The DOMParser object you want for your tests depends on how the web pages have been written. If they follow the HTML DOM standard of uppercase tag names and lowercase attribute names, then simply use Neko’s parser with the default HTMLConfiguration settings. (No need to set any features.) This means that your XPath-based assertions must use uppercase for tag names and lowercase for attribute names. Listing 9.9 demonstrates:

Listing 9.9. How not to use HTMLConfiguration for NekoHTML

   import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.XMLTestCase;
   import org.cyberneko.html.parsers.DOMParser;
   import org.w3c.dom.Document;

   public class WelcomePageTest extends XMLTestCase {
       private Document welcomePageDom;

       protected void setUp() throws Exception {
           DOMParser nekoParser = new DOMParser(new HTMLConfiguration());

               new InputSource(
                   new FileInputStream(
                       "../CoffeeShopWeb/Web Content/"

           welcomePageDom = nekoParser.getDocument();
           assertNotNull("Could not load DOM", welcomePageDom);

       // Tests must expect tag names in UPPERCASE
       // and attribute names in lowercase to work
       // with this configuration of NekoHTML

It is important to note that if you instantiate the NekoHTML parser this way you will not be able to set the various DOM parser features or properties. The NekoHTML site ( says more about this, so if you need to know more, we suggest visiting the site. The good news is that NekoHTML provides you with a sensible default behavior (matching the HTML DOM standard), and it gives you the control you need to change that behavior when needed. If you want to use NekoHTML to verify that your web pages comply with the XHTML standard, then follow these steps:

1.  Create the DOM Parser with the NekoHTML configuration, as we did in this recipe.

2.  Change the property configurations for names/elems and names/attrs to match, rather than lower.

3.  Write your tests to expect all tag names and attribute names to be lowercase.

If you configure your parser this way, then your XPath-based assertions will only pass if the web pages themselves have lowercase tag names and attribute names, per the XHTML standard.

As we were writing this, Tidy is not supported on Windows, although you can obtain unsupported binaries and try it out yourself. If you would like to use Tidy outside Java—after all, it is a useful tool on its own—then you need to explore the Tidy web site to examine your options. In spite of its unsupported status, there is a thriving user community around Tidy, so if you have questions, we are confident you can find the help you need. You may simply have to be a bit more patient. Also be aware that as of this writing JTidy had not released new code since August 2001, so you may be better off choosing NekoHTML. That said, please consult NekoHTML’s site for its own limitations and problems, one of the most important being you cannot use Xerces-J 2.0.1 as your XML parser. At press time, the latest version of NekoHTML does not work with this particular version of the popular XML parser.



JTidy is alive!—Just before we went to press a reviewer brought to our attention that there is activity on the JTidy project. For their development releases—the first ones in about 18 months—the JTidy folks are concentrating on adding tests, which is always a good sign. So far, they have managed to get 63 of their 185 tests to pass. Naturally, we support their efforts and look forward to improved versions of JTidy in the future!


We hope that XHTML grows in popularity, because it is much easier to test web pages written in XHTML than web pages written in straight HTML. However, we are not holding our breath, because what is truly important to users is whether their browser can render a web page. Those browsers are very forgiving, and as long as they can process horrendous examples of HTML then we will need solutions such as Tidy or NekoHTML. We suspect that nothing will change until browsers simply stop rendering HTML in favor of XML with cascading stylesheets. Once again, we are not holding our breath.


9.6. Test an XSL stylesheet in isolation


You want to verify an XSL stylesheet outside the context of the application that uses it.


Despite the proliferation of JSPs in the J2EE community, it is not the only way to build a web application’s presentation layer. One strong alternative is XSL transformation, which takes data in XML format and presents it as HTML to the end user. We have worked on projects that used this technology and we find that it has one great benefit over JSPs: XSL transformation does not require an application server. We like this a great deal, because it means we can test such a presentation layer entirely outside any kind of J2EE container. All we need are parsers and transformers, such as Xerces and Xalan (

If you are working on such a project, you may feel tempted not to test your XSL stylesheets in isolation. You reason, as we have reasoned in the past, “We will test the XSL stylesheets when we test the application end to end.” You want to avoid duplicating efforts, which is a laudable goal, so you decide not to treat your XSL stylesheets as independent units worthy of their own tests. Or, you may simply not know how to do it![13] We can tell you from direct, painful, personal experience that this is an error in judgment. Transforming XML is a nontrivial operation fraught with errors. If you need convincing, look at the size of Michael Kay’s excellent reference work XSLT: Programmer’s Reference—it’s slightly more than 1,000 pages. That tells us that XSL transformations are complex enough to break,and when they do break, you will be glad to have isolated tests that you can execute to help you determine the cause of the defect. We strongly recommend testing XSL stylesheets in isolation, and this recipe describes two approaches.

13 That was our excuse. Get your own.


Testing an XSL stylesheet is about verifying that your templates do what you think they do. The general approach consists of transforming a representative set of XML documents and verifying the result, so the techniques we use here are the XML comparison techniques used in the rest of this chapter. We hard code simple XML documents in our tests—usually as Strings—then apply the XSL transformation and make assertions about the resulting XML document. As with any other XML document tests, XMLUnit provides two main strategies for verifying content: XPath-based assertions on parts of the actual document, or comparing an expected document against the actual document. Fortunately, XMLUnit provides some convenience methods to help us do either. To illustrate this technique, we return to our Coffee Shop application and test the XSL stylesheet that displays the content of a shopper’s shopcart.

The structure of the “shopcart” document is a simple one: a shopcart contains items and a subtotal. Each shopcart item describes its own details: the coffee name, quantity, unit price, and total price. Listing 9.10 shows a sample XML document showing three items in the shopcart:

Listing 9.10. A shopcart as an XML document
   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

       <item id="762">
           <name>Special Blend</name>
       <item id="903">
       <item id="001">



Effective application design with XSLT— You may notice that the data in this document is preformatted—the currency values are formatted as such—and that there is derived data that we could have calculated on demand. We recommend delivering data to the presentation layer already formatted and fully calculated. The presentation layer ought not do anything other than decide how to present data; calculations are business logic and formatting currency is application logic. The more we separate responsibilities in this way, the easier it is to write isolated tests.


Now to our first test. We need to verify that our stylesheet correctly renders an empty shopcart. Before we provide the code for this test, we ought to mention that these tests verify content, and are not meant to examine the look-and-feel of the resulting web page. In general, nothing is as effective as visual inspection for ensuring that a web page looks the way it should.[14] Moreover, if our tests depend too much on the layout of web pages, then they become overly sensitive to purely cosmetic changes. We are wary of anything that unnecessarily discourages us from changing code. Listing 9.11 shows the test, which expects to see an HTML table for the shopcart, no rows representing shopcart items, and a $0.00 subtotal.

14 Sure, there are automated ways to verify some aspects of a window’s layout, but in our experience, the return on investment is low compared to spending the time to just look at the page.

Listing 9.11. DisplayShopcartXslTest

   import javax.xml.transform.*;
   import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.XMLTestCase;
   import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.Transform;
   import org.w3c.dom.Document;

   public class DisplayShopcartXslTest extends XMLTestCase {
       private String displayShopcartXslFilename =
           "../CoffeeShopWeb/Web Content/WEB-INF/template"
               + "/style/displayShopcart.xsl";

       private Source displayShopcartXsl;
       protected void setUp() throws Exception {
           displayShopcartXsl =
               new StreamSource(
                   new FileInputStream(displayShopcartXslFilename));

       public void testEmpty() throws Exception {
           String shopcartXmlAsString =
               "<?xml version="1.0" ?>"
                   + "<shopcart>"
                   + "<subtotal>$0.00</subtotal>"
                   + "</shopcart>";

           Document displayShopcartDom =



       public Document doDisplayShopcartTransformation(
           String shopcartXmlAsString)
               TransformerException {

           Source shopcartXml =
               new StreamSource(
                   new StringReader(shopcartXmlAsString));

           Transform transform =
               new Transform(shopcartXml, displayShopcartXsl);

           return transform.getResultDocument();

The method doDisplayShopcartTransformation() performs the transformation we need to test. It uses the XMLUnit class Transform to simplify applying the transformation and to retrieve the resulting document.

The test builds an empty shopcart XML document as a String, applies the transformation, then makes XPath-based assertions on the resulting document. In particular, it expects the following things:

  • A table representing the shopcart, which the test finds by examining its name.
  • A table data cell (td) inside the table containing the shopcart subtotal amount, which the test finds by examining its ID.
  • No table rows (tr) inside the table using the stylesheet class shopcartItem, which is how the test detects the existence of shopcart items on the page.



Identifying the interesting parts of a web page— You may have noticed that we use IDs, names, and other identifying text to help the test find the specific part of the web page it needs to verify. Labeling the various “interesting” parts of a web page is a core web-testing technique. Without it, tests would need to verify content by examining the relative positioning of HTML tags on the page. This kind of physical coupling makes tests sensitive to layout changes, which makes testing more expensive. Instead, we add a small amount of logical coupling by identifying the parts of the web page on which the tests need to do their work. At worst, someone changing the web page needs to make sure that these identifiers continue to identify the same information on the page. This requires some extra attention on the part of the web designer, but is more than worth the effort.


Because XSL stylesheets are generally quite long, we prefer not to distract you by showing the one we use to display the shopcart in its entirety. Refer to solution A.4, “Test an XSL stylesheet in isolation” to see a more complete suite of tests and an XSL stylesheet that makes them pass. As we add more tests, we will begin to repeat some of our XPath-based assertions. We recommend that you be aware of the duplication and extract custom assertions for the ones you use most often. See recipe 17.4, “Extract a custom assertion,” for an example of this technique.


We mentioned an alternative technique, which involves comparing an expected web page against the actual web page that the transformer creates. These tests are easier to write, but can become difficult to maintain, as purely cosmetic changes to the presentation layer require you to update the expected web pages. The tests generally consist of extracting data from a web page, building objects that represent that data, then using assertEquals() to compare the expected data against the actual data. Because this amounts to parsing a web page, any change in its layout is likely to affect the parsing code. It is essential that you extract this parsing code to a single place in your class hierarchy, as it is likely to change. Over time, if you refactor the XPath-based assertions mercilessly, you will find yourself building a small library of XPath queries that handle HTML elements such as tables, forms, and paragraphs. If you continue in this direction, you will eventually build another version of HtmlUnit, so once you recognize that you are heading in that direction, we recommend you simply start using HtmlUnit. See chapter 13, “Testing J2EE Applications,” for recipes involving this web application-testing package.

In the process of preparing the complete solution for this recipe, we ran into a nasty problem: our XML document was too long to be all on one line. Because we built the XML document as a String, we did not pay attention to line breaks, as we would if we were writing a text file. At some point, some component the test uses (maybe XMLUnit, maybe the transformer; we did not bother to find out) began to truncate data. It turns out that we could solve the problem by adding line breaks to the XML document in our test. Very annoying. The good news is this: it might have taken hours and hours to narrow down the problem without all these tests. As it was, it still took over 15 minutes, but at least we found and solved the problem relatively quickly.


  • Chapter 13—Testing J2EE Applications
  • 17.4—Extract a custom assertion
  • A.4—Test an XSL stylesheet in isolation (complete solution)

9.7. Validate XML documents in your tests


You want your tests to validate the XML documents your application uses.


Most of you began wanting to validate XML documents after being bitten by recurring defects related to invalid XML input to some part of your system. Some teams, for example, validate their Struts configuration file (struts-config.xml) in order to avoid discovering configuration errors at runtime. For some configuration errors, the only recovery step is to fix the configuration error and restart the application server. During development and testing, restarting the application server is a time-consuming annoyance, and during production it may not be possible until a predetermined time of day, week, or month! If you are in this position yourself, then you can appreciate the desire to prevent these configuration errors before they have the opportunity to adversely affect the system.


You can either add validation to your JUnit tests or perform validation somewhere else. As this is a book about JUnit, we will describe the second strategy briefly and focus on the first. There are two broad classes of XML documents that you may be using in your application: configuration documents and data transfer documents. We recommend that you validate configuration documents as part of your build process. We also recommend that you validate data transfer documents in your tests, so that you can safely disable validation during production. Let us explain what we mean by each of these recommendations.

A configuration document is generally a file on disk that your system uses to configure itself. The Struts web application framework’s struts-config.xml is an example of a configuration document. You edit this document to change, for example, the navigation rules of your application, then Struts uses this document to implement those navigation rules. A configuration document typically changes outside the context of your system’s runtime environment—that is, the system does not create configuration documents, but merely uses them. It is wise to validate configuration documents against a Document Type Definition (DTD) or XML schema, if one is available, as this helps you avoid discovering badly formed or syntactically incorrect configuration files before your system attempts to use them. For example, if you build and test a Struts-based application using Ant, add a target such as this to your Ant buildfile:

   <target name="validate-configuration-files">
       <xmlvalidate warn="false">
           <fileset dir="${webinf}" includes="struts-config.xml,web.xml"/>
           <dtd publicId="-//Apache Software Foundation//
            DTD Struts Configuration 1.1//EN"
                 location="dtd/struts-config_1_1.dtd" />
          <dtd publicId="-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
                 location="dtd/web-app_2_3.dtd" />

This target validates both the Struts configuration file and the application’s web deployment descriptor against their respective DTDs. We recommend having your “test” target depend on this one, to ensure that whenever you execute your tests, you also validate these important configuration files. If the configuration files are incorrect, then your test run may mean nothing, as it may attempt to test an incorrectly configured system. Just because you have a testing framework does not mean that that is the only place to do testing. Save yourself some irritation and validate configuration files before you run your tests.

A data transfer document is a way to transfer data from one tier of your application to another. We commonly use data transfer documents to build an XSLT-based presentation layer. The model executes business logic and returns Java objects to the controller, which then formats that data as an XML document and submits it to the presentation layer. The presentation layer transforms the document into a web page to display to the end user. The system generates data transfer documents at runtime, some of which share a specific, predictable structure. If you find your project having a problem with garbage-in, garbage-out in this part of your application, then we recommend that you add tests that validate that each data transfer document conforms to the structure you expect. You can use either DTDs or XML schemas for this purpose, although there is always the risk of overusing XML schemas. See the Discussion section for details. To validate data transfer documents, locate the XML parsers in your system and make it possible to configure them to validate incoming documents. This generally requires some refactoring on your part.

For example, if you use XSLT as your presentation engine, then some object somewhere is responsible for performing the transformation—it is either your Controller or some object that it uses. In the Coffee Shop application, we can configure the CoffeeShopController servlet to perform XSL transformations. We need the ability to enable validation on this XSL transformation service so that, when we execute our tests, we can validate the incoming XML document against its DTD or declared XML schema. This can be as simple as adding a method named setValidateIncomingDocument() which, when invoked, causes the underlying service (in this case, our XSL transformation service) to validate the incoming XML document before passing it through the XSL transformer. Implementing this feature involves nothing more complex than creating an XML parser, enabling validation, and parsing a document, but for an example implementation, see solution A.5, “Validate XML documents in your tests.” The key part, from our perspective, is enabling this feature in our tests. To do that, we simply make it part of our test fixture. (See recipe 3.4, “Factor out a test fixture,” and recipe 3.5, “Factor out a test fixture hierarchy,” for details on managing test fixtures.) Here is the test fixture method[15] that performs an XSL translation with document validation enabled:

15 A method can be part of a fixture, just as a variable is part of a fixture. We may eventually refactor the fixture and move such a method into a production class, but sometimes it really is just a tool for the test.

   public Document doDisplayShopcartTransformation(
       String shopcartXmlAsString)
       throws Exception {

       TransformXmlService service =
           new TransformXmlService(displayShopcartXslReader);


       DOMResult documentResult = new DOMResult();

           new StreamSource(
               new StringReader(shopcartXmlAsString)),

           "Incoming XML document failed validation:"
               + service.getValidationProblems(),

       return (Document) documentResult.getNode();

We used this technique in our tests for presenting shopcart contents. The data transfer document in our tests did not specify the product IDs for the products in the shopcart, which would cause problems for the end user. When we executed the tests with validation enabled, this is the error message we received:

   junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Incoming XML document
   failed validation: [org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Attribute
   "id" is required and must be specified for element type "item".]

This message is certainly more helpful than finding out about the problem at runtime, where the symptom is less obvious: the “Buy!” button on the shopcart page (which uses the product ID in its HTML element name) would not work because there is no way to identify the brand of coffee that the shopper wants to buy. When we added an ID to the item tag in the data transfer document, the tests all passed. This recipe provides a way to make problems obvious, which is always a good idea.



Make problems obvious— Rather than infer the cause of a defect from a secondary symptom, write your tests in such a way that the problem becomes obvious. Without validating the shopcart data transfer document, all we would know is that one of our end-to-end tests fails because the “Buy!” button does not work. There are a few reasons this could fail: the XSL stylesheet could be wrong, the “Add Coffee to Shopcart” action could be wrong, there could be data corruption, or there might be no coffee matching that particular product ID. By validating the data transfer document in the tests, the cause of the defect becomes obvious and, most importantly, inexpensive to fix.


Now whenever we execute our tests, we add another layer of problem isolation. If the XML document we pass as input to our test is invalid, then document validation fails before the object under test tries to process it, making it clear whether the problem is bad input or an incorrectly behaving XML-processing component.


Bear in mind that validating XML is expensive, particularly if doing so forces you to parse the same XML document more than once. If your system is passing data transfer documents to other components in your system, then you can feel safe turning validation off in production. After all, your tests will catch the vast majority of problems that you might have with those documents (at least the problems you know about). If, instead, you are receiving data transfer documents from a component outside your control—either from another group in your organization or someone outside your organization—then we recommend leaving validation enabled, even in production. If nothing else, it quickly settles the question of who is responsible for a problem: you or them.[16]

16 We are not concerned with assessing blame, but it is important to assess responsibility, because someone has to fix it. Better it be the programmer whose component is actually broken.

There is one trap to avoid when validating data transfer documents against XML schemas. The power of the XML schema is its expressiveness: it can validate structure and data, leveraging the power of regular expressions. As in any similar situation, you need to be ever aware of the power you have available and be careful not to overstep your bounds. In particular, it becomes tempting to validate every little thing you can in your XML schemas. For example, you may be tempted to verify that the shipping charge in a Purchase Order document is less than $10 when the order contains over $300 worth of goods. After all, XML schemas allow you to do this, so why not? The problem is simple: that is a business rule, and a data transfer document—a simple data structure that your system passes between layers—is the wrong place to validate business rules. Why? Because changes in business rules ought not to affect the system’s ability to generate XML documents from a PurchaseOrder object! This is a clear sign that the design needs work. Validate business rules by testing your business rules; stick to just validating structure and formatting in your data transfer document tests.[17]

17 Of course, if you process business rules using an XML-based engine then you may perform XML schema validation in your tests. It is better to separate the tests rather than have one try to do two things.


  • 3.4—Factor out a test fixture
  • 3.5—Factor out a test fixture hierarchy
  • A.5—Validate XML documents in your tests
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