
Abelshauser, Werner, 36

Adenauer, Konrad, 20


Anti-Fascist Protection Rampart, 28

Association of the German Trade Fair Industry (AUMA), 85

AUMA. See Association of the German Trade Fair Industry

Barve, Manoj, 65, 82, 100

Bayazit Genc, Osman, 121

BDI. See Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e.V.

Benz, Carl, 38

Bömers, Katharina, 63

Borse, Achim, 91, 98, 114–115

Bosch, Robert, 37

Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e.V. (BDI), 44–45

Bunsen, Robert, 37

Business Mentality: Germans Consult, Americans Serve (Magee), 100

Business relationships, 117–126

Chamber of Industry and Commerce, 42–43

Charles the Great, 20

Cross-cultural communication, 81–82

Culture, 65–68, 75–80

Daimler, Gottlieb, 38

d’Arc, Jeanne, 30

Deane, Neil, 125

De’Ath, Sue, 83, 103

de Gaulle, Charles, 20

Deutsche Bahn Service Centers, 4

Deutsche Bank, 37

Deutsche Mark, 30

Die Deutschen und ihre Mythen (Münkler), 59

Die Deutsche Wirtschaft, 8–10, 12–13

Diesel, Rudolf, 38

Doing Business with Germans: Their Perception, Our Perception (Schroll-Machl), 79

Dresdner Bank, 37

Dual education system, 40–43

Dumont, Rena, 57–59, 65

Eichmann, Adolf, 26

Employment, 33–36

Entrepreneurial funding policy, 14

Face-to-face presentations, 98–108

Federal states size and inhabitants, 16

Flooding, 6

Franco-German Friendship Treaty, 20

Frankfurter Buchmesse, 89, 92

Gandhi, Mahatma, 30

GDPR. See General Data Protection Regulation

GDR. See German Democratic Republic

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 94

German Democratic Republic (GDR), 28

German trade shows, 85–90


business relationships, 117–126

culture, 65–68, 75–80

dual education system, 40–43

employment, 33–36

geography and population, 1–8

households in, 7

labor market, 33–36

“Made in Germany,” 40–43

manners and habits, 68–73

map of, 3

Mittelstand, 8–14

money spending, 46–51

Nazi Germany, 24–27

1949–1990 and beyond, 27–31

politics, 53–57

regional pecularities, 14–17

religion, 6

Second World War, 24–27

trade associations, 44–45

weather, 5

German Youth Employment Protection Act, 42

Germany Trade and Invest (GTAI), 12

GTAI. See Germany Trade and Invest

Habits, 68–73


Hauser, Andreas, 115, 121

Henry IV, 21

Hernandez, Ruben A., 103

Hidden Champions – Aufbruch nach Globalia (Simon), 11

Hitler, Adolf, 24–27, 125

Höhne, Gudrun, 106–107

Holocaust, 26

Holocaust (mini series), 27

Holy Roman Empire, 20

Hospitality, 118–126

Hostility, 119

Households, 7

private consumption expenditure, 50

Industrial Revolution, 36

Infratest dimap, 6


Ittstein, Daniel, 101, 114

Janouch, Stephan, 67, 72, 96–98

Joint Venture, 80

Kerr, Judith, 19

Kohl, Helmut, 30

Kolbe, Hermann, 37

Korte, Karl-Rudolf, 61

Kreuter, Dirk, 90

Krüger, Jens, 6263

Labor market, 33–36

The Life of Others (film), 29

Lost in Translation—German Directness, American Euphemisms: The Hell of Cross-Cultural Communication (Magee), 113

Luther, Martin, 2122

MacKichan, Andrew, 17, 75

“Made in Germany,” 31, 40–43

Magee, Otto John, 100, 104, 113

Manners and habits, 68–73

Master Craftsman, 43

Maybach, Wilhelm, 38

Measurement Valley, 12

Medium-sized companies, 10–11


online, 98–108

sales, 90–98

Merkel, Angela, 53–54

Mittelstand, 8–14

Modern Germany (Deane), 125

Money spending, 46–51

Münkler, Herfried, 59–60

National Product Classification for Production Statistics, 38

Nazi Germany, 24–27, 76, 124

O Cal, Cal, 39, 64, 115

1-Euro-Jobs, 34

Online meetings, 98–108

Oreskovich, Tina, 66

Ossi, 30

Paradiessucher (Dumont), 57

Politics, 53–57

Population, 1–8

Pragmatism, 40

Presenting Across Cultures (Hernandez), 103

Private consumption expenditure, 50

Refugee crisis, 63

Regional pecularities, 14–17

Religion, 6

Request for proposal (RFP), 108–115

Request for quotation (RFQ), 108–115

RFP. See Request for proposal

RFQ. See Request for quotation

Rundfunk, Bayerischer, 55–56

Sachdev, Arjun, 99

Sales meetings, 90–98

Schmitz, Lukas, 121

Schroll-Machl, Sylvia, 79

Schulz, Martin, 53

Second World War, 24–28

Siegel, Stewart, 14

Simon, Hermann, 11–12

Skilled workers, shortage of, 33

Small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), 8–9

SMEs. See Small-and medium-sized enterprises

Social plan, 35

“Solidaritätszuschlag,” 49

Steinmeier, Frank-Walter, 54

Syed, Hasan, 64, 68, 75, 91, 114

Tell, Wilhelm, 30

Trade associations, 44–45

Trade shows, 85–90

Trust-based working time, 34

VDA. See Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V.

VDMA. See Verband Deutscher Maschinen-und Anlagenbau

Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA), 85

Verband Deutscher Maschinen-und Anlagenbau (VDMA), 44

von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, 30, 39–40

von Liebig, Justus, 37

von Siemens, Werner, 37

Weather, 5

When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit (Kerr), 19

Wippermann, Peter, 62–63

Wurz, Alexander, 17, 102

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