
Accountants, 83

Agency theory, 1921, 125

AGM. See Annual general meeting (AGM)

Altruism, 125

Annual general meeting (AGM), 71, 125

Annual performance evaluation, 118

Annual shareholder meeting, 72, 7374, 125

agenda for, 7475

sample procedure, 7576

Asian family businesses, 8889

Attorney, 57

Audit committee, 125

Bacardi Limited, 41, 87

Berkshire Hathaway Inc., corporate governance guidelines

annual performance evaluation, 118

board meetings, 116

board size and committees, 114

director access to management and advisors, 116

director compensation, 116117

director qualifications, 113

director responsibilities, 115116

executive sessions, 116

management succession, 117

orientation and continuing education, 117

public disclosure, 118

voting for directors, 114115

Board committees, 65

Board meetings, 116

Board of advisors, 5, 5556, 82, 125

Board of directors (BOD), 3536, 52, 53, 82

family businesses, 62

family-controlled Estee Lauder Companies, 67

governance of business

design and creation, 6869

objectives, 5963

responsibilities of, 60, 64

Board size and committees, 114

Business checklist, 5354

Business first business, 12

Business governance, 3536

Business mission statement, 3940, 4243

Business-owning family, 25, 27, 34, 48

Business shareholder meeting, 77

Buy-sell agreements, 84

Case studies

absentee owner and the in-law, 108110

being heard, 105

charity case, 111

early stage pressure, 102103

gaining wisdom, 107108

inattentive board, 105106

large family rumors, 103104

missing in action brother, 99100

out-of-the-loop family shareholder, 100101

overbearing patriarch, 104

power struggle with BOD, 110111

pruning the family tree, 112

sibling power struggle, 9598

substance abusing family employee, 101102

CFA. See Chick-fil-A (CFA)

Chairman, duality of roles, 6465

Chairman of the board, 125

Chick-fil-A (CFA), 41, 87

California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010, 119120

Chief executive officer (CEO), 5, 59, 89, 125

duality of roles, 6465

small one-generation family-owned firm, 93

Chief financial officer (CFO), 5

Chief operating officer (COO), 5

Commitment, 125


generational meetings, 46

improvement in professionalism, 82

shareholders council, 71

Compensation, 21

Compensation committee, 125

Compensation for directors, 6364

Competitions and games, 45

Competitive advantage, 125

Conflict of interest, 125

Conflict prevention, 82

Constitution of family, 4748

conflict and dysfunction, prevention, 4849

purpose of, 4950

suggested outline/questions for creation, 5051

Consultants, 8384

Control, 126

Corporate governance. See also Business governance

Asian family businesses, 8889

Berkshire Hathaway Inc.

annual performance evaluation, 118

board meetings, 116

board size and committees, 114

director access to management and advisors, 116

director compensation, 116117

director qualifications, 113

director responsibilities, 115116

executive sessions, 116

management succession, 117

orientation and continuing education, 117

public disclosure, 118

voting for directors, 114115

corporate social responsibility, 88

future research, 9091

stakeholders, 88

statement of, 69

transparency, 87

women in family business, 89

working with nonfamily management, 8990

Corporate social responsibility (CSR), 23, 88, 126

Corporate stakeholder relationship director, 84

Council, of family, 51

responsibilities, 5152

structure, 5253

Counselors, 83

Cousin consortium, 126

CSR. See Corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Culture, 126

Decision maker, 33

Decision making

authority, 89

improvement in professionalism, 8182

tool, 39

Directors, 126

compensation, 6364, 116117

qualifications, 113

responsibilities, 115116

Dual agency, 20

Dual class shares, 126

Dual roles, 126

Enterprise Holdings Inc., 5

Entrepreneur, 126

Entrepreneurial orientation (EO), 14, 126

Estate planners, 83

Estate planning, 5657, 126

Estee Lauder Board of Directors (2018), 6768

Executive sessions, 116

Explicit knowledge, 126

Familiness, 22, 126

Family, 126

Family business, 126

concept of, 3

consultants, 46, 49

definition, 57

family-controlled businesses, 79

family first or business first, 12

family-owned businesses, 7

financial performance, 1214

founder centrality, 1112

generational succession, 18

governance, 22

multiple generations, 4

nonfamily businesses different with, 911

privately held firms, 45

problem areas, 1517

professionalism, 4

professionals, 8384

pruning the family tree, 1718

publicly held firms, 5

resources, 123124

triangulation, 17

trust, 1415

Family Business Magazine, 123

Family-business managers, 70

Family Business Network (FBN), 123

Family-business owners, 68

Family business theories

agency theory, 1921

resource-based view, 22

social capital theory, 24

social identity theory, 26

socioemotional wealth approach, 2627

stakeholder theory, 2324

stewardship theory, 2223

systems approach, 2426

Family constitution, 127

Family-controlled businesses, 79, 91, 127

Family-controlled corporate mission, 40

Family-controlled firms, 22

Family-controlled News Corp., 66

Family council, 71, 72, 82, 127

Family employees, 127

Family Enterprise USA (FEUSA), 123

Family firm

estate planning, 84

financial performance, 1214, 93


business governance, 3536

family governance, 3435

governance of ownership, 36

governance responsibilities, 37

stages of, 3134

nonfamily management, 89, 90

values associated with, 40

Family Firm Institute (FFI), 83

Family first business, 12

Family-friendly insiders, 8

Family governance

assembly of, 46

Bacardi Limited, 41

board of advisors, 5556

business checklist, 5354

business mission statement, 3940, 4243

Chick-fil-A, 41

constitution, 4748

conflict and dysfunction, prevention, 4849

purpose of, 4950

suggested outline/questions for creation, 5051

council, 51

responsibilities, 5152

structure, 5253

estate planning, 5657

family-controlled corporate mission, 40

family-owned business, 3435

generational meetings, 46

goals, 43

Hallmark Cards, 42

interaction with board, 53

large family-owned statements, 40

meetings, 4344

mission, 39

nonvoting stock, 57

objectives, 43

philanthropy, 4647

purpose statements, 40

questions for next generation, 5455

retreats and holidays, 4445

SC Johnson, 4041

values, 40, 42

vision, 39, 40, 42

Family leadership, 39, 42

Family-managed firms, 82

Family management, 88

Family meetings, 4344, 82, 127

Family mission statement, 3940

Family offices, 8485, 127

Family-owned automotive dealership, 44

Family-owned Bacardi Limited, 41

Family-owned businesses, 4, 5, 7, 25, 39, 91

Family-owned firms, 82

Family-owned lawnmower, 6

Family owners/employees, 44

Family retreats, 4445

Family roles, 127

Family therapists, 83

Family tree, pruning, 1718

Financial accountability legislation, 87

Financial capital, 3

Financial crisis, 34

Financial performance, family business, 1214

Ford Motor Company, 5, 8

Founder, 127

Founder centrality, 11

family business, 1112

Generational meetings, 46

Generational shadow. See Founder centrality

Governance, 93, 127. See also Family firm governance

Governance of business

board committees, 65

board evaluation, 69

BOD. See also Board of directors (BOD)

design and creation, 6869

objectives, 5963

choosing independent directors, 68

director compensation, 6364

duality of roles, 6465

Estee Lauder Board of Directors (2018), 6768

family council, 66

insiders and outsiders, 6667

statement of corporate governance, 69

Governance of ownership, 36

AGM. See Annual general meeting (AGM)

shareholders council, 7172

Hallmark Cards, 42

Herschend Family Entertainment, 63

Hobby Lobby, 5

Human capital, 127

Independence, 127

Independent directors, 113, 121122

Initial public offering (IPO), 3

Insiders, 6667, 127

Institute for Family Business (IFB), 124

Insurance agents, 83

Insurance professionals, 83

Intergenerational succession, 18

International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA), 123

International Finance Corporation, 121122

IPO. See Initial public offering (IPO)

Italian-based Beretta Firearms Company, 10

Large family-owned statements, 40

Lawyers, 83

Leadership, 72

Leadership succession, 33

Legacy, 128

Low-cost family employees, 3

Management, 128

Management succession, 117

MassMutual Financial Group, 89

Material interest, 122

Mission statement, 128

Mom-and-pop’s. See Family business

Multibillion-dollar automotive company, 8

Multibillion-dollar worldwide media company, 66

Multifamily office (MFO), 85

Nepotism, 16, 128

New York Stock Exchange rules, 66

Nomination committee of board of directors, 128

Nonemployed family members, 128

Nonfamily businesses, 22

different with family business, 911

Non-family CEOs, 94

Nonfamily employees, 128

Nonfamily firms, 12, 40

Nonfamily-owned businesses, 10

Nonvoting stock, 57

OECD. See Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 14

Orientation and continuing education, 117

Outsiders, 6667, 128

Outside stakeholders, 4

Outside-the-family shareholders, 7

Owners, 128

Ownership control, 6

Ownership governance

annual shareholder meeting, 7374

agenda for, 7475

sample procedure, 7576

shareholders council, 7172

Jones family business, 7273

small family business shareholder meeting, 77

Patient financial capital, 3

Personnel decisions, 90

Philanthropy, 4647

Pittsburgh Plate Glass (PPG) Company, 85

Principal-agent problem, 20

Private business ownership, 3

Private investor, 5

Privately held firms, 45

Professionalism, 32, 44, 48, 69, 93, 94

communication improvement, 82

conflict prevention, 82

consultants, 8384

decision making improvement, 8182

family business, 4

family business professionals, 8384

family offices, 8485

stakeholder management, 84

Pruning, 1718, 112, 128

Public business ownership, 3

Public corporations, 3

Public disclosure, 118

Public family-controlled business, 91

Publicly held firms, 5

Public shareholders, 4

Qualified independent directors, 114, 115

Quick decision making, 9

RBV. See Resource-based view (RBV)

Resource-based view (RBV), 22, 24, 128

Sarbanes-Oxley Financial Accountability Act (Sarbox), 5, 6061, 87

SC Johnson, 4041, 88

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 4

Self-dealing, 20

Self-governance, 32

SEW approach. See Socioemotional wealth (SEW) approach

Shareholder assembly, 128

Shareholders council, 7172

Jones family business, 7273

Sibling rivalry, 128

6th Annual 2016 Private Company Board Compensation Survey, 63

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), 3

Small family business, 4, 63

shareholder meeting, 77

SMEs. See Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

Social capital theory, 24, 128

Social identity theory, 26, 128

Social network, 128

Socioemotional wealth (SEW) approach, 2627, 52, 90, 128129

Stakeholders, 4, 5, 8, 39, 84, 129

annual meeting, 53

corporate governance, 88

Stakeholder theory, 2324

Starbucks, 23

Stewardship theory, 2223

Stockholders (or shareholders), 129

Strategic planning, 129

Succession, 129

Systems approach, 129

family business theories, 2426

Tacit knowledge, 129

Tax attorneys, 83

Tharawat Family Business Forum, 124

Three-circle model. See Systems approach

Top management team (TMT), 11, 56, 59, 129

Transparency, 129

corporate governance, 87

Triangulation, 17, 129

Trust, 1415, 129

United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE), 123

University-based family business centers, 46

Unprofessional family business, 10

U.S.-based firms, 90

Values, 40, 42, 129

Vision, 39, 40, 42, 129

Warren Buffet-controlled Berkshire Hathaway Inc., 8

Women, in family business, 89

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