
Ackoff, R., 112

Alexander, C., 108

Alliance for Water Stewardship, 127

Anthropogenic (human-induced) warming, 24

Artificial intelligence (AI), 15

Autopoiesis, 110

B-Corporations, 161162

Better Life Index, 96

Better Living Index, 96

Biocapacity, 29

Biodiversity loss, 2728, 29

Blackmore, S., 61

Block, P., 124

Bocken, N.M., 151

Braungart, M., 108

Brundtland Commission Report, 54

Brundtland, G.H., 54

Business systems and employees

cultural mythologies, 510

future of jobs, 1214

hidden unemployment, 1617

inequality, 1112

offshoring and outsourcing, 1516

technologies, 15

Campbell, J., 55

Chaos theory, 85

Circular economy, 151153

Circulatory system, 46

Civilizational collapse, 21

Collective value. See also Stewardship approach

business, 118120

collective well-being, 120

dignity violations, 121

profitability and wealth maximization, 118120

purpose, 118

Collective well-being, 120

Conscious Capitalism, 163

Contextual interconnectedness, 109

Cooperatives, 165166

Coral reefs, 29

Corporate social responsibility (CSR), 114, 115

Covid-19, 20, 22, 31, 44, 169

Cradle-to-cradle design, 152

Crutzen, P.J., 27

Cultural mythologies, 510

Davis, G.F., 158, 159

Decarbonizing, 25

Deforestation, 28

Dehumanization, 17

Destructive externalities, 142

Diamond, J., 21, 85, 149


earth-and life-centric socioeconomic perspective, 101

Hicks arguement, 100

nature’s manifestations, 101

practical perspective, 101

Sen’s arguement, 100

Diversity, 110111

Donaldson, T., 118

Doughnut economics, 128

Dweck, C.S., 66

Dynamic interconnectedness, 48

Dysfunctional political and cultural practices

annual trust survey, 3132

Covid-19 outbreak, 31

failing infrastructure, 33

Global Financial Crisis, 31

inequality, 33

obesity crisis, 32

overconsumption patterns, 32

Earth stewardship, 124125

Ecological/sustainability crises

Anthropocene/era of human activity, 27

biodiversity loss, 2728

Great Acceleration, 2627

Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity, 30

World Wildlife Organization, 2729

Economic system, 12

Economistic paradigm, 9

Economistic thinking, 910

Economists, 3637

Edelman Trust Barometer, 3132

Edge of chaos, 46, 48

Ehrenfeld, J., 54, 117, 148

Eisler, R., 177

Empiricism, 6

Employee stock ownership plan (ESOP), 166

Employment, 134

Enlightenment, 147

beliefs, 56, 8

economics, 8

empiricism, 6

Indigenous culture, 7

quantitative approach, 8

values, 7

Western thinking, 6

Enlivenment, 147

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations, 143

Excellence through Stewardship initiative, 127

Externalities, 4041, 141142

Flourishing, 20

indigenous culture, 104

reciprocity, 106107

redistribution, 107

relationship, 105, 107

responsibility, 106

indigenous wisdom, 103

living systems, 108111

sustainability, 103

Forests, 29

Forest Stewardship Council, 126

Formal medium-sized enterprises, 160

Fossil fuels, 137

Foster long-termism, 144145

Freeman, R.E., 119

Geissdoerfer, M., 151

Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI), 98, 99

Gladwell, M., 85

Global Financial Crisis, 31

Global fisheries, 29

Global jobs crisis, 1214

Global mindsets, 67

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 143

Global warming, 2225

Great Acceleration, 2627

Greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions, 23

Gross domestic product (GDP), 98

Gross Happiness Indicator (GNH), 98

Gross National Happiness Index, 98

Gross national product (GNP), 98


mentality, 10

model, 153154

Growth mindset, 67

Happiness, 93

Hardin, G., 124

Healthy complex systems, 48

Heinberg, R., 150

Helliwell, J.F., 93, 94

Hicks, D., 100

Hidden unemployment, 1617

Hoffman, A., 54, 117, 148

Holons, 4546

Iconic image, 6162

Inclusive capitalism, 163

Indigenous culture, 7, 57

Indigenous peoples, 169

Individual freedom, 88

Industrialization, 35

Inequality, 1112

Inequitable practices, 21

Integrated reporting (IR), 143144

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 2225, 150

Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity (IPBES), 30

Internalized costs, 143

International Cooperative Alliance, 165

International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), 143

International Labor Organization, 134, 165

Jacobs, J., 111

James, W., 65

Job production, 134

Kennedy, B, 98

Klein, G., 67

Koestler, A., 45

Kramer, M.R., 145

Land Stewardship Project, 126

Life- and flourishing-centric narratives

Genuine Progress Indicator, 99

initiatives, 96

quality of life dimensions, 97

Sen and Nussbau’s capabilities, 9597

well-being, 9394, 98

Life-giving perspectives and practices circularity, 151153

company localization, 156

enough concept, 153154

financialization, 158

mega-corporations, 157

nongrowth-oriented economy, 152155

resilience and diversity, 157158

right-sized communities, 155156

small firm, 159

surveillance capitalism, 159

systemic resilience, 155

trade and business opportunities, 156157

Living Planet Index, 28

Living soil, 28

Living systems, 46

contextual interconnectedness, 109

novelty, 110

permeable containment, 109110

requisite diversity, 110111

socioeconomic systems, 108109

wholeness, 111

Lovelock, J.E., 102

MacArthur Foundation, 152

Marine Stewardship Council, 127

McDonough, W., 108

McKinsey Global Institute, 15

Medium-sized enterprises (SME), 160

Mega-corporations, 157

Memeplexes, 62


Apple logo, 62

Coca-Cola symbol, 62

iconic image, 6162

internet, 61

language, 61

memeplexes, 62

and mindset, 6467

resonant, 62

shared, 62

words and phrases, 63

Mindset, 6467

Monbiot, G., 37, 40, 55

Mont Pelerin Society, 36, 37

Nations, 46

Natural ecosystems, 50

Negative externalities, 142

Neoclassical economics, 4, 9

Neoliberal capitalism, 128

Neoliberal economic approach, 129

Neoliberalism, 2

cultural mythology, 36

dominant paradigm, 10

economists, 3637

enlightenment era, 35

externalities, 4041

human civilization, 36

human population, 35

industrial era, 3536

Monbiot’s ideas, 3738

neoliberal policies, 40

obesity crisis, 41

Powell Memorandum, 3839

Reagan and Thatcher’s election, 40

stories and narratives. See Stories and narratives

Neoliberal narrative, 8788

Neoliberal thinking, 11

New economics, 68

“No alternative” belief, 68

Nongrowth-oriented economy, 152155

Nonpolluting energy, 137

Novelty, 110

Obesity crisis, 32

Ocean health, 29

Offshoring, 1516

One-size-fits-all story, 60

Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 96, 167

Outsourcing, 1516

Overseas Development Institute (ODI), 1617

Oxfam report, 1112

Pelerin, M., 36, 37

PERMA model, 9495

Permeable containment, 109110

Piketty, T., 36

Planetary boundaries, 2526

Planetary stewardship, 123

Planetary warming, 25

Pollution, 40

Porter, M.E., 145

Powell, L.F., 38

Predictability, 51

Produce quality products/services, 138139

Product stewardship, 127

Product Stewardship Institute, 127

Raworth’s approach to economics, 128

Raworth’s doughnut model, 136

Reciprocity, 106107

Redistribution, 107

Regenerative economy, 151153

Relationship, 105

Relative decoupling, 149

Renewable energy, 137

Requisite diversity, 50, 110111

Resonant memes, 62

Responsibility, 106

Rhinesmith, S.H., 67

Right-sized communities, 155156

Savaget, P., 151

Self-induced systemic crises

climate change

covid-19 infections, 22

dehumanizing others, 21

Diamond’s civilizational collapse, 21

ecological/sustainability crises, 2630

humanity, 21

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2225

Covid-19 pandemic, 20

dysfunctional political and cultural practices, 3033

planetary boundaries, 2526

Self-sufficiency model, 157

Seligman, M., 94

Servicizing, 140141

Shared flourishing, 92

Sheth, J.N., 119

Sisodia, R., 119

Social enterprises, 163

Socially threatening, 169

Social media, 174

Societal changes, 148

Socioecological cliff, 34

Socio-economic systems, 46, 108109

Software updates and improvements, 141

Spengler, L., 153

Spikins, P., 104

State-owned enterprises (SOEs), 167168

Stewardship approach

broad time and space scales, 124

business associations, 127

business purpose, 131

business-related initiatives, 126127

collective value

collaborate and compete, 135137

communal benefit, 132

companies responsibility, 132

development, 133134

employment and job production, 134

energy usage, 137

equitable decent wages and job security, 135

externality, 141142

Foster long-termism, 144145

integrated reporting (IR), 143144

internalized costs, 143

nature of innovation, 137138

performance metrics, 131, 132

quality products/services, 138140

servicizing, 140141

software updates and improvements, 141

universal basic income, 134135

earth stewardship, 124125

firm repurposing, 131

neoliberal capitalism, 128

neoliberal economic approach, 129

planetary stewardship, 123, 126

practices and policy changes, 130131

Raworth’s approach, 128

share-oriented corporation ownership, 131

transformational change, 126

voluntary initiatives, 129

whole system, 127

Stockholm Resilience Centre, 2526, 128

Stories and narratives

Campbell’s story, 5556

economic mindset, 67

exploitation, 54

externalities, 54

indigenous peoples, 6061

initiatives, 6869

Korten’s assumption, 57

memes, 6163

Monbiot’s points, 55

neoliberal story, 58

neoliberal thinking, 54

“no alternative” belief, 68

one-size-fits-all story, 60

origin stories, 57

public and policy contexts, 59

sustainable development, 54

systemic change, 59

Vogler’s view, 56

Subjective well-being, 9394

Sufficiency economy, 153154

Surveillance capitalism, 34, 159

Sustainability, 103

Sustainable development, 54

System change

dimensions, 85

gathering and reconciling, 86

institutions, 86

memes, 86

new narrative, 86

African cultures, 88

climate change issues, 90

common good, 8990

economic and material growth, 89

flourishing, 91, 92

Freya Williams of Futerra, 87

Global Financial Crisis, 92

globalization, 88

individual freedom, 88, 91

memes, 90

neoliberal narrative, 8788

recognition, 89

wealth maximization, 92

Systemic flourishing

companies, 115116

corporate social responsibility (CSR), 114, 115

Corporation2020 initiative, 117

corporations, 114

Delaware law, 113

ecological and systemic sustainability, 117118

humanity and systemic integrity, 116

institutional level, 118

institutions, 116117

national level, 118

organizational level, 115

public institutions, 113

responsibility, 112

System transformation

change, 43

climate change and sustainability crises, 43

complex adaptive systems, 43

covid-19 pandemic, 44

crisis, 44

economy, 43

living systems, 44

socioeconomic systems, 43

stakeholders, 42

Take-back approach, 141

“Take-make-waste” approach, 139

Thatcher, M., 68

Thunberg, G., 22

Topsoil and land degradation, 2930

Tragedy of the commons, 124


activity interest, 172

changing mindsets, 172

citizens and activist, 1745–179

Green New Deal, 170

networks, 173174

paid work, 174

relational and life-affirming approach, 170, 178

scope, 171

social media, 174

socio-political-economic system, 177178

stories and narratives, 171172

talent and skills, 173

work environment, 174

Transformative system change, 45

Ubuntu, 88, 106

United Nation’s Human Development Index (HDI), 98, 99

Universal basic income, 134135

Vogler, C., 56

Walsh, J., 118

Wealth maximization, 92

Weber, A., 43

Well-being, 20, 9394

collective, 96

gross domestic (national) product, 98

happiness, 93

subjective, 94

Well-being Economy Alliance (WEAll), 3

Western thinking, 6

Whole living systems, 111

Whole systems, 46


and complexity, 4749

problems, 4647

and societies

depth in large systems, 50

healthy ecosystems, 4950

predictability, 51

sectors, 49

stakeholders, 51

wicked problems, 5051

socioecological systems, 47

transformative system change, 51

Wolfe, D., 119

World Wildlife Organization (WWF) report, 2730

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