List of Abbreviations

ADB — Asian Development Bank

AEPC — Alternative Energy Promotion Center

Bbl — Billion barrels

Bcf — Billion Cubic Feet

BMB — Biodiversity Management Board

BMC — Biodiversity Management Committee

CEA — Central Electricity Authority, India

CFC — Chlorofluorocarbons

CIA — Central Intelligence Agency, USA

CNG — Compressed Natural Gas

CO2 — Carbon dioxide

CR — Critically Endangered

DD — Data Deficient

DU — Depleted Uranium

EN — Endangered

EP — Environment Protection

ESCAP — Economic & Social Council for Asia & Pacific

EW — Extinct in the Wild

EX — Extinct

FAO — Food and Agriculture Organization

Gb — Giga Barrel

GDP — Gross Domestic Product

GE — Genetically Engineered

GEF — Genetically Engineered Food

GHG — Green house gases

GIS — Geographical Information System

GLASOD — Global Assessment of Human-induced Soil Degradation

GM — Genetically Modified

GMOs — Genetically Modified Organisms

HAARP — High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program

HEV — Hybrid Electric Vehicle

HKH — Hindu Kush-Himalayan region

IEA — International Energy Agency

IUCN — International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources

Ktoe — Kilo ton oil equivalent

LA — Land Acquisition Act (1894)

LC — Least Concern

LPG — Liquefied Natural Gas

LR/cd — Lower Risk/conservation dependent

LR/lc — Lower Risk, least concern

LR/nt — Lower Risk/near threatened

Mbbl/mbl — Million barrels

MCPAs — Marine and Coastal Protected Areas

MEAs — Multi Environmental Agreements

MoEF — Ministry of Environment & Forest

MW — Mega Watt

NARC — National Agricultural Research Council

NATO — North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NBAP — National Biodiversity Actions Plans

NGLs — Natural Gas Liquids

NGOs — Non Governmental Organizations

NT — Near Threatened

NTFP — Non-timber Forest produce

NWSC — Nepal Water Supply Corporation

ODS — Ozone Depleting Substances

OPEC — Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

PA — Project Authorities

PSIRU — Public Service International Research Unit

SAARC — South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation

SACEP — South Asian Cooperative Environment Programme

SAEQM — South Asia Environment Quality Management

SALUC — South Asian Land Use Commission

SASP — South Asian Seas Programme

SDI — Strategic Defense Initiative

SEZ — Special Economic Zone

SISI — Sri Lanka Standards Institution

SME — Small and Medium Enterprises

SOTER — Soil and Terrain Database

SPM — Suspended particulate matter

SPMs — Suspended Particulate matter

T&D — Transmission & distribution

TED — Total Electricity Demand

TOE — Tons of Oil Equivalent

TPES — Total Primary Energy Supply

TWh — Terra Watt Hour

UK — United Kingdom

UMRC — Uranium Medical Research Centre

UN — United Nations

UNESCO — United National Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organisation

UNFCCC — United Nations Framework Conventions on Climate Change

UNODC — United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

US/USA — United States of America

VU — Vulnerable

WMD — Weapon of Mass Destruction

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