
Tip: We suggest that you check the Glossary (pages 135-144) for definitions related to terms you want to look up in this index.


Accessibility 29

Accommodating leader 19

Accountability 26, 96

Accounting 13, 89, 91, 104-105, 114-115, 120, 129

Action-Centered Leadership 19

Adair, George 22

Administrative expenses 104

Air travel expenses 112

Alpha and Beta style employees 51-54

Annual reports, 93

Apathy 47-48, 51

Arrogance 43-44


Bad news, delivering 73-74

Bailey, Leigh 19

Bailey, Maureen Haben 19

Beta testing 104

BLUF emails (Bottom-Line-Up-Front) 35

Bluffing 42

Body language 34

Bottom line 88-89

Brainstorming 50

Bribery 67

Business brokers 129-130

Business diversification 87-89

Business growth via partners 91-92

Business plan 88

Business speaking 27-28, 34-42, 51-54

Business writing 34-42


Calmness 44

Car rental 111-112

Cell (mobile) phone etiquette 34

Certainty in decision making 97

Change, handling 73-74

Coaching 21, 51, 79-83

Cockiness 43-44

Commitment 50

Common goals 52-53

Communication skills 27, 99

Comparative advantage 103-104


Direct 93

External 93-94

Indirect 93-94

Internal 51-54

Composure 44, 80, 83, 99

Contingency plans 98

Core offering 87-88

Corporate culture 22-23, 25-26, 55-56, 67

Credibility 29, 37, 43, 75

See also Professionalism.

Cross-training 124

Cultivating successors 124

Culture of a business

See Corporate culture.

Cultural sensitivity 28

Customer service 94, 98, 103


Decision making 29, 47, 50, 83, 97-99

Delegating 28, 55-56

Disengagement 51-54

Diverse backgrounds 47

Diversification of business 87-89

Disagreement 50-54

Disaster recovery planning 123-125

Domination 51-54

Due diligence 102


Email 34-35

Emotion in business 101

See also Composure.


Engagement and ownership 50, 58, 121, 124

Ethics 23

Etiquette 33-44

Excuses 60, 75-77, 79-83

Expansion 25, 55, 93-94, 116-121

Expectations 28

External drivers affecting business 21-22, 25-26, 97, 105, 117-125

Exit strategies 127-128


Fairness and favoritism 28, 58, 67 79-83, 97-99

Financial goals 115-116

First impressions 33

Flexibility 28

Focus, maintaining 87-89, 95

Food expenses during travel 112

Free market 107, 118

Fully-loaded expenses 104


Gifts 67-69

Gill, Roger 22-23

Global business 25, 87

Goal setting 49-50, 98-99, 115-116

Goals, short- and long-term 115-116

Goal sheets 96


Healthy debate 51-54

Hierarchy 26, 50

Horizontal markets 88

Humility 29, 43


Identifying problems 117-121

See also Internal and External factors influencing business, SWOT analysis.

Impartiality 27

See also Fairness and favoritism.

Impressing others 33

Initial meeting with new employee 59-61

Innovation 26

Internal factors affecting business 21-22

Inspiring leader 49

Internal competition 52-54

Internal drivers influencing business 97, 117-121

Internet research on competitors 94

Intimidating leader 19, 21


Job description 58-61, 64, 80


Language skills 37-42

Lateness 33, 57-58

Leadership skills 27-30, 47-49, 83, 97-99

Leadership styles 19-20,

Leadership theories

Adair, John 22

Bailey, Leigh and Maureen Haben Bailey 19-20

Gill, Roger 22-23

McGregor, Douglas 21

Price, Dawn 22

Leadership versatility 19-20

Leading by example 20, 34-35, 48, 58, 74, 95-96, 99

Leads to prospective buyers 98

Learning culture 25-26

Leveraging 88

Life insurance 125-126

Listening skills 27, 34, 76, 98

Loyalty 23, 26, 81


Managing people 13-14, 22, 26, 45-83, 108

Market research on competition 94

McGregor, Douglas 21

Measurable goals 50

Meeting efficiency 33, 63-66

Micro-managing 56

Miscommunication 79-80

Mission 47, 88

Morale 44, 72-74, 97-99

See also Apathy, Composure, Disengagement, Engagement, Empowering.

Motivation 49, 59-61

Multi-level marketing (or MLM, or network marketing) 102


New hires 60-61, 79-80


Open communication 48

Opportunity cost 103-104, 108

Outsourcing 103-104, 107-109

Outsourcing tools 108-109

Ownership of problems and solutions 55-56, 119-121


Partners, adding 91

Passion, contagious vs. committed 101-102

Perceptions of employees 21-22

Performance 50, 57-61, 73-75, 79-84

Personal values 23

Planning tools 96

Policies 26, 61, 67, 71, 73, 97, 12-113, 124-125

Price, Dawn 22

Problem employees 60-61, 79-83

Problems and solutions 55-56, 73-75

Productivity 48, 51, 57-58, 79-83, 95

Professionalism 33-42, 83

Publicly traded companies as competitors 93

Punctuality 57-58

Pyramid marketing 102


Quality performance 59


Rapport 29

Respect 27-28, 51-54

Reward for positive performance 52, 58, 99

Responsibility 20-22, 25-26, 55-56, 58, 61, 80-81, 91, 123-124

Risk 19-20, 50-51, 87-88, 124-125

Romance in the office 71-72


Sales 49-53, 88, 92-93, 98 102, 104, 107-108, 116, 124, 129

Satisfaction 14, 27, 50, 61, 98

Self-confidence 27, 43-44

Self-control 44, 80

Selling expenses 104

SEO (search engine optimization) 92

Signature block in emails 34

Silent pause in speaking 42

Small business 14, 47-48, 87-88, 104, 112, 123

SMART goal setting (Simple, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely) 50

Social media 15, 92

Start-up 53, 94, 97, 102, 108, 123, 127

Strategic Leadership Theory 21-22

Strategic thinking 85-130

Succession planning 123-125

Survival accounting 104-105

SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) 117-118

Systems and resources 88


Task lists 95

Teams and teamwork

Expectations 55

Goals 50

Leading a team effectively 22, 26, 34-35, 43, 47, 74, 87-88, 95-96

Look-Out Teams 119-121

Mis-handing teams 43, 47-48

Productivity in 58-60

Responsibilities 75, 125

Teaming up 91-92

Terminating employees 79-83

Theory X and Theory Y 21

Threats 27

Three-Strike Rule 79-83

Timeliness 33

Time management 95

Trade journals and shows 50, 89, 120

Travel expenses, reducing 111-114

True cost of production 103-104

Trust 23, 29, 60-61, 98


Values 23 81, 99, 129

Verbal skills 37

Vertical markets 88

Vision 22-23, 49, 102, 115, 128, 131

Voicemail 34


Web design 92, 108

Websites 12, 26, 34, 58, 88, 92, 94, 108, 130

Work flow 92

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