Chapter Eight

Balance Curricular and Extracurricular Activities

We need a sense of the value of time—that is, of the best way to divide one’s time into one’s various activities.


Arnold Bennett

Time is precious to everyone. Therefore, it is important to spend it wisely. By participating in various activities, we can spend time effectively. Basically there are two types of activities—curricular and extracurricular activities. The activities that are pursued in educational institutions related to academics are known as curricular activities. Extracurricular activities are the activities apart from the curricular activities, in which people voluntarily engage in order to pursue something they are passionate about, such as hobbies and other recreational activities. Extracurricular activities help us spend time constructively and they also provide a meaning to our lives. In a nutshell, extracurricular activities are an extension of academic activities that invigorate our body and mind.

Curricular Versus Extracurricular Activities

Curricular and extracurricular activities are different from each other. Here is a list of differences between them:

  • Curricular activities improve hard skills whereas extracurricular activities improve soft skills. For example, we learn many things that are taught in class by the teachers. These are basically technical skills which are, in turn, known as hard skills. When an individual plays a game, for instance football, he develops various skills while playing the game such as team spirit, flexibility, leadership and interpersonal skills. These are known as soft skills.
  • Curricular activities provide a theoretical perspective whereas extracurricular activities provide practical exposure. For instance, your English professor tells you how to behave with others and the etiquette to be followed when you speak with others. You can apply the same in your games practically and prove yourself.
  • Curricular activities ensure academic excellence while extra curricular activities ensure real-life excellence, thus making you a full-fledged personality.

Succinctly, both curricular and extracurricular activities are two sides of the same coin.

The Importance of Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular activities play a crucial role in everybody’s life. They are equally if not more important than curricular activities. They are also required for all students from KG (kindergarden) to PG (post graduation). Here goes a story on the importance of extracurricular activities:

There was once a boy named Mark who was born in a poor family. He studied in an ordinary school. At the age of twelve years, he found out that he had a passion for writing. Thereafter, he concentrated both on his education and passion. He honed his skills gradually by participating in various essay writing competitions.

When he was eighteen-years-old, he joined the army as he needed to start earning to support his family. He completed his graduation while he was in the army. After ten years, he left the army and started his business. Initially he had very good profits, but he faced major losses subsequently and was bankrupt. He didn’t have any idea of what he could do next. Then he remembered his passion and flair for writing. Mark started writing books. Most of his books were big bestsellers. He earned lots of money in this way. By converting his passion into his profession at the time of adversity, Mark was able to move out of adverse circumstances. Hence, this story shows how extracurricular activities will pay off in the long run, apart from providing joy and happiness to the person who discovers his passion for some activity.

Advantages of Extracurricular Activities

Apart from the outlined advantages of extracurricular activities, here are a few more advantages that these activities bring. By indulging in an extracurricular activity:

  • You can spend your time creatively and constructively
  • You can meet various kinds of people and build networks
  • You can build teamwork and leadership qualities
  • Your passion can become your refuge at the time of adversity
  • Your hobbies can act as good stress busters
  • Your mind will become creative and active
  • You will build your confidence and boost your self-esteem
  • You will develop a positive attitude
  • Your mind will not get deviated from your goals
  • You will be able to discharge your leadership roles and responsibilities effectively

Disadvantages of Extracurricular Activities

There are also some disadvantages that may arise from emphasizing heavily on extracurricular activities. Students must give equal importance to curricular as well as extracurricular activities. When students concentrate more on extracurricular activities, they may neglect curricular activities and this may result in academic disasters. Hence, it is essential to draw a fine line between both curricular and extracurricular activities, to enjoy the best of both worlds.

Identifying and Nurturing Your Hobbies

Everyone has their own talents and abilities. Hence, it is their duty to spot and hone them to become successful individuals. However, in some situations students cannot make up their mind in choosing their hobbies. In such situations, parents and teachers should help them by spotting their strengths and passion, thus providing a direction to them. After choosing what you are passionate about, you should put rigorous efforts to grow in that field and acquire mastery in it. Also, don’t choose too many hobbies as it reduces the concentration on other activities. It is better to have limited hobbies to achieve better results in that area in the long run.

India is the second largest populated country in the world. However, Indians are not achievers in many fields and the country is not known internationally for bagging lots of medals. One of the reasons is the lack of encouragement and guidance by teachers and parents. Besides, students spend most of their time in curricular activities such as reading books and writing projects, thus sidelining extracurricular activities. The present Indian education system creates a lot of stress for students. Educational institutions should allocate some time for sports and games for overall development. A flower blossoms with the help of three influences, i.e., the ground which holds it firmly and gives it support, the sunlight which gives vitamins, and water which helps the plant to grow. Similarly, children can grow with the help of three things, i.e., parents who are like the ground and who offer support; education, which is like the bright sunlight which gives us knowledge; and hobbies, which are like the water which helps us grow.

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