Chapter Eleven

Acquire Soft and Hard Skills

Soft skills are the traits and abilities of attitude and behavior rather than of knowledge or technical aptitude.



What Are Soft and Hard Skills?

In today’s world, there is a need for both soft and hard skills. Which skill is superior is also a debatable issue currently. First, we will address the definition of soft and hard skills before coming to any conclusion. Soft skills are referred to in different ways across the world. They are referred to as emotional intelligence, social skills, life skills, and non-domain skills. They are also defined as behavioural skills. Soft skills are a blend of various skills such as communication skills, teamwork, interpersonal skills, leadership skills, negotiation skills, adaptability, motivational skills, decision-making, attitude and problem-solving skills.These are non-academic skills.Hard skills are technical skills or domain skills. These are also referred to as academic skills and core skills. These skills are learnt in the classroom and through training. Precisely, soft skills emphasize on how we speak while hard skills emphasize on what we speak. Soft skills are the polite and pleasing presentation of hard skills. For instance, ‘don’t drink and drive’ is a hard skill while ‘thanks for not drinking and driving’ is a soft skill. Although both sentences convey the same meaning, the former conveys the hard expression while the latter conveys the soft expression.

There are several myths associated with soft skills such as those who speak fluent English are good at soft skills; those who communicate effectively are good at soft skills; and those who are very soft in appearance are good at soft skills. The truth is that soft skills are the skills and abilities about personality, attitude and behaviour.

The Importance of Soft Skills

Presently, business schools are focusing on soft skills such as communication skills, teamwork and leadership skills. Earlier, it was mandatory for management students to understand what soft skills were and to inculcate them, but now there is a growing importance of this skill in all higher educational institutions too. Students are taught about soft skills after completion of their high school. Soft skills have a deep significance. They prepare people to face challenges in life. They equip them with flexibility to get along with others. Soft skills prepare people to get employed easily as the industry expects plug-and-play recruits. They promote a positive attitude and help people look at the world with an open mind.

Case Study on Soft Skills

One day when I was preparing my notes for the final examination, my dad, Professor M. S. Rao, came from the gym. After he had relaxed a bit, he started talking to me. However, I could not concentrate as I was busy with my writing. Here is the conversation that took place between my dad and me:

Dad: Are your classes at college taking place today?

Me: No! Even if they are, I won’t go today.

Dad: I asked you whether it is a working day today or not. I did not ask whether you will go to college or not. Besides, how can you say that you will not go to college? Did I give you permission to be absent from college today? This is not the way to talk. You must take permission from me first, if you don’t want to go to college

I was annoyed but remained cool. I kept writing and listening to what my dad was saying.

Dad: You must listen properly when I say something to you. Keep your books down.

I kept my books down aggressively (making an unusual amount of noise).

Dad: You could have kept them slowly. You should listen to what others are saying to you. Tell me, what was I explaining to you?

I was in a fix. I couldn’t tell what he had told me as I had not listened properly.

Dad: You are not concentrating properly to what others are saying. Concentrate on one thing in order to learn something. Maintain eye contact with the speaker and give a smile. If you maintain adequate eye contact with the speaker, the latter will have an interest to talk with you clearly. With your smile you can encourage and attract the speaker.

Me: Okay Dad!

I regretted not having listened to him properly.

Father: Now tell me what I have just told you.

I narrated everything that my dad told me.

After this conversation my dad told me, ‘My dear son, Ganesh Sai, this is nothing but an example of a soft skill. Although people may have great knowledge, they fail in their lives due to a dearth of the soft skills’. I nodded my head in agreement and said with a smile, ‘Thank you dad, for enlightening me about soft skills’.

Soft Skills and Employability Skills

Soft skills are known as employability skills as they help acquire employment. It is said that hard skills get you the interview and soft skills get you the job. Although Indians are good in technical skills and their applications in various aspects, they are not good at soft skills. They are good in various technical aspects but lack the basic skill to get employed. This is due to their poor understanding of soft skills. Besides, the business environment is changing rapidly. There is growing competition and people need to acquire and sustain employment. Educational institutions must play a crucial role in enhancing the employability for students. The faculty of different institutes should teach students certain skills that employers are looking for. Here is a short story on the importance of soft skills in employability:

One day, two persons attended an interview. The first person had high technical skills. He had got good grades in academics. When the employer called him he hurried, walked in and sat in the seat without taking permission. The employer asked a few technical questions. He answered all of them. But the employer was not happy as the candidate was not good at communication skills and did not display the right etiquette. After this, the second person entered. He sought permission to be seated. He had average grades in his education. But he communicated effectively, reflected a positive attitude and demonstrated a positive body language. The employer was impressed with his etiquette and offered him employment. The reason for the rejection of the first candidate was not due to the lack of hard skills but due to the lack of soft skills.

Currently, the industry is in search of candidates who possess good soft skills. Research reveals that 85% employers look for employees having soft skills. Soft skills help us tackle any situation smoothly. They help us maintain a good relationship with people at the workplace. They also help to work in teams. This does not mean that soft skills alone ensure all round success. What is needed is the judicious blend of soft and hard skills to achieve professional success.

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