Chapter Fifteen

Manage Your Stress

Being in control of your life and having realistic expectations about your day-to-day challenges are the keys to stress management, which is perhaps the most important ingredient to living a happy, healthy and rewarding life.


Marilu Henner

Stress is one of the major challenges for mankind. It happens due to the rapid changes taking place in our times, the development in technologies that ensure that we are always connected, and the workplace environment. Sometimes, man himself is responsible for it. People are in the rat race and most of the times they don’t find any meaning in their lives. They often chase so many things for achieving prosperity that they end up ignoring peace. It results in stress and burnout. Stress is the initial symptom while burnout is the subsequent effect. When people don’t check stress, it leads to burnout which is very tough to manage.

The Effects of Stress

There are several effects of stress. When we get positive results out of stress we call it eustress. In contrast, when we get negative results from stress, we call it distress. Stress is a double-edged sword, and it all depends on how people make use of it. Here are the merits and demerits of stress:

  • Merits of stress: Helps you unlock your hidden potential and touch your tipping point; increases mental strength so that you can handle pressure; and helps you come out of your comfort zone. Above all, it brings out the best in people.
  • Demerits of stress: Loss of interest in life and sex; worry about petty things; lack of sleep; lack of concentration; taking excessive food or less food; taking drugs; and development of suicidal tendencies.

Tips to Manage Stress

Managing and overcoming stress is a challenging task. You must know how to manage your stress. Here are some tips to help you manage stress successfully:

  • There are two main reasons for stress, i.e., failure and fear. Generally, failure causes depression. It makes people start brooding about things. People take failure personally and worry about it, thus developing stress. Instead of doing this, people should find out where they have failed. The second reason for stress is fear. Everybody has their own fears. Some people have a fear of heights, others have a fear of insects and some people are scared of public speaking. When they have fears in their minds, these people don’t understand the realities. Hence, find out the root causes of your fears and manage them.
  • When people are stressed, they lose their temper often on petty issues. They get irritated at the slightest criticism. When they get irritated, they lose their temper and shout at others. In this way, they lose precious relations. Hence, people should be cool and composed under stress.
  • Develop a resistance towards stress. Be confident about managing your stress. Make sure that you control your stress, not vice versa.
  • When you are stressed out, take some time to relax. Relax by pursuing your hobbies and listening to music. Hit the gym everyday. Spend time with your friends and family. Share problems with them. We feel relieved when we share our sorrows and by sharing we also get some ideas on how to tackle our problems.
  • Control your emotions. It is very difficult to control our emotions when we are sad, angry or frustrated. The people who can control their emotions can handle stress easily.
  • Meditate and do yoga to have a relaxed mind. This will also help you maintain good health.
  • Don’t load yourself with too much work at one go. Stretch your mind gradually, by taking on work gradually.
  • Do your best. Be professional in your work by emphasizing on excellence.
  • Separate your personal life from your professional life. The main reason for stress is your professional life. If you carry your professional problems to your personal life, you will lose peace at home also.
  • Avoid conflicts. When they are thrust upon you, manage them successfully.

Managing stress is all about controlling emotions, thoughts, concerns and tempers, and dealing with relations effectively by taking charge of your life. Everyone has their own stress levels. But make sure that you don’t cross the limits. Harry J. Johnson rightly said, ‘Your body is an amazing creation, capable of performing great wonders, but you can destroy that miraculous machine’s potential with an overdose of stress’.

If you want to lead a stress-free life choose a spouse of your choice and a career of your choice. If you have a good spouse who understands and supports you, your family life will be pleasant. Similarly, if you pursue a career of your choice you will enjoy working. Confucius rightly said, ‘Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life’. Once you have a good spouse and the right career, your entire day will be pleasant and peaceful.

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