Chapter Sixteen

Use Technology Wisely

Technology … is a queer thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other.


C. P. Snow, New York Times, 15 March 1971

Previously, it was the machine behind the man that counted. However, currently it is the man behind the machine that counts. Technology has revolutionized the entire equations globally. It has integrated the entire world and made the world a small global village. The changes that have taken place in the last decade revolutionized the entire world, outsmarting the impact of the industrial revolution. For instance, the internet has connected mankind together. It brought more awareness among the people, thus emphasizing on similarities rather than differences. Technology has also compelled businesses to opt for innovation to stay ahead of competition. There is less secrecy and more openness due to technology.

Technology has brought both advantages and disadvantages to mankind. It has brought several comforts and connected people closely. However, it has also brought a lot of stress to mankind due to the pressures arising out of technology. For instance, mobile phones connect people together. However, sometimes they create problems for mankind as people are attached to their mobile phones and habituated to them and sometimes they are unable to switch off from this kind of communication.

The Past Versus the Present

Previously, people used to write letters and it took many days for these letters to reach the recipients. The whereabouts of the people were not known. However, in today’s world people can easily find out the whereabouts of others through technology. Previously, people used telephones to communicate. At present, most people communicate through mobile phones and connect with others easily through advanced technology.

Technology and the Youth

The youth depend heavily on technology. Generation Y is smart and knows the use of various gadgets which are unknown to Generation X and Baby Boomers. They use iPods and cell phones with the latest features, and sometimes they cannot get away from all these gadgets easily. They work on laptops and operate everything at the click of the mouse. Students also make use of growing technology to do their projects and research work, to deliver better results. They depend too much on technology. People have got used to technology to such an extent that they can’t live without it. The moment they wake up from their bed and the last thing they do before going to sleep is to check their mobile phones for any messages or calls they may have received. Hence, technology has become an integral part of the life of human beings.

Is Technology a Boon or a Bane?

Technology was invented by man. People all around the world are used to it. There are several advantages of technology. People can access a lot of information through the internet. They can communicate through their cell phones. They can use planes to go from one place to another. Also, satellites are used for forecasting weather and to know about what is happening around the world. However, technology has several demerits also. If we sit in front of the computer screen for a long time, our eyes get affected adversely. We also get backaches by sitting in front of the computer for a long time. When we use cell phones for a prolonged period, it affects our heart and ears adversely. By listening to songs loudly with the help of ear plugs, we are constantly blasting music in our ears, and this can have an adverse effect over a period of time. In this way, technology has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Technology and Scientists

Scientists invent new technologies such as robots that can handle many kinds of tasks. Nowadays, a device has been invented for the blind people through which they can see, but in black and white only. Scientists work hard and smart to invent new things. Globally, people brand Steve Jobs as an innovative leader. The iPod is a great example of innovation. He made it happen as he consistently worked hard for 12 years, brainstorming with software, hardware and various design experts to come up with the most brilliant ideas.

Technology in Movies

Movies like Transformers, Avatar, I Robot and Clash of the Titans have been created with advanced technology and graphics. In the film Transformers, cars were converted into living robots wherein a few were good while a few were bad. The intention of any technology is to do human good, not bad. Films ultimately focus on the triumph of good over evil. Avatar is a graphic movie in which all animated things appeared real. I Robot is a movie in which there were plenty of robots controlled by a large energy source. That energy source tried to make the robots bad but one was not transformed and remained good. In this way, everything depends on how we use it.

Now that you know the pros and cons of technology, remember that you must always use technology with caution. As every coin has two sides, technology too has been both a boon and a bane. It depends on how we will make use of it. Hence, use technology wisely for the benefit of mankind.

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