Chapter Seventeen

Take Care of Your Health

If you have health, you probably will be happy, and if you have health and happiness, you have all the wealth you need, even if it is not all you want.


Elbert Hubbard

Most people neglect their health due to their hectic schedules and work pressures, resulting in several health complications. Employees spend a lot of time in the workplace and students spend a lot of time in studies. They don’t realize just how much they are neglecting their health; this realization dawns of them at a later age. In fact, there are two things people must be careful about—good physical health and good mental health. Good physical health is possible by regularly hitting the gym, walking, jogging, swimming or taking part in other physical exercises. Good mental health is possible when people keep their minds clean with a positive attitude and recharge themselves regularly by reading good books. Taking care of both physical and mental health enables people to lead their lives energetically and enthusiastically. This chapter discusses health which is, in fact, the real wealth for all of us.

Youth and Health

At present, the youth face several health challenges. They don’’t take care of their health due to academic pressures and deadlines. They are more concerned about their percentage in examinations rather than their health. Due to long hours spent at the study table and in front of the computer, they develop aches and pains, or face the problem of obesity. Especially during the time of examinations, a few students develop several health problems such as fever, cold, cough, headache, etc. Sometimes students also eat junk food too often and they eat their meals at irregular times. All this affects their health adversely.

Avoid Excess Fat

Excessive fat develops when people lead a sedentary life. It also develops when people eat junk food. Hence, people must avoid taking oily and junk food. They must also avoid eating excessive sweets. They must eat their food on time and eat at regular intervals. They must eat more fruits to maintain high energy levels. People must hit the gym regularly. If required, they can go for swimming. This is the best form of exercise as the entire body is put through exercise while swimming.

Tips for Good Health

Our body structures are different. Some of us are thin while others are fat. However, do remember that it is important for all of us to live a healthy life, enjoying both physical and mental well-being. Here are some tips that can help you lead a healthy life:

  • Take regular breaks to avoid getting stressed out which leads to a burn out eventually. Learn to balance your work and life so that you provide meaning to your life.
  • Be well-informed about health and nutrition. Read regular updates on this and adopt the best practices to eat right.
  • Follow a proper and nutritious diet. Eat leafy vegetables, fruits and salads to maintain good health.
  • Say no to drugs, alcohol and smoking. Preferably, avoid taking non-vegetarian food.
  • Hit the gym regularly, go for jogging, do meditation or yoga.
  • Learn to laugh as it is a good stress buster.
  • Drink plenty of water as it keeps you hydrated and helps flush out toxins from your body.
  • Sleep well for 8 hours daily. If you have deep sleep for 6 hours, then it is enough to make your body energized and keep you fit mentally and physically.
  • Above all, develop the attitude of gratitude. Help others and expect less from others to build more relations. Healthy relations develop your mind positively and provide you positive perspective about this world.

A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body

Health doesn’t mean physical health alone, as many people think. It includes mental health as well. It is rightly said, ‘a healthy mind resides in a healthy body’. Therefore, you must keep your mind healthy by associating with positive people who fuel your mind with positive thoughts and ideas. Having negative friends saps mental energies. Besides, you must read good books that are motivational and inspirational, providing food for thought and progress. The right books, right friends and positive people around you will help you develop healthy mental health. This must be practised regularly for maintaining good mental health. At the same time, to keep your physique good and healthy, you must hit the gym or go walking. Only when you have both a healthy body with a healthy mind, you will be able to grow and prosper rapidly. You can face challenges squarely as our life is beset with several challenges. The coming generations will face bigger challenges than the present generation due to the growing complexity and uncertainty across the world.

Quentin Regestein remarked, ‘The … patient should be made to understand that he or she must take charge of his own life. Don’t take your body to the doctor as if he were a repair shop’. People must take care of their health right from the beginning by following proper discipline in taking the right food, doing exercises and following the right practices. What man ultimately needs is peace and love, which is possible only when health is good. Don’t neglect your health. Just as people plan their financial requirements at an early age, they must also plan and adopt right methods and practices to maintain good health throughout their lives.

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