Chapter 5. The Index Distribution Architecture

In the previous chapter, we were focused on improving the user search experience. We started with using the terms and phrase suggester to correct typos in user queries. In addition to that, we used the completion suggester to create an efficient, index time-calculated autocomplete functionality. Finally, we saw what Elasticsearch tuning may look like. We started with a simple query; we added multi match queries, phrase queries, boosts, and used query slops. We saw how to filter our garbage results and how to improve phrase match importance. We used n-grams to avoid misspellings as an alternate method to using Elasticsearch suggesters. We also discussed how to use faceting to allow our users to narrow down search results and thus simplify the way in which they can find the desired documents or products. By the end of this chapter, we will have covered:

  • Choosing the right amount of shards and replicas
  • Routing
  • Shard allocation behavior adjustments
  • Using query execution preference

Choosing the right amount of shards and replicas

In the beginning, when you started using Elasticsearch, you probably began by creating the index, importing your data to it and, after that, you started sending queries. We are pretty sure all worked well—at least in the beginning when the amount of data and the number of queries per second were not high. In the background, Elasticsearch created some shards and probably replicas as well (if you are using the default configuration, for example), and you didn't pay much attention to this part of the deployment.

When your application grows, you have to index more and more data and handle more and more queries per second. This is the point where everything changes. Problems start to appear (you can read about how we can handle the application's growth in Chapter 8, Improving Performance). It's now time to think about how you should plan your index and its configuration to rise with your application. In this chapter, we will give you some guidelines on how to handle this. Unfortunately, there is no exact recipe; each application has different characteristics and requirements, based on which, not only does the index structure depend, but also the configuration. For example, these factors can be ones like the size of the document or the whole index, query types, and the desired throughput.

Sharding and overallocation

You already know from the Introducing Elasticsearch section in Chapter 1, Introduction to Elasticsearch, what sharding is, but let's recall it. Sharding is the splitting of an Elasticsearch index to a set of smaller indices, which allows us to spread them among multiple nodes in the same cluster. While querying, the result is a sum of all the results that were returned by each shard of an index (although it's not really a sum, because a single shard may hold all the data we are interested in). By default, Elasticsearch creates five shards for every index even in a single-node environment. This redundancy is called overallocation: it seems to be totally not needed at this point and only leads to more complexity when indexing (spreading document to shards) and handling queries (querying shards and merging the results). Happily, this complexity is handled automatically, but why does Elasticsearch do this?

Let's say that we have an index that is built only of a single shard. This means that if our application grows above the capacity of a single machine, we will face a problem. In the current version of Elasticsearch, there is no possibility of splitting the index into multiple, smaller parts: we need to say how many shards the index should be built of when we create that index. What we can do is prepare a new index with more shards and reindex the data. However, such an operation requires additional time and server resources, such as CPU time, RAM, and mass storage. When it comes to the production environment, we don't always have the required time and mentioned resources. On the other hand, while using overallocation, we can just add a new server with Elasticsearch installed, and Elasticsearch will rebalance the cluster by moving parts of the index to the new machine without the additional cost of reindexing. The default configuration (which means five shards and one replica) chosen by the authors of Elasticsearch is the balance between the possibilities of growing and overhead resulting from the need to merge results from a different shard.

The default shard number of five is chosen for standard use cases. So now, this question arises: when should we start with more shards or, on the contrary, try to keep the number of shards as low as possible?

The first answer is obvious. If you have a limited and strongly defined data set, you can use only a single shard. If you do not, however, the rule of thumb dictates that the optimal number of shards be dependent on the target number of nodes. So, if you plan to use 10 nodes in the future, you need to configure the index to have 10 shards. One important thing to remember is that for high availability and query throughput, we should also configure replicas, and it also takes up room on the nodes just like the normal shard. If you have one additional copy of each shard (number_of_replicas equal to one), you end up with 20 shards—10 with the main data and 10 with its replicas.

To sum up, our simple formula can be presented as follows:

Sharding and overallocation

In other words, if you have planned to use 10 shards and you like to have two replicas, the maximum number of nodes that will hold the data for this setup will be 30.

A positive example of overallocation

If you carefully read the previous part of this chapter, you will have a strong conviction that you should use the minimal number of shards. However, sometimes, having more shards is handy, because a shard is, in fact, an Apache Lucene index, and more shards means that every operation executed on a single, smaller Lucene index (especially indexing) will be faster. Sometimes, this is a good enough reason to use many shards. Of course, there is the possible cost of splitting a query into multiple requests to each and every shard and merge the response from it. This can be avoided for particular types of applications where the queries are always filtered by the concrete parameter. This is the case with multitenant systems, where every query is run in the context of the defined user. The idea is simple; we can index the data of this user in a single shard and use only that shard during querying. This is in place when routing should be used (we will discuss it in detail in the Routing explained section in this chapter).

Multiple shards versus multiple indices

You may wonder whether, if a shard is the de-facto of a small Lucene index, what about true Elasticsearch indices? What is the difference between having multiple small shards and having multiple indices? Technically, the difference is not that great and, for some use cases, having more than a single index is the right approach (for example, to store time-based data such as logs in time-sliced indices). When you are using a single index with many shards, you can limit your operations to a single shard when using routing, for example. When dealing with indices, you may choose which data you are interested in; for example, choose only a few of your time-based indices using the logs_2014-10-10,logs_2014-10-11,... notation. More differences can be spotted in the shard and index-balancing logic, although we can configure both balancing logics.


While sharding lets us store more data than we can fit on a single node, replicas are there to handle increasing throughput and, of course, for high availability and fault tolerance. When a node with the primary shard is lost, Elasticsearch can promote one of the available replicas to be a new primary shard. In the default configuration, Elasticsearch creates a single replica for each of the shards in the index. However, the number of replicas can be changed at any time using the Settings API. This is very convenient when we are at a point where we need more query throughput; increasing the number of replicas allows us to spread the querying load on more machine, which basically allows us to handle more parallel queries.

The drawback of using more replicas is obvious: the cost of additional space used by additional copies of each shard, the cost of indexing on nodes that host the replicas, and, of course, the cost of data copy between the primary shard and all the replicas. While choosing the number of shards, you should also consider how many replicas need to be present. If you select too many replicas, you can end up using disk space and Elasticsearch resources, when in fact, they won't be used. On the other hand, choosing to have none of the replicas may result in the data being lost if something bad happens to the primary shard.

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