
Note: Page numbers followed by ‘f’ and ‘t’ denote figures and tables, respectively.


A/B testing, 54

access management, 67

action, system of interaction and, 3

affinity mapping, 45, 46f

Agile methods, 67

Agile planning, 23

airline customer (example), 2

ALM (Application Lifecycle Management), 2425

Android, 55

AngularJS mobile app architecture, 58, 59f

API/invocation analytics, 64

API keys, 126

API management, 66

discovery/documentation, 66

management, 66

API protocols

enterprise mobile applications, 8081

API/reverse proxy, 64

app icons, 37

Apple, 5, 55, 57

Apple App Store, 68

Apple iOS, 60

Apple Pay, 62

Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), 2425

application logic/API implementation, 64

application programming interface (API), 19

app stores

as additional asynchronous deployment step, 121

private, using, 126

architecture, mobile app

complete picture for, 68, 69f

device components

enterprise SDKs, 62

management agent, 62

mobile apps, 6162

offline capabilities, 62

vendor frameworks, 62

enterprise network components, 68

four-tier mobile cloud solution architecture, 61, 62f

high-level, for cloud-hosted mobile app, 6061, 61f

provider cloud service components

API management, 66

data services, 66

enterprise transformation and connectivity, 6768

mobile backend, 6465

mobile business applications, 6566

mobile device management (MDM), 65

mobile gateway, 6364

security services, 67

public network components

content delivery networks (CDN), 63

DNS server, 63

edge services, 63

Firewall, 63

Load Balancer, 63

mobile provider network, 63

assets, 9, 1011t

authentication/authorization mechanisms, 64, 8283

automated mobile app testing

crowd-sourced testing, 104105

device clouds, 103104

devices, 103

emulators, 103

image recognition, 107

improvement, 1827

vs. manual testing, 100101

mobile test automation techniques, 105

preproduction vs. postrelease, 101103

programmatic instrumentation, 105106

random generated mobile tests, 106

service virtualization, for mobile code isolation, 105

simulators, 103

strengths, 101


deployment pipeline, 2123, 22f

DevOps and, 118


backend services simulation, mobile DevOps and, 123124, 124f

B2C space, mobile app development and, 56

B2E/B2B, mobile app development and, 56

beta testing, 54

Blackberry, 55, 60

Boston Technology Corporation, 76

bring-your-own-device (BYOD) practice, 60, 7576, 87, 103

build and deployment pipeline, defined, 115

business analytics and reporting, 66

business factors, mobile app development and, 1, 56

business process innovation, 12

drivers, 3

“Hail Cab” (example), 3

methodology, 3

Business Process Management, 78

Business-to-Consumer (B2C) effort, 11

Business-to-Employee (B2E) effort, 11

BYOD. See bring-your-own-device (BYOD) practice


caches, 66

campaign management, 31, 6566

CastIron, 17

certificates, 126

cloud-based and on-premise backends mobile apps, mixture of, 77

cloud computing

four-tier mobile cloud solution architecture, 61, 62f

high-level architecture for cloud-hosted mobile app, 6061, 61f

mobile app development and, 5861, 61f

cloud deployment

hybrid, 72

private, 72

public, 72

cloud-hosted third party services, 3

cloud services

IaaS, 7172

PaaS, 72

provider, components

API management, 66

data services, 66

enterprise transformation and connectivity, 6768

mobile backend, 6465

mobile business applications, 6566

mobile device management (MDM), 65

mobile gateway, 6364

security services, 67

code-centric testing, 2021

code/coding, 3

code signing, 121

competitive analysis, 46

connectivity, enterprise, 6768

consume-ability, mobile apps, 5

content delivery networks (CDN), 63

contextual inquiry, 45

continuous delivery, defined, 114

continuous integration, 121122

defined, 113114

continuous monitoring, defined, 115

continuous testing, defined, 114

Core Data, 62


of quality, 100

vs. revenue, mobile app development and, 57

crash data capture and analysis, 108109

crowd-sourced testing, 104105

CSS, 55

customer experience (CX), 31

Customer Relationship Management (CRM), 78


dashboarding, DevOps and, 117

data and application protection, 67

data loss prevention, enterprise mobile applications and, 93

DataPower, 17

DataPower XG45 Security Gateway (IBM), 8486, 85t, 86f, 87f

data protection, 76

data services, 66

caches, 66

file repositories, 66

mobile app data/NoSQL, 66

data sources, 5960

data store and synchronization, enterprise mobile applications and, 92

data transformation, 6768

data visualization, mobile app development and, 57

delivery, mobile apps, 67


IBM DevOps solution and, 116

mobile app, 7174

hybrid, 72

IaaS cloud service, 7173

PaaS cloud service, 72, 7374

private, 72

public, 72

mobile app build and delivery pipeline, 121122, 122f

pipeline automation, 2123, 22f


for enterprise mobile, 42

IBM way, 42 (See also IBM design framework)

core practices, 4344

design thinking framework, 4445

importance of, 37

Information architecture, 38

interaction, 38

methods, 4546

evaluation, 5354

exploring, 4650

prototype, 50, 5253

understanding, 4546


downloading app, 39, 39f

everyday use, 40, 41f

get support, 42, 43f

getting started, 3940, 40f

leverage and extend, 42

manage and upgrade, 42

research, 38

scope, in mobile app development, 37

visual, 38

design research, 38

design thinking framework, 4445

evaluation, 4445

explore, 44

prototypes, 44

understand, 44

desktops, 1

detection, system of interaction and, 3

device analytics, 65

device clouds, 103104

devices, test, 103

DevOps, 1112, 60, 99, 113126. See also mobile DevOps

best practices

automation, 118

dashboarding, 117

monitoring, 118119

planning and tracking, 116117

testing, 118

version control systems, 117


app stores and additional asynchronous deployment step, 121

fragmented platforms, 119

mobile applications front a complex enterprise back office, 119120, 120f

security, code signing, and keystores, 121

testing, 121

definitions, 113115

as enterprise capability, 12 (See also enterprise mobile development lifecycle)

essential view of (mobile developer perspective), 1213, 13f

IBM DevOps solution, 115

development and testing, 116

monitor and optimize, 116

plan and measurement, 115

release and deployment, 116

mobile, best practices

backend services simulation, 123124, 124f

continuous integration/delivery and automate builds and deployments, 121122, 122f

deployed application and backend server performance monitoring, 124126, 125f

governance of provisioning profiles, certificates, and API keys, centralization of, 126

private app store use, 126

real user feedback conversion to enhancements, 126

testing each build, 122123, 123f

overview, 113

diagramming, 45

DNS server, 63

documentation, API management, 66

downloading, design principles and, 39, 39f


e-commerce, 77

edge services, 63

empathy mapping, 47, 49f

Employee Self-Service Portal, 78

emulators, 103

engaging systems. See also systems of interaction

formula for designing, 23

enterprise app distribution, 65

enterprise applications, 68

enterprise backend system, 7576

mobile app connecting with, 7677

enterprise connectivity, architectural choices for secured, 9598, 96f, 98f

enterprise data, 68

Enterprise Document Management, 78

Enterprise Information Systems, 78

enterprise mobile applications. See also mobile apps

API protocols, 8081

enterprise backend and, 7576

IBM DataPower XG45 Security Gateway, 8486, 85t, 86f, 87f

IBM Worklight security integration framework, 9091, 90f, 91f

IT backend systems, 7880

IT services and data, connecting with, 7677

management challenges

data loss prevention, 93

Geo-fencing, 93

IBM MaaS360 (example product), 9495

mobile device management, 9394

remote wipe, 93

usage reporting and analytics, 94

mobile devices security and, 8687, 88f

loss and theft, 8789

malware, 89

phishing, 90

overview, 75

secured data store and synchronization, 92

secured enterprise connectivity, architectural choices for, 9598, 96f, 98f

security integration, 8184, 83f

enterprise mobile development, 78

enterprise mobile development lifecycle, 934

assets, 9, 1011t

DevOps and, 1112

essential view of (mobile developer perspective), 1213, 13f

overview, 9

Sprint 1 (“Hello World”—initial operating capability and prototype), 1418

Sprint 2 (“Hello DevOps!”—improve developer productivity), 1923

Sprint 3 (“software delivery is a team sport!”), 2327

Sprint 4 (“ruggedized for appstore”), 2729

Sprint 5 (“optimizing enterprise DevOps”), 2934

enterprise network, components, 68

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), 78

Enterprise Service Bus, 17

enterprise transformation and connectivity, 6768

enterprise user directory, 68

enrichment, system of interaction and, 3

estimated time of arrival (ETA), 3

ethnography, 45


design methods, 5354

A/B testing, 54

beta testing, 54

heuristic evaluation, 5354

surveys, 53

user testing interviews, 54

design thinking and, 4445

everyday use of app, design principles and, 40, 41f

experience journey map, 48, 50f


design methods, 4650

empathy mapping, 47, 49f

experience journey map, 48, 50f

idea grids, 48, 51f

need statements, 47

systems mapping, 46, 47f, 48f

design thinking and, 44

extending, app, 42

eXtensible Markup Language (XML), 9, 76, 81, 95


Facebook, 59

feedback, conversion to enhancements, 126

file repositories, 66

Firewalls, 63, 72, 73, 77

form factors, mobile apps, 4

formula, for systems of interaction designing, 23

four-tier mobile cloud solution architecture, 61, 62f

fragmentation, mobile apps, 119

frequency of usage, mobile app development and, 57

FURPS, 2728

FURPS+, 28


Geo-fencing, 93

getting started experience, design principles and, 3940, 40f, 41f

goals, design principles and, 3940, 40f

Google Android, 60

Google Play, 68, 89

Google Wallet, 62


“Hail Cab” (example), 3

heuristic evaluation, 5354

hi-fidelity prototyping, 50, 53f

high-level architecture, for cloud-hosted mobile app, 6061, 61f

Hills, 43

HTML5, 6, 55, 58

human-technology interaction, forms of, 2

hybrid cloud deployment, 72

hybrid development, 55

hybrid mobile apps, 58

implementation of, 6


IaaS. See Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud service

IBM, 2, 4, 9

IBM Cloudant®, 92

IBM Cloud Orchestrator, 23

IBM Custom Information Control System (CICS), 78

IBM DataPower XG45 Security Gateway, 8486, 85t, 86f, 87f

IBM design framework, 42

core practices, 4344

Hills, 43

playbacks, 43

sponsor users, 43

design methods, 4554

evaluation, 5354

exploring, 4650

prototype, 50, 5253

understanding, 4546

design thinking, 4445

evaluation, 4445

explore, 44

prototypes, 44

understand, 44

IBM Design Language, 39

IBM DevOps solution, 115

development and testing, 116

monitor and optimize, 116

plan and measurement, 115

release and deployment, 116

IBM Information Management System (IMS), 78

IBM® InfoSphere Optim Test Data Management, 27

IBM MaaS360 (example product), 9495

IBM MobileFirst Platform Application Center, 22, 22f, 3334

IBM MobileFirst Platform Developer Mobile Browser Simulator, 18, 18f

IBM MobileFirst Reference Architecture, 28

IBM Mobile Quality Assurance service, 107108, 110

IBM Rational Test Workbench, 105

IBM Security AppScan, 28, 29f

IBM’s WebSphere Portal, 79

IBM® UrbanCode Deploy, 2122, 22f

IBM® UrbanCode Release, 23

IBM WebSphere Cast Iron Hypervisor Edition, 97

IBM WebSphere Cast Iron Studio, 9798, 98f

IBM Worklight security integration framework, 83, 83f, 9091, 90f, 91f, 96, 96f

idea grids, 48, 51f

identity and access management, 67

iFrame, 58

image recognition automated mobile tests, 107

implementation technology, choice of, 56

hybrid, 6

native, 56

web applications, 6

Information architecture, 38

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud service, 7173

innovation, in business process, 12

drivers, 3

input methods, 45

integration. See also continuous integration

enterprise developer, 2930

IT backend systems and mobile apps, 7880

organizational boundaries, mobile app development and, 58

security, 8184

interaction characteristics, mobile apps, 23

interaction design, 38

Internet, 1


stakeholder, 46

user, 45

user testing, 54

iOS 7, 76

iPhone, 55

native implementation for, 5

IT backend systems, for enterprise mobile applications, 7880

IT services and data, connecting with, 7677


Java EE, 55

Java Message Service (JMS), 80

JavaScript, 6, 55

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), 60, 76, 96

JSON Based Remote Procedure Call (JSON-RPC), 81


“killer app,” of 21st century, 2


laptops, 1

lifecycle. See enterprise mobile development lifecycle

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server, 84

Lightweight Third Party Authentication (LTPA), 84

Load Balancer, 63, 72, 73

load performance testing, 109

Local Area Networks, 76

location services, 64

loss and theft, mobile devices, 8789

Low, George M., 9

low-fidelity prototyping, 50


MaaS360 (IBM’s, as example product), 9495

malware, 89

management, app, 42

management agents, 62

manual mobile app testing, 107108

advantages, 18

vs. automated testing, 100101

improvement, 1827

MBaaS (Mobile Backend as a Service), 82

MDM. See mobile device management (MDM)

MEAP (Mobile Enterprise Application Platform), 82

Microsoft, 55

Microsoft Windows® Phone, 60

mobile app data, 66

mobile app lifecycle, stages of, 5859

mobile app operational analytics, 64

mobile apps, 55, 6162. See also enterprise mobile applications

agile development, 67

automated testing (See automated mobile app testing)

consume-ability, 5

delivery, 67

form factors, 4

gestures, 4

implementation choices, 56

hybrid, 6

native, 56

web applications, 6

input methods, 45

interaction characteristics, 23

omni-channel, 2

recommendations, 48

systems of interaction, 12

airline customer (example), 2

“Hail Cab” (example), 3

testing, 7 (See also testing)

usability, 45

user interaction

design, 45

technology, 4

mobile apps, development

agile methods, 60

Angular architecture, 58, 59f

approach, factors for choosing

B2C or B2E/B2B, 56

business factors, 56

cost vs. revenue, 57

data visualization, 57

existing skills, 57

frequency of usage, 57

good enough not to notice, 57

multi-channel business context, 57

organizational boundaries, integration across, 58

target audience, 57

architectural components (See also architecture, mobile app)

complete picture for, 68, 69f

enterprise network components, 68

mobile device components, 6162

provider cloud service components, 6368

public network components, 63

cloud and, 5861, 61f

deployment considerations, 7174

design scope in, 37 (See also design/designing)

mobile app lifecycle, stages of, 5859

mobile banking as case study and, 6871, 70f

reasons for, 1

strategy, 58

mobile app security, 65

mobile backend, 6465

application logic/API implementation, 64

location services, 64

mobile app operational analytics, 64

mobile app security, 65

mobile data sync, 64

push notifications, 64

Mobile Backend as a Service (MBaaS), 82

mobile banking (case study), 6871, 70f

mobile business applications, 65

business analytics and reporting, 66

campaign management, 6566

proximity services and analytics, 65

workflow/rules, 66

mobile client resource metrics, 109110

mobile code isolation, service virtualization and, 105

mobile data sync, 64

mobile development lifecycle. See enterprise mobile development lifecycle

mobile device components

enterprise SDKs, 62

management agent, 62

mobile apps, 6162

offline capabilities, 62

vendor frameworks, 62

mobile device management (MDM), 65

device analytics, 65

enterprise app distribution, 65

enterprise mobile applications and, 9394

mobile device security, 65

mobile devices

security considerations, enterprise mobile applications and, 65, 8687, 88f

loss and theft, 8789

malware, 89

phishing, 90

use of, 1

mobile DevOps. See also DevOps

best practices

backend services simulation, 123124, 124f

continuous integration/delivery and automate builds and deployments, 121122, 122f

deployed application and backend server performance monitoring, 124126, 125f

governance of provisioning profiles, certificates, and API keys, centralization of, 126

private app store use, 126

real user feedback conversion to enhancements, 126

testing each build, 122123, 123f


app stores and additional asynchronous deployment step, 121

fragmented platforms, 119

mobile applications front a complex enterprise back office, 119120, 120f

security, code signing, and keystores, 121

testing, 121

Mobile Enterprise Application Platform (MEAP), 82

MobileFirst Platform Developer Edition, 15, 19

mobile gateway, 6364

API/invocation analytics, 64

API/reverse proxy, 64

authentication/authorization, 64

policy enforcement, 64

mobile provider network, 63

Mobile Quality Assurance (MQA), IBM’s, 1920, 23, 32, 32f–33f

mobile test automation techniques, 105

mobile web, 55


continuous, defined, 115

DevOps and, 118119

deployed application and backend server performance, 124126, 125f

IBM DevOps solution and, 116

Moore, Geoffrey, 119

multi-channel business context, mobile app development and, 57

multi-tier architecture, 7


native mobile app implementations, 56

advantage, 56

iPhone, 5

need statements, 47

nonkeyboard input methods, 5

NoSQL database, 60, 66


OAuth, 77, 81

Objective-C language, 5, 55

offline capabilities, 62

omni-channel, 2, 3

On Demand services, 97

Open Data Protocol (OData), 81

open source software (OSS), 28

optimization, IBM DevOps solution and, 116


PaaS. See Platform as a Service (PaaS) cloud service

paper prototype, 50, 52f

perceive, system of interaction and, 3

performance testing, 109

load and stress, 109

personal computers (PCs), 1

phishing, 90

PKI. See Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)


DevOps and, 116117

IBM DevOps solution and, 115

Platform as a Service (PaaS) cloud service, 72, 7374

playbacks, 43

policy enforcement service, 64

postrelease phase vs. preproduction, 101103

preproduction phase vs. postrelease, 101103

private app store, using, 126

private cloud deployment, 72

programmatic instrumentation, mobile app, 105106

progressive discovery approach, 4


design methods, 50, 5253

hi-fidelity prototyping, 50, 53f

low-fidelity prototyping, 50

paper prototype, 50, 52f

wireframes, 50, 52f

design thinking and, 44

rapid, 1417, 15f, 16f

provider cloud service, components

API management, 66

data services, 66

enterprise transformation and connectivity, 6768

mobile backend, 6465

mobile business applications, 6566

mobile device management (MDM), 65

mobile gateway, 6364

security services, 67

provisioning profiles, 126

proximity services and analytics, 65

public cloud deployment, 72

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), 82

public network, components

content delivery networks (CDN), 63

DNS server, 63

edge services, 63

Firewall, 63

Load Balancer, 63

mobile provider network, 63

push notifications, 64


quality. See also testing

cost of, 100

focus on, 100

importance of, 99100

user sentiment as measure of, 110

quality assurance (QA), 1920, 19f, 20f, 32, 32f–33f


random generated (monkey) mobile tests, 106

rapid prototyping, 1417, 15f, 16f

Rational Application Developer (RAD) IDE, 15

Rational Quality Manager (RQM), 26

Rational Software Architect (RSA)/Design Manager, 16

relational database, 78

release planning

defined, 115

IBM DevOps solution and, 116

remote wipe, 93

Representational State Transfer (ReST or REST) protocol, 81

Representational State Transfer (ReSTful) services, 76

research, design, 38

responsive design approach, 4

responsive web design, 79

revenue vs. cost, mobile app development and, 57

reviews, positive, 37

Rich Page Editor, 1416, 15f

S, 77

SDKs. See Software Development Kits (SDKs)

security, 121

security integration, enterprise mobile applications, 8184, 83f

security intelligence, 67

security services, 67

data and application protection, 67

identity and access management, 67

security intelligence, 67

service virtualization, mobile code isolation and, 105

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), 8081

simulators, 103

Single Sign-On (SSO), 8283

skills, mobile app development and, 57

smartphones, 1, 55

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), 8081

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), 97, 107

Software Development Kits (SDKs), 14, 62, 81, 82, 95

sponsor users, 43

Sprint 1 (“Hello World”–-initial operating capability and prototype), 1418

enterprise services and data (integration), 17, 17f

manual testing, 18

simulate/preview (testing), 18, 18f

turning primary user story into basic UI (design), 14

UI mock-ups and rapid prototyping (design), 1417, 15f

Sprint 2 (“Hello DevOps!”–-improve developer productivity), 1923

code-centric and unit testing, 2021

deployment pipeline automation, 2123, 22f

productivity with wizards and mobile platform portability, 19

quality assurance and testing “in the wild,” 1920, 19f, 20f

Sprint 3 (“software delivery is a team sport!”), 2327

agile planning, 23

application lifecycle management (ALM) imperatives, 2425, 25f

manual, automating user interface tests improvement, and test data management, 2627, 26f

work items (defects, enhancement requests), 23, 24f

Sprint 4 (“ruggedized for appstore”), 2729

application quality feedback and analytics, 2829, 29f

“FURPS” and virtualization, 2728

scanning and certification, 28

Sprint 5 (“optimizing enterprise DevOps”), 2934

application versions, updates, and more, 3334, 35f

customer experience (CX) and campaign management, 31

enterprise developer integration, 2930, 30f, 31f

mobile quality assurance, 32, 32f

stakeholder interviews, 46

stress performance testing, 109

support, 42, 43f


advantages, 53

design evaluation, 53

design understanding, 4546

disadvantages, 53

Swift programming language, 5, 55

synchronization, data

enterprise mobile applications and, 92

System of Engagements (SOE), 77, 119

System of Records (SOR). See enterprise backend system

systems mapping, 46, 47f, 48f

systems of interaction, 12. See also mobile apps

airline customer (example), 2


form factors and user input technology, 4

implementation choices, 56

mobile application build and delivery, 67

testing, 6

usability and user interaction design, 45

characteristics, 3

formula for designing, 23

“Hail Cab” (example), 3


tablets, 1

target audience, mobile app development and, 57

TeaLeaf, 31, 32f

testing, 1920, 99110

A/B, 54

automated mobile app

crowd-sourced testing, 104105

device clouds, 103104

devices, 103

emulators, 103

image recognition, 107

mobile test automation techniques, 105

programmatic instrumentation, 105106

random generated mobile tests, 106

service virtualization, for mobile code isolation, 105

simulators, 103

automated vs. manual, 100101

beta, 54

code-centric types of, 2021

continuous, defined, 114

crash data capture and analysis, 108109

DevOps and, 118

IBM DevOps solution and, 116

load and stress performance testing, 109

manual testing, 107108

mobile app, 121, 122123, 123f

mobile apps development and, 7

mobile client resource metrics, 109110

performance, 109

preproduction vs. postrelease, 101103, 102f

quality and, 99100

cost of, 100

focus on, 100

user sentiment as measure of, 110

simulate/preview, 18

unit, 2021

thoroughbred cloud-based mobile apps, 77

tracking, DevOps and, 116117

traditional corporate IT mobile apps, 77

transaction-based systems, 60

transformation, enterprise, 6768

Twitter, 59


UIs. See user interfaces (UIs)

UML, 9


design methods, 4546

affinity mapping, 45, 46f

competitive analysis, 46

contextual inquiry, 45

ethnography, 45

stakeholder interviews, 46

surveys, 4546

user interviews, 45

design thinking and, 44

unit testing, 2021

upgrading, app, 42


mobile app development and, 57

mobile apps, 45

usage frequency, mobile app development and, 57

user-centered design, need for, 45

user feedback, conversion to enhancements, 126

user interaction, mobile apps

design, 45

technology, 4

user interfaces (UIs), 14, 37, 38

mock-ups, 1417, 15f, 16f

user interviews, 45

user sentiment, as measure of quality, 110

user testing interviews, 54


vendor frameworks, 62

version control systems, DevOps, 117

virtualization, 2728

service, mobile code isolation and, 105

Virtual Private Network (VPN), 76, 77

visual design, 38


Watson, Thomas Junior, 14, 37

web applications

implementation, 6

mobile app downloading and, 39, 39f

web-based information, access to, 1

WebSEAL, 8384

WebSphere Cast Iron Live, 9697

WebSphere DataPower appliances, 84

WebSphere DataPower Cast Iron Appliance XH40, 97

Wi-Fi, 63

Wikipedia, 28

wireframes, 14, 50, 52f

workflow/rules engine, 66

Worklight Adapters, 96

Worklight security integration framework (IBM), 83, 83f, 9091, 90f, 91f


WYSIWG approach, 15


XML. See eXtensible Markup Language (XML)

Xtify, 31

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