

2-PC (see two-phase commit protocol)


access control, Security
deployment descriptor, setting in, EJB 1.0: Method-driven access control
EJB 1.0 vs. EJB 1.1, Security
method-driven, EJB 1.0: Method-driven access control, EJB 1.0: Method-driven access control
role-driven, EJB 1.1: Role-driven access control
security roles, using for, EJB 1.1: EJBContext, EJB 1.0: EJBContext
AccessControlEntry class, EJB 1.0: Deployment descriptors, EJB 1.0: Method-driven access control
EJB API, AccessControlEntry
accessing EJB references
EJB Versions 1.0 and 1.1, TravelAgentBean: The bean class
accessors, Set and get methods
(see also set and get methods)
bulk accessors, Bulk Accessors, Rules-of-thumb for bulk accessors
accuracy (in transactions), ACID Transactions
ACID transactions, ACID Transactions, Is the TravelAgent Bean Durable?
atomicity of transactions, ACID Transactions, Is the TravelAgent Bean Atomic?
consistency of transactions, Is the TravelAgent Bean Consistent?
durability of transactions, ACID Transactions, Is the TravelAgent Bean Durable?
isolation in transactions, ACID Transactions, Is the TravelAgent Bean Isolated?
container-managed persistence, Sequence Diagrams for Container-Managed Persistence
entity beans, transition from Pooled to Ready state, Transitioning from the Pooled state to the Ready State via activation
stateful session beans, The Activation Mechanism, The Activation Mechanism
stateless session beans and, Transitioning to the Method-Ready Pool, Life in the Method-Ready Pool
transient fields, Passivated State
ActiveX GUI component model, Benefits of a Standard Server-Side Component Model
actual vs. declared data types, Java RMI Return Types, Parameters, and Exceptions
adapters (beans), Bean Adapters, Bean Adapters
adapter classes, limitations of use, Bean Adapters
API, Enterprise JavaBeans, The Enterprise JavaBeans API, SessionDescriptor
javax.ejb package, Package: javax.ejb, Package: javax.ejb
with GUI fields, Taking a peek at the client view
HTML advantages over, Web Components and EJB
application client component, J2EE Application Client Components, J2EE Application Client Components
application deployment descriptor, J2EE Application Client Components
application exceptions, EJB 1.1 and 1.0: The Java RMI Programming Model, Exception Handling
container-initiated transactions, Container-Initiated Transactions
DuplicateKeyException, DuplicateKeyException
FinderException, The find methods, FinderException
(see also FinderException)
ObjectNotFoundException, ObjectNotFoundException
remote interface
stateful session beans, TravelAgent: The remote interface
stateless session beans, PaymentException: An application exception
RemoveException, RemoveException
stateless session beans, ProcessPayment: The remote interface
system-level exceptions vs., PaymentException: An application exception
in transactions, Application exceptions, Application exceptions
application servers, Component Transaction Monitors
application, assembling beans into, Describing Bean Assembly, The ejb-jar File
distributed objects, Distributed Object Architectures, Rolling Your Own Distributed Object
EJB and servlets/JSP, using together, Web Components and EJB
Enterprise JavaBeans, Architectural Overview, Summary
three-tier, Distributed Objects
array of Strings, converting for storage in relational database, Using ejbLoad() and ejbStore( ) in container-managed beans
assembling beans into an application, Describing Bean Assembly, The ejb-jar File
assembly-descriptor element, EJB 1.1: The Deployment Descriptor, The Descriptor’s Body, Describing Beans, Describing Bean Assembly, The ejb-jar File
asterisk (*) as wildcard for bean methods, Specifying a Bean’s Transactional Attributes, Wildcard declarations
asynchronous messaging, TP Monitors
ATM (automatic teller machine) transactions, ACID Transactions
atomicity of transactions, ACID Transactions, Is the TravelAgent Bean Atomic?
in deployment descriptors, What Is an XML Deployment Descriptor?, Specifying a Bean’s Transactional Attributes
(see also deployment descriptors; XML deployment descriptors)
in remote interface, Cabin: The Remote Interface
transactions, Transaction Attributes, Transaction Propagation
isolation levels, EJB 1.0 transaction isolation control
TX_BEAN_MANAGED, Explicit Transaction Management
XML vs. HTML, What Is an XML Deployment Descriptor?
authentication, Security
application client components and, J2EE Application Client Components
EJB, handling with JNDI, Security
res-auth element, specifying in, EJB 1.1: Using JDBC in EJB, References to External Resources


bean adapters, Bean Adapters, Bean Adapters
bean class, Classes and Interfaces, The bean class
business methods, defining in, The bean class, CabinBean: The Bean Class
callback methods, CabinBean: The Bean Class, Bean Adapters
client API and, Bean metadata
constructors, not defining in, Transitioning to the Method-Ready Pool
container-managed entity beans, The ShipBean Class, The ShipBean Class
create and find methods, Creating and finding beans
declared fields, CabinBean: The Bean Class
defining, The bean class
EJB object, wrapping in, The EJB object
ejb-class element, EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors
in ejb-jar files, The ejb-jar File
entity beans, defining (example), CabinBean: The Bean Class, CabinBean: The Bean Class
find methods, return types for, ejbFind( ) Methods
interfaces, exceptions in, The Business Interface Alternative
newInstance( ), The Pooled State
persistence logic, writing into, Bean-Managed Persistence
private helper method, ProcessPaymentBean: The bean class
remote interface, problems with implementing, Implementing a Common Interface, The Business Interface Alternative
session beans, TravelAgentBean: The Bean Class, EJB 1.0: TravelAgentBean
EJB 1.1, EJB 1.1: TravelAgentBean, EJB 1.1: TravelAgentBean
EJB 1.2, EJB 1.0: TravelAgentBean, EJB 1.0: TravelAgentBean
stateful session beans, TravelAgentBean: The bean class, TravelAgentBean: The bean class
stateless session beans, ProcessPaymentBean: The bean class, ProcessPaymentBean: The bean class
bean instances
business method invocation, Reentrance
concurrent access to, prohibiting in EJB, Concurrency
creating, The Pooled State
sequence of events, ejbCreate() and ejbPostCreate( ) sequence of events
EntityContext, assigning to, EntityContext, EntityContext
initializing with ejbPostCreate( ), ejbPostCreate( )
intra-instance method invocation, Reentrance
life cycle of, Overview of state transitions
(see also life cycle)
passing reference to EntityContext, The EntityContext
pooling, The EntityContext, ejbFind( ) Methods
(see also instance pooling; Pooled state)
Ready state, The Ready State
reentrance, Reentrance
swapping, Overview of state transitions, Instance swapping
Bean Managed transaction attribute, Transaction Attributes Defined
bean-managed persistence (see under persistence)
bean-managed transactions, Explicit Transaction Management, Session and Entity Beans
exceptions in, Bean-Managed Transactions
transaction propagation, Transaction Propagation in Bean-Managed Transactions, Transaction Propagation in Bean-Managed Transactions
beans, Creating and finding beans
(see also bean class; bean instances; individual bean categories)
assembling into application, Describing Bean Assembly, The ejb-jar File
connections to containers, EJB 1.0: Using JDBC in EJB
creating and finding, Creating and finding beans
describing in enterprise-bean element, Describing Beans, Security Roles
finding, Locating Beans with JNDI, Locating Beans with JNDI
handles, The bean handle, Inside the Handle
identity, comparing for, Comparing beans for identity
non-transactional, Non-Transactional Beans
passing by value vs., Dependent Objects
removing, Removing beans, Removing beans, Removing beans
signing on to connection factory, References to External Resources
source code, downloading from O’Reilly web site, Downloading the Missing Pieces
state and sequence diagrams, State and Sequence Diagrams, EJB 1.1: Interactions Between Exceptions and Transactions
transactional attributes, specifying in deployment descriptor, Specifying a Bean’s Transactional Attributes
begin( ) (UserTransaction), Explicit Transaction Management, UserTransaction
binding objects to names or identifiers, Naming
books, ordering online (transactions), ACID Transactions
bulk accessors, Bulk Accessors, Rules-of-thumb for bulk accessors
business concepts, Set and get methods
entity bean relationships vs., Maintaining the database mapping
implementing as entity beans, The Enterprise Bean Component, Entity Beans
business interface, use by bean class and remote interface, The Business Interface Alternative
business logic
encapsulating into business objects, Server-Side Components
encapsulation in stateful session beans, The Stateful Session Bean
problems, representing by application exception, PaymentException: An application exception
business methods
bean class, implementing for bean, Classes and Interfaces
bookPassage( ), The ProcessPayment Bean
defining in bean class, The bean class, CabinBean: The Bean Class, The ShipBean Class
defining in business interface, The Business Interface Alternative
defining in remote interface, Classes and Interfaces, Cabin: The Remote Interface, EJBObject
invocation by clients, Reentrance
returning wide EJB object type, narrowing remote reference, EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject
set and get methods, defining as, The ShipBean Class
on stubs, Distributed Object Architectures, The EJB home
transaction attributes in deployment descriptors, Specifying a Bean’s Transactional Attributes
business objects, Server-Side Components
granularity (scope), Improved Performance with Session Beans
as object servers, Distributed Object Architectures
server-side component models, defining responsibilities of, CTMs and Server-Side Component Models
transactions vs., ACID Transactions
business system transactions (see transactions)
byte arrays and Java serialization (database mapping), Mapping serializable to VARBINARY


C++ language, Server-Side Components
callback methods, The Life Cycle of an Entity Bean
(see also state; life cycle)
defining in bean class, CabinBean: The Bean Class
ejbStore( ) and ejbLoad( ), The ejbLoad( ) and ejbStore( ) Methods
entity beans, The Life Cycle of an Entity Bean
EntityBean interface, The ShipBean Class
state management, The bean class, The Activation Mechanism
unnecessary inclusion in bean class, Bean Adapters
case sensitivity, XML tag names, What Is an XML Deployment Descriptor?
programming language support for, EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject
chaining in stateful session beans, Avoid Chaining Stateful Session Beans
checked subsystem exceptions, Exception Handling, PaymentException: An application exception, EJB 1.1 system exceptions
in transactions, EJB 1.0: Exceptions and Transactions
wrapping in EJBException and RemoteException, Exception Handling
Class class, The Primary Key, The Pooled State
classes, Classes and Interfaces, What about session beans?
(see also bean class)
in component models, Component Models
client applications
container-managed entity beans, The Client Application, The Client Application
entity beans (example), Creating a Client Application, Creating a new Cabin bean
session beans (example), Creating a Client Application, Creating a Client Application
HTML advantages over, Web Components and EJB
PersonClient application (example), Rolling Your Own Distributed Object
session beans as extension of, The Enterprise Bean Component
stateful session beans as extensions of, The Stateful Session Bean
client stubs (see stubs)
client view, EJB, Distributed Objects, The Client View, Inside the Handle
stateful session beans, Taking a peek at the client view
client-initiated transactions, exceptions in, Client-Initiated Transactions
client-jar file, The client-jar File
client-side API, The EJB Client-Side API, Inside the Handle
EJBObject interface, EJBObject, Handle, and Primary Key, Inside the Handle, Getting the EJBHome
primary key, Primary key, Primary key
home interface, The Home Interface, Creating and finding beans, Creating and finding beans
remote interface, The Remote Interface
Identity object, obtaining for, EJB 1.0: EJBContext
JavaBeans component model, Component Models
PersonClient example, Rolling Your Own Distributed Object
security identities, Security
sharing distributed objects, Concurrency
CLIENT_IDENTITY mode, EJB 1.0: Method-driven access control
closing tags, XML vs. HTML, What Is an XML Deployment Descriptor?
cmp-field elements, EJB 1.1: The Deployment Descriptor, Session and Entity Beans
COBOL or PL/1 applications, replacing with business objects, Distributed Objects
code for beans, downloading from O’Reilly web site, Downloading the Missing Pieces
Collection type, The find methods
multi-entity find methods, returning, Making the ShipBean a Bean-Managed Entity
COM (Common Object Model) components, MTS
comments, EJB, versions 1.1 and 1.0, The bean class
commit( ) (UserTransaction), Explicit Transaction Management, UserTransaction
common interface, implementing, The Business Interface Alternative
component models, Component Models, Benefits of a Standard Server-Side Component Model
(see also server-side component models)
enterprise beans (EJB), The Enterprise Bean Component, Deploying a bean
component transaction monitors (see CTMs)
compound primary keys, The Primary Key
hash codes in, Hash Codes in Compound Primary Keys, Well-Distributed Versus Unique Hash Codes
concurrency, Concurrency, Reentrance
policies of entity beans, EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors
reentrance and, Reentrance
stateful session beans, not supporting, The Stateful Session Bean
connection factory, bean signing on to, References to External Resources
connections (network), reducing with session beans, Modeling Workflow with Session Beans
connectivity, J2EE systems with different, Connectivity and Interoperability
consistency of transactions, ACID Transactions, Is the TravelAgent Bean Consistent?
balancing performance against, Balancing Performance Against Consistency, EJB 1.0: Controlling isolation levels
constructors, The Primary Key
defining in bean class, prohibition of, Transitioning to the Method-Ready Pool
no-argument for container-managed persistence, The Primary Key
container-initiated transactions, exceptions in, Container-Initiated Transactions
container-managed persistence (see under persistence)
container-managed transactions, Session and Entity Beans
container-transaction element, EJB 1.1: The Deployment Descriptor, EJB 1.1: Setting a transaction attribute, Describing Bean Assembly
adding enterprise beans to, Deploying a bean
authentication, performing, EJB 1.1: Using JDBC in EJB
bean instances, passivation, Transitioning from the Ready State to the Pooled state via passivation
bean instances, releasing, End of the Life Cycle
connections to beans, EJB 1.0: Using JDBC in EJB
EJB home, generating, The EJB home
enterprise beans and, The Bean-Container Contract, The Container-Server Contract
entity context assignment, The Pooled State
runtime exceptions, automatic handling of, Exception Handling
servers and, The Container-Server Contract
servers vs., Classes and Interfaces
technology changes, The bean handle
Context class, EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject
ControlDescriptor class, EJB 1.0: Deployment descriptors, EJB 1.0: Method-driven access control
EJB API, ControlDescriptor
entity beans (example), EJB 1.0: The Deployment Descriptor
isolation levels in, EJB 1.0 transaction isolation control
session beans (example), EJB 1.0: The TravelAgent Beans’ Deployment Descriptor
conventions, naming, Classes and Interfaces
conversational state, Stateless and stateful session beans, TravelAgentBean: The bean class
data types in, Passivated State
entity beans, The Activation Mechanism
JNDI context (EJB 1.0), not part of, TravelAgentBean: The bean class
object serialization, preserving with, The Activation Mechanism
stateful session beans, The Activation Mechanism, Session Beans, The Stateful Session Bean
stateless session beans, Session Beans, The Stateless Session Bean
CORBA, Distributed Objects, Distributed Objects
connecting to via JavaIDL, Connectivity and Interoperability
CTMs, differences among vendors, EJB and CORBA CTMs
IDL (Interface Definition Language), Distributed Objects
IIOP protocol
casting, not supporting, EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject
Java RMI-IIOP, compliance with, EJB 1.1: Java RMI-IIOP Conformance Requirement
Object Request Brokers (see ORBS)
security and transactions, attempt to standardize, EJB and CORBA CTMs
services, Primary Services
naming service, Locating Beans with JNDI
create( ) (EJBHome), CabinHome: The Home Interface, EJB 1.1 and 1.0: The Java RMI Programming Model
duplicate records, handling, Why use a Reservation entity bean?
ejbCreate( ), matching in home interface, Creating and finding beans
home interface, stateful session beans, TravelAgentHome: The home interface
home interface, stateful session beans, Transitioning to the Method-Ready state
home interface, stateless session beans, ProcessPaymentHome: The home interface
Pooled to Ready state, transition, Transitioning from the Pooled state to the Ready State via creation
remote references and, TravelAgentBean: The bean class
stateless session bean, obtaining remote reference to, Life in the Method-Ready Pool
create methods
beans, initializing, The home interface
defining appropriate, Creating and finding beans
entity beans, without, Entity Beans Without Create Methods
home interface, The EJB home, Creating and finding beans, The Home Interface, The Create Methods
CreateException, CreateException
transactional attributes required in deployment descriptor, Specifying a Bean’s Transactional Attributes
CreateException, The Home Interface, The ejbCreate( ) Method, Application exceptions
EJB API, CreateException
creating and finding beans, Creating and finding beans
CTMs (component transaction monitors), Introduction, Component Transaction Monitors, Component Transaction Monitors, Analogies to Relational Databases, Transactions
common problems, Improved Performance with Session Beans
EJB as standard component model, Architectural Overview
as hybrids of ORBs and TP monitors, CTMs: The Hybrid of ORBs and TP Monitors
relational databases, analogies to, Analogies to Relational Databases
resource management, Resource Management and the Primary Services, The Activation Mechanism, Resource Consumption
server-side component models and, CTMs and Server-Side Component Models, Benefits of a Standard Server-Side Component Model
transactional attributes and, Transaction Attributes
custom primary keys, advantages of, Specifying Primary Keys


data mapping (see database mapping)
data types
actual vs. declared, Java RMI Return Types, Parameters, and Exceptions
container-managed fields, Container-Managed Persistence
conversational state, Passivated State
env-entry-type element, Environment Entries
Eumeration and Collection, The find methods
find methods, returning, ejbFind( ) Methods
Java language, EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject
Java RMI return and parameter types, Java RMI Return Types, Parameters, and Exceptions
JDBC type VARBINARY, Mapping serializable to VARBINARY
multi-entity find methods, returning, Making the ShipBean a Bean-Managed Entity
primary keys, Specifying Primary Keys
Object type for undefined, EJB 1.1: Undefined primary keys
using String and wrapper classes for, Single-field key
strings, array of, converting for storage in relational database, Using ejbLoad() and ejbStore( ) in container-managed beans
database locks (transactions), Isolation and Database Locking, Database Locks, EJB 1.0: Controlling isolation levels
isolation levels, application of, Transaction Isolation Levels, EJB 1.0: Controlling isolation levels
database mapping
bean-managed persistence, bean class fields, Bean-Managed Persistence
business concepts vs. (entity bean relationships), Maintaining the database mapping
byte arrays and Java serialization, Mapping serializable to VARBINARY
entity bean relationships, Maintaining the database mapping
entity beans, Creating a CABIN Table in the Database, EJB 1.0 deployment tools
native Java persistence, Native Java persistence
persistent fields, The primary key
(see also persistence)
primary key, preserving in, Preserving the primary key
vectors, use in, One-to-many database mapping
vendors of EJB containers, tools for, The primary key
database table
SQL definition, Container-Managed Persistence
stateless session beans, definitions for, Downloading the Missing Pieces, PAYMENT: The database table
databases, Obtaining a Connection to the Database
(see also relational databases; object-oriented databases)
access by web componenets using JDBC, Web Components and EJB
container-managed fields, synchronizing to, Using ejbLoad() and ejbStore( ) in container-managed beans
direct access vs. entity beans, Entity Beans
entities, adding to (bean-managed persistence), The ejbCreate( ) Method, The ejbCreate( ) Method
indexing objects, different methods for, EJB 1.1: Undefined primary keys
primary keys as pointers to, Classes and Interfaces
rollback/commit control in updating, Transaction Propagation
in three-tier distributed object architecture, Distributed Objects
updates (stateful session beans), Transactional Stateful Session Beans
DataSource resource factory, declaring, EJB 1.1: Deploying the Bean-Managed Ship Bean
Date, using as primary key, Specifying Primary Keys
DCOM (see under Microsoft)
debugger, IDE with, Setting Up Your Java IDE
declarations, named methods in deployment descirptor, Named method declarations
declarative transactional management, Declarative Transaction Management, Transaction Propagation
declared data types, actual data types vs., Java RMI Return Types, Parameters, and Exceptions
declared fields, bean class, CabinBean: The Bean Class
dependent classes
defining for stateless session bean, Dependent classes: The CreditCard and Check classes
entity beans vs., Dependent classes: The CreditCard and Check classes
passing by value, TravelAgent: The remote interface
dependent objects
passing by value, Passing Objects by Value, Entity Objects
validation rules in, Validation Rules in Dependent Objects, Validation Rules in Dependent Objects
deployment, Deploying a bean
entity beans, Deploying the Cabin Bean, EJB 1.0 deployment tools
EJB 1.0 deployment tools, EJB 1.0 deployment tools
EJB 1.1 deployment tools, Deploying the Cabin Bean
javax.ejb.deployment package, EJB 1.0 deployment tools, Package: javax.ejb.deployment (EJB 1.0 Only), SessionDescriptor
session beans, Deploying the TravelAgent Bean
deployment descriptors
bean-managed entity bean (EJB 1.0), EJB 1.0: Deploying the Bean-Managed Ship Bean
container-managed entity beans
EJB 1.0, EJB 1.0: Deploying the ShipBean, EJB 1.0: Deploying the ShipBean
EJB 1.1, EJB 1.1: Deploying the ShipBean
EJB Version 1.0, EJB 1.0: Deployment descriptors, EJB 1.0: Deployment descriptors, EJB 1.0: The Deployment Descriptor, cabin.jar: The JAR File
EJB Version 1.1, EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors, EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors
isolation levels, assigning (EJB 1.0), EJB 1.0: Controlling isolation levels
JAR files, packaging in, Deployment Descriptors and JAR Files, Deployment Descriptors and JAR Files
properties in, ProcessPaymentBean: The bean class
session beans (EJB 1.0), EJB 1.0: The TravelAgent Beans’ Deployment Descriptor, EJB 1.0: The TravelAgent Beans’ Deployment Descriptor
stateful session beans
EJB 1.0, EJB 1.0: The TravelAgent deployment descriptor, EJB 1.0: The TravelAgent deployment descriptor
timeouts, excluding in EJB 1.1, Session Beans
stateless session bean (EJB 1.0), EJB 1.0: The ProcessPayment bean’s deployment descriptor, EJB 1.0: The ProcessPayment bean’s deployment descriptor
transaction attributes, setting (EJB 1.0), EJB 1.0: Setting a transaction attribute
XML-based, What Is an XML Deployment Descriptor?, The client-jar File, XML Deployment Descriptors
bean-managed entity bean, EJB 1.1: Deploying the Bean-Managed Ship Bean
complete example, The Contents of a Deployment Descriptor
document body, The Descriptor’s Body
EJB references, declaring, TravelAgentBean: The bean class
entity bean, creating for, CabinBean: The Bean Class, EJB 1.0: The Deployment Descriptor
headers, The Document Header
method-permission element, EJB 1.1: Role-driven access control
primkey-field element, Single-field key
resources, connection to, EJB 1.1: Using JDBC in EJB
security roles, EJB 1.1: Role-driven access control
Servlets and Java Server Pages (JSP), packaging, Java 2, Enterprise Edition
session beans, EJB 1.1: TravelAgent Bean’s Deployment Descriptor, EJB 1.1: TravelAgent Bean’s Deployment Descriptor
stateful session beans, EJB 1.1: The TravelAgent deployment descriptor, EJB 1.1: The TravelAgent deployment descriptor
stateless session bean, EJB 1.1: The ProcessPayment bean’s deployment descriptor
transaction attributes, Transaction Attributes
DeploymentDescriptor class, EJB 1.0: Deployment descriptors
access control setting in, EJB 1.0: Method-driven access control
defining, EJB 1.0: Deployment descriptors
EJB API, DeploymentDescriptor
describing bean assembly, Describing Bean Assembly, The ejb-jar File
description element, The Descriptor’s Body
in env-ref element, References to Other Beans
in security-role element of assembly-descriptor, Specifying Security Roles and Method Permissions
in method element, Identifying Specific Methods
in resource-ref element, References to External Resources
in security-role-ref element, Security Roles
in session or entity element, Session and Entity Beans
deserialization, Primary key
(see also object serialization)
primary key, Primary key
design strategies, Design Strategies, Avoid Chaining Stateful Session Beans
bean adapters, Bean Adapters, Bean Adapters
chaining in stateful session beans, avoiding, Avoid Chaining Stateful Session Beans
common interface, implementing, Implementing a Common Interface, The Business Interface Alternative
entity bean relationships, Entity Bean Relationships, Native Java persistence
entity beans, not using, When Entity Beans Are Not an Option, Direct access with object-to-relational mapping tools
hash codes in compound primary keys, Hash Codes in Compound Primary Keys, Well-Distributed Versus Unique Hash Codes
object-to-relational mapping tools, Object-to-Relational Mapping Tools
passing objects by value, Passing Objects by Value, Entity Objects
session beans, improving performance with, Improved Performance with Session Beans, Implementing lists as ResultSets
direct database access
object-to-relational mapping, Direct access with object-to-relational mapping tools
servers supporting session beans only, Direct database access with JDBC
directory services, Locating Beans with JNDI
(see also JNDI)
JNDI drivers for, Locating Beans with JNDI
naming and directory services, distributed objects, Naming, Naming
directory structure
entity bean, Cabin: The Remote Interface
organizing beans in, EJB 1.0: The Deployment Descriptor
session bean, Developing a Session Bean
dirty reads, Dirty, Repeatable, and Phantom Reads, Dirty reads
display-name element, The Descriptor’s Body
session or entity element, Session and Entity Beans
distributed component servers (see CTMs)
distributed object systems
HTTP supporting access from anonymous clients, Web Components and EJB
RMI vs. RPC, TP Monitors
sharing distributed objects among clients, Concurrency
Titan Cruises example, Titan Cruises: An Imaginary Business
distributed objects, Distributed Objects, Distributed Objects, Distributed Objects
architecture for, Distributed Object Architectures, Rolling Your Own Distributed Object
in CTMs, CTMs: The Hybrid of ORBs and TP Monitors
CTMs, providing system-level functionality for, Analogies to Relational Databases
implementing manually (example), Rolling Your Own Distributed Object, Rolling Your Own Distributed Object
location transparency, Rolling Your Own Distributed Object
naming and directory services, Naming, Naming
ORBs and, Object Request Brokers
distributed transactions (2-PC), Transaction Propagation
!DOCTYPE element, EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors, EJB 1.1: The Deployment Descriptor
Document Type Definition (see DTD)
Does Not Exist state, Does Not Exist
stateful session beans, Does Not Exist
stateless session beans, Does Not Exist
transition from Method-Ready Pool to, Transitioning out of the Method-Ready Pool: The death of a stateless bean instance
doGet( ) (Servlet), Servlets
doPost( ) (HttpServlet), Servlets
drivers, JNDI, Locating Beans with JNDI
DTD (Document Type Definition), What Is an XML Deployment Descriptor?
XML-based deployment descriptors, EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors
elements in, EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors
duplicate records, handling in EJB, Why use a Reservation entity bean?
DuplicateKeyException, Why use a Reservation entity bean?, Application exceptions
EJB API, DuplicateKeyException
durability of transactions, ACID Transactions, Is the TravelAgent Bean Durable?


firewall problems, overcoming with HTTP, Web Components and EJB
web components, providing platform for, Web Components and EJB
EAR files (see Enterprise Archive files)
EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans), EJB and CORBA CTMs, Benefits of a Standard Server-Side Component Model
API, The Enterprise JavaBeans API, SessionDescriptor
javax.ejb package, Package: javax.ejb, Package: javax.ejb
javax.ejb.deployment package, Package: javax.ejb.deployment (EJB 1.0 Only), SessionDescriptor
architecture, Architectural Overview, Summary
client view, Distributed Objects, The Client View, Inside the Handle
client-side API, The EJB Client-Side API, Inside the Handle
CTMs, choosing for, CTMs: The Hybrid of ORBs and TP Monitors
declarative transactional management, Declarative Transaction Management, Transaction Propagation
definitions of, Enterprise JavaBeans: Defined
deployment descriptors, EJB 1.0 deployment tools
(see also deployment descriptors)
Version 1.0, EJB 1.0: Deployment descriptors, EJB 1.0: Deployment descriptors
Version 1.1, EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors, EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors
design strategies, Design Strategies, Avoid Chaining Stateful Session Beans
duplicate records, Why use a Reservation entity bean?
implementation independence, Introduction
isolation levels, EJB 1.0 transaction isolation control
J2EE specification for interaction with web components, Web Components and EJB, Future Enhancements
JAR files, contents of, The ejb-jar File
Java Transaction API (JTA), Explicit Transaction Management
JavaBeans vs., Component Models
packages, downloading from Sun Java site, Setting Up Your Java IDE
primary services
cuncurrency, Concurrency, Reentrance
distributed objects, Distributed Objects, Distributed Objects
naming service, Naming, Naming
persistence, Persistence, Legacy persistence
security, Security, What’s Next?
transactions, Transactions
resource management, Resource Management and the Primary Services, The Activation Mechanism
server transaction management, Transaction Propagation
server-side component model, benefits of, Benefits of a Standard Server-Side Component Model
Version 1.1, new features in, New Features in EJB 1.1, Looking Ahead to EJB 2.0
web components and, Web Components and EJB, Web Components and EJB
EJB DTD (Document Type Definition)
elements in, EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors
structuring XML deployment descriptors, EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors
EJB object, The Unseen Pieces, The EJB object
bean entity, associating with, The EntityContext
concurrent access to, Concurrency
ejb-class element, EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors, Session and Entity Beans
ejb-client-jar element, The Descriptor’s Body
ejb-jar element, EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors, EJB 1.1: The Deployment Descriptor
nesting other elements within, The Descriptor’s Body
ejb-jar file, The ejb-jar File
ejb-jar.xml file, EJB 1.1: Packaging the Cabin bean
ejb-link element, References to Other Beans
ejb-name element, EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors, EJB 1.1: Setting a transaction attribute, Describing Beans, Session and Entity Beans, Specifying a Bean’s Transactional Attributes
in method element, Identifying Specific Methods
ejb-ref element, EJB 1.1: TravelAgent Bean’s Deployment Descriptor, Session and Entity Beans
defining bean name in ENC, TravelAgentBean: The bean class
ejb-ref-name element, EJB 1.1: TravelAgent Bean’s Deployment Descriptor
in env-ref element, References to Other Beans
ejb-ref-type element, EJB 1.1: TravelAgent Bean’s Deployment Descriptor
in env-ref element, References to Other Beans
EJB-to-CORBA mapping, Distributed Objects
ejb10-properties subcontext, EJB 1.1: EJBContext
ejbActivate( ), The Activation Mechanism, Transitioning from the Pooled state to the Ready State via activation, Passivated State
(see also activation)
EJBContext interface, The Bean-Container Contract, Overview of state transitions, Environment Entries
defining (EJB 1.0), EJB 1.0: EJBContext, EJB 1.0: EJBContext
defining (EJB 1.1), EJB 1.1: EJBContext, EJB 1.1: EJBContext
rollback methods, EJBContext Rollback Methods
stateless session beans, EJB 1.1: EJBContext
UserTransaction object, obtaining, Transaction Propagation in Bean-Managed Transactions
ejbCreate( ), CabinBean: The Bean Class
adding entity to database, The ejbCreate( ) Method, The ejbCreate( ) Method
bean class, stateful session beans, TravelAgentBean: The bean class
bean instance creation, sequence of events, ejbCreate() and ejbPostCreate( ) sequence of events
container-managed entity beans, The Create Methods, ejbCreate( )
create( ), matching in home interface, Creating and finding beans
stateless session beans, Transitioning to the Method-Ready Pool
EJBException, ejbFind( ) Methods
in bean-managed persistence, Making the ShipBean a Bean-Managed Entity
checked subsystem exceptions, wrapping, Exception Handling
EJB callback methods and, The ejbLoad( ) and ejbStore( ) Methods
Version 1.1, EJBException (1.1)
ejbFind( ), ejbFind( ) Methods
(see also find methods)
entity beans with bean-managed persistence, ejbFind( ) Methods, ejbFind( ) Methods
EJBHome interface, The Unseen Pieces, The EJB home, Deploying a bean, CabinHome: The Home Interface, EJB 1.1 and 1.0: The Java RMI Programming Model, The Home Interface, Getting the EJBHome, EJBHome
(see also home interface)
for EJB 1.1, The Home Interface
locating reference to with JNDI, Naming
reference to, EJB 1.1: TravelAgentBean, EJB 1.0: TravelAgentBean
stateless session bean, ProcessPaymentHome: The home interface
transactional attributes for remove methods, Specifying a Bean’s Transactional Attributes
ejbLoad( ), The Bean-Container Contract, Using ejbLoad() and ejbStore( ) in container-managed beans, The ejbLoad( ) and ejbStore( ) Methods, Transitioning from the Pooled state to the Ready State via activation
bean-managed persistence, use in, The ejbLoad( ) and ejbStore( ) Methods, The ejbLoad( ) and ejbStore( ) Methods
Ready state and, Life in the Ready State
EJBMetaData interface, EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject, Bean metadata
session beans, ProcessPaymentHome: The home interface
EJBObject interface, EJB 1.1 and 1.0: The Java RMI Programming Model
defining, client-side API, EJBObject, Handle, and Primary Key, Inside the Handle
disassociating instances from, The Activation Mechanism
HomeHandle object, retrieving, EJB 1.1: The HomeHandle
implementation strategies, The EJB object
transactional attributes for remove methods, Specifying a Bean’s Transactional Attributes
ejbPassivate( ), The Activation Mechanism, Transitioning from the Ready State to the Pooled state via removal
(see also passivation)
closing JNDI context, TravelAgentBean: The bean class
ejbPostCreate( )
bean instance creation, sequence of events, ejbCreate() and ejbPostCreate( ) sequence of events
container-managed entity beans, ejbPostCreate( )
entity beans, creating, Transitioning from the Pooled state to the Ready State via creation
ejbPostCreate( ) (EJBHome), CabinBean: The Bean Class
ejbRemove( ), Transitioning from the Ready State to the Pooled state via removal
removing bean-managed entities with, The ejbRemove( ) Method
stateless session beans, closing open connections, Transitioning to the Method-Ready Pool
ejbStore( ), The Bean-Container Contract, Using ejbLoad() and ejbStore( ) in container-managed beans
bean-managed persistence, use in, The ejbLoad( ) and ejbStore( ) Methods, The ejbLoad( ) and ejbStore( ) Methods
defining, The ejbLoad( ) and ejbStore( ) Methods
Ready state and, Life in the Ready State
EJB DTD for XML-based deployment descriptors, EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors
tagging in XML document, EJB 1.1: The Deployment Descriptor
XML deployment descriptor, The Descriptor’s Body, Session and Entity Beans
business logic into business objects, Server-Side Components
primary key data, Primary key, Specifying Primary Keys
workflow, in stateful session beans, The Stateful Session Bean
Enterprise Archive (EAR) files, J2EE Fills in the Gaps
contents of, J2EE Fills in the Gaps
enterprise beans, The Enterprise Bean Component, Deploying a bean, Classes and Interfaces, Deploying a bean
(see also beans; entity beans; stateful session beans; stateless session beans)
accessing from client application, Creating a Client Application
adding to containers, Deploying a bean
authentication, performing explicitly, EJB 1.1: Using JDBC in EJB
classes and interfaces, Classes and Interfaces, What about session beans?
containers and, The Bean-Container Contract, The Container-Server Contract
developing your first, Choosing and Setting Up an EJB Server, Creating a Client Application
interacting with other beans, EJB 1.1: TravelAgentBean, EJB 1.0: TravelAgentBean
using (Titan Cruises example), Using Enterprise Beans, Stateless and stateful session beans
Enterprise JavaBeans (see EJB)
Enterprise Resource Planing (ERP) systems, indexing objects to databases, EJB 1.1: Undefined primary keys
enterprise-bean element, Describing Beans, Security Roles
enterprise-beans element, EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors, EJB 1.1: The Deployment Descriptor, The Descriptor’s Body
EnterpriseBean interface, EnterpriseBean
entity beans, Entity Beans, End of the Life Cycle, Session and Entity Beans
(see also entity elements)
as fields within other beans, Complex Entity Relationships, Native Java persistence
database mapping, One-to-many database mapping, Native Java persistence
bean class, developing (example), CabinBean: The Bean Class, CabinBean: The Bean Class
bean-managed persistence, Bean-Managed Persistence, EJB 1.0: Deploying the Bean-Managed Ship Bean
adding to database with ejbCreate( ), The ejbCreate( ) Method, The ejbCreate( ) Method
connections to database, obtaining, Obtaining a Connection to the Database, EJB 1.0: Using JDBC in EJB
defining (example), Making the ShipBean a Bean-Managed Entity, Making the ShipBean a Bean-Managed Entity
deployment, EJB 1.1: Deploying the Bean-Managed Ship Bean, EJB 1.0: Deploying the Bean-Managed Ship Bean
find methods, ejbFind( ) Methods, ejbFind( ) Methods
removing from database, The ejbRemove( ) Method
synchronization with database, The ejbLoad( ) and ejbStore( ) Methods, The ejbLoad( ) and ejbStore( ) Methods
client application, using, Why use a Reservation entity bean?, listAvailableCabins( ): Listing behavior
code, downloading from O’Reilly web site, Downloading the Missing Pieces
concurrency, Concurrency, Reentrance
container-managed persistence, Container-Managed Persistence, The Client Application
bean class, The ShipBean Class, The ShipBean Class
client application, creating, The Client Application, The Client Application
deployment descriptors (EJB 1.0), EJB 1.0: Deploying the ShipBean, EJB 1.0: Deploying the ShipBean
deployment descriptors (EJB 1.1), EJB 1.1: Deploying the ShipBean
ejbLoad( ) and ejbStore( ), using in, Using ejbLoad() and ejbStore( ) in container-managed beans
EntityBean interface, implementing, Implementing the javax.ejb.EntityBean Interface
home interface, The Home Interface, The find methods
primary key, The Primary Key, EJB 1.1: Undefined primary keys, EJB 1.1: Undefined primary keys, Deferring primary key definition
remote interface, defining, The Remote Interface, Set and get methods
sequence diagrams, Sequence Diagrams for Container-Managed Persistence
container-transaction element declarations, Describing Bean Assembly
dependent classes vs., Dependent classes: The CreditCard and Check classes
developing (example), Developing an Entity Bean, Creating a new Cabin bean
client application, creating, Creating a Client Application, Creating a new Cabin bean
deployment, Deploying the Cabin Bean, EJB 1.0 deployment tools
deployment descriptor (EJB 1.0), EJB 1.0: The Deployment Descriptor, cabin.jar: The JAR File
deployment descriptor (XML), CabinBean: The Bean Class, EJB 1.0: The Deployment Descriptor
home interface, CabinHome: The Home Interface
JAR files, cabin.jar: The JAR File, EJB 1.0: Packaging the Cabin bean
primary key, CabinPK: The Primary Key
remote interface, Cabin: The Remote Interface
direct database access vs., Entity Beans
EJB 1.1, new features for, Entity Beans, Entity Beans
getting information from, Getting Information from an Entity Bean, Getting Information from an Entity Bean
handles, implementation of, Inside the Handle
life cycle, The entity bean life cycle, The Life Cycle of an Entity Bean, End of the Life Cycle
ending, End of the Life Cycle
Ready state, The Ready State, Life in the Ready State
state diagram, Entity Beans
transitions in states, Overview of state transitions, Overview of state transitions
transitions to/from Pooled to Ready state, Transitioning from the Pooled state to the Ready State via creation, Transitioning from the Ready State to the Pooled state via removal
listing behavior vs., listAvailableCabins( ): Listing behavior, listAvailableCabins( ): Listing behavior, Resource Consumption
mapping to databases, Creating a CABIN Table in the Database, EJB 1.0 deployment tools
methods requiring transaction attributes, Specifying a Bean’s Transactional Attributes
modeling business concepts, The Enterprise Bean Component, Entity Beans
nonreentrance policy, Reentrance
object serialization and, The Activation Mechanism
operations allowed for, Sequence Diagrams for Bean-Managed Persistence
persistence, Persistence, Legacy persistence, Entity Beans
persistent fields, manipulating with bulk accessors, Bulk Accessors, Rules-of-thumb for bulk accessors
primary key, Primary key, Primary key, Single-field key
properties, defining as business concept, Set and get methods
relationships, Entity Bean Relationships, Native Java persistence
remove methods, Removing beans
removing, Removing beans, Removing beans
runAs Identity, EJB 1.0: Method-driven access control
servers, not supporting, When Entity Beans Are Not an Option, Direct access with object-to-relational mapping tools
session beans vs., Modeling Workflow with Session Beans, Session Beans, Why use a Reservation entity bean?, Striking a Balance
session beans, emulating, Emulating Entity Beans with Session Beans
simple relationships, Simple Associations, Native Java persistence
byte arrays and Java serialization, Mapping serializable to VARBINARY
handles, Preserving the handle
native Java persistence, Native Java persistence
state (see life cycle)
UserTransaction transactions (EJB 1.0), Transaction Propagation in Bean-Managed Transactions
without create methods, Entity Beans Without Create Methods
entity context methods in bean class, CabinBean: The Bean Class
entity elements, EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors, EJB 1.1: The Deployment Descriptor, Describing Beans, Session and Entity Beans
entity objects
network traffic (impact of overuse), Network Traffic and Latency
passing by value, Entity Objects
(see also passing objects by value)
EntityBean interface, The Bean-Container Contract, CabinBean: The Bean Class, Implementing the javax.ejb.EntityBean Interface, The Life Cycle of an Entity Bean
callback methods defined in, The bean class
EJB API, EntityBean
implementing in container-managed beans, Implementing the javax.ejb.EntityBean Interface
EntityContext interface, The Bean-Container Contract, CabinBean: The Bean Class, The EntityContext, The Pooled State
defining, EntityContext, EntityContext
EJB API, EntityContext
getPrimaryKey( ), EntityContext
primary key, obtaining from, The ejbLoad( ) and ejbStore( ) Methods
Ready state and, Overview of state transitions
EntityDescriptor class, EJB 1.0: Deployment descriptors, EJB 1.0: The Deployment Descriptor
EJB API, EntityDescriptor
serializing (example), EJB 1.0: The Deployment Descriptor
Enumeration type, The find methods
multi-entity find methods, returning, Making the ShipBean a Bean-Managed Entity
env-entry element, Session and Entity Beans
declaration example, Environment Entries
env-entry-name element, Environment Entries
env-entry-type, data types in, Environment Entries
environment naming context (JNDI ENC) (see under JNDI)
environment properties, EJB 1.0: EJBContext
accessing, stateless session bean, ProcessPaymentBean: The bean class
EJB 1.1, new features for, The Default JNDI Context, RMI over IIOP Narrowing
entity bean with bean-managed persistence, setting for, EJB 1.0: Deploying the Bean-Managed Ship Bean
vendor- and environment-specific information, defining at deployment, EJB 1.0: Using JDBC in EJB
equals( ) (Object), Comparing beans for identity, The Primary Key
equivalence, bean instances in instance pool, Overview of state transitions
events, notifying beans of, The bean class
bean class interfaces, The Business Interface Alternative
bean-managed entity beans, handling, Exception Handling
bean-managed transactions, Bean-Managed Transactions
checked or unchecked (in transactions), EJB 1.0: Exceptions and Transactions
home interface, stateless session beans, ProcessPaymentHome: The home interface
Java RMI, Java RMI Return Types, Parameters, and Exceptions
remote interface, stateless session beans, ProcessPayment: The remote interface
subsystem exceptions, PaymentException: An application exception
transactions, EJB 1.1: Interactions Between Exceptions and Transactions, EJB 1.1: Interactions Between Exceptions and Transactions
EJB 1.0, EJB 1.0: Exceptions and Transactions, Unchecked Exceptions
EJB 1.1, Application Exceptions Versus System Exceptions, Application exceptions
exclusive write locks, Database Locks
executable software, server-side components as, Server-Side Components
explicit narrowing of remote references, EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject, EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject
explicit transaction management, Transaction Attributes Defined, Explicit Transaction Management, EJBContext Rollback Methods, EJB 1.0: Exceptions and Transactions
by beans, Explicit Transaction Management
Extensible Markup Language (see XML)
external resources
connections to, EJB 1.1: Using JDBC in EJB
JDBC URLs, obtaining for vendor-specific, EJB 1.0: Using JDBC in EJB


FIFO (first in, first out) strategy, Instance swapping
finalize( ), End of the Life Cycle
find methods
container-managed persistence, CabinBean: The Bean Class
defining appropriate, Creating and finding beans
home interface, The Home Interface
container-managed entity beans, The find methods
session beans, TravelAgentHome: The Home Interface, Creating and finding beans
transactional attributes required in deployment descriptor, Specifying a Bean’s Transactional Attributes
transitioning instances from Pooled to Ready state, Transitioning from the Pooled state to the Ready State via a find method
findByPrimaryKey( ), Inside the Handle
container-managed bean classes and, CabinBean: The Bean Class
findByPrimaryKey( ) (EJBHome), The home interface, CabinHome: The Home Interface, The find methods, ejbFind( ) Methods
FinderException, Primary key, The find methods, ejbFind( ) Methods, Application exceptions
EJB API, FinderException
firewalls, creating problems for e-commerce, Web Components and EJB
forms, requests for, Servlets
fully-qualified class names, elements in EJB DTD, EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors


garbage collection, entity beans, End of the Life Cycle
get and set methods, remote interface, Set and get methods
getCallerIdentity( ) (EJBContext), EJB 1.0: EJBContext
getCallerPrincipal( ) (EJBContext), EJB 1.1: EJBContext
getConnection( ), EJB 1.1: Using JDBC in EJB, ProcessPaymentBean: The bean class
getEJBHome( )
EJBContext interface, EntityContext, EJB 1.1: EJBContext, EJB 1.0: EJBContext
EJBMetaData interface, EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject
EJBObject interface, Getting the EJBHome
HomeHandle interface, EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject
getEJBMetaData( ) (EJBHome), Bean metadata, Bean metadata
getEJBObject( ) (Handle), EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject, The bean handle
getEnvironment( ) (EJBContext), EJB 1.1: EJBContext, EJB 1.0: EJBContext, EJB 1.0: Using JDBC in EJB, EJB 1.1: EJBContext, Environment Entries
getHandle( ) (EJBObject), The bean handle
getHome( ), using jndiContext to obtain reference, TravelAgentBean: The bean class
getHomeHandle( )
EJBHome interface, The Home Interface
EJBObject interface, EJB 1.1: The HomeHandle
getInitialContext( ), Creating a Client Application, EJB 1.0: TravelAgentBean, Locating Beans with JNDI
getJndiContext( ), stateful session beans, TravelAgentBean: The bean class
getName( ) (Identity), EJB 1.0: EJBContext
getPrimaryKey( )
EJBObject interface, Primary key
EntityContext interface, EntityContext
stateless session beans, throwing RemoteException, ProcessPayment: The remote interface
getPrimaryKeyClass( ), ProcessPaymentHome: The home interface
getRollbackOnly( ) (EJBContext), EJBContext Rollback Methods
getStatus( ) (UserTransaction), UserTransaction, Status
getUserTransaction( ) (EJBContext), Transaction Propagation in Bean-Managed Transactions
granularity of business objects, Improved Performance with Session Beans
graphical user interface (GUI)
component models, Benefits of a Standard Server-Side Component Model
in distributed business object architecture, Distributed Objects


handles, The bean handle, Inside the Handle
entity beans, simple relationships, Preserving the handle
Handle interface, EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject, The bean handle, Handle
HomeHandle interface, HomeHandle (1.1)
implementation, Inside the Handle
primary key vs., The bean handle
removing beans with, Removing beans
serializing and deserializing, The bean handle
session beans, ability to use on, The bean handle
stateful session beans, ProcessPayment: The remote interface
stateless session beans, ProcessPayment: The remote interface
hash codes in compound primary keys, Hash Codes in Compound Primary Keys, Well-Distributed Versus Unique Hash Codes
hashCode( )
Object class, The Primary Key
primary key overriding, The Primary Key
headers, XML documents, The Document Header
heuristic decisions in committing or rolling back transactions, Heuristic Decisions
home element, EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors, References to Other Beans
home interface, Classes and Interfaces, EJB 1.1 and 1.0: The Java RMI Programming Model, Creating and finding beans
client-side API, The Home Interface, Creating and finding beans
bean metadata, Bean metadata, Bean metadata
create and find methods, Creating and finding beans
container-managed entity beans, The Home Interface, The find methods
create methods, The Home Interface, The Create Methods
find methods, The Home Interface, The find methods
create( ), The EJB home, TravelAgentHome: The Home Interface, Creating and finding beans
CreateException, CreateException
defining, The home interface
entity beans, The home interface, CabinHome: The Home Interface
session beans, TravelAgentHome: The Home Interface
in ejb-jar files, The ejb-jar File
find methods, Creating and finding beans
return types, ejbFind( ) Methods
Java RMI return types, parameters, and exceptions, Java RMI Return Types, Parameters, and Exceptions
methods, distinguishing from remote interface, Remote/home differentiation
reference to, obtaining, EJB 1.1: EJBContext
security roles, mapping to methods, Assigning roles to methods
stateful session beans, TravelAgentHome: The home interface
stateless session beans, ProcessPaymentHome: The home interface
HomeHandle interface, EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject, EJB 1.1: HomeHandle
EJB API, HomeHandle (1.1)
HomeHandle object, The Home Interface, EJB 1.1: The HomeHandle
advantages over client applications and applets, Web Components and EJB
XML vs., What Is an XML Deployment Descriptor?
HTML pages, incorporating with Java JSP, Java Server Pages
HTTP requests
J2EE server, required support for, Guaranteed Services
servlet handling of, Servlets
HTTPS, J2EE server, required support for, Guaranteed Services


Identity objects, Security, EJB 1.0: Method-driven access control
AccessControlEntry and ControlDesriptors, EJB 1.0: Method-driven access control
comparison operations for, EJB 1.0: EJBContext
EJB 1.0, obtaining, EJB 1.0: EJBContext
obtaining, EJB 1.0: EJBContext
identity of beans, comparing for, Comparing beans for identity
IDEs (integrated development environments), graphical setup of deployment descriptors, Deployment Descriptors and JAR Files
IDL (Interface Definition Language), Distributed Objects
Java RMI-IIOP restrictions on remote interfaces and value types, EJB 1.1: Java RMI-IIOP type restrictions
IIOP protocol
casting, not supporting, EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject
problems with firewalls, Web Components and EJB
IllegalStateException, EntityContext
implementation class (see bean class)
implementation independence of EJB, Introduction
implicit casting, EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject
implicit transaction management, Explicit Transaction Management
transaction attributes, using, Transaction Attributes, Transaction Propagation
IncompleteConversationalState exception, EJB 1.1 and 1.0: The Java RMI Programming Model, TravelAgent: The remote interface
indexing objects to databases, different methods for, EJB 1.1: Undefined primary keys
inheritance concept in programming languages, EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject
InitialContext class, TravelAgentBean: The bean class
client components and, J2EE Application Client Components
InitialContext object, Locating Beans with JNDI
instance pooling, Instance Pooling, The EntityContext, The Pooled State
entity bean life cycle, The entity bean life cycle
find methods and, ejbFind( ) Methods
stateful session beans, not using, The Life Cycle of a Stateful Session Bean
stateless session beans, The Life Cycle of a Stateless Session Bean
instance swapping, Overview of state transitions, Instance swapping
stateful session beans, not using, The Life Cycle of a Stateful Session Bean
stateless session beans, Instance swapping, Life in the Method-Ready Pool
instance variables, stateless session beans, The Stateless Session Bean
Interface Definition Language (see IDL)
interfaces, Classes and Interfaces, What about session beans?
in component models, Component Models
Person interface (example), Rolling Your Own Distributed Object
J2EE systems with different systems, Connectivity and Interoperability
J2EE systems, future improvement in, Future Enhancements
intra-instance method invocation, Reentrance
intraprocess development, JavaBeans and, Component Models
isCallerInRole( ) (EJBContext), EJB 1.1: EJBContext, EJB 1.0: EJBContext, Security Roles
isIdentical( ) (EJBObject), Comparing beans for identity
isolation of transactions, ACID Transactions, Is the TravelAgent Bean Isolated?, Isolation and Database Locking, EJB 1.0: Controlling isolation levels
isolation conditions, Dirty, Repeatable, and Phantom Reads, Phantom reads
dirty reads, Dirty, Repeatable, and Phantom Reads, Dirty reads
nonrepeatable reads, Repeatable reads
phantom reads, Dirty, Repeatable, and Phantom Reads, Phantom reads
repeatable reads, Dirty, Repeatable, and Phantom Reads, Repeatable reads
isolation levels, Transaction Isolation Levels, EJB 1.0: Controlling isolation levels
attributes for, EJB 1.0 transaction isolation control
controlling in EJB 1.1 and 1.0, EJB 1.1 transaction isolation control
performance and, Balancing Performance Against Consistency, EJB 1.0: Controlling isolation levels
Read Committed, Transaction Isolation Levels
Read Uncommitted, Transaction Isolation Levels
Repeatable Read, Transaction Isolation Levels
Serializable, Transaction Isolation Levels


J2EE specification (see Java 2, Enterprise Edition)
JAR files, cabin.jar: The JAR File, EJB 1.0: Packaging the Cabin bean, EJB 1.0: The JAR File, J2EE Fills in the Gaps
(see also modules)
contents of, Deployment Descriptors and JAR Files
deployment descriptors, packaging in, Deployment Descriptors and JAR Files, Deployment Descriptors and JAR Files
EJB 1.0, EJB 1.0: Packaging the Cabin bean
EJB 1.1, EJB 1.1: Packaging the Cabin bean
ejb-jar file, The ejb-jar File
session beans, EJB 1.1 and 1.0 versions, EJB 1.1: The JAR File
web archive (.war) files, J2EE Fills in the Gaps
XML deployment descriptors, EJB 1.1: The Deployment Descriptor, Describing Beans
jar utility, EJB 1.1: Packaging the Cabin bean
using to package beans in JAR file, The ejb-jar File
Java 2, Enterprise Edition (J2EE), Java 2, Enterprise Edition, Future Enhancements
application client component, J2EE Application Client Components, J2EE Application Client Components
connectivity and interoperability with non-J2EE systems, Connectivity and Interoperability
Enterprise Archive (.ear) file, contents of, J2EE Fills in the Gaps
future enhancements, Future Enhancements
guaranteed services, Guaranteed Services
interaction between web components and EJB, Web Components and EJB, Future Enhancements
Reference Implementation, deployment wizard, EJB 1.1 deployment tools
Java Activation Framework (JAF), Guaranteed Services
Java Authentication and Authorization Service ( JAAS), J2EE Application Client Components, Future Enhancements
Java DataBase Connectivity (JDBC), EJB and CORBA CTMs
connection to database, obtaining with, ProcessPaymentBean: The bean class
PreparedStatement for SQL requests, The ejbCreate( ) Method
type VARBINARY (serialization), Mapping serializable to VARBINARY
URLs, finding for vendors, EJB 1.0: Deploying the Bean-Managed Ship Bean
Java event model, messaging vs., TP Monitors
Java IDEs
with debugger, Setting Up Your Java IDE
setting up, Setting Up Your Java IDE
Java language
platform independence, Introduction
primitive data types, Container-Managed Persistence
server-side component models, advantages in, EJB and CORBA CTMs
types, EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject
Java Messaging Service (JMS)
J2EE servers, required support for, Guaranteed Services
Java Naming and Directory Interface ( JNDI)
ENC (Environment Naming Context), EJB 1.1: EJBContext
Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)
authentication, providing, Security
ENC (Environment Naming Context), Overview of state transitions
accessing environmental properties, EJB 1.1: Accessing environment properties
defining bean name with ejb-ref elements, TravelAgentBean: The bean class
EJB 1.1, use in, EJB 1.1: Using JDBC in EJB
ENC (Environmental Naming Context)
deployment descriptors, J2EE Fills in the Gaps
locating reference to EJB home, Naming
lookup name, setting in directory, EJB 1.0: The Deployment Descriptor
resources, obtaining names of, EJB 1.1: Using JDBC in EJB
Java Remote Method Protocol (JRMP), Distributed Objects
problems with firewalls, Web Components and EJB
Java RMI (remote method invocation), Distributed Objects, Distributed Object Architectures, Distributed Objects
programming model (EJB 1.1 and 1.0), EJB 1.1 and 1.0: The Java RMI Programming Model
remote data types, Java RMI Return Types, Parameters, and Exceptions
return types and parameters, Java RMI Return Types, Parameters, and Exceptions
Java RMI-IIOP, The remote interface, Distributed Objects
EJB 1.1 conformance requirements, EJB 1.1: Java RMI-IIOP Conformance Requirement
EJB 1.1, changes in, RMI over IIOP Narrowing
J2EE servers, required support of, Guaranteed Services
Java Server Pages ( JSP), Java 2, Enterprise Edition, Java Server Pages
Java Server Pages (JSP)
J2EE servers, required support of, Guaranteed Services
Java Transaction API (JTA), Transaction Scope, Transaction Attributes Defined, Explicit Transaction Management, EJBContext Rollback Methods
J2EE servers, required acces to, Guaranteed Services
Java Transaction Service (JTS), Explicit Transaction Management
java.rmi.RemoteException, The Remote Interface
component model, Benefits of a Standard Server-Side Component Model
EJB vs., Component Models
JavaIDL, J2EE servers, required support of, Guaranteed Services
JavaMail, J2EE servers, required access to, Guaranteed Services
javax.ejb package, Package: javax.ejb, Package: javax.ejb
javax.ejb.deployment package, EJB 1.0 deployment tools, Package: javax.ejb.deployment (EJB 1.0 Only), SessionDescriptor
deployment descriptor classes in, EJB 1.0: Deployment descriptors
JDBC (Java DataBase Connectivity)
2.0 Standard Extension, J2EE servers, support requirements, Guaranteed Services
EJB 1.0, using in, EJB 1.0: Using JDBC in EJB
EJB 1.1, using in, Obtaining a Connection to the Database
JNDI ( Java Naming and Directory Interface)
ENC (Environment Naming Context)
new features in EJB 1.1, The Default JNDI Context
JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface), Naming
downloading packages from Web, Setting Up Your Java IDE
drivers, Locating Beans with JNDI
ENC (Environment Naming Context), Java 2, Enterprise Edition
accessing with Java code in JDSP, Java Server Pages
EJB references, network- and vendor-independence, TravelAgentBean: The bean class
external resources, looking up, References to External Resources
lookup of minCheckNumber entry, Environment Entries
maintaining in conversational state, TravelAgentBean: The bean class
references to other beans, References to Other Beans, References to External Resources
res-ref-name element and, EJB 1.1: Using JDBC in EJB
J2EE servers, required support of, Guaranteed Services
locating beans with, Locating Beans with JNDI, Locating Beans with JNDI
network connections, Creating a Client Application
reference to EJB home, EJB 1.1: TravelAgentBean, EJB 1.0: TravelAgentBean
remote reference, locating with, Getting Information from an Entity Bean
EJB 1.0, TravelAgentBean: The bean class
EJB 1.1, TravelAgentBean: The bean class
JRMP (see Java Remote Method Protocol)


large-icon element, The Descriptor’s Body
session or entity element, Session and Entity Beans
latency (network traffic), Network Traffic and Latency
layers in distributed object systems, Distributed Objects
legacy persistence, Legacy persistence
life cycle
bean instance, Overview of state transitions
entity beans, The entity bean life cycle, The Life Cycle of an Entity Bean, End of the Life Cycle
ending, End of the Life Cycle
state diagram for, Entity Beans
methods, defining in home interface, The home interface
stateful session beans, The Life Cycle of a Stateful Session Bean, EJB 1.1 system exceptions, Passivated State
diagrams of, Stateful Session Beans
Method-Ready state, Transitioning to the Method-Ready state, Transitioning out of the Method-Ready state
Passivated state, Passivated State
stateless session beans, The Life Cycle of a Stateless Session Bean, Transitioning out of the Method-Ready Pool: The death of a stateless bean instance
diagram of, Stateless Session Beans
Does Not Exist state to Method-Ready Pool transition, Transitioning to the Method-Ready Pool
Method-Ready Pool, Life in the Method-Ready Pool
transition from Method-Ready Pool to Does Not Exist state, Transitioning out of the Method-Ready Pool: The death of a stateless bean instance
LIFO (last in, first out) strategy, Instance swapping
listing behavior
entity beans vs., listAvailableCabins( ): Listing behavior, listAvailableCabins( ): Listing behavior, Resource Consumption
strings (arrays of), listAvailableCabins( ): Listing behavior
locating beans with JNDI, Locating Beans with JNDI, Locating Beans with JNDI
location transparency, Rolling Your Own Distributed Object, Distributed Objects
J2EE Application client components, J2EE Application Client Components
locks (databases), Database Locks
isolation levels and, Transaction Isolation Levels, EJB 1.0: Controlling isolation levels
lookup APIs, Naming
lookup( ) (Context), EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject
occurrence of, Reentrance
prohibiting in EJB, Reentrance
reentrant element and, Session and Entity Beans
reentrant element, setting, EJB 1.1: The Deployment Descriptor


main( ), Removing beans
Mandatory transaction attribute, Transaction Attributes Defined, Specifying a Bean’s Transactional Attributes
manifest, JAR files, Deployment Descriptors and JAR Files, EJB 1.0: Packaging the Cabin bean
medical system transactions, ACID Transactions
messaging, TP Monitors
META-INF directory, EJB 1.1: Packaging the Cabin bean, The ejb-jar File
EJBMetaData interface, EJBMetaData
session beans, ProcessPaymentHome: The home interface
method element, Describing Bean Assembly, Identifying Specific Methods
method overloading, Java RMI-IIOP restrictions on, EJB 1.1: Java RMI-IIOP type restrictions
method-driven access control, EJB 1.0: Method-driven access control, EJB 1.0: Method-driven access control
method-intf element, Remote/home differentiation
specifying home or remote interface for methods, Identifying Specific Methods
method-name element, Specifying a Bean’s Transactional Attributes
in method element, Identifying Specific Methods
method-params elements, Identifying Specific Methods, Specific method declarations
method-permission element, EJB 1.1: Role-driven access control, Describing Bean Assembly, Assigning roles to methods, Remote/home differentiation
Method-Ready Pool, The Method-Ready Pool
stateless session beans in, Life in the Method-Ready Pool
Method-Ready state
stateful session beans, Transitioning to the Method-Ready state
stateful session beans, transition to Passivated state, Transitioning out of the Method-Ready state
methods requiring transaction attributes (entity beans), Specifying a Bean’s Transactional Attributes
ActiveX (GUI component model), Benefits of a Standard Server-Side Component Model
DCOM, Distributed Objects, Component Transaction Monitors, Distributed Objects
MTS and, MTS
Transaction Server (MTS), MTS
middle-tier application servers, Server-Side Components
modules, J2EE Fills in the Gaps
MOM (message-oriented middleware), Component Transaction Monitors
MTS (Microsoft Transaction Server) (see under Microsoft)
multi-entity find methods, The find methods
in bean-managed persistence, Making the ShipBean a Bean-Managed Entity
multithreaded access, problems with, Reentrance
mutators (see set and get methods)


ejb-name element, EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors, Describing Beans, Specifying a Bean’s Transactional Attributes
in method element, Identifying Specific Methods
method-name element, Specifying a Bean’s Transactional Attributes
res-ref-name element, References to External Resources
naming conventions
for enterprise beans, Classes and Interfaces
set and get methods, Set and get methods
naming services, Naming, Naming, Locating Beans with JNDI
JNDI drivers for, Locating Beans with JNDI
narrow( ) (PortableRemoteObject), EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject
native Java persistence (entity beans, database mapping), Native Java persistence, Native Java persistence
nesting elements (XML deployment descriptor), The Descriptor’s Body
network communication layer, distributed object architectures and, Distributed Object Architectures
network connections, Creating a Client Application
reducing with session beans, Modeling Workflow with Session Beans
network messaging (see messaging)
network traffic
latency, Network Traffic and Latency
minimizing, Network Traffic and Latency
reducing with session beans, Modeling Workflow with Session Beans
Never transaction attribute, Transaction Attributes Defined
new features in EJB Version 1.1, New Features in EJB 1.1, Looking Ahead to EJB 2.0
newInstance( ) (Class), The Primary Key, The Pooled State
no state, The entity bean life cycle
no-argument constructor, requirement for container-managed persistence, The Primary Key
nonreentrance policy, applying to entity and session beans, Reentrance
nonrepeatable reads, Repeatable reads
NoSuchEntityException, NoSuchEntityException (1.1)
Not Supported transaction attribute, Transaction Attributes Defined, Non-Transactional Beans
notifications, informing beans of events, The bean class


object binding, Naming
Object class, Comparing beans for identity
object ID (OID), Primary key
Object Management Group (OMG)
defining server-side component model, EJB and CORBA CTMs
Object Transaction Service (OTS), Explicit Transaction Management
services in CORBA-compliant ORBs, Primary Services
Object Request Brokers (see ORBs)
object serialization
beans instance activation and, Passivated State
container-managed fields, Container-Managed Persistence
deployment descriptors, EJB 1.0, EJB 1.0: Deployment descriptors
EJB 1.1 deployment descriptors, dropping in, EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors
EJBMetaData, Bean metadata
entity beans and, The Activation Mechanism
EntityDescriptor class (example), EJB 1.0: The Deployment Descriptor
handles, The bean handle, ProcessPayment: The remote interface
JDBC type VARBINARY, Mapping serializable to VARBINARY
passing by reference, EJB 1.1 and 1.0: The Java RMI Programming Model
persistence and, Object database persistence
primary key, CabinPK: The Primary Key, Primary key
SessionDescriptor, EJB 1.0: The TravelAgent Beans’ Deployment Descriptor
stateful beans, preserving state with, The Activation Mechanism
object servers, Distributed Object Architectures
remote references to, Rolling Your Own Distributed Object
object transaction monitor (see CTMs)
Object Transaction Service (OTS), Explicit Transaction Management
Object type, facilitating undefined primary key, EJB 1.1: Undefined primary keys
object-oriented databases, Object database persistence
container-managed persistence and, Container-Managed Persistence
object-to-relational persistence, Object-to-relational persistence, Object-to-relational persistence
direct database access, Direct access with object-to-relational mapping tools
mapping wizard, Object-to-relational persistence
ObjectNotFoundException, The find methods, ejbFind( ) Methods, Application exceptions
EJB API, ObjectNotFoundException
OMG (see Object Management Group)
online book order transactions, ACID Transactions
open connections, Transitioning to the Method-Ready Pool
JNDI context, TravelAgentBean: The bean class
open standards, CTM development and, MTS
ORBs (Object Request Brokers), Component Transaction Monitors, Rolling Your Own Distributed Object, Object Request Brokers
server-side component model, CTMs: The Hybrid of ORBs and TP Monitors
services, defining for, Primary Services
ORBs (Object Request Brokers), Object Request Brokers
(see also CTMs)
OTMs (see CTMs)
OTS (Object Transaction Service), Explicit Transaction Management
overloaded methods
named declarations, applying to all, Named method declarations
parameters for resolving, Identifying Specific Methods


packages for EJB, downloading from Sun Java site, Setting Up Your Java IDE
parameters, Specific method declarations
(see also method-params elements)
Java RMI, Java RMI Return Types, Parameters, and Exceptions
resolving overloaded methods, Identifying Specific Methods
passing by reference, EJB 1.1 and 1.0: The Java RMI Programming Model
passing objects by value, EJB 1.1 and 1.0: The Java RMI Programming Model, Passing Objects by Value
bulk accessors, Bulk Accessors, Rules-of-thumb for bulk accessors
CORBA, limitations of, Distributed Objects
dependent classes, TravelAgent: The remote interface
dependent classes, use of, Dependent classes: The CreditCard and Check classes
dependent objects, Passing Objects by Value, Entity Objects
beans vs., Dependent Objects
entity objects, Entity Objects
passivation, The Activation Mechanism
EJB 1.0 and 1.1, issues with, Passivated State
JNDI ENC, maintaining during, TravelAgentBean: The bean class
Ready to Pooled state, Transitioning from the Ready State to the Pooled state via passivation
stateful session beans, Passivated State
JNDI context, closing, TravelAgentBean: The bean class
path, XML deployment descriptors in ejb-jar files, The ejb-jar File
improving with session beans, Improved Performance with Session Beans, Implementing lists as ResultSets, Bean Adapters
session beans, benefits of, Modeling Workflow with Session Beans
transaction isolation levels and, Balancing Performance Against Consistency, EJB 1.0: Controlling isolation levels
transactions across methods and, Transaction Propagation in Bean-Managed Transactions
permissions, method-permission element, EJB 1.1: Role-driven access control, Describing Bean Assembly, Remote/home differentiation
persistence, Persistence, Legacy persistence, Object-to-Relational Mapping Tools
bean-managed, Bean-Managed Persistence, EJB 1.0: Deploying the Bean-Managed Ship Bean
connections to database, Obtaining a Connection to the Database, EJB 1.0: Using JDBC in EJB
deployment of beans, EJB 1.1: Deploying the Bean-Managed Ship Bean, EJB 1.0: Deploying the Bean-Managed Ship Bean
duplicate records, handling, Why use a Reservation entity bean?
ejbCreate( ), use of, The ejbCreate( ) Method, The ejbCreate( ) Method
ejbLoad( ) and ejbStore( ) methods, Life in the Ready State
entity bean, defining, Making the ShipBean a Bean-Managed Entity, Making the ShipBean a Bean-Managed Entity
exception handling, Exception Handling
find methods in, ejbFind( ) Methods, ejbFind( ) Methods
removing from database, The ejbRemove( ) Method
sequence diagrams, Sequence Diagrams for Bean-Managed Persistence
synchronizing to database, Transitioning from the Pooled state to the Ready State via activation
cmp-field elements, EJB 1.1: The Deployment Descriptor
container-managed, EJB 1.0: The Deployment Descriptor, Primary key, Container-Managed Persistence, The Client Application, Transitioning from the Ready State to the Pooled state via passivation
(see also under entity beans)
activation and synchronization, Sequence Diagrams for Container-Managed Persistence
bean class, The ShipBean Class, The ShipBean Class
client application, creating, The Client Application, The Client Application
cmp-field elements, EJB 1.1: The Deployment Descriptor, Session and Entity Beans
CreateException, The Home Interface
duplicate records, handling, Why use a Reservation entity bean?
ejbLoad( ) and ejbStore( ), using in, Using ejbLoad() and ejbStore( ) in container-managed beans
find methods, CabinBean: The Bean Class, The Home Interface, The find methods
home interface, defining, The Home Interface, The find methods
no-argument constructor requirement, The Primary Key
primary keys, The Primary Key, EJB 1.1: Undefined primary keys
remote interface, defining, The Remote Interface, Set and get methods
sequence diagrams, Sequence Diagrams for Container-Managed Persistence
synchronization to database, Using ejbLoad() and ejbStore( ) in container-managed beans, Transitioning from the Pooled state to the Ready State via activation, Life in the Ready State
container-managed fields, Container-Managed Persistence, The ShipBean Class
references to other beans, Container-Managed Persistence
elements in EJB DTD, EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors
entity beans, Getting Information from an Entity Bean, Entity Beans
session beans vs., The Enterprise Bean Component
legacy persistence, EJB handling of, Legacy persistence
object databases, Object database persistence
object-to-relational, Object-to-relational persistence, Object-to-relational persistence
servlets and, Servlets
session beans and, What about session beans?, Modeling Workflow with Session Beans, Session Beans
stateful session beans, The Stateful Session Bean
persistence-type element, Session and Entity Beans
persistent fields, CabinBean: The Bean Class
bulk accessors, manipulating with, Bulk Accessors, Rules-of-thumb for bulk accessors
mapping to database, The primary key
phantom reads, Dirty, Repeatable, and Phantom Reads, Phantom reads
phantom records, Phantom reads
platform independence, Java language, Introduction
polymorphism concept in programming languages, EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject
Pooled state, The entity bean life cycle, The Pooled State
transition from Ready state via passivation, Transitioning from the Ready State to the Pooled state via passivation
transition from Ready state via removal, Transitioning from the Ready State to the Pooled state via removal
transition to Ready state via activation, Transitioning from the Pooled state to the Ready State via activation
transitioning to Ready state via find methods, Transitioning from the Pooled state to the Ready State via a find method
transitioning to/from Ready state via creation, Transitioning from the Pooled state to the Ready State via creation
pooling resources, Instance Pooling
PortableRemoteObject class, EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject, EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject
presentation tier (three-tier distributed object architecture), Distributed Objects
prim-key-class element, EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors, Session and Entity Beans
primary keys, Classes and Interfaces
as serializable class, The Primary Key
in client-side API, Primary key, Primary key
container-managed entity beans, The Primary Key, EJB 1.1: Undefined primary keys
compound and single-field, The Primary Key
constructors, The Primary Key
fields, defining, ejbCreate( )
overriding Object methods, The Primary Key
undefined, EJB 1.1: Undefined primary keys
creating for entity beans, Transitioning from the Pooled state to the Ready State via creation
data types in field, Specifying Primary Keys
database record, finding with, ejbFind( ) Methods
defining, The primary key
definition, deferring to bean deployer, Deferring primary key definition
developing (example), CabinPK: The Primary Key
duplicates, handling of, Why use a Reservation entity bean?
in ejb-jar files, The ejb-jar File
EntityContext, querying for, The ejbLoad( ) and ejbStore( ) Methods
handles vs., The bean handle
hash codes in compound, Hash Codes in Compound Primary Keys, Well-Distributed Versus Unique Hash Codes
metadata, using with, Bean metadata
preserving in database mapping, Preserving the primary key
removing beans with, Removing beans
serializing and deserializing, Primary key
session beans and, What about session beans?
specifying, deployment descriptors, Specifying Primary Keys
stateless session beans and, ProcessPayment: The remote interface
primary services in EJB, Primary Services, What’s Next?
primitive data types, Container-Managed Persistence
Java RMI in remote interface, Java RMI Return Types, Parameters, and Exceptions
primary keys and, Single-field key
wrapper classes for, Single-field key
primkey-field element, Single-field key, Session and Entity Beans
Principal objects, tracking client identity with, EJB 1.1: EJBContext
Principal types, Security
Principle objects, EJB 1.1: Role-driven access control
private helper method (bean class), ProcessPaymentBean: The bean class
procedure-based applications, distributed object systems vs., TP Monitors
programming languages
inheritance or polymorphism in, EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject
object-oriented, Server-Side Components
propagation of transactions, Transaction Scope, Transaction Propagation, Transaction Propagation
bean-managed transactions, Transaction Propagation in Bean-Managed Transactions, Transaction Propagation in Bean-Managed Transactions
business behavior, modifying at runtime, EJB 1.0: EJBContext
declared under ejb10-properties subcontext, EJB 1.1: EJBContext
deployment, EJB 1.0: Deploying the Bean-Managed Ship Bean
deployment descriptors, defining in, ProcessPaymentBean: The bean class
JDBC connections, acquiring with, EJB 1.0: Using JDBC in EJB
remote interface, defining in, Cabin: The Remote Interface
set and get methods, manipulating with, Set and get methods
property files and property sheets, deployment descriptors vs., Deployment Descriptors and JAR Files
public declaration of primary key class fields, The Primary Key


Read Committed isolation level, Transaction Isolation Levels
read locks, Database Locks
Read Uncommitted isolation level, Transaction Isolation Levels, Balancing Performance Against Consistency
Ready state, The entity bean life cycle, The Ready State, Life in the Ready State
bean moving from instance pool to, Overview of state transitions
transition from Pooled state via activation, Transitioning from the Pooled state to the Ready State via activation
transition to Pooled state via passivation, Transitioning from the Ready State to the Pooled state via passivation
transition to Pooled state via removal, Transitioning from the Ready State to the Pooled state via removal
transitioning from Pooled state via find methods, Transitioning from the Pooled state to the Ready State via a find method
transitioning to/from Pooled state via creation, Transitioning from the Pooled state to the Ready State via creation
reentrance, Reentrance, EJB 1.0: The Deployment Descriptor
(see also concurrency)
multithreaded access vs., Reentrance
reentrant element, EJB 1.1: The Deployment Descriptor, Session and Entity Beans
references, Session and Entity Beans
(see also remote references)
accessing in EJB 1.0 and 1.1, TravelAgentBean: The bean class
to beans, looking up for, References to Other Beans
to EJB home, EJB 1.1: TravelAgentBean, EJB 1.0: TravelAgentBean
to external resources, References to External Resources
JNDI ENC, making available through, Session and Entity Beans
to other beans, defining within JNDI ENC, References to Other Beans, References to External Resources
relational databases
arrays of Strings, converting for storage in, Using ejbLoad() and ejbStore( ) in container-managed beans
connections, obtaining with JDBC, Obtaining a Connection to the Database, EJB 1.0: Using JDBC in EJB
container-managed persistence and, Container-Managed Persistence
CTMs, analogies to, Analogies to Relational Databases
entity bean fields, mapping to, Object-to-relational persistence
object-to-relational mapping tools, Object-to-Relational Mapping Tools
SQL standard, Benefits of a Standard Server-Side Component Model
EJB server support for, Choosing and Setting Up an EJB Server
relationships (entity beans), Entity Bean Relationships, Native Java persistence
complex, Complex Entity Relationships, Native Java persistence
database IDs vs. business concepts, Maintaining the database mapping
database mapping, Maintaining the database mapping
mapping serializable, Mapping serializable to VARBINARY
simple, Simple Associations, Native Java persistence
remote element, EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors, Session and Entity Beans
remote interface, EJB 1.1 and 1.0: The Java RMI Programming Model, Session and Entity Beans
(see also remote element)
business methods, defining, Classes and Interfaces, EJBObject
client-side API, The Remote Interface
defining, The remote interface
dependent class, Dependent classes: The CreditCard and Check classes
in ejb-jar files, The ejb-jar File
entity beans, Cabin: The Remote Interface
container-managed, The Remote Interface, Set and get methods
Java RMI return types, parameters, and exceptions, Java RMI Return Types, Parameters, and Exceptions
Java RMI-IIOP restrictions on, EJB 1.1: Java RMI-IIOP type restrictions
methods, distinguishing from home interface, Remote/home differentiation
problems with bean class implementation, Implementing a Common Interface, The Business Interface Alternative
security roles, mapping to methods, Assigning roles to methods
session beans, TravelAgent: The Remote Interface, TravelAgent: The remote interface
set and get methods, Set and get methods
stateful session beans, The TravelAgent Bean, TravelAgent: The remote interface
stateless session beans, ProcessPayment: The remote interface, PaymentException: An application exception
Remote interface, EJB 1.1 and 1.0: The Java RMI Programming Model
remote method invocation (see Java RMI; RMI; RMI-IIOP)
remote procedure calls (RPCs), TP Monitors
remote references
EJB objects, comparing, Comparing beans for identity
explicit narrowing with PortableRemoteObject, EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject, EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject
circumstances for use, EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject
circumstances not requiring, EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject
handle, obtaining through, ProcessPayment: The remote interface
in bean-to-bean interaction, Why the Bean Class Shouldn’t Implement the Remote Interface
to object servers, Rolling Your Own Distributed Object
serializable objects vs., EJB 1.1 and 1.0: The Java RMI Programming Model
RemoteException, EJB 1.1 and 1.0: The Java RMI Programming Model, The Remote Interface, Java RMI Return Types, Parameters, and Exceptions
bean-managed persistence, requirements for, Making the ShipBean a Bean-Managed Entity
checked sybsystem exceptions, wrapping, Exception Handling
EJB callback methods, use in, The ejbLoad( ) and ejbStore( ) Methods
find methods, ejbFind( ) Methods
stateless session beans, ProcessPayment: The remote interface
remove methods, transactional attributes required in deployment descriptor, Specifying a Bean’s Transactional Attributes
remove( )
EJBHome interface, Removing beans, Removing beans
EJBObject interface, Removing beans
RemoveException, Application exceptions, RemoveException
removing beans, Overview of state transitions, Removing beans, Transitioning from the Ready State to the Pooled state via removal
entity beans, bean-managed persistence, The ejbRemove( ) Method
stateless session beans, Transitioning to the Method-Ready Pool
Repeatable Read isolation level, Transaction Isolation Levels
repeatable reads, Dirty, Repeatable, and Phantom Reads, Repeatable reads
Required transaction attribute, Transaction Attributes Defined, Specifying a Bean’s Transactional Attributes
Requires New transaction attribute, Transaction Attributes Defined
res-auth element, References to External Resources
res-ref-name element, EJB 1.1: Using JDBC in EJB, References to External Resources
res-type element, EJB 1.1: Using JDBC in EJB, References to External Resources
reservations, using entity bean for, Why use a Reservation entity bean?, listAvailableCabins( ): Listing behavior
resource factories, Session and Entity Beans
resource management, Resource Management and the Primary Services, The Activation Mechanism
dependent classes, use of, Dependent classes: The CreditCard and Check classes
instance pooling, Instance Pooling, Instance swapping
listing behavior vs. entity beans, Resource Consumption
ORBS, lacking support for, CTMs: The Hybrid of ORBs and TP Monitors
resource-ref element, Session and Entity Beans
declaration for DataSource connection factory, References to External Resources
return types, Java RMI, Java RMI Return Types, Parameters, and Exceptions
RMI (remote method invocation), Distributed Object Architectures, Distributed Objects, Java RMI Return Types, Parameters, and Exceptions
communication loop, Rolling Your Own Distributed Object
communication loops, Distributed Object Architectures
network protocols, distributed object services, Distributed Objects, Distributed Objects
RPC vs., TP Monitors
role-driven access control, EJB 1.1: Role-driven access control
role-link element, Security Roles
role-name element, Security Roles
RoleIdentity class, EJB 1.0: EJBContext
rollback( ) (UserTransaction), UserTransaction
rollback/commit control in updating databases, Transaction Propagation
EJBContext methods, EJBContext Rollback Methods
marking transaction for, UserTransaction
root element, EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors, EJB 1.1: The Deployment Descriptor, The Descriptor’s Body
RPCs (remote procedure calls), TP Monitors
runAs Identity, EJB 1.0: Method-driven access control
runtime behaviors
customizing with deployment descriptors, Deployment Descriptors and JAR Files
modifying at deployment in server-side components, Server-Side Components
runtime exceptions, Exception Handling


scope of transactions, Transaction Scope
(see also propagation of transactions)
secure communications, Security
EJB servers, support for, Security
security, Security, What’s Next?
AccessControlEntry class, AccessControlEntry
assembly-descriptor element, Describing Beans
CORBA attempt to standardize, EJB and CORBA CTMs
EJB 1.1, changes in, Security
EJBContext interface, EJBContext
runAs identity, EJB 1.0: Method-driven access control
setting attributes for, EJB 1.0: The Deployment Descriptor, EJB 1.0: The TravelAgent Beans’ Deployment Descriptor
security identity, Security, EJB 1.0: Method-driven access control
Principle objects, EJB 1.1: Role-driven access control
security restrictions, avoiding with HTML, Web Components and EJB
security roles, EJB 1.1: Role-driven access control
assembly-descriptor element, EJB 1.1: The Deployment Descriptor
clients, identifying by, EJB 1.1: EJBContext, EJB 1.0: EJBContext
mapping to methods in remote and home interfaces, Assigning roles to methods
security-role element
in assembly-descriptor, Describing Bean Assembly
assembly-descriptor, specifying in, Specifying Security Roles and Method Permissions
security-role-ref element, Session and Entity Beans, Security Roles
sequence diagrams for bean types, State and Sequence Diagrams, EJB 1.1: Interactions Between Exceptions and Transactions
serializable data types, Java RMI Return Types, Parameters, and Exceptions
Java RMI-IIOP restrictions on, EJB 1.1: Java RMI-IIOP type restrictions
Serializable isolation level, Transaction Isolation Levels
performance problems with, Balancing Performance Against Consistency
server-side component models, Component Models, CTMs and Server-Side Component Models
(see also EJB)
benefits of standard, Benefits of a Standard Server-Side Component Model
CTMs and, CTMs and Server-Side Component Models, Benefits of a Standard Server-Side Component Model
ORBs, inadequacy of, CTMs: The Hybrid of ORBs and TP Monitors
specifications for, CTMs and Server-Side Component Models
server-side components, Server-Side Components
CTMs, comprehensive environment for, CTMs: The Hybrid of ORBs and TP Monitors
ORBS, inadequacy of, Component Transaction Monitors
pooling instances of, Instance Pooling
server-side implementation, EJBObject interface, The EJB object
servers, Distributed Object Architectures
(see also object servers)
application servers, Component Transaction Monitors
containers and, The Container-Server Contract
containers vs., Classes and Interfaces
direct database access, Direct database access with JDBC
portability among, Introduction
services, handling, Deployment Descriptors and JAR Files
vendors of, EJB Vendors
entity beans, not supporting, When Entity Beans Are Not an Option, Direct access with object-to-relational mapping tools
JNDI access, Naming
PersonServer object (example), Rolling Your Own Distributed Object
relationship with beans, The Bean-Container Contract
selection and setup, Choosing and Setting Up an EJB Server
transaction management (in EJB), Transaction Propagation
transaction monitors (EJB), Transaction Propagation
service providers, Locating Beans with JNDI
CORBA, Primary Services
directory services (see directory services; JNDI)
distributed object protocols, providing, Rolling Your Own Distributed Object
distributed objects, naming and directory services, Naming, Naming
J2EE application servers, required, Guaranteed Services
primary, in EJB, Primary Services, What’s Next?
Servlet interface, Java 2, Enterprise Edition
J2EE servers, required support of, Guaranteed Services
similarity to sessions beans, Servlets
session beans, The Enterprise Bean Component, What about session beans?, Instance swapping, Session Beans, EJB 1.1 system exceptions
(see also stateful session beans; stateless session beans)
concurrent access, not supporting, Concurrency
container-transaction element declarations, Describing Bean Assembly
deployment, Deploying the TravelAgent Bean
developing (example), Developing a Session Bean, Creating a Client Application
bean class, TravelAgentBean: The Bean Class, EJB 1.0: TravelAgentBean
client application, creating, Creating a Client Application, Creating a Client Application
home interface, TravelAgentHome: The Home Interface
JAR files, EJB 1.1: The JAR File, EJB 1.0: The JAR File
remote interface, TravelAgent: The Remote Interface
SessionDescriptors, EJB 1.1: The JAR File
EJB 1.1, new features in, Session Beans
emulating entity beans with, Emulating Entity Beans with Session Beans
entity beans vs., Modeling Workflow with Session Beans, Session Beans, Why use a Reservation entity bean?, Striking a Balance
explicit transaction management, Explicit Transaction Management
find methods, TravelAgentHome: The Home Interface, Creating and finding beans
handles, ability to use on, The bean handle
improving performance with, Improved Performance with Session Beans, Implementing lists as ResultSets
limiting to workflow, Limiting Session Beans to Workflow
managing processes or tasks with, The Enterprise Bean Component
nonreentrance policy, Reentrance
remove methods, Removing beans
removing, Removing beans
servlets, similarity to, Servlets
states, Instance swapping
transaction notification in SessionSynchronization (diagram), EJB 1.1: Interactions Between Exceptions and Transactions
transactional attributes in deployment descriptor, Specifying a Bean’s Transactional Attributes
workflow, limiting to, Direct database access with JDBC
workflow, modeling with, Modeling Workflow with Session Beans, Stateless and stateful session beans, Developing a Session Bean, EJB 1.1: TravelAgentBean
session elements, EJB 1.1: The Deployment Descriptor, Describing Beans, Session and Entity Beans
session-type element, EJB 1.1: TravelAgent Bean’s Deployment Descriptor, Session and Entity Beans
SessionBean interface, The Bean-Container Contract, Transitioning to the Method-Ready Pool, SessionBean
SessionContext interface, The Bean-Container Contract, SessionContext
SessionDescriptor class, EJB 1.0: Deployment descriptors, EJB 1.0: The TravelAgent Beans’ Deployment Descriptor, EJB 1.0: The TravelAgent Beans’ Deployment Descriptor, EJB 1.1: The JAR File, SessionDescriptor
SessionSynchronization interface, Transactional Stateful Session Beans, SessionSynchronization
set and get methods, Database Locks
(see also get(; set( )))
business methods, defining as, The ShipBean Class
manipulating with properties, Set and get methods
naming conventions, Set and get methods
remote interface, Set and get methods
setEntityContext( )
EJBContext interface, The Pooled State
EntityContext interface, The EntityContext
setEnvironmentProperties( ) (DeploymentDescriptor), EJB 1.0: Using JDBC in EJB
setRollBackOnly( )
UserTransaction interface, UserTransaction
setRollbackOnly( )
EJBContext interface, EJBContext Rollback Methods
setSessionContext (SessionBean), Transitioning to the Method-Ready Pool
setSessionTimeout( ) (SessionDescriptor), EJB 1.0: The TravelAgent Beans’ Deployment Descriptor
setStateManagement( ) (SessionDescriptor), EJB 1.0: The TravelAgent Beans’ Deployment Descriptor
setTransactionTimeout (UserTransaction), UserTransaction
simple relationships (entity beans), Simple Associations, Native Java persistence
single-field primary keys, The Primary Key
EJB 1.0 and 1.1 support for, Single-field key
skeletons, Distributed Object Architectures
listening for requests from stubs, Distributed Object Architectures
Person_Skeleton example, Rolling Your Own Distributed Object
small-icon element, The Descriptor’s Body
session or entity element, Session and Entity Beans
Smalltalk language, Server-Side Components
snapshots, Database Locks
source code for beans, downloading from O’Reilly web site, Downloading the Missing Pieces
SPECIFIED_IDENTITY mode, EJB 1.0: Method-driven access control
SQL requests, using JDBC Prepared Statement for, The ejbCreate( ) Method
SQL standard, Benefits of a Standard Server-Side Component Model
database table, defining, Container-Managed Persistence
relational database, EJB server support, Choosing and Setting Up an EJB Server
SQLException, EJB 1.0: Deploying the Bean-Managed Ship Bean, Why use a Reservation entity bean?
SSL (secure socket layer), supporting secure communications, Security
state, Session Beans
(see also conversational state; life cycle)
bean-managed persistence, advantages in managing, Bean-Managed Persistence
callback methods for managing, The bean class
containers, generating logic to save, Container-Managed Persistence
entity beans (see under life cycle)
IllegalStateException, EntityContext
session beans and, Stateless and stateful session beans
stateful session beans (see under life cycle)
stateless session beans (see under life cycle)
synchronization of, Object-to-relational persistence
state and sequence diagrams for bean types, State and Sequence Diagrams, EJB 1.1: Interactions Between Exceptions and Transactions
stateful session beans, Stateless and stateful session beans, Session Beans, The Stateful Session Bean, EJB 1.1 system exceptions, Passivated State
activation, The Activation Mechanism
bean class, defining, TravelAgentBean: The bean class, TravelAgentBean: The bean class
bean-managed transactions, setting transaction isolation levels, EJB 1.1: Controlling isolation levels
chaining, Avoid Chaining Stateful Session Beans
conversational state, The Stateful Session Bean
database updates, Transactional Stateful Session Beans
deployment descriptors
EJB 1.0, EJB 1.0: The TravelAgent deployment descriptor, EJB 1.0: The TravelAgent deployment descriptor
XML-based, EJB 1.1: The TravelAgent deployment descriptor, EJB 1.1: The TravelAgent deployment descriptor
as extension of client, The Stateful Session Bean
handles, ProcessPayment: The remote interface
home interface, TravelAgentHome: The home interface
instance pooling, not using, The Life Cycle of a Stateful Session Bean
life cycle, The Life Cycle of a Stateful Session Bean, EJB 1.1 system exceptions, Passivated State
diagrams of, Stateful Session Beans
Does Not Exist state, Does Not Exist
Method-Ready state, Transitioning to the Method-Ready state
Method-Ready state to Passivated state, Transitioning out of the Method-Ready state
Passivated state, Passivated State
transactional method-ready state, Transitioning into the Transactional Method-Ready state
open connections, TravelAgentBean: The bean class
operations allowed for, Stateful Session Beans, Stateful Session Beans
remote interface, The TravelAgent Bean, TravelAgent: The remote interface
application exceptions, TravelAgent: The remote interface
definition (example), TravelAgent: The remote interface
runAs Identity, EJB 1.0: Method-driven access control
session-type element, EJB 1.1: TravelAgent Bean’s Deployment Descriptor, Session and Entity Beans
transactional, Transactional Stateful Session Beans, Life in the Transactional Method-Ready state, Emulating Entity Beans with Session Beans
transactions across methods, Transaction Propagation in Bean-Managed Transactions, Transaction Propagation in Bean-Managed Transactions
workflow management, TravelAgentBean: The bean class
stateless session beans, Stateless and stateful session beans, Session Beans, The Stateless Session Bean, Transitioning out of the Method-Ready Pool: The death of a stateless bean instance
applications for, The Stateless Session Bean
bean class, ProcessPaymentBean: The bean class, ProcessPaymentBean: The bean class
concurrent access, not supporting, Concurrency
conversational state, The Stateless Session Bean
definition (example), The ProcessPayment Bean
deployment descriptors
EJB 1.0 version, EJB 1.0: The ProcessPayment bean’s deployment descriptor, EJB 1.0: The ProcessPayment bean’s deployment descriptor
properties, ProcessPaymentBean: The bean class
XML-based, EJB 1.1: The ProcessPayment bean’s deployment descriptor
ejb-ref element, EJB 1.1: TravelAgent Bean’s Deployment Descriptor
home interface, ProcessPaymentHome: The home interface
instance pooling, Instance swapping, The Life Cycle of a Stateless Session Bean
instance swapping, Instance swapping
instance variables, The Stateless Session Bean
life cycle, The Life Cycle of a Stateless Session Bean, Transitioning out of the Method-Ready Pool: The death of a stateless bean instance
Does Not Exist state, Does Not Exist
Does Not Exist state to Method-Ready Pool transition, Transitioning to the Method-Ready Pool
Method-Ready Pool, The Method-Ready Pool, Life in the Method-Ready Pool
state diagram, Stateless Session Beans
transition from Method-Ready Pool to Does Not Exist state, Transitioning out of the Method-Ready Pool: The death of a stateless bean instance
open connections, Transitioning to the Method-Ready Pool
operations allowed for, Stateless Session Beans
ProcessPayment bean example, The ProcessPayment Bean
remote interface, ProcessPayment: The remote interface, PaymentException: An application exception
application exceptions, PaymentException: An application exception
dependent classes, Dependent classes: The CreditCard and Check classes
handle, ProcessPayment: The remote interface
runAs Identity, EJB 1.0: Method-driven access control
sequence diagram, Stateless Session Beans
source code, downloading from O’Reilly web site, Downloading the Missing Pieces
UserTransaction transactions, Transaction Propagation in Bean-Managed Transactions
using from within stateful session beans, Avoid Chaining Stateful Session Beans
Status interface, providing current status of transactional objects, Status, Status
String class, using in primary keys, Single-field key
String types, Java RMI Return Types, Parameters, and Exceptions
strings (arrays of) in listing behavior, listAvailableCabins( ): Listing behavior
stubs, Distributed Object Architectures
business methods, invoking, The EJB home
EJB objects, passing by value, EJB 1.1 and 1.0: The Java RMI Programming Model
EJB objects, returning to client, Transitioning from the Pooled state to the Ready State via creation
EJBObject interface, implementing, The EJB object
implementing multiple interfaces, IIOP and, EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject
as object server surrogates on clients, Distributed Object Architectures
Person_Stub example, Rolling Your Own Distributed Object
as remote references to object server, Rolling Your Own Distributed Object
session beans, reducing number of, Modeling Workflow with Session Beans
subsystems exceptions, Exception Handling, PaymentException: An application exception, EJB 1.1 system exceptions
Sun Microsystems
development of Enterprise JavaBeans, EJB and CORBA CTMs
EJB packages, downloading from Java site, Setting Up Your Java IDE
Supports transaction attribute, Transaction Attributes Defined
swapping bean instances, Overview of state transitions, Instance swapping, EntityContext
stateful session beans, not using, The Life Cycle of a Stateful Session Bean
bean-managed persistence, The ejbLoad( ) and ejbStore( ) Methods, The ejbLoad( ) and ejbStore( ) Methods, Transitioning from the Pooled state to the Ready State via activation, Life in the Ready State
container-managed persistence, Using ejbLoad() and ejbStore( ) in container-managed beans, Life in the Ready State, Sequence Diagrams for Container-Managed Persistence
persistent fields to database (container-managed), Transitioning from the Pooled state to the Ready State via activation
state of bean instance, Object-to-relational persistence
synchronous messaging, TP Monitors
system exceptions
application exceptions vs., PaymentException: An application exception
EJB 1.1, EJB 1.1 system exceptions
in transactions, System exceptions
system-level functionality, CTMs providing for distributed objects, Analogies to Relational Databases
system-level infrastructure, lacking in ORBs, Object Request Brokers
SYSTEM_IDENTITY mode, EJB 1.0: Method-driven access control


tables, mapping entity beans to, EJB 1.0 deployment tools
tag names, XML vs. HTML, What Is an XML Deployment Descriptor?
tagging in XML documents, EJB 1.1: The Deployment Descriptor
this keyword, problems with passing, Why the Bean Class Shouldn’t Implement the Remote Interface
thread safety, concurrency and, Concurrency
three-tier architectures, Distributed Object Architectures
TP monitor systems, Distributed Objects
stateful session beans, Session Beans, EJB 1.1 timeouts
stateless session beans, Session Beans
transactions, setting for, UserTransaction
Titan Cruises (example), Titan Cruises: An Imaginary Business
enterprise beans with, Using Enterprise Beans, Stateless and stateful session beans
toString( ) (Object), The Primary Key
TP monitors, TP Monitors
(see also CTMs)
CTMs vs., Component Transaction Monitors
ORBs, hybridizing with, CTMs: The Hybrid of ORBs and TP Monitors
three-tier architecture in, Distributed Objects
trans-attribute element, Specifying a Bean’s Transactional Attributes
transaction manager, using in two-phase commit protocol, Heuristic Decisions
transaction processing monitors (see TP monitors)
transaction service software, Is the TravelAgent Bean Durable?
transaction-type element, Transaction Attributes Defined, Explicit Transaction Management, Session and Entity Beans
transactional attributes, describing in assembly-descriptor element, EJB 1.1: The Deployment Descriptor
transactional method-ready state (stateful session beans), Transitioning into the Transactional Method-Ready state
transactionally aware vs. transactional objects (stateful session beans), Emulating Entity Beans with Session Beans
transactions, Transactions, ACID Transactions, Life in the Transactional Method-Ready state
accuracy requirements, ACID Transactions
ACID characteristics, ACID Transactions, Is the TravelAgent Bean Durable?
assembly-descriptor element, Describing Beans
attributes, Transaction Attributes, Transaction Propagation
setting, EJB 1.1, EJB 1.1: Setting a transaction attribute
business objects vs., ACID Transactions
container-transaction element, Describing Bean Assembly
CORBA attempt to standardize, EJB and CORBA CTMs
database locks, Database Locks
declarative transactional management, Declarative Transaction Management, Transaction Propagation
definition and examples, ACID Transactions
equality of isolation levels, EJB 1.0: Controlling isolation levels
exceptions, EJBContext Rollback Methods, EJB 1.1: Interactions Between Exceptions and Transactions, EJB 1.1: Interactions Between Exceptions and Transactions
EJB 1.0, EJB 1.0: Exceptions and Transactions, Unchecked Exceptions
EJB 1.1, Application Exceptions Versus System Exceptions, Application exceptions
in bean-managed, Bean-Managed Transactions
in client-initiated, Client-Initiated Transactions
in container-initiated, Container-Initiated Transactions
unchecked exceptions, Unchecked Exceptions
explicit management, Explicit Transaction Management, EJBContext Rollback Methods
isolation of, Isolation and Database Locking, EJB 1.0: Controlling isolation levels
isolation coditions, Dirty, Repeatable, and Phantom Reads, Phantom reads
isolation levels, Transaction Isolation Levels, EJB 1.0: Controlling isolation levels
management (explicit), EJB 1.0: Exceptions and Transactions
non-transactional beans, Non-Transactional Beans
Object Transaction Service (OTS), Explicit Transaction Management
propagation, Transaction Propagation, Transaction Propagation
scope, Transaction Scope
setting attributes for, EJB 1.0: The Deployment Descriptor, EJB 1.0: The TravelAgent Beans’ Deployment Descriptor
software supporting, Is the TravelAgent Bean Durable?
stateful session beans, Transactional Stateful Session Beans, Life in the Transactional Method-Ready state
transactional attributes, Transaction Attributes Defined
(see also attributes)
values, defined, Transaction Attributes Defined
transient fields (activation and passivation), The Activation Mechanism, Passivated State
two-phase commit protocol (2-PC), Transaction Propagation
transaction manager, using, Heuristic Decisions
TX_BEAN_MANAGED attribute, Explicit Transaction Management


unchecked exceptions, Unchecked Exceptions
unit-of-work in transactions, ACID Transactions, Transaction Scope
unsetEntityContext( ), End of the Life Cycle
JDBC, finding for vendors, EJB 1.0: Using JDBC in EJB, EJB 1.0: Deploying the Bean-Managed Ship Bean
JNDI, use of, Locating Beans with JNDI
XML deployment descriptors, The Document Header
UserTransaction interface, Explicit Transaction Management
defining, UserTransaction
methods, defined, UserTransaction, UserTransaction


validation rules, dependent objects, Validation Rules in Dependent Objects, Validation Rules in Dependent Objects
vectors, use in database mapping, One-to-many database mapping
CORBA-based CTMs, server-side component model differences, EJB and CORBA CTMs
EJB containers, providing tools for data mapping of primary key and persistent fields, The primary key
EJB object implementation, The EJB object
EJB servers, EJB 1.0 deployment tools, EJB Vendors
object-to-relational mapping tools, Object-to-Relational Mapping Tools
JDBC URLs, obtaining, EJB 1.0: Using JDBC in EJB
version, specifying for XML document, The Document Header


.war (web archive) files, J2EE Fills in the Gaps
web components
accessing enterprise beans through client APIs, Web Components and EJB
client access via HTTP/HTTPS, Connectivity and Interoperability
deployment descriptor example, J2EE Fills in the Gaps
EJB and, Web Components and EJB, Web Components and EJB
J2EE specification for interaction with EJB, Web Components and EJB, Future Enhancements
web pages, processing requests for with Servlets, Servlets
web servers in application servers, Component Transaction Monitors
Weblogic deployment wizard, EJB 1.0 deployment tools
wide EJB object type, narrowing remote reference, EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject
method name in method element, Wildcard declarations
method-intf element in, Remote/home differentiation
deployment tools, Deploying the Cabin Bean
object-to-relational persistence, mapping, Object-to-relational persistence
workflow, EJB 1.1: TravelAgentBean
limiting session beans to, Limiting Session Beans to Workflow
separating data from, Developing a Session Bean
session beans, modeling with, Modeling Workflow with Session Beans, Stateless and stateful session beans, Session Beans
stateful session beans
management of, The Stateful Session Bean
modeling with, TravelAgent: The remote interface, TravelAgentBean: The bean class
wrapper classes for primitive data types, Single-field key
write locks, Database Locks


XML deployment descriptors, What Is an XML Deployment Descriptor?, The client-jar File, XML Deployment Descriptors
application deployment descriptor, J2EE Application Client Components
bean-managed entity beans (EJB 1.1), EJB 1.1: Deploying the Bean-Managed Ship Bean
body of document, The Descriptor’s Body
for client components, J2EE Application Client Components
container-managed entity bean, EJB 1.1: Deploying the ShipBean
contents of, The Contents of a Deployment Descriptor
EJB DTD (Document Type Definition), EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors
EJB references, declaring, TravelAgentBean: The bean class
in ejb-Jar files, The ejb-jar File
elements, The Descriptor’s Body, Session and Entity Beans
headers, The Document Header
method-permission element, EJB 1.1: Role-driven access control
primkey-field element, Single-field key
resource-ref element, EJB 1.1: Using JDBC in EJB
security roles, EJB 1.1: Role-driven access control
Servlets and Java Server Pages (JSP), packaging in, Java 2, Enterprise Edition
session beans, EJB 1.1: TravelAgent Bean’s Deployment Descriptor, EJB 1.1: TravelAgent Bean’s Deployment Descriptor
stateful session beans, EJB 1.1: The TravelAgent deployment descriptor, EJB 1.1: The TravelAgent deployment descriptor
stateless session bean, EJB 1.1: The ProcessPayment bean’s deployment descriptor
transaction attributes, Transaction Attributes
setting, EJB 1.1: Setting a transaction attribute
for web components, J2EE Fills in the Gaps
XML documents
!DOCTYPE element, EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors, EJB 1.1: The Deployment Descriptor
generating with JSP, Java Server Pages
tagging in, EJB 1.1: The Deployment Descriptor


zipping and unzipping JAR files, EJB 1.1: Packaging the Cabin bean, The ejb-jar File
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