Adèle loves change. Not in the way most people do, as in a holiday or a new outfit. She loves change as a concept; she loves the process of radical transformation.

This love led her to work for several large consulting companies, getting paid megabucks to help large teams of people move on from the shock associated with clashes during mergers, outsourcing or downsizing projects, so they are focused on moving on versus being held back.

Within this corporate sphere, she developed a method for helping people to rapidly transform their lives even after a major setback or turbulent event.

She loved helping people to change and transform, but she got frustrated with the structure of the corporate environment.

She felt large companies were missing the humanity of what she was doing. Rather than seeing the radical nature of what's possible for people who go through a changing time, she was being asked to simply tick the boxes in implementing change programmes which were mostly about ticking boxes vs. checking that everyone is emotionally on board.

She decided to set about the task of taking radical transformation to the world. She chose a niche that was close to her heart, helping men and women who have been through a divorce to recreate their life.

Adèle named her process ‘the naked divorce’. She wrote a book on the topic, created products and found partners. She started speaking publicly and soon became a recognised Key Person of Influence in the field.

She constructed an Ascending Transaction Model of products that could be shipped internationally. Soon her business started to attract clients all over the world and partnerships in countries she'd never been to.

She's free to travel, explore and develop herself and her business.

Today she runs a successful Global Small Business from her home in Thailand. With her team spanning the globe, she helps people all over the world to heal from their divorce. She's taking her methodology and using it to create programmes for other types of emotional trauma. She's still able to consult for corporations and, with her new-found passion, she is able to charge more and do work on her own terms.

Adèle let go of the normal corporate work ethos and embraced her passion. She's turned her passion into a business, she delivers massive value and gets well rewarded for it. Adèle is doing what she loves and is already living in the Entrepreneur Revolution.


Jeremy loves deals. He dropped out of school at age 15 to buy and sell goods at a local market. By 18 he'd built a local amusement arcade but, by 20, he went bust and had to start from scratch again.

He did a deal and got started in a telecommunications company. He did some customer deals and it grew. He did lots more deals and he built a large database of clients. He did a partnership deal with a UK membership organisation and ended up with a national business before the age of 30.

At age 34 he did an exit deal and sold his business for a lot of money.

After that he had no reason to work unless he was doing what he loved, which boils down to doing deals.

Today Jeremy lives between the Balearic Islands and Singapore. He advises people on doing deals all over the world.

On a typical day he will be sitting on his balcony in the sun overlooking a gorgeous Mediterranean bay with his headset on. He uses Skype to advise people on their deals. He helps people buy businesses for the best price, he helps turn around businesses that are in distress, he helps people sell their businesses for a lot of money.

Rather than taking fees, he takes a percentage of the deal. He makes a small fortune each year based on the success of his deals. He's floated companies on the NASDAQ, bought a bank and owned a music school that trained celebrities.

His set-up allows him to travel for about five months of the year without missing a thing. He ‘works’ a few hours each day from anywhere in the world. In his spare time, he's been able to write a book, give talks at conferences and he's even setting up an art studio to explore any hidden talent he might have for sculpture.

Jeremy isn't stuck in a small business like many people are. He's well aware of the exciting times we live in and he's making the most of it. He's turned his passion for deal-making into an exciting business. He's doing what he loves and he's already living in the Entrepreneur Revolution.


Lucy loves publishing. She studied publishing at university, worked in magazines, television stations and newspapers before focusing on her passion for books. Her early career involved tight deadlines, bustling offices, endless commuting and unworkable hours for people with young families. Eventually, she pioneered ideas on the topic of work–life balance and set up a business that would be fun, flexible and financially successful.

Today Lucy heads up her own publishing business with writers, editors and creatives all over the world. She also trains people on how to write a book that will demonstrate their thought leadership. Her clients are in the UK, USA, Singapore and Australia. Despite running a fast-growth Global Small Business, Lucy works from home and doesn't have dedicated offices or traditional business overheads.

She's written a dozen books herself and helped over 400 people to write and publish their own book too. She's achieved the goal of achieving big things in business and enjoying life as well. Lucy is doing what she loves and is already living in the Entrepreneur Revolution.


Jacqui loves fitness. On most nights of the week you can find her at the athletics field, pole vaulting or sprinting. She believes fitness is what gives people their spark.

Nothing could have illustrated this more than when Jacqui left her corporate job. After years as an engineer in a construction firm, she realised that a lot of her colleagues were losing their fitness and losing their will to live.

In a bold move, she quit her high-paying job and got trained up as a fitness trainer. She began delivering fitness training sessions before work in the parks in Melbourne.

After the business started moving, she decided to hone in on a niche and focus her efforts exclusively on corporate women in their 30s.

Jacqui has written a book, created an Ascending Transaction Model of products and is now expanding her business with other trainers who want to use her system. In a short space of time, she's become a Key Person of Influence in her field.

She created a specialised programme called ‘Love Your Body, Love Your Life’ that includes elements of fitness and life coaching to help her clients get fit and reclaim their spark.

She's replaced her high-paid engineering income and now engineers spectacular transformations for her clients, along with constructing the life she wants. Jacqui is doing what she loves and is already living in the Entrepreneur Revolution.


Mike Symes loves brands. Not just any brands, he loves financial brands like credit cards, banks, investment funds and insurance.

In his career at a US bank he worked his way up to the head marketing role. Within his role he ticked all the boxes, won several awards and then decided he'd be happier running his own business.

He left his high-paying job with hundreds of people on his team to start a two-person operation with no offices. At first it must have been both thrilling and scary to give up on the high-flying career, but Mike knew he could create something special if he stuck with it.

Today, Mike runs a financial branding business in London and New York. He's the author of a book and has developed an Ascending Transaction Model of products that serve his clients and take them on a journey.

He has developed his own special method for ‘igniting a brand, illuminating its points of difference and making its messages spread like wildfire’. Now it's his clients who are winning awards!

Mike is busy and he loves it. He's building a fast-growth Global Small Business and his clients just can't get enough of it. He's regularly featured in his industry press, his book keeps selling and he speaks all over the world. Mike is doing what he loves and is already living in the Entrepreneur Revolution.

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