Handling Human Error

Antonio RIZZO

University of Siena

Donatella FERRANTE

University of Trieste

Sebastiano BAGNARA

University of Siena

Human-machine systems have become more and more risky and tightly coupled. Component failures can result in unacceptable disasters that not only affect workers and plants, but also neighbors and the environment. System Reliability Analysis has made noticeable progress in assessing technical component reliability, but the introduction of Human Reliability Analysis is a more of difficult task. This chapter attempts to define human error that should not necessarily be attributed to incompetence, but is considered a product of conflicts between the human and the physical or the social artifact. An overview of studies on human error commission, detection, and recovery is presented from which lessons are drawn and guidelines are provided for the design of operator support.


Human interaction with objects and artifacts in both physical and social systems is frequently characterized by errors. However, “errors” are very often best attempts at accomplishing desired and sensible goals, and should not be necessarily attributed to incompetence (Lewis & Norman, 1986). People may not have any way of foreseeing the unintended and deleterious consequences of their decisions and actions, and only when negative modifications occur in the world, might they regret having taken a certain action or made a particular decision. The recent user-centered design approach of man-machine systems considers the error as the product of breakdowns in communication between the humans and the physical artifacts (e.g., Norman & Draper, 1986; Rasmussen, 1986; Shneiderman, 1992). These breakdowns, as claimed by Winograd and Flores (1986), may play a fundamental role in the design process by revealing and creating space for problems and opportunities. Moreover, as these authors have observed, a structured analysis of the processes that cause breakdowns and of the processes that allow the handling of breakdowns should be useful to the designers. The inevitability of human error has led system designers to make a great effort to minimize the incidence of errors, to maximize their discovery, and to make easier their recovery or the repair of their consequences. However, despite the claims for user-centered systems, most of the available guidelines and design principles for error recovery are concerned with errors occurring at the syntactic level of the human-computer interaction, that is, errors concerning users’ performances that violate rules in the grammar of the interaction. Guidelines and principles are not concerned with higher semantic and pragmatic levels of the interaction.

There are two main reasons for this. First, cognitive psychologists have historically considered perception and action two separate domains of study, and they have privileged the former. Actually, the distinction between perception and action is deceptive (see, e.g., Neisser, 1976; Arbib, 1989), since it has been shown that perception is involved in action selection, in action execution, and in the continuous evaluation of the results (Norman & Shallice, 1986). The study of human fallibility has also stressed the relationships between perception and action (see, e.g., Reason, 1990; Norman, 1988) to the point that human errors are conceived as breakdowns in the continuous action-perception loop. Second, within cognitive psychology there has been poor communication between researchers interested in perception and researchers interested in action. Indeed, ecological psychology advanced long ago the idea of perception as geared from action (Gibson, 1979). However, this idea did not play a visible role in research on cognitive processes for two main reasons. Gibsonians tended to consider their approach as alternative to that of cognitive psychology, and even recently they appear to stress the differences by downplaying the role of cognitive representations. In the ecological approach,, perception is still thought as a direct process that does not involve any high level process, such as inference (Turvey & Kugler, 1984). Also the relationships between experimental cognitive psychology and cognitive ergonomics have been very poor. The actual outcome of the scant communication among different fields of research and of the meagre cross-fertilization in the study of action and perception is that knowledge about cognitive processes of error handling that is not well established.

The main goal of the present chapter is to provide a cognitive analysis of error handling processes; an analysis of the processes by which negative outcome of human activity is made apparent, is related (properly or not) to previous activity, and is controlled by its consequences. The issues faced in this work are based on studies concerning errors conducted in laboratory (Rizzo, Bagnara, & Visciola, 1987; Rizzo, Ferrante, Stablum, & Bagnara, 1988), in industrial setting (Bagnara, Stablum, Rizzo, Fontana, & Ruo, 1987), and in everyday life (Rizzo, Ferrante, & Bagnara, 1992).

Special attention will be dedicated to the processes of mismatch emergence which are crucial in making the breakdowns apparent. Finally, we will attempt to provide guidelines to facilitate error detection in human-computer communication.


According to Reason, human error is a “generic term to encompass all those occasions in which a planned sequence of mental or physical activities fails to achieve its intended outcome, and when these failures cannot be attributed to the intervention of some change agency” (Reason, 1990; p. 9). By considering the behavioral output together with the knowledge activation processes involved and the level of cognitive control employed when an error occurs, human errors can be distinguished in the following categories (Reason, 1990):

i) Slip is characterized by a mismatch between intention and action: The intention is satisfactory, but the actions are not carried out as planned (Norman, 1981). A slip is mainly due to some kind of attentional failure in the low level of control of action, and normally occurs in routine situations characterized by automatic and over-practiced behavior;

ii) Lapse involves memory failures and does not necessarily manifest itself in overt behavior. A lapse may appear evident only to the person who experiences it. There are three main sub-classes: a) lapse of intention, which concerns the lost of intention that is currently under execution; b) Lapse of action, which refers to the failure to trigger the intended action at the proper moment; and c) Lapse of memory, where the intention is specified, but further information necessary to perform the action cannot be retrieved from memory, even though a deliberate attempt is made to do so (Sellen, 1990);

iii) Rule-based mistake usually consists of the wrong activation of well-known rules or procedures which have been consciously acquired. Rule-based mistakes depend on biases in the selection or in the quasi-automatic overriding by more familiar rules onto the appropriate ones, both in identifying the situation and in adopting the plan of action;

iv)Knowledge-based mistake occurs when a selected plan or even the intended goal turns out to be not wellfitted to the problem which is to be solved. Knowledge-based mistakes are attributed to the lack of completeness of the mental models used and/or a fault in causal thinking. People are not able to properly recognize the relation between different aspects of the problem or to achieve an adequate diagnosis of the problem. The context in which these errors occur is unfamiliar and requires diagnostic and planning behavior.

The distinction between the classes of error involved in this taxonomy is not clear cut. However, the taxonomy has been proven useful both in study of cognitive psychology and of cognitive ergonomics (van der Schaaf, Lucas, & Hale, 1991). In the present work it is instrumental to make evident the role of knowledge activation in error production.


Bagnara et al. (1987) singled out three main processes underlying the breakdowns in the action-perception loop: a) mismatch emergence, that is, the appearance of a discrepancy between feedback and active knowledge frame of reference, owned by the agent, which includes active expectations (e.g., the satisfaction conditions of a conscious intention) or implicit assumptions (e.g., embedded in the tacit knowledge); b) detection, that is, the awareness of what is wrong, which follows a causal assessment concerning the wrong outcome, the wrong action or both; c) recovery, that is, the overcome of the mismatch, where the goal is usually to reduce the mismatch or to get rid of it. Recovery is not necessarily based on a full understanding of the mismatch and of the error.

Sellen (1990) proposed another taxonomy of the main processes involved in breakdowns in the perception-action loop. These include the following: a) detection, that is knowing (either consciously or subconsciously) an error has occurred; b) identification, which refers to knowing what was done wrong and what should have been done; and c) correction, which refers to knowing how to undo the effects of the error and to achieve the desired state.

The crucial difference between the two taxonomies is about the role of mismatch. The following example (Rizzo, Ferrante, & Bagnara, 1992) shows that mismatch and detection processes do not necessarily overlap.

E1) I had to photocopy a paper from a journal. I set the machine in order to have the copy enlarged and double paged (side by side). Then I decided to duplicate the copy. I set back the size index to 100% and put the paper in the automatic feeder. The machine started to produce a copy plus an almost white sheet. At the beginning, I thought it was a dragging problem or that one of the originals was upside down. Then, the unexpected event was repeated over and over. I started to explore the machine, and noted the double page light on. The command was still on from the former setting.

In this case the mismatch emerged by the observation of an unexpected result, but the person did not assume that this outcome had been produced by his own wrong activity. Only when the identification of the source of the mismatch took place, did he detect his own error.

Considering Bagnara et al. (1987), Sellen (1990) and Rizzo et al. (1992) a new taxonomy of the processes underlying error handling can be put forward. It comprises four main processes: i) mismatch emergence (i.e., breakdown in the perception-action loop); ii) detection (i.e., awareness that an error occurred); iii) identification (i.e., knowledge of the source of the breakdown); iv) overcoming of the mismatch (i.e., strategies for either reducing the mismatch, to get rid of it, or to undo its cause).

So far, the proposed error detection processes have been based on the idea suggested by Norman (1984) that there can be essentially two ways to detect an error: either through “self monitoring,” when the action is monitored and compared with expectations (if the action was not as planned, then the error would be detected), or through “deleterious outcome” (if the error causes some deleterious results, then it may be detected). Both modes rely upon 1) a feedback mechanism with some monitoring function that compares what is expected with what has occurred, and 2) the ability of the cognitive system to catch a discrepancy between expectations and occurrences (Norman, 1981). However, it is deceptive to assume that the knowledge frame of reference used to evaluate feedback collected along the action course remains stable and constant. Human knowledge is continuously activated and inhibited so the frame of reference is dynamic in nature. This dynamic characteristic of active knowledge and its role in the emergence of mismatches (which constitutes a central theme in this work) will be considered once the possible mismatches against a stable frame of reference have been described.


In what follows we present some examples of detected errors to show first the role played by different types of information, then the role of various reference systems against which the information is evaluated. The errors are selected because they represent proposed mechanisms and not because they represent dramatic and puzzling events that often occur in man-machine systems. However, we believe that the error sample can be useful to clarify the basic processes underlying the continuous supervision of human performance necessary for efficient interaction with the environment.

Mismatch and incoming information

The mismatch may be classified on the basis of the information that is matched against the frame of reference. From the analyses of the data of the previous studies, it has been possible to identify the following types of mismatch1.

a) Inner Feedback. The information is available in the working memory and does not depend on feedback from either the action itself or more or less immediate consequences of it on the environment. It refers to the consequences of the wrong action on the cognitive system itself, as illustrated by the following examples.

E2) I had to meet a friend at a pub. Since she was late, I decided to leave before she arrived. Half an hour later, I was in my boyfriend’s car and I felt lighter than before. I tried to understand why I felt so. I checked what I should have had with me. After a while I remembered I had left a big book in the pub.

E3) In LISP programming, the task was to extract the atom “PEAR” from the list “(APPLE GRAPES PEAR ORANGE”). The subject said: “I must do two REST and one FIRST.” She began to write “(RES”, then she stopped and said “No, the opposite… I am wrong because the LISP evaluate from the inside to the outside.”

b) Action Feedback. Information comes from components of the action itself. This information is directly related to action execution not to its results. The latter can produce further evidence that an error occurred, but the person experiences the presence of a discrepancy even before knowing the results.

E4) I wanted to turn off the boiler. I had to act on a switch near to the light switch on the electric box. As I laid down my hand, I noted that it was in the wrong position, but I could not avoid turning on the light.

c) External or Outcome Feedback. The information does not come from the actions performed but from their consequences on the environment. The consequences can be related to the produced state of the world, detected soon after the action, to delayed effects or to delayed detection. In all three cases they concern states of the external world which do not fit with persons’ active knowledge.

E5) I had hard day. In the evening, I had to dine out. So, I had to dress up. In the walk to the meeting, I felt an enduring pain at my ankle. Actually, I also was hobbling along a bit. I thought it was due to my old sick tendon. After dinner, I was on the sofa, I crossed my legs and I had a look at one shoe. After a while, I changed the position of crossing and I saw a different shoe. I looked at both feet… I had put two different shoes on, one heeled the other one not.

A special case of External Mismatch is that produced by an External Communication. In this case, the agent is informed by other people either about the specific wrong action or, more generally, about some undesired states of the world.

E6) A Plant Operator decided to inform the shift supervisor that Slab Yards OC3 1000 and GES 500 (having different characteristics) needed more slabs. In the inter-phone conversation the operator told of Yard OC3 1000 in a context that concerned the GES 500 and vice versa. The supervisor did not understand and asked why more slabs were needed. The unexpected request made the operator a little upset. He repeated the request with more details and stressed the need for more slabs, but this time asked for the slabs in the right context. The head of the shift at this point informed the operator about the former “spoonerism.”

d) Forcing Function. The information comes from the environment and concerns constraints that prevent the performance of the intended action or the attainment of the desired state of the world. Sellen (1990) called this mismatch “Limiting Function.” She observed that, in the engineering literature, a forcing function usually refers to the function which drives an action, while a limiting function is that which limits its progress. Even if we agree with Sellen’s observation, we propose to stick with the old name proposed by Norman (1984), since it is already in use in the psychological literature.

E7) I wanted to set the property “Visible” of a field in HyperCard to “False.” I modified the command on the message window only for the final part from “to 21, 35, 63, 85” to “to false.” Then HyperCard presented a message “Invalid argument for command set.” Looking back to my command in the message box, I read the full command “set rect of field X to false.” As soon as I read the “rect” I understood what the error was.

e) Intention Uncertainty. The information concerns the feeling of being unsure about what to do next. There are two typical cases: One is related to the loss of activation of the ongoing intention (E8), the other to lack of adequate alternatives in adopting feasible intentions (E9).

E8) I was in the lab. I needed a document that was in the office. Along the way to the office, I met some friends. We started out chattering and joking. Anyway, I kept on moving. I reached the office. Then, I realized that I did not know what I was there for. I tried to remember. No way. I had to go back to the lab and ask my colleagues.

E9) An operator had to plan the daily production in the hot strip mill. This task was governed by constraints (e.g., to exploit to the utmost the hot strip mill, to make the most of the space in the Slab Stock Yard) and by rules (e.g., the sequence of slabs must respect the “grave” shape). In the computer system all the information on the slabs and on the condition of the plant were available under request. When the operator had already planned about 25% of the production, he stopped and said that he felt uneasy about what to do next. He suspected that the current plan was wrong. He re-decomposed the schedule and rearranged the slabs in a new order. The day after, the production was properly accomplished. Examining the former schedule it was observed that two slabs would not have been processed.

f) Standard Check Behavior. The information is actively searched with the aim to control its status in respect to the frame of reference. The number of checks depend on many factors: the personal characteristics, the risk associated with the task, the complexity of the environment, the level of accuracy needed, and so on.

E10) At a class, I was making notes. I wrote down some data presented by the teacher on experiments I’m really interested in. Five weeks later, I was at home studying on those notes. And, as I used to do when possible, I checked the data in my notes with those reported in the textbook. I realized I had mis-typed one figure and reversed others.

Mismatch and frame of reference

As anticipated, a mismatch may arise because the incoming information contrasts with the expected one or because the expectations are changed during the action course. In fact, to properly understand what happens during a mismatch, one should not assume that at time t1 there is some active knowledge that forms the frame of reference against which at time t2 some incoming information is evaluated. This view, which has heavily influenced the literature on error detection, implies a static representation of the knowledge or, at best, assumes that all the knowledge is always available and ready to be used.

Actually, the knowledge active in the working memory is continuously updated during the interaction with the environment. This updating process is shaped by two main sources: one internal an the other external. The internal source consists in knowledge that becomes active when its stronger competitors decay after they have been executed (e.g., Norman & Shallice, 1986, Umiltà, Nicoletti, Simion, Tagliabue, & Bagnara, 1992). The external source of updating arises from new information relative to the state of the world available after the interaction. The new information may either activate not still considered knowledge or produce a tuning up of the already activated knowledge. Therefore, this information, even if it does not violate the expectations, may provide the conditions for the activation of more appropriate knowledge.

There are situations where it is necessary to adopt a not quite appropriate knowledge to allow the proper one (but less used or less frequent in that context) to get space. The new one will define the “new” frame of reference against which outcome feedback, inner feedback, and forcing functions are matched. For the construction of this “new” frame of reference, both sources of updating can cooperate and are not mutually exclusive.

In the study on error in everyday life it has been possible to identify four possible classes of knowledge frames of reference. These include:

a) Stable knowledge frame of reference. The frame of reference active before the execution of the action remains about the same along the action execution. It includes the explicit expectations or implicit assumptions concerning the execution of the action and the modifications it is prone to bring about. It constitutes the usual frame of reference against which action and outcome feedback are matched.

E11) I did some computations with a calculator. I manipulated the data by following a formula kept in my mind. The final result did not seem correct to me. I remade the computation two more times and both results were the same, but different from the first. These latter results sounded right to me. Actually, I did not discover what the error was but only that I had made an error.

b) Frame of reference active after the adoption or execution of the intended actions. As already suggested, the emergence of mismatch have to be considered as constructive processes where the knowledge active in the working memory is continuously updated. For example, the incoming information can call by itself the knowledge on which to be evaluated. This position is close to that by Kahneman & Miller (1986), who maintain that a stimulus can be evaluated in respect to the norm that it evokes after the fact, rather than in relation to pre-established expectations. Moreover, after an action has been triggered, other schemata can gain the access to the working memory when their competitors decay.

E12) I had to make many Xeroxes in the shortest time. I prepared the sequence of articles. I put the sheets over the machine and collected the copies in order to rearrange them in “papers.” I was Xeroxing a long paper when I noted that I had to reorder all the copies, because I was feeding from the first page on. Then, I realized that starting from the end of the paper would have spared time and work.

c) Distant frame of reference. The active frame of reference concerns a context distant either conceptually or in time or both from that in which the planning and the execution of the wrong intentions and actions took place. In this case the active knowledge is related to states of the world (usually provided through forcing function or external feedback) which may or may not have clear relationship with the error made.

E13) I decided to clean the luggage rack of my car. To ease the access to the hollow I removed the rear panel bus. Since in the panel there were the speakers of my stereo, I disconnected cables. The day after, I turned on my car stereo: the left speakers did not work. I thought it was a fault in the system. One week later, I was in the car talking with a friend about the possible causes of the left speakers’ breakdown. I recalled that some days before I had my car in a garage to fix minor faults. The guys in the station could have forgotten to re-connect some electric cables. Then, suddenly, I remembered that I had put my hand on electric cables too….

d) Lack of meaning. This concerns the awareness that there is not a specific goal governing the ongoing activity. In the frame of reference there is no available schemata to fulfill people’s constant need to give meaning to their activity.

E14) I intended to pick up the keys of the car. They are usually in a box at the entrance. Instead, I entered another room and searched in a drawer where I did not find any keys (but there were the documents about which I was talking before, but I did not pay attention to them). Then I found myself wondering what I was looking for and why I was there. I had to go back to my office to recall that I was leaving and so I needed the keys of my car.

As above reported, these examples of error detection were chosen with the idea of providing as simple as possible cases for circumstantial evidence of the proposed processes of mismatch. However, the process of error handling is very seldom characterized by only one mismatch. Many different types of mismatches can take place, relative to the very same event, by making reference to different types of knowledge, active in different moments. The process of matching usually continues until a stable frame of reference, which allows to restore smooth perception-action loops, is reached. In the above reported examples the specific type of mismatch was easily identifiable, but in many cases multiple and different mismatches can occur before a solution can be found. This is shown in the following example.

E15) I wanted to get money from an automatic teller. I put my card in and typed the personal code. I was waiting for the following message from the system when I got distracted by the traffic. In the while, the message on the screen changed from “Type the secret code” to “Push the operation button.” I missed the change. I kept waiting for the new message. Of course, nothing happened, and I thought that I had mistyped the code. So, I typed it again, but I got a beep after each number. Then, I thought I had used a wrong secret code (that of my other, less used, card). When I was going to type the new code and to check it on the screen I finally noted the message.

This example illustrates a relatively simple case of multiple mismatches since the environment remained stable after the first mismatch. It is easy to figure out how much things can become complex when the environment changes.

After the Mismatch

We have already seen that the emergence of a mismatch does not directly imply that an error has occurred. Generally, with the increase in the complexity of the domain in which human performance transpires, it becomes necessary to distinguish in the occurrence of an error not only between the mismatch and the awareness, but also among detection, identification and recovery. Indeed only in a few cases the knowledge needed to understand what was wrongly done and how to undo the negative effects are available when a mismatch takes place.

What diagnosis behavior will be produced by the user depends on the information available after the mismatch. In particular it depends on: 1) the type of error; 2) the information involved in the mismatch; and 3) the active frame of reference.

Rizzo et al. (1988) have identified some patterns which describe different combinations of the main processes underlying error handling as a function of the three sources of information above reported.

As far as the present work is concerned we will just distinguish the situations in which there is co-occurrence among the different stages, from the situations in which they are separated, since the user needs further information to go from one stage to the next stage.


As we have seen before, in the literature there is no complete agreement on the definition of error detection. According to our definition, the term indicates the process through which people become aware that a self-produced error has occurred, but sometimes in the literature it includes the mismatch and/or the identification. This is mainly due to the frequent overlapping of these three stages in error handling.

The co-occurrence of mismatch and detection is typical of well-defined domains (e.g., computer programming, mathematical problem solving), where a mismatch is automatically considered the result of an error. For example, when the subjects in the LISP study (Rizzo et al., 1988) encountered a forcing function or received an unexpected outcome, they immediately assumed that they had made an error.

On the contrary, the detection temporally separated by the mismatch is usually found in relation to complex situations like some of those characterized in everyday life or industrial settings. Indeed, in these environments the emergence of a mismatch may occur due to system’s malfunctions (industrial setting) or from conditions which come off independently from our actions.

Norman (1984, 1988) observed that before assuming a self-produced error it is necessary to eliminate alternative explanations. Conversely, such a caveat can give rise to the biased attitude of “explaining away errors,” which is a crucial factor in facilitating major accidents.

The attitude to explaining away errors is made more evident when there is a distance between different frames of reference. That is, between the reference frame that guided the wrong action and the reference frame involved in the mismatch. In this case, as we have already pointed out, the active knowledge might not have a clear relationship with the error. A delayed detection usually takes place after an external mismatch. At difference, there is no indication of a privileged feedback in producing an automatic detection.

Therefore, the critical factors used to distinguish between situations in which mismatch and detection co-occurred from situations in which detection is delayed are: i) the general assumptions about the characteristics of the domains (i.e., open vs. close systems); and ii) the distance between the active frame of reference and the frame of reference in which the planning and the execution of the wrong action took place. Thus, all the necessary information to distinguish between these two situations concerns the frame of reference.


Only in some cases the emergence of mismatch makes automatically available the information necessary to identify what was wrongly done. The overlapping of mismatch, detection, and identification mainly happens when: i) the error is a slip (i.e. the intention is feasible and the agent can easily activate the knowledge to fulfill it); ii) the outcome of the action is readily available (generally when the mismatch is based on action or outcome feedback); iii) the frame of reference remains stable during the execution of the action.

When the error concerns the mis-activation of an intention (i.e., rule-based mistake) and/or the distance between frames of reference increases, error identification becomes more complex. The agent starts an activity of hypothesis testing, searching for evidence that can strengthen or weaken various possibilities. If the domain is well-defined, completely governed by dependencies and rules, the diagnosis behavior consists in finding which rule has been wrongly applied. A careful evaluation of outcomes obtained (either results or messages) and from the previous performed actions by backward chaining it is often sufficient to find the error. When the domain is not well-defined and a knowledge-based mistake occurs, knowledge triggered by the mismatch is distant from the knowledge necessary to identify the error. So the agent, finding him/herself uncertain, wavers between a backward and a forward analysis trying to advance a plausible hypothesis about when and what, if any, error has been made, and on how to recover from the undesired results.

As the psychological literature on thinking and decision making (e.g., Kahneman, Slovic, & Tversky, 1982) has pointed out, people’s reasoning is biased in a systematic way. Most of these biases concern the ignoring of some kind of information and the focusing on only a small part of it (Legrenzi, Girotto, & Johnson-Laird, 1993). The more well documented bias, from which follows most of the studies on diagnosis is the confirmation bias (Wason, 1960). According to this bias, people sample information consistent with their current hypothesis rather that those that are inconsistent.

Unfortunately, until now most of these reasoning biases have been studied only in well-defined laboratory settings (see Hoc, Amalberti, & Boreham, chapter 2, this volume). It would be desirable to attain a greater communication between researchers interested in human error in real situations and cognitive psychologists, with the aim to prove which among these biases are held on and what new biases come out in real situations.


When the system is “reversible,” in many cases the identification of the error makes available the recovery path; even if, sometimes its execution may be quite time consuming. But if the system does not allow reversibility or if the agent, after an exploration about the discrepancy, realizes that he or she is unable to identify the causes, he tries to overcome the mismatch. He moves to a forward analysis trying to fulfill the goals to be reached through a repertoire of familiar actions in order to keep the system within an acceptable range. At the best, he directs his attention to the negative consequences and tries to eliminate or at least to reduce them. More often, he adopts a set of actions of repair/containment based on the symptoms noticed rather than looking for the identification of the source-event and its causes. These symptom-based actions are not derived from reasoning on the symptoms themselves (Brehmer, 1987), rather they are easily available and are familiar cognitive routines, which were proved to be effective in containment/repair of a system under failure.

It is interesting to underline that users, only if they appraise the situation as potentially manageable, try to understand the error that they had made. Otherwise they prefer to disregard the achieved results and focus their attention on alternative ways to reach their goal. Else, if they assess the goal as no more feasible, they try to adapt the goal to the current state.


Studies both in cognitive psychology and in cognitive ergonomics show that it is wrong to assume that, if a person is shown to possess a piece of knowledge in a circumstance, this knowledge should be available under all conditions in which it might be useful. Actually, the opposite effect is observable: Knowledge accessed in one context remains inert in another. “Thus, the fact that people possess relevant knowledge does not guarantee that this knowledge will be activated when needed. The critical factor is not whether the agent possesses domain knowledge but rather the more stringent criterion that relevant knowledge be accessible under the conditions in which the task is performed” (Woods, 1990, p. 253). Knowledge activation and its transformation are the crucial points which support the human error handling process. Indeed, on one side, most of the errors depend on the mis-activation, conscious or subconscious, of knowledge. On the other side, mismatches consist of conflicts or clashes of knowledge active in the working memory, and the identification of the breakdown is the possible resolution of the conflicts. But note that sometimes it is, or it seems, not possible to resolve the conflicts. However, other times the source identification of the breakdowns may be irrelevant, so the direct overcoming of the mismatch can be the best way for a smooth restarting of the activity.

Thus, the problem of error handling is, at least at a basic level, a problem of supporting the activation of relevant knowledge by modulating the conditions in which tasks are performed.

Lets consider how this could be done. We will provide a list of possible guidelines and for each of them we will identify the cases where they might apply. All the following guidelines are expressions of a general strategy aimed at augmenting the redundancy of objects, procedures, and feedback. Obviously, designing is a trade-off activity, so most of the following guidelines have to be weighed and balanced in respect to other guidelines that might point at different directions as, for examples, consistency, simplicity, reduction of information overload, and so on.

1) Make more perceptible the action. That is, design for human-computer interactions where actions with different goals are also different in their shape. This could have two advantages: i) it may reduce the possibilities of activating the execution of another action; ii) it would lead the components of the action itself to provide unambiguous information on the ongoing activity even before the knowledge of results (E3, E4, E6).

For example, in the Graphical User Interface (GUI) clicking outside the space dedicated to the active application produces a shift between applications. This switch is observable by the acknowledgment of the result but barely during the performance of the action, especially when the active application is distributed over more than one window. In safety critical application, actions that may produce dramatic and different outputs should be mediated by a well differentiated action pattern.

2) Use multi-sensory feedback. Users already exploit indirect feedback for evaluating the output of their action, like noise, vibration, time frequency of information updating, proprioceptive data. But most of the human skilled activities can be performed with a reduced amount of information flow from the environment, so, paradoxically, it is for these activities that we need an articulated, multimodal feedback to facilitate the early production of mismatch. The error E5 shows how proprioceptive and tactile information efficiently drive the action to dress a pair of shoes, but even if all the information needed for early evaluation of feedback is available, the subject does not experience a mismatch.

The use of an acoustic icon can be of special help for improving the redundancy of information provided for a given task. This solution has been explored in various interfaces (e.g., Gaver, Smith, & O’Shea, 1991). A less explored source of feedback for multi-sensory interaction is that to modify the button of the mouse from a simply input device to an input-output device. For example, the surface of the button could produce different tactile sensations as a function of the position of the pointing mark on the GUI.

3) Display message at high level but with specific content. When forcing functions are supported by a message this should provide information on what objects are involved and what values are improper for each object. For example, in the error E7, the message “Invalid argument for command set” should be completed with information on the “rect” item: “rect do not have false or true values” or “false is a value for x and y but not for rect.” Note that all this information may easily be made available to the user. Recently, much effort has been put into improving the error messages provided by the system when it cannot interpret the commands given by the user. However, in these types of messages it is usually considered only the first information item that does not fit with the previous ones. If the aim is to help the user to activate alternative knowledge representations, information should be provided on possible and impossible states of all the items involved in the un-interpreted command.

4) Provide an activity log. People heavily depend on external memory aids. This is clearly shown in the example reported in error E8, E9, E14. Supporting HCI by means of an activity log that records time, action, and response for activities that do not leave a clear and permanent trace of their occurrence is a substantial tool for improving memory for actions and for intentions. There are mainly two ways to provide an activity log. One concerns the record of time, action, and system modifications by labels. The level at which user’s action and system’s response have to be classified (e.g., single action on objects or cluster of actions) might depend on the user’s skill and/or on his evaluation of how fine he would track his session of interaction. In any case, the user should be in control of the level of action/response classification. Tools that provide activity logs are already available in labs where the software usability is tested. Versions of these tools with less programmable elements but with the same potentiality might easily be integrated into software dedicated to critical tasks. The other way for recording activity is sampling configurations of interaction in relation to given events. In this case, information is recorded not only for the objects that change in state but it also concerns all the information potentially available during a change of state. This more pictorial activity log may be instrumental for a long-lasting session with relatively few interactions occurring on complex graphical interfaces (e.g., in process control). Concerning the activity log it is interesting to note that users of command-line interface (e.g., VMS operating system), often when they have to use the e.mail system, prefer to move from terminals to PCs where it is running communication software that provide activity logs (e.g., NCSA™, VersaTerm™).

5) Allow comparisons. Outputs that could be related among them should be easily compared. People can perceive differences among states but may be unable to single out what the crucial differences are or what the causes are (e.g., E10). Furthermore, they may also mis-classify a given output as a new one or a different one. Misclassifications are especially challenging when they concern different outputs in time from the same process. Comparisons are particularly useful when activity is distributed over different tools that can manipulate the same object (e.g., process control). In any of these cases the comparison between outputs is a rich source of information for action evaluation and it has to be supported. The opportunity of frizzing a given output and comparing it with the one resulting from a repeated process would be of help in assessing differences.

6) Make result available to user evaluation as soon as possible and allow the user to have control on the format display. Feedback is crucial not only for allowing good execution of the desired actions but also for changing an idea about what action is to be performed or state of world pursued (E12, E13). To this aim, it is important that the user can manipulate the display of the results since it is not possible in advance to know which are the intentions of the user or his idiosyncratic way to evaluate outcomes (so far the tools developed for catching user’s intentions have not produced sensible results, i.e., plan recognition). We suggest three possible ways by which result presentation can be improved: i) Exploitation of layout. Space is a formidable artifact that provides visibility, perceptual cues, and organizing structure (see Norman, 1993). ii) Exaggeration of the differences. Variations in the optical flow are adequate stimuli for our perceptual system, and variation in the proportion and relationship among objects are adequate stimuli for our categorical processes. Both can be used for producing salience in the system responses to the user. iii) Stress on the aspects relevant to the just performed task. As above reported only a subset of the information available is used for action control and result evaluation, so the information strictly related to the task should be privileged in result presentation.

The best strategy for coping with these principles is to provide the users with several possibilities for each of these aspects (layout management, differences exaggeration, and stress on the aspects relevant to the task) and allow them to manipulate the resulting presentation according to their needs and wishes. To avoid conflicts with guidelines that claim consistency and for avoiding collateral effects like focusing always on the same features of the output even when they are not any more relevant, it could be possible to contain the effects of the user’s manipulation to the early presentation then return to the usual format.

7) Why the result? - Why the beep? The best way to support error identification after a mismatch is to give specific answers to the user (E11, E15). In some software package (e.g., Mathematica™) when the user asks the system to do something that does not make sense (to it), the system responds with a forcing function signaled by a Beep. At this point, the user can open a constrained dialogue session by calling the Why the beep command. As response, the system presents an error message where it provides information on the mismatch encountered by the system in interpreting the previous request of the user. Further help is available to the user by pushing a Help button which would produce template examples of the correct commands that can be formulated with the key words used in the uninterpreted command. A similar strategy of presenting questions to the system could be adopted for each output of the system that could be inadequately evaluated by the user. For example, in relation to a given output of the system the user could ask Why the result and the system could respond by presenting the triggering conditions that would be present for producing that given output. It is important to note that these triggering conditions could be made available by the system with little memory load since they concern the last few steps of interaction or more permanent states that are still present after the result.

In concluding this session it is important to remind that all guidelines for system design have to be considered for their impact on specific and contextual situations of human-computer communication. Design is a trade-off activity where often no optimal solution exists.


In the last years, much has been done in human-computer interface design to ease the access to relevant knowledge. For example, the graphic-direct-manipulation interfaces allow access to knowledge through the more effective way of recognition rather than that of remembering, and they support a better control on intentions and actions by means of affordances. The massive use of metaphors in designing interfaces provides a successful application of the knowledge-activation issue. The approach of designing an interface that exploits the specific prior knowledge that users have of other domains represents a more effective tool for controlling the complexity of an interface than any other attempt to reduce the number of actions, procedures, and concepts that users must execute or remember.

However, such a change is of much but not conclusive use in coping with breakdowns. For example, the current available environmental cues can be misleading, and forcing functions apparently may leave no escape route. Desired states, even if feasible and sensible, might look hardly reachable to the agent, sometimes just for the role played by the adopted metaphor in driving action plans. This occurs since a metaphor, from one side makes ease to access knowledge, from the other side, constraints the way in which goals can be reached. Constraints can strongly arise from what designers think are the best ways to accomplish tasks and goals. In conformity, feedback, error messages, and help are provided according to the designer’s decisions. However, computer tools offer a significant chance for substantially supporting the breakdowns that agents regularly encountered in everyday activities, in devising goals, and in carrying out actions and plans. It is our opinion that users should be provided with a richer variety of feedback, messages, and help and they should be allowed to manipulate these sources of information according to their wishes and needs.

Following Winograd and Flore’s, a fundamental principle in the design of computer-based systems is that “computer tools can aid in the anticipation and correction of breakdowns that are not themselves computer breakdowns but are in the application domain” (1986; p. 166). This principle concerns the semantics and the pragmatics of the interaction; that is, the levels for which computer tools are devised.

According to the point of view presented in this paper the general principle of Winograd and Flores could be interpreted in the direction of making easy the activation of the knowledge relevant to cope with the variety of mismatches, which may occur in the most different situations. In fact, the present paper has shown that error handling qualitatively changes from one domain to another, not only with regard to the knowledge content to be used (which is rather obvious), but also for what concerns the feedback to be used, the relationships among the main cognitive processes underlying it, the reference systems used, and the types of errors.

Thus, a tool designed to support human error handling should sustain each cognitive process involved in this activity.


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1A similar taxonomy, though based on different principles, was proposed by Sellen (1990).

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