
In the several years since the first edition of this book was released, I've received so many notes from readers who have told me about the many ways that they've learned from Exploring Arduino. I've also received plenty of constructive criticism— little things that I can adjust to improve the book's utility. I've taken all these comments to heart and have tracked them carefully over the past few years. It is my intention to make this second edition even more useful than the first, while still maintaining the approachability that many readers told me that they appreciated. So, THANK YOU to everybody who has given me feedback about the first edition of Exploring Arduino!

Second, I must extend my thanks again to Wiley. They've been amazing partners through this journey, and I'm glad to have them to continue to see this book through to a second edition. In particular, I'd like to thank Jim Minatel, Adaobi Obi Tulton, Dr. Derek Molloy, Marylouise Wiack, and Athiyappan Lalith Kumar.

Thanks also to the wonderful folks at Adafruit, who have collaborated with me on ensuring that parts kits are easy to obtain for this book. Adafruit contributes heavily to the open source hardware and software communities, and I certainly would not be the engineer that I am today without their excellent products and guides.

Back when I wrote the first edition of Exploring Arduino, I was still getting my master's degree. I've long since graduated, but now I've got my work at Shaper to focus on. I owe a big thanks to all my co-workers both at Shaper and at Google (my previous employer) for always encouraging me, and for building awesome hardware with me!

I want to give a special shout-out to my professors at Cornell, especially Professor François Guimbretière, who taught the course where I was first introduced to Arduino. He has since used the first edition of this book as a textbook for that course, and it makes me so happy to know that I've been able to give back to Cornell in that capacity.

Finally, I want to thank my parents, my brother, my wife, and my friends for putting up with me, and for always encouraging me. I feel so fortunate to have such wonderful people in my life.

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