Local user authentication

The majority of applications require user accounts. Some applications only allow authentication through third parties, but not all users are interested in authenticating through third parties for privacy reasons, so it is important to include a local option. Here, we will go over best practices when implementing local user authentication in an Express app. We'll be using MongoDB to store our users and Mongoose as an ODM (Object Document Mapper). Then, we'll leverage passport to simplify the session handling and provide a unified view of authentication.


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User object modeling

We will leverage passportjs to handle user authentication. Passport centralizes all of the authentication logic and provides convenient ways to authenticate locally in addition to third parties, such as Twitter, Google, Github, and so on. First, install passport and the local authentication strategy as follows:

$ npm install --save passport-local

In our first pass, we will implement a local authentication strategy, which means that users will be able to register locally for an account. We start by defining a user model using Mongoose. Mongoose provides a way to define schemas for objects that we want to store in MongoDB and then provide a convenient way to map between stored records in the database and an in-memory representation.

Mongoose also provides convenient syntax to make many MongoDB queries and perform CRUD operations on models. Our user model will only have an e-mail, password, and timestamp for now. Before getting started, we need to install Mongoose:

$ npm install --save mongoose bcrypt validator

Now we define the schema for our user in models/user.js as follows:

Var mongoose = require('mongoose'),

var userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
 email: {
   type: String,
   required: true,
   unique: true
 password: {
   type: String,
   required: true
 created_at: {
   type: Date,
   default: Date.now

userSchema.pre('save', function(next) {
 if (!this.isModified('password')) {
   return next();
 this.password = User.encryptPassword(this.password);

Here, we create a schema that describes our users. Mongoose has convenient ways to describe the required and unique fields as well as the type of data that each property should hold. Mongoose does all the validations required under the hood. We don't require many user fields for our first boilerplate application—e-mail, password, and timestamp to get us started.

We also use Mongoose middleware to rehash a user's password if and when they decide to change it. Mongoose exposes several hooks to run user-defined callbacks. In our example, we define a callback to be invoked before Mongoose saves a model. That way, every time a user is saved, we'll check to see whether their password was changed.

Without this middleware, it would be possible to store a user's password in plaintext, which is not only a security vulnerability but would break authentication. Mongoose supports two kinds of middleware – serial and parallel. Parallel middleware can run asynchronous functions and gets an additional callback to invoke; you'll learn more about Mongoose middleware later in this book.

Now, we want to add validations to make sure that our data is correct. We'll use the validator library to accomplish this, as follows:

Var validator = require('validator'),

User.schema.path('email').validate(function(email) {
 return validator.isEmail(email);

User.schema.path('password').validate(function(password) {
 return validator.isLength(password, 6);

var User = mongoose.model('User', userSchema);
module.exports = User;

We added validations for e-mail and password length using a library called validator, which provides a lot of convenient validators for different types of fields. Validator has validations based on length, URL, int, upper case; essentially, anything you would want to validate (and don't forget to validate all user input!).

We also added a host of helper functions regarding registration, authentication, as well as encrypting passwords that you can find in models/user.js. We added these to the user model to help encapsulate the variety of interactions we want using the abstraction of a user.


For more information on Mongoose, see http://mongoosejs.com/. You can find more on passportjs at http://passportjs.org/.

This lays out the beginning of a design pattern called MVC—model, view, controller. The basic idea is that you encapsulate separate concerns in different objects: the model code knows about the database, storage, and querying; the controller code knows about routing and requests/responses; and the view code knows what to render for users.

Introducing Express middleware

Passport is authentication middleware that can be used with Express applications. Before diving into passport, we should go over Express middleware. Express is a connect framework, which means it uses the connect middleware. Connecting internally has a stack of functions that handle requests.

When a request comes in, the first function in the stack is given the request and response objects along with the next() function. The next() function when called, delegates to the next function in the middleware stack. Additionally, you can specify a path for your middleware, so it is only called for certain paths.

Express lets you add middleware to an application using the app.use() function. In fact, the HTTP handlers we already wrote are a special kind of middleware. Internally, Express has one level of middleware for the router, which delegates to the appropriate handler.

Middleware is extraordinarily useful for logging, serving static files, error handling, and more. In fact, passport utilizes middleware for authentication. Before anything else happens, passport looks for a cookie in the request, finds metadata, and then loads the user from the database, adds it to req, user, and then continues down the middleware stack.

Setting up passport

Before we can make full use of passport, we need to tell it how to do a few important things. First, we need to instruct passport how to serialize a user to a session. Then, we need to deserialize the user from the session information. Finally, we need to tell passport how to tell if a given e-mail/password combination represents a valid user as given in the following:

// passport.js
var passport = require('passport'),
var LocalStrategy = require('passport-local').Strategy;
var User = require('mongoose').model('User'),

passport.serializeUser(function(user, done) {
 done(null, user.id);

passport.deserializeUser(function(id, done) {
User.findById(id, done);

Here, we tell passport that when we serialize a user, we only need that user's id. Then, when we want to deserialize a user from session data, we just look up the user by their ID! This is used in passport's middleware, after the request is finished, we take req.user and serialize their ID to our persistent session. When we first get a request, we take the ID stored in our session, retrieve the record from the database, and populate the request object with a user property. All of this functionality is provided transparently by passport, as long as we provide definitions for these two functions as given in the following:

function authFail(done) {
 done(null, false, { message: 'incorrect email/password combination' });

passport.use(new LocalStrategy(function(email, password, done) {
    email: email
  }, function(err, user) {
    if (err) return done(err);
    if (!user) {
      return authFail(done);
    if (!user.validPassword(password)) {
      return authFail(done);
    return done(null, user);

We tell passport how to authenticate a user locally. We create a new LocalStrategy() function, which, when given an e-mail and password, will try to lookup a user by e-mail. We can do this because we required the e-mail field to be unique, so there should only be one user. If there is no user, we return an error. If there is a user, but they provided an invalid password, we still return an error. If there is a user and they provided the correct password, then we tell passport that the authentication request was a success by calling the done callback with the valid user.

In order to utilize passport, we need to add the middleware we talked about. We actually need to add a few different kinds of middleware. The great part about Express middleware is that it encourages developers to write small, focused modules so that you can bring in functionality that you want and exclude functionality that you don't need.

// server.js
var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
var User = require('./models/user'),
var passport = require('./passport'),

mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/chapter01', function(err) {
 if (err) throw err;
app.use(require('cookie-parser')('my secret string'));
app.use(require('express-session')({ secret: "my other secret string" }));

In order to use passport, we have to enable a few things for our server. First we need to enable cookies and session support. To enable session support, we add a cookie parser. This middleware parses a cookie object into req.cookies. The session middleware lets us modify req.session and have that data persist across requests. By default, it uses cookies, but it has a variety of session stores that you can configure. Then, we have to add body-parsing middleware, which parses the body of HTTP requests into a JavaScript object req.body.

In our use case, we need this middleware to extract the e-mail and password fields from POST requests. Finally, we add the passport middleware and session support.

Registering users

Now, we add routes for registration, both a view with a basic form and backend logic to create a user. First, we will create a user controller. Up until now, we have thrown our routes in our server.js file, but this is generally bad practice. What we want to do is have separate controllers for each kind of route that we want. We have seen the model portion of MVC. Now it's time to take a look at controllers. Our user controller will have all the routes that manipulate the user model. Let's create a new file in a new directory, controllers/user.js:

// controllers/user.js
var User = require('mongoose').model('User'),

module.exports.showRegistrationForm = function(req, res, next) {

module.exports.createUser = function(req, res, next) {
  User.register(req.body.email, req.body.password, function(err, user) {
    if (err) return next(err);
    req.login(user, function(err) {
      if (err) return next(err);


Note that the User model takes care of the validations and registration logic; we just provide callback. Doing this helps consolidate the error handling and generally makes the registration logic easier to understand. If the registration was successful, we call req.login, a function added by passport, which creates a new session for that user and that user will be available as req.user on subsequent requests.

Finally, we register the routes. At this point, we also extract the routes we previously added to server.js to their own file. Let's create a new file called routes.js as follows:

// routes.js
app.get('/users/register', userRoutes.showRegistrationForm);
app.post('/users/register', userRoutes.createUser);

Now we have a file dedicated to associating controller handlers with actual paths that users can access. This is generally good practice because now we have a place to come visit and see all of our defined routes. It also helps unclutter our server.js file, which should be exclusively devoted to server configuration.


For details, as well as the registration templates used, see the preceding code.

Authenticating users

We have already done most of the work required to authenticate users (or rather, passport has). Really, all we need to do is set up routes for authentication and a form to allow users to enter their credentials. First, we'll add handlers to our user controller:

// controllers/user.js
module.exports.showLoginForm = function(req, res, next) {

module.exports.createSession = passport.authenticate('local', {
  successRedirect: '/',
  failureRedirect: '/login'

Let's deconstruct what's happening in our login post. We create a handler that is the result of calling passport.authenticate('local', …). This tells passport that the handler uses the local authentication strategy. So, when someone hits that route, passport will delegate to our LocalStrategy. If they provided a valid e-mail/password combination, our LocalStrategy will give passport the now authenticated user, and passport will redirect the user to the server root. If the e-mail/password combination was unsuccessful, passport will redirect the user to /login so they can try again.

Then, we will bind these callbacks to routes in routes.js:

app.get('/users/login', userRoutes.showLoginForm);
app.post('/users/login', userRoutes.createSession);

At this point, we should be able to register an account and login with those same credentials. (see tag 0.2 for where we are right now).

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