
16mm Atlas, 44

3/4-inch system, 346

35mm film, 42

Academy Award, 237, 240, 270, 290

Academy for Film and Theatre, 233


Adjani, Isabelle, 72

Anspach, Susan, 184, 189

Arrighi, Niké, xiv

Astaire, Fred, 268, 281, 290

Bardot, Brigitte, 18

Bogarde, Dirk, 71, 168, 169, 177, 269

Bonnaire, Sandrine, 72

Brando, Marlon, 120, 254

Burton, Richard, 232

Callow, Simon, 263, 267

Chaplin, Geraldine, 57

Close, Glenn, 340

Coburn, James, 258, 266

Curtis, Tony, 339

Day-Lewis, Daniel, 340

Deneuve, Catherine, 17, 19, 20

Depardieu, Gerard, 34, 120

Douglas, Michael, 308, 314

Fernandez, Wilhelmina, 71

Fonda, Henry, 118

Fonda, Peter, 235

Garcia, Nicole, 11, 18

Garland, Judy, 269, 292

Geeson, Sally, 281, 292

Hackman, Gene, 266

Hancock, Sheila, 268

Hayworth, Rita, 57

Hepburn, Audrey, 118

Hepburn, Katherine, 33

Huppert, Isabelle, 87, 119, 177

Huston, Anjelica, 340

Jade, Claude, 15, 16, 19

Josephson, Erland, 184, 187, 189

Karina, Anna, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 317, 339

Keitel, Harvey, 305

Lancaster, Burt, 33, 38, 339

Léaud, Jean-Pierre, 19

Lonsdale, Mich(a)el, 15, 19

Loren, Sophia, 87

MacDowell, Andie, 350

Mackellan, Ian, 324, 327, 340

Malkovich, John, 340

Mann, Norman, xiv

Mason, James, 188, 258, 266

Massine, Leonide, 118

Mastroainni, Marcello, 33, 118, 156

Miles, Sarah, 177, 254

Minelli, Liza, 189

Moore, Roger, 291

Moreau, Jeanne, 33

Nicholson, Jack, 57

Noiret, Philippe, 177

O’Toole, Peter, 235

Palance, Jack, 10, 18

Pastor, Rosana, 285, 293

Perkins, Anthony, 99, 117

Pfeiffer, Michelle, 88, 311

Piccoli, Michel, 18, 114

Rafferty, Chips, 291

Rampling, Charlotte, 266

Redgrave, Vanessa, 188

Richardson, Miranda, 326, 340

Russell, Theresa, 260, 261, 266

Schneider, Maria, 120

Schneider, Romy, 117

Schygulla, Hanna, 156

Seyrig, Delphine, 16, 19, 57, 71, 72, 162

Signoret, Simone, 188

Smith, Maggie, 254, 266

Tatou, Audrey, 340

Trintignant, Jean-Louis, 120

Viard, Karin, 51, 59

von Sydow, Max, 305

Waits, Tom, 72

Walters, Julie, 350

Warner, David, 258, 266, 339

Williams, Kenneth, 268

Winslet, Kate, 382

York, Susannah, 266

Yulin, Harris, 72

Adéquation, 28

Alien technology, 263

American Cinema, 25, 127, 145, 226

human reaction, 146, 155

mass perception, 146

Animatics, 262

Associated Television (ATV), 271, 272, 274, 277, 278, 280, 291

Audiofile, 287, 293

Automated Dialogue Replacement (ADR), 311, 350

Avid, 1468, 152, 277, 2879

Avid Film Composer, 221

Avid Media Composer, 131

Barrandov Film Studio, 237, 239, 241

Bavarian school, 165

BBC executive:

Tranter, Jane, 278, 292

BBC films, 292

Beaconsfield Studios, 251, 321, 326


All Our Yesterdays, 58

Arturo’s Island, 134

Godard par Godard, 11, 18

Homage to Catalonia, 276, 292

In Praise of Shadows, 58

Lessons with Eisenstein, 206

Nel buio della moviola, 73

Notes on Cinematography, 200, 202

Promenades Avec Julio Maruri, 55

Shooting the Actor, 263, 267

The Empty Space, 72

The Parades Gone By, 313

The Technique of Film Editing, xiii

Towards a Theory of Montage, 244

What is Cinema, 202

British Film Institute (BFI), 301, 313, 318, 339

California Institute for the Arts, 339

Callipigia, 92, 116

Cameramen, see Cinematographers

Cannes festival, 117, 158, 235, 366

Caravaggio, 107, 119

Catozzo splicer, 80, 82

Cave dwellers, xv

CCC Film Studios, 158

Censorship, 63

Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, 778, 88

Champ-contre-champ, 22, 71, 72

Christ’s College, 268

Cinema, 27, 296

specific originality, 967

see also Films

Cinema verite, 209

Cinémathèque, 10, 18


Aviv, Nurith, 44, 58

Ballhaus, Michael, 167, 177

Coutard, Raoul, 10, 18

Decae, Henri, 18

Lassally, Walter, 156

Nykvist, Sven, 182, 189, 194, 202

Rousselot, Philippe, 66, 71

Ciniola, 270, 291

Closeups, 62, 123, 182, 305

CNC, 64


Chaplin, Charlie, 122, 246, 250, 251

Keaton, Buster, 3

Lloyd, Harold, 246, 250

Percival, Lance, 268, 290

Wisdom, Norman, 281, 292

Comedies, 246, 250

Commentator, 120

Commercial films, 51, 109, 169, 298, 323, 373, 379


al Atrache, Farid, 38, 57

Attwell, Winifred, 295

Benzi, Roberto, 5

Bernstein, Elmer, 175, 178

Coltrane, John, 120

Davis, Miles, 120

Delerue, Georges, 14, 18

Dutilleux, Henri, 28, 34

Fenton, George, 277, 292

Gelmetti, Vittorio, 102

Gillespie, Dizzy, 120

Hartley, Richard, 326, 340

Mihály, Vig, 231

Morricone, Ennio, 102, 118

Parker, Charlie, 120

Piovani, Nicola, 103, 118

Roach, Max, 112, 120

Robey, George, 290, 293

Conventional cinema, 53, 54

Critical moments, for an editor, 2645

CTM editing machine, 62

Customary rights, 2489

Cut on action, 22, 33

Cutting room, 1, 478, 56, 73, 84, 108, 119, 136, 184, 212, 248, 298, 330, 374

Czech film, 281, 317, 334

Deja-vu process, 15960

Delta, 40

Deutsches Filminstitut, 164

Digital editing, 242

advantage, 129

Digital sound system, 154, 156

Digital technology, 137, 147, 220, 226, 242, 262, 326, 336


Abuladze, Tengiz, 243, 244

Adamek, Witold, 218, 219, 222

Akerman, Chantal, 19, 39, 57

Aldrich, Robert, 266

Alexandrakis, Eleni, 141

Altman, Robert, 255, 266

Amelio, Gianni, 20, 121, 123, 126, 134

Amico, Gianni, 109, 112, 120

Anderson, Lindsay, 58, 217, 298, 305, 312, 313

Angelopoulos, Theodoros, 141, 143, 144, 156

Antonioni, Michelangelo, 64, 87, 228, 235, 314

Attenborough, Richard, 292

Aurignac, Patrick, 8, 18

Balad’a, Ivan, 246, 250

Barat, François, 53

Baratier, Jacques, 38, 39, 57

Baxter, Ronnie, 291

Beaumont, Gabrielle, 304, 313

Beauvois, Xavier, 18

Beineix, Jean-Jacques, 66, 71

Bellochio, Marco, 57, 98, 114, 117, 120

Beresford, Bruce, 339

Bergman, Ingmar, 20, 33, 58, 128, 134, 177, 179, 187, 189, 244

Bergman, Ingrid, 3, 189

Bertolucci, Bernardo, 117, 119, 120, 279, 292, 340, 366, 383

Bloomstein, Rex, 274, 291

Bódy, Gábor, 223, 225, 228

Bolognini, Mauro, 73, 87, 88, 105, 119

Boorman, John, 26, 366

Boulting, John, 252, 266

Brecht, Berthold, 68, 72

Breillat, Catherine, 13, 18

Bresson, Robert, 72, 136, 200, 202, 281, 292, 339

Brzozowski, Jaroslaw, 208

Buñuel, Luis, 19, 66, 71, 119, 134, 189, 1978, 202

Cacoyannis, Michalis, 143, 1556

Calparsoro, Daniel, 136, 140

Chaplin, Charles, 33

Chechik, Jeremiah S., 340

Chéreau, Patrice, 71, 72

Chukhraj, Grigori, 232, 235

Chytilova, Vera, 245, 246, 250

Clair, René, 208, 217, 246

Cocteau, Jean, 71

Comencini, Luigi, 85, 88

Coppola, Francis Ford, 118

Corman, Roger, 266

Corsini, Catherine, 50, 59

Costa-Gavras, 45, 59, 279, 292

Cowell, Adrian, 271, 291

Dárday, István, 224, 225, 228

Davies, Terence, 321, 339

De Robertis, Francesco, 76, 87

De Sica, Vittorio, 76, 80, 87, 118, 366, 383

Delvaux, André, 91, 244

Demy, Jacques, 38, 44, 50, 54, 58, 59

Denis, Claire, 24, 34

Depardon, Raymond, 69, 72

Despleschin, Arnand, 68, 72

Donner, Richard, 88

Douglas, Bill, 301, 313, 331, 339, 340

Dreyer, Carl Theodore, 63, 64, 128, 134

Ducastel, Olivier, 40, 50, 56

Eisenstein, Sergei, 3, 2056, 244

Erice, Victor, 135, 136, 139, 140

Eustache, Jean, 55, 59

Fassbinder, Rainer Werner, 163, 166, 167, 177, 178

Fellini, Federico, 20, 33, 118, 235

Ferreri, Marco, 80, 88

Forman, Milos, 213, 217, 292, 339

Forsyth, Bill, 307, 313

Frank, Robert, 68, 69, 306, 307

Frears, Stephen, 315, 321, 324, 340, 351, 364, 366

Gance, Abel, 38, 41, 54, 58, 313, 339

Garell, Philippe, 24, 34

Gedeon, Sasa, 243, 244

Ghosh, Durga, xiv

Gilliam, Terry, 332, 340, 358, 366

Glenville, Peter, 235

Goodhew, Philip, 350

Goulding, Alfred, 88

Grandperret, Patrick, 23, 34

Greenaway, Peter, 178

Greengrass, Paul, 58

Grigoriou, Grigoris, 143, 155

Gruber, Klaus, 114, 120

Guiguet, Jean-Claude, 40, 58

Guiraudie, Alain, 40, 58

Guney, Yilmaz, 45, 46, 47, 58, 59

Halladin, 210, 217

Havetta, Elo, 246, 250

Haynes, Todd, 57

Hitchcock, Alfred, 3, 123, 136, 289

Hopper, Dennis, 235

Ioseliani, Otar, 244

Jakubisko, Juraj, 246, 250

Jancsó, Miklós, 106, 119, 120, 225, 228, 229, 233, 235, 239, 244

Jean, Vadim, 282, 292

Jires, Jaromil, 236, 237, 243, 246, 250

Jonze, Spike, 312, 314

Jouvet, Louis, 55, 59

Kadar, Jan, 243

Kahn, Cédric, 24, 34

Kalatozishvili, Mikheil, 233, 235

Karamagiolis, Menalaos, 143, 145, 156

Kaurismaaki, Aki, 40, 58

Kazan, Elia, 195, 202

Khan, Mehboob, 57

Kieslowski, Krzysztof, 207, 209, 214, 217

‘King’ Vidor, Charles, 57, 118

Kitano, Takeshi, 40, 57

Klimov, Elem, 382

Klos, Elmar, 237, 243

Konchalovsky, Andrei, 243, 244

Koundouros, Nikos, 143, 156

Kubrick, Stanley, 123, 251, 256, 266, 306

Kuleshov, 119, 203

Kurosawa, Akira, 66, 71, 192, 197, 219, 318, 365, 371, 380

Lanzmann, Claude, 43, 47, 58, 59

Lattuada, Alberto, 18, 105, 119, 120

Lean, David, 254, 266

Leigh, Mike, 233, 235, 244, 279, 292

Lelouch, Claude, 41, 58

Leone, Sergio, 69, 73, 88, 117, 118, 357, 366

Lester, Richard (Dick), 235, 296, 312

Liapa, Freda, 143, 155

Loach, Ken, 57, 268, 271, 281, 291, 292, 293

Lopushansky, Konstantin, 243, 244

Losey, Joe, 58

Losey, Joseph, 177, 300, 313

Lowthorpe, Philippa, 277, 288, 292

Lumet, Sidney, 180, 188

Lye, Len, 356, 366

Mackendrick, Alexander (Sandy), 329, 333, 339

Mackendrick, Sandy, 321, 339

Mackinnon, Gillies, 341, 344, 350, 367, 382

Makavejev, Dusan, 22, 34, 189, 262, 267

Makk, Károly, 233, 235

Malkovich, John, 312, 314, 340

Marczewski, Wojciech, 218, 219, 222, 366

Marker, Chris, 340

Marquand, Richard, 276, 291

Martineau, Jacques, 38, 40, 50, 56

Maselli, Franco, 111, 120

Mastrocinque, Camillo, 77, 88

Melville, Jean-Pierre, 71

Menzel, Jiri, 246, 250, 317, 318, 339

Michailkov, Nikita, 244

Mnouchkine, Arianne, 174, 178

Moodysson, Lukas, 190, 197, 202

Moretti, Nanni, 39, 57, 114, 120

Munro, David, 271, 274

Nemec, Jan, 246, 250

Newell, Mike, 315, 326, 340

Nichetti, Maurizio, 354, 365, 366

Olivier, Laurence, 177, 309

Olmi, Ermanno, 243, 244

Ophuls, Max, 134

Oshima, 202

Ozon, Francois, 18

Pabst, G.W., xiv

Passer, Ivan, 211, 217, 244

Peckinpah, Sam, 58, 251, 257, 260, 266, 302, 303, 313

Penn, Arthur, 178, 314

Petit, Chris, 324, 340

Pialat, Maurice, 20, 21, 24, 28, 33, 34

Pilger, John, 271, 274, 275, 276, 291

Poirier, Manuel, 24, 34

Polanski, Roman, 366

Pontecorvo, Gillo, 366

Porter, Ron, xiv

Radford, Michael, 115, 120, 351, 366

Rafelson, Bob, 57, 189

Ramsay, Lynne, 351, 358, 359, 366

Reed, Carol, 290

Reeves, Michael, 279, 292

Reisz, Karel, 339, 366

Renoir, Jean, 3, 366

Resnais, Alain, 19, 48, 60, 64, 71, 119, 162, 168

Richardson, Tony, 57

Rickman, Alan, 244

Rivette, Jacques, 18, 71

Robbins, Matthew, 266

Robinson, Dave, 305, 313

Rocha, Glauber, 112, 120

Roddam, Franc, 306, 307, 313, 314

Roeg, Nicolas, 58, 118, 251, 255, 260, 266, 267, 310, 313, 340

Rosi, Francesco, 88

Rossellini, Roberto, 80, 88, 91, 123, 286

Rudolph, Alan, 40, 57

Russell, Ken, xv

Sarraulte, Anne, 63

Saura, Carlos, 135, 136, 140

Schmidt, Jean, 42, 43, 58

Schorm, Evald, 246, 250

Schroeter, Werner, 163, 171, 173, 174, 177, 178

Scott, Ridley, 238, 244

Sher, Jack, 312

Sinyor, Gary, 292

Sirk, Douglas, 40, 57

Sjoberg, Alf, 58

Slama, Bohdan, 244

Smith, Peter, 319, 339

Soderberg, Stephen, 40, 57, 350

Sokurov, Alesandr, 239, 244

Soldati, Mario, 76, 87

Stein, Peter, 72

Stevens, George, 33

Sverak, Jan, 245, 250

Szabó, István, 233, 235

Szalay, Györgi, 224, 228

Tarantino, Quentin, 238, 244

Tarkovsky, Andrei, 190, 192, 193, 202, 203, 204, 206, 237

Tarr, Béla, 228, 229

Tati, Jacques, 21, 33

Tavernier, Bertrand, 291, 304, 313

Tavianis, 90, 91, 118, 120

Techine, André, 34

Thomas, Anthony, 271, 291

Tornatore, Guiseppi, 177

Torrini, Cinzia, 78, 88

Truffaut, François, 18, 19, 20, 23, 33, 35, 36, 59, 71, 217, 235, 246, 366

Ullmann, Liv, 187, 195, 198, 202

Varda, Agnés, 18, 39, 42, 43, 49, 53, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60

Visconti, Luchino, 33, 64, 76, 87, 164, 177

von Trier, Lars, 69, 72

Voulgaris, Pantelis, 143, 155

Wajda, Andrej, 192, 202

Ward, Vincent, 350

Watt, Harry, 291

Weisz, Claude, 47, 58

Welles, Orson, 3, 94, 116, 162, 383

Wenders, Wim, 157, 158, 159, 162, 202, 244, 314

Widerberg, Bo, 181, 189

Wilder, Billy, 165, 177, 313

Wojcik, Jerzy, 219, 222

Woolley, Richard, 322, 339

Wurlitzer, Rudy, 69, 72

Disney animation:

Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day, 188

Disney films, 316, 353

Documentaries, 30, 42, 43, 44, 54, 55, 58, 93, 207

Auditions, 272, 273

Born as a Diesel, 161

F for Fake, 98, 160, 117, 162

Orson Welles Spanish documentries, 116

Questions of Leadership, 273, 274, 277, 291

The Cinema According to Bertolucci, 134

The Red and the Blue, 272, 273, 277, 291

The Tribe that Hides from Man, 291

Which Side are you on?, 273, 276, 291

Documentary Film Studios, 209

Donatello, 85


Colli, Tonino Delli, 77, 88


Gamekeeper, 272, 291

Song of Summer, xv

Tutti a casa, 88

Dreamworks, 306, 313

DTS system, 154, 156

Dubbing, 118, 125

Dubbing chart, 10, 91

Dubbing/sound mixer:

Strain, Hugh, 280, 292

D-vision, 346

Ealing Studios, 251, 266

Éclair Laboratory, 61

Editing, 35, 36, 194, 207, 216

electronic, 376

film, 78, 129, 376

future, 239

inner rhythm, 90, 152

key aspects, 265

montage, 13

music, 91

purpose, 254

Editing against the rules, 153

Editing machines:

16mm Atlas, 44

Ciniola, 270, 291

Final Cut Pro System, 131, 134

KEM, 215, 249

Lightworks, 34, 29

Moritone, 2, 21, 27, 33, 67, 71

Moviola, 33, 40, 67, 71, 270, 291, 320, 330, 346

Pic-sync, 263, 359

Prevost, 93, 116, 124

Steenbeck, 66, 71, 116, 142, 147, 263

Editing rooms, 27, 152

Editor qualities, 234


Allen, Dede, 178, 215, 319, 322, 333, 339, 373, 383

Audsley, Mick, 277, 292, 315, 365, 366

Baragli, Nino, 73, 96, 117, 366

Barraqué, Martine, 15, 17, 19

Beck, Reggie, 168, 177, 300, 311, 313

Bouché, Claudine, 14, 18, 21, 33, 366

Chegwidden, Ann, 253, 266

Cinquini, Roberto, 81, 84, 88

Clark, George, 276, 291

Coates, Anne V., 347, 350

Crociani, Raimondo, 74, 87

Darvas, Teddy, 252, 266

Davies, Paul, 44, 58

Dedet, Yann, 17, 19, 20, 35, 67, 72

Denis, 281

Di Ciaula, Pia, 341, 367, 369, 372, 373, 375, 380

Ducigis, Cècile, 366

dysfunctional beings, as, 202

Ellis, Mike, 294, 321, 339

Eraldo da Roma (Eraldo Judiconi), 75, 76, 87

Fiedler, Milenia, 218

Fisárek, Alois, 245

Gédigier, François, 65

Gregory, Jon, 277, 292

Guillemot, Agnès, 4, 22, 33

Hranitsky, Agnes, 228, 229, 231

Hunter, Inman, 270, 291

Hunter, Ted, 270

Ingemarsson, Sylvia, 179, 185

Juaniz, Julia, 135

Jurgenson, Albert, 66, 71

Kachyna, Karel, 246

Kornis, Anna, 223

Leszczylowski, Michal, 190

Lloyd, Russell, 253, 266

Lorenz, Juliane, 163, 167, 178

Lucidi, Renzo, 95, 117

Mamou, Sabine, 38

Marks, Richard, 175, 178

Mastroianni, Ruggero, 85, 88, 177

Mazuy, Patricia, 46, 59

Montanari, Sergio, 77, 88

Morris, Jonathan, 276

Napoli, Anna, 125, 134

Nowak, Christophe, 18

Paggi, Simona, 121

Palk, Anthony, 291

Palotai, Éva, 232

Perpignani, Roberto, 88, 89, 92, 125, 228

Priestley, Tom, 306, 313, 366, 359

Przygodda, Peter, 157

Rees, Charles, 318, 319, 320, 323, 339

Renoir, Marguerite, 3, 366

Rossiter, Mike, 287

San Mateo, Juan, 136, 139

Sansom, Hazel, 276

Savage, Norman, 253, 254, 257, 266

Schoonmaker, Thelma, 333, 340

Serandrei, Mario, 76, 87

Shirley, John, 291

Valusiak, Josef, 219, 222, 236

Vince, Barrie, 288

von Schlieffen, Margot, 165, 166

Walsh, Martin, 290, 293

Yannopoulos, Takis, 141

Yoyotte, Marie-Josephe, 66, 71

Zins, Catherine, 47, 59

Zonn, Lidia, 207

Zucchetti, Lucia, 351

Editors Baptism, 105, 119

Elstree Studios, 269, 270, 272

Estro Armonico records, 63

European cinema, 25, 54, 116, 137, 247

art films, 233

inventions, editing, 239

European film-makers, 145, 239

Everyman, 253, 266, 317

Executive producers:

Hibbin, Sally, 278, 292

Thompson, David, 278, 292

Expo 58, technological exhibition, 236

FAMU, 219, 222, 236, 237, 239, 246, 248

Faro, 185, 189

Female directors, 58, 365

Feminine qualities, editor, 234

Fiction films, 12, 41, 49, 212, 214, 236

Film buffs, 6

Film critics and theorists, 216

Sontag, Susan, 114, 120

Film-makers, 137, 201, 212, 238, 274, 355

Film-making, 368, 371, 377, 379, 381

editing principle, 237, 240, 241

Film protagonists, 229


1900, 111, 117, 120, 134

1984, 88, 120, 162, 313, 366

A Chorus Line, 282, 292

A Film Novel – Three Sisters, 224, 228

A Fish Called Wanda, 266

A Generation, 202

À la recherche du Soleil, 174

A Man and a Woman, 58

A Matter of Dignity, 1556

À Nous la liberté, 217

A Place in the Sun, 33

A Simple Twist of Fate, 370, 382

A Taste of Honey, 340

Abigail’s Party, 292

Accattone, 73, 82, 83, 88

Accidental Hero, 331, 340

Ae Fond Kiss, 293

Alexander Nevsky, 2, 3

Ali, Fear Eats the Soul, 166, 177

Alice Adams, 33

All that Jazz, 189, 233, 235

Allonsanfan, 110, 111, 120

Almodozások kora (The Age of Day-Dreaming), 233, 235

Alphaville, 18

Alumbramiento (Lifeline), 136, 140

American Friend, 159, 162

Another Way, 235

Antonio das Mortes, 120

Apes, 189

Apocalypse Now, 118, 175

Ashes and Diamonds, 202

Auditions, 272, 273, 290, 291

Autumn Sonata, 181, 182, 189

Ay, Carmela!, 140

Bad Timing, 260, 266

Baisers Volés, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19

Ballad of a Soldier, 232, 235

Bande a part, 12, 18

Barrocco, 28, 34

Barry Lyndon, 256, 266

Beau travail, 34

Becket, 232, 235

Before the Revolution, 100, 105, 106, 109, 112, 113, 117, 378, 383

Being John Malkovich, 312, 314

Beloved Electra, 239, 244

Beyond the Aegean, 195

Beyond the Clouds, 312, 314

Black Out, 143, 145, 154, 156

Bloody Sunday, 40, 58

Blow to the Heart, 126, 134

Blow-Up, 223, 228, 233, 235

Blue Velvet, 88

Bonnie and Clyde, 312, 314, 319, 339

Brassed Off, 295, 312

Breaking the Waves, 72

Breathless (À Bout de Souffle), xv, 37, 105, 119, 233, 314, 356, 366

Bridget Jones’ Diary, 293

Britannia Hospital, 305, 307, 313

Brothers and Sisters, 322, 339

Burnt By the Sun, 244

Cabaret, 183, 189, 233, 235

Candy Mountain, 69, 72

Carla’s Song, 289, 292, 293

Carmen, 140

Carosello Napolitano, 104, 118

Carrington, 340

Casa Ricordi, 104, 118

Casta Diva, 104, 118

Céline and Julie Go Boating, 71

Chinese Roulette, 166, 167, 177

Chocolat, 34

Cinema Paradiso, 163, 177

Citizen Kane, 100, 101, 117, 118, 383

Closely Observed Trains, 250, 318, 339

Come and See, 382

Comfort and Joy, 307, 313

Comme les Anges Déchus de la Planéte Saint-Michel, 43, 58

Comrades, 331, 340

Crìa cuervos, 140

Cross of Iron, 257, 258, 260, 262, 266, 302, 313

Cuisine, 59

Daguerrotypes, 64

Daisies, 250

Daleks Invade the Earth, 253, 266

Dance with a Stranger, 315, 326, 340

Dancer in the Dark, 69, 72

Dancing at the Blue Iguana, 115, 120

Dangerous Liaisons, 328, 331, 340

Dark Blue World, 250

Dark Road, 77, 86, 88

Day for Night (La Nuit Américaine), 36, 37

Dear Diary, 57

Death in Venice, 164, 176, 177

Deathwatch (La Mort en Direct), 304, 313

Deliverance, 313, 366

Opera Der Dreigrossenoper (Die Dreigroschenoper), 68, 72

Dersu Usala, 353, 365

Despair, 168, 169, 177

Deux, 173, 178

Diana, the People’s Princess, 313

Die Another Day, 350

Dirty Pretty Things, 315, 328, 331, 340

Diva, 66, 71

Divorce Italian Style, 88

Doctor Zhivago, 253, 266

Documenteur, 39, 43, 48, 57

Domicile Conjugal, 15, 19

Don Quixote, 117

Don’t Look Now, 255, 266

Double Messieurs, 34, 67, 72

Dragonslayer, 262, 266

Drifting Clouds, 58

Drole de Felix, 57

East from the West or the Discreet Charm of the Media, 228

Easy Riders, 233, 235

Eight-and-a-half, 20, 33, 233, 235

El Sur, 139

Eleftherios Venizelos, 143

Elèna et les hommes, 1, 3

Elvira Madigan, 189

Empedocles, 114

Erin Brockovich, 57, 347, 350

Erostrate, 21, 33

Esther Kahn, 72

Eternity and a Day, 144, 156

Eureka, 262, 266

Eva, 313

Everyman, 253, 266

Execution Squad (The Police say thank you), 109, 120

Falstaff, 98, 117

Family Life, 39, 57

Family Nest, 223, 224, 228

Fanny and Alexander, 179, 184, 186, 189

Fatherland, 273, 291

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, 366

Fedora, 165, 177

Femme entre chien et loup, 91

Feux rouges, 34

Field of Lilies, 250

Fireman’s Ball, 281, 292, 318, 339

Fists in the Pocket (I pugni in tasca), 39, 57, 117

Five Easy Pieces, 189

For a Fistful of Dollars, 88

For the Love of Ada, 271, 291

Four Weddings and a Funeral, 292

From the City of Lodz, 217

Galileo, 300, 313

Gasman, 359, 366

Geneviève de Brabant (Genoneffa di Brabante), 38, 57

Germany year Zero, 87

Giant, 33

Gilda, 38, 57

Girl in Black, 1556

Goha le simple, 38, 57

Good Morning Babylon, 110, 120

Goodfellas, 334

Goya, 135, 136, 140

Guerreros, 136, 140

Gulliver’s Travels, 296, 312

Gumshoe, 324, 340

Hana-Bi, 57

Hard Day’s Night, 232, 235, 312

Heart of Darkness, 101, 118

Henry V, 177, 293

Hets (Torment), 58

Hidden Agenda, 292

Hideous Kinky, 341, 373, 382

Hope Springs, 314

House of Mirth, 339

I Could Go on Singing, 269, 291

I pugni in tasca, 39, 57

If, 298, 312

II diavolo bianco, 81, 88

II Gattopardo (The Leopard), 20, 33

II Grido, 64

II Postino (The Postman), 115, 120

Images, 255, 266

In a Year with Thirteen Moons, 1756, 178

In Desert and Wilderness, 217

In the Beginning there was Underwear, 365

In This World, 366

Indian Summer, 244

Indiana Jones, 291

Insignificance, 265, 267

Intimacy, 65, 70, 72

Intimate Lighting (Intymne oswrietlenie), 211, 217, 244

Intimate Relations, 344, 350

Isadora, 366

J’entends plus la guitare, 34

Jagged Edge, 291

Je vous salue, Marie, 7, 18

Jeanne and the Perfect Guy, 50, 51

Jeanne Dielman, 57

Jeanne et le Garçon Formidable, 40, 57

Jewel of the Nile, 308, 311, 314

Jour dê fete, 33

Jules et Jim, 35, 37, 105, 233, 235, 356, 366

Junior Bonner, 302, 313

Jurassic Park, 291

Kanal, 202

Kaos, 110, 120

Kes, 279, 292

Kill the Day, 359, 361, 366

King Lear, 319

King of Marvin Gardens, 40, 57

Kolya, 250

L’ Amour en fuite, 19

L’ Année Derniére á Marienbad, 63, 64, 67, 71, 105

L’ Attenzione, 79, 88

L’ Avventura, 312, 314

L’Enfant sauvage, 15, 19

L’Ennui, 34

L’homme des vallées perdues (Shane), 20, 33

La CageAux Folles, 71

La Captive du Dèsert, 69, 72

La Chante du Styrène, 63, 64

La Chèvre, 66, 71

La Chienne’, 3

La Dame Aux Camélias, 87, 119

La Dame Aux Oiseaux, 42, 58

La Grande Bouffe, 88

La Jetée, 340

La Maman et la Putain, 59

La Mariée était en noir (The Bride Wore Black), 21, 33

La Naissance de l’amour, 34

La notte brava, 84, 88

La Nouvelle Eve, 59

La Nuit Américane (Day for Night), xiv, 16, 19, 36

La Pointe Courte, 61, 62

La Prison (The Devil’s Wanton), 20, 33

La Règle du jeu’, 3

La Reine Margot, 65, 69, 71, 72

La Ronde, 134

La Sentinelle, 68, 72

La Sirene du Mississipi, 15, 18, 19

La Strada, 233, 235

La terra trema, 62, 64

La Vie des Morts, 68, 70, 72

La Vie est un Roman, 67, 71

Lady Hawk(e), 87, 88

Lady Oscar, 44, 45, 58

Lamerica, 121

Land and Freedom, 276, 283, 284, 289, 291, 293

Larisa, 382

Last Tango in Paris, 110, 120

Last year in Marienbad, 158, 162

Lavender Hill Mob, 266

Lawrence of Arabia, 350

Le Bonheur, 53, 59

Le Gout de Plaire, 50

Le Mépris, 10, 11, 14, 18

Le Mur, 45, 46, 47, 59

Le Nouvelle Vague, 4, 18, 113

Le Petit Soldat, 10, 13, 14, 18

Le Temps et la Chambre, 68, 72

Le Testament d’Orphée, 71

Le Viager, 15, 19

Léon Morin, Prétre’, 71

Leon the Pig Farmer, 282, 292

Les Carabiniers, 5, 11, 18

Les Glaneurs et la Glaneuse (The Gleaners and I), 60

Les Quatre-Cents Coups The 400 Blows), 19, 37, 53, 59, 71, 105, 213, 217

Les Rendez-Vous d’Anna, 57

Letters from a Dead Man, 244

Life is beautiful, 121

Life, Love & Celluloid, 172, 178

Lightning over Water, 162

Lilya-4-ever, 202

Little Big Man, 178

Loulou, 32, 34

Love, 235

Ma Vrai vie á Rouen, 38, 50, 57

Madonna and Child, 321, 339

Mahabarata, 67, 72

Malina, 177

Mamma Roma, 73, 82, 88

Man on the Roof, 181, 189

Mandala Fille des Indes, 40, 57

Manifesto, 262, 267

Map of the Human Heart, 350

Maria’s Lovers, 244

Marinai senza stelle, 76

Masculin–Féminin: 15 faits précis, 18

Matura, 31, 47, 59

Mémoires d’un jeune con, 8, 18

Memoirs of a Survivor, 312

Michael Collins, 264, 267

Miracle in Milan, 87

Mirror, 205, 206

Mischka, 72

Modern Times, 20, 33

Mona et Moi, 34

Monday, 219, 222

Monsieur Hulot’s Holiday, 33

Montenegro, 183, 189

Morgan, a Suitable Case for Treatment, 317, 339

Mother, 119

Mother India, 40, 57

Mouchette, 281, 292

Mr Arkadin, 1, 3, 95, 117

Muriel, 71

Murs Murs, 43, 58

Musik I Morker (Music is my Future), 58

My Ain Folk, 313

My Beautiful Laundrette, 315, 328, 340

My Childhood, 319, 339

My Name is Joe, 273, 291

My way home, 322, 339

Napoléon, 41, 58, 313, 319, 339

Narcissus and Psyche, 225, 228

Neighbours, 339

Nenette et Boni, 34

Night and Fog (Nuit et Brouillard), 48, 59

Night Sun, 110, 120

No Surrender, 313, 339

O, Lucky Man, 306, 313

Oi teleftaioi tou Roupel (The Last Ones at Roupel), 143

Oi yperifanoi (The Proud Ones), 143

Oliver, 268, 269, 290

On l’appelait le roi laid, 58

Once Upon a Time in America, 73, 79, 88

Once Upon a Time in the West, 73, 357, 366

One Over the Eight, 268, 290

One Sings, the Other Doesn’t, 42, 58

Ossessione, 87

Othello, 98, 117

Padre Padrone, 90, 91, 110, 120

Paisa, 87, 89, 91

Pandora’s Box, xiv

Paris Texas, 159, 162, 244

Partie de Campagne, 118, 361, 366

Partner, 107, 119

Passe-Montagne, 26, 28, 34, 53, 59

Passing Glory, 368, 382

Passion, 7, 18

Peau de Vaches, 46, 59

Persona, 120, 202

Phantom of the Liberty, 107, 119

Playtime, 21, 33

Police, 31, 34

Porcile (Pigsty), 73, 84, 88

Private Vices and Public Virtues, 108, 114, 120

Providence, 67, 71

Pull My Daisy, 72

Pulp Fiction, 238, 244

Quadrophenia, 306, 313

Querelle, 170, 174, 177

Raging Bull, 340

Ragtime, 88

Railway Station, 217

Ratcatcher, 351, 359, 360, 361, 362, 366

Red Psalm, 235

Reflections in a Golden Eye, 253, 266

Reflections, 228

Regeneration, 341, 344, 345, 349, 369, 373, 376, 382

Remember My Name, 40, 57

Repentance, 244

Return of the Jedi, 291

Richard III, 291

Riff-Raff, 273

Roberto Succo, 34

Roku Franka W, 210, 217

Romance, 12, 18

Rome Open City, 87, 88

Roselyne et les Lions, 71

Rotten to the Core, 252, 266

Round Midnight, 305, 313

Ryan’s Daughter, 254, 266

Sabotier du Val de Loire, 54, 59

Safe, 40, 57

Salle de Bains á Saisir’, 59

Salto nel Vuoto (A Leap in the Dark), 114, 120

Samson and Delilah, 310, 314

San Miguel (St Michael had a Rooster), 110, 120

Saraband, 1868, 189

Saving Private Ryan, 291

Sawdust and Tinsel, 189

Scenes from a Marriage, 187, 189

Secrets and Lies, 235, 243, 244

Selon Matthieu, 8, 18

Sept Pieces, 59

Sex, Lies and Videotape, 57, 350

Shoah, 47, 48, 59

Shoot the Piano Player (Tirez sur le pianiste), 35, 37

Singin’ in the Rain, xiii

Small Deaths, 359, 366

Small Faces, 344, 350, 371, 382

Some like It Hot, 300, 313

Sonatine, 57

Sophie, 202

State of Siege, 59

Steaming, 313

Stella, 1556

Straw Dogs, 257, 266, 302, 313

Summer Folk, 72

Summer in the City, 158, 162

Sunset Boulevard, 177

Sweet Movie, 34

Sweet Sixteen, 273, 281, 291

Sweet Smell of Success, 339

Szerelem (Love), 233

Szpital (Hospital), 214, 217

Take It or leave It, 305, 313

Tango, 135

Ten Minutes Older, the Trumpet, 135, 140

Tess, 313, 366

The Alien, 238, 244

The Avengers, 333, 340

The Battle of Algiers, 87, 356, 366

The Beekeeper, 143, 156

The Beggars Opera, 72

The Bible, 104, 118

The Bicycle Thieves, 87, 88, 354, 366, 379, 383

The Bride, 307, 308, 314

The Butterfly Hunt, 244

The Coca-Cola Kid, 265, 267

The Colour Box, 356, 366

The Conformist, 109, 119, 120, 202, 279

The Cranes are Flying, 232, 235

The Crying Game, 267

The Damned, 87, 169, 177

The Deal, 351, 366

The Deserter and the Nomads, 250

The Dirty Dozen, 266

The Dog’s Night Song, 225, 228

The Dreamers, 117

The End of St. Petersburg, 119

The Escapist, 341, 347, 348, 350, 367, 371

The Fabulous Baker Boys, 311, 314

The Gateway to Europe, 219, 222

The Gladiator, 147

The Goalkeepers Fear of the Penalty, 158, 162, 244

The Go-between, 301, 313

The Godsend, 304, 313

The Gospel According to Saint Matthew, 73, 379, 383

The Great Dictator, 20, 33

The Grifters, 333, 340

The History of Anti-Semitism, 291

The Hit, 325, 326, 335, 340

The Icicle Thieves, 354, 365

The Idiots, 70, 72

The Imagemakers, 185, 189

The Immortal Story, 98, 117

The Italian Straw Hat, 217

The Joke, 250

The Killing Fields, 340

The King of Roses (Der Rosenkonig), 171, 172, 178

The Last Detail, 319

The Living from the Dead, 49, 59

The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner, 39, 57

The Lord of the Rings, 147, 340

The Lords of Discipline, 306, 313

The Magnificent Ambersons, 383

The Man Who Fell to Earth, 310, 314

The man who had his hair cut short, 91

The Man Who Knew Too Much, 2, 3

The Market, xv

The Masque of the Red Death, 266

The Matrix, 262

The Mission, 340

The Navigator, 2, 3

The Night of San Lorenzo, 110, 114, 120

The Other Boleyn Girl, 277, 288, 292

The Overlanders, 291

The Party and the Guests, 250

The Passenger, 311, 314

The Playboys, 370, 382

The Price of Coal, 279, 292

The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, 254, 266

The Prize Trip, 224, 228

The Quince Tree Sun, 139

The Rise of Louis XIV, 88

The Romantic Englishwoman, 300, 313

The Round Up (Szegenylegenyek), 119, 228, 233, 235

The Russian Ark, 239, 244

The Sacrifice, 190, 192, 196, 198, 202

The Seagull, 180, 188

The Serpent’s Egg, 165, 177, 183, 189

The Servant, 169, 177

The Seventh Seal, xiii, 189, 238, 244

The Shop on Main Street, 237, 243

The Snapper, 329, 340

The Sons Room, 57

The Spider’s Strategem, 107, 109, 120

The Spirit of the Beehive, 139

The Stationmaster’s Wife, 167, 177

The Travelling Players, 156

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, 266

The Trial (Le Proces), 95, 96, 98, 117

The Wild Bees, 244

The Wild Bunch, 259, 266, 313

The Winter Guest, 243, 244

The year of Frank W, 214

The years of the Big Heat, 155

This Sporting Life, 298, 313

Tis mias drachmis ta yassemia (A Pennyworth of Jasmines), 143

To Joy, 189

Together, 199, 202

Touch of Evil, 377, 383

Touha zvana Anada, 237, 243

Traffic, 347, 350

Tree of Wooden Clogs, 244

Tropici, 109, 120

Tsahal, 48, 49, 57, 59

Tutti a casa, 85, 88

Twelve Angry Men, 188

Twelve Monkeys, 332, 340

Two Deaths, 263, 267

Two English Girls (Les Deux Anglaises et le Continent), 36, 37

Umberto D, 87

Ume Femme mariée, 18

Under Satan’s Sun (Sous le soleil du Satan), 28, 34

Under the Sign of the Scorpion, 108, 109, 110, 113, 115, 120

Une Chambre en ville, 44, 45, 46, 57, 58

Une Femme est une femme, 14

Une partie de campagne’, 3

Unsuitable Job for a Woman, 322, 323, 340, 323

Up the Junction, 292

Vagabond, 59

Valerie and her Week of Wonders, 243, 250

Vampyr, 63, 64

Van Gogh, 25, 31, 32, 34, 111

Variety Lights, 119

Vivre sa Vie, Film en Douze Tableau, 10, 12, 13, 18, 317, 339

Walter, 315, 324, 327, 340

War and Peace, 104, 118

War of the Worlds, 101, 118

Water dropping on Burning Rocks, 18

Waterland, 340

Weiser, 219, 222, 366

West Side Story, 232, 235, 383

Western, 34

What’s Good for the Goose, 281, 292

Which Side Are You On?273, 276, 291

Whisky Galore, 339

Why Israel, 43, 58

Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day, 180, 188

Winstanley, 318, 339

Witchfinder General, 279, 280, 292

Woman between Wolf and Dog, 244

Woman of the River, 87

Woman of the Year, 33

WR Mysteries of the Organism, 189

Yellow Submarine, 339

Young Aphrodites, 156

Z, 59, 279, 292

Zorba the Greek, 156

Final Cut Pro System, 131, 134

Foley, Tom, 156

Foleys, 154, 156

Free Cinema movement, 313

Freedom to work, 49, 52, 53, 69, 105, 146, 171, 220, 347

Freelance, 149, 166, 277, 278, 364

Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle (FSK), 164

French films, 13, 19, 49

French New Wave, 12, 18, 33, 34, 64, 105, 119, 158, 199, 209, 378

Frileux, 42

Gare d’Orsay, 95, 117

German Film Institute, 164

Gethin, 313

Goldcrest, 288, 293

Grass Valley, 346

Hamburger films, 201

Heath, Ted, 274, 291

Hollywood, 53, 57, 107, 120, 137, 145, 175, 201, 237, 262, 282, 302

film-makers, 220

Hungarian cinema, 2256, 232

Ideal editor, 26, 149, 240, 249

Image, 10, 25, 26, 278, 31, 32, 60, 92, 193, 210, 227

Imagination, 107, 130, 186, 214, 220, 227, 228, 242, 259, 262, 311, 346

Innocence to rules, 634

INSAS, 66, 67, 71

Institute des Hautes Etudes Cinematographiques (IDHEC), 6, 7, 14, 50, 68, 71, 72


Centre National de la Cinèmatographie, 64

Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, 77, 78, 88

Chéreau School, 68, 72

Cinémathèque, 10, 18, 34, 63, 64

INSAS, 66, 67, 71

L’IDHEC, 17, 18, 72

La Femis, 7, 18, 67, 71

National Film and Television School, 355, 366, 382

The London School of Film Technique, xiii

Vaugirard, 21, 33


Billard, Pierre, 37

Masi, Stefano, 73, 74

Romney, Jonathan, 229

‘Iron Curtain’ country, 232

Italian Association of Film Editors, 73

James Bond film, 212

Javanese, 62, 64

Jeune Cinéma, 37

KEM, 215, 249

Kent Messenger, xv

La FEMIS, 67, 71

Laterna Magica, 236, 243, 247

Lavies, Gertrud, 164

Lavies, Hans-Wilhelm, 164

Lightworks, 29, 34, 249, 287, 310, 346

Literature and film, difference, 2301

Lomax, Alan, 102, 118

London Commonwealth Film Festival, xv

Long shots, 31, 151, 182, 184

Low budget film, 78, 298


Cinémonde, 16, 19

Telerama, 7, 15

Maruri, Julio, 55, 59

Masculine decisions, 215

Masculine quality, editor, 234

Matching two-shots, 22, 33

Memoir, 213

Turnaround – a memoir, 217

Memorial Enterprises, 298, 313

Middle classes and culture, 119, 191, 201, 268

Mise-en-scène, 1

Mise-en-shot, 2056

Mixing sheets, 10

Montage, 13, 36, 37, 69, 140, 205, 258, 327

Montgomery, 77, 88

Morgenstern, Madeleine, 17, 19

Moritone, 21, 27, 33, 67, 71

Moscow Film School, 205

Moviola, 33, 40, 67, 71, 270, 291, 320, 330, 346


Agosti, Silvano, 78, 88

Arcali, Kim, 109, 120

Artaud, Antonin, 20, 32, 107, 119

Berto, Juliet, 67, 71

Bjork, 69, 72

Blin, Roger, 42

Bragg (Lord Bragg), Melvyn, 273, 291

Brownlow, Kevin, 303, 313, 318, 319, 323, 339

Céline, Louis-Ferdinand, 104, 118

Chappel, William, 96, 117

Clifford, Graeme, 255, 256, 266

Crichton, Charles, 252, 266

Cross, Stephen, 298, 312

de Filippo, Eduardo, 78, 88

Douchet, Jean, 12, 18

Dunning, George, 316, 339

Dwyer, Hilary, 280, 292

Farago, Katinka, 181, 189

Fengler, Michael, 166, 177

Fosse, Bob, 183, 189, 198, 202, 235

Germi, Pietro, 79, 88

Gili, Jonathan, 322, 340

Gladwell, David, 298, 306, 312

Godard, Jean-Luc, 1, 4, 7, 10, 18, 37, 71, 108, 119, 123, 202, 233, 235, 314, 339, 366

Golan, Menahem, 281, 292

Hampton, Christopher, 329, 340

Hassan, Mamoun, 318, 339

Herman, Mark, 294, 312, 314

Hunnigher, Joost, 356, 366

Huston, John, 104, 118, 253, 266

James, Roger, 271, 272, 277, 291

Jordan, Neil, 264, 267

Karabasz, Kazimierz, 209

Karydis-Fouks, Aristidis, 142, 155

Kucera, Jan, 237, 243, 246

Lambrinos, Andreas, 141, 142, 155

Lanning, Howard, 280, 292

Mclaren, Norman, 316, 339

Menges, Chris, 324, 340

Morandini, Morando, 113, 120

Müller, Fritz, 95, 99, 117

Neame, Ronnie, 254, 269, 291

Negri, Anna, 353, 365

Nyman, Michael, 175, 178

Pasolini, Pier Paolo, 73, 82, 88, 105, 117, 119, 383

Pinter, Harold, 301, 313

Pudovkin, Vsevolod, 107, 119

Roehler, Oskar, 173, 178

Schiffman, Suzanne, 17, 19

Schnitzler, Arthur, 123, 134

Scorsese, Martin, 87, 177, 333, 340

Slesicki, Wladyslaw, 209, 217

Sloman, Tony, 286, 288, 293

Soldati, Giovanni, 79, 88

Stévenin, Jean-François, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 34

Tchernia, Pierre, 15, 19

Thomas, Jeremy, 325, 340

Ullmann, Liv, 195, 198, 202

von Hasperg, Ila, 167, 177

Winterbottom, Michael, 358, 366

Wise, Robert, 235, 377, 383

Zetterling, Mai, 42, 58

Music and editors, 176

Music in movies, 227, 295

National Film and Television School (NFTS), 355, 366

National Film School, 18, 71, 72, 88, 339

National Film Theatre, 229

Neo-realist revolution, 128

Nepotism, 77

New technologies, 128, 133, 226, 248

Nick’s Film, 162

Non-linear digital technology, 226, 247

Non-linear systems, for editing, 221, 346


de Lautrèamont, Comte, 107, 11920

Dostoyevsky, 107, 11920, 123


All Day Saturday, 309

Homage to Catalonia, 276

The Marriage of Mr. Bolwieser, 1678

War of the Worlds, 101, 118

Numbering by hand, 66, 71

Official editing team, 117

One take of six minutes, 70

Oscar, 253, 266, 267, 291, 340, 350

Paillard-Bolex eight millimetres, 20, 33


Caravaggio, 107, 119

Da Vinci, 176

Goya, 140

Palio di Sienna, 102, 118

Palme d’or, 34, 117

Parallax Pictures, 292

Paramount, 306

Paris Pullman, 253, 266, 317, 318

Pentax S1A, 296

Perception of distance/space, 213


Empedocles, 114, 120

Kierkegaard, 275


Cartier-Bresson, Henri, 104, 118, 200, 202

Capa, Robert, 104, 118

Pinewood Film Studios, 279, 292


Artaud, 11920

Poems, 43, 58, 120, 162, 174

Poetic narration, 211


Bertolucci, Attilio, 105, 119

Polish cinema, 202, 218

Polish cutting table, 215

Polish documentaries, 20910

Polish Film School, 201, 208, 209, 219, 222

Polyecran, 236, 243

Polytechnic of Central London (PCL), 355, 356, 358, 366

Pos-conform, 363, 366

Post-production supervisors:

Nunn, Mike, 271, 275, 291

Prevost editing machine, 93, 116, 124


Arnold, Peter, 317, 318, 339

Balsan, Humbert, 69, 72

Branco, Paulo, 51, 59

Clore, Leon, 339

Dauman, Anatole, 196, 202

de Laurentis, Dino, 85, 88

Denton, Charles, 271, 275, 276, 291

Finney, Albert, 298, 313, 340

Frankovic, Mike, 77

Garnett, Tony, 282, 293

Ingram, John, 274, 275, 286

Katzenberg, Jeffrey, 306, 313

Levy, Gerry, 280, 292

Matheson, Margaret, 325, 340

Medwin, Michael, 298, 313

O’Brien, Rebecca, 277, 287, 292

Paris, James, 143, 155

Relph, Michael, 322, 340

Rouquier, Georges, 59

Saltzman, Paul, 343, 350

Sherrin, Ned, 280, 292

Silbermans, 66, 71

Vindelow, Vibeka, 69, 72

Volpi, Grazia, 113, 120

Woolley, Stephen, 264, 267

Production designers:

Harris, Andy, 381

Mollo, Andrew, 318, 339

Protagonists, 101, 114, 115, 145, 203, 212, 22930

Qualities essential for film editing, 220

Re-cutting, 41, 100, 117, 132, 256, 377

Rhythm of sequence, 214

Roger Crittenden, 367, 368, 374


screening, 90, 151, 264

Ryerson, 342

Safety shots, 62

Scandex, 261

Science fiction films, see Fiction films

Scotch, 21516

Screenplay, 114, 130, 131, 238, 240, 267, 314, 331, 370


Accursi, Claude, 42, 43, 58

Allen, Jim, 282, 293

Argento, Dario, 366

Connaughton, Shane, 370, 382

Crabbe, Kerry, 370, 382

Delaney, Shelagh, 326, 340

Ellis, Ruth, 340

Grisoni, Tony, 358, 366

Kloves, Steve, 311, 314

Laverty, Paul, 278

McKee, Robert, 308, 314

Moravia, Alberto, 17

Owen, Alun, 235

Perry, Nick, 347, 350

Prince, Peter, 325, 340

Scola, Ettore, 84, 88

Smith, Neville, 340

Smith, Roger, 278, 282, 292

Script, 8, 26, 47, 60, 115, 138, 152, 187, 215, 348

Scriptwriters, see Screenwriters


Berlin Alexanderplatz, 172, 175, 178

Danger Bay, 343

In the Land of Don Quixote, 116

Play for Today, 279

That was the Week that was, 292

The Avengers, 333, 340

The Baron, 269, 270, 291

The Opium Warlords, 291

The Right to Reply, 273, 291

The Saint, 269, 270, 291

Silent movie, 223, 241


Asmahane, 38, 57

Morrison, Jim, 45, 59

Stevens, Cat, 373, 383

Six-track sound recording, 250

Slovaks, 246, 250

Sound, 278, 41, 56, 132, 138, 1534, 216, 221, 227, 250, 34850

Sound design, 69, 154, 221, 241

Sound editing, 253, 299, 319

Sound editors:

Bell, Alan, 44, 58, 299, 313

Evans, David, 349, 350

Hogdson, Les, 254, 266

Hymns, Richard, 270, 391

Lawson, Tony, 251, 260

Lee, Johnny, 299, 313

Murch, Walter, 383

Poyner, John, 252, 266

Sound recorder:

Lanning, Dennis, 280, 292

Sound tracks:

Mag, 291

on magnetic film, 117

Spiritual films, 243

Stage revue:

One Over the Eight, 268, 290

Stan rzeczy, 211

Steenbeck, 66, 71, 142, 147, 152, 270, 281, 288, 301, 321, 377

Storytelling, 25, 27, 59, 106, 107, 212, 239, 372

Swedish Film School, 202

Tape Splicer, 105, 119

Teamwork, 124

Technological changes, 133

Technology, 56, 137, 146, 147, 148, 222, 346, 350

Temperature, 213, 217

The British Film Institute Production Board, 339

The Salo’ Republic, 75, 87

The third eye, 148

The Whales of September, 211, 217

Theatre du Soleil, 178

Theme and temperature, 21213

Thinking time, 8, 310, 338

Tigon Pictures, 280, 292

Tolluène, 52, 59

Transition to digital, 335, 338


Battista, Emiliano, 73

Milne, Tom, 18

Trevelyan, John, 281, 292

TV show:

The Right to Reply, 291

Video, 78, 51, 102, 103, 133, 137, 249, 363

Weinstein, Harvey, 308

Whitelaw, William, 274, 291

Working practice, 215


Amado, Jorge, 134

Barker, Pat, 350, 382

Bazin, André, 25, 34, 117, 202

Conrad, Joseph, 118

Delaney, Shelagh, 326, 340

Dinesen, Isak, 117

Doyle, Roddy, 340

du Maurier, Daphne, 266

Ferran, Pascale, 68, 72

Gregory, Philippa, 292

Grisoni, Tony, 358, 366

Kafka, 98, 117, 123

King, Stephen, 219, 222

Krasznahorkai, 230

Kureishi, Hanif, 72

Lewis, Jerry, 38, 51, 59, 179

Lucci, Gabriele, 73

Luis Borges, Jorge, 120, 219, 222

McCullers, Carson, 266

Morante, Elsa, 134

Moravia, Alberto, 17, 105, 119, 134

Nizhny, Vladimir, 206

Novak, Jan, 217

Pirandello, 120

Prince, Peter, 325, 340

Sartre, Jean-Paul, 21, 33

Sperber, Manes, 42, 58

Strauss, Botho, 68, 72

Tanizaki, 42, 58

Thackeray, 266

Weber, Francis, 66, 71

Wells, H.G., 118

Wytwornia Filmsiv Dokumentalnych, 209

Yilmaz Guney’s burial, 47, 59

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