Chapter 17


1 (a) The Abhidhamma tradition is a continuation of the Sutta tradition dealing with varied philosophical, moral, psychological and religious issues. Traditionally, the vast Abhidhammic literature has been put forth under seven heads, namely:

  • Puggal Paññatti
  • Dhātu Kathā
  • Dhamma Sangaṇi
  • Vibhanga
  • Paṭṭhāna Pakarana
  • Yamaka
  • Kathāvatthu

    Buddhaghoṣa wrote commentaries on all these. Upon these there are sub-commentaries and sub-sub commentaries and other expository literature like nissayas and ganthis.

    (b) Prajñā amalā sānucarā abhidharma, pure wisdom along with its accompaniments, is abhidhamma. Abhidammakośa I.2

2 Dhamma iti svabhāva (dharma=svabhāva)

3 Kuśita's chalita gata apakrānta iti kuśatah. Prajñā vā kuśa iva tikṣṇeti kuśalaṅ; tam tanti adadata iti kuśalaṅ

4 Cittanti ārammaṇam cinteti ti cittam vijānāti ti attho. Aṭṭhaśālinī, p.161

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