

Abundance mind-set

“Abundant community”

ACC (anterior cingulate cortex)

Act Now, Apologize Later (Werbach)

Action: bold and prudent; context sensitivity role in; detached engagement in; Dr. V’s story on noble purpose application through; noble purpose pursued through; smart leadership as applying smartness to

Action orientation capability: authenticity and appropriate action elements of; bridging the integrity gap; description of; evolving wisdom toward; how wise leaders apply their; limits of smart; red versus blue zone leadership approach to; V. R. Ferose’s story on improving

Air India


Allen, Paul

Allianz Global Investors


“Amygdala attacks”

Anbender, Ken

Angel Network

Apotheker, Léo

Apple: camera-equipped cell phones developed by; Cook’s broadened leadership of; Fair Labor Association membership of; give and take of Bill Gates’s investment in; iPad, iPhone, and iPod products of; pragmatic partnership (1997) between Microsoft and; Steve Jobs’s decision to open retail stores for; Tim Cook’s functional smart leadership of. See also Jobs, Steve

Apple Stores: Genius Bar help desk of; phenomenonal success of; Steve Jobs’s decision to open

Appropriate action: complexity of modern world while maintaining; how wise leaders practice; limits of smart leadership for; practical wisdom as maintaining authenticity and; Steve Jobs’s authenticity but not always

Appropriate action practices: act with bold prudence; act with context sensitivity; act with integrity; align actions with noble purpose; heed intuition; maintaining equanimity while still having fun

Appropriate Response

Aravind Eye Care System (India)

Aris, Michael


Arthashastra (Chanakya)

Aung San

Aurolab (Aravind Eye Care System)


Authentic Leadership (George)

Authentic parenting

Authenticity: aligning your North Star with leadership; bridging the integrity gap; complexity of modern life while maintaining; context sensitivity to maintain; courage to follow your own; definition of; finding the source of your; leadership practice of; limits of smart leadership for; role clarity capability performed with; Steve Jobs’s

Authentic ethics


Bagchi, Subroto


Bank of England

Barclays’ LIBOR scandal

Barrett, Craig

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother

Baumeister, Roy F.

Being-doing gap

Bentley University

Better World Books

Bhagavad Gita

Bhatt, Om Prakash


Biased decision making

Big picture: blue zone focus on short-term perspective instead of; decision-making discernment by factoring in the; red zone focus on the; reframing the situation by using the. See also Holistic thinking

Bigger pie concept


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


Bleeke, Joel

Block, Peter


Blue zone: cautious decision making of the; comparing perspective of red and; fixed mind-set of; functional smart leadership trend toward the; identifying your own tendency toward red or; leader tendency to take too little risk in; leadership capabilities as approached by leaders in the; mentoring those who operate in the; motivation and self-interest of leaders in the; resistance to new ideas; role clarity capability limitations of; self-assessment of your thinking as; short-term goals focus of; Tim Cook beginning to broaden his. See also Functional smart leaders



Bold prudent action

Books for Africa

Brain: ACC (anterior cingulate cortex) of the; decision-making quality affected by amygdala of the; DLPFC (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) of the; frontal cortex regions of the; research on decision-making processes and the

Brain research: on chemicals released when faced with adversity; on decision-making processes; on how anticipatory anxiety negatively impacts decision-making

Bridging the integrity gap: building credibility for; commitment for; courage to “be who we are”

Browett, John

Buddhism: gross national happiness (GNH) developed out of values of; mindfulness idea of; surrendering as requiring will and grace according to. See also Eastern traditions

Buffett, Warren

Built to Last (Collins and Porras)

Bumblebee’s flight

Burns, Ursula

Burson-Marsteller’s social responsibility survey

Business smart leaders: authenticity and appropriate action limits for; being overly attached to their creations; big picture view of life by; Bill Gates as an exemplar of; comparing functional and; focus and characteristics of; fortitude capability approach by; noble purpose beliefs of; red set of filters used by; tendency to roll back predecessor’s decisions by; visionary and strategic perspective of; winner-take-all mentality of. See also Red zone; Smart leaders

Business smartness: appreciating the limitations of; complementary nature of functional and



Cameron, David

Campbell, Joseph

Campbell Soup Company


Capability maturity model (CMM level 5) certification

Carnegie Mellon University

Centre for Bhutan Studies (Bhutan)


Change: Bill Gates’s transformational; draw on collective willpower for transformational; as the only constant in business; XCo’s cultivation of wise leadership through culture. See also Shifting perspective

CharityFocus (now ServiceSpace)

China Airlines

Choksi, Mehul

Christensen, Clayton


Churchill, Winston

Claremont College

Clinton, Hillary

Coaching: connecting with noble purpose through; how wise leaders engage in; Mithya Wheel tool used in decision making

Cocreating sustainable value

Collaboration: Abraham Lincoln’s abilities for; cultivating role clarity through; flexible fortitude as team effort through; leadership ability to both command and do; partner networks survey (2012) on role of self-interest in; Procter & Gamble’s strategy for shared innovation; wisdom logic discovery facilitated through; wise leaders’ capacity for

Collective willpower concept

Collins, Jim

Comco wise cross-functional teams

Command-and-collaborate leadership style

Command-and-control leadership style

Commitment gap: bridging the; description of

Communities of the Future


“Compassionate capitalism”

Competition: business smart winner-take-all mentality of; cocreating sustainable value instead of; how holistic thinking helps anticipate; moving toward enlightened self-interest from zero-sum; partner relationships versus zero-sum; zero-sum game approach to

Competitive advantage: cocreating sustainable value for; turning diversity of employees into

ComputerWorld magazine

Conant, Doug

Conscious capitalism concept

Conscious Capitalism, Inc.

The Container Store


Context sensitivity: appropriate action by acting with; balancing groundedness with; as foundation for wise leadership; as key attribute of taking action; maintaining authenticity through; for maintaining balance between authenticity and appropriateness; making decisions without; openness element of having; wise decision making consideration of

Contextual clarity

Cook, Tim: beginning to broaden his blue perspective; functional smart leadership of; Jobs’s succession by; speculating what triggered changed perspective of

Corporate social responsibility (CSR): Burson-Marsteller survey on consumer purchase linked to; cocreating sustainable value as practice of; enlightened self-interest demonstrated by; Gitanjali Group initiative; KPIs (key performance indicators) to measure sustainability of; touchstones or ways to focus your

Courage gap: bridging the; description of


Credibility: bridging the saying-doing gap of; wise leaders’ authenticity and

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly


De Niro, Robert

Decision logic capability: Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger’s demonstration of; description of; discernment to increase; evolving wisdom toward; increasing importance of; intuition-driven; red versus blue zone leadership approach to; smart versus wise styles of; strategies for expanding your

Decision making: blue zone versus red zone; business smart leaders’ tendency to roll back predecessor’s; discernment role in; discrimination (Viveka) role in; fortitude displayed during; Great Law of the Iroquois Confederacy mandate on; intuition-driven; neurobiology and psychology of; prediction markets used for forecasting as part of; Sam Palmisano’s bold; 3Ps (passion, people, and plan) used in venture capital investment. See also Problem solving

Decision-making discernment: advantages of using; cultivate mind-set of abundance for; decide with ethical clarity; emotions and role in; factor in the larger context for; instinct role in; intuition role in; respond mindfully to events

Decisions: draw on collective willpower for transformational change; inspire others to support; revise when the context shifts; stick to appropriate

Del Missier, Jerry

Dell Computers

Deshpande, Desh

Detached engagement: description of; mindfulness to cultivate; red zone leader difficulty in executing their role with. See also Role clarity capability

Dialogue in Silence workshops

Dialogue in the Dark workshops

Diamond, Bob

Discernment: cultivate a mind-set of abundance practice of; decide with ethical clarity practice of; definition of; description of decision making with; emotion used to make decisions with; factoring in the larger context as; instinct used to make decisions with; intuition used to make decisions with; respond mindfully to events practice of

Discrimination (Viveka)

Disney ABC Television Group

Disraeli, Benjamin

Divergent thinking

DLPFC (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex)

Dorobji Tata Trust

Dweck, Carol


Eastern traditions: discrimination (Viveka) according to; mindfulness; servant leadership roots in; spiritual wisdom found in; surrendering as requiring will and grace according to; swabhiman (self-respect). See also Buddhism; Hinduism

Einstein, Albert

Eli Lilly

Ellison, Larry

Emotional engagement. See Detached engagement

Emotional memory

Emotions: creativity increased by positive; decision-making discernment role of; decision-making role of


Energy Project

Enlightened self-interest: business perspective of; cultivating; examples of leaders moving toward

Enlightened self-interest levels: Level 0: Zero-Sum Game (1 + 1 = 0) of; Level 1: Give and Take (1 + 1 = 2) of; Level 2: Making the Pie Bigger (1 + 1 = 3) of; Level 3: The Rising Tide Lifts All Boats (1 + 1 = 11)


Ethical clarity: fostering flexible fortitude through; Steve Jobs’s demonstration of; of Tata Hotels’ leadership; wise leader decision making exhibiting

Ethical pragmatism: authentic and subjective ethics and; description of; wise leaders’ ability to exhibit ethical clarity and

Exercises. See Self-assessment exercises

Experiential learning programs

Exxon Mobil



“Failing successfully”

Fair Labor Association

Feeling-doing gap

Fernandez, Mike

Ferose, V. R.

Field of wise leadership

The Fifth Discipline (Senge)

Firms of Endearment (Sisodia)

Flexible fortitude: cultivating; description of; how wise leaders display; strategies for building. See also Fortitude capability

Flexible fortitude cultivation: demonstrate fortitude as team effort; foster flexibility through ethical clarity; harness your noble purpose; manage your energy selectively

Flexible fortitude practices: draw on collective willpower for transformational change; inspire others to support decisions; revise decisions when the context shifts; stick to decisions when appropriate


Florida Ice & Farm Co.

Ford Motor Company: authentic leadership of Mulally at; flexible fortitude practiced by leadership of; shifting perspective by leadership of

Forrester Research

Fortitude capability: description of; evolving wisdom toward; how motivation drives; how smart leaders approach; red versus blue zone leadership approach to; stubbornness versus; Wendy Kopp’s Teach For America as example of. See also Flexible fortitude

Frankle, Viktor

Fuchs, Chris

FUD factor (fear, uncertainty, and doubt)

Fukushima nuclear power plant meltdown (2011)

Functional smart leaders: authenticity and appropriate action limited for; blue set of filters used by; comparing business smart and; focus and characteristics of; fortitude capability approach by; narrow though deep view of life by; noble purpose beliefs by; sport metaphor of. See also Blue zone; Smart leaders

Functional smartness: appreciating the limitations of; complementary nature of business and


Galleon hedge fund

Gandhi, Mahatma

Gates, Bill: evolution from smart to wise leader by; give and take between Steve Jobs and; Giving Pledge movement developed by; life course change through noble purpose adopted by; smart leadership of; speculating what triggered changed perspective of; winner-take-all mentality of; wisdom logic of. See also Microsoft

Gates Foundation

Gates, Robert

Gateway Computers


General Motors (GM)

George, Bill

Ghose, Aurobindo

Ghosn, Carlos

Gitanjali Gems

Gitanjali Group

Give and take transaction

Giving Pledge movement

Glover, Nick

Goldman Sachs


Gopalakrishnan, Kris

“Gratitude economy”

Grauer, Peter

Great Law of the Iroquois Confederacy

Greenleaf, Robert


Gross national happiness (GNH)

Growth mind-set: cultivating openness to develop; description of; shifting perspective to develop

Gupta, Rajat


Happiness: “abundant community” striving for inner; gross national happiness (GNH) indicator of national progress; making the mistake that material success is; multiplied by bringing happiness to others; work-life balance to achieve

Heeding intuition. See also Intuition

Helgesen, Xavier

HELLO product story

HERO (Hope, Efficacy, Resilience, Optimism)

“Hero’s journey”

Hewlett Packard

Highland Park High School (Dallas)

Hinduism: discrimination (Viveka) according to; spiritual wisdom sought in. See also Eastern traditions

Holistic thinking. See also Big picture

Home Depot

Hotel VQ (Denver)


Ibarra, Herminia

IBM: PC business sold to Lenovo; Sam Palmisano’s bold business decisions for; Values-Jam (2003) and core values established at

IBM Global CEO report (2010)

IBM Global CEO report (2012)


India: Dr. V’s Aravind Eye Care System of; Gitanjali Group’s corporate social responsibility initative in; Gitanjali Group’s jewelry products in; Indian School of Business of; SAP Labs India of; space program of; State Bank of India (SBI) of; Taj Mahal Hotel attacks (2008) in; Tata Group compact Nano car of

Indian National Congress

Infinite Vision (Venkataswamy)




Integrity: acting with; bridging the gap in


Intellectual curiosity

Intraocular lenses (IOLs)

Intuition: backed up by hard data; Chesley “Sully” Sullengerger’s use of; differentiating instinct and; as founding principle of The Container Store; making decisions with discernment by using; Steve Jobs’s fame for using his; wise leaders’ decision making using their. See also Heeding intuition




Isaacson, Walter

Islam Sufi wisdom

Itanium chip (“Intel’s Titanic”)


Jagad, Mallika

Janus (Silicon Valley CEO)

Japan: earthquake and tsunami (2011) in; Fukushima nuclear power plant meltdown (2011) in

Jobs, Steve: ability to reconsider his own decisions; authenticity of; ethical clarity and pragmaticism demonstrated by; famous for following his own intuition; give and take between Bill Gates and; “hero’s journey” experienced by; his journey to wise leadership; his sometimes inappropriate actions; intuitive decision to open Apple retail stores by; journey developing wisdom logic by; “put a dent in the universe” noble purpose of; red filters of; role clarity of; supporting is intuition with hard data; Tim Cook’s succession to. See also Apple

Johnson, Ron

Journal writing practice


Kabat-Zinn, Jon

Kabbalah wisdom

Kaipa, Prasad

Kalam, A.P.J. Abdul

Kang, Karambir Singh

Kapoor, Shekhar

Karma Kitchen

Kelley, Michelle

Killer instinct

King, Martin Luther, Jr.


Kopp, Wendy

Kottke, Dan

KPIs (key performance indicators) of sustainability

Kumar, Shiva

Kurtzman, Jeff


Lafley, Alan G.

Leadership capabilities: action orientation; decision logic; evolution into wise leaders by developing the six; fortitude; From Smart to Wise Leadership Self-Assessment scale of; motivation; perspective; role clarity. See also Wise leaders; Wise leadership

Leadership styles: Command-and-collaborate; command-and-control

Leadership wisdom: building wise cross-functional teams; framework for cultivating; in wise communities; in wise groups; in wise nations; in wise organizations; in wise teams

The Legend of Bagger Vance (film)

Lehman Brothers


Levinson, Art

Li, Charlene

LIBOR scandal

Lincoln, Abraham


Luthans, Fred


Mackey, John

Mainwaring, Simon

Mandela, Nelson


McKinsey & Company

Mean Streets (film)

Meaning: finding your noble purpose and; how to discover; as what drives motivation


Mehta, Nipun

Mehta, Pavithra

Mendiola Sánchez, Ramón

Mental models: Ford’s need for innovative; Mulally’s story on shifting Ford’s




Microsoft: DOJ’s antitrust lawsuit filed against; origins and early success of; pragmatic partnership (1997) between Apple and. See also Gates, Bill

Milani, Mark

Milovich, Steven

Mindful mind-set

Mindfulness: cultivating role clarity through; for decision making with discernment; defined as state of openness

Mind-set: broadening your perspective capability through mindful; cultivating openness through growth; decision-making discernment by cultivating abundance; inability to solve a problem created with the same


Mithya Wheel

Motivation: blue zone leaders; fortitude driven by; red zone leaders; understanding that meaning is what drives. See also Self-interest

Motivation capability: cocreating sustainable value with stakeholders through; cultivating enlightened self-interest to build; description of; evolving wisdom toward; Nano (Tata Motors’ compact car) development as example of; red versus blue zone leadership approach to; wise leaders driven to serve others as

Mulally, Alan: authentic leadership of; Boeing 777 development role of; decision making based on hard data by; enlightened self-interest by; equanimity maintained by; flexible fortitude demonstrated by; leading Ford back to profitability; shifting perspective demonstrated by

Mulcahy, Ann

Mumbai attacks (2008)

Murthy, N. R. Narayana

Myanmar (formerly Burma)


Nano (Tata Motors’ compact car)

National Center for Family Literacy

Nazi concentration camp

Ne Win

Neuropsychology: on decision making factors; research on role of brain in decision making

Newham, Chris


Nissan plant (Japan)

Noble purpose: action required for pursuing; aligning actions with; Better World Books’s; Bill Gates’s life course correction through adopting his; business smart leaders’ beliefs about; confusing vision with; cultivating flexible fortitude by harnessing your; Dr. V’s story on acting in line with; functional smart leaders’ beliefs about; Michelle Kelley’s story on using coaching to connect with; power to ignite passion and commitment; red zone barriers to pursuing; social enterprises driven by North Star and; Steve Jobs’s “put a dent in the universe”; strategies and techniques for identifying your; of Tata Hotels’ leadership; wise decision making based on clear; wise leaders driven by personal; as your personal North Star


Nooyi, Indra

North Star: authentic leadership style aligned with your; description of; developing flexible fortitude using the; exercise for finding your North Star; gaining wisdom logic by discovering your; noble purpose as your personal; social enterprises driven by noble purpose of

Nueva Center for Learning


Obama, Barack

Open Leadership (Li)

Openness: C-suite leadership fearing vulnerability of; growth mind-set as requiring; reframing in order to cultivate

Oprah Angel Network

The Oprah Winfrey Show

Oracle Corporation

OWN Network


Padmanabhan, Ragunath

Page, Larry

Palmisano, Sam: bold business decisions made by; cultivating a beginner’s mind-set approach taken by; on global system context of business; selling IBM’s PC business to Lenovo

Panera Bread

Panera Cares

Parental authenticity

Parivartan change management program (SBI)

Parker, Alan

Parker, James


Peace Corps


Personal Excellence Program (PEP)

Personal Sustainability Project (PSP)

Perspective: as based on sum total of knowledge and experiences; developing wise leadership by cultivating a wise; Frankl’s Nazi concentration camp experience and reframing his; limits of a smart; red versus blue zone; the wise leader’s. See also Shifting perspective; Worldview

Perspective capability: description of; evolving wisdom toward; finding your noble purpose to increase your; increasing openness through reframing; mindful mind-set to broaden your; other terms used for; Raj’s story on change by shifting his; red versus blue zone leadership approach to

Pierce, Todd


Porras, Jerry

“Power of attraction”

Practical wisdom

Pragmaticism: Steven Jobs’s demonstration of; wise decision making based on ethical clarity and

Prediction markets


Princeton University

Problem solving: divergent thinking for; don’t use same mind-set that caused the problem for. See also Decision making

Procter & Gamble (P&G)

“Psychological capital”

Psychology: on decision-making factors; research on role of brain in decision making


Rausch, Doug

Ravilla, Thulasiraj

Red zone: achieving work-life balance by shifting perspective of; big picture focus of; business smart leader trend toward the; cautious decision making of the; comparing perspective of blue and; competitive nature of leaders in; difficulty in executing role with emotional detachment in; fortitude capability approach in the; how Bill Gates expanding his worldview by expanding his; identifying your own tendency toward blue or; leader tendency to take too much risk in; leadership capabilities as approached by leaders in the; mentoring those who operate in the; motivation and self-interest in the; role clarity capability limitations in; self-assessment of your thinking as; Steve Jobs’s preference for the. See also Business smart leaders

Reflection: cultivating openness through; journal writing as practice of

Reframing, openness through

Reframing failure

Renault-Nissan Alliance

Rice, Condoleezza

Rising tide concept

Roberts, Kevin

Role clarity capability: Barclays’ LIBOR scandal as failure of; becoming a wise leader with; cultivating; cultivating a beginner’s mind to facilitate your; description of; evolving wisdom toward; how wise leaders demonstrate; learning to let go component of; limitation of blue zone for; Murthy’s wise leadership demonstrating; red versus blue zone leadership approach to; red zone limitations for; reflective questions to ask about; self-awareness element of the; servant leadership as part of; similarity to concept of servant leadership; Steve Jobs’s; understanding the business context of. See also Detached engagement

Role clarity cultivation path: by cultivating a beginner’s mind; learning to let go; mindfulness facilitating self-awareness; understanding that you are part of a whole

Room to Read


Saatchi & Saatchi

SAP Labs India

Sarabhai, Vikram

Saying-doing gap

Schultz, Howard

Schwartz, Tony

Self-assessment exercises: blue zone thinking; connecting your enlightened self-interest to other capabilities; finding your North Star; From Smart to Wise Leadership Self-Assessment; red zone thinking

Self-awareness: courage gap and lack of; Genentech’s Personal Excellence Program (PEP) to develop; making decisions without; role clarity capability and


Self-interest: business perspective of enlightened; cultivating enlightened; partner networks survey (2012) on partnership role of; smart leaders’ approach to. See also Motivation

Senge, Peter

Servant leadership

ServiceSpace (originally CharityFocus)

Shaich, Ron

Shaw, Kiran Mazumdar

Shifting perspective: benefits of; finding a noble purpose for; Frankl’s Nazi concentration camp experience and; Mehta’s gratitude economy concept on; a mindful mind-set required for; as ongoing process; openness through reframing for; path of aspiration versus desperation path to; Raj’s story on change by. See also Change; Perspective

Shrinivas, H. N.

Sierra Club

Sir Ratan Tata Trust

Sisodia, Raj

Smart leaders: description and commonalities of; functional and business smart categories of; wise decision logic versus decision logic of. See also Business smart leaders; Functional smart leaders

Smart leadership: definition of; evolving to wise from; From Smart to Wise Leadership Self-Assessment scale on; pitfalls of. See also Wise leadership

Smart leadership pitfalls, overview of the

Smart perspective limits

Smartness: applying to action; complementary nature of functional and business definitions of; evolving to being wise from; as operating currency of today’s business; understanding that it is not enough. See also Wisdom

Smile cards (ServiceSpace)

Smyre, Rick

Social responsibility. See Corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Social systems leadership wisdom: building wise cross-functional teams; description of; issues to consider for; in wise communities; in wise groups; in wise nations; in wise organizations; in wise teams

Southwest Airlines

Spiritual wisdom


STARS (Special Thanks and Recognition System; Taj Hotel)

State Bank of India (SBI)

Stewardship (Block)

Stewardship concept

Subjective ethics

Sufi wisdom

Sullenberger, Chesley “Sully”

Sustainability practices: cocreating sustainable value; Gitanjali Group’s CSR initiative as; KPIs (key performance indicators) to measure success of; UN’s “holistic approach to development” resolution for

Suu Kyi, Aung San

Swabhiman (self-respect)


Taj Hotels STARS program

Taj Mahal Hotel attacks (2008)

Tata Group

Tata Hotels

Tata, Jamsetji

Tata Motors

Tata, Ratan

Tata Sons

Teach For America (TFA)

Teams: cultivating wise leadership of; evolving from smart to wise cross-functional

Thomas Aquinas, Saint

Thomson, David

3Ps (passion, people, and plan)

Tierney, John

Tindell, Kip

TouchPad (Hewlett Packard)

TouchPoints (Conant)

Trader Joe’s

Trikarana suddhi (integrity)

Triple bottom line

Tyrie, Andrew


U.N. General Assembly


University of Notre Dame

US Airways Flight 1549

U.S. Department of Agriculture


Values-Jam (IBM, 2003)

“Vaporware” practice

Varley, John

Vedanta wisdom

Venkataswamy, Govindappa (Dr. V)

Vision: blue zone difficulty with long-term; business smart leaders’ confusing purpose with; red zone focus on the big picture

Volckmann, Russ




Walesa, Lech

Wall Street Journal

Wangchuck, Jigme Singye (King of Bhutan)

We First (Mainwaring)

WebOS (Palm operating system)

Weiss, Pam

Welch, Jack (“Neutron Jack”)

Werbach, Adam

Western traditions: servant leadership roots in; spiritual wisdom found in

Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life (Kabat-Zinn)

Whole Foods Market

Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength (Baumeister and Tierney)

Willpower concept

Win-win transaction

Winfrey, Oprah

Winner-take-all mentality

Wisdom: description and qualities of; as grounded in ethics, shared values, and serving larger purpose; involves appropriate action without losing authenticity; as our birthright; spiritual versus practical. See also Smartness

Wisdom logic: as authentic pathway to wise leadership; balance provided by; Bill Gates’s; development of your own; field of leadership’s spiral development toward; North Star used to focus your journey toward; Steve Jobs’s journey toward developing his

Wise communities: description of; Nipun Mehta’s ServiceSpace and Karma Kitchen; Peter Block’s development of abundant and; Raj Sisodia commitment to conscious capitalism and

Wise cross-functional teams

Wise groups: cultivating leadership wisdom in; description of

Wise leaders: action orientation capacity as applied by; Bill Gates’s evolution from being a smart to; dealing with challenges in a complex world; coaching, mentoring, and role modeling by; driven by their personal noble purpose; flexible fortitude displayed by; motivation capability and driven to serve others; other-centered attitude of; overview of becoming a; perspective of a; role clarity capability approach and development by; smart decision logic versus decision logic of. See also Leadership capabilities

Wise leadership: challenges in a complex world calling for; context sensitivity as foundation of; cultivating across social systems; description and qualities of; evolving from smart to; “field of leadership” spiral expansion; introduction to six leadership capabilities of. See also Leadership capabilities; Smart leadership

Wise leadership journey: across different social systems; overview of the path along; starting your own; Steve Jobs’s; understanding that it involves helping others; wisdom logic as the authentic pathway to

Wise leadership path: creating a road map toward; From Smart to Wise Leadership Self-Assessment scale before starting your; identifying your own tendency toward red or blue zone; overview of the; self-assess where you are on the path; stay the course toward; as unique for each individual; wisdom logic as the authentic

Wise nations: description of; how Bhutan is cultivating itself as a; Myanmar’s cultivation itself as a

Wise organizations: Better World Books’s cultivation of wise leadership; culture change at XCo to cultivate wise leadership; description of

Wise teams: cultivating leadership wisdom in Tata Hotels; description of

Wiseman, Liz

Woolard, Ed

Work-life balance


Worldview: how Bill Gates changed his red filters to expand his; how we are limited by the filters we use for; red versus blue filters used in. See also Perspective

Wozniak, Steve


XCo culture change story



Yunus, Muhammad


Zero-sum game: cultivating enlightened self-interest instead of playing; learning to recognize that business is not a; partner relationships versus

Zuckerberg, Mark

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