A brief intermission

Before we get into the SOAP web service implementation, we need to complement the applications to execute a seat query using the existing REST web service and display the results on the query page. Once this is done, we can pick up from there and develop our SOAP service. So, to get this done, follow these steps:

  1. Open ExhibitionBean of the Theater project, add a method that will receive the exhibition ID chosen by the user, and return a list of seat types that are linked to that specific exhibition:
    @Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
    public List<Seat> getSeatsByExhibition(
                                 @PathParam("id") int id) {
      String jpql = "SELECT s FROM Seat s, Exhibition e "
                 + "WHERE (s.room.id = e.room.id) " 
                 + "AND (e.id = ?1)";
      if (id != 0) {
         Query query = em.createQuery(jpql);
         query.setParameter(1, id);
         List<Seat> result = query.getResultList();
         if (result.size() > 0)
          return result;
          throw new WebApplicationException(
      throw new WebApplicationException(


    The structure of this method is the same as another method of this class, getExhibition. We just need to change its path, the query, and the type being retrieved.

    A call to this API would look similar to the following: http://localhost:7001/theater/api/exhibition/4/seats.

  2. Go to the Store project, and add a consumer for this new method in the TheaterClient class:
    public List<Seat> getSeatsByExhibition(int exhibitionId) {
      final List<Seat> seats = (List<Seat>) getClient()
           .getEntity(new GenericType<List<Seat>>() {});
      return seats;


    In Chapter 4, Remote Access – Creating RESTful Services with JAX-RS, we added annotations XMLRootElement and XMLTransient to the Seat class. As explained there, this must be done to avoid cyclic references when JAX-RS is creating the query response.

Again, this new method follows the same structure of the other method already in the class, getExhibitionsByMovie, so it's basically a copy and paste operation with a few tweaks to the code.

  1. Now that we have both the service's provider and consumer, let's adjust the component connected to the JSF page, SearchManager, to expose this information to the page by adding the following code snippets:
    // Variable to hold the list of seats
    private List<Seat> seats;
    // current quantity of seats
    private String[] quantities;
    // Getter and setters
    public void setSeats(List<Seat> seats) {
      this.seats = seats;
    public List<Seat> getSeats() {
      return seats;
    public String[] getQuantities() {
          return quantities;
      public void setQuantities(String[] quantities) {
          this.quantities = quantities;
    // The method that will call the reservation service
    public void reserve() {
    // Helper method to translate the seat type
    private String getSeatDescription(int type) {
      switch (type) {
        case 1:
          return "Regular";
        case 2: 
          return "Comfort";
        case 3: 
          return "Disability";
          return "Unknown";
  2. Also, in SearchManager, replace the contents of the method query with this single line that executes the call and sets the variable with the result:
    public void query() {
       if (exhibition != 0) {
          seats =
            * Set the variable that holds the selection 
            * done by the user to zero 
           quantities = new String[seats.size()];
           for (int i = 0; i < seats.size(); i++) {
                quantities[i] = "0";
       } else {
           seats = null;
  3. The last step is to change our query page—that would be the search.xhtml (previously index.xhtml) file of the Store project—to show the information retrieved. We're going to add this block of code just below the query button:
    <p:spacer width="100" height="10" rendered="#{!empty search.seats}" />
    <p:spacer width="100" height="10" rendered="#{!empty search.seats}" />
    <h:outputLabel for="seats" 
                   value="Available seats:"
                   rendered="#{!empty search.seats}" />  
    <p:dataTable id="seats" 
                 rendered="#{!empty search.seats}">
       <p:column headerText="Type">
           value="#{search.getSeatDescription(seat.type)}" />
       <p:column headerText="Price">
          <h:outputText value="#{seat.price}">
             <f:convertNumber type="currency" 
                              currencySymbol="" />
       <p:column headerText="Quantity">
         <p:spinner id="spinnerBasic" 
                    min="0" max="99" 
                    maxlength="2" size="3" />
    <p:commandButton id="reserve" update="queryForm" 
                  value="Reserve Seats"
                  action="#{ search.reserve}"
                  rendered="#{!empty search.seats}" />


    The rendered attribute prevents components from being rendered on the screen when they aren't needed, so we use it to show the second part of the screen only after the user actually executes a query for available seats.

  4. Save all the files, publish both Store and Theater projects and navigate to the search page, http://localhost:7001/store/search.jsf. Select the entries from the three dropdowns and click on Search Seats. A new table showing the types of seats available should appear after it:
    A brief intermission

Now that we have the seat query up and running, we can proceed to the next section where we're going to expose and consume a SOAP web service.

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