Using asynchronous methods

A basic programming concept called synchronous execution defines the way our code is processed by the computer, that is, line-by-line, one at a time, in a sequential fashion. So, when the main execution flow of a class calls a method, it must wait until its completion so that the next line can be processed.


Of course, there are structures capable of processing different portions of a program in parallel, but from an external viewpoint, the execution happens in a sequential way, and that's how we think about it when writing code.

When you know that a specific portion of your code is going to take a little while to complete, and there are other things that could be done instead of just sitting and waiting for it, there are a few strategies that you could resort to in order to optimize the code. For example, starting a thread to run things in parallel, or posting a message to a JMS queue and breaking the flow into independent units are two possible solutions.


If your code is running on an application server, you should know by now that thread spawning is a bad practice—only the server itself must create threads, so this solution doesn't apply to this specific scenario.

Another way to deal with such a requirement when using Java EE 6 is to create one or more asynchronous methods inside a stateless session bean by annotating either the whole class or specific methods with javax.ejb.Asynchronous.


If the class is decorated with @Asynchronous, all its methods inherit the behavior.

When a method marked as asynchronous is called, the server usually spawns a thread to execute the called method—there are cases where the same thread can be used, for instance, if the calling method happens to end right after emitting the command to run the asynchronous method.

Either way, the general idea is that things are explicitly going to be processed in parallel, which is a departure from the synchronous execution paradigm. To see how it works, let's change the LogService method to be an asynchronous one; all we need to do is decorate the class or the method with @Asynchronous:

public class LogService {

As the call to its log method is the last step executed by the interceptor, and its processing is really quick, there is no real benefit in doing so. To make things more interesting, let's force a longer execution cycle by inserting a sleep method into the method of LogService:

public void log(final String clazz,final LogLevel level,final String message) {
   Logger log = Logger.getLogger(clazz);
   log.log(Level.parse(level.toString()), message);
   try {
      log.log(Level.parse(level.toString()), "reached end of method");
   } catch (InterruptedException e) {


Using Thread.sleep() when running inside an application server is another classic example of a bad practice, so keep away from this when creating real-world solutions.

Save all files, publish the Store project, and load the query page a couple of times. You will notice that the page is rendered without delay, as usual, and that the reached end of method message is displayed after a few seconds in the Console view. This is a pretty subtle scenario, so you can make it harsher by commenting out the @Asynchronous line and deploying the project again—this time when you refresh the browser, you will have to wait for 5 seconds before the page gets rendered.

Our example didn't need a return value from the asynchronous method, making it pretty simple to implement. If you need to get a value back from such methods, you must declare it using the java.util.concurrent.Future interface:

public Future<String> doSomething() { 

The returned value must be changed to reflect the following:

return new AsyncResult<String>("ok"); 


The javax.ejb.AsyncResult function is an implementation of the Future interface that can be used to return asynchronous results.

There are other features and considerations around asynchronous methods, such as ways to cancel a request being executed and to check if the asynchronous processing has finished, so the resulting value can be accessed. For more details, check the Creating Asynchronous methods in EJB 3.1 reference at the end of this chapter.

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