

AA, see Ascorbic acid

ADH, see Alcohol dehydrogenase

AFM, see Atomic force microscopy

Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), 175

ALD, see Atomic layer deposition

Antibody functionalization, 198

Antimicrobial agents, 332

Aptamer, 184

Argon purging, 146

Armchair CNTs, 3

Ascorbic acid (AA), 175

As-grown CNTs, 159

Atomic force microscopy (AFM), 74, 134

Atomic layer deposition (ALD), 92


Backscattering probability, 56

Base-growth model, 133

Bernal stacking, 35

Bias voltage, 158

Biosensing and nanomedicine, applications of carbon nanotubes in, 169210

dispersion and functionalization of CNTs, 170175

biomacromolecules, 174

covalent functionalization of CNTs, 170171

critical micelle concentrations, 172

cycloaddition reaction, 171

electron conductivity, 171

intrinsic physical properties of CNTs, 171

noncovalent functionalization of CNTs, 172175

oxidizing agents, 170171

photoluminescence of SWNTs, 171

polyaromatic graphitic surfaces, 172

porphyrin derivatives, 172

pyrene-conjugated glycodendrimers, 172

Raman scattering, 171

drug delivery and tumor therapy, nanomedicine CNTs used in, 192198

antibody functionalization, 198

cell uptake mechanisms, 195

chronic exposure model, 193

CNT-based drug delivery, 195197

CNTs for drug delivery and tumor therapy, 195198

fluorescent probes, 197

in vitro toxicity of CNTs, 192

in vivo toxicity of CNTs, 193195

in vivo tumor therapy, 197198

mesothelioma, 193

monoclonal antibodies, 197

NIR light, 198

nuclear factor kappa-light-chain- enhancer, 194

paclitaxel, 195

radio-metal-ion chelates, 197

RNA-wrapped CNTs, 193

short aspect ratio, 195

surface-modified MWNTs, 194

SWNTs, 197

T lymphocytes, apoptosis of, 192

toxicity of CNTs, 192195

electrochemical biosensors, 175186

alcohol dehydrogenase, 175

aptamer, 184

ascorbic acid, 175

biosensing based on direct electron transfer between protein and CNT electrode, 182

biosensing based on electrocatalytic activities of CNTs and metal/metal oxide nanoparticle-modified CNTs, 175182

CNT-based immunosensor, aptasensor, and DNA sensor, 182186

direct electron transfer, 182

DNA hybridization, 185

dopamine, 175

electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, 183

enzyme mediators, 175

field-effect transistors, 186

glassy carbon electrode (GCE), 177

glucose biosensor, 181

HIV-1 protease, 183

horseradish peroxidase, 182

ionic-liquid-modified CNTs, 178

pepstatin, 183

porous anodic alumina (PAA), 178

prostate-specific antigen, 182

silver nanoparticle, 179

uric acid, 175

in-body biosensing, 198

optical biosensors, 186191

biosensing based on fluorescence quenching and NIR fluorescence properties of CNTs, 187189

biosensing based on Raman scattering of SWNTs, 189191

biotin-streptavidin binding, 191

collagen-modified SWNTs, 188

DNA hybridization, 188

hexahistidine-tagged capture proteins, 188

multimodal optical sensing, 189

nanomolar sensitivity, 187

near-infrared photoluminescence, 187

nonspecific protein binding, 190

surface-enhanced Raman scattering, 189

Biosensors, see CMOS-compatible nanowire biosensors

Biotin-streptavidin binding, 191

Blech structure, 126

BOE, see Buffered oxide etchant

Borazine, 92

Bovine serum albumin (BSA), 193

Bragg’s scattering mechanism, 42

Brillouin zone, 43

BSA, see Bovine serum albumin

Buffered oxide etchant (BOE), 155

Buried catalyst approach, 120


Carbon nanotubes (CNTs), 1

amine-terminated, 196

armchair, 3

as-grown, 159

-based immunoassay, 182

chiral, 3

properties, 169

zigzag, 3

Carbon nanotubes (electrodynamics to signal propagation models), 124

de-Broglie wavelength, 2

effective conducting channels, number of, 2

electrodynamics of carbon nanotubes, 311

armchair CNTs, 3

band structure of single CNT shell, 35

chiral CNTs, 3

chiral vector, 3

constitutive equation, 6

Dirac-Fermi distribution function, 6

Dirac-like dispersion law, 10

double-wall carbon nanotube, 9

electron motion, types of, 9

Fermi points of graphene, 7

graphene reciprocal lattice, 4

intershell coupling, 11

intershell tunneling, frequency of, 10

kinetic inductance, 8

quantum capacitance, 8

quantum resistance, 7

translational vector, 3

transport equation for single CNT shell, 59

transport equation for two CNTs with intershell tunneling, 911

emerging materials, 1

intershell tunneling, 22

kinetic inductance, 3

Maxwell equations, 2

multiwall carbon nanotubes, 2

Ohm’s law, 21

quantum capacitance, 3

quasi-classical limit, 21

resistance-inductance-capacitance model, 3

single-wall carbon nanotubes, 2, 4

study of signal propagation properties along CNT interconnects, 1721

copper realization, 17, 18

ideal interconnect technology, 17

Joule heating, 19

on-chip interconnects, 17

performance of CNT on-chip interconnect, 1721

signal integrity, 19

transmission line models for carbon nanotube interconnects, 1217

CNTs as future material for nano- interconnects, 12

identity matrix, 13

integro-differential model, 16

longitudinal field, 13

Maxwell equations, 12

multiconductor transmission line model for CNT interconnects without tunneling effect, 1315

quasi-TEM assumption, 13

resistance, 15

transmission line model for CNT interconnects with tunneling effect, 1617

transmission line theory, 2

transport equation, 21

zigzag CNTs, 3

CBD, see Chemical bath deposition

Cell uptake mechanisms, 195

CFD, see Chemical fluid deposition

CFU, see Colony-forming unit

Chemical bath deposition (CBD), 323

Chemical fluid deposition (CFD), 225

Chemical vapor deposition (CVD), 90

atmospheric pressure, 253

CMOS, 133

DNA nanostructures, 253

interconnect application, 116

low pressure, 253

MASD, 323

microreactors, 321

CHFs, see Critical heat fluxes

Chiral CNTs, 3

CMCs, see Critical micelle concentrations

CMOS, see Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor

CMOS, monolithic integration of carbon nanotubes and, 131167

base-growth model, 133

carbon nanotube synthesis, 132133

chemical vapor deposition, 133

CMOS-CNT integration challenges and discussion, 133138

atomic force microscope, 134

dielectrophoresis, 134

fabrication process and localized heating concept, 136

liquid-crystalline processing, 134

microelectromechanical system, 136

P-type metal-oxide-semiconductor, 134

scanning electron microscope, 134

silicon on insulator, 137

surface functionalization, 134

CNT synthesis by localized resistive heating on mock-CMOS, 138149

argon purging, 146

deep-reactive-ion etching, 140

device fabrication, 139141

E-field, 138, 139

high-temperature reliability, 144

I-V characterization experiment, 143

microheater characterization, 142146

microheater design, 138139

microheater types, 139

platinum thin films, degradation of, 145

resistive Joule heating, 145

room temperature carbon nanotube synthesis, 146149

suspended microstructures, 138, 141

temperature coefficient of resistance, 142

thermal imaging, 147

thermodynamic critical radius, 145

field-effect transistors, 131

laser ablation, 133

maskless post-CMOS-CNT synthesis on foundry CMOS, 149161

as-grown CNTs, 159

bias voltage, 158

buffered oxide etchant, 155

catalyst layer, 161

characterization of carbon nanotubes and circuit evaluations, 159161

chemical stability, 164

deep-reactive-ion etching, 154

device fabrication and characterization, 154158

dummy structures, 154

etching mask, 149

etching opening, 153

heater design variations, 152

impurity scattering mobility, 157

integration principles and device design, 149154

inverters, 160

microheater design, 150

multiphysics finite element method tool, 152

NMOS and PMOS transistors, 160

on-chip synthesis of carbon nanotubes, 159

polysilicon microheaters, 156

reactive ion etching, 154

secondary walls, 152

selective etching issue, 153

temperature-dependent resistivity, 158

voltage-controlled localized heating, 149

molybdenum electrodes, 133

nanoelectromechanical systems, 131

nanotube random access memory, 132

sensing applications, 132

smart sensors, 132

tip-growth model, 133

transmission electron microscope, 132

CMOS-compatible nanowire biosensors, 265278

complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor, 266

DC characteristics of n-type SiNW FET, 268269

detection circuit, 274275

determination of change of nanowire parameters, 275276

constraint least-squares minimization, 276

Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse, 276

system identification techniques, 275

Z-domain, 276

device construction, 266267

electron-beam lithography, 267

enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 265

field effect transistor, 266

frequency-dependent method for biomolecule detection, 270273

domain behaviors, 272

frequency curves, 271

influenza A virus, 266

lab-on-a-chip applications, 265

low noise amplifier, 275

nanowire functionalization protocol, 270

photoresist, 267

silicon-on-insulator wafer, 266

CNTs, see Carbon nanotubes

Colony-forming unit (CFU), 185

Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS), 266


Coumarin 545, 82

Critical heat fluxes (CHFs), 331

Critical micelle concentrations (CMCs), 172

Crowding effect, 117

CVD, see Chemical vapor deposition

Cycloaddition reaction, 171

Cyclohexane, 231, 232


DA, see Dopamine

DBDs, see Dielectric barrier discharges

de-Broglie wavelength, 2

Deep-reactive-ion etching (DRIE), 140, 154

Density functional theory (DFT)

calculations, 98

diamondoids, 218

dielectric substrates, 98

hexagonal boron nitride substrates, 26

trace explosive sensor, 293

Density of states (DoS), 30, 44

hexagonal boron nitride substrates, 30

laser-induced bandgaps in graphene, 44

DET, see Direct electron transfer

DFT, see Density functional theory

Diamondoids (higher), synthesis of by pulsed laser ablation plasmas in supercritical fluids, 211245

applications of diamondoids and diamondoid derivatives, 215218

band gap of diamondoids, 218

density functional theory, 218

functionalization, 218

negative electron affinity, 216

push-pull doping, 218

self-assembled monolayers, 215

conventional synthesis of diamondoids and its limitations, 220

generation of pulsed laser plasmas in supercritical fluids, 220229

absorbed energy, 227

advantages of SCF use, 224

application of pulsed laser plasmas in supercritical fluids to nanomaterials synthesis, 229

basic characteristics and current applications of supercritical fluids, 220225

chemical fluid deposition, 225

definition of SCFs, 221

dielectric barrier discharges, 226

dissolving power, 224

heat-affected zone, 226

high-pressure cell, 228

isothermal compressibility of perfect gas, 223

laser pulse duration, 227

materials processing, 224

molecular clustering, 222

pulsed laser ablation, 226

Ruby lasers, 226

supercritical fluid chromatography, 224

unique properties of SCFs, 224

xenon, critical temperature, 229

natural occurrence of diamondoids and their isolation, 218220

aluminosilicates, 218

coining of term, 218

high-performance liquid chromatography, 219

isolation of higher diamondoids, 219

oil reservoirs, 218

pyrolysis, 219

perspectives, 240

pulsed laser ablation, 212

structure and physical properties of diamondoids, 212215

Lonsdaleite, 212

nanodiamond, 215

nomenclature, 214

supercritical xenon, 215

visual molecular dynamics, 213

supercritical fluids, 212

synthesis of diamondoids by pulsed laser plasmas, 229239

as-collected products, 233

comparison between PLA in scCO2 and SCXE, 239

cyclohexane, 231, 232

dielectric barrier discharges, 229

effects of pyrolysis on synthesized products, 237239

eluted diamondoids, cage numbers of, 234

experimental procedure, 230231

gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, 230, 233237

HOPG target, 230

isomers, 237

micro-Raman spectroscopy, 231233

molecular weights, 233

neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet laser, 230

non-diamondoids, 237

petroleum, diamondoids from, 237

pyrolysis, 238

Raman scattering signal, 231

selected ion monitoring, 231

superadamantane, 237, 239

synthesis of diamantane, 233234

synthesis of diamondoids with n3, 234237

Dielectric barrier discharges (DBDs), 226, 229

Dielectric substrates, direct graphene growth on, 89113

boron nitride, 90

chemical vapor deposition, 90

DC mobilities, 91

D graphene growth on Co3O4(111)/Co(111) by MBE, vibrational mode, 106

field effect transistors, 90

graphene formation on h-BN(0001), 9298

atomic layer deposition, 92

borazine, 92

charge transfer, 96

density functional theory calculations, 98

flame pyrolysis, 98

graphene/boron nitride interfacial interactions, 9498

graphene growth on h-BN monolayers formed on metal substrates, 9293

inverse photoemission data, 95

LEED intensity spots, 98

low-energy electron diffraction, 92

nanomesh structure, 92

peak binding energy, 95

Raman spectra, 94

scanning tunneling microscopy, 92

ultrahigh vacuum, 97

valence band photoemission, 95

x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, 95

graphene growth on Co3O4(111)/Co(111) by MBE, 103108

Auger spectra, 103

bias voltages, 108

binding energy, 104

device performance, 107

growth studies, 103107

LEED data, 103

magnetic properties and device applications, 107108

micro-Raman spectra, 105

spintronic devices, 107

graphene growth on MgO(111), 98102

band gap formation, 100101

bulk-terminated layers, 98

growth studies, 98100

HOMO and LUMO molecular orbitals, 100

interfacial charge transfer, 101102

inverse photoemission spectra, 101

LEED pattern, 102

oxidation rate, 98

rock salt oxides, 99

graphene growth on mica by MBE, 102

graphene substrate interactions and band gap formation, 9192

highest occupied molecular orbital, 91

highly oriented pyrolytic graphite, 90

lowest unoccupied molecular orbital, 91

molecular beam epitaxy, 90

physical vapor deposition, 90

summary, 108110

graphene layer-by-layer growth, 110

interfacial chemistry, 110

LEED symmetry, 109

oxide substrate dipole, 110

red-shift, 109

x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, 109

Dielectrophoresis, 134

N,N-Dimethyl formamide (DMF), 65

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), 65

Dinitrobenzene (DNB), 293

Dirac equation, 43

Dirac-Fermi distribution function, 6

Direct electron transfer (DET), 182

DMF, see N,N-Dimethyl formamide

DMSO, see Dimethyl sulfoxide

DNA hybridization, 185, 188

DNA nanostructures, see Molecular lithography using DNA nanostructures

DNB, see Dinitrobenzene

Dopamine (DA), 175

Doping agents, 66

DoS, see Density of states

Double-wall carbon nanotube (DWCNT), 9

DRIE, see Deep-reactive-ion etching

Drug delivery and tumor therapy, CNTs for, 195198

antibody functionalization, 198

cell uptake mechanisms, 195

chronic exposure model, 193

CNT-based drug delivery, 195197

fluorescent probes, 197

in-body biosensing, 198

in vivo tumor therapy, 197198

mesothelioma, 193

monoclonal antibodies, 197

NIR light, 198

nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer, 194

paclitaxel, 195

radio-metal-ion chelates, 197

RNA-wrapped CNTs, 193

surface-modified MWNTs, 194

SWNTs, 197

T lymphocytes, apoptosis of, 192

DWCNR, see Double-wall carbon nanotube


E-field, 138, 139

Electromigration (EM), 116

Electromigration characterization, interconnect application, 124126

Blech structure, 126

electrical breakdown of CNT, 124126

electromigration of carbon-based interconnect, 126

electron wind force, 126

Kelvin structure, 126

passivation, 124

Electron beam lithography, 248

Electron conductivity, 171

Electron transport layer (ETL), 73

Electron wind force, 126

ELISA, see Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay

EM, see Electromigration

Embossing, 248

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), 265

Enzyme mediators, 175

Etching mask, 149

ETL, see Electron transport layer


Fermi function, 55

Fermi points (graphene), 7

FETs, see Field effect transistors

Field-effect transistors (FETs), 90, 131, 266

Flame pyrolysis, 98

Floquet Green’s functions, 44

Floquet pseudostates, 44

Floquet space, 42

Fluorescent probes, 197

Fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) substrate, 327

Focused ion beam lithography, 248

Fourier decomposition, 44

Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, 172, 254

FTIR spectroscopy, see Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy

FTO substrate, see Fluorine-doped tin oxide substrate


Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC- MS), 230, 233, 284

GCE, see Glassy carbon electrode

GC-MS, see Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry

Gibbs free energy, 254

Glassy carbon electrode (GCE), 177

Glucose biosensor, 181

Glycerol, 65

GNRs, see Graphene nanoribbons

Gold nanoparticle, 251

Good solvent, 308


Fermi points, 7

hydrogenation of, 31, 34

nanoribbons (GNRs), 26

reciprocal lattice, 4


HAZ, see Heat-affected zone

hBN, see Hexagonal boron nitride substrates, quasi-particle electronic structure of pristine and hydrogenated graphene on

HCPT, see 10-Hydroxycamptothecin

Heat-affected zone (HAZ), 226

Hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) substrates, quasi-particle electronic structure of pristine and hydrogenated graphene on, 2539

approach, 2627

projected augmented wave pseudopotentials, 27

Teter-Pade parametrization, 26

Troullier-Martins norm-conserving pseudopotentials, 26

van der Waals interaction, 26

Vienna ab initio simulation package, 27

band gap modulation, 35

Bernal stacking, 35

density functional theory, 26

graphene nanoribbons, 26

results and discussion, 2735

Bernal stacked graphene lattice, 29

Coulomb interaction, 33

Dirac point, 27

Fermi level, 32

graphene-HBN interface, 2731

graphone-HBN heterostructures, 3135

hydrogenation of graphene, 31, 34

Moiré patterns, 29

monolayer materials, 34

supercells, 29

valence band offset, 35

technological applications, 25

van der Waals interaction, 26

Hexahistidine-tagged capture proteins, 188

HF, see Hydrofluoric acid

Highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO), 91, 100

Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG), 90, 94, 230

High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), 219

HIL, see Hole injection layer

HIV-1 protease, 183

Hole injection layer (HIL), 67

Hole transport layer (HTL), 67, 73

HOMO, see Highest occupied molecular orbital

HOPG, see Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite

Hopping matrices, 50, 53

Horseradish peroxidase (HRP), 182

HPLC, see High-performance liquid chromatography

HRP, see Horseradish peroxidase

HTL, see Hole transport layer

Hydrofluoric acid (HF), 253

10-Hydroxycamptothecin (HCPT), 196


IC, see Integrated circuit

In-body biosensing, 198

Indium tin oxide (ITO), 63

anode, 65, 66

applications, 63

electrodes, 63

Influenza A virus, 266

Injection molding, 248

Ink-jet printing technique, silver metallic nanoparticles for, 303320

characterization of tested silver nanoparticles, 310312

Malvern investigations, 312

SEM investigations, 310

UV-Vis analysis, 312

examination of protective coatings of nanosilver, 312318

characterization of tested polymer coating, 318

dynamics of removal of protective coatings, 315317

EDX analysis, 317318

quantitative analysis of protective coating, 312315

steric type stabilization, 317

example of ink for ink-jet printing technology, 318

examples of coating examination (experimental), 309310

mechanism of action of coatings, 306308

double layer, 307

electrostatic (charged) stabilization, 306307

good solvent, 308

polymer chains, 308

polymer stabilization, 308

protection against agglomeration, 308

sodium dodecyl sulfate, 307

steric (polymer) stabilization, 307308

van der Waals forces, 307

zeta potential, 307

review of methods of obtaining nanosilver, 304

significance of protective coating, 304306

chemical reduction, 305

removal of surfactant, 305

surfactant, 304

summary, 319320

Integrated circuit (IC), 115

Integrated circuit technology, integration schemes with, 119122

buried catalyst approach, 120

catalyst poisoning, 121

density enhancement, 120121

integration schemes, 119120

interfacial contact, 121122

transmission electron microscopy, 122

Interconnect application, aligned carbon nanotubes for, 115130

controlled growth of aligned CNTs, 116118

crowding effect, 117

horizontally aligned CNTs, 117118

plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition, 117

quasi-one-dimensional feature, 116

vertically aligned CNTs, 116117

copper interconnect technology, 115

electrical characterization, 122124

copper/CNT composite, 123

DC characterization, 123124

low-resistance CNT, 123

resistance-inductance-capacitance model, 124

resistivity comparisons, 125

RF characterization, 124

electromigration characterization, 124126

Blech structure, 126

electrical breakdown of CNT, 124126

electromigration of carbon-based interconnect, 126

electron wind force, 126

Kelvin structure, 126

passivation, 124

IC technology, integration schemes with, 119122

buried catalyst approach, 120

catalyst poisoning, 121

density enhancement, 120121

integration schemes, 119120

interfacial contact, 121122

transmission electron microscopy, 122

International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), 115116

Intershell tunneling, frequency of, 10

Ion mobility spectrometry, 280

ITO, see Indium tin oxide

ITRS, see International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors

I-V characterization experiment, 143


Joule heating, 145


Kelvin structure, 126

Kinetic inductance, 3, 8

k.p model, 42


Lab-on-a-chip (LOC) applications, 265

Langmuir-Blodgett deposition, 68

Laser-induced bandgaps in graphene, 4159

Bragg’s scattering mechanism, 42

Dirac fermions (k.p approach), 4348

Brillouin zone, 43

Dirac equation, 43

dynamical gaps unveiled through k.p model, 4647

energy gap tuning around engineered low-energy Dirac cones, 4748

Floquet Green’s functions, 44, 46

Floquet pseudostates, 44

Fourier decomposition, 44

Hamiltonian operator, 43

Kronecker symbol, 44

sublattice pseudospin degrees of freedom, 43

dynamical gaps in graphene, 41

Floquet space, 42

tight-binding model, 4857

armchair structure, 49, 51

backscattering probability, 56

bulk limit, 48

Dirac point, 56

electronic transport through irradiated graphene, 5357

Fermi function, 55

Floquet Green’s functions, 51

hopping matrices, 50, 53

magnetic vector potential, 49

numerical analysis of DoS, 52

Peierls substitution, 49

regularization energy, 50

self-energy, 53

static disorder, 56

LDA, see Local density approximation

LEED, see Low-energy electron diffraction

Liquid-crystalline processing, 134

Lithography, molecular, see Molecular lithography using DNA nanostructures

LNA, see Low noise amplifier

Local density approximation (LDA), 26

Localized heating concept, 137

LOC applications, see Lab-on-a-chip applications

Lonsdaleite, 212

Low-energy electron diffraction (LEED), 92

Lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO), 91, 100, 216, 296

Low noise amplifier (LNA), 275

LUMO, see Lowest unoccupied molecular orbital


MAND, see Microreactor-Assisted Nanomaterial Deposition

MASD, see Microreactor-Assisted Solution Deposition

Maxwell equations, 2, 12

MBE, see Molecular beam epitaxy

MEMS, see Microelectromechanical system

Mesothelioma, 193

Microcontact printing, 248

Microelectromechanical system (MEMS), 136, 248

Micromolding in capillaries (MIMIC), 248

Microreactor-Assisted Nanomaterial Deposition (MAND), 321322

architectures, 321

batch processes, 322

deposition of nanostructured thin films, 328331

critical heat fluxes, 331

process parameters, change of, 329

SEM image, 330

variant, 328

prototypes, 322

Microreactor-Assisted Solution Deposition (MASD), 322

chemical bath deposition, 323

chemical vapor deposition, 323

deposition of nanocrystalline thin films, 323327

experiments, 325

fluorine-doped tin oxide substrate, 327

solar cells, 323

TEM characterization, 324

thin film transistors, 326

XRD pattern, 326

Microreactors, fabrication of nanostructured thin films using, 321338

deposition of dendrons, 331333

antimicrobial agents, 332

architecture, 331

convergent approach, 333

future direction, 333336

MAND for deposition of nanostructured thin films, 328331

critical heat fluxes, 331

process parameters, change of, 329

SEM image, 330

variant, 328

MASD for deposition of nanocrystalline thin films, 323327

chemical bath deposition, 323

chemical vapor deposition, 323

experiments, 325

fluorine-doped tin oxide substrate, 327

solar cells, 323

TEM characterization, 324

thin film transistors, 326

XRD pattern, 326

Microreactor-Assisted Nanomaterial Deposition, 321322

architectures, 321

batch processes, 322

prototypes, 322

Microtransfer molding, 248

MIMIC, see Micromolding in capillaries

Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), 90

Molecular clustering, 222

Molecular lithography using DNA nanostructures, 247262

applications and future directions, 258

DNA nanostructures, 249250

challenge, 250

double-crossover tiles, 249

double-stranded DNA, 249

hairpins, 249

triple-crossover motif, 249

DNA nanostructures as catalytically active mask for patterning SiO2, 253258

chemical vapor deposition, 253

conventional methods for SiO2 etching, 253254

deprotonation, 254

DNA-mediated etching of SiO2, 255258

etching reaction, 255

Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, 254

Gibbs free energy, 254

mechanism of SiO2 etching by HF, 254255

wet etching process, 253

DNA nanostructures as self-assembled template, 251253

alignment of molecules, nanocrystals, and carbon nanotubes, 251253

gold nanoparticle, 251

metallization process, 251

nanoscale patterning of metal, 251

nanolithography, 247248

description, 247248

elastomeric stamps, 248

electron beam lithography, 248

embossing, 248

focused ion beam lithography, 248

injection molding, 248

microcontact printing, 248

microelectromechanical systems, 248

micromolding in capillaries, 248

microtransfer molding, 248

Moore’s law, 247

phase-shift photolithography cast molding, 248

replica molding, 248

scanning probe lithography, 248

soft lithography techniques, 248

solvent-assisted micromolding, 248

state-of-the-art photolithography, 247

x-ray lithography, 248

Molybdenum electrodes, 133

Monoclonal antibodies, 197

Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse, 276

Moore’s law, 247

MPW, see Multiproject wafer

MTL theory, see Multiconductor transmission line theory

Multiconductor transmission line (MTL) theory, 12

Multimodal optical sensing, 189

Multiphysics finite element method tool, 152

Multiproject wafer (MPW), 138

Multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), 2

interconnect application, 116

organic light-emitting diodes, 61

sheet surface roughness, 81

surface-modified, 194

MWCNTs, see Multiwall carbon nanotubes


Nanodiamond, 215

Nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMs), 131

Nanomedicine, see Biosensing and nanomedicine, applications of carbon nanotubes in

Nanotube random access memory (NRAM), 132

Nanowire biosensors, see CMOS-compatible nanowire biosensors

NAs, see Nitroanilines

Nd:YAG laser, see Neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet laser

NEA, see Negative electron affinity

Near-infrared (NIR) photoluminescence, 187

Negative electron affinity (NEA), 216

NEMs, see Nanoelectromechanical systems

Neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG) laser, 230

NIR photoluminescence, see Near-infrared photoluminescence

Nitroamine explosives, 281

Nitroanilines (NAs), 293

NRAM, see Nanotube random access memory

Nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer, 194


Ohm’s law, 8, 21

OLEDs, see Organic light-emitting diodes, carbon nanotube electrodes for

On-chip interconnects, 17

On-chip microheaters, 159

Optical biosensors, 186191

biosensing based on fluorescence quenching and NIR fluorescence properties of CNTs, 187189

biosensing based on Raman scattering of SWNTs, 189191

biotin-streptavidin binding, 191

collagen-modified SWNTs, 188

DNA hybridization, 188

hexahistidine-tagged capture proteins, 188

multimodal optical sensing, 189

nanomolar sensitivity, 187

near-infrared photoluminescence, 187

nonspecific protein binding, 190

surface-enhanced Raman scattering, 189

Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), carbon nanotube electrodes for, 6187

CNTs in OLEDs, 6683

absence of sonication, 81

atomic force microscopy, 74

cellulose ester membrane, 71

CNT composite electrodes, 6768

CNT electrodes, 6883

CNT/polymer composites, 6668

CNT thin-film fabrication, 6870

composite buffer layer, 67

composite emission layer, 6667

coumarin 545, 82

doping agents, 66

drop-drying, 68

dry solid-state process, 80

electrode fabrication process, 72

electron transport layer, 73

emissive layer, 72

hole injection layer, 67

hole transport layer, 67

ITO transparent anodes, 66

Langmuir-Blodgett deposition, 68

luminescence current efficiency, 67

MWCNT electrode OLED devices, 8081

poly(dimethyl siloxane) stamp, 72, 77

poly(ethylene terephthalate), 73

sheet resistance, 78

summary of CNT electrode OLED performance criteria, 8283

SWCNT electrode OLED devices, 7376

top emission SWCNT electrode OLED, 7680

transfer of CNT thin film onto substrate, 7073

ultracentrifugation, 69

vacuum filtration, 69, 77

electrodes for OLEDs, 6466

conductive polymer electrodes, 6466

N,N-dimethyl formamide, 65

dimethyl sulfoxide, 65

glycerol, 65

ITO anode, 65, 66

luminescence data value, 64


PANI, 6465


polyalcohol, 65

sorbitol, 65

tetrahydrofuran, 65

multiwall carbon nanotubes, 61

organic light-emitting diodes, 6263

cellular phone applications, 62

ITO applications, 63

transparent conductive oxides, 63

organic semiconductor technology, 62

photovoltaic cells, 62

single-wall carbon nanotubes, 61


PAA, see Porous anodic alumina

Paclitaxel (PTX), 195

PAW pseudopotentials, see Projected augmented wave pseudopotentials

PBS, see Phosphate-buffered saline

PDMS stamp, see Poly(dimethyl siloxane) stamp

PECVD, see Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition

PEG, see Poly(ethylene glycol)

Peierls substitution, 49

Pepstatin, 183

PET, see Poly(ethylene terephthalate)

Petroleum, diamondoids from, 237

Phase-shift photolithography cast molding, 248

Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), 270

Photoluminescence, SWNTs, 171

Photovoltaic (PV) cells, 62

Physical vapor deposition (PVD), 90

PLA, see Pulsed laser ablation

Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD), 117

Platinum thin films, degradation of, 145

PMOS, see P-type metal-oxide-semiconductor

Poly(dimethyl siloxane) (PDMS) stamp, 72, 77

Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG), 82

Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET), 73

Polymer stabilization, 308

Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), 82

Porous anodic alumina (PAA), 178

Porphyrin derivatives, 172

Projected augmented wave (PAW) pseudopotentials, 27

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA), 182

PSA, see Prostate-specific antigen

PTX, see Paclitaxel

P-type metal-oxide-semiconductor (PMOS), 134

Pulsed laser ablation (PLA), 212, 220, see also Diamondoids (higher), synthesis of by pulsed laser ablation plasmas in supercritical fluids

PV cells, see Photovoltaic cells

PVD, see Physical vapor deposition

PVP, see Polyvinylpyrrolidone


QFI InfraScope, 145

Quantum capacitance, 3, 8

Quantum resistance, 7


Radio-metal-ion chelates, 197

Raman scattering, 171

Reactive ion etching (RIE), 154

REM, see Replica molding

Replica molding (REM), 248

Resistance-inductance-capacitance (RLC) model, 3, 124

RIE, see Reactive ion etching

RLC model, see Resistance-inductance-capacitance model

RNA-wrapped CNTs, 193

Rock salt oxides, 99

Ruby lasers, 226


SAMIM, see Solvent-assisted micromolding

SAMs, see Self-assembled monolayers

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), 117, 134, 282, 330

Scanning probe lithography, 248

Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), 92

SCFs, see Supercritical fluids

SDS, see Sodium dodecyl sulfate

Selected ion monitoring (SIM), 231

Selective etching, 153

Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs), 215, 291

Self-energy, 26, 51

SEM, see Scanning electron microscopy

SERS, see Surface-enhanced Raman scattering

SFC, see Supercritical fluid chromatography

SI, see Signal integrity

Signal integrity (SI), 19

Silicon on insulator (SOI), 137, 266

Silver metallic nanoparticles, see Ink-jet printing technique, silver metallic nanoparticles for

SIM, see Selected ion monitoring

Single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), 2, 4

collagen-modified, 188

film transmittance, 75

interconnect application, 116

organic light-emitting diodes, 61

photoluminescence, 171

tumor targeting, 197

Smart sensors, 132

Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), 307

SOI, see Silicon on insulator

Solvent-assisted micromolding (SAMIM), 248

Sorbitol, 65

Steric stabilization, 308

STM, see Scanning tunneling microscopy

Sublattice pseudospin degrees of freedom, 43

Superadamantane, 237, 239

Supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC), 224

Supercritical fluids (SCFs), 212, see also Diamondoids (higher), synthesis of by pulsed laser ablation plasmas in supercritical fluids

Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), 189

SWCNTs, see Single-wall carbon nanotubes


Taxol®, 195

TCOs, see Transparent conductive oxides

TCR, see Temperature coefficient of resistance

TEM, see Transmission electron microscopy

Temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR), 142

Teter-Pade parametrization, 26

Tetrahydrofuran (THF), 65

TFTs, see Thin film transistors

THF, see Tetrahydrofuran

Thin film transistors (TFTs), 326

Tip-growth model, 133

Titanium oxide-B nanowires, trace explosive sensor based on, 279301

basic mechanism of chemiresistive response, 289298

chemiresistive response to different positional isomers of nitro- compounds, 293294

chemiresistive response to nitroanilines and corresponding nitrotoluenes, 294

comparison between aniline and nitrobenzene, 297298

decrease of resistance, 297

density functional theory, 293

dinitrobenzene, 293

hydroxyl groups, 290

increase of resistance, 297

nitroanilines, 293

relationship between dipolar strength of analyte molecule and speed of sensor response, 293294

relationship between electronegativity of analyte molecule and level of sensor response, 295298

role of surface hydroxyl groups on TiO2-B nanowires to response explosives, 289293

sensing response to nitrotoluenes of different numbers of nitro groups, 296297

varying the density of surface hydroxyl groups through plasma treatment, 289291

varying the density of surface hydroxyl groups through self-assembled monolayer and water treatment, 291293

bulk detection, 280

fluorescing quenching spectroscopy, 280

ion mobility spectrometry, 280

laser breakdown spectroscopy, 280

material synthesis and device fabrication, 281284

device fabrication, 283284

FTIR spectra, 282

material synthesis and characterization, 281283

sensor testing, 284

surface modifications of sensor samples, 284

x-ray diffraction, 283

nitroamine explosives, 281

PETN, 280

Raman spectroscopy, 280

RDX, 280

results and discussion, 284288

current-voltage relationship, 287

n-type semiconductor, 286

sensitivity and response time, 284286

specificity and stability, 286288

switching cycles, 285

terrorist attack, 280

TNT, 280

trace detection, 280

TL theory, see Transmission line theory

T lymphocytes, apoptosis of, 192

TNT, see 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene

Trace explosive sensor, see Titanium oxide-B nanowires, trace explosive sensor based on

Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), 122, 132, 324

Transmission line (TL) theory, 2

Transparent conductive oxides (TCOs), 63

2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT), 290, 295

Troullier-Martins norm-conserving pseudopotentials, 26

Tumor therapy, see Drug delivery and tumor therapy, CNTs for


UHV, see Ultrahigh vacuum

Ultrahigh vacuum (UHV), 97

Uric acid, 175


Vacuum filtration, 69, 77

van der Waals forces, 307

van der Waals interaction

DNA nanostructures, 253

hexagonal boron nitride substrates and, 25

VASP, see Vienna ab initio simulation package

Very large-scale integration (VLSI), 115

Vienna ab initio simulation package (VASP), 27

Visual molecular dynamics (VMDs), 213

VLSI, see Very large-scale integration

VMDs, see Visual molecular dynamics

Voltage-controlled localized heating, 149


Wet etching process, 253



critical temperature, 229

supercritical, 215

XPS, see X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

X-ray diffraction (XRD), 283, 326

X-ray lithography, 248

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), 95, 109

XRD, see X-ray diffraction


Z-domain, 276

Zeta potential, 307

Zigzag CNTs, 3

Zinc acetate dehydrate, 329

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