It’s one of the biggest areas in your life. Most people spend a third of their lives at work, so take a long, hard, honest look at how well you are doing.


Right job?

Are you doing the job of your dreams or is it a nightmare? Perhaps you started with a brilliant job and things have changed. If you know you are in the right job then give yourself a high mark. If you are not sure if this is the right job (or think maybe you’ve changed and your job hasn’t) then you may be midway. Or if you’re an ‘I can’t stand it!’ then I’m presuming you’ll give yourself a low, low mark on this spoke.

Fun and enjoyment

Do you enjoy your work? Is it a fun place to be with lots of smiles or is it a place of negativity? How much do you contribute to the current climate? Give yourself a mark for how much fun and enjoyment you’re having at work.


Are you challenged, tested, given an opportunity to grow and be better? Or do you feel like you are functioning at less than 50% of your ability? If you are enjoying the challenge and being persuaded to increase your role then it’s a high mark. If you are bored out of your tiny skull then you can give yourself a 2. Or you may land somewhere in between.

Salary and benefits

Are you earning too much money? Are there too many perks in your job for you to handle? Then, lucky you – you’re a 12 out of 10! There aren’t too many of you, so if you are happy with your salary and benefits you’ll get a high mark. If you’d like a little more and feel undervalued then you’ll lose a couple of marks here. And if you think ‘I need to double my salary and fast’ then give yourself a low mark and jump to Chapter 48 on salary and benefits to find out how.


Does your work fit your lifestyle or does your lifestyle have to fit around your work? Is your daily commute driving you crazy or is it the lousy working hours that are getting you down? That all adds up to a low score. Or you may have a wonderful journey to work and hours that suit your needs. If that’s you, it’s good news – and high marks.


How does your future career look? If you’re stuck in a rut, then what are you doing about it? Is it time to find a new career? Or are you delighted with your working future, knowing it will bring you fulfillment for years to come? Give yourself a mark for how you view your career in the future.

Personal effectiveness

How good are you at what you do? Are you a leading light or just ‘part of the team’? If you want to get better at what you do, but you’re just not sure how, then here’s an opportunity for you to give yourself an honest mark. If you need a little help then turn to Chapter 51 on personal effectiveness and find out how to shine.

All done? Good, join up your scores and take a look at your Career Wheel. Do you need some help? You’re in good company: 80% of people are dissatisfied in some way with their careers. Read on to find out how to join the top 20% who love theirs!

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