So that’s it. You’ve completed How to Have a Brilliant Life but in many ways (and forgive me for the cliché) your journey has just begun.

Having a Brilliant Life isn’t just about reading a book, it’s a work in progress and for you it has well and truly started. Think about the challenges you were facing 10 years ago or even 10 days ago; they’re different from the ones you’re facing right now. That’s why I want you to keep this book in hand and use it as a reference manual.

Complete your Wheel of Life once a month and check with the chapters where you need some help. Make it a must to do this. I have ‘Wheel of Life’ as an appointment with myself on the first day of every month. It’s set up as a recurring item ensuring it will always be there, month on month, year on year. You can do the same – now.

My final message goes right back to where we started. If you’ve read this book cover to cover you will now be familiar with over 100 tools and techniques to help you in all areas of life. However, being aware of them is very different from putting them into action.

My challenge to you now is to use what you now know, test out the ideas, take some chances, don’t settle for second best, create a new benchmark – and above all have a Brilliant Life!

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