Chapter 2. And Now for a Little Quiz

I know what you’re thinking. You bought this book so you could improve your memory and perform better on exams and those darned pop quizzes, and now I turn around and throw some more tests your way. I could note that “Them’s the breaks!”

Or, as one of my high school teachers used to say, I could encourage you to think of tests as your best friends (no, it wasn’t the crazy biology teacher I told you about in Chapter 1). In this book, and throughout your academic career, tests will give you the measure of how far you’ve come...and how far you’ve got to go. Follow the advice in this book and your score on similar tests in the last chapter should be 25 percent higher.

Test 1: Numbers

Look at the number directly below this paragraph for no more than 10 seconds. Then cover the page (or, better yet, close the book and put it aside) and write down as much of it—in order—as you can.


Test 2: Words and Definitions

Below are 15 obscure words along with their definitions. Study this list for 60 seconds. Then cover it up and take the test following the list. Allow yourself no more than 90 seconds to complete the quiz...and no peeking.


A dry, parching land breeze


Concealed, out of sight


Dress worn by male Muslims on pilgrimage to Mecca


A Hawaiian honeycreeper with a red body, black wings, and very curved red bill


Back part of a building


A tree-dwelling anteater


An Australian sulky (cart)


A unit of illumination


The omission of a vowel, consonant, or syllable in pronunciation


Having a tail






A poetic motif


A tan silk from India


Covered with scales

Have you studied the words diligently? Okay, no cheating now, fill in the blanks:

  1. ____________ is a dress worn by male Muslims on pilgrimage to Mecca.

  2. Monkeys would be considered ____________.

  3. Writing poetry might involve the use of a ____________.

  4. Most lizards are ____________.

  5. If you’re an ant, you would avoid a ____________.

  6. Playing hide and seek, John was really ____________.

  7. If you visit the Sahara, you’ll undoubtedly experience a ____________.

  8. An ____________is a Hawaiian honeycreeper with a red body, black wings, and very curved red bill.

  9. In Bollywood movies, the female star might wear a ____________.

  10. Using ____________ might help your roses bloom.

  11. “Back off, buddy, and don’t give me any ____________.”

  12. “Meet me around the corner by the ____________.”

  13. “What, are you trying to save a ____________? Turn that light up!”

  14. The meteorological stations of Alaska are part of a single ____________.

  15. “Hey, mate, bring that ____________ around.”

Test 3: Names

Take three minutes to memorize the names of the following directors and their films (all Oscar winners for Best Picture, by the way):


John G. Avildsen


Rob Marshall

Kramer vs. Kramer

Robert Benton

Midnight Cowboy

John Schlesinger


Milos Forman

Driving Ms. Daisy

Bruce Beresford

The English Patient

Anthony Minghella

American Beauty

Sam Mendes

The Deer Hunter

Michael Cimino

A Beautiful Mind

Ron Howard

Dances with Wolves

Kevin Costner


Oliver Stone

Ordinary People

Robert Redford

The French Connection

William Friedkin

The Last Emperor

Bernardo Bertolucci

Time’s up! Okay, cover the list and fill in as many of the blanks as you can. If you get last names only, that’s fine. Take another three minutes to complete the quiz:

  1. The French Connection: ________________________

  2. Michael Cimino: _______________________________

  3. Milos Forman: _________________________________

  4. Rocky: ________________________________________

  5. Robert Redford: ________________________________

  6. Platoon: _______________________________________

  7. Ron Howard: __________________________________

  8. The Last Emperor: _____________________________

  9. Sam Mendes: __________________________________

  10. Chicago: ______________________________________

  11. John Schlesinger: ______________________________

  12. Dances with Wolves: ___________________________

  13. Anthony Minghella: ____________________________

  14. Driving Ms. Daisy: _____________________________

  15. Robert Benton: ________________________________

Test 4: Dates

Here are the dates of 15 historical events. Take up to three minutes to memorize them, then cover the page and take the quiz that follows.


The tallest mountain in the world is named after Sir George Everest, the British Surgeon General.


Defeat of the Spanish Armada.


Catherine the Great becomes Czarina of Russia.


Spain cedes Florida to the U.S.


The Plymouth Colony is founded and the Mayflower Compact signed.


The worst forest fire in U.S. history destroys almost 4 million acres.


John Adams inaugurated as the second U.S. President.


The Bolsheviks kill the Czar.


Mikhail Fradkov named prime minister of the Russian Federation.


Akbar named Mogul Emperor of India.


James Watt invents the steam engine.


The Marbury vs. Madison decision, in which the Supreme Court gives itself the power to declare acts of Congress unconstitutional.


Pennsylvania is founded.


The Rosetta Stone is discovered in Egypt.


Cervantes publishes Don Quixote de la Mancha.

  1. Nearly ____ million acres were destroyed in _____ during the worst fire in U.S. history.

  2. _______ invented the _________ in _________.

  3. _________, the second President of the United States, was inaugurated in _________.

  4. The _________________ was signed in the state of ____________ in ___________.

  5. In _______, the __________ was defeated by __________.

  6. ______________ was named prime minister of _____________ in ________.

  7. The state of _____________________ was founded in ________ by ________.

  8. In _____, the _______ decision gave the Supreme Court the power to ______________.

  9. In _________, the _________ was discovered in _________.

  10. _______ was named Mogul emperor of _______ in ______.

  11. __________________ gave his name to __________ in ________.

  12. ____________________, written by _________, was published in _________.

  13. ________ became _______ of Russia in ______.

  14. The _________ killed the czar in ____________.

  15. The state of ________ was ceded to the U.S. by ________ in ___________.

Test 5: Reading Retention

Read the following excerpt from The Natural Woman’s Guide to Hormone Replacement Therapy by M. Sara Rosenthal (New Page Books, 2003), then answer the questions following. Give yourself two minutes to read the text and two minutes to answer the questions without referring back to the paragraph.



The most descriptive title for this excerpt would be:

  1. HRT—no long-term “fountain of youth”

  2. Uses and abuses of Prempro

  3. The HERS Study

  4. New implications of long-term use of HRT


Women were never good candidates for HRT if they:

  1. Were overweight

  2. Had suffered a stroke

  3. Were at risk of breast cancer

  4. Were underweight


The WHI study concluded that:

  1. Women with Type 2 diabetes should not drink alcohol.

  2. Breast cancer rates are rising.

  3. HRT should not be recommended for long-term use.

  4. HRT is a short-term “fountain of youth.”


Prempro is a combination of:

  1. Estrogen and a placebo

  2. Estrogen and progestin

  3. Progestin and aspirin

  4. Aspirin and estrogen


HRT has been recommended for the past 20 years because it was thought to protect women against:

  1. Breast cancer

  2. Uterine cancer

  3. Heart disease

  4. Stroke

Here’s another chance to test your memory with information that may be pertinent to those of you on your way to business school, excerpted from Your MBA Game Plan by Omari Bouknight and Scott Shrum (Career Press, 2003):



Consultant jargon:

  1. Will impress an interviewer.

  2. May be used in essays but should be avoided in interviews.

  3. May be used in interviews but should be avoided in essays.

  4. Should never be used at all.


The average numbers of years of work experience at top business schools is:

  1. Four

  2. Ten

  3. Five

  4. None


The most prevalent category of experience for business school applicants is:

  1. Consultant

  2. Student

  3. Trader

  4. Stock broker


When you graduate from business school, your degree is:

  1. Masters of Business

  2. Bachelor of Business Arts

  3. Masters of Business Administration

  4. Masters


If you intend to return to consulting after business school, you should:

  1. Never admit it.

  2. Make a point of emphasizing your plan.

  3. Rethink your life goals.

  4. Provide tangible reasons for attending business school.

To check how you did in this last test section, see the answers at the end of the chapter. Go back and check the book itself to figure out the answers to the others.

How did you do?

Take a piece of paper and write down the scores you got on each of these exercises. This will indicate how much improvement you need to successfully recall the material you learn in school. It will also provide a benchmark so that you can see how far you’ve come when you take similar quizzes in the last chapter.

The emphasis of these tests was not arbitrary. It corresponds exactly with the skills you will be learning throughout this book: memorizing chains of information (such as the film/director and the date/event pairings), developing a sense for numbers, remembering what you read, and getting a better grasp on vocabulary.

By the way, I realize that the text for Test 4 did not mention that Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn, that the British Navy destroyed the Spanish Armada, or that the Mayflower landed in what was soon called Massachusetts. Shouldn’t you already know these facts? You get my point.

Answers to Test 5:






















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