Appendix 4

The Questionnaire

Section A – General information

Name of the NGO:_________________ Country of the NGO:_________________

Is your NGO the local organization (ex. WWF Italy) of an international federation/network/organization (ex. WWF): [ ] Yes [ ] No

In the following questions, please refer to your country data:
Size of the NGO (# of employees):______ Number of projects per year:____

Total income of the NGO for the year 2010:_______________USD (approx)

What is the importance of International Development projects on total NGO activities?

marginal important core

How many projects have you managed in the last 2 years:_______of which _______ were international (i.e. beneficiaries live in another country)

Average project duration:______________months

Average size of the managed projects in the last 2 years (USD):


Please specify the prevalent aims of the projects you managed in the last 2 years:


Score your agreement with the following sentences (1: Strongly disagree; 5: strongly agree):

The context of my projects is characterized by a high variability (prices, laws, availability of personnel, suppliers,…)
During the execution/implementation phase my projects are significantly changed (due to unexpected constraints, local needs, etc.)
At the end of the project we evaluate and communicate the results to the stakeholders
As a project manager I am responsible for the long term project impact (outcome / goal)

Average number of stakeholders (ex. sponsors, local governments) involved per project:____________of which__________are local implementing partners

Indicate the importance of the following results for different actors and the performance achieved (1: Very Low - 5: Very High):

  Importance for the NGO Average performance achieved on the projects
Comply with the budget    
Comply with the expected time    
Comply with quality (deliver exactly the output expected)    
Obtain long term project impact (outcome / goal)    
Stakeholder/partners involvement    
Ownership extension of the project to the local community    
Monitoring and reporting to the stakeholders    
Economic sustainability after the end of the project    
Satisfaction of the local community    

Section B – Methodologies, tools and performances

For each methodology please score your level of knowledge.


For each tool please score the percentage of adoption and the level of importance:

  Percentage of your projects adopting the tool
1: 0%; 2:1–25%; 3: 26–50%; 4: 50–75%; 5: 75–100%
Level of importance
1: very low - 5: very high (e.g., used frequently during the project)
Logical Framework    
Gantt chart or bar chart or project schedule    
Critical path method    
Earned value management system (EVMS)    
Work breakdown structure (WBS)    
Responsibility assignment matrix (RAM)    
Stakeholder Matrix    
Organizational chart or OBS    
Milestone planning  
Progress reports    
Cost accounting    
Risk analysis/management    
Contingency allocation    
Communication plan    
Issue Log    
Scope management (tracking change requests, etc.)    

Section C – Logical Framework


Did you follow a specific guideline for the Logical Framework? (ex. USAID, European Union, etc.) images Yes images No
If yes, which one?__________________

How would you rate your knowledge of the Logical Framework tool?
________________5: Very High; 1: Very Low

For each question tick one or more options:


Score from 1 to 5 your agreement with the following sentences (1: Strongly disagree; 5: strongly agree):

LF helps in the initial part of the planning phase (identification of objectives and activities)
LF represents guidance for the entire project
LF is frequently updated during the project
LF is used in the evaluation phase at the end of the project
LF is often prepared at the end of the planning phase as a summary of the objectives and activities
LF is difficult to prepare with clear and objective causal relationships
LF provides a common terminology facilitating the interactions among the various stakeholders
LF is too simple and omits vital aspects of a project
LF is easily integrated with other Project Management tools
Objectives and Assumption in the LF are easy to verify at the end of the project
LF is used in the reports and project meetings
LF is time consuming to prepare and update
LF is the most important tool I use to manage my projects
LF significantly contributes to the performance in terms of cost (e.g. comply with the original budget) or time (e.g. respect the deadlines)
LF significantly contributes to obtain what was originally planned in terms of output
LF significantly contributes to obtain an output that actually responds to local needs
Too many information are required in the LF given the difficulties in defining the hierarchy of objectives
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