

Aalbers, Scott, 118

Aaron, Henry J., 48

Abbey Life, 31

abortions, 10

accessing freshwater, 198. See also water

Achotines Bay, Panama, 110

Achotines Laboratory, 109

actual mortality probabilities, 30. See also mortality

advisories, tuna, 119

Akihiko, Matsutani, 52

Alaska, 142

Exxon Valdez, 163

albacore tuna, 95, 97

albatrosses, 124

American bonds, 39

American Samoa, 150

American States Water (AWR), 229

American Water Works (AWK), 229

Ameron (AMN), 238

annuities, providers of, 27

Antarctica, 181

Aqua America, Inc. (WTR), 229

aquaculture, 155–156

companies, 86

tuna farming, 139

Aquaculture Protein Center, 162

Aquafina (PEP), 233

aquifers, 193, 197

Ogallala, 227

Arctic islands, 181

Arizona, water, 221

Aspinwall, Jim, 66

Assyria, 216

Ataturk Dam, 213

Athens, Greece, 212

Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABT), 95, 100. See also bluefin tuna

auctions, tuna, 135. See also tuna

Australia, 105–107

albacore tuna, 117

tuna, 86, 89, 92–97

fisheries, 140

ranching, 167

Australia, Norway, Brazil, New Zealand, and Canada (ANBNC), 226

Australian Tuna Boat Owners Association (ATBOA), 108, 141

automation, effect on productivity, 49

availability of water, 188

Azerbaijan, 218

Azov Sea, 218

Azuero Peninsula, 110


Babcock International, 30

bacteria, 200

Badger Meter, Inc. (BMI), 237

Bahamas, water, 230

Balearic Islands, 98, 144

Bank of Japan (BOJ), 38

Barbados, water, 230

Barnstable, Massachusetts, 136

Basin Water (BWTR), 238

bass, 133

bear markets, 13

Belize, water, 230

Bell, John, 220

Bering Sea, 134

Bestor, Theodore, 170

Bhuyan, Vishaal, 66

Big Island, 142

bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus), 95, 100, 119, 121, 149. See also tuna

birth rates, Japan, 45. See also mortality

Bismarck, Otto von, 17

Black Sea, 218

black-box trading, 2

blackfin tuna, 95. See also tuna

bleach, 200

Block, Barbara, 168

Blue Nile River, 213, 215

bluefin tuna. See also tuna

Australia, 86, 89, 92–97

characteristics of, 97–105

commercial tuna fishing, 122–130

fisheries, 167–174

prices, 85, 103

Thunnus maccoyii, 106–109

Thunnus orientalis, 105

body mass index (BMI), 19

boiling water, 200. See also water


American, 39

longevity, 31, 33

structures, 27

Bosporus, 218

Boston Bay, 90, 93, 140

Boston Island, 86

bottled water, 233. See also water

branch lines, commercial tuna fishing, 124

Brazil, 227

bluefin tuna, 100

water, 231


bluefin tuna, 98

skipjack tuna, 122

yellowfin tuna, 109

tuna, 92

Bregazzi, Roberto Mielgo, 140, 144, 153–155

Brill, Richard, 96

Brookings Institution, 48

Buffett, Warren, 231

building demographic frameworks, 7–8, 12, 14

BumbleBee, 114, 151. See also tuna

buoyancy compensator (BC), 202

Bush, George W., 142

Bushnell, Peter, 96


Calgon Carbon (CCC), 238

California, 105

cotton growers, 228

tuna industry, 150

water, 221

California Tuna Canning Company, 150

California Water Service Group (CWT), 229

Cambodia, 216

Canada, bluefin tuna fisheries, 168

cancer cures, 23

canned tuna, 150–152. See also tuna

Cannery Row, 150

Cape Quality Bluefin (CQB), 135

carbon monoxide, 171

Caribbean as spawning area for bluefin tuna, 102

carp, 133

carrier default risk, 69

Cartagena, Spain, 144

catches of various tuna species in the Pacific, 113

Cayman Islands, water, 230

Cedros Island, 140

cero, 96

Chaplin, Geoff, 66


of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus), 119–121

bluefin tuna, 97–105

(Thunnus maccoyii), 106, 108–109

(Thunnus orientalis), 105

of skipjack tuna (Katsusonus pelamis), 121–122

of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), 109–119

Chevron, 141

Chicken of the Sea, 114, 150. See also tuna

Childers, John, 118

children in China, 10

China, 218

children in, 10

ownership of American bonds, 39

population, 7, 10

total renewable water, 187

tuna fleets, 171

water, 216–217, 237

China Water Group (CHWG), 237

Chinooks, 195

chlorination, 201

chumming, 124

CIA World Fact Book, 7, 191, 215

Cincinnati Zoological Gardens, 174

Cirrha, 211

Clark County, 220

Claymore S&P Global Water (CGW), 239

Clean Seas Aquaculture Growout Pty. Ltd., 93, 164

Clean Water Act, 229

Clinton, Bill, 115

closing costs, reverse mortgages, 75

Coastal Fisheries Programme, 116


extinction of, 162

stocks, 171

collapse of tuna stocks, 154

Colorado River, 212, 220

Columbia University, 159

commercial tuna fishing, 122–130

commodities, seafood, 85. See also tuna

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), 88

Companhia de Saneamento Basico do Estado de Sao Paulo (SBS), 231


consumer products, water treatment, 232–234

municipal, 229

conflicts over water, 211

Connecticut Water Service (CTWS), 229

conserving tuna, 153–164, 168

Consolidated Water Company (CWCO), 230

consumer product companies, water, 232–234


tax rates, Japan, 48

of water, 187

contamination, 210

contestability periods, 67

Convention for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT), 107

Coronado Island (Mexico), 141

Corriero, Aldo, 98

cost of insurance (COI), 64

risk, 68

Costa Rica, tuna ranching, 167


to buy water, 205

of desalination, 205

life settlements, 63–67

to produce water, 205

reverse mortgages, 75

cotton, J.G. Boswell (BWEL), 228

countries with renewable water resources, 190

credit default swap (CDS) markets, 29

Credit Suisse, 30

Credit Suisse Longevity Index, 32

Crusaders, 212

cultural issues, Japan, 51–53

cycle of water. 199. See also Water Cycle

Cyprus, 98


da Vinci, Leonardo, 212

daikon, 148

Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, 227

Danaher (DHR), 238

Danone (DANOY), 233

Dasani, 233. See also water

debt-to-GDP ratio, Japan, 36

declines in peak spending, 13

Deering Savings & Loan of Maine, 72

default risk, reverse mortgage, 78

Defense Electronics & Services, 235

defined benefit (DB) pensions, 27

demand for tuna, 147–152, 171

demographics, 3

frameworks, 7–14

Japan, 42–51

Dent, Henry S., 12

dependency ratios, 11

derivatives, ICAP market, 33

desalination, 185, 201–204, 219

companies, 234–238

Middle East dependency on, 210

plants, 205

reverse osmosis, 204

Singapore, 213

Deterministic calculators, 63

Deutsche Bank, 31

Dicker, Steven, 30

disaster of 1996, tuna, 94

distribution, tuna, 136

diversification, 69

dogtooth tuna, 95

dolphins, 114. See also tuna

domestication of oceans, 160

dories, 124

Dow Chemical (DOW), 238

Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), 13

downstream concessions, water, 226

driftnetting, 124. See also commercial tuna fishing

drinking water, 200. See also water

drought, cycle of, 184. See also water

Dubrovnik, Croatia, 145

Dulce Gulf, 146

Dune, 222

Duoyuan Global Water (DGW), 237


Earth Liberation Front (ELF), 214

economic conditions, improvement in Third World countries, 184

economic growth, China, 11

economies, demographics as economic drivers, 7

Economist, The, 49

Japan, 52

eels, 133

Egypt, 185

El Niño, 141

El Paso, Texas, 227

elderly dependency ratio, 11

Ellis, Richard, x, 3

emerging markets, 13

Emperor Seamount chain, 118

Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), 30

Endangered Species, 152

Energy Recovery Inc. (ERII), 237

Epsom salts, 202

equity, reverse transactions, 55

life settlements, 56–64, 67–72

reverse mortgages, 71–78

Esperanza, 144

ETFs (exchange-traded funds), water, 238–239

Ethiopia, 214–215

Euphrates River, 205, 213

Europe, population of, 10

European Parliament’s Fishing Committee, 153

European Union (EU), 144

bluefin tuna, 102

exchange traded funds (ETFs), 238–239

expected mortality probabilities, 30. See also mortality


Japan, 39

tuna, 86

extinction, tuna under threat of, 173–174

extreme mortality bonds, 33

Exxon Valdez, 163


Faiella, James, 111

Farley, Jessica, 88


codfish, 171

salmon, 157

tuna, 89, 137–146, 156, 167

fat, ranch-fattened tuna, 146

Federal Housing Authority (FHA), 72

Feldstein, Martin, 38

fertility rates, 45. See also mortality

FICO scores, 28

filters, sand-and-charcoal, 201

Financial Times, Japan, 50

First Trust ISE Water Index Fund (FIW), 239

fish, 85, 89. See also tuna


conserving tuna, 153–164

demand for tuna, 147–152

Tsukiji Market, 133–136

tuna farming, 137–146

meal, 162

trappers, 123

traps, 139

fish-aggregating devices (FADs), 116, 160

fisheries, 2

bluefin tuna, 167–174

Fishing in Bermuda, 111

fishing methods

albacore tuna, 118

commercial tuna fishing, 122–130

tuna, 116

Flinders, Matthew, 93

flocculation, 201

flooding, 183

Flowserve (FLS), 237–238

Fluid Technology, 235

Fluor (FLR), 238

fog drip, 194

frameworks, demographics, 7–14


tuna fleets, 154

Veolia Environnement SA (VE), 236

Franklin Electronics (FELE), 238

freezing tuna, 143


Galápagos Islands, 105

Galloway, Devin, 220

Ganges River, 216

GDP (gross domestic product)

Japan, 36–42

social security and Medicare, 8

GE (General Electric), 235

gender-biased hiring practices, Japan, 49

gender imbalances, 10

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 115

geopolitics of water, 209–223

Georges Bank, 103

Germany, life expectancies, 18

Giant Bluefin, 167

gingerroot, 148

Ginza Sushiko restaurant, 148

glaciers, 183, 193

Gleick, Peter, 211

global warming, 165

Goldman Sachs, longevity indices, 33

GORE-TEX fabric, 204

Gorman-Rupp Co. (GRC), 237

Goths, 212

Grand Anatolia Project, 213

Grand Banks, 170

Granjas Atuneras de Golfito S.A., 145

Great Australian Bight, 86, 88

Greenberg, Paul, 172

Greenland, water, 181

Greenpeace, 129, 144

Grey, Zane, 98, 113

groundwater, 198–199. See also water

groupers, 133

growth of Japan, demographics, 47

Guangzhou, Wang, 11

Gucheng Village, 214

Guglielmo Maggio and Mitsui & Co., Ltd., 145

Gulf of Mexico

as spawning area for bluefin tuna, 98, 102

tuna migration, 137

Gulf of Sidra, 98


H.J. Heinz, 114

Halidians of Armenia, 211

Hamano, Takahiko, 92

Harada, Yuicchiro, 149

Hardin, Garrett, 184, 220

harpoons (spadare), 138


bluefin tuna, 103

tuna, 138

Hawaii, 142

health care, Japan, 50

health insurance companies, exposure to mortality risk, 29

Hebei Province, 214

Hebert, Frank, 222

Hemingway, Ernest, 98

Henan Province, 214

Hessians attack of water system, New York City, 212

Hirahara, Hideo, 91


conflicts over water, 211

context of life settlements, 58–59

of life settlements, 58

of reverse mortgages, 72–73

holding pens, tuna, 137

Holloway, Marguerite, 156

HollySys (HOLI), 237

home equity conversion mortgage (HECM), 72–78

Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Backed Security (HMBS), 76

Honolulu Expresses, 195

Hori, Takeaki, 91

horse mackerel. See bluefin tuna

Huang He (Yellow) River, 212

Huanglongkou Village, 214

Hubbs-Sea World Research Institute, 141

human demographics, 2

humidity, 193. See also water

Hydrologic Cycle, The, 191

Hyflux (HYFXF), 236


ICAP market derivatives, 33

ICCAT, 145, 152–153, 173

catch statistics, 169

ice, 183

Ice Mountain Water Company, 214

Idex (IEX), 237

ika shibi (“squid-tuna”), 116

illegal, unregulated, and/or unreported (IUU) catches, 104


Japan, 46

national security issues based on, 9

Immigration and Control and Refugee Recognition Act (Japan, 2004), 46

Immigration Control Law (Japan, 1952), 46

increase in retirement ages, 18

indemnity, 34

India, 2–3

population, 7

total renewable water, 187

water, 183, 216

Indian Ocean, 106

indices, 27

Credit Suisse Longevity Index, 32

LifeMetrics Index, 32

parametric, 34

infiltration, 196

Inouye, Daniel, 142

Insituform (INSU), 237

insurable interest risk, 67


health, exposure to mortality risk, 29

life, exposure to mortality risk, 28

Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC), 109

International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), 101

International Desalination Association (IDA), 202

International Dolphin Conservation Program (AIDCP), 115

International Game Fish Association (IGFA), 106

International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA), 31

International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), 108

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 108

International Whaling Commission (IWC), 162, 172

Investigator, 93

investments, 2

opportunities, 225

consumer product companies, 232–234

desalination companies, 234–238

ETFs (exchange-traded funds), water, 238–239

water, 226–231

seafood as, 85

iodine salts, 202

Iran, 218

Iraq, 185, 213, 216

irrigation, 184

Israel, 216

politics of water, 209

Italian Coast Guard, 130

Itron, Inc. (ITRI), 237

ITT Corp. (ITT), 235


J.G. Boswell (BWEL), 228

J.P. Morgan, 32

jacks, 133


cultural/social issues, 51–53

demographics, 42–51

GDP (gross domestic product), 36–42

longevity risk, 35–53

Overseas Fisheries Cooper-ation Foundation, 110

ownership of American bonds, 39

population, 8–9


fleets, 168

imports, 86

ranching, 167

Japanese government bonds (JGBs), 35, 38

Japanese Journal of Social Security Policy, 50

Japanese Overseas Fishery Cooperation Foundation (OFCF), 92

Japanese Studies at Harvard, 170

Japanese yen (JPY), 41

Jebel Ali (Phase 2), 205

JFK International Airport, 137

Jordan, 216

Jordan River, 205

Justice Ministry, Japan, 46


Kai-shek, Chiang, 212

Kansas State University, 221

Katsusonus pelamis, 121–122. See also skipjack tuna

kawakawa, 96

Kazakhstan, 218

Keith-Reid, Robert, 112

Kenya, 214

Kewalo Basin, 122

kingfish, 96

Kings River, 229

Kobe beef, 170

Koga, Yoshio, 92

Koizumi, Junichiro, 52

Komamura, Kohei, 50

Kotlikoff, L.J., 46

Kuroshio Maru 37, 168

kurtosis risk, 69


La Budde, Sam, 129

La Cienega Boulevard, 147

La Jolla, California, 118

Lake Tahoe, 196

lakes, 183, 199

Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, 159

Las Vegas Valley, 220

Las Vegas, Nevada, 184, 219

laws concerning tuna fishing, 142

Layne Christensen (LAYN), 236

Lebanon, 216

Libya, politics of water, 209

life annuities, 27

life expectancies, 14–19

life settlements, 65

life insurance

companies, exposure to mortality risk, 28

policies as property, 58

Life Insurance Settlement Association (LISA), 58

life markets, 1, 5

Life Markets: Trading Mortality and Longevity Risk with Life Settlements and Linked Securities, 66

life settlements, 18, 56–64, 67–72

investors, 28

markets, 60–61

regulations, 70

risks, 67–69

taxes, 71–72

life spans, 48. See also mortality

LifeMetrics Index, 32

Lindsay Corp. (LNN), 236

Linzhou City, 214

loans, reverse mortgage lenders, 28. See also mortgages

Logan Airport, 136

loins, tuna, 171. See also tuna


bonds, 31–33

Japan, 35–45, 49–53

mortality risk markets, 27–34

risk, 14, 19, 25, 68

swaps, 29, 33

longline fishing, 113, 116, 124

albacore tuna, 119

Japanese fleets, 100

longtail tuna, 95. See also tuna

Los Angeles Valley aqueduct/pipeline, 212

Losada, Sebastián, 144


indexed to industry losses, 34

modeled, 34

Lubbock, Texas, 227

Lukin, Dinko, 92

Lutcavage, Molly, 99

lutefisk, 172


MacArthur, Douglas, 161, 172

Machievelli, 212

mackerel, 133

as food for tuna, 137

Madhya Pradesh, 214

maguro, 170. See also bluefin tuna

Maine, 136

Malaysia, 213

tuna ranching, 167

mariculture, 140

Marine Mammal Protection Act (1972), 114


bear, 13

Japan, 35–45, 49–53

life settlements, 60–61

longevity and market risk, 27–34

marlins, 96

Maronite Christians, 212

Marra, John, 159

Masa restaurant, 148

Massachusetts, 136

Matsuhisa restaurant, 147

mattanza (tuna killing), 123

maximum sustainable yield (MSY), tuna, 125, 127

McDonald’s, 170

McKinsey & Co, 47

measurements, 32. See also indices

Medicare, 8

Mediterranean Sea

tuna farming in, 138

tuna ranching, 167

as spawning ground for bluefin tuna, 98

MEGO (My Eyes Glaze Over) syndrome, 112

Mekong River, 216

melting, 196. See also water

Mesa Water company, 227

Mexico, tuna, 115

farms in, 140

ranching, 167

Middle East, dependency on desalination, 210


bluefin tuna, 99

tuna, 137

milk, water used to make, 221

Milliman, 32

Millipore Corporation (MIL), 237–239

Minister of Finance, Japan, 38

Miyazaki, Japan, 109

modeled loss, 34

monsoons, cycle of, 184. See also water

Monte Carlo simulations, life settlements, 63–65

moray eels, 133

Moriguchi, Chiaki, 51


improvement rates, 23

life settlements, 56, 64

risk, 14, 19, 25

Japan, 35–45, 49–53

longevity, 27–34

mortgage insurance premium (MIP), 73


lenders, 28

reverse, 18, 71–78

Motion & Flow Control, 235

Mt. Charleston, 219

Mueller Industries, Inc. (MLI), 238

Mueller Water Products (MWA), 238

municipal water companies, 229

municipalities, exposure to mortality risk, 29

Myanmar (Burma), 183

Myers, Ransom, 165


NaCl table salt, 202

Nalco Holding Company (NLC), 238–239

Nariman Point, LLC., 1

National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), 70

National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), 221

National Highway System, 230

National Institute of Population and Social Security Research (NIPSSR), 43

National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), 118

National Offshore Aquaculture Act (2005), 142

National Research Council (NRC), 206

national security issues based on immigration, 9

natural resources, 209. See also water

Nestlé (NSRGY), 233

netting, 125

New England, 149, 168

New England Aquarium, 99

New Eurofish of Castellemare del Golfo, 145

New York City, 137

British attack on water system, 212

New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), 133

New Zealand, 88, 105, 107

Nichoro Gyogyo K.K., 168

Nieporent, Drew, 147

Niger River, 216

Nissho Iwai, 171

Nobu restaurants, 147

Noda, Yoshihiko, 41, 51

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 115

Norway, 162, 232

codfish, 171

nouveau Japanese restaurants, 147


O’Neill, Tip, 219

Oceana, 129

Oceana Ranger, 129

oceans, 199

Ogallala aquifer, 227

Ohio State Museum, 174

Old Age and Disability Insurance Bill of 1889, 17

Olympics, 231

“Onboard Handling of Sashimi-Grade Tuna”, 117

Ono, Hiroshi, 51

opportunities, investments, 225

consumer product companies, 232–234

desalination companies, 234–238

ETFs (exchange-traded funds), water, 238–239

water, 226–231

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 37, 49

Organization for the Promotion of Responsible Tuna Fisheries (OPRT), 149

origination risk, 67

Overseas Fisheries Cooperation Foundation, 92, 110

Ozal, Turgut, 213


Pacific magazine, 112

Pacific Ocean, as a tuna fishery, 171

Pall Corp (PLL), 238

Panama, tuna ranching, 167

parametric indices, 34

parasites, 200

Parker Dam, 212

passenger pigeons, 173–174

Patagonian toothfish, 124

Pathet Lao, 216

pathogens, waterborne, 199

payment options, reverse mortgages, 74

peak spending, 13

Peloponnesian War, 212

pensions, 14

defined benefit (DB), 27

Japan, 50

mortality risks, 30


Pepsi-Cola (PEP), 233

perch, 133

pharmaceutical companies, exposure to mortality risk, 29

Pickens, T. Boone, 227–228

PICO Holdings (PICO), 228

pilchards, 87

Piraeus, 212

piscivores, 141. See also tuna

Pleistrus River, 211

Poland Spring, 233

policyholders, life settlements, 60–61

politics of water, 209–223

pollution, water, 234

Pontine Marshes, 213

popularity of sashimi, 171

populations, 45

of albacore tuna, 118

of bluefin tuna, 100–101

China, 7, 10

Europe, 10

India, 7

Japan, 7–8, 45

of skipjack tuna, 122

of tuna, 127

United States, 12

of wild salmon, 158

of yellowfin tuna, 110

Port Lincoln, 86–94, 140, 161, 164

portable purification systems, 200. See also water

positive mortality improvement shocks, 23

potassium salts, 202

PowerShares Global Water Resources (PIO), 238

PowerShares Water Resources (PHO), 238


life settlements, 56, 63

risk, 68


bluefin tuna, 103, 168

life settlements, 63–67

sashimi, 147

seafood, 85

tuna, 91, 126, 135

PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC), 13

Prince William Sound, 163

processing canned tuna, 151

production, tuna farming, 155

productivity, effect of automation on, 49


consumer product companies, 232–234

exposure to mortality risk, 29


annuities, 27

life settlements, 56

Puglisi, Joe, 93

purchase price risk, 68

purification, 219. See also water

companies, 234–238

PX Pressure Exchanger, 237

Pym, Hugh, 38


Rabbit Island, 90, 140

rain, 183, 194, 196

Rainbow Warrior, 129, 144

ramp-up risk, 68

ranch-fattened tuna, 146

ranching, tuna, 138–146, 156, 167

raw fish, eating, 148. See also tuna

Red Cross, 203

Red Data Book, 153

Red List of Threatened Animals, 108

regulations. See also laws

harvesting tuna, 138

life settlements, 70

reinsurance, 27, 31

relationships between longevity risks and mortality risks, 24

renewable water resources, 210. See also water

Republic of Korea, 107

Republic of Panama, 109

requirements of farmed fish, 157

resources, water, 181. See also water

restaurants, 171

demand for tuna, 147–148

tuna prices, 173

retirement, 14

ages, 18

reverse equity transactions, 55

life settlements, 56–64, 67–72

reverse mortgages, 71–78

reverse mortgages, 18, 28, 71–78

reverse osmosis

desalination, 204

membrane technology, 203

Review-Journal, 220


life settlements, 67–69

longevity, 14, 19, 25

mortality, 14, 19, 25

Japan, 35–45, 49–53

longevity, 27–34

reverse mortgages, 77–78

rivers, 183

Roberts County, Texas, 227

Rocky Mountains, 195

rotifers, 172

Russia, 218

water, 217

RWE (RWEOY), 237

Ryther, J.H., 156


Sadat, Anwar, 213

Safe Drinking Water Act, 229

Safina, Carl, 103, 168

sailfishes, 96

Saladin, 212

salmon, 85, 133

farming, 157

wild Atlantic, 157

salt water, 202. See also water

San Antonio, Texas, 227

sand-and-charcoal filters, 201

Santic, Tony, 93

Sargon II of Assyria, 211

sashimi, 88, 146, 169, 171. See also tuna

popularity of, 171

prices, 147

Saudi Arabia, politics of water, 209

savings rates, Japan, 38, 46

Schaefer, Kurt, 110

schooling, 90, 113. See also tuna

Science, 165

scombrids. See tuna


as an investment, 85

Tsukiji Market, 133–136

conserving tuna, 153–164

demand for tuna, 147–152

tuna farming, 137–146

tuna. See tuna

Seattle mist, 194

seawater, 193

Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), 116

securitization, 55

seerfish, 96

semipermeable membranes, 204

sewage, 234. See also water

sex-specific abortions, 10

Shaefer, Joseph L., x, 3

Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE), 12

shellfish, 157

Sherman, William Tecumseh, 212

Shexian County, 214

shiro maguro (white tuna), 119

shrimp, 85

Shrinking Population Economics: Lessons from Japan, 51

Sicily, tuna farming in, 145

Siemens (SI), 238

Sierra Nevada, 194

Singapore, 213

SJW Corp, 229

skewness, mitigating, 69

skipjack tuna (Katsusonus pelamis), 95–97, 112, 121–122

snow, 183, 194–196

social issues, Japan, 51–53

social security, 8, 27

Society of Actuaries (SOA), 66

Solon, 211

Song for the Blue Ocean, 103

sources of water, 210. See also water

South Africa, 105

South America

albacore tuna, 117

availability of water, 189

South Australia, 140

South Pacific, albacore tuna, 117–118

Southeast Asia, 216

southern bluefins (SBT), 169. See also bluefin tuna

Southern Ocean, 107

Southwest Fisheries Center, 118

soy sauce, 148

Spanish influenza pandemic of 1918, 23

Spanish mackerels, 96

Spartans, 212


behavior, tuna, 92

bluefin tuna, 98, 102

Mediterranean Sea, 139

skipjack tuna, 122

yellowfin tuna, 109

Speaker of the House, 219

Special Forces, 203

spending life cycles, 13

Spring Mountains, 219

St. Margaret’s Bay, 137

StarKist Seafood Company, 114, 151. See also tuna

Stehr Group, 86, 164

Stehr, Hagen, 164

Stevens, Ted, 142

stochastic simulation of returns, 65


codfish, 171

management, bluefin tuna, 101

tuna, collapse of, 154

Straits of Gibraltar, 98

stranger-originated life insurance (STOLI), 67

strategies, conservation, 161

streams, 199

Stripmining the Seas, 129

sublimation, 195

Sudan, 185

Suez Environnement SA (SZEVY), 236

Sumeria, 216

Sumida River, 133

supply of water, 185. See also water

sushi, 169

restaurants, demand for tuna, 147. See also tuna

swaps, 27

credit default swaps (CDSs), 29

International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA), 31

longevity, 29, 33

SwapsMarket, 33

swine flu, 34

Swiss Re, 34

swordfish, 96, 100

Syria, 213, 216


Taiwan as supplier of bugeye tuna, 149


decline in revenue, 39

Japan, 48

life settlements, 71–72

Tetra Tech, Inc. (TTEK), 235, 238

Thai Union International, 150

third-party investors, exposure to mortality risk, 29

Thunnus albacares, 109–119. See also yellowfin tuna

Thunnus maccoyii, 88. See also bluefin tuna

Thunnus obesus, 119–121. See also bigeye tuna

Thunnus orientalis, 105. See also bluefin tuna

Tibet, 185, 217

Tigris River, 205

Tokyo Bay, 133

tonnare (tuna fisheries), 123

toro, 106, 146, 173. See also tuna

Total Actual Renewable Water Resources (TARWR), 186, 193

total allowable catch (TAC), tuna, 127

total renewable water, 190. See also water


oil for water, 185

seafood, 134. See also tuna

TRAFFIC report (1997), 108


life settlements, 60–61

reverse equity, 55

life settlements, 56–64, 67–72

reverse mortgages, 71–78

trap fishers, 124. See also commercial tuna fishing

Tri-Tech Holding (TRIT), 237

Tri-Union Seafoods, 150

triggerfish, 133

Tromso cod breeding facility, 172

Tsenikili, Sofia, 129

Tsukiji Market, 133–136, 167

conserving tuna, 153–164

demand for tuna, 147–152

tuna farming, 137–146

Tsukiji: The Fishmarket at the Center of the World, 170


Australia, 86–94, 96–97

bigeye, 119–121, 149


characteristics of, 97–105

fisheries, 167–174

Thunnus maccoyii, 106–109

Thunnus orientalis, 105

breeding, 92

commercial fishing, 122–130

conserving, 153–161, 163–168

demand for, 147–152, 171

disaster of 1996, 94

dolphin-safe, 115

farming, 89, 137–146, 156, 167

freezing, 143

migration, 137

populations, 127

price data for, 85

prices, 91, 126, 135

skipjack, 121–122

threat of extinction, 173–174

yellowfin, 109–119

Tuna and the Japanese, 91

Tuna Boat Owners Association of Australia (TBOAA), 92

Tuna Club, 112

Turkey, 98, 185, 213

Tyrrhenian Sea, 98


UN (United Nations), 188, 214

UN Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), 191

underwriting, life settlements, 61–62

Unit 731, 213

United Arab Emirates (UAE), 205, 209

United Kingdom (UK), water, 231

United States

body mass index (BMI), 19

population, 12

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 72

U.S. dollar (USD), 41

U.S. Federal Reserve, ownership of American bonds, 39

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 119, 151

U.S. Geological Survey website, 196

U.S. Government Accountability Office, 70

U.S. Navy, 201

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 63

U.S. Tuna Foundation (USTF), 151

United Utilities PLC (UU), 230

Urlama, King of Lagash, 211

USS Vandenberg, 202

utilities, water, 229. See also water


Valmont Industries, Inc. (VMI), 237

Value Basic Table, 66

Van Camp Seafood Company, 150

vapor, 195. See also water

Venn, Mark, 66

Veolia Environment (VE), 236, 238–239

“Vertical Longlining and Other Methods of Fishing around Fish Aggregating Devices,” 116

Vietnam, 216

Virgin Islands, water, 230

Volpe, John, 161


wahoo, 96

wasabi, 148

Washington, George, 174

wastewater treatment, 234. See also water

water, 2, 181, 193–200, 204–205

availability, 188

China, 216–217

consumer product companies, 232–234

consumption of, 187

cotton, 228

dependency, 189–191

desalination companies, 234–238

ETFs (exchange-traded funds), 238–239

India, 216

investment opportunities, 226–231

location of, 183–191

politics of, 209–223

pollution, 234

Russia, 217

Water & Process Technologies Division (GE), 235

Water Conflict Chronology, 211

Water Cycle, 183, 191–199, 206, 228, 233

Water Division, 236

Water Festival, 183

Water in Crisis: A Guide to the World’s Fresh Water Resources, 181

Water Survival School, 203

Water Wars, 215, 219, 221

waterborne pathogens, 199

Watson Wyatt, 27, 30

Watts Water Technologies (WTS), 238

West Jerusalem’s water supply, 213

whalers, Japanese, 161

“When Environmental Chic Disintegrates,” 232

White Nile River, 215

whole grain bread, water used to make, 221

wholesale fish markets, Tsukiji Market, 133–136

conserving tuna, 153–164

demand for tuna, 147–152

tuna farming, 137–146

Whynott, Douglas, 167

wild Atlantic salmon, 157

wild bluefin tuna, 169. See also bluefin tuna

Wilson, Alexander, 173

workforce populations, Japan, 48

World Cup, 231

World Health Organization (WHO), 216

World Wildlife Fund (WWF), 104, 138, 153–154

World’s Water, The, 211

Worm, Boris, 165


XXX bonds, 33

yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), 95–97, 109–119

York Water Company (YORK), 229

Zambezi River, 216

Zhang River, 213

zooplankton, 172

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