qualified name 803

quantifiers used in regular expressions 1045

quantum 680

query 792, 794

query a database 809

query method 266

query string 852


queue 267, 284, 593

Queue interface 589, 593, 621, 703

queue length 754

queue to the server 756


RadialGradientPaint class 482

radians 157

radio button 404, 410

radio button group 410

Radio Button Group JSF component 870, 874

radix 1037

raised rectangle 473

Random class 166, 167, 988

java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/Random.html 168

nextInt method 168, 169

setSeed method 172

random method of Math 167, 168

random numbers 172

difference between values 172

element of chance 167

generation 215

processing 166

pseudorandom number 168

scaling 168

scaling factor 168, 171, 172

seed 168

seed value 172

shift a range 168

shifting value 168, 171, 172

range method of EnumSet 273

range-view methods 624

rapid application development (RAD) 282

rapid prototyping xxiii

rapid web applications development xxiii

ratio of successive Fibonacci numbers 187

Rational Software Corporation 16, 50

Rational Unified Process™ 50

raw type 577

Raw type test program 578

RDBMS (relational database management system) 853

read-only file 547

read-only text 389

read-only variable 209

Reader class 551

Reading a file by opening a connection through a URL 751

reading a file on a web server 750

readObject method of ObjectInput 541

readObject method of ObjectInputStream 549

ready state 680

real number 35, 101

realization in the UML 363

receive a connection 756

receive data from a server 767

receive method of class DatagramSocket 771

reclaim memory 278

recognizing clients 883

recommended GUI design guidelines used by GroupLayout 1056

record 517, 525

record key 518

recover from an error 215

rectangle 454, 458, 470

Rectangle2D class 454

Rectangle2D.Double class 480


overhead 193

recursion step 184, 189

recursive call 184, 188, 190

recursive evaluation 185

Recursive evaluation of 5! 185

recursive factorial method 185

recursive method 183

recursively generating Fibonacci numbers 190

redirect a stream 520

redundant parentheses 38

ReentrantLock class 720, 722

refactoring xxiii, 19, 866

refer to an object 70

reference 70

reference type 69, 203, 290

refresh method of class CachedRowSetDataProvider 920

regexFilter method 825

regexFilter method of class RowFilter 825

regionMatches method of class String 1018

register a port 754

register an ActionListener 648

registered listener 402

registering the event handler 397

regular expression 880, 1041

^ 1042

? 1045

. 1048

{n} 1045

* 1044

D 1041

d 1041

S 1041

s 1041

W 1041

w 1041

+ 1045

| 1045

Regular expressions checking birthdays 1049

reinventing the wheel 5, 34

relational database 792, 793

relational database management system (RDBMS) 792, 853

relational database table 793

relational operators 39

relationship between an inner class and its top-level class 410

RELATIVE constant of class GridBagConstraints 672

relative path 521

release a lock 709, 710

release a resource 501

reload an entire web page 921

reluctant quantifier 1046

remainder 38

REMAINDER constant of class GridBagConstraints 672

remainder operator, % 37, 39

remove duplicate String 622

remove method 620

remove method of Iterator 596

remove method of Vector 605

removeAllElements method of Vector 605

removeElementAt method of Vector 605

removeTableModelListener method of TableModel 814

removeTrayIcon method of class SystemTray 1072

rendered property of a JSF component 875

rendering XHTML in a web browser 851

Reordering output with argument index 1009

repaint method of class JComponent 457

repaint method of Component 434

repetition 90

counter controlled 103, 106

sentinel controlled 100, 101, 103

repetition statement 90, 95, 192

do...while 90, 130, 131, 131

do/while 90

for 90, 126

while 90, 95, 96, 99, 103, 121

repetition structure 89

repetition terminates 95

replaceAll method

of class Matcher 1048

of class String 1046

replaceFirst method

of class Matcher 1048

of class String 1046

Representational State Transfer (REST) 934

representing integers in hexadecimal format 995

representing integers in octal format 995

request method 851

request scope 856

RequestBean 856

RequestContext interface 972

put method 972

required property 879

requirements 15, 48

requirements document 13, 44, 48, 49

requirements gathering 48

reserved word 90

false 91

null 67, 70, 113, 385

true 91

reserved words 1053

reset property of a JSF Button 908

resizable array 749

implementation of a List 594

resolution 454

@Resource annotation 961

resource leak 273, 500

responses to a survey 213

REST (Representational State Transfer) 934

result 799

result set concurrency 818

result set type 818

ResultSet interface 812, 818, 819

absolute method 819

column name 813

column number 813

CONCUR_READ_ONLY constant 818


concurrency constant 818

getInt method 813

getObject method 813, 819

getRow method 819

last method 819

next method 812

TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY constant 818



ResultSetMetaData interface 812, 819

getColumnClassName method 819

getColumnCount method 812, 819

getColumnName method 819

getColumnType method 812

ResultSetTableModel enables a JTable to display the contents of a Result-Set 814

resumption model of exception handling 495

rethrow an exception 504

return keyword 163, 1053

return message in the UML 247

return statement 184

return type in the UML 195, 200

return type of a method 66

reusability 567

reusable software components 4, 165, 300

reuse 15, 34

reverse 613

reverse method of class StringBuilder 1031

reverse method of Collections 606, 613

reverseOrder method of Collections 607

RGB value 457, 463

Richards, Martin 3

right aligned 439

right brace, } 26, 34, 98, 103

RIGHT constant of FlowLayout 442

right justification 995, 1003

right justify output 128

right justifying integers 1004

Right justifying integers in a field 1004

rigid area of class Box 666

Ritchie, Dennis 4

robust 36

robust application 488, 495

role in the UML 81

role name in the UML 81

roll back a transaction 845

rollback method of interface Connection 846

Rolling a six-sided die 6000 times 170

rolling two dice 173

rollover Icon 406

root directory 521

root element 858

rotate method of class Graphics2D 486

round a floating-point number for display purposes 105

round-robin scheduling 681

rounded rectangle 471, 483

rounded rectangle (for representing a state in a UML state diagram) 148

rounding 995

rounding a number 38, 100, 129, 157

RoundRectangle2D class 454

RoundRectangle2D.Double class 480, 483

row 793, 797, 798, 799, 800, 804

RowFilter class 825

rows of a two-dimensional array 229

rows to be retrieved 798

RowSet getting started guide java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/jdbc/getstart/rowsetImpl.html 826

RowSet interface 825

RSS feeds 18

Ruby on Rails 19

Rule of Entity Integrity 797

Rule of Referential Integrity 795

rule of thumb (heuristic) 141

rules of operator precedence 39, 189

Rumbaugh, James 15, 16

run debugger command 1112

run method of interface Runnable 683, 782

Run option in Netbeans 942

runtime logic error 385

Runnable interface 372, 683, 783

run method 683, 782

runnable state 679

running an application 9

running state 680

runtime logic error 36

RuntimeException class 499, 506


SAAS (Software as a Service) 19

SalariedEmployee class derived from Employee 349

SalariedEmployee class that implements interface Payable method getPaymentAmount 368

Salesforce 17

SansSerif Java font 465

saturation 463

SaverBeans Screensaver SDK incubator project 1072

savings account 127

scalar 221

scaling (random numbers) 168

scaling factor (random numbers) 168, 171, 172

Scanner class 34, 35

hasNext method 136


next method 62

nextDouble method 77

nextLine method 61, 629

scheduling threads 681

scientific notation 996

scope 124

Scope class demonstrating scopes of a field and local variables 178

scope of a declaration 177

scope of a type parameter 569

scope of a variable 124

Screen class (ATM case study) 80, 82, 195, 243, 244, 245, 247, 249, 293

screen cursor 31

screen-manager program 339

scripting element 855

scroll 415, 419

scroll arrow 416

scroll box 416

Scroll Lock key 435

SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT constant of class JTabbedPane 666

scrollbar 419, 451

scrollbar of a JComboBox 416

scrollbar policies 451

search engine 852

Second Life 17

secondary storage devices 516

sector 474

secure protocol 895

security 8

SecurityException 528

seed value (random numbers) 168, 172

SEI (service endpoint interface) 936

SELECT SQL keyword 798, 799, 800, 801, 802

selected 410

selected text in a JTextArea 451

selecting an item from a menu 394

selecting data from a table 794

selection 90

selection criteria 799

selection mode 419

selection statement 90

if 90, 91, 132

if...else 90, 91, 92, 103, 132

switch 90, 132, 138

selection structure 88

self-documenting code 36

_self target frame 750

Semantic Web 18

semicolon (;) 27, 35, 42

send data to a server 767

send message 70

send method of class DatagramSocket 772

sentence-style capitalization 385

sentinel-controlled repetition 100, 101, 103, 101, 103

sentinel value 100, 103

separator character 525

separator line in a menu 647, 648

sequence 90, 594

sequence diagram in the UML 51, 245

sequence of messages in the UML 246

sequence structure 88

sequence-structure activity diagram 89

SequenceInputStream class 551

sequential-access file 517, 519, 525, 755

sequential execution 88

Sequential file created using ObjectOutputStream 544

Sequential file read using an ObjectInputStream 547

Sequential file reading using a Scanner 532

sequential horizontal orientation in GroupLayout 1055

sequential layout of GUI components 1055

Serializable interface 372, 541

serialized object 541

Serif Java font 465

server 744, 936

server port number 767

Server portion of a client/server stream-socket connection 757

server response 852

server-side artifacts 941

server-side form handler 851

server side of connectionless client/server computing with datagrams 769

Server side of the client/server Tic-Tac-Toe program 776

server waits for connections from clients 754

server’s Internet address 755

server-side form handler 851

ServerSocket class 754, 756, 775

accept method 754, 761

service endpoint interface (SEI) 936

service of a class 256, 276

serviceName attribute of @WebService annotation 941

services oriented architecture (SOA) xxiii

Services tab in Netbeans 910

servlet 854

servlet container 854

Servlet interface 854

destroy method 854

init method 854

service method 854

session 883

session scope 856

session tracking 884

in web services 957

SessionBean 856

set a value 68

set debugger command 1114

Set interface 589, 593, 622, 623, 625

set method 68, 260

set method of ListIterator 599

set method of Vector 604

set of constants as an interface 372

Set of recursive calls for fibonacci( 3 ) 189

SET SQL clause 805

set up event handling 397

setAlignment method of FlowLayout 442

setAttribute method of interface HttpSession 961

setAutoCommit method of interface Connection 845

setBackground method of class Component 463

setBackground method of Component 419

setCharAt method of class StringBuilder 1031

setColor method of class Graphics 458, 483

setCommand method of JdbcRowSet interface 828

setConstraints method of class GridBagLayout 672

setDefaultCloseOperation method of class JFrame 641

setDefaultCloseOperation method of JFrame 393

setEditable method of JTextComponent 397

setErr method of System 520

setFileSelectionMode method of JFileChooser 554

setFixedCellHeight method of JList 422

setFixedCellWidth method of JList 422

setFont method of class Graphics 465

setFont method of Component 408

setForeground method of class JComponent 649

setHorizontalAlignment method of JLabel 392

setHorizontalScrollBar Policy method of JScrollPane 451

setHorizontalTextPosition method of JLabel 393

setIcon method of JLabel 392, 393

setIn method of System 520

setInverted method of class JSlider 637

setJMenuBar method of class JFrame 641, 648

setLayout method of class Container 666

setLayout method of Container 391, 441, 444, 447

setLineWrap method of JTextArea 451

setListData method of JList 422

setLocation method of class Component 641

setLookAndFeel method of class UIManager 655

setMajorTickSpacing method of class JSlider 638

setMaximumRowCount method of JComboBox 416

setMnemonic method of class AbstractButton 647

setOpaque method of JComponent 431, 434

setOut method of System 520

setPage method of class JEditorPane 752

setPaint method of class Graphics2D 482

setPaintTicks method of class JSlider 638

setPassword method of JdbcRowSet interface 828

setProperty method of Properties 629

setRolloverIcon method of AbstractButton 406

setRowFilter method of class JTable 825

setRowSorter method of class JTable 825

setSeed method of class Random 172

setSelected method of class AbstractButton 648

setSelectionMode method of JList 419

setSize method of class Component 641

setSize method of JFrame 393

setString method of interface PreparedStatement 830, 836

setStroke method of class Graphics2D 483

setText method of JLabel 393

setText method of JText-Component 451

Setting the PATH environment variable xxxii

setToolTipText method of JComponent 391

setUrl method of JdbcRow-Set interface 828

setUsername method of JdbcRowSet interface 828

setVerticalAlignment method of JLabel 392

setVerticalScrollBar Policy method of JSlider 451

setVerticalTextPosition method of JLabel 393

setVisible method of class Component 641

setVisible method of Component 445

setVisible method of JFrame 393

setVisibleRowCount method of JList 419

shadow a field 178

shallow copy 334

shape 480

Shape class hierarchy 301, 302

Shape object 483

shared buffer 697

shell 27

shell prompt in UNIX 7

shell script 528

Shift 437

shift (random numbers) 168

shifted and scaled random integers 169

shifting value 168

shifting value (random numbers) 171, 172

short-circuit evaluation 143

short keyword 1053, 1054

short primitive type 132

short promotions 164

shortcut key 642

Show Line Numbers 865

show method of class JPopup-Menu 651

showDialog method of class JColorChooser 462

showDocument method of class AppletContext 745, 750

showInputDialog method of JOptionPane 384

showMessageDialog method of JOptionPane 385

showOpenDialog method of JFileChooser 555

shuffle algorithm 610

shuffle method of Collections 606, 610, 612

shutdown method of class ExecutorService 687

side effect 144

Sieve of Eratosthenes 736

signal method of interface Condition 720, 724

signal value 100

signalAll method of interface Condition 721

signature 183

signature of a method 182

simple condition 141

simple name 287

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 934

simulate a middle-mouse-button click on a one- or twobutton mouse 430

simulate a right-mouse-button click on a one-button mouse 430

simulation 167

sin method of Math 157

sine 157

single-entry/single-exit control statements 90

single inheritance 299

single-line (end-of-line) comment 24, 27, 35

single-precision floating-point number 73

single-quote character 799

single quotes 1015

single-selection statement 90

single-selection list 417

single static import 278

single-type-import declaration 288

SINGLE_INTERVAL_ SELECTION constant of ListSelectionModel 419, 420, 422

SINGLE_SELECTION constant of ListSelectionModel 419

single-selection statement if 91

SingleSelectOptionsList class 873

SingleSelectOptionsList object 874

size method

of List 595, 599

of Map 629

of PriorityQueue 621

of Vector 605

size method of class ArrayBlockingQueue 705

Skype 17

sleep interval 680

sleep method of class Thread 684, 698, 699, 700

sleeping thread 680

small circles in the UML 89

small diamond symbol (for representing a decision in a UML activity diagram) 149

snap-to ticks for JSlider 636

SOA (services oriented architecture) xxiii

SOAP 936

envelope 956

message 956

parsing a SOAP message 956

SOAP request for the HugeInteger web service 957

www.w3.org/TR/soap/ 956

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) 934

social bookmarking 17

social networking 17

socket 744

socket-based communication 744

Socket class 754, 767, 782, 783

close method 755

getInetAddress method 761

getInputStream method 754, 756

getOutputStream method 754

SocketException class 768

Software as a Service (SAAS) 19

software asset 15

software engineering 266

Software Engineering Case Study xxiv

Software Engineering Observations overview xxvii

software life cycle 48

software reuse 5, 155, 283, 284, 299, 557

solid circle (for representing an initial state in a UML diagram) in the UML 148, 149

solid circle enclosed in an open circle (for representing the end of a UML activity diagram) 149

solid circle in the UML 89

solid circle surrounded by a hollow circle in the UML 89

solid diamonds (representing composition) in the UML 81

sort 590, 592

sort method of Arrays 590

sort method of Collections 606

sorted order 623, 625

SortedMap interface 625

SortedSet interface 623, 625

first method 625

last method 625


descending order 607

with a Comparator 608

source code 333

Source view in Netbeans 1057

SOUTH constant of BorderLayout 426, 442

SOUTH constant of class GridBagConstraints 667

SOUTHEAST constant of class GridBagConstraints 667

SOUTHWEST constant of class GridBagConstraints 667

space flag 1006, 1007

spacing between components in GroupLayout 1056

span element 860

special character 35, 1015

special symbol 517

specialization 299

specialization in the UML 374

specifics 339

spiral 187

-splash command-line option to the java command 1067

splash screen 1067

SplashScreen class 1069

split a statement over multiple lines 32

split method of class String 1046

SQL 792, 794, 797, 798, 804

DELETE statement 798, 805

FROM clause 798


IDENTITY keyword 830

INNER JOIN clause 798, 802

INSERT statement 798, 804

LIKE clause 799, 800

ON clause 803

ORDER BY clause 798, 800, 802

SELECT query 798, 799, 800, 801, 802

SET clause 805

UPDATE statement 798

VALUES clause 804

WHERE clause 799

.sql 808

SQL (Structured Query Language) 829

SQL keyword 797

SQL script 808

SQL statement 844, 845

SQLException class 811, 813, 830

SQLFeatureNotSupported-Exception class 819

sqrt method of Math 156, 157, 164

square brackets, [] 204, 214

square root 157

stack 163, 267, 283, 567

method call stack 163

program execution stack 163

stack overflow 164

Stack class 620

isEmpty method 620

of package java.util 618, 619

peek method 620

pop method 620

push method 618

stack frame 163

Stack generic class 567

Stack< Double > 576

Stack< Integer > 576

stack trace 491

stack unwinding 505

stacking control statements 92

StackTraceElement class 509

getClassName method 509

getFileName method 509

getLineNumber method 509

getMethodName method 509

stale value 693

standard error stream 503, 994

standard error stream (System.err) 520, 550

standard input stream (System.in) 35, 519

standard output stream 503, 994

standard output stream (System.out) 27, 519, 550

standard reusable component 300

standard time format 255

“standardized, interchangeable parts” 15

start page 870

starting angle 474

startsWith method of class String 1021

starvation 681

state 50

state button 407

state dependent 696

state diagram for the ATM object 148

state diagram in the UML 148

state in the UML 50, 149

state machine diagram in the UML 50, 148

state of an object 113, 147, 148

stateChanged method of interface ChangeListener 639

stateless protocol 883

Statement 812

statement 27, 58

Statement interface 812, 813, 829

executeQuery method 812


break 136, 139, 140

continue 139

control statement 88, 90, 91

control-statement nesting 90

control-statement stacking 90

do...while 90, 130, 131

double selection 90

empty 43, 95

empty statement 95

for 90, 122, 125, 126, 127, 129

if 39, 90, 91, 132

if...else 90, 91, 92, 103, 132

multiple selection 90

nested 106

nested if...else 93, 94

repetition 89, 90, 95

return 163

selection 88, 90

single selection 90

switch 90, 132, 138

switch multiple-selection statement 170

while 90, 95, 96, 99, 103, 121


class member 274

class member demonstration 276

class variable 274

field (class variable) 274

method 59, 129

static binding 360

static class variable used maintain a count of the number of Employee objects in memory 275

static import 278, 371

of Math methods 279

on demand 278

static keyword 1053

static method cannot access non- static class members 278

Static Text JSF component 858, 860, 870

step debugger command 1116

step up debugger command 1117

stop debugger command 1112

store method of Properties 630

stored procedure 845

straight-line form 38

stream 503, 994

stream header 761

stream of bytes 519

stream processing 516

stream socket 745, 756, 775

stream-based communications 744

streams 745

streams-based transmission 768

strictfp keyword 1053

string 27, 166

of characters 27

String array 205

String class 1014

charAt method 1016, 1031

compareTo method 1018, 1020

concat method 1025

deleteCharAt method 1034

endsWith method 1021

equals method 1018, 1020

equalsIgnoreCase method 1018, 1020

format method 254, 1011

getChars method 1016

indexOf method 1022

lastIndexOf method 1022

length method 1016

matches method 1041

regionMatches method 1018

replaceAll method 1046

replaceFirst method 1046

split method 1046

startsWith method 1021

substring method 1024

toCharArray method 1027

toLowerCase 599

toUpperCase 599

valueOf method 1027

String class character-manipulation methods 1017

String class constructors 1015

String class searching methods 1022

String class startsWith and endsWith methods 1021

String class substring methods 1024

String class valueOf methods 1027

String comparisons 1018

string concatenation 161, 277

string literal 1015

String method concat 1025

String methods replace, toLowerCase, toUpper-Case, trim and toCharArray 1025

StringBuffer class 1028

StringBuilder class 1014, 1028

append method 1032

capacity method 1029

charAt method 1031

constructors 1029

delete method 1034

ensureCapacity method 1029

getChars method 1031

insert method 1034

length method 1029

reverse method 1031

setCharAt method 1031

trim method 1027

StringBuilder class append methods 1032

StringBuilder class character-manipulation methods 1031

StringBuilder class constructors 1029

StringBuilder method length and capacity1030

StringBuilder methods insert and delete 1034

StringIndexOutOfBoundsException class 1024, 1032

StringReader class 552

StringTokenizer class 629, 1014, 1040

hasMoreTokens method 629, 1041

nextToken method 629, 1041

StringTokenizer object used to tokenize strings 1040

StringWriter class 552

Stroke object 483

strongly typed languages 112

Stroustrup, Bjarne 4, 488

structure of a system 117, 148

structured programming 88, 141

Structured Query Language (SQL) 792, 794, 797

style sheet 858, 864

subclass 299, 374

sublist 599

subList method of List 599

submenu 642

submit method of class ExecutorService 741

submitter in a virtual form 923

subprotocol for communication 811

subscript (index) 203

substring method of String 1024

subtraction 38

operator, - 39

suffix F 618

suffix F for float literals 618

suffix L for long literals 618

sum the elements of an array 210

Summing integers with the for repetition statement 127

Sun Java System Application Server 937

super keyword 303, 327, 1053

call superclass constructor 315

superclass 299, 374

constructor 306

constructor call syntax 315

default constructor 306

direct 299, 301

indirect 299, 301

method overridden in a subclass 326

Superclass private instance variables are accessible to a subclass via public or protected methods inherited by the subclass 326

survey 214

sweep 474

sweep counterclockwise 474

Swing Event Package 167

Swing GUI components 386

Swing GUI components package 166

SwingConstants interface 373, 392, 638

SwingUtilities class 655

updateComponent-TreeUI method 655

SwingWorker 727

cancel method 737

doInBackground method 727, 729

done method 727, 729

execute method 727

get method 727

process method 727, 736

publish method 727, 736

setProgress method 727, 736

switch logic 139

switch multiple-selection statement 90, 132, 138, 170, 1053

activity diagram with break statements 139

case label 136

controlling expression 136

default case 136, 138, 170

testing multiple input values 132

Sybase 792

synchronization 688, 707

synchronization wrapper 632

synchronize 678

synchronize access to a collection 593


keyword 633, 688

method 688

statement 688

synchronized collection 593

synchronized keyword 678, 1053

synchronous call 245

synchronous error 497

synchronous request 921

syntax 24

syntax error 24, 27, 28

system 50

system behavior 50

System class

arraycopy 592

exit method 501, 528

setErr method 520

setIn method 520

setOut 520

system requirements 48

system service 754

system structure 50

System.err (standard error stream) 520, 550, 994

System.err stream 502

System.in (standard input stream) 519


print method 29, 30

println method 27, 30

System.out (standard output stream) 27, 519, 550

System.out.print method 29, 30

System.out.printf method 32

System.out.println method 27, 30

SystemColor class 482

SystemInfo incubator project 1072

SystemTray class 1072

addTrayIcon method 1072

getDefaultSystem-Tray method 1072

removeTrayIcon method 1072


tab 1010

tab character, 25, 31

tab stops 31

table 229, 793

Table component (JSF) 910

internalVirtual-Forms property 911

paginationControls property 911

table element 229

Table JSF component 908

table of values 229

TableModel interface 813, 814

addTableModelListener 814

getColumnClass method 814, 819

getColumnCount method 814, 819

getColumnName method 814, 819

getRowCount method 814

getValueAt method 814

removeTableModelListener 814

TableModelEvent class 825

TableRowSorter class 825

tabular format 207

tag extension mechanism 855

tag library 855, 858

tagging an interface 542

tagging interface 363, 542

tailSet method of TreeSet 625

take method of class BlockingQueue 703, 705

tan method of Math 157

tangent 157

target frame 750

_blank 750

_self 750

_top 750

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) 745

Technorati 18

telephone system 768

temporary 104

Terminal application (Max OS X) 7

terminal window 27

terminate an application 647

terminate successfully 528

terminated state 680

termination housekeeping 273, 334

termination model of exception handling 495

termination test 192

ternary operator 92

test a web service 943

testing a web service from another computer 945

Testing the factorial method 186

Testing the fibonacci method 188

Testing the iterative factorial solution 193

Text Area JSF component 892

text editor 1014

Text Field

autoComplete attribute 925

autoCompleteExpression attribute 925

Text Field component auto-complete 923

Text Field JSF component 870, 873

text file 519

Text Package 166

Text-printing program 23

TexturePaint class 454, 482, 483

thick lines 480


keyword 257, 278

reference 257

to call another constructor of the same class 262

used implicitly and explicitly to refer to members of an object 258

this keyword 1053

Thompson, Ken 3

thread 495

life cycle 679, 680

of execution 678

priority scheduling 682

scheduling 680, 700

state 679

synchronization 632, 688

Thread class 681, 684

interrupt method 684

sleep method 684

thread confinement 727

thread-life-cycle statechart diagram 679, 680

thread pool 686

thread priority 681

thread safe 693, 727

thread scheduler 681

thread states

blocked 680, 688

dead 680

new 679

ready 680

runnable 679

running 680

terminated 680

timed waiting 679

waiting 679




three-button mouse 430

three-dimensional rectangle 470

throw an exception 490, 491, 494

throw keyword 504, 1053

throw point 491

throw statement 504

Throwable class 498, 506

getMessage method 506

getStackTrace method 506

printStackTrace method 506

Throwable class hierarchy 498

Throwable methods getMessage, getStackTrace and printStackTrace 507

throws clause 496

throws keyword 1053

thumb of JSlider 636, 638

thumb position of JSlider 640

Tic-Tac-Toe 775

tick marks on JSlider 636

tier in a multitier application 852

time formatting 995

Time1 abstract data type implementation as a class 285

Time1 class declaration maintains the time in 24-hour format 253

Time1 object used in a program 287

Time1 object used in an application 255

Time2 class with overloaded constructors 260

timed waiting state 679

timeslice 680

timeslicing 681

title bar 382, 389, 640

title bar of a window 385

title bar of internal window 660

titles table of books database 794, 796

toArray method of List 600, 601

toCharArray method of class String 1027

toggle buttons 404

token 166

token of a String 1039

tokenization 1039

toLowerCase method of class Character 1037

toLowerCase of String 599

tool tips 388, 392, 393

top 620

TOP constant of class JTabbedPane 666

top-level class 398

_top target frame 750

top tier 853

toString method of ArrayList 582, 606

toString method of Formatter 1011

toString method of Object 307, 335

Totaling the numbers in an ArrayList<Number> 582

toUpperCase method of class Character 1037

toUpperCase of String 599

track mouse events 424

tracking customers 883

traditional comment 24

traditional web application 921

TRAILING alignment constant in GroupLayout 1056

trailing white-space characters 1027

Transaction class (ATM case study) 374, 375, 376, 378, 380

transaction processing 845

transfer of control 88

transient keyword 543, 1053

transition arrow 91, 92, 96

transition arrow in the UML 89, 96

transition between states in the UML 148, 150

transition in the UML 89

translate method of class Graphics2D 486

transparency of a JComponent 431

transparent Swing GUI components 431

traverse an array 231

Tray icons 1072

TrayIcon class 1072

TrayIcon package demo 1072

tree 622

Tree link in API 1075

TreeMap class 625

TreeSet class 622, 623, 625

headSet method 625

tailSet method 625

trigger an event 386

trigonometric cosine 157

trigonometric sine 157

trigonometric tangent 157

trim method of class String-Builder 1027

trimToSize method of Vector 602

true 39, 91, 92, 1053

truncate 38

truncate fractional part of a calculation 100

truncated 528

trusted source 790

truth table 142

truth tables

for operator ^ 144

for operator ! 145

for operator && 142

for operator || 143

try block 494, 507

try block terminates 495

try keyword 494, 1053

try statement 496

24-hour clock format 253

two-dimensional array 229, 231

two-dimensional array with three rows and four columns 230

two-dimensional graphics 479

two-dimensional shapes 454

type 35

type argument 570

type-import-on-demand declaration 288

type parameter 561, 567, 577

scope 569

section 561, 567

type variable 561

type-wrapper class 563, 1035

implements Comparable 563

TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY constant 818

TYPE_INT_RGB constant of class BufferedImage 483



constant 818

Types class 813

typesetting system 1014

typing in a text field 394


UDP (User Datagram Protocol) 745, 768

ui:staticText JSF element 912

ui:table JSF element 912

UIManager class 653

getInstalledLookAnd-Feels method 653

LookAndFeelInfo nested class 653

setLookAndFeel method 655

UIManager.LookAnd-FeelInfo class

getClassName method 655

UIViewRoot class 858


activity diagram 89, 89, 92, 96, 125, 131

aggregation 82

arrow 89

association 15, 80

attribute 14

behavior 14

class diagram 60

component 15

diamond 91

dotted line 90

elided diagram 80

final state 89

guard condition 91

many-to-one relationship 83

merge symbol 96

multiplicity 80

note 89

one-to-many relationship 83

one-to-one relationship 83

operation 14

role name 81

solid circle 89

solid circle surrounded by a hollow circle 89

solid diamond representing composition 81

UML (Unified Modeling Language) 13, 15, 44, 50, 80, 89, 115, 117, 374

diagram 50

UML Activity Diagram

small diamond symbol (for representing a decision) in the UML 149

solid circle (for representing an initial state) in the UML 149

solid circle enclosed in an open circle (for representing the end of an activity) in the UML 149

UML Class Diagram 80

attribute compartment 115

operation compartment 195

UML Partners 16

UML Sequence Diagram

activation 247

arrowhead 247

lifeline 247

UML State Diagram

rounded rectangle (for representing a state) in the UML 148

solid circle (for representing an initial state) in the UML 148

UML Use Case Diagram

actor 49

use case 49

unary cast operator 104

unary operator 104, 144

uncaught exception 495

unchecked exceptions 498

uncovering a component 457

underlying data structure 621

underscore (_) SQL wildcard character 799, 800

uneditable JTextArea 449

uneditable text or icons 386

Unicode character set 113, 139, 517, 1015, 1020, 1035, 1054

Unicode value of the character typed 437

Unified Modeling Language (UML) xxii, 13, 15, 44, 50, 80, 89, 115, 117, 374

Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) 522, 745, 849

Uniform Resource Locator (URL) 522, 745, 849

universal-time format 253, 254, 255

UNIX 7, 27, 528, 652

Unix 135

UnknownHostException class 755

unlock method of interface Lock 720, 724

unmodifiable collection 593

unmodifiable wrapper 633

unspecified number of arguments 239

UnsupportedOperationException 633

UnsupportedOperationException class 600

unwatch debugger command 1121

unwinding the method-call stack 505

UPDATE SQL statement 798, 805

updateComponentTreeUI method of class Swing-Utilities 655

upper bound 564

of a type parameter 565

of a wildcard 583

upper-left corner of a GUI component 454

upper-left x-coordinate 458

upper-left y-coordinate 458

uppercase letter 25, 35

URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) 522, 745, 849

URL (Uniform Resource Locator) 522, 745, 749, 849

rewriting 884

use case diagram in the UML 49, 50

use case in the UML 48

use case modeling 48

User Datagram Protocol (UDP) 745, 768

user-defined class 25

user interface 853

Using floating-point conversion characters 997

Using integer conversion characters 996

Using SortedSets and Tree-Sets 624

Using the , flag to display number with thousands separator 1008

Using the ( flag to place parentheses around negative numbers 1009

Using the # flag with conversion characters o and x 1007

Using the 0 (zero) flag 1008

Using the character and string conversion characters 998

Using the enhanced for statement to total integers in an array 220

Using the space flag to print a space before non-negative values 1007

Using variable-length argument lists 239

Utilities Package 166

utility method 138


valid identifier 35

validate method of Container 447

Validating user information using regular expressions 1042

validation 874

ValidatorException class 882


Double Range 874

Length 874, 879

Long Range 874

validity checking 266

value of a param 748

valueChanged method of ListSelectionListener 419

valueOf method of class String 1027


values method of an enum 272

VALUES SQL clause 804

varargs (variable-length argument lists) 239

variable 33, 34

name 35

non-primitive type 69

reference type 69

variable declaration statement 34

variable is not modifiable 279

variable-length argument list 239

variable scope 124

Vector class 250, 594, 601, 602

add method 604

capacity method 605

contains method 604

firstElement method 604

indexOf method 605

insertElementAt method 604

isEmpty method 605

lastElement method 604

remove method 605

removeAllElements method 605

removeElementAt method 605

set method 604

size method 605

trimToSize method 602

Vector class of package java.util 602

verb phrase in requirements document 194

VERTICAL constant of class GridBagConstraints 667

vertical coordinate 454

vertical gap space 444

vertical scrolling 451

vertical strut 664

VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ ALWAYS constant of JScroll-Pane 451

VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ AS_NEEDED constant of JScrollPane 451

VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER constant of JScrollPane 452

vi 7

video game 168

video sharing 17


view 599

virtual directory 849

virtual forms 911, 923

participant 923

submitter 923

virtual key code 437

virtual machine (VM) 7

virtual world 17

visibility in the UML 291

visibility marker in the UML 291

visual editor 858

visual editor (Netbeans) 863

visual feedback 407

void keyword 26, 58, 1053

volatile keyword 1053


wait for a new connection 756

wait method of class Object 707

wait method of Object 335

waiting line 593

waiting state 679

waiting thread 709

Wallpaper API demo 1072

watch debugger command 1119, 1119

waterfall model 48

Web 2.0 xxiii, 17

Web 3.0 18

web application

Ajax 922

traditional 921

web application development 848

web application framework 856

Web Application project 937

Web browser 382

web browser 750

web server 754, 849

web service 934

implemented as a class 936

publishing a web service 942

Web Service Description Language (WSDL) 945

web service reference 947

web services 18

@Resource annotation 961

@WebMethod annotation 941

@WebParam annotation 941

@WebService annotation 941

adding a web service reference to an application 947

Build option in Netbeans 942

Clean and Build option in Netbeans 942

Clean option in Netbeans 942

Client desktop application for the HugeInteger web service 950

client-side artifacts 947

consuming a web service 936, 945

Deploy option in Netbeans 942

deploying a web service 942

GlassFish application server’s Tester web page 943

JAX-WS 936

MessageContext interface 961

name attribute of @WebService annotation 941

parsing a SOAP message 956

POJO (Plain Old Java Object) 940

proxy class 936

publishing a web service 936

RequestContext interface 972

REST 934

Run option in Netbeans 942

server-side artifacts 941

serviceName attribute of @WebService annotation 941

SOAP 936

SOAP envelope 956

SOAP message 956

test a web service 943

testing a web service from another computer 945

user-defined types 982

Web Service Description Language (WSDL) 945

web service reference 947

WebServiceContext interface 961

wire format 956

wire protocol 956

www.w3.org/TR/soap/ 956

@WebMethod annotation 941

operationName attribute 941

@WebParam annotation 941

name element 941

@WebService annotation 941

name attribute 941

serviceName attribute 941

WebServiceContext interface 961


developers.sun.com/product/jdbc/drivers/ 793

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IP_address 849

grouper.ieee.org/groups/754/ 1054

java.sun.com 167

java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/javax/swing/JOptionPane.html 385

java.sun.com/j2se/5.0/docs/api/java/awt/Component.html 388, 389, 520, 521

java.sun.com/j2se/5.0/docs/api/java/util/Stack.html 618

java.sun.com/j2se/5.0/docs/api/java/util/Vector.html 602

java.sun.com/j2se/5.0/docs/guide/collections 588

java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/ 37, 282

java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/Formatter.html 999, 1011



java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/jdbc/getstart/Getting-StartedTOC.fm.html 813

java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/jdbc/getstart/rowsetImpl.html 826

java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp 37


java.sun.com/products/java-media/2D/index.html 479

javadoc Tool Home Page at java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/javadoc/index.html 24

www.blueJ.org 7

www.codegear.com 7

www.deitel.com/ResourceCenters.html 3

www.eclipse.org 7

www.jcreator.com 7

www.jedit.org 7

www.jgrasp.org 7

www.mysql.com/products/mysql/ 806

www.netbeans.org 7

www.omg.org 16

www.uml.org 16, 82, 90

www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html 850

webuijsf:body element 858

webuijsf:form element 859

webuijsf:head element 858

webuijsf:html element 858

webuijsf:link element 858

webuijsf:message element 875

webuijsf:meta element 858

webuijsf:page element 858

webuijsf:staticText element 859

webuijsf:tableColumn JSF element 912

webuijsf:tableRowGroup JSF element 912

weightx field of class GridBagConstraints 668

weighty field of class GridBagConstraints 668

WEST constant of BorderLayout 426, 442

WEST constant of class GridBagConstraints 667

WHERE SQL clause 798, 799, 799, 800, 802, 805, 806

while repetition statement 90, 95, 96, 99, 103, 121, 1053

activity diagram in the UML 96

white space 25, 27, 43

characters 25, 1027, 1041

whitespace character 1040

whole/part relationship 81

widgets 383

width 470

width of a rectangle in pixels 459

Wikipedia 17

Wildcard test program 584

wildcards 581, 583

type argument 583

upper bound 583

window 640

Window class 640, 641

addWindowListener method 641

dispose method 641

pack method 660

window event-handling methods 427

window events 641

window gadgets 383

windowActivated method of interface WindowListener 641

WindowAdapter class 427

windowClosed method of interface WindowListener 641

windowClosing method of interface WindowListener 641

WindowConstants interface 641

DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE constant 641

windowDeactivated method of interface WindowListener 641

windowDeiconified method of interface WindowListener 641

windowIconified method of interface WindowListener 641

windowing system 387

WindowListener interface 427, 641

windowActivated method 641

windowClosed method 641

windowClosing method 641

windowDeactivated method 641

windowDeiconified method 641

windowIconified method 641

windowOpened method 641

windowOpened method of interface WindowListener 641

Windows 5, 135, 528

Windows look-and-feel 636, 653

Windows Notepad 7

Windows Vista 945

Windows XP

allow web requests 945

HTTP access from other computers on the network 945

wire format 956

wire protocol 956

Withdrawal class (ATM case study) 80, 81, 83, 114, 149, 151, 194, 195, 243, 244, 245, 247, 248, 249, 294, 295, 373, 374, 375, 376, 378

word character 1041

word processor 1014, 1022

workflow 89

workflow of an object in the UML 148

“World Wide Wait” 921

World Wide Web (WWW) 3, 4, 748

wrap stream types 754, 756

wrapper methods of the Collections class 593

wrapper object (collections) 632

wrapping stream objects 541, 547

wrapping text in a JTextArea 451

writeable 521

writeBoolean method of DataOutput 550

writeByte method of DataOutput 550

writeBytes method of DataOutput 550

writeChar method of DataOutput 550

writeChars method of DataOutput 550

writeDouble method of DataOutput 550

writeFloat method of DataOutput 550

writeInt method of DataOutput 550

writeLong method of DataOutput 550

writeObject method

of ObjectOutput 541

of ObjectOutput-Stream 547

Writer class 551

writeShort method of DataOutput 550

writeUTF method of DataOutput 550

WSDL (Web Service Description Language) 945

www 18

www.agilealliance.org 18

www.agilemanifesto.org 18

www.blueJ.org 7

www.codegear.com 7

www.craigslist.org 18

www.deitel.com 2

www.deitel.com/books/javafp/ 2

www.deitel.com/newsletter/subscribe.html 3, 17

www.deitel.com/resourcecenters.html 17

www.eclipse.org 7

www.housingmaps.com 18

www.jcreator.com 7

www.jedit.org 7

www.jgrasp.org 7

www.mysql.com 806

www.netbeans.org 7

www.omg.org 16

www.uml.org 82, 90

WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor 867


x-coordinate 454, 478

X_AXIS constant of class Box 666

x-axis 454

XHTML (Extensible Hyper-Text Markup Language) 849

XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Language) 848

span element 860

XML 854

XML declaration 858

XML serialization 982

XMLHttpRequestObject 921

xmlns attributes 858

XP (Extreme Programming) 18


y-coordinate 454, 478

Y_AXIS constant of class Box 666

y-axis 454

YouTube 17


0 (zero) flag 1006, 1008

zeroth element 204

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