

-- operator 113, 114

! logical NOT or logical negation operator 140, 142

!= not equal to operator 91

?: conditional operator 100

@ XPath attribute symbol 319

* multiplication 323

* multiplication operator 90

*/ multiline comment delimiter 86

*= multiplication assignment operator 112

/ forward slash in end tags 288

/ XPath root selector 319

/* multiline comment delimiter 86

/= division assignment operator 112

' single quote escape sequence 83

" double-quote escape sequence 83

\ backslash escape sequence 83

newline escape sequence 83

carriage return escape sequence 83

tab escape sequence 83

&& logical AND operator 140, 141

& entity reference 22

© entity reference 22

δ entity reference (MathML) 313

¼ entity reference 24

∫ entity reference (MathML) 313

< special character 22, 24

  entity reference 334

% operator 90

%= operator 112

+ addition operator 90

+ string concatenation 87

++ increment operator 112, 113, 114

<!----> XML comment tags 291

<? and ?> XML processing instruction delimiters 317

<= less than or equal to operator 91

<> angle brackets for XML elements 287

= assignment operator 87

-= subtraction assignment operator 112

== is equal to operator 91

>= greater than or equal to operator 91

|| logical OR operator 140, 142


a (anchor) element 16, 20

href attribute 16, 40

href property 255, 262

target attribute 223

abbreviating assignment expressions 112

abort method of the XMLHttpRequest object 361

abs 201

absolute addressing (XPath) 319

absolute attribute value (position) 54

absolute positioning 54, 56

Absolute positioning of elements 55

absolute value 201

absolute-length measurement 52, 71

abstraction 218

Accept request header 377

access the objects in a collection 261

accessible web pages 20

action 78

action attribute of form element 33

action oriented 200

action/decision model of programming 99

ActionScript 9

ActiveXObject load

method 333

ActiveXObject from Internet Explorer 333

Adaptive Path 355

Adding background images and indentation 58

addition assignment operator (+=) 112

addition operator (+) 90

addition script 88

advanced event models 264

Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) 3

Ajax 6, 351, 353, 355

Ajax toolkits 351

Ajax web application 353

alert dialog 82, 160

alert dialog displaying multiple lines 82

alert dialog displaying multiple lines. 82

alert method of window object 82

algebraic equation marked up with MathML and displayed in the Amaya browser 312

all XML Schema element 310

alt attribute of img element 20

Alt key 272

altKey property of an event object 272

Amaya (W3C browser) 311

Amazon Associates program 7

ancestor element 49

ancestor node 324

anchor 16

anchor 212

anchor (a) element 204

anchor method 211, 212

anchor method of the String object 204, 212

anchors collection of the document object 253

angle bracket (<>) for XML elements 287

anonymous function 282

anonymous String object 202

appendChild method of a DOM node 251

appendChild method of a Node 336

appendChild method of the document object 362

Apple Safari browser 2

architecture of participation 6

argument 78, 148, 201

arithmetic assignment operators: +=, -=, *=, /= and %= 112

arithmetic calculation 90

arithmetic operator 90

ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) 3



elements 174

index 174

name 174

position number 174

subscript 174

zeroth element 174

array data structure 174

Array object 146, 175, 176, 178, 179, 198, 199

join method 187

length property 174, 178, 181, 199

sort method 188, 189, 200

array of strings containing the token 210

Array with 12 elements 175

article.xml displayed by Internet Explorer 292

ascending order 323

ASCII character set 167, 189

Ask 6


assigning more than one class to an XHTML element 62

assignment 87

assignment operator 87, 91, 114

assignment operator = associates right to left 95

associate from left to right 95, 115

associate from right to left 95, 115

association 200

associativity of operators 95, 115, 144

asterisk (*) indicates multiplication 90

asterisk (*) occurrence indicator 302

asynchronous page updates (Ajax) 355

asynchronous request 353

ATTLIST attribute-list declaration (DTD) 302

Attr object 335

attribute 200

attribute element 309

attribute in XML 295

attribute-list declaration 302

attribute node 319

attribute value in XML 296

attributes 13

attributes (data) 78

attributes property of a Node 336

aural media type 65

author 49

author style 70

author style overriding user style 71

average calculation 107


background-attachment property 59

background-color property 58

background-image property 58, 59

background-position property 58

background-repeat property 59

backslash () escape character 80

bandwidth 4

base 168

base 2 logarithm of e 202

base attribute of element extension 309

base case 168

base e 201

base of a natural logarithm 202

base type (XML Schema) 309

basic XHTML colors 277

behavior 199, 199

behaviors (methods) 78

Berners-Lee, Tim 5

binary format 168

binary operator 87, 90, 142

blink value (text-decoration) 50

block 102, 109, 138, 167

block dimension 57

block display value 67

block-level element 64, 57

blogging 7

body DOM object 262

body element 13, 14, 147

body of a for 125

body of a loop 124

body property of the document object 256

body section 13

<body> tag 77

bold value (font-weight property) 47

bolder value (font-weight property) 47

boolean expression 99

Boolean object 218

border 61

border attribute of table element 27

border properties 62

border-collapse property 271

border-color property 61

border-left-color property 62

Borders of block-level elements 61

border-style property 61

border-top-style property 62

border-width property 61, 256

bottom margin 55, 57, 58

box model 61

Box model for block-level elements 61

<br /> 81

br (line break) element 34

braces ({}) 102

brackets that enclose subscript of an array 175

braille media type 65

break out of a nested set of structures 138

break statement 132, 135, 138

break statement in a for statement 135

browser 9

browser request 31

bubbling 272

“building blocks” 200

building blocks 97

built-in data types 308

business letter marked up as XML 294

button-click event 161


C programming language 11

C++ programming language 11

calculating the sum of the elements of an array 181

calculation 90

calculus expression marked up with MathML and displayed in the Amaya browser 313

callback function 353, 360

Cancel button 89

cancel event bubbling 282, 284

cancelBubble property of an event object 272, 282, 284

caption element (table) 29

carriage return 83

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) 2, 5, 11, 44

case label 131

case sensitive 79, 85

cases in which switch cases would run together 131

case-sensitive 103

catch block 359

catch clause 359

catch keyword 359

CDATA keyword (DTD) 302

ceil method 201

center horizontally 58

center value (background-position property) 58

center value (text-align property) 61

centralized control 4

chance 152

channel child element of an rss element 342

character 202

character data in XML 302

character entity reference 22, 302

character entity references 389

character-processing capabilities 202

character-processing methods of String object 205, 206

character string 78

charAt method of String object 203, 205

charCodeAt method of String object 203, 205

checkbox 37

"checkbox" input 37

checked attribute 37

checked property of a radio button object 196

Chemical Markup Language (CML) 315

child 49, 239

child element 292, 295

child node (DOM tree) 324

child window 220

childNodes property of a Node 335

children (DOM tree) 324

Chrome browser (Google) 2

class 199, 200

class attribute 48, 49

class-average program with counter-controlled repetition 104

class libraries 8

className property of a DOM node 251

clearInterval method of the window object 256, 261

client of a class 200

client of an object 78

client side 2

clientX property of an event object 272

clientY property of an event object 272

close a dialog 83

cm (centimeter) 52

CML (Chemical Markup Language) 288

coin tossing 152

collaboration 6

collection 253

collections of data items 174

collective intelligence 6

colon (:) 45, 48, 138

color name 45

color property 45, 48

cols attribute (table) 34

colspan attribute 29

column 190

comma 217

comma-separated list 93

comma-separated list of arguments 201

comma-separated list of variable names 86

comment 13

Common Programming Errors overview xviii

community 6

comparator function 189

complex content in XML Schema 308

Complex XHTML table 30

complexType XML Schema element 308

component 200

compound assignment operator 112

compound interest 126

computer xiv

concat method 203

concatenation 203

concatenation operator (+) 203

condition 91, 140

condition is false 91

condition is true 91

conditional expression 100

conditional operator (?:) 100, 115

confirm method of the window object 282

confusing equality operator == with assignment operator = 91

constant 162, 202

constructor 214, 218

contact.html 18, 23

container element 292

containing block-level element 55

content 311

content attribute of meta element 40, 41

Content MathML 311

content networks 7

context node (XPath) 322

continue statement 135, 139

continue statement in a for statement 136

continue statement in a nested for statement 139

control structure 118

control variable 120

control variable’s name 120

controlling expression of a switch 131

control-statement stacking 98

control-stratement nesting 98

converting strings to all uppercase or lowercase letters 203

cookies 225

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) 213, 217

coordinates of mouse cursor inside client area 272

cos method 201

cosine 201

count downward 125

counter-controlled repetition 104, 110, 118, 120, 121, 133

Counter-controlled repetition to calculate a class average 104

Counter-controlled repetition with the for statement 120

Courier font 48

craps 157

Craps game simulation 157

createAttribute method 336

createDocument method of the document object’s implementation property 333

createElement method (XML DOM) 336

createElement method of the document object 251, 271, 362

createTextNode method (XML DOM) 336

createTextNode method of the document object 251

creating a basic XHTML table 27

creating an instance 176

Critter font 48

cross-browser events 285

cross-site scripting (XSS) 359

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) 2, 5, 11, 44, 351

comment 52

CSS 2 44

CSS 3 73

CSS 3 features 73

drop-down menu 67

property 45

rule 47

selector 46

Ctrl key 273

ctrlKey property of an event object 272, 273

curly brace ({}) 48

cursive font 48

cursor 83


dangling-else problem 101

dashed value (border-style property) 61

data 78

data cells 29

data method of a Text node 337

database xiv, 11

data-type attribute (XPath) 323

date and time manipulations 213

Date and Time methods of the Date object 215

date manipulation 146

Date object 93, 212, 213, 215, 218

Date object methods 213

Date object’s get methods for the local time zone 216

Date object’s set methods for the local time zone 217

Date object’s toLocaleString method 233

Date.parse 217, 218

Date.UTC 217, 218

DateTime.html 215

debugging 13

decision making 128

decision symbol 99

declaration 85, 86

declare variables in the parameter list of a function 149

decoration 49

decreasing order of precedence 95

decrement 118

decrement operator (--) 113

dedicated communications line 4

deep indentation 101

default action for an event 282

default case in a switch statement 131, 132, 156

default namespace 299

default namespaces demonstration 300

default string to display a text field 87

Deitel Resource Centers 3, 9

[email protected] 3

del element 24

delimiter 209

delimiter string 210

Demonstrating date and time methods of the Date object 215

Demonstrating logical operators 143

demonstrating the onfocus and onblur events 278

demonstrating the onload event 267

demonstrating the onsubmit and onreset events 280

descendant elements 49

descendant node 324

Developer Toolbar 240

dialog 82

dialog boxes 82

diamond symbol 98, 99, 123

Dice-rolling program using arrays instead of switch 182

differences between preincrementing and postincrementing 114

digit 202

disabling event bubbling 282

disc (bullet for unordered lists) 24, 25

dismiss (or hide) a dialog 83

display property 67, 69

div element 57, 61

divide and conquer 146

dowhile repetition statement 97, 133, 134, 135

flowchart 134

DOCTYPE parts 295

document 219

Document object 335

document object 78, 90, 162, 198, 262

anchors collection 253

appendChild method 362

body property 256

createElement method 251, 271, 362

createTextNode method 251

forms collection 253, 262

getElementById method 162, 163, 239, 250, 251, 360

getElementsByTagName method 362

images collection 253, 262

implementation property 333

links collection 253, 262

setAttribute method 362

write method 80

document object methods and properties 219, 225

Document Object Model 239

Document Object Model (DOM) 78, 351

innerHtml property 360

Document Object Model (DOM) tree 324

document object’s cookie property 225

document object’s write method 79

document object’s writeln method 78, 80

document root 319

Document Type Definition (DTD) 289, 293, 301

for a business letter 301

document.writeln method 114

Dojo 351, 386

Dojo widget 386

dollar amount 128

dollar sign ($) 85

DOM (Document Object Model) 351

DOM (Document Object Model) tree 324

DOM API (Application Programming Interface) 325

DOM collection

item method 255

length property 255

namedItem method 255

DOM Inspector 240

DOM node 239

appendChild method 251

className property 251

id property 251

innerHTML property 163

insertBefore method 252

parentNode property 252

removeChild method 252

replaceChild method 252

setAttribute method 362

DOM node firstChild property 335

DOM node lastChild property 335

DOM node nextSibling property 335

DOM node nodeName property 334

DOM node nodeType property 334

DOM node nodeValue property 334

DOM node parentNode property 335

DOM parser 324

DOM tree 239

dot (.) for accessing object properties and methods 201

dot notation 163

dotted value (border-style property) 61

double click 285

double equals 91

double quotation (") mark 78, 83, 297

double-quote character 80

double-quote (") character as part of string literal 120

double-selection statement 97

double value (border-style property) 61

Dougherty, Dale 5

download code examples xxii

download examples ( xv

DTD (Document Type Definition) 289, 293

.dtd filename extension 295

DTD repository 301

dummy value 107

dynamic memory allocation operator 176

dynamic modification of an XHTML document 262

dynamic style 255

dynamic web pages 84


Eastern Standard Time 217

eBay 7

EBNF (Extended Backus-Naur Form) grammar 301

ECMA International 9, 75

ECMAScript 9, 75

ECMAScript standard 75

( 75

edit-in-place 380

electronic mail 3

element (XML) 287

Element dimensions and text alignment 60

ELEMENT element type declaration (DTD) 302

element gains focus 277

element loses focus 277

element name restrictions (XML) 291

Element object 335

element of chance 152

element type declaration 302

element XML Schema element 306

elements 13

elements of an array 174

elements property of a form object 196

em (M-height of font) 51, 71

em element 24

em measurement for text size 72

emacs text editor 12

e-mail 3, 18

e-mail anchor 18

embedded style sheet 46, 47, 48

empty array 178

empty body 79

empty element 20, 34, 297

EMPTY keyword (DTD) 303

empty statement 94, 103, 123

empty string 144, 203, 205 301

enabling JavaScript in Internet Explorer 7 76

encapsulation 199

enclose script code in an XHTML comment 77

enclosure element (RSS) 342

end of a script 78

“end of data entry” 107

end tag 13, 287

ending index 210

engine optimization (SEO) 42


&amp; 303

&gt; 302

&lt; 302

entity reference (MathML) 313

entity reference &InvisibleTimes;l in MathML 313

equality and relational operators 91, 92

equality operator 140, 141

equality operators 91

equality operators and Strings 203

equals equals 91

Error-Prevention Tip overview xviii

escape character 80

escape early from a loop 135

escape function 167, 226

escape sequence 80

escape sequence " 119

EST for Eastern Standard Time 217

eval function 167

evaluate method of a Firefox XML document object 341

event 161

event bubbling 282, 284

event-driven programming 161

event handler 161, 264

event handling 161

event-handling function 161

event model 264

event object 268, 271

altKey property 272

cancelBubble property 272, 282

clientX property 272

clientY property 272

ctrlKey property 272, 273

keyCode property 273

screenX property 273

screenY property 273

shiftKey property 272

srcElement property (IE) 277

target property (FF) 277

type property 273

event registration models 264


onmouseout 356

onmouseover 356

events onmouseover and onmouseout 273

ex (“x-height” of the font) 51

ex value 119

Examination-results problem 110


absolute positioning of elements 55

Adding background images and indentation 58

Addition script “in action” 88

addition.html 88

Alert dialog displaying multiple lines 82

Algebraic equation marked up with MathML and displayed in the Amaya browser 312

analysis.html 110

article.xml displayed by Internet Explorer 292

average.html 104

average2.html 107

Basic DOM functionality 243

borders of block-level elements 61

box model for block-level elements 61

BreakLabelTest.html 138

BreakTest.html 135

Business letter marked up as XML 294

Calculating the sum of the elements of an array 181

Calculus expression marked up with MathML and displayed in the Amaya browser 313

complex XHTML table 30

contact.html 18

contact2.html 23

ContinueLabelTest.html 139

ContinueTest.html 136

counter-controlled repetition 118

counter-controlled repetition to calculate a class average 104

Counter-controlled repetition with the for statement 120

coverviewer.html 257

Craps game simulation 157

Creating a basic table. 27

CSS drop-down menu 67

Default namespaces demonstration 300

Demonstrating date and time methods of the Date object 215

Demonstrating logical operators 143

Demonstrating the onfocus and onblur events 278

Demonstrating the onload event 267

Demonstrating the onsubmit and onreset events 280

Demonstration of a document’s DOM tree 240

Dice-rolling program using arrays instead of switch 182

Differences between preincrementing and postincrementing 114

Disabling event bubbling 282

Document Type Definition (DTD) for a business letter 301

dom.html 243

domtree.html 240

DoWhileTest.html 134

Dynamic styles 255

Dynamic styles used for animation 257

dynamicstyle.html 255

element dimensions and text alignment 60

em measurement for text size 72

embedded style sheets 46

Event registration models 264

Events onmouseover and onmouseout 273

Examination-results problem 110

Expression marked up with MathML and displayed in the Amaya browser 311

Factorial calculation with a recursive function 170

First program in JavaScript 76

first XHTML example 12

Floating elements 63

ForCounter.html 120

form including radio buttons and a drop-down list 34

form with hidden fields and a text box 32

form.html 32

form2.html 34

heading elements h1 through h6 16

heading.html 16

Images as link anchors 21

Images in XHTML files 19

increment.html 114

inheritance in style sheets 50

Initializing multidimensional arrays 191

Initializing the elements of an array 176, 179

Inserting special characters 23

Interest.html 126

internal hyperlinks to make pages more navigable 38

internal.html 38

Labeled break statement in a nested for statement 138

Labeled continue statement in a nested for statement 139

linking an external style sheet 53

linking to an e-mail address 18

Linking to other web pages 17

links.html 17

links2.html 24

list.html 25

LogicalOperators.html 143

main.html 12

Media types 65

meta elements provide keywords and a description of a page 40

meta.html 41

nav.html 21

Nested and ordered lists. 25

Online Quiz graded with JavaScript 194

Online quiz in a child window 234

Passing arrays and individual array elements to functions 186

picture.html 19

print media type 65

Printing on multiple lines with a single statement 81

Printing on one line with separate statements 79

Printing one line with separate statements 79

Programmer-defined function square 148

Programmer-defined maximum function 150

Prompt box used on a welcome screen 84

pt measurement for text size 70

Random image generation using arrays 183

Random image generation using Math.random 164

relative positioning of elements 56

Rendering an RSS feed in a web page using XSLT and JavaScript 344

Rich welcome page using several JavaScript concepts 229

Rolling a six-sided die 6000 times 154

RSS 2.0 sample feed 347

Schema-valid XML document describing a list of books 305

Scoping example 165

Searching Strings with indexOf and lastIndexOf 207

Sentinel-controlled repetition to calculate a class average 107

Shifted and scaled random integers 153

Simple drawing program 269

some common escape sequences 83

Sorting an array with Array method sort 188

String methods charAt, charCodeAt, fromCharCode, toLowercase and toUpperCase 205

Sum.html 125

Summation with for 125

SwitchTest.html 128

table1.html 27

table2.html 30

Traversing an XML document using the XML DOM 325

Tree structure for the document article.xml of Fig. 14.2 325

Unordered list containing hyperlinks. 24

user style sheet applied with em measurement 72

user style sheet applied with pt measurement 71

User style sheet in Internet Explorer 7 71

Using cookies to store user identification data 226

Using equality and relational operators 92

Using inline styles 45

Using String object methods split and substring 209

Using the break statement in a for statement 135

Using the continue statement in a for statement 136

Using the dowhile repetition statement 134

Using the links collection 253

Using the switch multiple-selection statement 128

Using the window object to create and modify child windows 220

Using XPath to locate nodes in an XML document 338

Validating an XML document with Microsoft’s XML Validator 295

welcome.html 76

welcome2.html 79

welcome3.html 81

welcome4.html 82

welcome5.html 84

welcome6.html 92

WhileCounter.html 118

XHTML markup methods of the String object 211

XML document containing book information 319

XML document that describes various sports 316, 340

XML document using the laptop element defined in computer.xsd 310

XML namespaces demonstration 298

XML Schema document defining simple and complex types 308

XML Schema document for book.xml 305

XML used to mark up an article 290

XML Validator displaying an error message 303

XSL document that transforms sorting.xml into XHTML 320

XSLT that creates elements and attributes in an XHTML document 317

examples download ( xv

Examples of inline elements 57

exception 359

exception handler 359

exception handling 359

exp method 201

Expat XML Parser 289

expires property of a cookie 225

exponential method 201

exponentiation 90

expression marked up with MathML and displayed in the Amaya browser 311

extend an XML Schema data type 309

Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF) grammar 301

Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) 311

Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML) xiv, 2, 5, 11, 288

Extensible Markup Language (XML) xiv, 2, 5

Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) 290, 300, 314

Extensible User Interface Language (XUL) 311, 315

extension element

base attribute 309

extension XML Schema element 309

external DTD 295

external linking 52

external style sheet 52


Factorial calculation with a recursive function 170

false 91

false 99

final value of the control variable 118, 120, 124

fire an event 264


importStylesheet method of the XSLTProcessor object 349

load XML document dynamically with JavaScript 333

transformToFragment method of the XSLTProcessor object 349

XSLTProcessor object 349

first program in JavaScript 76

First XHTML example 12

firstChild property of a DOM node 335

firstChild property of a Node 335

#FIXED keyword (DTD) 302

fixed 211

fixed method of the String object 204, 212

Fixedsys font 48

flag value 107

Flickr 6

float property 64

floated element 63

floating 63

Floating elements 63

floating-point number 106

floor 201

floor method of the Math object 154, 156, 159

flow text around div element 63

flowchart 134

flowcharting the dowhile repetition statement 135

flowcharting the double-selection ifelse statement 100

flowcharting the for repetition statement 123

flowcharting the single-selection if statement 99

flowcharting the while repetition statement 104

focus 237, 277

focus method of the window object 237

font-family property 48, 256

font-size property 45, 48, 119

font-style property 59

font-weight property 47

fontFamily property 256

for repetition statement 97, 120, 122

for repetition statement flowchart 124

for statement header 121

forin repetition statement 97, 180, 181, 193

form 11, 31, 161, 277

form element 33

action attribute 33

option element 38

form elements in an XHTML document 262

form field 277

form GUI component 87

form handler 33

Form including radio buttons and a drop-down list 34

form object

elements property 196

form resets 285

Form with hidden fields and a text box 32

form-processing events 264

forms collection of the document object 253, 262

forward slash character (/) 20

forward slash character (/) in end tags 288, 319

fractional parts of dollars 128

fromCharCode method of the String object 203, 205, 206

function 90, 146, 200

function (or local) scope 165

function body 149

function call 147

function definition 149

function parameter 149

function parseInt 89

function-call operator 148


G.I.M.P. 19

gain focus 277

gambling casino 152

game of craps 157, 162

game playing 152

Garrett, Jesse James 355

generating XHTML dynamically during script processing 211

generic font family 48

geneva font 48

Geography Markup Language (GML) 315

Georgia font 48

GET method of the XMLHttpRequest object 361

get request type 33

getAllResponseHeaders method of the XMLHttpRequest object 361

getAttribute method of an Element 336

getAttributeNode method of an Element 337

getDate 213, 215

getDay 213, 215

getDocumentElement method 336

getElementById method of document object 162, 163

getElementById method of the document object 239, 250, 251, 334, 360

getElementsByTagName method 336

getElementsByTagName method of the document object 362

getFullYear 213, 215, 216

getHours 213, 215

getMilliseconds 213, 215

getMinutes 213, 215

getMonth 213, 215

getResponseHeader method of the XMLHttpRequest object 361

gets 91

gets the value of 91

getSeconds 213, 215

getTime 213

getTimeZone 216

getTimezoneOffset 213, 215

getUTCDate 213

getUTCDay 213

getUTCFullYear 213

getUTCHours 213

getUTCMilliSeconds 213

getUTCMinutes 213

getUTCMonth 213

getUTCSeconds 213

global functions 167

Global object 167

global scope 165

global variable 165

GML (Geography Markup Language) 315

GML website ( 315

GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) 213, 217

Good Programming Practices overview xviii

Google 6

Google Chrome 2

Google Maps 7

graphical user interface (GUI) xiv

Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) 19

Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) 213, 217

groove value (border-style property) 61

grouping element 57

GUI (graphical user interface) xiv

GUI component 87


h1 heading element 15

h6 heading element 15

handheld media type 65

handle an event in a child element 282

</head> tag 79

<head> tag 77

head element 13, 47

head section 13

header cell 29

heading 15

heading element 15, 134

Heading elements h1 through h6 16

heading.html 16

height attribute of img element 19

height property 61

hex 24

hexadecimal 168

hexadecimal escape sequence 226

hexadecimal value 24

hidden input 33

hidden value (border-style property) 61

hide global variable names 165

hierarchy 291

history object 262

horizontal positioning 58

horizontal rule 24

horizontal tab 83

hours since midnight 213

hover pseudoclass 51, 67

hovering 277

<hr /> element (horizontal rule) 24

href attribute of a element 16, 40

href property of an a node 255, 262

.htm (XHTML filename extension) 12

.html (XHTML filename extension) 12

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) 5, 11

html element 13

HTML markup methods of the String object 210

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) 5 (XML Schema URI) 306

hyperlink 16, 212

hyperlink location 204

hyperlink target 212

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) 5

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 5


id attribute 57

id property of a DOM node 251

identifier 85, 97

identifier element (MathML) 313

identifier followed by a colon 138

if selection statement 97, 98, 99, 102

if single-selection statement 91

ifelse double-selection statement 97, 99, 112

image hyperlink 20

Image object 277

src property 277

image/gif 47

Images as link anchors 21

images collection of the document object 253, 262

images in Web pages 19

images in XHTML files 19

img element 19, 20, 54

alt attribute 20

height attribute 19

img elements in an XHTML document 262

implementation property of the document object 333

#IMPLIED keyword (DTD) 302

importStylesheet method of the XSLTProcessor object (Firefox) 349

in (inches) 52

increment 118

increment control variable 120, 124

increment expression 123

increment operator (++) 113

increment section of for statement 122

increment.html 114

index 203

index in an array 174

indexOf method of the String object 203, 206, 207

indices for the characters in a string 205

infinite loop 103, 109, 122, 133

information hiding 199

inherit a style 49

inheritance 49, 199

Inheritance in style sheets 50

initial value 118, 120

initial value of control variable 118, 124

initialization 122

initialization expression in for statement header 122

initializer list 178

initializer method for an object 214

Initializing multidimensional arrays 191

Initializing the elements of an array 176, 179

initiate a script 267

Inkscape 19

inline-level element 57

inline model of event registration 264

inline scripting 77

inline style 45, 48

inline styles override any other styles 45

inner for statement 139, 140, 193

innerHtml property (DOM) 360

innerHTML property of a DOM node 163

innerText 234, 268

input element 33

maxlength attribute 33

name attribute 34

insertBefore method of a DOM node 252

insertBefore method of a Node 336

Inserting special characters 23

inset value (border-style property) 61

instantiated 200

instantiating an object 176

integers 88

integral symbol (MathML) 313

interest rate 126

interface 199

internal hyperlink 40

Internal hyperlinks to make pages more navigable 38

internal linking 11, 38

Internet 3

Internet Explorer 11, 20, 292

Developer Toolbar 240

Developer Toolbar ( 240

Internet Explorer 7

load XML document dynamically with JavaScript 333

Internet Protocol (IP) 4

interpret 77

interpret <body> 88

interpret <head> 88

interpreter 8

IP (Internet Protocol) 4

isFinite function 168

isNaN 219

isNaN function 168

italic value (font-style property) 59

item method of a DOM collection 255

item method of a NodeList 336

item subelement of channel child element of an rss element 342

iteration of the loop 118, 121, 122

iterative solution 169


Java 8

Java programming language 11

JavaScript xiv, 2, 8, 13, 351

JavaScript applying an XSL transformation 344

JavaScript events 264

JavaScript for Programmers website ( 2

JavaScript interpreter 76, 79

JavaScript keywords 97, 98

JavaScript scripting language 75

JavaScript single-line comment 77

JavaServer Faces (JSF) 351

join method 209

join method of an Array object 187

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) 19

JSON.parse function 377


keyCode property of an event object 273

keyword 85, 97


catch 359

try 359


label 138

labeled break statement 138

Labeled break statement in a nested for statement 138

labeled compound statement 139

labeled continue statement 139

Labeled continue statement in a nested for statement 139

labeled for statement 139, 140

labeled repetition statement 139

labeled statement 138

Laboratory for Computer Science 3

large relative font size 48

larger 201

larger relative font size 48

lastChild property of a DOM node 335

lastChild property of a Node 335

lastIndexOf method of the String object 204, 206, 207, 208

LaTeX software package 311

layer overlapping elements 55

left margin 55, 57, 58

left value (text-align property) 61

left-hand-side expression 115, 174

length method of a Text node 337

length property 199

length property of a DOM collection 255

length property of a NodeList 336

length property of an Array object 174, 178, 181

letter 202

letters 85

li (list item) element 24

lighter value (font-weight property) 47

lightweight business models 7

line break 34

line break XHTML tag 81

line-through value (text-decoration) 50

link 212

link 212

link element 53

link method of the String object 204

linking external style sheets 52, 53

Linking to an e-mail address 18

links 16

links collection of the document object 253, 262

links.html 17

Linux 9

list item 24

list.html 25

listen for events 161

list-style-type CSS property 131

literal 78

live-code approach xv, xvii, 2

load method of the ActiveXObject object 333

local 165

local time zone method 213

local variable 147, 167

local variable names 165

location in memory 85, 185

location object 262

location-based services 7

log 201

LOG10E 202

logarithm 201

logic error 89, 90, 103, 123

logical AND (&&) operator 140, 141, 142

logical negation (!) operator 140, 142

logical NOT 140

logical operator 140, 141, 143, 144

logical OR (||) 140, 142

logical OR (||) operator 141

loop body 123

loop-continuation condition 120, 122, 125, 133, 134

loop-continuation test 134, 136, 139

loop counter 118

loosely typed language 90

lose focus 285

lowercase letter 79, 85

lvalue 115


m-by-n array 190

mailto: URL 18

main.html 12

maintenance of software 8

margin 61

margin property (block-level elements) 64

margin-bottom property 64

margin-left property 64

margin-right property 64

margins for individual sides of an element 64

margin-top property 64

markup in XML 287, 290

markup language 11

MarkupMethods.html 211

mashup 7

match attribute 319

Math object 144, 198, 201, 202

floor method 154, 156, 159

max method 152

pow method 146

random method 152, 156, 167

round method 146

Math object methods 201

Math.E 202

Math.floor 182

Math.LN10 202

Math.LN2 202

Math.LOG10E 202

Math.LOG2E 202

Math.PI 202

Math.random 182

Math.sqrt 201

Math.SQRT1_2 202

Math.SQRT2 202

mathematical calculation 146, 201

mathematical constant 202

Mathematical Markup Language (Math-ML) 310

MathML 288, 310

.mml filename extension 311

&delta; entity reference 313

&int; entity reference 313

entity reference 313

entity reference &Invisible-Times;313

identifier element 313

integral symbol 313

mfrac element 313

mi element 313

mn element 311

mo element 311

mrow element 313

msqrt element 313

msubsup element 313

msup element 313

square-root symbol 313

symbolic representation 313

max 201

max method of the Math object 152

maximum function 150, 151

maxlength attribute of input element 33

maxOccurs XML Schema attribute 308

meaningful variable names 162

media types 65

medium relative font size 48

medium value 61

message 78, 199

message dialog 160

meta element 40, 41

content attribute 40, 41

name attribute 40

meta tags provide keywords and a description of a page 40

method 78, 90, 146, 167, 200

method = "get" 33

method = "post" 33

method attribute 33

method prompt 90

method UTC 217

method writeln 90

mfrac MathML element 313

mi MathML element 313

Microsoft Internet Explorer 2

Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 xiv

Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 289, 292

MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) 47, 53

minInclusive XML Schema element 309

minOccurs XML Schema attribute 308

minus sign (-) for container elements in Internet Explorer 292

MIT’s Project Mac 3

mm (millimeters) 52

.mml filename extension for MathML documents 311

mn element 313

mn MathML element 311

mo MathML element 311

module 146

modulus operator 90

monetization 7

monospace 48

mouse button pressed down 285

mouse button released 285

mouse cursor 82, 83

mouse cursor over an element 51

mouse events 264

mouse pointer 83

moving the mouse 264

Mozilla Firefox 2, 11

Mozilla Firefox 2 xiv

Mozilla project 315

mrow MathML element 313


msqrt MathML element 313

msubsup element 313

msubsup MathML element 313

msup MathML element 313

MSXML (Microsoft XML Core Services) 289, 292

MSXML parser 333

multidimensional array 190

multiline comment (/* and */) 86

multiple conditions 140

multiple-selection statement 97

multiple-selection structure 132

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) type 47, 53

multitier application 2

MySpace 6


name attribute (XPath) 323

name attribute of input element 34

name attribute of meta element 40

name node-set function 323

name of an array 174

name of an attribute 13

name of the anchor 212

name property of an Attr object 337

name XML Schema attribute 307

namedItem method of a DOM collection 255

namespace 297

namespace prefix 298, 299, 309

naming collision 297

NaN (not a number) 89, 106, 168, 203, 206, 219

natural logarithm 201

natural logarithm of 10 202

natural logarithm of 2 202

nav.html 21

Nested and ordered lists. 25

nested element 14, 291

nested for statement 138, 193

nested forin statement 192

nested if or ifelse statement 140

nested if statement 94, 101

nested ifelse statements 100

nested list 25, 52

nesting multi-line comments 86

network of networks 4

new Date object 214, 217

new operator 93, 175, 178, 214

newline character ( ) 83

nextSibling property of a DOM node 335

nextSibling property of a Node 335

no-repeat property 59

node (DOM tree) 324

Node object 335

Node object methods 335

node-set function 323

node set of an xsl

for-each element 319

NodeList object 335, 336

NodeList object methods 336

nodeName property of a DOM node 334

nodeName property of a Node 335

nodeType property of a DOM node 334

nodeType property of a Node 335

nodeValue property of a DOM node 334

nodeValue property of a Node 335

nonbreaking space (&nbsp;) 334

none value (border-style property) 61

none value (font-style property) 59

nonvalidating XML parser 289

normal value (font-weight property) 47

not a number (NaN) 89, 106

Notepad text editor 12

noun 8

nouns in a system specification 200

null 87, 90

Number object 89, 128, 218

toFixed method 128

Number.MAX_VALUE 219

Number.MIN_VALUE 219

Number.NaN 219



numbered list 131

numeric character reference 24


O’Reilly Media 5

object 7, 78, 167, 198

object (or instance) 198, 199

object-based programming language 198

object hierarchy 239

object orientation 198

object-oriented design (OOD) 199

object-oriented language 8, 200

object-oriented programming (OOP) 200

oblique value (font-style property) 59

occurrence indicator 302

octal 168

off-by-one error 122

OK button 83

ol element 25

omit-xml-declaration attribute 318

onabort event 285

onblur event 277, 278

onchange event 285

onclick event 161, 206, 207, 209, 210, 224, 267, 284, 285

ondblclick event 285

onfocus event 277, 278, 285

onfocusblur.html 278, 280

onkeydown event 285

onkeypress event 285

onkeyup event 285

Online Quiz graded with JavaScript 194

online quiz in a child window 234

online quizes 194

onload event 165, 267, 285

onload.html 267

onmousedown event 285

onmousemove event 268, 271, 272, 285

onmouseout event 273, 277, 285, 356

onmouseover event 273, 277, 285, 356

onmouseup event 285

onReadyStateChange property of the XMLHttpRequest object 360

onReadyStateChange property of the XMLHttpRequest object 360

onreset event 280, 285

onresize event 285

onselect event 285

onsubmit event 196, 280, 285

onunload event 285

OOD (object-oriented design) 199

OOP (object-oriented programming) 200

open method of the XMLHttpRequest object 361

open source software 6, 7

open technology 287

OpenGIS Consortium 315

Opera browser 2

operand 87

operation 199


! (logical NOT or logical negation) operator 140

&& (logical AND) operator 140

|| (logical OR) operator 140

function-call operator 148

new 175

option element (form) 38

order attribute 323

ordered list 25

outer for loop 139, 140

outset value (border-style property) 61

overflow boundaries 61

overflow property 61

overlapping text 57

overline value (text-decoration) 50


p element 14

packet 4

packet switching 4

padding 61

padding-bottom property 64

padding for individual sides of an element 64

padding-left property 64

padding property (block-level elements) 64

padding-right property 64

padding-top property 64

paragraph element 14

parameter 147

parent 239

parent element 49, 292

parent node 324

parent window 220

parent/child relationships between data 291

parentheses 141

parentNode property of a DOM node 252, 335

parentNode property of a Node 335

parse 217, 218

parsed character data 302

parseFloat function 147, 151, 168

parseInt function 88, 89, 106, 108, 168

parser 289

parsing 229

partial page update 353

partial RSS feed 342

pass-by-reference 184, 185

pass-by-value 184, 185

passing arrays 186

Passing arrays and individual array elements to functions 186

password input 34

pc (picas—1 pc = 12 pt) 52

#PCDATA keyword (DTD) 302

PDML (Product Data Markup Language) 311

percent sign (%) remainder operator 90

percentage 51

Performance Tips overview xviii

performance-intensive situation 137

Photoshop Elements 19

PHP 351

PI 202

PI (processing instruction) 317

picture element (pixel) 51

picture.html 19

pixel 20

place holder in an initializer list 178

platform xiv

plus sign (+) for container elements in Internet Explorer 292

plus sign (+) occurrence indicator 302

PM 217

PNG (Portable Network Graphics) 19

pop-up window 268

portability 8

Portability Tips overview xviii

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) 19

portable program 8

position number 174

position property 54

post request type 33

postdecrement operator 113

postincrement operator 113, 115

pow method of Math object 127, 146, 201

power 201

pre element 83

precedence 115

precedence and associativity of operators 95, 116, 144

predecrement operator 113

preincrement operator 113, 115

preloading images 277

“prepackaged” function 146

presentation 311

Presentation MathML 311

presentation of a document 11

press a key 285

pressing keys 264

previousSibling property of a Node 335

principal 126

print media type 65, 67

printing on multiple lines with a single statement 81

printing one line with separate statements 79

probability 152

procedural programming language 200

processing instruction (PI) 317

processing instruction target 317

processing instruction value 317

processor 289

Product Data Markup Language (PDML) 311

program 75, 76

program control 75

program development 75

programmer-defined function 146

Programmer-defined function square 147, 148

Programmer-defined maximum function 150

Project MAC 3

prolog (XML) 291

prompt box used on a welcome screen 84

prompt dialog 84, 87, 88, 89, 151, 160

prompt method of window object 86, 87, 88

prompt to a user 86

properties of the Math object 202

properties separated by a semicolon 45

property 200

protocol 31

Prototype Ajax library 351

pseudoclass 51

pt (points) 48, 52

pt measurement for text size 70


question mark (?) occurrence indicator 302

quotation () mark 78


radio button 196

radio button object

checked property 196

"radio" input 37

radix 168, 219

Random image generation using arrays 183

Random image generation using Math.random 164

random image generator 163

random method 159, 182

random method of the Math object 152, 156, 167

“raw” Ajax 351

RDF (Resource Description Framework) 342

RDF Site Summary (RSS) 342

readability 13

readyState property of the XMLHttpRequest object 360

Really Simple Syndication 342

recursion step 169

recursive base case 168

recursive call 169

recursive descent 323

Recursive evaluation of 5! 170

recursive function 168

Refresh button 88

registering an event handler 264

inline model 264

traditional model 264, 267

registering the event handler 161

relational operator 91, 92, 140, 141

relational operators and strings 203

relationship between documents 53

relative addressing (XPath) 319

relative-length measurement 51, 61, 71

relative positioning 56

Relative positioning of elements 56

relative value (position property) 57

release a key 285

reload an entire web page 352

reload an XHTML document 88

Reload button 88

reload method of browser’s location object 229

remainder after division 90

remainder operator (%) 90

removeAttribute method of an Element 337

removeChild method of a DOM node 252

removeChild method of a Node 336

rendering an RSS feed in a web page using XSLT and JavaScript 344

repeat value (background-repeat property) 59

repeat-x value (background-repeat property) 59

repeat-y value (background-repeat property) 59

repeating infinitely 106

repetition statement 103

repetition structure 103, 134, 135

replace method of the String object 204

replaceChild method of a DOM node 252

replaceChild method of a Node 336

#REQUIRED keyword (DTD) 302

Research Information Exchange Markup Language (RIXML) 315

reset input 33

Resource Centers: 3, 9

Resource Description Framework (RDF) 342

resources 12

responding to user interaction 264

responseText property of the XMLHttpRequest object 360

responseXML property of the XMLHttpRequest object 360

restriction on built-in XML Schema data type 308, 309

result tree (XSLT) 315

return 83

return by reference 185

return statement 149, 150

return value of an event handler 282

reusable componentry 8

reuse 200

reusing components 8

RIA (Rich Internet Application) 351

Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) 6, 351

Rich Site Summary 342

rich welcome page using several JavaScript concepts 229

ridge value (border-style property) 61

right margin 55, 57, 58

right value (text-align property) 61

RIXML (Research Information Exchange Markup Language) 315

RIXML website ( 315

rolling a six-sided die 152

Rolling a six-sided die 6000 times 154

rollover effect 273, 277

rollover images 273

root element (XML) 288, 291, 295

root node 240, 324

round 154, 201

round method of the Math object 146

rows 190

rows attribute (textarea) 34

rowspan attribute (tr) 29

RSS (RDF Site Summary) 342

RSS 2.0 sample feed 347

RSS aggregator 344

rss root element 342

Ruby on Rails 351

runtime error 79


Safari browser (Apple) 2

same origin policy (SOP) 359

sans-serif fonts 48, 67

savings account 126

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 311

scalars (scalar quantities) 187

scaling factor 152, 156

scaling the range of random numbers 152

schema 304

schema invalid document 304

schema repository 301

schema valid XML document 304

schema-valid XML document describing a list of books 305

schema XML Schema element 306

scope 122, 165

scope rules 165

scoping 165

Scoping example 165

screen coordinate system 273

screen media type 65

screen resolution 51

screenX property of an event object 273

screenY property of an event object 273

<script> tag 77, 78

script 13, 76

script font 48 Ajax library 351

scripting 2

scripting language 75, 77

script-level variables 165

scroll up or down the screen 58

scroll value (background-position property) 59

scroll value (overflow property) 61

scrolling the browser window 59

search engine 14, 40

searching Strings with indexOf and lastIndexOf 207

SearchingStrings.html 207

select attribute (XPath) 323

select attribute of xsl:for-each element 319

select element 38

selected attribute 38

selectNodes method of MSXML 341

selector 47, 48

self-documenting 85

Semantic Web 7

semicolon (;) 45, 48, 78, 80, 86

semicolon on line by itself 94

semicolon resulting logic error 94

send method of the XMLHttpRequest object 361

sentinel value 107

sentinel-controlled repetition 109

sentinel-controlled repetition to calculate a class average 107

separation of structure from content 44

separator 188

serif fonts 48, 67

server side 2

setAttribute method of a DOM node 362

setAttribute method of an Element 337

setAttribute method of the document object 362

setAttributeNode method of an Element 337

setDate 213, 215

setFullYear 213, 215, 217

setHours 214, 215

setInterval method of the window object 257, 267

setMilliSeconds 214

setMinutes 214, 215

setMonth 214, 215

setRequestHeader method of the XMLHttpRequest object 361

setSeconds 214, 215

setTime 214

setUTCDate 213

setUTCFullYear 213

setUTCHours 214

setUTCMilliseconds 214

setUTCMinutes 214

setUTCMonth 214

setUTCSeconds 214

Shift key 273

shift the range of numbers 154

shifted and scaled random integers 153

shifting value 156

shiftKey property of an event object 272

short-circuit evaluation 142

shorthand assignments of borders 65

sibling node 324

siblings 239, 292

side effect 185

signal value 107

simple condition 140

simple content in XML Schema 308

simple drawing program 269

simple type 308

simpleContent XML Schema element 309

simpleType XML Schema element 309

simulation and game playing 152

sin method 201

single quote () 78, 120, 297

single-entry/single-exit control statement 98, 99

single-line comment (//) 86, 88

single-selection if statement 98

single-selection statement 97

sites visited by the browser user 262

size attribute (input) 33

skip remainder of a switch statement 135

slice method of the String object 204

small relative font size 48

smaller value 201

SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language) 315

SMIL website ( 315

social networking 6, 7

Software as a Service (SaaS) 6

software asset 200

software development 2, 6

Software Engineering Observations overview xviii

solid value (border-style property) 61

Some common escape sequences 83

sort method 200

sort method of an Array object 188, 189

Sorting an array with Array method sort 188

sorting in XSL 323

source string 203

source tree (XSLT) 315

source-code form 12

span as a generic grouping element 57

span element 57

special character 22

special characters 202

specificity 49, 67

speech device 29

speech synthesizer 20

split 209

split 210

split function 229

split method of the String object 204

SplitAndSubString.html 209

splitting a statement in the middle of an identifier 85

sqrt 201

SQRT1_2 202

SQRT2 202

square brackets [] 174

square root 201

square-root symbol (MathML) 313

src attribute 19, 20

src property of an Image object 277

srcElement property (IE) of an event object 277

stacked control structures 109

“standardized, interchangeable parts” 200

start tag 13, 287, 296

starting index 210

statement 78, 149

statement terminator 78

status property of the XMLHttpRequest object 360

statusText property of the XMLHttpRequest 361

strike 211

strike method of the String object 204

string 78

string assigned to a variable in a declaration 203

string comparison 189

string concatenation 87, 106

string constants 202

string literal 78, 202

string manipulation 146

String methods charAt, charCodeAt, fromCharCode, toLowercase and toUpperCase 205

String object 202, 203, 205

anchor method 204, 212

charAt method 203, 205

charCodeAt method 203, 205

fixed method 204, 212

fromCharCode method 203, 205, 206

indexOf method 203, 206, 207

lastIndexOf method 204, 206, 207, 208

link method 204

replace method 204

slice method 204

split method 204

strike method 204

sub method 204

substr method 204

substring method 204

sup method 204

toLowerCase method 204

toUpperCase method 204

String object methods 203

String object’s methods that generate XHTML markup tags 210

string representation of the number 219

string XML Schema data type 308

string’s length 205

string-concatenation operator (+) 203

strong element 16

struck-out text 212

structure 11

structure of a document 44

structured programming 7

structured systems analysis and design 7

style attribute 45, 119

style class 48

style sheet 13, 292

stylesheet start tag 318

sub 211

sub element 24

sub method of the String object 204

sub initializer list 190

submit input 33

subscript 24, 190

subscript of an array 174

substr method of the String object 204

substring 209

substring method of the String object 204

substrings of a string 203

sum function (XSL) 323

summary attribute 29

Summation with for 125

sup element 24, 211, 212

sup method of the String object 204

superscript 24

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) 311

switch multiple-selection statement 131

symbolic representation (MathML) 313

Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) 315

synchronous request 352

syntax error 102, 115

SYSTEM keyword in XML 295


tab 83

Tab key 277

tab stop 83

table body 29

table column heading 127

table data 29

table data cells 29

table element 27, 127

border attribute 27

caption element 29

table foot 29

table head 29

table head element 29

table of event object properties 272

table row 29

table XHTML element 11

tagging 6

tagName property of an Element 336

tahoma font 48

tan method 201

tangent 201

target attribute of an a (anchor) element 223

target of a hyperlink 212

target property (FF) of an event object 277

targetNamespace XML Schema attribute 306

tbody (table body) element 29

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) 4


td element 29

terminate a loop 106

terminate nested looping structures 138

terminator 78

ternary operator 100

TeX software package 311

"text" value of type attribute 159

Text and Comment methods 337

text area 34

text box 33

text-decoration property 49

text editor 12

text file 324

text input 33

text node-set function 323

Text object 335, 337

text/javascript 47

text-align property 61

textarea element 34

text-based browser 20

TextEdit text editor 12

text-indent property 59

tfoot (table foot) element 29

th (table header column) element 29, 127

thead element 29

thick border width 61

thin border width 61

this keyword 268, 272, 272

tile an image only horizontally 59

tile an image vertically and horizontally 59

tiling no-repeat 59

tiling of the background image 59

time 92

time manipulation 146

timer 267

Times New Roman font 48

timesharing 7

title bar 14, 82

title bar of a dialog 82

title element 14

title of a document 13

toFixed method of Number object 128

tokenization 209

tokenize a string 210

tokenizing 203

tokens 209

toLocaleString 214, 215, 216

toLowerCase 205

toLowerCase 205, 206

toLowerCase method of the String object 204

top margin 55, 57, 58

toString 214, 215, 216, 218, 219

toUpperCase 205

toUpperCase 205, 206

toUpperCase method of the String object 204

toUTCString 214, 215, 216

tr (table row) element 29

traditional model of event registration 264, 267

traditional web application 352

transformNode method of an MSXML document object 348

transformToFragment method of the XSLTProcessor object (Firefox) 349

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) 4

traverse an array 191

traversing an XML document using the XML DOM 325

tree structure 292

tree structure for the document article.xml of Fig. 14.2 325

trigonometric cosine 201

trigonometric sine 201

true 91

true 99

truncate 106

trust 6

truth table 141, 143

truth table for the && logical AND operator 141

truth table for the || (logical OR) operator 142

truth table for the logical negation operator 142

try block 359

try keyword 359

24-hour clock format 217

two-dimensional array 190, 191

type 47

type = "text/javascript" 77

type attribute 33, 77

type attribute in a processing instruction 317

type property of an event object 273

type XML Schema attribute 307

type-ahead 367


ul (unordered list) element 24

ul element 24

unary operator 113, 142

decrement (--) 113

increment (++) 113

unbounded value 308

undefined 90

underline value (text-decoration) 49, 50

unescape function 168, 228

Unicode 202, 205

Unicode value 205

Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) 299

Uniform Resource Locator (URL) 299

Uniform Resource Name (URN) 299

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 3


unordered list 24

Unordered list containing hyperlinks. 24

unordered list element (ul) 24

uppercase letters 79, 85

URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) 299

URL (Uniform Resource Locator) 299

url(fileLocation) 58

URN (Uniform Resource Name) 299

user agent 49

user input 31

user interaction 264

user style sheet 69

User style sheet applied with em measurement 72

User style sheet applied with pt measurement 71

User style sheet in Internet Explorer 7 71

user styles 70, 71, 72

user-defined types 200, 308

user-generated content 6, 7

using cookies to store user identification data 226

using equality and relational operators 92

Using inline styles 45

using internal hyperlinks to make pages more navigable 38

using meta to provide keywords and a description 40

using String object methods split and substring 209

Using the break statement in a for statement 135

Using the continue statement in a for statement 136

Using the dowhile repetition statement 134

Using the switch multiple-selection statement 128

using the window object to create and modify child windows 220

using XPath to locate nodes in an XML document 338

UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) 213, 216, 217


valid XML document 289, 301

validating an XML document with Microsoft’s XML Validator 295

validating XML parser 289

validation service 15 15

value attribute 33, 34

value of an array element 174

value of an attribute 13

value property of a text field 163

value property of an Attr object 337

valueOf 214

var keyword 85, 149

var to declare variables is not required in JavaScript 85

variable 85

variable name 85

variable’s scope 122

various markup languages derived from XML 315

verbs in a system specification 200

version attribute (XSL) 318

version in xml declaration 290

vertical and horizontal positioning 58

vi text editor 12

virtual-memory operating systems 7

vocabulary (XML) 288

VoiceXML 288, 315 315


W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) 5, 5, 9, 11, 287

W3C home page ( 5

W3C Recommendation 5

Web 1.0 6

Web 2.0 5, 6, 7

Web 2.0 Resource Center 7

web application

Ajax 353

traditional 352

web page 11

web server 12, 31

web services 7

web-based application 2, 9

webtop 356

well-formed XML document 289

while repetition statement 97, 109, 112, 122

white-space character 209, 217, 98, 217

white-space characters in strings 78, 95

width attribute 19

width attribute (table) 27

width property 61

width-to-height ratio 20

Wikipedia 6

window object 82, 90, 198, 220, 256, 262

clearInterval method 256, 261

confirm method 282

setInterval method 257, 267

window object’s open method 223

window object’s prompt method 86, 88

window.alert method 82

window.closed 224

window.opener 234

window.prompt method 108, 129

Wireless Markup Language (WML) 311

WML (Wireless Markup Language) 311

word processor 206

“World Wide Wait” 352

World Wide Web (WWW) 4, 11

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) 5, 5, 9, 11, 287

wrappers 218

write method of the document object 80

writeln method 78, 80

WWW (World Wide Web) 11 9, 17 2 3 3, 9 7 (ECMAScript standard) 75 301 301 315 315 315 5, 9 306 311 315 313 295, 304 304 301


x-large relative font size 48

x-small relative font size 48

Xalan XSLT processor 316

XBRL (Extensible Business Reporting Language) 288, 311

Xerces parser from Apache 289

XHR (abbreviation for XMLHttpRequest) 351

XHTML 11, 351, 353

XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Language) xiv, 2, 5, 11, 288, 315

XHTML 1.0 Strict 11

XHTML colors 277

XHTML comment 13

XHTML documents 12

XHTML form 31, 161

XHTML markup methods of the String object 211

XHTML registration form 354

XML 351

attribute 295

attribute value 296

child element 292

container element 292

declaration 290, 293

element 287

empty element 297

end tag 287

markup 290

node 292

parent element 292

prolog 291

root 292

root element 288

start tag 287

vocabulary 288

XML (Extensible Markup Language) xiv, 2, 5, 287

XML document containing book information 319

XML Document Object Model 325

XML document that describes various sports 316, 340

XML document using the laptop element defined in computer.xsd 310


XML element name requirements 291

.xml file extension 288

XML instance document 308, 310

xml namespace prefix 298

XML namespaces demonstration 298

XML parser 289

XML Path Language (XPath) 314, 337

XML processor 289

XML Resource Center ( 335

XML Schema 300, 304, 308

complex types 308

simple types 308

XML Schema document defining simple and complex types 308

XML Schema document for book.xml 305

XML Schema URI ( 306

XML used to mark up an article 290

XML Validator displaying an error message 303

XML validator: 295

XML vocabularies

Chemical Markup Language (CML) 315

Extensible User Interface Language (XUL) 315

Geography Markup Language (GML) 315

Research Information Exchange Markup Language (RIXML) 315

Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) 315

VoiceXML 315

XML Working Group of the W3C 287

XMLHttpRequest object 351, 356, 359

abort method 361

GET method 361

getAllResponseHeaders method 361

getResponseHeader method 361

onReadyStateChange property 360

open method 361

properties and methods 360

readyState property 360

responseText property 360

responseXML property 360

send method 361

setRequestHeader method 361

status property 360

statusText property 361

xmlns attribute in XML 299

XPath 315

XPath (XML Path Language) 314, 337

XPath expression 337

XPathResult object 341

.xsd filename extension 304

XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language) 290, 300, 314

XSL document that transforms sorting.xml into XHTML 320

.xsl filename extension 317

XSL-FO (XSL Formatting Objects) 314

XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO) 314

XSL style sheet 316, 323

XSL template 319

xsl template element 319

XSL transformation 344

XSL Transformations (XSLT) 315

XSL variable 323

xsl:for-each element 319

xsl:output element 318

xsl:value-of element 319

XSLT processor 316

XSLT that creates elements and attributes in an XHTML document 317

XSLTProcessor object (Firefox) 349

XSS (cross-site scripting) 359

XUL (Extensible User Interface Language) 311, 315

xx-large relative font size 48

xx-small relative font size 48


Yahoo! 6

YouTube 6


z-index property 55

zero-based counting 122

zeroth element of an array 174

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