
accepting casualties, 98100

access, 75


as interventions, 137139

moral justification for, 114

and taking the heat, 142145

adaptation to change, 119

adaptive work, 1320, 30, 33. See also technical work

accepting casualties during, 98100

acknowledging loss as part of, 9295

on an individual level, 185186

distinguishing from technical, 5562

problems of, 200

providing context for, 104

versus technical, 108

affirmation, 169176

Albom, Mitch, 220

alienation of constituents, 78

allies/alliances, 152. See also partners/partnerships

confusing confidants with, 199204

creating, 81, 82

knowing others’, 84

versus lone warrior strategy, 199

relationships with, 8990

risks of losing, 8384

Amir, Yigal, 193

anchors, 179, 190, 205

anger, 141146

apologizing, 77

Aristotle, 234

arrogance, 225227

assassinations, 11, 42, 193

assumptions, challenging, 114

attacks. See also terrorism

personal, 4045, 188189, 191192

physical, 4142, 193

attention, 148, 154159. See also focus


compared to leadership, 25

during crises, 169170

gaining, 123

going beyond your, 2026, 153

lack of, 3435, 152, 157158

loss of benefits of, 187

marginalization of, 3536

restoring order using, 113

risks of losing, 181182

authority figures, 6774

balcony metaphor, 53, 6567, 135, 165

behavior, 9598, 107, 108109

Bennis, Warren, 40

betrayal, 31

blaming others, 9092

Bork, Robert, 43

Both, Hennie, 105107

boundaries, 182, 191

Bratton, William, 24

Briggs, Walter, 214

Bush, George H. W., 6162

Bush, George W., 42, 113, 169

callousness, 225227

capacity for reflection, 51

Carter, Jimmy, 135, 220221

casualties, accepting, 98100


adaptive, 1320

identifying adaptive, 105106

of leadership, 102

Chandler, Otis, 134


adaptation to, 119

adaptive, 1320

generating significant, 9698

mobilizing, 13

to norms, 231

respecting pain of, 146

sweeping, 117

willingness for, 92

character attacks, 43

Cheney, Dick, 42

civil rights movement, 26, 28, 38, 93, 147148. See also King, Martin Luther, Jr.

Clinton, Bill

character of, 4244, 192

credibility of, 152153

going beyond boundaries by, 191

health care and, 148

health care reforms by, 117

hungers of, 177180

philandering by, 194195

physical condition of, 164

reelection of, 119

Clinton, Hillary, 43

clues, reading authority figures for, 6774

Clymer, Adam, 42


with attackers, 45

with constituency, 8889

with marginalizers, 35

unconscious, 172

commitment, signaling, 98100

compassion, 227, 234236

composure, keeping your, 44

compromising, 4647

confidants versus allies, 199204

confidence, loss of, 9596


controlling the temperature of, 107116

creating a holding environment for, 102107

pacing the work of, 116120

persistence of, 61

personality, 124

placing at right location, 128129

showing the future for, 120122

types of, 101

“constituency problem,” 47

“Contract with America,” 118119

control, hunger for, 166169

controlling the temperature, 107116

controversial issues, 142145

corporate culture

changing, 106107

diversity as mission of, 3235

IBM’s changes to, 2223

making changes to, 7981

recognition of change by, 151152

study of, 103104

Coughlin, Father, 111

creating a holding environment, 102107

credibility, 20, 146

gaining, 123

loss of, 153


authority during, 169170

as indicator of adaptive issues, 61

leadership during, 1517

shifting attention during, 148149

urgency generated by, 151

curiosity, 107, 232234

cynicism, 225227

Daley, Richard, 138

defeat, reasons for, 163164

defending against attacks, 192

defense mechanisms, 45

demagogues, collusion with the grandiosity of, 172

denial, 154

dependency, fostering, 174

devaluation by “invisibility,” 52

Diallo, Amadou, 25

Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), 174

disappointing your supporters, 46

disloyalty, 27, 29, 89

disorientation, 219220

distress, experiencing, 227228

diverting attention, 3840, 44

doctors as leaders, 12

dysfunction, 14, 105106

Ecuador crisis, 1518, 63

effectiveness, loss of, 48

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 73, 118

embodying the issue, 37, 196, 197

emotional realities, 111112, 116117, 166. See also hungers

employees, showing the future to, 121122

equilibrium, attempts to restore, 153154

ethical issues, of pacing work, 119

exhaustion, 164

expectations, 20, 46, 127

externalizing issues, 127

Ferraro, Geraldine, 197198

finding partners, 7584

Flight 93 heroism, 168. See also September 11, 2001, attacks

focus. See also attention

on authority figures, 68

derailing your, 45

on issues, 154159

loss of, 38

form, unimportance of, 218223

Gates, Bill, 174

gender issues, 3233

George, Bill, 211, 234

Gergen, David, 164

Gerstner, Lou, 23

Gingrich, Newt, 117119, 178

Giuliani, Rudolph, 24, 9495

Good Friday peace agreement, 46

Gore, Al, 113

grandiosity, 171, 172, 173

Greenberg, Hank, 214216

Grossman, David, 2123, 157, 209

Guinier, Lani, 4344

habits, abandoning, 2728

Haiman, Bob, 97

Hart, Gary, 194195

Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW), U.S. Department of, 3237

heat. See taking the heat

Heifetz, Milton, 217218

heroism, 168, 208

Heschel, Abraham Joshua, 234

hierarchical structures, 3

holding environments, creating, 102107

honesty with yourself, 234

Hoover, Herbert, 213

hostility, 88

hubris, 171

human enterprise, 210211


for affirmation and importance, 169176

for intimacy and sexual pleasure, 176183

managing, 184186

for power and control, 166169

Hussein, Saddam, 61

Iacocca, Lee, 98

IBM, 2123

“I Have a Dream” speech, 121, 159. See also civil rights movement; King, Martin Luther, Jr.

illusions, sustaining, 169

impeding progress, 5455

importance, need for a sense of, 169176

information, withholding, 119

initiative, 24, 152

innocence, 230231

insatiability, 176

inspiration versus fear, 118119

insubordination, 125127

internal disagreements, 3940

interpretations, 57, 66, 136137

interventions, 134139, 158159

intimacy, 176183, 185

invulnerability, 87

Iran-Contra affair, 25


avoidance/denial of, 154

controversial, 142145

crises as indicator of adaptive, 61

cultural, 60

embodying, 37, 196, 197

ethical, 119

externalizing/internalizing, 127

focusing on, 154159

gender, 3233

missing core, 6364

nonroutine, 156157

physical stress, 164

political, 168

ripening of, 146154

Ivester, M. Douglas, 7678

Jackson, Phil, 125128, 209

Johnson, Lyndon, 37, 138, 148, 153

Jordan, Michael, 125127

Julius Caesar (Shakespeare), 171

Kegan, Robert, 234

Kerasiotes, James, 167168

King, Martin Luther, Jr. See also civil rights movement

agenda of, 38

assassination of, 193

“I Have a Dream” speech, 121

message sent by, 138

risk taking by, 151, 152, 159

seizing of the moment by, 149

King Lear (Shakespeare), 218

Kissinger, Henry, 181

Koedijk, Ruud, 103107

Kohnstamm, Abby, 23

Landrey, Wilbur, 97

Laurie, Donald, 103


compared to authority, 25

dangers of, 1113, 2630, 227

exercising without authority, 153

myth of measurement and, 212218

opportunities for, 236

reasons for, 208212

Leadership Without Easy Answers (Heifetz), 5

learning, continuing, 225226

Lehman, John, 155156

Lewinsky, Monica, 179180

Lewis, David, 155156

Lieberman, Joseph, 198

limits of relationships, 103

line of fire, 132134. See also taking the heat

listening, 6467

lone warrior strategy, 199

losing heart, 226


acknowledging, 9295

of authority, 187

of confidence, 9596

as heart of danger, 2630

Louima, Abner, 24

love, 210212

loyalty, 2728, 84, 199

Mahoney, Miles, 6667

Mahuad, Jamil, 1518, 63, 230

maintaining innocence, 231232

Marcos, Ferdinand, 173

marginalization, 3237, 52

McNamara, Robert, 37

meaning, 208209, 212218

measurement, myth of, 212218

meetings, style of, 106

messages, failing to hear, 6667


balcony, 53, 6567, 135, 165

football, 9092

musical, 165

military, control in, 168

minimizing opposition, 142

misrepresentations, 44, 45

missing the real concerns, 6364


letting your guard down, 202203

reversing, 174

taking responsibility for, 9092

modeling behavior, 9598, 108109

momentum, sustaining, 119

moral authority, 146

moral justification for actions, 114

Moses, Robert, 8183

Muskie, Edmund, attacks on wife of, 45

myth of measurement, 212218

Nagel, Ernst, 213

needs, 172, 177. See also hungers

Nehru, Jawaharlal, 5455

Netanyahu, Benyamin, 11

neutralization, 5758, 65

neutralizing your message, 4041

New England Aquarium, 3235

Nixon, Richard, 43, 138, 149150

nonroutine issues, 156157

North, Oliver, 25

observations, 52, 7273, 135136

observing from the balcony, 5355, 6467, 135, 165

O’Doherty, Hugh, 208

Odysseus, 179

Olsen, Ken, 174

O’Neill, Tip, 45

opportunities for leadership, 12

opposition, 81, 8590, 142

pacing work, 116120

parental roles, 195196, 236

Parks, Rosa, 26

partners/partnerships, 7584. See also allies/alliances

patience, 146154

Patrick, John, 22, 23, 157, 209

Patterson, Gene, 9698

Pentagon attack. See September 11, 2001, attacks

perseverance, 20

persistence of conflict, 61

personal attacks, 4045, 188189, 191192

personality conflicts, 124

personalization, 37, 130

personal life, 185186

Pertchuk, Michael, 8788

physical attacks, 4142, 193

physical stress issues, 164

Pinochet, Augusto, 112113

Pippen, Scottie, 125128

political thinking, 75100

accepting casualties and, 98100

accepting responsibility and, 9092

acknowledging losses of others and, 9295

finding partners and, 7584

keeping the opposition close and, 8590

modeling behavior and, 9598

Powell, Pete, 173

power, 166169, 181

Poynter, Nelson, 9698

prejudice, 5657

presidential election of 2000, U.S., 113

pressure, 5859, 145

pride, 171, 214


accepting responsibility for, 9092

of adaptive work, 200

“constituency problem,” 47

of cooperation, 34

technical solutions for adaptive, 131

progress, impeding, 5455

promotions, as diversions, 39

psychological needs. See hungers

psychological readiness, 146

purpose, having, 222

questions, 136, 158159

Rabin, Yitzhak, 11, 42, 193194, 209

realism, 225227

reflection, capacity for, 51

rekindling sparks, 185186

relationships. See also partners/partnerships

with allies and opponents, 8990

limits of, 103

personal, 75

protecting, 203

sharing within, 84

renewal, 220221

repression, 113

reputation, 56, 77

resistance, 30, 69

to adaptive work, 31

to change, 3536

to learning, 175176

respect for pain of change, 146


accepting, 9092

for mistakes, 97

taking the heat, 141146

retirement, 222

Rice, Jerry, 221222

Richardson, Elliot, 131

ripeness, 56, 146154


of drawing attention, 157

of leadership, 3

to life, 194

of losing authority, 181182

Robinson, Jackie, 214216

Robinson, Tony, 173


becoming wedded to, 219

defense/protection of, 193194

ending of, 195

parental, 195196

playing your, 190

“special person,” 36

role-self distinction, 187199, 219220. See also anchors

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 110112, 135

sacred heart, 227230

sacrifices, 9394, 98

Sadat, Anwar, 42

safeguarding leadership, 6465

Sanchez, Ricardo, 121122, 128129

sanctuary, seeking, 204206

Schachter-Shalomi, Zalman, 228229

Schlesinger, Arthur, 112

Schlesinger, Len, 91, 92

scruples, 194195

seduction, 4548

Seduction of Joe Tynan, The (film), 188

seeking sanctuary, 204206

Selecky, Mary, 142145

self-care, 184185

self-definitions, 27, 129130, 180

self-knowledge, 164

self-protection, 222

self-reflection, 51, 204

September 11, 2001, attacks, 1920, 9495, 151, 168. See also terrorism

sexual dynamics, 181

sexual needs, 176183

sexual pleasure, 176183

shared dilemmas, 4647

shouldering the work, 124127

showing the future, 120122

solutions, 207

destructive, 230

internalizing issues, 127

technical, for adaptive problems, 131

sources of meaning, 208209

“special person” role, 36

Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 189, 190, 191

Stemple, Rick, 217218


controlling the temperature and, 107116

physical, 164

style, personal, 5556

subordinate, seeing oneself as, 28

success, as downfall, 174

Sun Microsystems, 2123

sustaining leadership, 7374

taking the heat, 141146. See also line of fire

technical work

versus adaptive, 14, 60, 108

challenges of, 33

distinguishing from adaptive, 5562

temperature, controlling the, 107116

temptations, managing, 180181

tension, controlling, 109

terrorism, 151, 208. See also assassinations

September 11, 2001, attacks, 1920, 9495, 151, 168

thinking politically, 75

Thomas, Clarence, 43

Three Mile Island, 150151

tokenism, 3237

tolerance, 57, 108109, 113

transitional rituals, 184185

transitions of authority, 3536

trust, gaining, 90100

Tuesdays with Morrie (Albom), 220

Twelve Angry Men (film), 114116, 142

unconscious collusion, 172

Unconscious Conspiracy, 40

undermining of authority, 3536

understanding people, 6264

unmanaged hunger, 179180

U.S. Post Office strike, 149150

U.S. presidential elections, 113


choosing, 30

sources of our, 29

transcendent, 109

verbal attacks, 42

Vietnam War, 37, 38, 138, 233

vulnerabilities. See also hungers

to attacks, 4243, 79

experiencing, 229230

personal, 119

Welch, Jack, 83, 195

Weld, William, 47, 124

Wexner, Leslie, 83, 9192, 98

Willes, Mark, 132134

Williams, Glenn, 3435


and boundaries, 182183

marginalization of, 3233

rights of, 189190

sexual dynamics and, 180181


pacing the, 116120

placing where it belongs, 127134

shouldering the, 124127

World Trade Center attacks. See September 11, 2001, attacks; terrorism

Yew, Lee Kuan, 5455, 64

zealots, 170

Zone of Insatiability, 176

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