Chart defaults

The Chart.default context contains an object for each chart type supported in Chart.js. The types are in the following table, which also lists some of the properties previously configured in each one. These properties may override the global defaults for chart styles and elements ( and the default properties for scales (Chart.default.scales). You can define new defaults by changing these properties in the Chart.default context, or locally inside an options object:



Default properties (selection)


The default properties for bar charts

hover.mode = 'label'
scales.xAxes[0].type = 'category'
scales.yAxes[0].type = 'linear'


The default properties for horizontal bar charts

hover.mode = 'index'
scales.xAxes[0].type = 'linear'
scales.yAxes[0].type = 'category'
elements.rectangle.borderSkipped = 'left'


The default properties and callbacks for pie charts

circumference = 2 * Math.PI
cutoutPercentage = 0
hover.mode = 'single'


The default properties and callbacks for doughnut charts

circumference = 2 * Math.PI
cutoutPercentage = 50
hover.mode = 'single'


The default properties and callbacks for line charts

hover.mode = 'label'
scales.xAxes[0] = {type: 'category', id: 'x-axis-0'}
scales.yAxes[0] = {type: 'linear', id: 'y-axis-0'}
showLines = true,
spanGaps = false


The default properties for radar charts

elements.line.tension = 0
scale.type = 'radialLinear'


The default properties for polar area charts

angleLines.display = false
gridLines.circular = true
pointLabels.display = false
ticks.beginAtZero = true
type = "radialLinear"
startAngle = Math.PI / 2


The default properties for scatter charts

hover.mode = 'single'
showLines = false
scales.xAxes[0] = {type: 'linear', id: 'x-axis-1'}
scales.yAxes[0] = {type: 'linear', id: 'y-axis-1'}


The default properties for bubble charts

hover.mode = 'single'
scales.xAxes[0] = {type: 'linear', id: 'x-axis-0'}
scales.yAxes[0] = {type: 'linear', id: 'y-axis-0'}
 Default options in Charts.defaults for different types of charts

You can check the current values of your default properties by printing them to your JavaScript console and inspecting the object tree, with console.log(). The following code will print the context root:


You can also inspect (and modify the properties of) the chart instance. In this case, you need to assign the new chart to a variable handle (see Config/defaults-1-global-config.html):

const chart = new Chart(…);
console.log("Chart Data,;
console.log("Chart Options, chart.options);
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