Testing Angular components

We have just seen how to test a service in Angular application. Now, let's discuss testing an Angular component. Perform the following steps to create AppComponent for the application:

  1. Create a file named app.component.ts.
  1. Import modules such as Component, TodoService, and Todo that are necessary for the AppComponent, as shown:
        import { Component } from '@angular/core'; 
        import { Todo } from './todo'; 
        import { TodoService } from './todo.service'; 
  1. Define the AppComponent class, as demonstrated:
        export class AppComponent {} 
  1. Decorate the AppComponent class by the @Component attribute with the selector, providers and templateUrl metadata:
            selector: 'my-app', 
            templateUrl: './app.component.html', 
            providers: [TodoService] 
        export class AppComponent {     
  1. Declare the todos, todoService, newTodoText, and title variables:
        todos: Array<Todo>; 
        todoService: TodoService; 
        newTodoText = ''; 
        title = 'Test My Todo App'; 
  1. Define the constructor with todoService injected, as follows. Note that the constructor updates the todos with the todos returned from todoService:
        constructor(todoService: TodoService) 
{ this.todoService = todoService; this.todos = todoService.todos; }
  1. Introduce the addTodo() function that calls the add() method of TodoService by passing the description of new todo, as illustrated:
{ if (this.newTodoText.trim().length)
{ this.todoService.add(this.newTodoText); this.newTodoText = ''; } }
  1. Introduce the remove() function that calls the remove() method of TodoService by passing a todo object to remove, as shown:
       remove(todo: Todo) 
{ this.todoService.remove(todo); }
  1. Introduce the removeCompleted() function that calls the removeCompleted() method of TodoService to remove all the completed todo items:
{ this.todoService.removeCompleted(); }
  1. Introduce the toggleCompletion() function that calls the toggleCompletion() method of TodoService that toggles the value of the completed status of a todo item:
      toggleCompletion(todo: Todo) 
{ todo.completed = !todo.completed; }

The complete code snippet of AppComponent is this:

import { Component } from '@angular/core'; 
import { Todo } from './todo'; 
import { TodoService } from './todo.service'; 
    selector: 'my-app', 
    templateUrl: './app.component.html', 
    providers: [TodoService] 
export class AppComponent { 
    todos: Array<Todo>; 
    todoService: TodoService; 
    newTodoText = ''; 
    title = 'Test My Todo App'; 
    constructor(todoService: TodoService) { 
        this.todoService = todoService; 
        this.todos = todoService.todos; 
    removeCompleted() { 
    toggleCompletion(todo: Todo) { 
    remove(todo: Todo) { 
    addTodo() { 
        if (this.newTodoText.trim().length) { 
            this.newTodoText = ''; 

We have the AppComponent in place now. The template for this AppComponent is defined in a template file, app.component.html.

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