This chapter outlines and answers four key questions that identify how
executive assessments can play a powerful impact for the leader and
the organization when used properly in a comprehensive leadership
development system.
Thanks to Michael Krot, associate principal of Heidrick & Struggles Leadership Consulting, for his work in handling the research, introduction, and review of this chapter.
This chapter is organized around four key questions. Through answering each, it becomes possible to develop an appreciation of the role a best practices approach to executive assessment plays in creating value for companies. First, Why perform assessments? Answering this question involves describing the different ways assessment can be used to improve the effectiveness of an executive—and in aggregate the effectiveness of a company. Second, How do you identify what to assess? Answering this question outlines how decisions are best made as to the capabilities, personality characteristics, and experiences an assessment process is designed to gauge, so that companies can be certain they are focusing on what matters. Third, How do you measure what matters? Knowing what might improve executive effectiveness is just half the battle, of course. If those precursors of high performance cannot be measured in a reliable and valid manner, the battle will be lost in the end. Answering this question provides guidance in regard to the steps necessary to ensure reliable and valid results. Finally, How do you develop what matters? Whereas the specific goals of executive assessment may vary from company to company and executive to executive, one common denominator is the opportunity to use the results to develop executive talent further. Answering this question gives rise to ideas for how best to leverage the assessment opportunity for developmental purposes.
As is true for many things, the best place to start is with a clear definition of executive assessment, a phrase loosely used to refer to a range of activities performed by companies, retained search firms, leadership consulting firms, executive coaches, and others. Executive assessment is a systematic process that should not be confused with the tools it uses. For example, performance appraisal systems, psychological and psychometric instruments, 360-degree feedback, and self-assessment instruments can be useful in conducting assessments, but each is simply a tool. Considered from a best practice perspective, executive assessment is a deliberate process through which data describing a candidate or a team are collected from multiple sources, analyzed using rigorous techniques, interpreted by experienced professionals, and finally used to reach a conclusion about the candidate’s capabilities and potential and develop actionable recommendations to help realize the candidate’s full potential.
The emphasis on assessment as a deliberate process cannot be understated. The single greatest distinction between a best practices approach and what is too often the approach adopted is the degree of scientific rigor deployed. Assessments are best thought of as research projects that must be conducted with rigor in order to deliver reliable and valid results to decision makers. Without rigor, the data collected may be incomplete or unreliable, the interpretation of the data may be biased or uninformed, and the resulting recommendations about capabilities and development are now fruit of the poisoned tree.
This chapter illustrates the importance of three elements that must be at the core of a best practices approach to assessment. First, the approach should be strategic in regard to the methodologies and tools chosen for data collection. Second, emphasis should be placed on identifying capable and experienced assessors, whether from inside the company or retained from another, to analyze, interpret, and then consult on the data. When understood this way, it becomes clear that assessment as defined here is typically reserved for top and high-potential executives due to the associated direct and indirect costs. Companies are willing to pay these costs because they recognize assessment is not simply an aid in their decisions around succession planning. Instead, the expense is an investment that is expected to yield a return. For this to happen, the third critical element of a best practices approach needs to be present: proper engagement from company management. This engagement is necessary because accurate assessments must be informed by a deep understanding of the company, its industry, and its strategy. Certainly this knowledge should be a criterion considered when selecting the right individuals to lead assessment, but even the most experienced assessor who brings increased objectivity to the process may not have the same depth of knowledge around these issues as fellow executives would.


This review of what has been written about executive assessment as a process uncovered three useful treatments toward my purpose in this chapter. In the 2008 Pfeiffer Annual Leadership Development, Adam Ortiz (2008) defined executive assessment as “a process that establishes criteria for an executive’s success, measures those criteria on an individual-by-individual basis, and then provides input to help executives and their managers make decisions and form plans to enhance individual and organizational performance.” Ortiz later suggests that simply administering the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator or 360-degree feedback is not an executive assessment. He emphasizes the importance of an assessor’s bringing together sources such as behavioral interviews, personality and cognitive ability testing, simulations, and interview feedback and then identifying themes based on the many sources of information in combination. Ortiz described what he considers to be the constants of the executive assessment process: define what is to be measured through the assessment, ensure that people know what to expect, use the right tools to obtain the right information (behavioral interview, observations, tests and inventories), bring it all together, share the results, and make the most of the assessment investment.
Much of what has been written about executive coaching and leadership development considers assessment tools a necessary part of a best practice approach to developing leaders. For example, in Coaching for Leadership, Goldsmith and Lyons advise coaches to collect feedback as part of the coaching for behavioral change program, and they recommend interviewing key stakeholders for senior leaders and acknowledge that traditional 360-degree feedback is suitable for lower-level managers. However, there has been little systematic investigation of executive assessment as a process in this stream of research.
In the classic Passing the Baton: Managing the Process of CEO Succession (1987), Harvard professor Richard Vancil described a process for assessing internal candidates that is undertaken by CEOs with board oversight. The process entailed a series of conversations and challenges CEOs posed to the candidates over several years. This approach leverages the intuition and judgment of the incumbent CEO. It would be a stretch to characterize this approach to assessment of the potential of CEO successors as a formal executive assessment in the way I have defined them because it is not a systematic research process.
Over time I have seen the movement from intuition to process. Researching and writing twenty years later, Harvard researcher Joseph Bower describes best practices in CEO succession differently. In The CEO Within: Why Inside Outsiders Are the Key to Succession Planning (2007), Bower makes several observations about executive assessments as part of a CEO succession planning process: “Even companies that have great processes for the development and selection of talent find that they make mistakes that search firms or search consultants may help them avoid. Search firms can sometimes surface great Inside Outsiders simply because they themselves are outsiders.” He goes on to add, “A search firm may be able to smoke out such potential leaders. Also, many companies are not sure that their internal candidates are right, and they therefore want to see what the outside candidates look like.” In Bower’s view, a best practices approach to succession planning leverages the CEO’s nuanced view about the internal candidates, the board’s vision about where the company and the industry are going in the next decade, and external executive assessment and benchmarking.
Writing about succession planning more generally, Sobol, Harkins, and Conley, the editors of Linkage Inc.’s Best Practices in Succession Planning (2007), state that the first essential event in the succession planning process is assessment. They scope out two aspects of assessment as part of succession: assessing the succession candidates and assessing the talent requirements of the organization. They state, “There are a variety of strategic choices that can be made as to how that assessment is structured, what instruments or processes are used, and how the information is shared with the candidate. Assessment must be based on a review of the capabilities needed to drive the organization toward the future, determining the balance of personal, business, and other characteristics that need to be assessed” (p. 201).

Why Perform Assessments of Senior Executives?

There are a number of reasons for performing assessments of senior executives. Speaking broadly, assessments of performance and potential constitute the core of a company’s talent management processes. Assessments are performed on candidates during searches to fill open positions. Assessment can also be an important tool in identifying talent during a company’s succession planning efforts. It can be used as a development tool to identify areas where, through training or coaching, improvements in individual performance might be recognized. Next, assessments can be used in efforts to build and deploy a top management team best. Finally, assessments are often used as part of a merger or acquisition to assist management of the new company in their efforts to institute a process that is seen as fair and just when making decisions about how best to allocate executives—many of whom are unfamiliar to them. Of course, these reasons for assessment are not mutually exclusive. In all, assessments are not ends themselves but rather means to achieving organizational ends.

Assessment as a Selection Tool

Executive assessment is most familiar as a selection tool that a company’s management team uses to evaluate potential candidates for an open position. In this context, most companies have relied on it as a way to vet external candidates. Internal candidates have traditionally not been subjected to formal assessment; management teams often view them as known quantities. Recently, however, more companies have been designing systems where internal candidates are subjected to formal assessment just as outside candidates are. This is an encouraging trend because it means management teams will have more truly comparable data on each of the candidates for the position. Without this practice in place, internal candidates are not as easily objectively viewed. While this could result in either an over- or an underconfidence in the suitability of internal candidates, our experience indicates that in fact, internal candidates often suffer relative to candidates from the outside. On the one hand, some internal candidates may undeservedly wear a halo as someone’s golden child. On the other hand, sometimes internal candidates suffer from a bias rooted in a belief that external candidates somehow bring more excitement to the table. Stated in a slightly different way, there are instances where there is a bias toward the devil you do not know, and internal candidates may undeservedly suffer from their reputations where external candidates may appear better than they are. In addition, because external candidates lack tacit appreciation for the company, they represent a greater transition risk that is often underestimated during the assessment process.

Assessment in Succession Planning

External executive assessment should be a central component of a company’s succession planning. A best practice approach to succession planning begins with a comprehensive competency-based assessment of the key internal talent. Outside consultants can be an important resource here because of their ability to provide an independent perspective, benchmark against industry norms, and provide insights regarding the broader marketplace for talent. Commonly these assessments are performed on the direct reports to the CEO.
Another emerging and encouraging trend is to be more inclusive in this process by including an additional level or two (depending on the company’s size) on the organizational chart. This approach offers deeper visibility into the company’s talent pipeline and as a result is valuable in planning several succession moves ahead. Often the assessment team interviews the board members to better understand the strategic challenges facing the company in the next ten years and the leadership characteristics that are most important for the future leader.
Companies must resist the temptation of doing succession planning in the rearview mirror. Just because the departing executive was effective in the role does not mean a capability clone will be the answer for the future. Companies that are seriously committed to best practices succession planning will conduct assessments like this periodically because executive capabilities change, as do the needs of the company. Ongoing assessment is critical to maintaining alignment between what the company needs and what the executives can deliver.

Assessment as a Developmental Tool

Assessment should always be framed as an opportunity to help executives develop. If the exercise is instead viewed as a way merely to reveal an executive’s Achilles’ heel, its biggest potential upside will be missed. This is a reason that companies that invest in regular assessments have better success with the tool. If assessment is not part of the organizational routine and instead is employed only when a vacancy needs to be filled, the purpose of the assessment is transparent because it is precisely about including or excluding individuals from opportunities. When done regularly, assessment can honestly be presented as a development tool that allows the organization to manage its talent pipeline.
For that reason, assessments should first be focused on finding what is right with each executive and reinforcing those strengths. Next, the process should clearly focus on one to three things the executive should do to become more effective in his or her current role. The best approach here is to be as concrete as possible in describing behaviors and tools that have worked for other executives and by providing examples. Finally, the assessment should look into potential next roles for the executive to identify possible experiential and behavioral gaps and then make recommendations about how to bridge them. For example, an executive may be missing international exposure, experience in a functional area, or knowledge of a product line. These are easily remedied shortcomings.
One challenge to realizing the developmental value of executive assessment has its roots in the stigma that some hold about having weaknesses exposed. Overcoming this stigma is yet another reason that routine assessment is beneficial. And it means that the way the process is framed is also important. Most will quickly recognize that even individuals at the top of their game, like golfer Tiger Woods, continually invest in coaching to gain insight into the way they play the game. Without that objective outsider input, bad habits develop and performance eventually suffers. Moreover, moving to the next level of performance often requires the executive to learn new behaviors and leadership tools, just as Tiger Woods has invested in efforts to rebuild his swing.

Assessment to Develop a High-Performance Top Management Team

There is an increasing awareness that is critical to the development of a high-performance top management team and has come to be known as complementarity. Complementarity refers to a complex multidimensional fit of the members of a team. Simply put, some teams are made up of members with redundant capabilities; others are missing critical capabilities for high performance. Through assessment practices, boards and CEOs can develop a sense of how well a team presents itself in a complementary manner, and as turnover occurs, they acquire a clearer sense of the particular capabilities that need replenishing (or development among remaining team members).

Assessment in the Context of a Merger or Acquisition

Mergers and acquisitions represent unique challenges for companies and their leadership teams. Whereas the specific circumstances can vary widely, what is common is the challenge of sorting through gaps and redundancies in the capabilities of the combined executive team. Assessment can play a valuable role in sorting through this, and such a practice is increasingly being deployed by, for example, larger firms as they make bids for smaller companies. Similarly, the purchasers of these assessments include private equity firms as they become owners of a previously publicly held company.

What Should You Measure in Executive Assessment?

Assessment has predictive value only when what is measured meets two tests: reliability and validity. In an assessment context, two types of reliability are important. Test-retest reliability means that the method of gauging an underlying dimension is stable over time. That is, an assessment performed on one day would yield results similar to those from an assessment performed another day; only a true change would be reflected in the results. Interrater reliability means that the results are not subject to bias from the person conducting the rating. In an assessment context, it means that an executive’s result would be the same regardless of which member of the assessment team conducted the process—or that fellow executives would rate the target executive similarly (that is, differences in their evaluations would reflect only a true score difference in what each saw in the target). Clearly both kinds of reliability are important in ensuring the company that the results obtained from the process are a function of the true capabilities of the executive, not a function of when or by whom the process was performed. Validity in this context means that the results of the assessment are predictive of performance: individuals suggested by the results to be high performers are in fact high performers. An assessment protocol that lacks validity is simply not useful for any of the purposes described here. In choosing what to measure, companies need to narrow their focus to what can be measured in a reliable and valid way.
There have been many attempts to describe the most important characteristics of executives, which focuses our attention on what is important to assess in executives. Instead of focusing on the specific characteristics, I offer several principles and maps of the territory of the vast leadership literature.

Past Behavior as a Predictor of Future Behavior

Most writing on leadership, assessments, leadership development, executive coaching, and succession planning is grounded in the widespread belief that the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. Kouzes and Posner’s The Leadership Challenge (2002) provides a good example of this view. These authors offer a behavioral model of leadership built on five major practices: modeling the way, inspiring a shared vision, inno vating and leading change, enabling others to act, and recognizing and celebrating the contributions of others.
Contingency theory and the situational leadership model provide perspectives to assess the relevance of past behavior to predict future behavior and success. Contingency theory suggests that leadership style and organizational structure are influenced by environmental factors, and situational leadership proposes that different leadership styles are better in different situations. The presence or absence of these factors is a contingency that determines executive behavior in some part. An understanding of how past contingencies or situational factors influenced past executive behavior and the likelihood in the future of the executive navigating similar challenges and situations provides a more nuanced assessment than relying on behavior alone.

Mutually Exclusive, Collectively Exhaustive Categorizations

One way to review measures in executive assessment is to identify categorizations of specific characteristics. Whereas the number of categories and the specific content of each category are open to debate, a best practice scheme should be collectively exhaustive, and the categories should be mutually exclusive. In other words, the categories should cover the universe, and no category should overlap any other category. This allows more efficient data gathering, tighter analysis and coding of data collected, and clearer recommendations.
For example, “bucket 1” could be the qualifications (degrees, certifications), years and kinds of experience, language facility, knowledge (general and specific awareness), and skills (the ability to use one’s knowledge effectively). These are the facts—the quick qualifiers. Executives either have them or they do not, and if they have them, they can be scaled in terms of how much they have them and for how long they have had them. This category also includes functional competencies, which are different from leadership and management behavioral competencies.
Bucket 2 could be leadership and management behavioral competencies. Assessments of leadership and management behavioral competencies examine what executives do and how they do it. Good leadership and managerial behaviors are required to effectively perform the current or future role in the organization and help the business meet its strategic and operating objectives. Often assessors develop competency rating scales in which each number is associated with a description of the behavior. These scales range from three to seven (or more) items per scale.
Bucket 3 could be termed personal characteristics. Assessment of personal characteristics includes personality traits, motivation, values, personal style, and other personal characteristics. Many executives firmly believe that personal characteristics are an important element of fit in an organization, but they are often the most difficult to measure in a reliable and valid manner.

Developmental Leadership Models

Identifying and categorizing interrelated leadership characteristics that are a best fit for the challenges of a certain leadership level is a growing area of research. Research on CEO succession planning, such as Bower’s The CEO Within (2007), and CEO derailment factors, such as David Dotlich and Peter Cairo’s Why CEOs Fail (2003) and Patrick Lencioni’s The Five Temptations of a CEO (1998), focus on the unique challenges of enterprise leadership. Nathan Bennett and Stephen Miles’s Riding Shotgun: The Role of the COO (2006) focuses on the additional role requirement of the chief operating officer. Each expands on a notion of effective leadership by noticing the nuances of the specific leadership role.
More generally, in Leadership Without Easy Answers (1994), Ronald Heifetz suggests that leaders face technical challenges, which have a right or wrong answer that can be solved with the prevailing paradigm, or adaptive challenges, which require a change in values, beliefs, or behavior. Typically, the higher the level of leadership, the more the focus is on dealing with adaptive rather than technical challenges. For example, an assessment might suggest that one executive is particularly capable at managing the technical challenges of the finance function, but may not have developed the adaptive abilities necessary to lead change as a business unit head with profit-and-loss responsibility.
In Good to Great (2001), Jim Collins offers a developmental leadership model consisting of five stages, each building on the next, beginning with the Highly Capable Individual stage and culminating in the Level 5 Leader stage. Collins’s research revealed that the most effective enterprise leaders possessed a paradoxical mixture of personal humility and professional willpower, which he named the Level 5 Leader. In his model, Level 5 Leaders possess the characteristics of each of the five layers of his scheme.
Three contributions to the research on leadership build on this idea of situational characteristics of leading and present a developmental view of leadership across levels. In The Leadership Pipeline: How to Build the Leadership Powered Company (2001), Ram Charan, Stephen Drotter, and James Noel describe the six passages of leaders from an individual contributor role to an enterprise leadership role. They persuasively argue that each passage requires additional skills, which are the additional capabilities necessary to execute new responsibilities; expanded time horizons, which refer to the widening perspective on longer-term implications of leadership; and work values, which are the things that executives consider important and focus their attention.
In their April 2005 Harvard Business Review article, “Seven Transformations of Leadership,” David Rooke and William Torbert present a related notion about what develops in leaders. They have applied research findings from constructive-developmental psychology to better understand the abilities of leaders to cope with the complexity of their roles. They propose that each leader possess an action-logic, which is a description of the deeper structure of his or her worldview. Certain action-logics are a better fit for increasing complexities and time horizons of executive leadership and are associated with certain values orientations. For example, a leader at the achiever action-logic stage would be less effective leading organizational change than a leader at a later stage such as the strategist action-logic. Center for Creative Leadership researchers Wilfred Drath and Chuck Palus offer a similar perspective in Making Common Sense: Leadership as Meaning-Making in a Community of Practice (1994), as do Harvard psychologists Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey in Adult Leadership and Adult Development (1984).

Head, Heart, and Guts

Daniel Goleman, in Working with Emotional Intelligence (1998), suggests that emotional intelligence is more important to leadership effectiveness than IQ. Goleman offers a leadership competency model based on emotional intelligence that groups twenty-five behavioral competencies into five categories: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. While aspects of emotional intelligence do seem essential for effective executive leadership, empirical research has not demonstrated that emotional intelligence is the main factor predicting future success for executives.
In Head, Heart, and Guts: How the World’s Best Companies Develop Complete Leaders (2006), David Dotlich, Peter Cairo, and Stephen Rhinesmith offer a perspective that tries to accommodate both the executive intelligence and emotional intelligence perspectives on leadership capability. They suggest that what matters most is a balanced combination of head leadership, heart leadership, and guts leadership. Head leadership is about intelligence. Heart leadership includes much of what Goleman considers in his emotional intelligence model. Guts leadership is about the drive to achieve results and includes risk taking, perseverance, and integrity and is similar to Collins’s fierce resolve and humility characteristics.

How Do You Collect Your Data?

Each of the choices in regard to data collection varies in terms of time and cost and familiar trade-offs with regard to reliability and validity.

Business Context and Leadership Requirements Interviews

A best practices executive assessment process is grounded in an understanding of the business context and the leadership requirements. Often assessors conduct formal or informal interviews to better understand the industry dynamics, the strategic imperatives, and the leadership requirements. Sometimes these findings are documented and shared with the CEO and top management team, while at other times, the findings are simply applied in the assessment process.

In-Depth Executive Interviews

An assessor conducts structured in-depth interviews to review an executive’s career history. During this interview, the assessor typically probes for situations that provide the executive with an opportunity to describe specific situations, actions, and results for critical leadership competencies. These so-called behavioral event or competency-based interviews provide a structure for the assessor to evaluate an executive. The key notion here is that the executive provides example after example of things he or she actually did versus trying to game the interview by giving the assessor the “right” answer.

In-Depth 360-Degree Reference Interviews

Assessors often interview up, across, and downward references in order to better understand the executive’s strengths, development areas, specific results, and competency-based behaviors. In addition to improving the accuracy of the assessment, these confidential, nonattributed reference interviews provide valuable feedback for the executive.

360-Degree Surveys

An assessor collects questionnaire feedback from an executive’s up, across, and downward relationships to collect information about performance and potential against key leadership competencies. These surveys differ from 360-degree feedback tools because the assessors analyze and synthesize the 360-degree data with the rest of the assessment sources of information to form a holistic perspective about the executive that is contextually relevant.

External Benchmarking

External benchmarking involves comparing the assessed executive against an external peer reference group. The comparison is made for the executive’s current role or potential role, or both. One benefit is that the organization develops an understanding of how a key executive stacks up against the competition. Another benefit is the valuable information learned about how attractive a competitor might find the executive. Armed with this information, the organization can take action to ensure that star executives and those with high potential choose to remain in the organization.

Assessment Centers and Simulation

Developed at AT&T, assessment centers are often used as input in an executive assessment. Although they were originally designed to assess candidates for first-line supervisory positions, assessment centers have been used for higher levels of management. In this approach, assessors use job-related simulations to observe how an executive handles challenges for the next job level.

Group Evaluation Methodology

The group evaluation methodology is an approach to collecting information in an executive assessment that uses a group discussion format with the executive’s peers. In this approach, the assessor poses questions to the group and facilitates the discussion. Multiple perspectives about the same question are surfaced, and the assessor explores differing perspectives and consensus to glean deeper meaning. This approach typically focuses on a description of the individual’s leadership behavior, prediction of future performance in the same or different roles, and generation of areas for development.

Psychological and Psychometric Tools

On occasion, assessors use psychological instruments to study the personality or cognitive abilities of an executive. These instruments are best used as complementary with interview findings and understood within the context of the executive in the business environment. A review of these instruments is beyond the scope of this chapter.

How Do You Develop an Executive Where There Are Gaps?

The perfect executive is a fiction. Furthermore, leadership jobs are not getting any easier. Global competition, challenging economic conditions, increasing public scrutiny over a company’s financial or environmental performance, and difficulties in getting and keeping talented employees are just a few of the many reasons that this situation persists. Consequently, the case for ongoing executive development is easy to make, and clearly that process begins with assessment. Understanding each executive’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as the challenges that loom on the company’s horizon, provides a basis for the development of an executive coaching plan. Coaching should focus on the critical few: at any time, an executive should be working on one, two, or at most three ways to improve his or her effectiveness in the job today or readiness for the job of tomorrow.
In a best practice arrangement, one of the work products would be a development plan, which typically expands on development areas. To make the most of the investment, the assessment team works with the executive to put together a plan. Suggested behaviors to start, stop, or continue are identified for each of the development areas. Often a best practice development plan describes potential benefits to the individual or organization if the behavior change is successfully made.
Once the development plan has been created, the organization and executive have a range of developmental options. Executive coaching is an increasingly used option to support behavior change. Typically the coach helps the executive effect measurable behavioral change in a few key areas based on the executive assessment. External executive coaching can be highly valuable to executives, especially those who are most senior in a company, because they often have few people they can truly confide in on issues. Seeing a coach has become less stigmatized; in fact, if an executive is not using a coach, others will perceive that something is wrong. At lower levels in the organization, formal or informal mentoring programs are an excellent way to offer coaching to developing leaders.
Developmental assignments are often used to immerse the executive in a business situation that is different from his or her experience. If a new assignment is not possible, an in-role action learning project is often a good choice. Here, the executive is assigned a project designed to provide challenge in a specific area. In some cases, the assignment of a mentor is sufficient to help address a developmental area. Executive education and corporate training are traditional choices. Finally, accelerated leadership development programs that combine action learning, executive coaching, and a transformational learning curriculum have become popular, especially in addressing the developmental needs of high-potential leaders and accelerating succession readiness. Regardless of the developmental option selected, a best practice executive assessment is the foundation of subsequent development.

A Best Practice Approach to Executive Assessment

A best practice approach to executive assessment can be described in four discrete steps: (1) preassessment activities, (2) assessment design and implementation, (3) reporting results, (4) postassessment activities, and follow-up refresh.

Preassessment Activities

The central preassessment activities are directed toward developing a deep understanding of the critical success factors for each focal position, as well as a similarly deep appreciation for the company, its culture, its current competitive position, and its foreseeable future challenges. Through this process, a likeness of the strongest incumbent for each position will emerge.
The challenge in getting commitment to this critical exercise is a tendency for those involved to think the answer for the company’s future is simply to get younger versions of their current team. But typically this is not a winning strategy. In only the rarest cases will the challenges ahead require the same skills that worked in the past. GE is a good example. The current and two previous CEOs—Reg Jones, Jack Welch, and Jeff Immelt—are starkly different people. In its CEO succession, GE has done a good job of looking “through the windshield” rather than “in the rearview mirror” in order to understand what the next CEO needs to bring as a leader.
In summary, the key to preassessment work lies in developing an understanding of the business environment, the organizational context and positioning, the future requirements of the role, strategy, and so on. In addition, it is important to establish the key leadership and technical competencies required to be successful against the above conditions. The preassessment phase is often done by engaging a number of key people inside the client company: CEO, human resources, or key functional or business leaders with specific knowledge.

Assessment Design and Implementation

The second part of the assessment process addresses project management and project execution. When an outside firm is engaged to conduct assessments, it is important to ensure that it has a key contact placed at a high level in the company so that access to the necessary individuals and information is unfettered. Agreements also need to be reached with regard to the number and types of individuals to include in the assessment—and for each of those individuals, the right number and types of references or 360-degree appraisal participants. During this stage, decisions around the use of any preexisting psychometric tests and internal performance data are made.
The biggest decisions in this part of the process concern the methodology used to collect assessment data. As is true in many other situations, companies are faced with a series of trade-offs. At one extreme, rich data are available using expensive methods that are time-consuming for everyone. At the other extreme, affordable and easily administered protocols are available off the shelf. These tools are by design fairly generic in nature and produce a much less rich set of data from which to draw conclusions.
Assessment experts are in agreement that the best practice technique for conducting senior-level executive assessments is the behavioral event or competency-based interview. The key to competency-based interviewing is to look for examples of life experiences from the individual that reveal capabilities. Through consideration of sets of experiences, patterns begin to be revealed that are telling as to the focal executive’s capabilities. Our experience working with the most senior teams at the Fortune 500 is that very few senior executives have truly been assessed and as a result can be uncomfortable with the process. Recognizing this from the outset allows the assessor to begin interviews in nonthreatening but still robust ways. As the executive builds comfort through a discussion of uncontroversial aspects of his or her career, some rapport develops that then allows the assessor to move on to less comfortable but important areas.
Heidrick & Struggles has developed a model that serves as an organizing framework for the competencies experience reveals as critical to executive success. Of course, the exact nature of the way the framework is deployed may vary as a function of preassessment work with the client. Generally, however, evaluation of executives uses the LEEED model. LEEED is an acronym that represents the model, which assesses five dimensions:
1. Learning, the degree to which an executive, through education and experience, has and can expand an honest and complete awareness of the industry, best practices therein, customer preferences, and competitor strategies
2. Envisioning, to indicate the executive has the ability to create excitement around a vision of what the company could be and can build buy-in from those whose efforts are necessary to achieve it
3. Engaging, which focuses the assessment on the executive’s ability to effectively lead a team, including communication skills, and the abilities to develop and empower subordinates
4. Executing, the most intuitive of these five, which assesses the individual’s track record and capabilities to decisively and persistently drive results
5. Deducing, the label given to the set of competencies that help the executive analyze large volumes of data—some quantitative and some qualitative—in rigorous and creative ways to make good business decisions
The assessment process looks different at different levels in the organizational hierarchy. Typically, at the lower levels of an organization, an assessor is able to use more leverage in the forms of psychometric tests and online tools combined with simulations like an in-box or business case simulation. These methodologies tend to be lower touch and less personalized, which means the process can run a lot more people at a reasonable cost. There are specialized firms such as DDI, PDI, and Corporate Insights, among many others, that specialize in these highly leveraged approaches to executive assessment. These approaches are often psychologically driven, and those doing the assessment work often have a doctorate in psychology. For junior executives, this approach works well because a company can affordably assess fairly large numbers of early-career executives to get a view of their potential. The downside is that these more standardized approaches may not be taking into account important nuances. There is a trade-off between how many people can be assessed and how customized the process is.

Reporting Results

The best way to report results depends on the choices made regarding the type and volume of data collected. The central consideration here is to be certain the reporting is clear in terms of three things. First, does the report clearly explain executive strengths and weaknesses? The best reports provide concrete examples of events or behaviors that exemplify each. This feedback is much more actionable because it points to specifics the executive can implement. Second, does the report provide benchmarking to help the company and the executive understand this individual’s capabilities relative to the appropriate comparison group? Finally, does the reporting of results provide a solid foundation for the development plan that should accompany the assessment process?
In addition to the form and content of the report, it should be made clear at the outset of the assessment process who will be privy to the results and in what manner they will be rolled out. The process creates consternation on the part of executives when individuals they did not think would see results do and when results are shared so that individuals hear about their results from others before their own debriefing.
Depending on the nature of the assessment project, it may be appropriate for the assessor to provide anything between a broad overview and a very deep look into results to the top management team. This presentation includes benchmarking, talent mapping of assessed executives as a group into different talent segments, strengths and limitations as a team of a group of assessed individuals, and risk assessments of internal candidates for successor roles.

Postassessment Activities and Refreshment

The strong likelihood is that everyone involved in the assessment project will be presented with areas where they can raise their game. A best practices approach to assessment includes from its initiation a plan to provide the necessary support to executives—whether it is something the company does (such as job rotation or international assignment) or simply provides (such as education or training or executive coaching). The importance of this element of the plan cannot be overstated: an assessment that ends by pointing out a deficiency and then leaving it in the lap of the executive to attend to will not be well received. The quality of facilitation of the developmental feedback to the executive often determines much of the overall value of the process. The best researched and written report is useless unless the assessor builds enough trust and credibility to help the executive take in not only positive feedback but also constructive recommendations. Organizations often sponsor refresh assessments with some light 360-degree referencing to determine progress against the prior developmental recommendations and identification of emerging issues. These refresh assessments are often invaluable because the process can help references see the progress of a motivated-to-change executive that their biases may have blocked them from noticing. It also creates a huge motivation for these executives to engage personally with their feedback and actively work on their key developmental areas because they know they will be measured again in the future.


This chapter began by posing four questions critical to understanding the role executive assessment can play in talent management. To best recognize a return on this sort of investment, thoughtful answers to each of the four questions should be developed early in the process. First, decision makers should make sure there is a consensus regarding why the investment is being made. As in other contexts, investor goals may differ. Because the process itself needs to be tailored to the desired outcomes, agreement a priori on what success looks like is important. Second, an ever-widening swath of executive competencies is replete with candidates for measurement. Because the responsibilities and, consequently, the needed knowledge, skills, and abilities vary from position to position, decision makers are cautioned to think carefully about what to measure. The most important consideration here is the best possible forecast about the way each focal position will evolve over the next few years. Third, it is important to work with assessment tools that are established and appropriate. The last key point is a strong admonition that assessment should represent a beginning, not an ending. If the process ends without a deliberate plan in place to help individuals remediate areas of relative weakness, then both the assessed executives and the company have been shortchanged.
Done well, executive assessment is a powerful tool that serves companies and executives. Companies glean a deep understanding of their talent pipeline, and executives benefit from detailed coaching plans. The investment that assessment represents signals executives as to their value to the company; assessments may in fact serve some value as a retention vehicle. It is truly becoming a best practice that some of the world’s most admired corporations use.
It is indisputable that boards of directors will continue to seek more information about their company’s leadership pipeline. The benefit of choosing an external provider to lead the process is that provider’s ability to provide an independent and market-calibrated view of the client’s talent pipeline. And an external executive assessment can be a tremendous complementary tool used in partnership with a company’s internal talent processes. Finally, few executives are either truly comfortable with or particularly good at providing developmental coaching. An externally driven assessment process coupled with a detailed coaching and development plan can provide the vehicle for more productive conversations between managers because the process is robust and depersonalized. As a result, both parties find it easier to focus on the developmental opportunities. In the end, that is where each individual’s greatest benefit lies.


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About the Contributor

Stephen Miles is the managing partner Americas within Heidrick & Struggles’s Leadership Consulting Practice and oversees the worldwide executive assessment and succession planning practice. He is a key member of Heidrick & Struggles’s CEO and board practice. With over thirteen years of experience in assessment, succession planning, organizational effectiveness, and strategy consulting, Miles focuses on CEO succession and has partnered with numerous boards of global Fortune 500 companies to ensure that successful leadership selection and transition occur. He is a recognized expert on the role of the chief operating officer (COO) and has consulted to numerous companies on the establishment and the effectiveness of the position.
He also coaches a small number of very senior global executives at the CEO and COO level. He focuses on high-performance coaching with a heavy emphasis on the business and cultural contexts. Miles works internationally extensively, and his clients cut across all industry sectors.
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