1. Power down your Pi.
2. Press the Adafruit Speaker Bonnet onto the
Pis headers (Figure
3. Connect your speakers to the screw terminals
on the Speaker Bonnet.
4. Locate Pin 5 and Ground on the Speaker
Bonnet, and solder about 6" of your thin wire to
each (Figure
5. Optionally, attach a battery packwe did this
but you definitely don’t need to.
1. On your computer (not the Pi), head to the
Spotify dashboard, developer.spotify.com/
2. Click on Create an App, call it Scrubber, and
set the description to Scrubber. On the checklist,
select Speaker, and then click Next.Assuming
you’re just using this at home, click Non-
commercial, read the terms, check the boxes,
and hit Submit. You’ll be sent to your Scrubber
app’s dashboard page.
3. Note down your Client ID and your Client Secret
(you’ll need those in a bit!).
4. Click on Edit Settings, then add http://<Your
Raspberry Pi’s IP>:5000 to the redirect URIs.
So if your Pi IP was, you’d enter and hit Add, then Save.
5. SSH into your Pi, and create a directory to
house Scrubber in: mkdir Projects
6. Navigate into the directory:
cd Projects
7. Set up the Speaker Bonnet with Adafruits
curl -sS https://raw.githubusercontent.
Scripts/master/i2samp.sh bash
sudo reboot now
Then do it again — yup, you do actually have to
run the script and reboot twice!
8. Test out the Speaker Bonnet:
speaker-test -c2 --test=wav -w /usr/
then hit Ctrl+C to exit. If you don’t hear audio,
check Adafruits documentation for trouble-
shooting at learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-speaker-
9. Ensure you’re in your Projects folder, and clone
this repository:
COMBATING COVID-19 Scrubber Spotify Hand-Wash Timer
58 make.co
git clone https://github.com/Deeplocal/
10. Install Node and NPM (we’re using version
10.15.2, but any recent version should be fine).
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.
nvm install node
11. Enter the scrubber directory: cd scrubber
12. Install the ffmpeg packages.
npm i ffmpeg
npm i uent-ffmpeg
13. Install all the relevant packages:
npm i
This may take a while. (Consider washing your
hands while you pass the time.)
14. Start the script by typing
node index
, then
wait for the following instructions to appear in
your command line to link your Spotify account:
a. Paste your Client ID from earlier, and hit Enter.
b. Paste your Client Secret from earlier, and hit
c. In your browser, go to http://<Your Raspberry
Pis ip>:5000 and hit Log In With Spotify.
d. Copy the code from your browser and enter it
into your SSH session when requested, then wait
(several minutes) for the download to complete.
You’ll hear a 20-second clip play when it’s all been
15. Test the system by touching the Pin 5 and
Ground wires together. You should hear 20
seconds of audio!
You can optionally set the script to run on boot.
This way you don’t have to SSH into Scrubber
every time you power up.
1. Edit the file /etc/rc.local:
sudo nano /etc/rc.local
Just above the exit 0 at the end of the file,
add this line: cd /home/pi/Projects/scrubber
&& node index.js
. Then save and close the file.
2. Reboot your Pi with
sudo reboot now
. Then
test your configuration by touching the Pin 5 and
Ground wires. Enjoy those 20 seconds of music!
There are a million different soap pumps out
there. Here’s a simple way to trigger your music
that can be adapted to almost any soap dispenser.
You’ll use copper tape to make the pump act just
like a momentary pushbutton switch.
1. Cut two small strips of copper tape and place
them on the pump just such that they make
contact only when the bottle is pressed.
No copper tape? No problem. You can use glue
and aluminum foil to achieve a similar effect.
2. Gently solder those Ground and Pin 5 wires to
the copper tape (Figure
). Now, when the two
copper strips make contact, the Pi will perceive a
button press.
Because our workshop was closed, we couldn’t
make a custom dispenser, so we went to Target
and picked one we could easily cut into, with
space for the electronics and speakers inside.We
Dremeled off the bottom panel to reveal an
interior plastic soap bottle. We gutted it and
affixed a smaller bag of soap inside. Below that
we press-fit a sheet of plastic to support the bag.
This made a compartment at the bottom just
large enough to isolate the electronics.
And thats it, you’ve got your very own Scrubber.
Smash that pump for 20 seconds of hand-
washing dance party energy.
Making During a Pandemic
Scrubber was concepted, designed, built, and
launched the week of March 16, 2020. This
presented new challenges because Deeplocal
staff were working from home. We’ve attempted
to use parts you may already have on hand. If you
do find yourself ordering parts, please be mindful
of the increased demands many suppliers and
delivery services currently have on them.
Talyor Tabb
COMBATING COVID-19 Easy Prototyping Materials
Prototyping Cart
Addis Ababa Merkato
60 make.co
is an associate teaching professor
at the Oshman Engineering
Design Kitchen at Rice University
where he teaches engineering
design and prototyping.
hat day my task was simple: to collect wood
and plastic. I needed these materials to
teach engineering faculty how to build physical
solutions to real-world problems. But I was facing
my own real-world problem to solve: As I walked
the Addis Ababa Merkato, the largest open-air
market on the continent of Africa, I failed to see
any wood or plastic that matched my mental
model. Where I expected smooth planks of wood
and uniform sheets of plastic, all I saw were
slender trunks of eucalyptus and empty plastic
jerry cans that used to hold palm oil. It seemed
like none of this could be used as building
materials, until I saw a road divider made of cut-
up pieces of the yellow and blue plastic and bent
wire. Seeing this solution produced an epiphany:
culture and context is a lens through which we
pre-assign rules about building materials but
actually, anything is a raw material.
Most of the world builds with these types of
readily available materials, prioritizing functional
solutions over aesthetics. This often results in
rapidly produced solutions that don’t look pretty
but work just fine. Prototypes of this sort often
are composed of pieces taken out of their original
context, found objects, or a repurposing of
functions. We call this method of prototyping low-
fidelity prototyping because it is low-cost, quick,
and often one-off.
In the Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen at
Rice University we have a makerspace with all of
the conveniences one would expect: laser cutters,
3D printers, machining capabilities, electronics
capabilities, high-quality machine components.
Despite all this, we champion the use of readily
available materials and practical ingenuity to
solve problems before turning to the tools and
materials of our well-stocked makerspace. This
is reinforced by the presence of our low-fidelity
prototyping cart, full of items that students can
combine quickly to solve problems: felt, foam,
glue, scissors, tape, K’nex, styrofoam balls, and
paper. Those who employ low-fidelity prototyping
throughout the life of a project end up producing
more prototypes, and these final prototypes are
often more refined than the prototypes produced
by those who immediately try to jump into making
with advanced manufacturing.
With much of the world at a standstill and
sheltering at home, many of us are facing limited
resources to solve our and the planet’s real-
world problems. Low-fidelity prototyping is a
method everyone can employ in their own home
by building a Low-Fidelity Prototyping Kit. This kit
is like a first aid kit but for treating problems, not
injuries. These materials are low cost and can be
combined in a variety of ways. One tip: The best
application of low-fi prototyping involves focusing
on the function of an object, breaking the cultural
and contextual lens you are used to. You might
assemble a kit with completely different items;
this is OK! We’ve organized materials by function
and based on what most North Americans might
have in their immediate surroundings. Don’t
worry about organization of your kit, just put
everything in a plastic bag, another raw material
for your building! For starters:
Something elastic: rubber bands,
bungee cords
Something that covers large areas but
bends: aluminum foil, saran wrap
Something planar that spans space:
cardboard (an unrecognized natural
resource), paper plates
Something that holds things together:
string, binder clips, clothespins, wire
Something that joins 2D or 3D materials:
white glue, super glue, tape
Volume filling but inert: styrofoam,
balled-up paper
Something rigid: popsicle sticks
Cuts objects: scissors, utility knife
Something that can change shape or
be molded easily: clay, play dough
Sheltering in place?
Create a collection
of common
materials to help
you keep on making
Written and photographed by
Matthew Wettergreen
Let’s Go!
Cooped Up
With the Kids
Keep everyone engaged, entertained, and
educated with Family Maker Camp, live now!
Written by Mario the Maker Magician
62 make.co
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