

abuse in childhood, antisocial behavior and, 87-90

Adams, John, 119

adenine, 66

adolescence, brain development during, 93-95


advantages/disadvantages of, 73-74

Barack Obama example, 27

Bill Clinton example, 24

defined, 17

dependent personality pattern and, 48

facets, 22

low Agreeableness patterns, 38-44

Allport, Gordon, 9-13, 105, 121, 173

personality trait research, 9-13

separating character and personality, 105-106

American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV), 30

amygdala, 71, 80, 86, 94

animal breeding, natural selection and, 58, 61

antisocial behavior, childhood abuse and, 87-90

antisocial personality pattern

as character flaw, 107

defined, 30

examples of, 38-41, 44

opinion of self and others, 51

apoptosis, 81

Apple, 134

The Audacity of Hope (Obama), 147

autonomy in culture-based values, 115-117

avoidant personality pattern

as character flaw, 107

defined, 30

example of, 46-47

opinion of self and others, 52

axons, 79-81


Bardem, Javier, 43

Beck, Aaron T., 50

Big Five domains, 16

Bill Clinton example, 23-27

Barack Obama example, 26-27

discovery of, 15

descriptions of, 16-19

facets of, 19-22

stabilization of, 96

borderline personality pattern

as character flaw, 107

defined, 30

example of, 48-50

opinion of self and others, 52

Bouchard, Thomas, 64

brain development

critical periods in, 82-84

during adolescence, 93-95

epigenetic effects on, 90-93

gene-environment dialogues in, 87-90

MRI studies of, 94

remodeling in, 80-81

stabilization in, 95-96

Brando, Marlon, 37

breeding animals with different personalities

dogs, 59

mice, 68-70

foxes, 161

Bush, George W., 39


Caspi, Avshalom, 96

Chamberlain, Lisa, 40

changes in personality, 96, 148-150


Benjamin Franklin’s, 117-121

changes in, 148

culture-based assessment of, 115-117

importance of, 121-122

moral instincts and emotions, 108-112

in personality appraisals, 143-144

six core universal virtues, 113-114

three main components, 114

separation from personality, 103-108

characteristic adaptations, 172

Chess, Stella, 84

childhood abuse, antisocial behavior and, 87-90

Childhood and Society (Erikson), 77


personality development in, 77

predicting what they will be like, 84-86, 165

temperaments of, 84-86

Clinton, Bill

comparison with Barack Obama, 26-27, 140-148

facets of Big Five personality traits, 23-27

Joe Klein’s description of, 7-9

personality appraisal of, 140-148

Cloninger, Robert, 114

conduct disorder, childhood, 86

community in culture-based values, 115-117

compassion, 110

compulsive personality pattern

as character flaw, 107

defined, 31

example of, 44-45

opinion of self and others, 52

cognitive therapy, 50


advantages/disadvantages of, 74

Barack Obama example, 27

Bill Clinton example, 25

defined, 17

facets, 22

high Conscientiousness pattern, 44-45

representative words, 16

conscious and unconscious personality appraisals, 1, 151

contempt, 111

cooperativeness, as major component of character, 114

correlations among personality traits, 12-15

Costa, Paul, 19, 32


analysis of Benjamin Franklin’s, 119

as a core universal virtue, 113

Covey, Stephen, 117

Crashing the Party (Nader), 40

critical periods in brain development, 82-84


influence in personality appraisals, 143

specific values in, 115-117

cytosine, 66


Dallas, Jason, 57

Darwin, Charles, 58, 61-62, 76, 108, 112

Darwin, Erasmus, 61

DeFries, John, 68-69

dendrites, 79

dependent personality pattern

as character flaw, 107

defined, 31

example of, 47-48

opinion of self and others, 52

The Descent of Man (Darwin), 108

de Waal, Frans, 109

dimensional and categorical patterns, 32, 156

disgust, 111

divinity in culture-based values, 115-117


building blocks of, 66

sequencing, 69, 71, 162

domains, Big Five, 16

Bill Clinton example, 23-27

descriptions of, 16-19

discovery of, 15

facets of, 19-22

dopamine effect on personality, 70-71

Dowd, Maureen, 27

DRD4 gene, 71

Dreams from My Father (Obama), 146

DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual), 30

Dunedin study, 87-89


Eisenhower, Dwight D., 150

elevation, 110

Elkind, Peter, 136

Ellis, Joseph, 120

emotional contagion, 109

emotions, moral instincts and, 108-112

environment, shared, 64-66

environment, nonshared, 160-161, 167

environmental impact

on epigenetic differences, 90, 93

on gene variant selection, 72-75

on genes, 87, 90

epigenetic changes, 91

accumulation with age, 92

as a stochastic process, 167

by acetylation of histones, 167

by methylation of DNA, 91-92

Erikson, Erik, 77, 124-125, 130-133

ethics of autonomy, 115-117

ethics of community, 115-117

ethics of divinity, 115-117


advantages/disadvantages of, 73

Barack Obama example, 26

Bill Clinton example, 24

defined, 16-17

facets, 22

Mark Zuckerberg example, 174

representative words, 16

high Extraversion pattern, 36-37

low Extraversion patterns, 33, 36


facets of Big Five personality traits, 19-22

Bill Clinton example, 23-27

Barack Obama example, 26-27

factor analysis of personality trait correlations, 15

family environment. See nature versus nurture

female brain development, 81

Fischer, Bobby, 35

Franklin, Benjamin, 99-104, 117-121

assessment of character, 117-121

self-improvement program, 100-103

list of thirteen virtues, 100-101

Freud, Sigmund, 74


Galton, Francis

distinguishing nature and nurture, 61-63

personality trait correlation analysis, 13-14

geese, imprinting, 82

“generativity versus self-absorption” (middle adulthood stage), 132


epigenetic changes of, 91

interactions with environment, 87-93

mutations, 60, 67

natural selection and, 60

structure of, 66-67

regulation of expression of, 66-67, 161

variants, 67

influence on mouse personality, 68-69

influence on human personality, 70-71

genetic testing, 71, 162

glucocorticoid receptor, 91

glucocorticoids, 90

GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone), 93

Goldberg, Lewis, 15

Goldman, Ron, 42

gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), 93

Gore, Al, 39

gratitude, 110

guanine, 66


Haidt, Jonathan, 111

Hare, Robert, 42-43

heritability, 64, 159-160

“The History of Twins As a Criterion of the Relative Powers of Nature and Nurture” (Galton), 62

histrionic personality pattern

as character flaw, 107

defined, 31

example of, 36-37

opinion of self and others, 51


analysis of Benjamin Franklin’s, 120

as core universal virtue, 113

hypothalamus, 81


identity, 123-125

changes in, 149

Oprah Winfrey’s story, 125-129

in personality appraisals, 144-147

selective reconstruction in, 129-133

Steve Jobs’ story, 133-137

If I Did It (Simpson), 43

I Hate You, Don’t Leave Me (Kreisman and Strauss), 49

“I’m detached” opinion, 50-53

“I’m right” opinion, 50-53

“I’m special” opinion, 50-53

“I’m vulnerable” opinion, 50-53

imprinting of baby geese, 82

“integrity versus despair” (late adulthood stage), 133

internet personality test, 21

“intimacy versus isolation” (young adulthood stage), 132

IPIP (International Personality Item Pool Representation of the NEO PI-R), 21-22

IQ, heritability, 94

Isaacson, Walter, 118, 132


Jobs, Steve, 133-137

Johnson, John A., 21


analysis of Benjamin Franklin’s, 119

as core universal virtue, 113

defined, 101


Kagan, Elena, 125

Kagan, Jerome, 85

Kissinger, Henry, 83

Klein, Joe

description of Barack Obama, 26-27

description of Bill Clinton, 7-9

Kluckhohn, Clyde, 139


life stories. See personal stories

loners, examples of, 33, 36

Lorenz, Konrad, 82


Madoff, Bernard, 42

male brain development, 81

MAOA gene, 88-90

McAdams, Dan, 124, 137

McCrae, Robert, 19, 32

Meaney, Michael, 90

melanin, changes in, 60

mercurial style, 49

Millon, Theodore, 44

mirror neurons, 170

monoamine oxidase-A, 88

Monroe, Marilyn, 37

moral instincts, emotions and, 108-112

moralistic anger, 111

moral judgments in personality appraisals, 143-144

Morris, Lois 49

mouse research on hereditability of personality traits, 68-69

Mundy, Lisa, 146

Murray, Henry, 139

myelin, 81

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), 154


Nader, Ralph, 39-40

Napoleon, 41

narcissism, invulnerable vs. vulnerable, 40-41, 157

narcissistic personality pattern

as character flaw, 107

defined, 31

example of, 38-41, 44

opinion of self and others, 51

natural selection, 58-61

environmental influences on, 72-75

of moral instincts, 108-112

nature versus nurture

childhood abuse and antisocial behavior traits, 87, 90

epigenetic effect, 90-93

twins research, 61-66

negative moral emotions, 111

NEO-PI R, 19-22

neuroD2 gene, 58

neurons, 79-82


advantages/disadvantages of, 74

association with compulsiveness, 45

Barack Obama example, 26

Bill Clinton example, 25

defined, 18

facets, 22

high Neuroticism patterns, 46-50

representative words, 16

neurotransmitters, 80

No Country for Old Men (film), 43

Noitrix, 32-35


Obama, Barack

comparison with Bill Clinton, 26-27, 140-147

personality appraisal of, 140-147

obsessive-compulsive disorder, 155

obsessive-compulsive personality pattern. See compulsive personality pattern

Odbert, H.S., 10

Oldham, John, 49


advantages/disadvantages of, 74-75

Barack Obama example, 26

Bill Clinton example, 25

defined, 18

facets, 23

representative words, 16

opinions of self and others, 50-53

Origin of Species (Darwin), 58-61

others, opinion of, 50-53


paranoid personality pattern

as character flaw, 107

defined, 31

example of, 38-41, 44

opinion of self and others, 52

parenting and peer effects on personality, 164-166

perfectionism, 44-45

personality appraisal, conscious and unconscious, 1-2, 151

personality appraisal, methodical approach to, 140-148

personality development, childhood predictors, 84-86

personality disorder, 32

personality patterns in personality appraisals, 141-143

troublesome personality patterns, 29-30, 33, 106

Agreeableness, low end of, 38-41, 44

Conscientiousness, high end of, 44-45

Extraversion, high end of, 36-37

Extraversion, low end of, 33-36

Neuroticism, high end of, 46-50

opinions of self and others, 50-53

usefulness of, 53-54

personality styles (Oldham and Morris), 156

personality test, internet, 23

personality traits

Big Five domains

descriptions of, 15-19

facets of, 19-22

changes in and stabilization, 96, 148-150

children’s brain development and, 84-86

defined, 9

gene variants and

environmental influences on selection, 72-75

mouse research on, 68-69

human research on, 69-72

personal stories, 123-125

changes in, 149

in personality appraisals, 144-147

Oprah Winfrey, 125-129

selective reconstruction in, 129-133

Steve Jobs, 133-137

Peterson, Christopher, 113

positive moral emotions, 110-111

promoters (DNA), 67

prototypical personality patterns, 156

psychopath, example of, 41-44

psychotherapy, 50, 149

puberty, brain development during, 93


reciprocal altruism, 109

Reed College, 134

Roberts, Brent, 96

risk-taking, genes for, 57

Ross, Diana, 127


schizoid personality pattern

avoidant personality pattern versus, 46

as character flaw, 107

defined, 31

example of, 33, 36

opinion of self and others, 53

schizotypal personality pattern

as character flaw, 107

defined, 31

example of, 33, 36

opinion of self and others, 53

Sculley, John, 134-136

selective reconstruction in personal identity, 129-133

self, opinion of, 50-53

self-directedness, as major component of character, 114

self-improvement program, Franklin, 100-193

selfishness, overriding, 111

self-transcendence, as major component of character, 114

Seligman, Martin, 113

sense of identity. See identity

serotonin effect on personality, 69, 72

SERT gene, 70-71

Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey), 117

sexual expression and Extraversion, 36-37

Shawn, Allen, 47

Shawn, William, 47

Shweder, Richard, 115-117

Simpson, Nicole, 42

Simpson, O.J., 42-43

skin color and sunlight, 60

SLC24A5 gene, 60

sociopath, example of, 41-44

songbirds, vocalizations of, 83

The Sopranos, 81

speech development, 83

stabilization in brain development, 95-96

statistical analysis of personality trait correlations, 13, 16

Steinem, Gloria, 37

stories. See personal stories

synapses, 79

synaptic signaling, 80


temperament, 85, 103

temperaments of children, 84-86


analysis of Benjamin Franklin’s, 120

as core universal virtue, 113

as defined by Benjamin Franklin, 100-101

testosterone, 81

Thomas, Alexander, 84

Top Ten, 30-33

colloquial names, 31

dimensional vs. categorical view of, 32, 156

thumbnail sketches, 30-31

relationship to personality disorders, 32

thymine, 66


analysis of Benjamin Franklin’s, 120

as core universal virtue, 114

Trivers, Robert, 109

“The Trouble with Steve Jobs” (Elkind), 136

troublesome personality patterns, 30-33

low Agreeableness patterns, 38-44

low Extraversion patterns, 33-36

high Conscientiousness, pattern, 44-45

high Extraversion pattern 36-37

high Neuroticism patterns, 46-50

opinions of self and others, 50-53

in personality appraisals, 141-143

usefulness of, 53-54

twins research

brain differences among identical twins, 82

by Francis Galton, 61-63

epigenetic differences among identical twins, 92

personality differences, identical vs fraternal, 63-66, 159

use in calculating heritability, 64


variants of genes, 67

effects on IQ, 94

effects on personality traits

mouse research on, 68-69

human research on, 70-71

environmental influences on selection, 72-76


Franklin’s thirteen virtues, 100-101

six core universal virtues, 113

vocalizations of songbirds, 83


Webster’s New International Dictionary, 10

Widiger, Thomas, 32

Winfrey, Oprah, 125-131

Winfrey, Vernon, 126


analysis of Benjamin Franklin’s, 120

as core universal virtue, 114

Wish I Could Be There (Shawn), 47

Wozniak, Steve, 134


Zuckerberg, Mark 174

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