Chapter 12. Testing in Django

Introduction to testing

Like all mature programming languages, Django provides inbuilt unit testing capabilities. Unit testing is a software testing process where individual units of a software application are tested to ensure they do what they are expected to do.

Unit testing can be performed at multiple levels-from testing an individual method to see if it returns the right value and how it handles invalid data, up to testing a whole suite of methods to ensure a sequence of user inputs leads to the desired results.

Unit testing is based on four fundamental concepts:

  1. A test fixture is the setup needed to perform tests. This could include databases, sample datasets and server setup. A test fixture may also include any clean-up actions required after tests have been performed.
  2. A test case is the basic unit of testing. A test case checks whether a given set of inputs leads to an expected set of results.
  3. A test suite is a number of test cases, or other test suites, that are executed as a group.
  4. A test runner is the software program that controls the execution of tests and feeds the results of tests back to the user.

Software testing is a deep and detailed subject and this chapter should be considered to be only a bare introduction to unit testing. There are a large number of resources on the Internet on software testing theory and methods and I encourage you to do your own research on this important topic. For a more detailed discussion on Django's approach to unit testing, see the Django Project website.

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