
ABS asset-backed security
ACR adjusted current ratio
ADIA Abu Dhabi Investment Authority
AIF alternative investment fund
AIFM alternative investment fund manager
ALM asset liability management
AMH adaptive market hypothesis
AuM assets under management
AVM asset value model
B bow factor
bps basis points
C contributions, drawdowns, capital calls of funds
CalPERS California Public Employees' Retirement System
CalSTRS California State Teachers' Retirement System
CAPM capital asset pricing model
CC committed capital
CDO collateralized debt obligation
CFA cash flow adjustment
CFaR cash-flow-at-risk
CFO collateralized fund obligation
CIC China Investment Corporation
CR current ratio
D distributions, capital repayments of funds
DB defined benefit plan
DC defined contribution plan
DCF discounted cash flows
DMM default mode model
EIOPA European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
ESG environmental, social and corporate governance
ESMA European Securities and Markets Authority
EUR euro
EVCA European Venture Capital and Private Equity Association
FoF fund-of-funds
FOIA Freedom of Information Act
FRI fixed interest rate
FRN floating-rate note
G growth rate
GIC Government of Singapore Investment Corporation
GP general partner
HMC Harvard Management Corporation
HNW high net worth
iCaR invested-capital-at-risk
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standard
IIRR interim IRR
IMF International Monetary Fund
IORP Directive Directive on the activities and supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provisions
IPEV International private equity and venture capital valuation guidelines
IRR internal rate of return
ITVPI interim TVPI
KIA Kuwait Investment Authority
L lifetime of fund
LBO leveraged buyout
LDI liability-driven investing
LP limited partner
M&A mergers and acquisitions
MPT modern portfolio theory
NAV net asset value
NPI net paid-in
NPV net present value
OCL outstanding commitment level
OCR overcommitment ratio
OMERS Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System
p.a. per annum
PD/LGD probability of default/loss given default
PIC paid-in capital
PME public market equivalent
PPM private placement memorandum
RC rate of contribution
S&P Standard & Poor's
SPV special purpose vehicle
SWF sovereign wealth fund
T trigger point
TVPI total value to paid-in
UBS Union Bank of Switzerland
UCGL unrealized capital gains and losses
USD US dollar
VaR value-at-risk
VC venture capital
WEF World Economic Forum
Y yield
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