Chapter 1



The goal of this book is to show how user experience (UX) metrics can be a powerful tool for evaluating and improving the design of any product. When some people think about user experience metrics, they feel overwhelmed by complicated formulas, contradictory research, and advanced statistical methods. We hope to demystify much of the research and focus on the practical application of UX metrics. We’ll walk you through a step-by-step approach to collecting, analyzing, and presenting UX metrics. We’ll help you choose the right metrics for each situation or application and show you how to use them to produce reliable, actionable results without breaking your budget. We will introduce some new UX metrics that you might want to consider adding to your toolkit. We’ll give you guidelines and tips for analyzing a wide range of metrics and provide many different examples of how to present UX metrics to others in simple and effective ways.

Our intention is to make this book a practical, how-to guide about measuring the user experience of any product. We aren’t going to give you a lot of formulas; in fact, there are very few. The statistics are fairly limited, and the calculations can be done easily in Excel or some other common software package or web application. Our intention is to give you the tools you need to evaluate the user experience of nearly any type of product, without overwhelming you with unnecessary details.

This book is both product and technology neutral. The UX metrics we describe can be used for practically any type of product utilizing nearly any type of technology. This is one of the great features of UX metrics: they aren’t just for websites or any single technology. For example, task success and satisfaction are equally valid whether you evaluate a website, a smartphone, or a microwave oven.

The “half-life” of UX metrics is much greater than any specific design or technology. Despite all the changes in technology, the metrics essentially stay the same. Some metrics may change with the development of new technologies to measure the user experience, but the underlying phenomena being measured don’t change. Eye tracking is a great example. Many researchers wanted a method for determining where exactly someone is looking at any point in time. Now, with the latest advances in eye-tracking technology, measurement has become much easier and far more accurate. The same can be said for measuring emotional engagement. New technologies in affective computing allow us to measure levels of arousal through very unobtrusive skin conductance monitors as well as facial recognition software. This has offered glimpses into the emotional state of users as they interact with different types of products. These new technologies for measurement are no doubt extremely useful; however, the underlying questions we are all trying to answer don’t change that much at all.

So why did we write this book? There’s certainly no shortage of books on human factors, statistics, experimental design, and usability methods. Some of those books even cover the more common UX metrics. Does a book that focuses entirely on UX metrics even make sense? Obviously, we think so. In our (humble) opinion, this book makes five unique contributions to the realm of user experience research:

• We take a comprehensive look at UX metrics. No other books review so many different metrics. We provide details on collecting, analyzing, and presenting a diverse range of UX metrics.

• This book takes a practical approach. We assume you’re interested in applying UX metrics as part of your job. We don’t waste your time with unnecessary details. We want you to be able to use these metrics easily every day.

• We provide help in making the right decisions about UX metrics. One of the most difficult aspects of a UX professional’s job is deciding whether to collect metrics and, if so, which ones to use. We guide you through the decision process so that you find the right metrics for your situation.

• We provide many examples of how UX metrics have been applied within different organizations and how they have been used to answer specific research questions. We also provide in-depth case studies to help you determine how best to use the information revealed by the UX metrics.

• We present UX metrics that can be used with many different products or technologies. We take a broad view so that these metrics can be helpful throughout your career even as technology evolves and products change.

This book is organized into three main parts. The first part (Chapters 13) provides background information needed to get up to speed on UX metrics.

• Chapter 1 provides an overview of user experience and metrics. We define user experience, discuss the value of measuring the user experience, share some of the emerging trends, dispel some of the common myths about UX metrics, and introduce some of the newest concepts in UX measurement.

• Chapter 2 includes background information on UX data and some basic statistical concepts. We also provide a guide for performing common statistical procedures related to different UX methods.

• Chapter 3 focuses on planning a study involving metrics, including defining participant goals and study goals and choosing the right metrics for a wide variety of situations.

The second part (Chapters 49) reviews five general types of UX metrics, as well as some special topics that don’t fall neatly into any single type. For each metric, we explain what it is, when to use it, and when not to use it. We show you how to collect data and different ways to analyze and present it. We provide examples of how it has been used in real-world user experience research.

• Chapter 4 covers various types of performance metrics, including task success, time on task, errors, efficiency, and ease of learning. These metrics are grouped under an “umbrella” of performance because they measure different aspects of the user’s behavior.

• Chapter 5 looks at measuring usability issues. Usability issues can be quantified easily by measuring the frequency, severity, and type of issue. We also discuss some of the debates about appropriate sample sizes and how to capture usability issues reliably.

• Chapter 6 focuses on self-reported metrics, such as satisfaction, expectations, ease-of-use ratings, confidence, usefulness, and awareness. Self-reported metrics are based on what users share about their experiences, not what the UX professional measures about their actual behaviors.

• Chapter 7 is devoted to behavioral and physiological metrics. These metrics include eye tracking, emotional engagement, facial expressions, and various measures of stress. All of these metrics capture something about how the body behaves as a result of the experience of interacting with a user interface.

• Chapter 8 discusses how to combine different types of metrics and derive new metrics. Sometimes it’s helpful to get an overall assessment of the user experience of any product. This global assessment is achieved by combining different types of metrics into a single UX score, summarizing them in a UX scorecard, or comparing them to expert performance.

• Chapter 9 presents special topics that we believe are important but that don’t fit squarely into one of the five general categories. These include A/B testing on a live website, card-sorting data, accessibility data, and return on investment (ROI).

The third part (Chapters 10 and 11) shows how UX metrics are put into practice. In this part, we highlight how UX metrics are actually used within different types of organizations and how to promote the use of metrics within an organization.

• Chapter 10 presents five case studies. Each case study reviews how different types of UX metrics were used, how data were collected and analyzed, and the results. These case studies were drawn from UX professionals in various types of organizations, including consulting, government, industry, and not-for-profit/education.

• Chapter 11 provides 10 steps to help you move forward in using metrics within your organization. We discuss how UX metrics can fit within different types of organizations, practical tips for making metrics work within your organization, and recipes for success.

1.1 What is User Experience

Before we try to measure user experience, we should know what it is and what it isn’t. While many UX professionals have their own ideas of what constitutes a “user experience,” we believe the user experience includes three main defining characteristics:

• A user is involved

• That user is interacting with a product, system, or really anything with an interface

• The users’ experience is of interest, and observable or measurable

In the absence of a user doing something, we might just be measuring attitudes and preferences, such as in a political poll or survey about your favorite flavor of ice cream. There has to be behavior, or at least potential behavior, to be considered user experience. For example, we might show a screenshot of a website and ask participants what they would click if it were interactive.

You might also note that we never defined any characteristics of the product or system. We believe that any system or product can be evaluated from a user experience perspective, as long as there is some type of interface between the system or product and the user. We are hard-pressed to think of any examples of a product that don’t have some type of human interface. We think that’s a good thing, as it means that we can study almost any product or system from a UX perspective.

Some people distinguish between the terms usability and user experience. Usability is usually considered the ability of the user to use the thing to carry out a task successfully, whereas user experience takes a broader view, looking at the individual’s entire interaction with the thing, as well as the thoughts, feelings, and perceptions that result from that interaction.

In any casual conversation about usability, most people would agree that it’s good to have something that works well and isn’t confusing to use. On the other side of the coin, some companies may intentionally design products to be confusing or frustrating. Fortunately, this is a rare occurrence. For the purposes of this book, we will be somewhat idealistic and make the assumption that both users and designers want products to be easy to use, efficient, and engaging.

User experience can sometimes mean the difference between life and death. For example, the health industry is not immune to poor usability. Usability issues abound in medical devices, procedures, and even diagnostic tools. Jakob Nielsen (2005) cites one study that found 22 separate usability issues that contributed to patients receiving the wrong medicine. Even more troubling is that, on average, 98,000 Americans die every year due to medical error (Kohn et al., 2000). While there are no doubt many factors behind this, some speculate that usability and human factors are at least partially to blame.

In some very compelling research, Anthony Andre looked at the design of automatic external defribulators (AEDs)(2003). An AED is a device used to resuscitate an individual experiencing cardiac arrest. AEDs are found in many public spaces, such as shopping malls, airports, and sporting events. An AED is intended to be used by the general public with no background or experience in life-saving techniques such as CPR. The design of an AED is critical, as most individuals who are actually using an AED are experiencing it for the first time, under a tremendous amount of stress. An AED must have simple and clear instructions, and deliver them in a way that is time sensitive and also mitigates user errors. Andre’s research compared four different AED manufacturers. He was interested in how each of them performed in terms of users being able to deliver a shock successfully within a specified time limit. He was also interested in identifying specific usability issues that were impacting user performance with each of the machines.

In his 2003 study, he assigned 64 participants to one of four different machines. Participants were asked to enter a room and save a victim (a mannequin lying on the floor) with the AED they were assigned. The results he found were shocking (no pun intended!). While two machines performed as expected (0% errors from a sample of 16 participants for each machine), two other machines did not fare so well. For example, 25% of the participants who used one of the AEDs were not able to deliver a shock to the victim successfully. There were many reasons for this outcome. For example, participants were confused by the instructions on how to remove the packaging for the pads that adhere to the bare chest. Also, the instructions on where to place the electrodes were somewhat confusing.

After Andre shared his research findings with his client, they agreed to address these issues as part of a product redesign effort.

Similar situations can arise on a regular basis in the workplace or in the home. Just think of the written instructions for such actions as lighting the pilot light on a furnace, installing a new lighting fixture, or trying to figure out a tax form. An instruction that’s misunderstood or misread can easily result in property damage, personal injury, or even death. User experience plays a much wider role in our lives than most people realize. It’s not just about using the latest technology. User experience impacts everyone, every day. It cuts across cultures, age, gender, and economic class. It also makes for some very funny stories!

Saving lives is, of course, not the only motivation for a good user experience. Championing user experience in a business setting is often geared toward increasing revenues and/or decreasing costs. Stories abound of companies that lost money because of the poor user experience of a new product. Other companies have made ease of use a key differentiator as part of their brand message.

The Bentley University Design and Usability Center had the opportunity to work with a not-for-profit organization on the redesign of their charitable-giving website. They were concerned that visitors to their website would have difficulty finding and making donations to the charitable foundation. Specifically, they were interested in increasing the number of recurring donations, as it was an excellent way to build a more continuous relationship with the donor. Our research included a comprehensive usability evaluation with current and potential donors. We learned a great deal about how to not only improve navigation, but simplify the donation form and highlight the benefits of recurring donations. Soon after the launch of the new website, we learned that the redesign effort was a success. Overall donations had increased by 50%, and recurring donations increased from 2, up to 19 (a 6,715% increase!). This was a true usability success story, and one that also benefits a great cause.

User experience takes on an ever-increasing role in our lives as products become more complex. As technologies evolve and mature, they tend to be used by an increasingly diverse set of users. But this kind of increasing complexity and evolution of technology doesn’t necessarily mean that the technologies are becoming easier to use. In fact, just the opposite is likely to happen unless we pay close attention to the user experience. As the complexity of technology grows, we believe that user experience must be given more attention and importance, and UX metrics will become a critical part of the development process to provide complex technology that’s efficient, easy to use, and engaging.

1.2 What are User Experience Metrics?

A metric is a way of measuring or evaluating a particular phenomenon or thing. We can say something is longer, taller, or faster because we are able to measure or quantify some attribute of it, such as distance, height, or speed. The process requires agreement on how to measure these things, as well as a consistent and reliable way of doing it. An inch is the same length regardless of who is measuring it, and a second lasts for the same amount of time no matter what the time-keeping device is. Standards for such measures are defined by a society as a whole and are based on standard definitions of each measure.

Metrics exist in many areas of our lives. We’re familiar with many metrics, such as time, distance, weight, height, speed, temperature, and volume. Every industry, activity, and culture has its own set of metrics. For example, the auto industry is interested in the horsepower of a car, its gas mileage, and the cost of materials. The computer industry is concerned with processor speed, memory size, and power requirements. At home, we’re interested in similar measurements: how our weight changes when we step on the bathroom scale, where to set our thermostat in the evening, and how to interpret our water bill every month.

The user experience field is no different. We have a set of metrics specific to our profession: task success, user satisfaction, and errors, among others. This book gathers all the UX metrics in one place and explains how to use these metrics to provide maximum benefit to you and your organization.

So what is a UX metric and how does it compare to other types of metrics? Like all other metrics, UX metrics are based on a reliable system of measurement: Using the same set of measurements each time something is measured should result in comparable outcomes. All UX metrics must be observable in some way, either directly or indirectly. This observation might be simply noting that a task was completed successfully or noting the time required to complete the task. All UX metrics must be quantifiable—they have to be turned into a number or counted in some way. All UX metrics also require that the thing being measured represents some aspect of the user experience, presented in a numeric format. For example, a UX metric might reveal that 90% of the users are able to complete a set of tasks in less than 1 minute or 50% of users failed to notice a key element on the interface.

What makes a UX metric different from other metrics? UX metrics reveal something about the user experience—about the personal experience of the human being using a product or system. A UX metric reveals something about the interaction between the user and the product: some aspect of effectiveness (being able to complete a task), efficiency (the amount of effort required to complete the task), or satisfaction (the degree to which the user was happy with his or her experience while performing the task).

Another difference between UX metrics and other metrics is that they measure something about people and their behavior or attitudes. Because people are amazingly diverse and adaptable, we sometimes encounter challenges in our UX metrics. For this reason, we discuss confidence intervals with most of the UX metrics discussed in order to reflect the variability in the data. We will also discuss what metrics we consider relevant (and less relevant) in a UX context.

Certain things are not considered UX metrics, such as overall preferences and attitudes not tied to an actual experience of using something. Think of some standard metrics such as the Presidential Approval Ratings, the Consumer Price Index, or the frequency of purchasing specific products. Although these metrics are all quantifiable and may reflect some type of behavior, they are not based on actually using something in order to reflect the variability in the data.

UX metrics are not an end unto themselves; rather, they are a means to help you reach an informed decision. UX metrics provide answers to questions that are critical to your organization and that can’t be answered by other means. For example, UX metrics can answer these critical questions:

• Will the users recommend the product?

• Is this new product more efficient to use than the current product?

• How does the user experience of this product compare to the competition?

• Do the users feel good about the product or themselves after using it?

• What are the most significant usability problems with this product?

• Are improvements being made from one design iteration to the next?

1.3 The Value of UX Metrics

We think UX metrics are pretty amazing. Measuring the user experience offers so much more than just simple observation. Metrics add structure to the design and evaluation process, give insight into the findings, and provide information to the decision makers. Without the insight provided by metrics, important business decisions may be made based on incorrect assumptions, “gut feelings,” or hunches. As a result, some of these decisions are not the best ones.

During a typical usability evaluation, it’s fairly easy to spot some of the more obvious usability issues. But it’s much harder to estimate the size or magnitude of the issues. For example, if all eight participants in a study have the same exact problem, you can be quite certain it is a common problem. But what if only two or three of the eight participants encounter the problem? What does that mean for the larger population of users? UX metrics offer a way to estimate the number of users likely to experience this problem. Knowing the magnitude of the problem could mean the difference between delaying a major product launch and simply adding an additional item to the bug list with a low priority. Without UX metrics, the magnitude of the problem is just a guess.

User experience metrics show whether you’re actually improving the user experience from one product to the next. An astute manager will want to know as close to certain as possible that the new product will actually be better than the current product. UX metrics are the only way to really know if the desired improvements have been realized. By measuring and comparing the current with a new, “improved” product and evaluating the potential improvement, you create a win–win situation. There are three possible outcomes:

• The new version tests better than the current product: Everyone can sleep well at night knowing that improvements were made.

• The new version tests worse than the current version: Steps can be taken to address the problem or put remediation plans into place.

• No difference between the current product and the new product is apparent: The impact on the user experience does not affect the success or failure of the new product. However, improvements in other aspects of the product could make up for the lack of improvement in the user experience.

User experience metrics are a key ingredient in calculating a ROI. As part of a business plan, you may be asked to determine how much money is saved or how revenue increases as a result of a new product design. Without UX metrics, this task is impossible. With UX metrics, you might determine that a simple change in a data input field on an internal website could reduce data entry errors by 75%, reduce the time required to complete the customer service task, increase the number of transactions processed each day, reduce the backlog in customer orders, cut the delay in customer shipments, and increase both customer satisfaction and customer orders, resulting in an overall rise in revenue for the company.

User experience metrics can help reveal patterns that are difficult or even impossible to see. Evaluating a product with a very small sample size (without collecting any metrics) usually reveals the most obvious problems. However, many more subtle problems require the power of metrics. For example, sometimes it’s difficult to see small inefficiencies, such as the need to reenter user data whenever a transaction displays a new screen. Users may be able to complete their tasks—and maybe even say they like it—but many small inefficiencies can eventually build up to impact the user experience and slow down the process. UX metrics help you gain new insights and lead toward a better understanding of user behavior.

1.4 Metrics for Everyone

We’ve been teaching a class on UX metrics, in one form or another, for almost a decade. During this time, we have met many UX and non-UX professionals who have little-to-no background in statistics, and even a few who were terrified of anything that looks like a number. Despite this, we have continually been impressed and inspired by how these folks are able to learn the basics on how to collect, analyze, and present UX metrics quickly and easily. UX metrics are a very powerful tool, but also easily accessible to almost anyone. The key is simply to try, and learn from your mistakes. The more metrics you collect and analyze, the better you will get! In fact, we even see some individuals who use this book simply as a guide to what types of UX metrics make the most sense for their organization or project and then go off and ask someone else to actually do the dirty work and collect/analyze the data. So, even if you don’t want to get your hands dirty, there isn’t an excuse for incorporating UX metrics into your work.

We’ve written this book to be easy and approachable to the broadest possible audience. In fact, we probably favor simplification rather than a deep dive into heavy statistical analysis. We feel this will help attract as many UX and non-UX people as possible. Of course, we strongly encourage everyone to go beyond this book by creating new metrics tailored to your organization, product, or research practice.

1.5 New Technologies in UX Metrics

Earlier we stated that UX metrics apply to a vast array of products, designs, and technologies. In fact, even with new tchnologies emerging every day, UX metrics still remain highly relevant. However, what does change (and quite rapidly) are the technologies themselves that better allow us to collect and analyze UX data. Throughout the book you will get a sense of some of the newest technologies that might make your job a little easier, and certainly more interesting. We wanted just to highlight a few of the latest technologies that have emerged in the last few years.

There are some exciting new advances in the world of eye tracking. For decades, eye tracking was restricted to the lab. This is no longer the case. Within the last couple of years, two major vendors in eye tracking (Tobii and SMI) have released goggles that can be used to track eye movements in the field. So, as your participant is walking down the aisle at the supermarket, you can gather data on what he/she is looking at and for how long. Of course, it is a little tricky when different objects occur in approximately the same location and at different depths. But, no doubt they are improving these goggles with each new release.

Eye tracking is even moving beyond hardware. For example, EyeTrackShop has developed technology that collects eye movement data through the participant’s webcam. So, no longer are you restricted to being in the same location as your participants, now you can literally collect eye-tracking data with anyone in the world, assuming they have an Internet connection and a webcam. This is a very exciting development, and it is certainly going to open up the market for eye-tracking data to many UX professionals who did not have, or could not afford the hardware.

Another exciting new technology is in the area of affective computing. For decades, UX professionals have gained insight into a user’s emotional state by listening to and observing the participant, and of course asking all the right questions. These qualitative data have been, and will always be, extremly valuable. However, advances in affective computing have added a new dimension to measuring emotional engagement. Companies such as Affectiva combine data from sensors that measure skin conductance, along with facial recognition software that anayzes different facial expressions. Together, these two pieces of data tell the researcher something about not only the level of arousal, but the valence (whether it is a positive or negative emotion).

There are a host of new unmoderated usability testing tools that make data collection very easy and affordable. Some tools such as UserZoom and Loop11 are powerful and affordable for collecting a lot of usability data very efficiently. Other tools such as Usabilla and Userlytics do a very nice job of integrating both qualitative and quantitative data for a reasonable price. Other tools, such as, allow you to essentially run qualitative-based, self-guided usabilty studies very easily and quickly. And, of course, there are some very specialized tools that help track clicks or mouse movements. It is very exciting that there are so many new technologies that the UX researcher can add to his/her suite of tools.

Analyzing open-ended responses has always been very luborious and inprecise. It is all too common for researchers to disregard verbatim comments or just randonly select a small sample for quotes. In the last few years verbatim analysis software has improved greatly to the point that researchers now have the ability to analyze open-ended responses.

1.6 Ten Myths about UX Metrics

There are many common myths about UX metrics. Some of these myths may come from of a lack of experience with using metrics. Perhaps these myths arose from a negative experience (such as someone from marketing screaming about your sample size) or even other UX professionals complaining about the hassles and costs associated with using metrics. Ultimately the source of these myths doesn’t matter. What matters is to separate fact from fiction. We’ve listed 10 of the most common myths surrounding UX metrics and a few examples that dispel these myths.

Myth 1: Metrics Take Too Much Time to Collect

At best, UX metrics can speed up the design process and, at worst, should not impact the overall timeline. Metrics are collected quickly and easily as part of a normal iterative usability evaluation. Project team members may assume incorrectly that full-blown surveys need to be launched or that you have to be testing in the lab for two straight weeks to collect even basic UX metrics. In fact, there are some fairly simple UX metrics you can collect as part of your everyday testing. Adding a few extra questions at the beginning or end of each usability session will not impact the length of the session. Participants can quickly answer a few key questions as part of either a typical background questionnaire or follow-up activities.

Participants can also rate tasks for ease of use or satisfaction after each task or at the end of all tasks. If you have easy access to a large group of target users or a user panel, you can send out an e-mail blast with a few key questions, perhaps with some screenshots. It’s possible to collect data from hundreds of users in just 1 day. Some data can also be collected quickly without even involving the user. For example, you can report the frequency and severity of specific issues quickly and easily with each new design iteration. The time it takes to collect metrics doesn’t have to be weeks or even days. Sometimes it’s just a few extra hours or even minutes.

Myth 2: UX Metrics Cost Too Much Money

Some people believe that the only way to get reliable UX data is to outsource the study to a market research firm or UX/design consultancy. Although this may be helpful in some situations, it can also be quite costly. Many reliable metrics don’t cost an arm and a leg. Even as part of your everyday testing, you can collect incredibly valuable data on the frequency and severity of different usability issues. You can also collect huge amounts of quantitative data by sending out short e-mail surveys to fellow employees or a panel of targeted users. Also, some of the best analysis tools are actually free on the web. Although money does help in certain situations, it is by no means necessary to get some great metrics.

Myth 3: UX Metrics are not Useful When Focusing on Small Improvements

Some project team members may question the usefulness of metrics when they are interested in only some fairly small improvements. They may say it’s best to focus on a narrow set of improvements and not worry about metrics. They may not have any extra time or budget to collect any UX metrics. They may say that metrics have no place in a rapid-pace iterative design process. Analyzing usability issues is an obvious and incredibly valuable solution. For example, looking at the severity and frequency of usability issues and why they occur is an excellent way to focus resources during the design process. This approach saves the project both money and time. You can easily derive UX metrics based on previous studies that might help you answer key usability questions. UX metrics are useful for large and small projects alike.

Myth 4: UX Metrics Don’t Help us Understand Causes

Some people argue that metrics don’t help us understand the root cause of user experience problems. They assume (incorrectly) that metrics serve only to highlight the magnitude of the problem. But if they concentrate on only success rates or completion time data, it’s easy to see why some might have this perception. Metrics, however, can tell you much more about the root cause of usability issues than you might initially think. You can analyze verbatim comments to reveal the source of the problem and how many users experience it. You can identify where in the system users experience a problem and use metrics to tell where and even why some problems occur. Depending on how the data are coded and the methods used, there is a wealth of UX data that can help reveal the root cause of many UX issues.

Myth 5: UX Metrics are Too Noisy

One big criticism of UX metrics is that the data are too “noisy.” Too many variables prevent getting a clear picture of what’s going on. The classic example of “noisy” data is measuring task completion time in an automated usability study when the participant goes out for a cup of coffee or, worse, home for the weekend. Although this may happen on occasion, it should not deter you from collecting task time data or any other type of usability data. There are some simple things that can be done to minimize or even remove noise in the data. UX data can be cleaned up so that extreme values are not used in the analysis. Also, specific metrics can be chosen carefully to mitigate noisy data. Well-defined procedures can be used to ensure that appropriate levels of consistency are achieved in evaluating tasks or usability issues. Many standard questionnaires have already been widely validated by many researchers. The bottom line is that with some careful thought and a few simple techniques, a lot of the noise in UX data can be reduced significantly to show a clear picture of user behavior and attitudes.

Myth 6: You Can Just Trust Your Gut

Many usability decisions are made on a “gut level.” There’s always someone on the project team who proclaims, “This decision just feels right!” One of the beauties of metrics is that having data takes a lot of the guesswork out of usability decisions. Some design options are truly borderline cases, but they might actually have an impact on a large population. Sometimes the right design solutions are counterintuitive. For example, a design team may ensure that all the information on a web page is above the fold, thereby eliminating the need to scroll. However, usability data (perhaps in the form of task completion times) may reveal longer task completion times because there’s not enough white space between the various visual elements. Intuition is certainly important, but data are better.

Myth 7: Metrics Don’t Apply to New Products

Some people shy away from metrics when evaluating a new product. They may argue that since there is no point of comparison, metrics don’t make sense. We would argue just the opposite. When evaluating a new product, it’s critical to establish a set of baseline metrics against which future design iterations can be compared. It’s the only way to really know if the design is improving or not. In addition, it’s helpful to establish target metrics for new products. Before a product is released, it should meet basic UX metrics around task success, satisfaction, and efficiency.

Myth 8: No Metrics Exist for the Type of Issues We are Dealing with

Some people believe that there aren’t any metrics related to the particular product or project they are working on. Whatever the goal of the project, at least a couple of metrics should tie directly to the business goals of the project. For example, some people say they are only interested in the emotional response of users and not in actual task performance. In this case, several well-established ways of measuring emotional responses are available. In other situations, someone might be concerned only with awareness. Very simple ways to measure awareness also exist, even without investing in eye-tracking equipment. Some people say that they are only interested in more subtle reactions of users, such as their level of frustration. There are ways to measure stress levels without actually asking the user. In our years of UX research, we have yet to come across a business or user goal that was not measurable in some way. You may have to be creative in how you collect the data, but it’s always possible.

Myth 9: Metrics are not Understood or Appreciated by Management

Although some managers view user experience research as providing only qualitative feedback about a design or product, most managers see the value of measurement. It has been our experience that UX metrics are not only understood but very much appreciated by upper-level management. They can relate to metrics. Metrics provide credibility to the team, the product, and the design process. Metrics can be used to calculate ROI. Most managers love metrics, and UX metrics are one type of metric they will embrace quickly. UX metrics can also be real attention grabbers with management. It’s one thing to say there’s a problem with the online checkout process, but it’s an entirely different thing to say that 52% of users are unable to purchase a product online successfully once they’ve found it.

Myth 10: It’s Difficult to Collect Reliable Data with a Small Sample Size

A widely held belief is that a large sample size is required to collect any reliable UX metrics. Many people assume that you need at least 30 participants to even start looking at UX data. Although having a larger sample size certainly helps increase the confidence level, smaller sample sizes of 8 or 10 participants can still be meaningful. We will show you how to calculate a confidence interval that takes into account the sample size when making any conclusion. Also, we will show you how to determine the sample size you need to identify usability issues. Most of the examples in this book are based on fairly small sample sizes (fewer than 20 participants). So not only are metrics possible to analyze with fairly small sample sizes, doing so is quite common!

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