
I would like to thank everybody with whom I have discussed microservices and all the people who asked questions or worked with me—way too many to list them all. The interactions and discussions were very fruitful and fun!

I would like to mention especially Jochen Binder, Matthias Bohlen, Merten Driemeyer, Martin Eigenbrodt, Oliver B. Fischer, Lars Gentsch, Oliver Gierke, Boris Gloger, Alexander Heusingfeld, Christine Koppelt, Andreas Krüger, Tammo van Lessen, Sascha Möllering, André Neubauer, Till Schulte-Coerne, Stefan Tilkov, Kai Tödter, Oliver Wolf, and Stefan Zörner.

As a native speaker, Matt Duckhouse has added some significant improvements to the text and improved its readability.

My employer, innoQ, has also played an important role throughout the writing process. Many of the discussions and suggestions of my innoQ colleagues are reflected in the book.

Finally, I would like to thank my friends and family—especially my wife, whom I have often neglected while working on the book. In addition, I would like to thank her for the English translation of the book.

Of course, my thanks also go to all the people who have been working on the technologies that are mentioned in the book and thus have laid the foundation for the development of microservices. Special thanks also due to the experts who shared their knowledge of and experience with microservices in the essays.

Leanpub has provided me with the technical infrastructure to create the translation. It has been a pleasure to work with it, and it is quite likely that the translation would not exist without Leanpub.

Addison-Wesley enabled me to take the English translation to the next level. Chris Zahn, Chris Guzikowski, Lori Lyons and Dhayanidhi Karunanidhi provided excellent support for that process.

Last but not least, I would like to thank dpunkt.verlag and René Schönfeldt, who supported me very professionally during the genesis of the original German version.

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