Chapter 18. VPN and Dial-up Solutions

As more and more companies become more and more dependent on computers for all business processes, users have an increased need to access corporate resources from locations other than the office. Traveling users, telecommuters, and business partners all benefit from being able to access corporate resources remotely.

This remote access to resources traditionally takes one of two forms—Virtual Private Networks (VPN) or direct dial-up access. VPNs often use the Internet for their connectivity and encrypt the flow of data to ensure that data is not intercepted and stolen or modified. Dial-up access refers to the classic modem access via the telephone network to corporate-owned modem pools.

Both methods are commonly used in the industry. Both methods also have some inherent insecurities and performance issues that must be addressed to optimize their use. This chapter gives you the information you need to build secure and scalable remote access solutions based on your specific needs.

Choosing the Right VPN Solution

You have several choices when it comes to implementing VPNs. There are software-based VPNs such as those offered by Windows Server 2003. Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) and Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) are both integrated into Routing and Remote Access Services. There are VPN products built into firewalls such as Checkpoint or Sonicwall. There are even dedicated hardware VPNs that run a specialized operating system such as those from Ravlin. Although each of these choices is viable, there are pros and cons to each which must be considered.

Windows 2003 Routing and Remote Access Services

Windows Server 2003 offers several VPN choices through its Routing and Remote Access Services. These options include Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP), and Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE). Like most Microsoft offerings, these VPN options are all tightly integrated with other Microsoft products. Microsoft has conveniently placed support for all of these VPN types into the client operating systems. This makes it very easy and economical for you to use Windows Server 2003 RRAS for VPN.

One of the drawbacks to using Windows Server 2003 RRAS for VPN is that although the Choose Your Role Wizard allows Windows Server 2003 to tailor itself for VPN use it is still an operating system that was built to fit many needs. Exposure to security vulnerabilities will be higher than with a device that is designed to do VPNs exclusively. It will be very important to administrators to ensure that a Windows Server 2003 RRAS system has been secured as much as possible. This chapter will cover such settings and recommendations.

Something of a hybrid solution is offered by companies such as Celestix. These hybrids are dedicated VPN systems that are based on a subset of Windows Server 2003. This gives them the advantages of the tight integration with Microsoft products without the exposure to security vulnerabilities that would be present in a full implementation of the operating system. Such devices leverage Active Directory for the storage of security account information and thus integrate well into Microsoft-oriented networks.

Examining Firewall-based VPNs

Most of the major firewalls on the market today offer VPN functionality. Many of these firewall manufacturers have gone out of their way to create proprietary VPN systems to differentiate themselves from Microsoft offerings. Although some of the smaller firewall manufacturers offer PPTP and L2TP w/IPSec, most of the larger companies such as Checkpoint or Cisco have created their own implementations.

These proprietary VPN systems often tout improved security in the areas of authentication and data encryption. Higher bandwidth saturation as well as larger numbers of concurrent connections is often offered by these solutions. Although there is a lot to be said for improved performance and security, it usually comes at a price. These firewall-based VPNs usually require that an additional VPN client be purchased and installed onto each system that will be accessing the network via the VPN. This results in additional costs not only in the purchase of licenses but in the added management of installation of this client onto workstations. For companies with high security requirements, this is usually not a big issue. As the philosophy goes, there are three components involved with security: the overall security of the system, the convenience of using the system, and the cost of the system. To increase security, either cost will increase or convenience of use will decrease. If you reduce cost in an implementation, either security or usability will suffer. Making an environment easier to use will either cost more money or security will suffer. There is no perfect balance of these components. It is up to you to determine the requirements and design accordingly.

Pay careful attention to performance numbers and don’t be swayed by impressive numbers. If VPN box #1 can saturate 10MB and VPN box #2 can saturate 100MB, box #2 seems a lot more impressive. If the company only has a T-1 to the Internet, both boxes are more than sufficient and there would be no reason to spend extra money for the added capacity of box #2 over box #1.

Examining Hardware-based VPNs

The last class of VPN device is the dedicated hardware VPN. Manufacturers like Cisco or Ravlin offer devices that are designed to do nothing other than act as a consolidation point for VPNs. As the saying goes, let routers route, let firewalls firewall, and let the VPN system handle the VPN. Although in many cases it is advantageous to consolidate multiple functions into a single device, security usually takes the exact opposite approach. By separating tasks, not only are devices able to focus on what they are best at but a network gains multiple layers of security. Layered security is harder and more importantly, more time-consuming to defeat. Time is the bane of the hacker. The longer their attack takes, the more likely you are to see the attack and take appropriate measures. Never forget that computers don’t know whether an access is legitimate. A VPN is a doorway into your network. Your job is to ensure that only appropriate users access it.

In the past, most dedicated VPN devices ran proprietary VPN protocols. Today most of these devices have moved toward standards-based VPNs with protocols like PPTP, IPSec, and IKE. This gives you greater flexibility in integrating multiple VPN devices. This is especially helpful when companies merge, acquire, or partner up.

Deciding When to Make the Move from Software to Hardware

Small networks that don’t have specific security requirements and that want to take advantage of VPN technologies are prime candidates for software-based VPNs. Windows Server 2003—with PPTP or L2TP w/IPSec on the back-end and the client running native VPN stacks from a Windows operating system—allows easy access to corporate resources.

Eventually companies outgrow this simple architecture. Because alternative operating systems need access to the resources, it is often helpful to abstract the VPN portion of the traffic. Site-to-site VPN technologies can be leveraged to allow normally unsupported operating systems to access a VPN as long as they are able to communicate via TCP/IP. An Apple computer or a Linux system can both ride a TCP/IP VPN tunnel into a network regardless of its ability to support PPTP if it is communicating through a PPTP capable site-to-site VPN device.

Site-to-site VPN devices are generally very secure, easy to install, and flexible in their protocol support. Rather than install client VPN software on all machines in a remote location and configure them all to connect to a single VPN device, local VPN gateways can be installed to allow traffic to route from site to site across the VPN. This enables a user to travel to any location with one of these VPN gateways and access the corporate network. In many companies, these types of VPNs have replaced traditional WAN connections. Because these VPNs leverage the Internet as their backbone, they are only as reliable as the Internet. The primary benefit of a site-to-site VPN over a traditional WAN connection is the cost. Local Internet connectivity is relatively inexpensive and this reduction in cost versus a long distance Frame Relay or ATM connection allows a site to purchase higher bandwidth than it would have normally been able to afford. The savings are often great enough to allow the site to also purchase a redundant Internet connection. This further improves the stability of the VPN and makes a compelling argument for replacing traditional WAN connections with site-to-site VPN connections.

Best Practices for Securing L2TP

It is important to note that L2TP is, in and of itself, a tunneling protocol. By itself it offers no data encryption. L2TP is traditionally used with IPSec to add encryption to this IP tunnel. L2TP offers a feature that used to be unavailable with PPTP. This feature is the ability to place the VPN server behind a Network Address Translation device. This is to say that the L2TP VPN device does not require a routable IP address to be usable from the Internet. It merely requires that the appropriate UDP port be mapped to the firewall and the necessary protocols be passed to the L2TP server. These ports, configured in the Advanced TCP/IP Settings for the system network adapter shown in Figure 18.1, are specified:

Port filtering for L2TP.

Figure 18.1. Port filtering for L2TP.

  • UDP source port of 500. This allows IKE traffic to be sent to the L2TP server.

  • UDP source port of 1701. This allows IPSec traffic to be sent to the L2TP server.

  • IP Protocol ID of 50. This allows IPSec ESP traffic to reach the L2TP server.

  • IP Protocol ID of 51. This allows IPSec AH traffic to be sent to the L2TP server.

To secure the L2TP server itself, it is useful to treat the VPN server like a firewall. This is to say that all unessential services should be disabled. The POSIX subsystem should be disabled and the OS2 subsystem should be disabled as well. File securities should be audited to ensure that no users have access to any of the files. The High Security Workstation template from the Security Analysis and Configuration Tool is a great starting point.

To ensure that traffic passes through the VPN device it should be configured with at least two network cards that should be addressed on different networks. One NIC would connect to the production network and the other would normally connect to the DMZ network. This enables you to configure the two interfaces differently. TCP/IP filtering should be enabled on the DMZ interface of the L2TP device. Only the required ports and protocols should be accepted by the server. This greatly minimizes the attack profile of the server. Because this server is a gateway into the network, it should be treated as such and locked down as far as possible.

Using L2TP in Parallel with a Firewall

It is a fairly common practice to install a VPN device in parallel with the firewall. This is to say that both the firewall and the VPN device have an interface that is connected directly to the Internet. Remote VPN users connect directly to the VPN device and their traffic does not pass through the firewall.

This configuration requires that the VPN device itself be well hardened and secured. Careful monitoring of the device will also help to ensure that it is not compromised. This configuration is often used in cases where the firewall is not able to correctly pass L2TP traffic to the VPN device.

One advantage of the VPN in parallel with the firewall is that it offloads traffic from the firewall, resulting in a smaller load on the firewall. Configuration of the VPN is also simpler as there is no configuration of the firewall necessary. This configuration can also reduce the number of licenses needed for the firewall because each VPN connection doesn’t use up an outgoing session license.

If an L2TP device is going to be run in parallel with the firewall it is preferable for the device to be a dedicated VPN device with a dedicated operating system. If the L2TP device runs a full operating system, such as Windows Server 2003 RRAS, it is recommended you perform the following tasks:

  • Disable all nonessential services

  • Enable TCP/IP port filtering on the external facing NIC

  • Allow only UDP ports 500 and 1701

  • Allow only protocols 50 and 51

  • Enable logging on the L2TP server

  • Require IPSec encryption

  • Do not allow unencrypted passwords (PAP)

  • Require MS-CHAP v2

  • Allow EAP methods MD5, PEAP, and smartcard or other certificate

Running the L2TP Device in Parallel

To run the L2TP device in parallel with the firewall, it will be necessary to have at least two Network Interface Cards in the device. The port filtering should only be placed on the external interface.

Using L2TP in Series with a Firewall

If the firewall supports it, there are numerous security advantages to placing the L2TP VPN device in series with a firewall. The concept of layering security is a popular one and the philosophy works well with VPNs. In addition to being able to secure the local VPN device as was described in the previous section, “L2TP in Parallel with Firewall,” having the firewall in series and ahead of the VPN device enables you to filter traffic at the firewall as well. In this way, before the VPN device could be attacked, the firewall would first have to be compromised. Anything that increases the time necessary to compromise a system increases the overall security of an environment.

Most Application Layer firewalls, Proxy Level firewalls, and Port Filtering firewalls will work very well with L2TP. L2TP can be passed through a firewall as well as be translated to an Internet host via Network Address Translation. This allows smaller companies with a single IP address to map L2TP services through a firewall back to an internal VPN device.

L2TP Client Requirements

To make an L2TP/IPSec virtual private network (VPN) connection, you must first have an Internet connection. If a system tries to make a VPN connection before it has an Internet connection, it will likely experience a noticeable delay, perhaps 60 seconds, and then receive an error message stating that there was no response or that something is wrong with the modem or other communication device.

To use L2TP/IPSec connections, it is useful to understand how an L2TP/IPSec connection works. When a system starts the connection, an initial L2TP packet is sent to the server. This packet is requesting a connection. This packet causes the IPSec layer on the client computer to negotiate with the VPN device to set up an IPSec protected session. This protected session is also called a security association or simply an SA. Based on network speed and latency, the IPSec negotiations can take from a few seconds to several minutes. When an SA has been established, the L2TP session starts. When this session starts, the user will be prompted for a username and password. After the VPN device accepts the username and password, the session setup is completed.

Some common issues with the use of L2TP/IPSec connections include:

  • An incorrect or missing certificate

  • An incorrect or missing pre-shared key

  • An incorrect or missing IPSec remote access policy

  • Insufficient dial in rights for the user

  • Use of Network Address Translation at the client side

Many small networks use a router or firewall with NAT functionality to share a single routable address among all the computers on the network. The original version of IPSec drops a connection that goes through a NAT because it detects the NAT’s address-mapping as packet tampering. Home networks also frequently use an NAT. This blocks the use of L2TP/IPSec unless the client and VPN gateway both support the NAT Transparency standard for IPSec. NAT transparency is supported by Windows Server 2003.

Leveraging Remote Access Policies

For a common policy, you must choose the following:

  • An access method:

    VPN access

    Dial-up access

    Wireless access


  • Whether to grant access permissions by user or by group

  • Authentication methods

  • Levels of allowed encryption (depending on the access method selected)

For a custom policy, you must configure the following:

  • A set of policy conditions

  • Whether remote access permission for the policy is granted or denied

  • Remote access policy profile settings

Best Practices for Securing PPTP

Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol, or PPTP, is a common and popular form of VPN. It is simple to configure and supports situations where multiple clients will NAT through a single IP address to reach one or more VPN devices. Most any modern operating system has built-in support for PPTP, making it a very easy solution to implement.

PPTP encapsulates traffic on port 1723 through the use of GRE or Generic Routing Encapsulation. This basically means that a client establishes a tunnel via a single port that will allow traffic of any type and any port to travel through this tunnel. This gives PPTP client’s full access into a network by routing traffic at the PPTP VPN device between the tunnel and the rest of the network.

In the past, PPTP got a bit of a bad reputation for its security. This was an issue with MS-CHAP v1 that allowed for the potential for a “man in the middle” attack. This issue was fixed in MS-CHAP v2. Similarly, the 14-character password limitation of MS-CHAP v1 was also fixed in v2.

Using PPTP in Parallel with a Firewall

It is a fairly common practice to install a VPN device in parallel with the firewall. This is to say that both the firewall and the VPN device have an interface that is connected directly to the Internet. Remote VPN users connect directly to the VPN device and their traffic does not pass through the firewall. This is especially common for PPTP implementations due to the fact that PPTP traffic cannot normally be translated to an internal host via Network Address Translation. Without specific proxy type support for PPTP, the PPTP VPN device requires a routable IP address on the Internet in order to function correctly. Some modern firewalls allow a DMZ function where any undefined traffic will default to a particular device. This effectively places the device outside the firewalls and negates the normal protection provided by the firewall. If this method of passing traffic is employed it should be treated as though it was in parallel with the firewall as opposed to being connected in serial.

This parallel configuration requires that the VPN device itself be well hardened and secured. Careful monitoring of the device will also help to ensure that it is not compromised. Appropriate port filtering and security templates should be applied to the PPTP device where appropriate.

One advantage of the VPN in parallel with the firewall is that it offloads traffic from the firewall, resulting in a smaller load on the firewall. Configuration of the VPN is also simpler because there is no configuration of the firewall necessary. This configuration can also reduce the number of licenses needed for the firewall because each VPN connection doesn’t use up an outgoing session license.

If a PPTP device is going to be run in parallel with the firewall, it is preferable for the device to be a dedicated VPN device with a dedicated operating system. If the PPTP device runs a full operating system, such as Windows Server 2003 RRAS, it is recommended you configure the following items on the Advanced TCP/IP Settings as shown in Figure 18.2 for the network adapter:

Port filtering for PPTP.

Figure 18.2. Port filtering for PPTP.

  • Disable all nonessential services

  • Enable TCP/IP Port filtering on the external facing NIC

  • Allow only TCP port 1723

  • Allow only protocol 47 (GRE)

  • Enable logging on the PPTP server

  • Do not allow unencrypted passwords (PAP)

  • Require MS-CHAP v2

  • Allow EAP methods MD5, PEAP, and smartcard or other certificate

Running the PPTP Device in Parallel

To run the PPTP device in parallel with the firewall, it will be necessary to have at least two Network Interface Cards in the device. The port filtering should only be placed on the external interface.

Using PPTP in Series with a Firewall

If the firewall supports it, there are numerous security advantages to placing the PPTP VPN device in series with a firewall. The concept of layering security is a popular one and the philosophy works well with VPNs. In addition to being able to secure the local VPN device as was described in the previous section, “PPTP in Parallel with Firewall,” having the firewall in series and ahead of the VPN device enables you to filter traffic at the firewall as well. In this way, before the VPN device could be attacked, the firewall would first have to be compromised. Anything that increases the time necessary to compromise a system increases the overall security of an environment.

Most modern Application Layer firewalls, Proxy Level firewalls and Port Filtering firewalls will work very well with PPTP. When supported, PPTP can be passed through a firewall as well as be translated to an Internet host via Network Address Translation. This allows smaller companies with a single IP address to map PPTP services through a firewall back to an internal VPN device.

PPTP Client Requirements

To make a PPTP virtual private network (VPN) connection, you must first have an Internet connection. If a system tries to make a VPN connection before it has an Internet connection, it will likely experience a noticeable delay, perhaps 60 seconds, and then receive an error message stating that there was no response or that something is wrong with the modem or other communication device.

Some common issues with the use of PPTP connections include the following:

  • An incorrect or missing account name

  • An incorrect or missing password

  • Insufficient level of encryption chosen

  • An incorrect or missing PPTP remote access policy

  • Insufficient dial-in rights for the user

  • Blocking PPTP at the firewall at the client side

  • Use of Network Address Translation at the server side

Leveraging Remote Access Policies

For a common policy, you must choose the following:

  • An access method:

    VPN access

    Dial-up access

    Wireless access


  • Whether to grant access permissions by user or by group.

  • Authentication methods

  • Levels of allowed encryption (depending on the access method selected)

For a custom policy, you must configure the following:

  • A set of policy conditions

  • Whether remote access permission for the policy is granted or denied

  • Remote access policy profile settings

Taking Advantage of Internet Authentication Service

Internet Authentication Service, or IAS, is the Windows Server 2003 implementation of Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service (RADIUS) server and proxy. As a RADIUS server, IAS supports centralized authentication, accounting, and authorization for multiple types of network access. These access types include VPN connections, wireless connections, switch authentication, and remote access dial-up connections. As a RADIUS proxy, IAS is able to forward switch authentication and accounting messages to other RADIUS servers. RADIUS is an Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard that is designed to handle authentication, auditing, and accounting tasks for connectable devices.

Using Terminal Services to Access the IAS Server

When using Terminal Services, data is not actually sent between client and server. Only the user interface of the server (for example, the IAS console image and the operating system desktop) is sent to the Terminal Services client. This is called Remote Desktop Connection in Windows XP. The client sends keyboard and mouse input, which is processed locally by the server that has Terminal Services installed. When Terminal Service users log on, they can view only their individual client sessions, which are managed by the server and are independent of each other. This means that other Terminal Sessions don’t have access to the traffic associated with other connection. Additionally, Remote Desktop Connection provides 128-bit encryption between the client and the server.

Using IPSec to Encrypt Confidential Data

Like with any type of traffic, IPSec can be used to encrypt communication between the IAS server and the remote client computer that is being used to administer it. This ensures that none of the configuration information is being passed in clear text. To administer the server remotely, the Windows Server 2003 Administration Tools Pack must be installed on the client computer, and the IAS snap-in must be added to the Microsoft Management Console (MMC).

The IAS server provides authentication, authorization, and accounting for connection attempts to a corporate network. It is very important to protect the IAS server and RADIUS messages from unwanted internal and external intrusion. IAS is the key to accessing a corporate network and it is critical that only the appropriate people have access to those keys.

Always take standard precautions to secure an IAS server. Limit access to the system to only a limited number of members of the IT staff. Store the IAS server in a locked and controlled data center. Audit the security logs regularly and be sure to password-protect the system backups. This way the tapes can’t be easily used to create a server that can impersonate the corporate IAS server.

Use the RunAs command to administer local IAS servers rather than logging in with an administrative-level account. You can use the RunAs command to perform administrative tasks when you are logged on as a member of a group that does not have the required administrative credentials.

Because the IAS system is the gatekeeper to remote access it is critical that access via the system is well logged. There are two types of logging offered by IAS—event logging and authentication logging.

Event logging can be used to record IAS events in the system event log. This is primarily used for auditing and troubleshooting connection attempts. This information goes directly into the Windows Server 2003 Event Viewer.

IAS is able to log user authentication and accounting information to log files in text or database format. Optionally it can log to a stored procedure in a SQL Server 2000 database. This type of logging is primarily used for connection trend analysis as well as for billing purposes. This type of data can also be useful as a security investigation tool, giving you another method of tracking down the activity of an unauthorized user.

With either type of logging, ensure that there is sufficient capacity to maintain the logs. In the case of auditing information, one would usually need at least a month of data to accurately perform bill back tasks to various departments. On the security tracking side, it is useful to have many months of data so that it will be possible to track the activities of a suspected hacker. Be sure to back up the log files regularly as they cannot be re-created if they are damaged or deleted.

You can optimize IAS authentication and authorization response times as well as reduce network traffic by installing IAS on a domain controller. Similar gains can be achieved by making the IAS system a Global Catalog as well. This is because when universal principal names (UPNs) or Windows Server 2003 domains are used, IAS will use the global catalog to authenticate the users. Making the IAS a global catalog or at least having a global catalog on the same subnet as the IAS system will reduce the time needed to perform the authentication.

In a large RADIUS implementation where there is heavy authentication traffic, you can effectively load balance the RADIUS environment by doing the following:

  • Install IAS as a RADIUS server on all domain controllers.

  • Configure multiple IAS proxies to forward the authentication requests between the RADIUS servers and the access servers.

  • Configure the access servers to use the IAS proxies as RADIUS servers.

This is especially useful in large 802.1x implementations where wireless connections are using certificates to authenticate via IAS/RADIUS to gain access to an internal network.

IAS in Windows Server 2003

IAS in Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, supports a maximum of 50 RADIUS clients and a maximum of two remote RADIUS server groups. You can define a RADIUS client using either an IP address or a fully qualified domain name. You cannot define groups of RADIUS clients via IP address ranges. IAS in Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, and Datacenter Edition, support an unlimited number of RADIUS clients and remote RADIUS server groups. Additionally, you can configure RADIUS clients via an IP address range. You should be sure to understand their needs before deciding on which version of Windows 2003 they will run.

Using VPN for Wireless

With the recent popularity of wireless technologies like 802.11a, 802.11b, and 802.11g, there is increased concern with making the wireless connections as secure as wired connections. One of the simplest factors that helps secure wired connections is that all the network jacks are physically secured within the building. Access to one of these network ports requires access to the office itself. Given the nature of wireless technologies, the client needs only proximity to the access point. What this means is that clients outside the office could potentially gain access to the internal network. One of the most common ways to avoid this security issue is to place the wireless connection outside the internal network. Typically, the connection is placed in the DMZ or Demilitarized Zone. By placing the access point in the DMZ outside the firewall the connection becomes akin to the Internet connection. At this point, wireless connections, just like remote users, would logically connect via a VPN connection.

For companies that use a classic DMZ, which is to say that there is a “third leg” on the firewall that separates hosts from both the Internet and the internal network, access points should be placed in a separate DMZ. This prevents wireless clients from doing several potentially destructive things such as

  • Attacking DMZ hosts from inside the DMZ itself

  • Leaching Internet access

  • Launching denial of service attacks from corporate owned IP ranges

  • Sending SPAM from corporate owned IP ranges

  • Performing denial of service attacks on the DMZ by binding multiple IP addresses and causing IP conflicts

  • Sniffing traffic between the DMZ and internal hosts

Deploying VPN and Dial-up Services

Deploying VPN and Dial-up services is a fairly straightforward task that most any administrator can handle. There are several factors that should be taken into consideration when designing a remote access system:

  • Corporate security policies

  • Number of simultaneous users

  • Client support

  • WAN connectivity

  • Telco resources

  • National versus worldwide access

  • Quality of Service requirements

  • User-to-port ratios

  • Accounting requirements

  • Logging requirements

Leveraging the Microsoft Connection Manager

The Microsoft Connection Manager (CM) is a client dialer for connecting to network resources on a public network or to private networks over the Internet. CM sits on top of Dial-Up Networking (DUN) and simplifies the network access experience for end users. This dialer client can be preconfigured for the users by the Administrator by using the Connection Manager Administration Kit (CMAK).

The Connection Manager Administration Kit is a step-by-step wizard that creates custom service profiles and enables you to append applications. The Service Profile is a collection of connection information tailored to specific employees. This connection information is combined with applications and Connect Actions to create an Installation Package.

When installed, the Service Profile merges with the resident Connection Manager dialer to enable employees to easily connect to a public or private network. Through the use of the CMAK, you can standardize and simplify the configuration of remote connectivity and improve the end users’ connection experiences.

The CMAK can preconfigure any of a variety of items for each Service Profile within an Installation Package.

Desktop and Tray Icons

CMAK supports the customization of both a desktop icon and a taskbar tray icon. The tray icon can be configured as an interface to additional applications distributed by the company.

Animated Dialer Logon Screen

Support for animation in the dialer interface and keys for integration with the connection status enable you to communicate to the client with connection status or network status information.

Phone Book

The Connection Manager Phone Book stores POP and RAS (dedicated line) access numbers with an easily navigable user interface. Employees can always have a local phone number for network access at their fingertips. Each phone number can also be configured as a PPTP connection, making encrypted connections transparent to the client.

Interface Support for Multiple Service Types

Specification of multiple service types enables you to support different levels of services for different user types. This is especially useful in ensuring that VIP users receive priority connectivity.

Connect Actions

Connect Actions are client events that are preconfigured by the administrator. These events are keyed upon the onset or termination of network secession and are used like login or logoff scripts.

Automated Phone Book Updates

Automated updates of the client’s resident POP/RAS phone book is a Connect Action. The update downloads new POP/RAS information (incrementally) upon termination of the logon session as needed. In this way, you can rest assured that each client will always have the latest version of a phone book and access to the latest local POPs.


Auto-applications are Connect Actions configured to automatically launch or close resident applications upon the start or termination of a connection. This enables you to facilitate the use of your services by launching a browser or other resident application (e-mail client) and closing that application upon termination of the connection.

License Agreement

In an increasingly litigious society, it’s necessary for you to insulate yourself from the legal and financial risks you might incur in the provision of virtual private networking services. Corporations need to inform employees of the responsibilities, duties, and obligations of the corporation regarding confidentiality of information. For this reason, and because you might want to append your own proprietary application to custom service profiles, the CMAK supports the appending and distribution of custom contracts to the client. In this manner, you can defer legal exposure to an informed client and protect your software investments.

Connection Status

The CM interface can be configured to keep the client apprised of the connection status with specific terminology. This feature can be coupled with the animation support to keep each client informed of the connection status at all times.

Support Phone Number

Quality of service and support is critical to employee productivity and subscriber satisfaction. The CMAK configures the CM interface with a support phone number at the logon screen.

Custom Help File

The CMAK allows for the inclusion of a custom help file in the service profile. This custom help file can help reduce support costs through the inclusion of targeted frequently asked questions. In addition, this help file can let corporate customers make business policy regarding remote network use explicit to their employees. Custom help files reduce support costs by making clients more self-sufficient and can reduce the risk of inappropriate online behavior.

Language Support

The CMAK also provides for the simple, efficient editing of service profiles. Service profiles can be easily created in multiple languages including English, French, German, Spanish, and Japanese.

Automatic Password

You can use the CMAK to specify whether end-user passwords can be saved for Internet access or access to the corporate network. This facility can be enabled or disabled depending on your security policy. Forgetting passwords is a large support issue that can be addressed and reduced directly through this facility.

Realm Name Prefix and Suffix

Many service providers require the appending of some very specific syntax to log on to their servers. Non-intuitive logon script results in end-user frustration and support calls. The CMAK tool enables you to preconfigure realm name ( as well as the prefix or suffix extensions, facilitating the provision of basic Internet access and VPN services.

Assign Encrypted Connections

Key to the provisioning of Virtual Private Networks is network security. One popular means of providing security is through encryption of the transmitted data. The CMAK enables you to associate with each POP phone number a PPTP configuration status.

Append an Application

The CMAK enables network administrators to append applications to the custom Service Profile information during the creation of an Installation Package. This enables you to ensure that the clients at the receiving end have all the software and information they need to immediately engage in VPN activity.

Edit Existing Service Profiles

To facilitate the creation of service profiles for different departments within an organization or subscriber base, with the CMAK, you can edit pre-existing service profiles so that you don’t need to re-enter all data when making minor service profile changes.

The Connection Manager Administration Kit is installed as a Windows component in the Management and Monitoring Tools area.

Leveraging Softmodems

As companies scale the number of supported users they often replace banks of modems with dedicated hardware such as routers with multiple asynchronous interface cards. This enables you to bring in T-1 lines and create 23 dial-up connections rather than bringing in hundreds of analog lines. This concept scales well but eventually even it becomes unrealistic. For companies that must support huge numbers of dial-up connections there are Softmodems.

A Softmodem is a device that enables you to connect a large circuit connection, like a T-3 or an OC-3, and create a very large number of dial-up connections. Rather than have dedicated circuitry for each modem device, a Softmodem leverages a central processor to effectively create multiple virtual modems. This technology is scalable well into the ISP class of service.

Consolidating Lines with Larger Circuits

As companies grow past a few modems and a few analog lines connected to a RAS device it makes sense to compare prices and costs against aggregating those connections into a larger circuit.

Racks of modems take up valuable space in a corporate data center. Racks of modems can be replaced by routers with asynchronous cards and Telco circuits to save space and improve performance. Consolidated devices are often more reliable than common off-the-shelf modems.

Let’s say, for example, that analog phone lines cost a company $40/month. Let’s say a T-1 line in the same location costs $600/month. A T-1 line provides the equivalent of 23 analog phone lines. After the company breaks 15 analog lines, the T-1 line is less expensive. Lines 16–23 effectively become savings that would apply against any additional costs of the consolidation device versus the costs of the old style modems. In some cases, the consolidation device will be less expensive than the RAS device and the modems would have been.

These consolidation devices usually support RADIUS for authentication and auditing as well as SNMP for management and monitoring. Between the savings in monthly costs and the reduction in space used in the data center, these solutions can be very viable for companies with even modest RAS needs.

Leveraging RADIUS

RADIUS, or Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service, is the de facto standard for authenticating and tracking remote access users. RADIUS is used for dial-up, VPN, and even wireless connections. Microsoft’s IAS is its implementation of RADIUS.

A RADIUS remote access environment has three primary components: Users, Remote Access Servers, and the RADIUS server. Each user connection is a client of a Remote Access Server, which, in turn, is a client of the RADIUS server.

The user is the person who is trying to gain remote access to the corporate network from home or from the road. Usually, the user has a PPP or perhaps SLIP dialer that enables him to dial into a Remote Access Server at the corporate office and become a remote node on the network, with IP or IPX access to network resources.

The Remote Access Server (or RAS) is a device that does the following:

  • Accepts remote connections such as SLIP or PPP dial-in calls, authenticates each user via the RADIUS or some other authentication server, and then routes or bridges that user onto the network.

  • Accepts direct connections to the network through a firewall, authenticates the user via the RADIUS or other authentication server, and then grants network access to specific resources.

  • Accepts VPN connections, authenticates the user via the RADIUS or some other authentication server, and routes that user onto the network.

  • Forwards requests from another RAS device using Proxy Radius. This is similar to call-forwarding, where an external RAS service can direct all authentication and accounting transactions to a company’s RADIUS server.

Because most RAS devices can handle multiple connections at once, a corporate network might include a single RAS or multiple RASes working in tandem to handle the traffic.

The RADIUS server is the device that accepts authentication requests from one or more Remote Access Servers, performs the authentication, and responds with the result. This result is either an accept or a reject. The RADIUS server also provides Accounting services that not only allow a network to handle “charge back” to departments that use the remote access system, but also provides for logging and auditing functions.

Typical installation of RADIUS will include a single RADIUS server to handle all the Remote Access Servers. An additional RADIUS could be added to increase redundancy. It is always preferable to not have a single point of failure in an enterprise RAS system. Some companies will have Remote Access Servers at multiple sites and could elect to have a separate RADIUS server at each site. If the various sites are sufficiently linked over a WAN of reasonable speed or over the Internet, a single RADIUS server can be used to handle multiple Remote Access Servers at multiple sites. This allows a single pair of RADIUS servers to be leveraged enterprisewide.

It is useful to understand the steps involved in a typical transaction in which a user is successfully authenticated via RADIUS:

  1. A user dials in to a Remote Access Server and PPP negotiation begins.

  2. The RAS device passes authentication information, specifically the username and password, to the RADIUS server.

  3. If the RADIUS server is able to authenticate the user, it will issue an accept response to the RAS device. The RAS device will also send the profile information required by the RAS to set up the connection. This usually includes IP address, maximum connect time, hours for valid access, and the like.

  4. If the RADIUS server is unable to authenticate the user, it issues a reject response to the RAS device, along with a message indicating the reason for denial of access.

  5. With this information, the RAS device completes PPP negotiation with the user. If the RAS received an accept response, it can now enable the user to begin accessing the network. If the RAS device received a reject response, it terminates the user’s connection. Optionally, the RAS device will display the reason for terminating the connection at the user’s terminal.

In an authentication transaction, there is password information that is transmitted between the RADIUS server and the RAS device. The password information is encrypted via secret key that is entered at both the RAS device and the RADIUS server.

This password information originates from the user, usually as part of PPP negotiations. In a sense, the RAS device is just an intermediary device. It is easier to think of the authentication process as being a transaction between the user and the RADIUS server.

There are a few types of authentication transactions used between a remote access user and RAS that are supported by the Windows Server 2003 implementation of RADIUS:

  • PAP (Password Authentication Protocol)

  • CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol)

  • EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol)

Password Authentication Protocol is a fairly simple protocol. The user sends her password to the RADIUS server, and the RADIUS server validates it. This validation is performed either against RADIUS’ own database or against Active Directory. One of the drawbacks to PAP is that the password is initially sent unencrypted. RAS encrypts the password before forwarding it to the RADIUS server and the RADIUS server decrypts it using a shared secret key. Ultimately, the RADIUS server has the password in clear text form and is able to make use of it directly for authentication.

Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol is much more secure in that it never sends passwords in clear text over any communication link. With CHAP, the RAS device generates a random number (the challenge) and sends it to the user. The user’s PPP client creates a digest, which is a one-way encryption, of the password concatenated with the challenge. This digest is sent to the RAS device. Because the digest is a one-way encryption, the RADIUS server cannot recover the password from the digest. It doesn’t need to recover the password. Instead it can perform the identical digest operation using its own copy of the user’s password stored in its database. If the two digests match, the user is authenticated successfully.

Extensible Authentication Protocol is an extension to the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP). EAP supports arbitrary authentication methods using credential and information exchanges of arbitrary lengths. EAP was developed as a result of an increasing demand for authentication methods that leveraged third-party security devices and provide an industry-standard architecture to support additional authentication methods within PPP.

Managing Remote Users with GPOs

One of the most compelling benefits of Active Directory was the ability to manage users and their computers via Group Policy Objects. System settings, services, applications, and many other items could be controlled on a per-user or per-computer basis. One of the classic issues faced by administrators was how to manage remote users so that they were not impacted by their relatively slow connection speed. Publishing full applications to remote users would be a very slow and intrusive process. Taking users and computers in and out of OUs would be nearly impossible to manage to try to reflect their status of local or remote. The easy solution to this issue is to take advantage of the fact that RRAS can hand out its own block of IP addresses. You can pretty safely assume that if a client machine has an IP address that is handed out by the RRAS system, that client is either dialed in or connecting via VPN. By creating a site within Active Directory that contains the subnets owned by the RRAS server, specific GPOs can be applied to that site that take into account the reduced bandwidth.

Using Site-to-Site VPNs

After VPN use from a site scales past four or five users it is often beneficial to switch architectures from a client-to-site VPN to a site-to-site VPN. This means that instead of managing individual clients for VPN access, entire networks are connected via an encrypted VPN tunnel. This allows all resources on one side of the tunnel to reach all resources on the other side of the tunnel. This is a common way to replace dedicated WAN connections with less expensive connections. Both sites support local Internet access and a site-to-site VPN provides the secure connection between the two networks. Although the networks might be dozens of hops away from each other, the VPN tunnel makes them appear to be adjacent networks as shown in Figure 18.3.

Remote network is one hop away.

Figure 18.3. Remote network is one hop away.

Using Windows Server 2003 RRAS for Site-to-Site VPNs

Windows Server 2003 Routing and Remote Access Services supports not only client-to-server VPNs but also site-to-site VPNs. By creating VPN interfaces in addition to having physical interfaces, RRAS is able to route IP traffic not only throughout the network but across VPN connections as well.

To create a site-to-site VPN, do the following:

  1. From within the Routing and Remote Access manager, right-click the Network Interfaces and choose to add a new Dial Demand Interface. This will launch the wizard.

  2. Click Next and give the interface a name. This name should easily identify the site to which it is connecting (see Figure 18.4).

    Configuring the interface name.

    Figure 18.4. Configuring the interface name.

  3. Choose the connection type and the VPN type. Then enter the IP address of the VPN device to which you are connecting. Click Next.

  4. Check the box labeled Route IP packets, shown in Figure 18.5, on this interface.

    Enabling the routing of IP packets.

    Figure 18.5. Enabling the routing of IP packets.

  5. Enter the subnets located on the opposite side of the VPN tunnel. This will be entered by the system as a static route through the VPN interface. Click Next.

  6. Enter the dial-in credentials for the interface. This account must exist at the other side of the VPN. Click Next and then Finish and the VPN is complete.

Using Load Balancing to Add Scalability and Resiliency

Both RAS and RADIUS services work well when load balanced. Because neither service is connection-specific, it doesn’t matter which device is actually contacted so long as each of the devices provides the services needed. This is to say that a company could have multiple RAS devices that answer to a single identity. In the case of RAS devices, this could mean either a single phone number that is transferred to the next available line or a load-balanced IP address that contacts the RAS device with the lowest load. Similarly these RAS devices can be pointed to the load-balanced address of multiple RADIUS devices to ensure that connections can be validated.

Windows Server 2003 Enterprise and Datacenter editions have built-in support for load balancing. A less expensive solution for load balancing RAS devices for VPNs is to attach to the device via DNS name. By placing multiple records into DNS for the same name that resolve to each of the IP addresses, the connections can be round-robined to cause each successive request to reach a different RAS device.


You have a number of options available to you when it comes to enabling remote access to corporate data. Modem banks, hardware and software VPNs, native clients, and third-party clients all work with various types and levels of authentication and encryption to allow secured access to data. By allowing access to users when they are outside the office, users are able to increase their productivity.

Technologies like wireless networking offer users amazing flexibility when it comes to accessing the network while away from their office. Conference rooms no longer have to fight over available LAN jacks and facilities that require flexibility in configuration are no longer limited by static wiring. But with this improvement in accessibility comes the potential for insecurity. By treating a wireless connection like a remote access user, you can offer the same level of security and functionality with a minimal increase in management. Not unlike the OSI model, by abstracting the wireless connection to look like a remote access user to the rest of the environment, the remainder of the remote access system is totally unchanged in order to support the wireless users. This philosophy can be used in many aspects of networking to further leverage existing technologies and resources.

This chapter has shown the importance of not only controlling access to a network but also the importance of being able to carefully audit that access. By tracking user access and connection time, a clever administrator will know when it is time to expand connectivity resources. This chapter has shown how connectivity technologies can be used to save money as demand for capacity increases.

You have learned in this chapter that there are many types of authentication available to you and that each type has its own strengths and weaknesses. This chapter has shown options for configuring firewalls to support various types of VPN traffic and has offered workarounds for use with firewalls that do not natively support VPN protocols.

This chapter has shown the differences between various VPN types and has shown which types are appropriate for different situations. This gives you the knowledge you need to support mixed environments.

This chapter has discussed various implementation options and shown how to automate client configuration for protocols that are present in various flavors of Windows. This greatly simplifies the implementation of Remote Access systems and helps you to keep their project costs low.

Remote Access systems can be one of the most valuable resources available to a company. By implementing flexible and resilient failure tolerant Remote Access systems, companies can have employees who are productive whether they are on the road, at home, or in the office. Remote Access systems are also a doorway into the corporate environment and should always be protected and monitored as such.

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