
  • 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project)
    • see also LTE…
    • background
    • freeze dates
    • group communications
    • ProSe
    • Releases
    • security requirements
  • 4G
    • see also LTE…
  • access priorities
  • ACMA (Australian Communications and Media Authority)
  • ad hoc networks
  • admission priorities
  • AGAs (air-ground-air links)
  • AIE (air interface encryption)
  • Airwave, UK
    • see also TETRA…
    • costs
  • allocations, spectrum
  • analogue systems
  • APCO (Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials)
  • AppComm (Application Community)
  • APT (Asia-Pacific Telecommunity)
  • ARIB, Japan (Association of Radio Industries and Business)
  • ARP (Allocation and Retention Priority)
  • ASA (Authorized Shared Access)
    • see also LSA…
  • Asia and Pacific
    • see also individual countries
    • existing spectrum assignments and candidate bands
    • spectrum estimates
    • standards and regulations
  • ASTRID, Belgium
    • see also TETRA…
  • Australia
    • spectrum
    • standards and regulations
  • authorizations
  • back-office support teams
  • backhaul
  • barring services
  • base stations (BSs)
    • see also eNBs…; RNs…
    • isolated E-UTRAN operations
  • BB (broadband PPDR services)
    • applications
    • characterization of data applications for PPDR
    • costs
    • definition
    • delivery options for BB PPDR networks/services
    • future PPDR communications
    • initiatives
    • list of technologies
    • paradigm shift
    • standards and regulations
    • systems view of future PPDR communications
    • techno-economic change drivers
  • Belgium
    • ASTRID
  • Bluetooth
  • border security services
    • see also coast guard…; law enforcement…
    • functions
  • broadcasting applications
  • business models
  • CA (carrier aggregation)
  • CAD (computer-aided dispatching)
  • cameras
  • Canada
    • spectrum
    • standards and regulations
    • TVWS
  • candidate bands
    • Asia and Pacific
    • EU
    • Latin America
    • North America
  • capacity needs
    • chemical plant explosions
    • concepts
    • day-to-day operations PPDR scenarios
    • disaster operational scenarios
    • Hurricane Charley in
    • large emergencies/public events operational scenarios
    • London riots in
    • ‘The Old Fire’ in Southern California in
    • operational scenarios
    • royal wedding in London in April
    • toxic gas leak in Washington DC
  • capacity-sharing of private PPDR networks, cost-saving methods
  • CAPEX (capital expenditure), networks
  • CCA (critical communication application)
  • CCBG (Critical Communications Broadband Group)
    • see also TCCA…
  • CCS (critical communication system)
  • CEPT (European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations)
    • see also ECC…; FM PT49…
    • Report
    • roles
  • China
    • spectrum estimates
    • standards and regulations
  • CITEL (Inter-American Telecommunications Commission)
  • CO-CO models (contractor owned and contractor operated)
  • coast guard services
    • see also border security…; environmental protection…; law enforcement…; search and rescue…
    • functions
  • command and control hierarchies
    • see also ICSs…
  • commercial networks
    • see also MNOs…; MVNO…
    • concepts
    • contractual agreements
    • cost-saving methods
    • costs
    • current support of priority services
    • fundamentals
    • infrastructure-sharing through public-private partnerships
    • interconnections
    • key differences with PPDR models
    • limitations
    • LTE commercial networks
    • opportunity costs
    • ordinary contracts
    • organizational issues
    • PPDR using commercial networks
    • prioritization issues
    • profit-making motives
    • readiness to provide mission-critical PPDR services
    • specific PPDR contracts
  • communication systems
    • see also BB…; mission-critical…; spectrum…; standards
    • capabilities/performance requirements
    • capacity needs
    • common ICS communication flows
    • concepts
    • controls
    • costs
    • coverage service requirements
    • current PPDR technologies
    • D2D
    • definitions
    • future PPDR communications
    • general PPDR requirements
    • hierarchies
    • limitations
    • NB/WB/BB typical applications
    • operational PPDR scenarios
    • paradigm shift
    • Project HELP scenario
    • reconfiguration requirements
    • reference models
    • reference points in PPDR operations
    • regulations
    • security requirements
    • separation of service and network layers in PPDR communications
    • services needed for PPDR operations
    • systems view of future PPDR communications
    • types
    • unavailability (outage) problems
  • contingency plans
  • contractual agreements
  • control rooms
    • see also ECCs…
    • concepts
  • coordination operations, interoperability concepts
  • COP (common operating picture)
  • core network sharing, concepts
  • costs
    • commercial networks
    • cost-saving methods
    • deployable systems
    • network services
    • PPDR using commercial networks
    • priority access
    • quantification models
    • spectrum
    • TETRA
    • types
  • COTM (Communications On-The-Move)
  • COTS (commercial off-the-shelf systems)
  • coverage service requirements
  • COWs (cells on wheels)
  • CR (cognitive radio)
  • cross-border incidents
  • CRS (control room systems)
  • D-Block spectrum band
  • D2D (device-to-device communications)
    • see also DMO…; ProSe…
    • capabilities
    • concepts
    • definition
    • functional architecture
    • standardization work
  • DAS (distributed antenna systems)
  • data services
    • see also BB…; databases; e-mails; instant messaging; video…
    • high-level communication services classification requirements
  • data-centric applications
    • see also BB…
    • concepts
  • day-to-day interoperability modes
  • day-to-day operations PPDR scenarios
  • dedicated technologies/networks/spectrum
    • see also capacity-sharing…
    • advantages
    • limitations
    • LTE dedicated networks
  • delivery options for BB PPDR networks/services
  • deployable systems
  • DHS (Department of Homeland Security)
  • digital radio trunking technologies
    • see also P25…; TETRA…
    • definition
  • direct/talk-around mission-critical voice services
  • disaster operational scenarios
  • dispatchers/operators in the control rooms
  • DMO (direct mode operation)
    • see also D2D…; ProSe…
    • concepts
  • DMR
    • see also ETSI…; FDMA…; TDMA…
    • definition
    • Tier I/II/III substandards
    • users
  • DR radiocommunications (disaster relief radiocommunications)
  • dual-mode terminals
    • see also BB…; NB…
  • dynamic admission priority settings
  • dynamic spectrum sharing
  • E-UTRA (Evolved UMTS Radio Access Network)
    • see also eNBs…; LTE…; OFDMA…; RAN…
    • concepts
    • definition
    • isolated E-UTRAN operations
    • RAN sharing enhancements
  • E2EE (end-to-end encryption)
    • definition
  • EC (European Commission)
    • see also Europe…
  • ECC (Electronic Communications Committee)
    • see also CEPT…
  • ECCS (Emergency Communication Cell over Satellite)
  • ECCs (emergency control centres)
    • see also control rooms; PPDR…
    • communication needs
    • concepts
    • definition
    • intervention team communications
    • PSAP communications
  • ECMA International
  • ECN&S regulations
  • electric utility companies
  • eMBMS (evolved MBMS)
  • emergency call services, definition
  • emergency communications
  • emergency management (civil protection) services, functions
  • emergency management plans
    • see also contingency…
    • concepts
  • emergency responders
    • definition
  • emergency services
    • see also PPDR…
    • definition
  • EMSs (emergency medical services)
  • eNBs (evolved Node Bs)
  • encryption
  • ENISA (European Union Agency for Network and Information Security)
  • environmental protection services
  • EPC (Evolved Packet Core)
    • see also HSS…; LTE…; MME…; P-GW…; PCRF…; S-GW…
    • concepts
    • definition
  • EPS bearer service
    • concepts
    • priority EPS bearer services
  • EPS (Evolved Packet System)
    • see also LTE…
    • concepts
    • definition
  • equipment requirements
  • ESN, UK (Emergency Services Network)
  • ESOs (European Standards Organizations)
    • see also ETSI…
  • ETSI (European Telecommunication Standards Institute)
    • see also CCS…; DMR; GMDSS…; satellite…; TETRA
    • Mandates
    • roles
  • ETSI SC EMTEL (ETSI Special Committee on Emergency Communications) reference points model
  • European Council
  • European Parliament
  • European Union (EU)
    • see also CEPT…; EC; ETSI…; LEWP/RCEG…
    • Authorization Directive
    • costs
    • Directives
    • existing spectrum assignments and candidate bands
    • PPDR organizations
    • R&TTE Directive
    • Radio Spectrum Decision (676/2002/EC)
    • socio-economic benefits of PPDR
    • spectrum
    • standards and regulations
    • transition milestones
  • extended cell range solutions (boomer cells)
  • FCC (Federal Communications Commission)
  • FDMA (frequency division multiple access)
    • see also DMR; OFDMA…; P25…; TETRAPOL
    • concepts
    • definition
  • Finland
    • costs
    • standards and regulations
    • VIRVE
  • fire services
  • firefighter biometrics
  • firefighting services
    • functions
  • first responders
    • definition
  • FirstNet (First Responder Network Authority)
  • FM PT49 (Frequency Management Project Team 49)
    • see also CEPT…
    • roles
  • force majeure clauses, commercial networks
  • forest guards
  • France
    • critique of commercial networks
    • spectrum
    • standards and regulations
  • frequencies
    • see also spectrum…; UHF; VHF
    • global harmonized frequencies
  • future PPDR communications
    • see also IP-based backbones
    • applications and user equipment
    • concepts
    • current initiatives
    • spectrum needs
    • systems view
  • gas utility companies
  • gateways
  • GCSE (Group Communications System Enablers)
  • geographical information services
    • concepts
    • definition
  • Germany
    • BDBOS
    • spectrum
  • GETS (Government Emergency Telecommunications Service)
  • GLDBs (geo-location databases)
  • global harmonized frequencies
  • global regulations, spectrum
  • global standards
  • GO-CO models (government owned and contractor operated)
  • GO-GO models (government owned and government operated)
  • government organizations
  • group communications
    • see also PTT…; voice…
    • concepts
    • existing initiatives
    • standardization work
  • GSM
    • see also PMR…
    • concepts
    • historical background
  • GSM-Railway (GSM-Railway)
  • GSMA (GSM Association)
  • hardening
  • high-power UE
  • Home Office, UK
  • hospital emergency medical services
  • hot spots
  • ‘hot zones’
  • hybrid PPDR service delivery models
    • concepts
    • definition
    • types
  • ICSs (incident command structures)
    • common communication flows
    • definition
    • management levels wireless/wired communication flows
  • IDRA, Japan (Integrated Dispatch Radio)
  • IEEE
  • IEEE 802.11
  • IEEE 802.16
    • see also WiMAX
  • IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force)
  • imaging data applications
    • see also cameras; multimedia…; video…
  • IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem)
  • IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity)
  • incident area networks
  • incident command tools
  • incidents see major incidents
  • indoors coverage requirements
  • information-driven PPDR operations
  • infrastructure-sharing
  • inter-agency communications
  • inter-agency interoperability modes
  • interconnections
    • commercial networks
    • deployable systems
    • IP-based backbones
    • legacy PMR/LMR networks
    • network services
    • RAN sharing enhancements
    • roaming
    • satellite access
  • Internet
  • interoperability concepts, PPDR agencies
  • intervention team leaders on the field
  • intervention teams on the field
    • communication needs
    • concepts
    • ECC communications
  • intra-agency communications
  • IP-based backbones
    • see also deployable systems; legacy PMR/LMR…; LTE…; network…; satellite…
    • concepts
    • definition
    • interconnections
    • systems view of future BB PPDR communications
    • technologies
  • IPX (IP Packet Exchange)
  • ISI (Inter-system Interface)
  • isolated E-UTRAN operations
  • ISSI (Inter-RF Subsystem Interface)
  • ITU (International Telecommunication Union)
  • ITU-D (Development)
    • see also WGET…
    • background
    • roles
  • ITU-R (Radiocommunication)
    • see also RR…; spectrum; TFA…; WRCs….
    • background
    • roles
  • ITU-T (Standardization)
    • see also WTSA…
    • Q-series Recommendations
    • roles
  • Japan
  • JHA (Justice and Home Affairs Council), EU
  • joint-use networks, capacity-sharing of private PPDR networks
  • Korea
    • spectrum
    • standards and regulations
  • LAA (Licenced-Assisted Aggregation)
  • large emergencies/public events operational scenarios
  • Latin America
    • see also Central…; individual countries South…
    • existing spectrum assignments and candidate bands
    • standards and regulations
  • law enforcement services
  • legacy PMR/LMR networks
    • see also LMR…; migration; PMR…
    • concepts
    • interconnections
  • LEWP/RCEG (Law Enforcement Working Party/Radio Communication Expert Group) of the EU Council
  • licence-exempt regimes
  • licences
  • LMR (land mobile radio)
    • definition
  • location data
    • concepts
    • ‘Matrix of Applications’ by the LEWP/RCEG
  • LSA (Licensed Shared Access)
    • see also spectrum sharing
    • applicability to PPDR communications
    • concepts
    • definition
    • proposed system architecture
    • regulations
    • technical framework
  • LTE commercial networks
  • LTE dedicated networks
  • LTE Direct
    • see also D2D…; DMO…; ProSe…
    • definition
  • LTE eNBs see eNBs
  • LTE (long-term evolution)
    • see also BB…; E-UTRAN…; EPC…; IMS…; IP-based…; network…; OFDMA…; PPDR…; QoS…
    • advantages
    • concepts
    • costs
    • customization considerations
    • D2D
    • definition
    • enhancements
    • ‘flat’ architecture aspects
    • freeze dates
    • fundamentals
    • group communications and PTT
    • high-power UE features
    • historical background
    • identity protection capabilities
    • isolated E-UTRAN operations
    • limitations
    • new capabilities/features
    • PCC
    • prioritization
    • QoS
    • radio interface
    • RAN sharing enhancements
    • Releases
    • requirements
    • revenue forecasts
    • roaming support
    • schematic overviews
    • security
    • service model
    • small cells
    • standards and regulations
    • TVWS
    • VoLTE
  • LTE-Advanced, definition
  • LTE-U (LTE unlicenced)
  • ‘Matrix of Applications’ by the LEWP/RCEG
  • MBMS (Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service)
  • MCPTT (mission-critical push-to-talk)
    • see also PTT…; voice…
    • concepts
    • definition
    • requirements
    • standardization work
  • MDM (mobile device management)
  • microwave systems
  • Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act, US
  • Middle East
  • migration
  • military organizations
  • mission-critical communications
    • concepts
    • definitions
  • missions, operational frameworks
  • MNOs (mobile network operators)
  • mobile command rooms
  • mobile offices
  • mobile teams see intervention team…
  • MOCN (Multi-Operator Core Network)
  • monitoring applications
  • MPS (Multimedia Priority Service)
    • definition
  • MSSs (mobile satellite services)
  • MTPAS (Mobile Telecommunication Privileged Access Scheme)
  • multimedia applications
    • see also cameras; data…; imaging…; video…
    • characterization of BB data applications for PPDR
    • concepts
    • future prospects
    • list of applications
    • ‘Matrix of Applications’ by the LEWP/RCEG
  • mutual-aid interoperability modes
  • MVNEs (mobile virtual network enablers)
  • MVNO (mobile virtual network operator)
    • see also commercial networks
    • business models
    • concepts
    • definition
    • network architecture
    • PPDR deployment
    • value chains
  • NATO
  • natural disasters
  • NB (narrowband PPDR services)
    • see also PMR…
    • applications
    • concepts
    • costs
    • definition
    • LTE coexistence roadmap
    • standards and regulations
  • Netherlands
  • network management
  • network operators
    • see also MNO
    • concepts
  • NGNs (next-generation networks)
  • NGOs (non-governmental organizations)
  • NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technologies)
  • NMS (network management system)
  • non-mission-critical communications
  • North America
    • see also Canada; United States
    • existing spectrum assignments and candidate bands
    • standards and regulations
    • VoLTE services
  • Norway
  • NPSBN (National Public Safety Broadband Network)
  • NPSTC (National Public Safety Telecommunications Council)
  • NRAs (national regulatory authorities)
  • NTFA (National Table of Frequency Allocations)
  • NTIA (National Telecommunications and Information Administration)
  • OAM (operation, administration and maintenance)
  • Ofcom, UK
  • OFDM (orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing)
    • definition
  • OFDMA (orthogonal frequency-division multiple access)
  • OMA DMs (Open Mobile Alliance Device Management standards)
  • OMA PoC service architecture, MCPTT
  • open standards
    • see also Bluetooth…; SDKs…; USB…; Wi-Fi
  • operational frameworks
    • concepts
    • personnel
  • operational PPDR scenarios
    • see also capacity needs; day-to-day…; major incidents
    • communication systems
    • complexity dimensions
    • concepts
    • crisis severity dimensions
    • Project HELP scenario
    • scalability/spatial/temporal considerations
    • types
  • OPEX (operating expenditure), networks
  • opportunity costs
  • ordinary contracts, commercial networks
  • OTAR (over-the-air rekeying)
  • ownership of networks
  • P-GW (PDN Gateway)
  • P25 (Project 25)
    • see also FDMA…; PMR…; TDMA…
    • carrier-hosted ‘P25 as a service’ model
    • concepts
    • definition
    • Phase 1/2 specifications
    • standards and regulations
    • uses
  • PABX/PSTN/ISDN gateways
  • Pacific see Asia and Pacific
  • paramilitary organizations
  • PAWS (Protocol to Access White Space)
  • PCC (Policy and Charging Control system)
  • PCPS (Push-to-Communicate for Public Safety)
  • PCRF (Policy and Charging Rules Function)
  • PD (packet data)
    • see also IP-based…; LTE…
  • PDNs (packet data networks)
    • see also IMS…; IP-based…; LTE…; P-GW…
  • Phase 1/2 P25 specifications
  • PMR (private/professional mobile radio)
    • see also DMR; NB…; P25…; TETRA…
    • comparison chart of the technologies
    • concepts
    • current PPDR standards
    • definition
    • historical background
    • interconnections
    • limitations
    • remaining lifespan
    • standards and regulations
  • PoC (push-to-talk over cellular) service architecture, MCPTT
  • police
  • port security services
    • see also law enforcement…
    • functions
  • PP radiocommunications (public protection radiocommunications), concepts
  • PPDR agencies
    • concepts
    • definition
    • inter-agency interoperability modes
    • single/multiple PPDR agencies/jurisdictions
  • PPDR (public protection and disaster relief)
    • background and terminology
    • BB data applications
    • capacity needs
    • characterization of BB data applications for PPDR
    • communication systems
    • communication technologies
    • concepts
    • costs
    • coverage service requirements
    • definitions
    • delivery options for BB PPDR networks/services
    • existing spectrum assignments for PPDR
    • functions
    • funding sources
    • future PPDR communications
    • global harmonized frequencies
    • historical background
    • initiatives
    • limitations
    • NB/WB/BB typical applications
    • obstacles to evolution
    • operational frameworks
    • operational scenarios
    • organization functions/services
    • prioritization
    • QoS
    • regional contrasts
    • responsibilities
    • socio-economic benefits of PPDR
    • synergies
    • systems view of future PPDR communications
    • techno-economic change drivers
  • pre-emption capabilities
  • prioritization
    • commercial networks
    • concepts
    • costs
    • definition
    • features
    • PPDR using commercial networks
  • private connectivity services
  • privileged access schemes
    • see also MTPAS…; WPS…
  • ProSe Communications
  • ProSe Discovery
  • ProSe (Proximity-based Services)
    • see also D2D…; DMO…
    • capabilities
    • concepts
    • definition
    • functional architecture
    • protocol stack
    • standardization work
  • ProSe UE-to-Network Relay
  • ProSe UE-to-UE Relay
  • PS (public safety)
    • see also PPDR…
    • definition
  • PSAPs (public safety answering points)
    • communications
    • definition
    • ECC communications
  • PSCR (Public Safety Communications Research)
  • PTT (push-to-talk)
    • see also MCPTT…; voice…
    • concepts
    • definition
    • existing initiatives
    • standardization work
  • public authorities
    • see also emergency management…
    • functions
  • ‘public safety grade’ networks (PSG), concepts
  • public-private partnerships
  • QCIs (QoS Class Identifiers)
    • see also QoS…
  • QoS (quality of service)
    • see also prioritization; QCIs…
    • data plane QoS configuration
    • definition
    • discrimination areas
  • R&TTE Directive
  • radio spectrum see spectrum
  • Radio Spectrum Decision (676/2002/EC)
  • radiocommunication services, definition
  • railway transport police
  • railways
  • RAN (radio access network)
    • see also E-UTRAN…
    • definition
  • RAN sharing
    • active RAN sharing
    • architectures
    • common roles
    • definition
    • interconnections
    • MNOs
    • passive RAN sharing
  • RBSs (radio base stations)
  • real-time applications
  • reference points in PPDR operations, communication systems
  • regulations
    • see also standards
    • concepts
    • international comparisons
    • legal requirements of commercial networks
    • LSA
    • organizations
    • spectrum
    • spectrum sharing
    • TVWS
  • RF channels
  • RF chipsets
  • RNs (relay nodes)
  • road accidents
  • road transport police
  • roaming
    • architectures
    • definition
    • interconnections
    • LTE support
  • RR treaty (Radio Regulations treaty)
    • see also ITU…; TFA…
  • RRS (Reconfigurable Radio System)
  • RSC (Radio Spectrum Committee)
  • RSPG (Radio Spectrum Policy Group)
  • RSPP (Radio Spectrum Policy Programmes)
  • rugged devices
  • rural environment operational scenarios
  • SA6 ‘mission-critical applications’ 3GPP working group
  • SAGE (Security Algorithms Group of Experts)
  • SAS (spectrum access system)
  • satellite access
  • Schengen Treaty
  • SDOs (standards development organizations)
  • SDPs (service delivery platforms)
  • SDR (software-defined radio)
  • search and rescue services
  • secret keys
  • security domain notions
  • security requirements
    • see also authentication…; enable and disable…; encryption
    • 3GPP
    • commercial networks
    • LTE
    • ‘Matrix of Applications’ by the LEWP/RCEG
  • SEGs (Security Gateways)
  • sensors
  • service model, LTE
  • shared LTE network models
    • see also capacity-sharing…; commercial…; infrastructure-sharing…; MVNO…; RAN…; spectrum…
  • short data service (SDS)
  • SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) cards
  • SIP (Session Initiated Protocol)
  • SLAs (service-level agreements)
  • small cells
  • SMS (Short Message Service)
  • socio-economic benefits of PPDR
  • South America
    • see also individual countries; Latin…
  • SOWs (system on wheels)
  • Spain
  • spectrum
    • see also ITU-R…; MVNO…
    • allocations
    • assignments
    • auctions
    • Authorization Directive
    • authorizations
    • BB PPDR needs
    • candidate bands
    • cell sites
    • components
    • computation of spectrum needs
    • concepts
    • costing scenarios
    • dedicated technologies/networks/spectrum
    • definition
    • efficient spectrum management
    • energy production/distribution efficiencies
    • estimation of needs studies
    • existing assignments for PPDR
    • flexible spectrum
    • frequency reuse factors
    • future prospects
    • geographical regions
    • global regulations
    • historical background
    • international assignment comparisons
    • legal requirements
    • licences
    • management
    • management models
    • national-level regulations
    • needs
    • prices
    • regional-level regulations
    • regulations
    • socio-economic benefits of PPDR
    • spectral efficiencies
    • standards and regulations
    • techno-economic change drivers
    • technology characteristics
    • traffic demands
    • users
    • valuations
  • spectrum sharing
    • see also LSA…; TVWS…
    • concepts
    • definition
    • models
    • reasons
    • standards and regulations
    • technologies
  • standards
    • see also APCO…; CEPT…; ECC…; ETSI…; ITU…; NIST…; NPSTC…; PMR…; SDOs…; TCCA…
    • concepts
    • current PPDR standards
    • global standards
    • group communications
    • GSC
    • international comparisons
    • legal requirements of commercial networks
    • LSA
    • open standards
    • organizations
    • spectrum
    • spectrum sharing
    • TVWS
  • status messaging services
  • Sweden
  • SwMI (Switching and Management Infrastructure)
  • Tampere Convention regulations
    • see also ITU…
  • task-force interoperability modes
    • communication needs
  • TCCA (TETRA and Critical Communications Association)
    • see also CCBG…
    • background
    • membership
    • roadmap and timescales
  • TCCE (TETRA and Critical Communications Evolution)
  • TCO (total cost of ownership)
  • TDMA (time division multiple access)
    • see also DMR; P25…; TETRA
    • concepts
    • definition
  • TEAs (TETRA encryption algorithms)
    • definition
  • techno-economic change drivers, BB paradigm shift
  • TEDS (TETRA Enhanced Data Service)
    • definition
    • limited usage
  • telemedicine
  • telemetry applications
  • terminals
  • terrorist attacks
    • see also Airwave…; ASTRID…; DMO…; ETSI…; TDMA…; TEDS…
    • concepts
    • costs
    • definition
    • popular usage
    • security features
    • uses
    • see also FDMA…; PMR…
    • concepts
    • costs
    • definition
    • limitations
    • users
  • TETRAPOL Forum
  • TIA, US (Telecommunications Industry Association)
  • TMO (trunked mode operation)
  • traffic demands, spectrum need computations
  • transportable equipment
  • transportation
    • functions
  • TVBDs (TV band devices)
  • TVWS (TV white spaces)
    • see also spectrum sharing; UHF; VHF
    • applicability to PPDR communications
    • applications
    • concepts
    • critique
    • definition
    • LTE issues
    • penetration advantages
    • regulations
    • technical framework
    • tiers of access
  • UAE (United Arab Emirates)
  • UAVs (unmanned aeronautical vehicles)
  • UE (user equipment)
  • UHF
  • UIC (Union of International Railways)
  • UK
    • Airwave
    • current initiatives
    • ESN
    • Home Office
    • London riots in
    • Met Office
    • MTPAS
    • Ofcom
    • royal wedding in London in April
    • socio-economic benefits of PPDR
    • spectrum
    • standards and regulations
    • TVWS
  • UMTS
    • see also E-UTRA…; UTRA…
    • concepts
  • United Nations
    • see also ITU…
  • United States
    • chemical plant explosions
    • existing spectrum assignments and candidate bands
    • FCC
    • FirstNet
    • Hurricane Charley in
    • ‘The Old Fire’ in Southern California in
    • spectrum
    • standards and regulations
    • toxic gas leak in Washington DC
    • TVWS
    • WPS
  • urban environment operational scenarios
  • utility companies
    • see also electric…; gas…; water…
    • cabling facilities
    • functions
  • VHF
  • video
    • see also aerial…; cameras; helmet cameras; remote monitoring…; surveillance…; third-party…; vehicle-mounted…
    • applications types
    • concepts
    • conferencing applications
    • delivery work
    • London riots in
    • resolution requirements
    • royal wedding in London in April
    • streaming
  • video (real-time) applications
  • video (slow scan) applications
  • voice over IP (VoIP)
    • concepts
    • LTE
  • voice-centric PPDR services
  • VoLTE (Voice over LTE)
    • concepts
    • definition
  • volunteer organizations
    • see also environmental protection…; search and rescue…
    • functions
  • VPN (virtual private network)
  • VSATs (very small aperture terminals)
  • WANs (wide area networks)
  • warning systems
  • water utility companies
  • WB (wideband PPDR services)
    • see also TEDS…
    • applications
    • definition
  • WGET (Working Group on Emergency Telecommunications)
    • see also ITU-D…
  • white spaces
    • see also TVWS…
    • definition
  • Wi-Fi
  • WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network)
  • WPS (Wireless Priority Service)
  • WRCs (World Radiocommunication Conferences)
    • see also ITU-R…; RR…
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