
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


AA (file format), What You'll Be Using
AAC (file format), What You'll Be Using
ABC News app, PCalc Lite
ABC Player app, ABC Player
accessibility, Making Your iPad Accessible, Improving the Visual Quality of the Screen, Improving the Visual Quality of the Screen, Improving the Visual Quality of the Screen, Turning On VoiceOver, Turning On VoiceOver, Turning On Closed Captioning and Mono Audio, Turning On Closed Captioning and Mono Audio
closed captioning, Turning On Closed Captioning and Mono Audio
Large Text, Improving the Visual Quality of the Screen
Mono Audio, Turning On Closed Captioning and Mono Audio
turning on with triple-click, Turning On VoiceOver
VoiceOver, Turning On VoiceOver
White on Black, Improving the Visual Quality of the Screen
Zoom, Improving the Visual Quality of the Screen
Accessibility settings screen, Improving the Visual Quality of the Screen, Turning On VoiceOver
Add Bookmark icon, Clearing the History Window
Add Event window, Setting an Appointment
Add New Keyboard, Defining a Foreign-Language Virtual Keyboard
Add to Bookmarks, Saving or Sharing a Location, Placing Your Own Bookmark
Add to Existing Contact, Saving or Sharing a Location
Add to Home Screen, Saving a Website as a Home Screen Icon
address, Using the Compass, Searching for an Address, Bookmarking Favorite Locations, Placing Your Own Bookmark, Getting Directions for an Address Stored in the Contacts App
bookmarking, Bookmarking Favorite Locations
finding, Using the Compass
recent, Searching for an Address
stored, Getting Directions for an Address Stored in the Contacts App
address book, Viewing Contact Information
Address Book program, Mac, Converting Files to EPUB Format, Viewing Contact Information
using groups, Viewing Contact Information
Address field, Navigating Safari
Adobe Ideas app, SketchBook Pro and Adobe Photoshop Touch
Adobe Photoshop Express app, SketchBook Pro and Adobe Photoshop Touch
Adobe Photoshop Touch app, SketchBook Pro and Adobe Photoshop Touch
adult content, blocking, What You'll Be Using
AIFF (file format), What You'll Be Using
Air Display app, Air Display
airplane mode, Turning Your iPad On and Off, Waking Up Your iPad from Sleep Mode, Waking Up Your iPad from Sleep Mode, Additional Ideas for Turning Your iPad On and Off, iTunes Won't Recognize Your iPad
turning off, Waking Up Your iPad from Sleep Mode, iTunes Won't Recognize Your iPad
turning on, Waking Up Your iPad from Sleep Mode
when to use, Additional Ideas for Turning Your iPad On and Off
Album Art icon, Displaying Album Art
Album List icon, Displaying Album Art
Albums tab, Finding a Song to Play
All Inboxes, Reading Email
Allowed Content category, Filtering Content
Always Bcc Myself, Customizing Mail Accounts
Always Show Bookmarks Bar on/off switch, Adding a Bookmark to the Bookmarks Window or Bookmarks Bar
Angry Birds app, iMovie, iPhoto, and GarageBand
AP News app, PCalc Lite
Aperture, Viewing Pictures
App Store, Using the Scroll Command, Installing (and Uninstalling) Apps, What You'll Be Using, What You'll Be Using, What You'll Be Using
accessing, via iTunes, What You'll Be Using
finding apps, What You'll Be Using
Apple ID, Setting Up FaceTime, Finding a Stolen or Lost iPad
Apple Lossless (audio format), What You'll Be Using
appointments. See also Calendar app, Synchronizing Contacts, Synchronizing Appointments
synchronizing, Synchronizing Appointments
apps, Rearranging Icons into Folders, Rearranging Icons into Folders, Putting Apps on the Dock, What You'll Be Using, Blocking iPad Features, What You'll Be Using, Finding Apps on Your iPad, Finding Apps on Your iPad, Finding Apps on Your iPad, Installing an App, Installing an App, Installing an App, Installing an App, Installing an App, Updating Apps on the iPad, Deleting an App from the iPad, Deleting an App from the iPad, Deleting an App from the iPad, What You'll Be Using
adding to Dock, Rearranging Icons into Folders
blocking installation of, What You'll Be Using
categories, Finding Apps on Your iPad
deleting, Installing an App, Deleting an App from the iPad
via iTunes, Deleting an App from the iPad
featured, Finding Apps on Your iPad
filtering, Blocking iPad Features
finding, What You'll Be Using, Installing an App
force quitting, What You'll Be Using
installing, Installing an App
price, Installing an App
reinstalling, via iTunes, Deleting an App from the iPad
removing from Dock, Rearranging Icons into Folders
running iPhone, Deleting an App from the iPad
uninstalling, Installing an App
updating, Finding Apps on Your iPad, Updating Apps on the iPad
Artists tab, What You'll Be Using
Ask Before Deleting, Customizing Mail Accounts
Ask to Join Networks on/off switch, What You'll Be Using
Audacity, What You'll Be Using
audio files, What You'll Be Using, Blocking iPad Features, What You'll Be Using, Importing Files to iTunes on Your Computer, Listening to Music
blocking, What You'll Be Using
importing, What You'll Be Using
playing, Listening to Music
transferring, Importing Files to iTunes on Your Computer
audiobooks, Transferring Ebooks and Audiobooks from iTunes to Your iPad
auditory keyboard clicks, Turning Off Audible Keyboard Clicks
Auto-Brightness slider, Modifying the Wallpaper
auto-capitalization, Customizing the Virtual Keyboard
auto-correction, Customizing the Virtual Keyboard
Auto-Lock setting, Putting Your iPad to Sleep Automatically
autocomplete, Displaying Different Virtual Keyboards


Back button, Controlling a Song
backups, Your iPad Cannot Access the Internet, Restoring from a Backup, Encrypting Your Backup, Deleting a Backup
deleting, Restoring from a Backup
encrypting, Encrypting Your Backup
restoring from, Your iPad Cannot Access the Internet
battery, Charging and Conserving Battery Power, Charging and Conserving Battery Power, Monitoring Battery Life, Monitoring Battery Life
charging, Charging and Conserving Battery Power
conserving. See battery life, Monitoring Battery Life
gauge, Monitoring Battery Life
battery life, What You'll Be Using, Turning Off Push Accounts, Dimming Screen Brightness, Monitoring Battery Life, Additional Ideas for Conserving Power, Additional Ideas for Conserving Power
and 4G, Additional Ideas for Conserving Power
and Bluetooth, Dimming Screen Brightness
and Location Services, Turning Off Push Accounts
and temperatures, What You'll Be Using
monitoring, Monitoring Battery Life
BBC News app, PCalc Lite
Bento app, Documents To Go, Office2 HD and QuickOffice
blank screen after power on, Turning Your iPad On and Off
Bloomberg app, PCalc Lite
Bluetooth, Dimming Screen Brightness, Dimming Screen Brightness, Turning Off Bluetooth
settings screen, Dimming Screen Brightness
turning off, Turning Off Bluetooth
BMP (file format), What You'll Be Using
Bookmark icon, What You'll Be Using, Saving a Website as a Home Screen Icon
bookmarks, Using Bookmarks with Safari, Clearing the History Window, Clearing the History Window, Clearing the History Window, Adding and Managing Bookmarks, Adding a Bookmark to the Bookmarks Window or Bookmarks Bar, Deleting and Rearranging Your Bookmarks, Deleting and Rearranging Your Bookmarks, Saving a Website as a Home Screen Icon, Creating Folders in the Bookmarks Window, Synchronizing Mail, Notes, and Bookmarks
adding, Clearing the History Window
choosing where to store, Adding a Bookmark to the Bookmarks Window or Bookmarks Bar
deleting, Deleting and Rearranging Your Bookmarks
organizing, Deleting and Rearranging Your Bookmarks, Saving a Website as a Home Screen Icon
saving, Clearing the History Window
saving as icon, Clearing the History Window
synchronizing, Synchronizing Mail, Notes, and Bookmarks
Bookmarks Bar, Adding and Managing Bookmarks
Bookmarks window, Revisiting a Website Stored in the History Window, Clearing the History Window, Saving a Website as a Home Screen Icon
creating folders, Saving a Website as a Home Screen Icon
storing a website, Clearing the History Window
Books tab, Synchronizing Photos
Braille device, connecting to, Turning On VoiceOver
Brightness & Wallpaper settings, Adjusting the Wallpaper Brightness, Changing the Wallpaper
Bus icon, Getting Directions to a Specific Address
BUY APP button, Installing an App


calculator app, PCalc Lite
Calendar app, Synchronizing Contacts, Using the Calendar, Understanding Calendar Views, Understanding Calendar Views, Editing (or Deleting) an Appointment, Editing (or Deleting) an Appointment, Editing (or Deleting) an Appointment, Searching for an Appointment, Viewing and Managing Multiple Calendars, Viewing and Managing Multiple Calendars
appointments, Understanding Calendar Views, Editing (or Deleting) an Appointment, Editing (or Deleting) an Appointment, Editing (or Deleting) an Appointment, Searching for an Appointment, Viewing and Managing Multiple Calendars
deleting, Editing (or Deleting) an Appointment
modifying, Editing (or Deleting) an Appointment
repeating, Viewing and Managing Multiple Calendars
searching, Editing (or Deleting) an Appointment
setting, Understanding Calendar Views
deleting a calendar, Viewing and Managing Multiple Calendars
synchronizing calendars, Synchronizing Contacts
views, Understanding Calendar Views
Camera app, What You'll Be Using
Camera button, What You'll Be Using, Taking Pictures
camera connector kit, Additional Ideas for Using the Virtual Keyboard, Viewing, Using, and Sharing Photographs
canceling data plan, Canceling (or Switching) a Cellular Data Plan
caps lock, Customizing the Virtual Keyboard
cellular data, Canceling (or Switching) a Cellular Data Plan
child-friendly controls, Using Parental Controls
Clear History button, Clearing the History Window
Closed Captioning on/off switch, Turning On VoiceOver
compass, Finding Your Current Location
Contacts app, Synchronizing Contacts, Sending Multiple Pictures by Email, Keeping Contact Information, Viewing Contact Information, Viewing Contact Information, Sending Email to a Contact, Placing Your Own Bookmark, Getting Directions from the Information Icon, Getting Directions for an Address Stored in the Contacts App
address, Placing Your Own Bookmark, Getting Directions from the Information Icon, Getting Directions for an Address Stored in the Contacts App
getting directions to, Getting Directions from the Information Icon
mapping, Placing Your Own Bookmark
assigning photos, Sending Multiple Pictures by Email
controls, Viewing Contact Information
emailing from, Sending Email to a Contact
searching, Viewing Contact Information
contacts. See also Contacts app, Keeping Contact Information, Viewing Contact Information, Adding a New Contact, Adding a New Contact, Adding a New Contact, Adding a New Contact, Adding a New Contact, Editing (or Deleting) a Contact, Editing (or Deleting) a Contact, Sending Contact Information by Email, Sending Email to a Contact
adding, Adding a New Contact, Adding a New Contact, Adding a New Contact
new, Adding a New Contact
photo, Adding a New Contact
browsing, Viewing Contact Information
creating, Adding a New Contact
deleting, Editing (or Deleting) a Contact
editing, Editing (or Deleting) a Contact
emailing, Sending Contact Information by Email
getting directions to, Sending Email to a Contact
viewing, Keeping Contact Information
Controlled Scroll, Using the Scroll Command, Using the Scroll Command
copying text, Moving the Cursor
copyright, Copying a Graphic Image from a Web Page
Crackle app, Entertainment Apps
Create New Contact, Saving or Sharing a Location
current location, finding, Finding Your Current Location
Current Location/Compass icon, Viewing a Map, Using the Compass
cursor movement, Typing Text, Typing Text, Moving the Cursor, Moving the Cursor
precise, Typing Text
tapping, Moving the Cursor
touching and holding fingertip in text, Typing Text
customer support, Additional Ideas for Troubleshooting Your iPad
cutting text, Moving the Cursor


ebooks, Synchronizing Photos, Importing Ebooks into Your iPad, Reading Ebooks, Opening (and Closing) an Ebook, Turning One Page at a Time, Jumping to Specific Chapters, Jumping to Specific Chapters, Jumping to Any Page in an Ebook, Jumping to Any Page in an Ebook, Jumping to Any Page in an Ebook, Searching for Text, Using Bookmarks, Using Bookmarks, Using Bookmarks, Making Ebooks Easier to Read, Making Ebooks Easier to Read, Making Ebooks Easier to Read
bookmarks, Using Bookmarks, Using Bookmarks, Using Bookmarks
creating, Using Bookmarks
managing, Using Bookmarks
brightness, Making Ebooks Easier to Read
chapter, selecting, Jumping to Specific Chapters
current page icon, Jumping to Any Page in an Ebook
font, changing, Making Ebooks Easier to Read
importing, Synchronizing Photos
page, selecting, Jumping to Any Page in an Ebook
pagination, Jumping to Any Page in an Ebook
searching, Searching for Text
table of contents, Jumping to Specific Chapters
text size, changing, Making Ebooks Easier to Read
turning pages, Turning One Page at a Time
viewing modes, Opening (and Closing) an Ebook
Edit Event window, Editing (or Deleting) an Appointment
Edit Folder window, Creating Folders in the Bookmarks Window
Effects button, Taking Pictures
electronic picture frame, using iPad as, Navigating Through Pictures
email, What You'll Be Using, Setting Up an Email Account Automatically, Setting Up an Email Account Automatically, Setting Up an Email Account Manually, What You'll Be Using, Reading Email, Moving a Message to a Folder, Moving a Message, Deleting a Message, Moving (or Deleting) Messages, Moving (or Deleting) Messages, Moving (or Deleting) Messages, Moving (or Deleting) Messages, Replying to, Forwarding, or Printing an Email Message, Replying to, Forwarding, or Printing an Email Message, Replying to a Message, Forwarding a Message, Viewing Multiple Email Accounts, Synchronizing Mail, Notes, and Bookmarks, Sending Pictures by Email, Sending Email to a Contact, Sending Email to a Contact
attachments, Replying to a Message
deleting, Moving a Message to a Folder, Deleting a Message, Moving (or Deleting) Messages, Moving (or Deleting) Messages
multiple, Moving (or Deleting) Messages
permanently, Moving a Message to a Folder
single, Deleting a Message
folders, displaying, Reading Email
forwarding, Replying to, Forwarding, or Printing an Email Message
moving, Moving a Message, Moving (or Deleting) Messages, Moving (or Deleting) Messages
multiple, Moving (or Deleting) Messages
single, Moving a Message
reading, What You'll Be Using
replying to, Replying to, Forwarding, or Printing an Email Message
retrieving, Setting Up an Email Account Automatically
searching, Viewing Multiple Email Accounts
sending, Sending Pictures by Email, Sending Email to a Contact, Sending Email to a Contact
from Contacts app, Sending Email to a Contact
photos, Sending Pictures by Email
setting up, What You'll Be Using, Setting Up an Email Account Automatically, Setting Up an Email Account Manually
automatically, Setting Up an Email Account Automatically
manually, Setting Up an Email Account Manually
synchronizing, Synchronizing Mail, Notes, and Bookmarks
email accounts, Setting Up an Email Account, What You'll Be Using, Setting Up an Email Account Automatically, Setting Up an Email Account Automatically, Setting Up an Email Account Automatically, Reading, Organizing, and Sending Email, Reading Email, Synchronizing Mail, Notes, and Bookmarks
automatic setup, What You'll Be Using
customizing, Setting Up an Email Account
getting one, Setting Up an Email Account Automatically
manual setup, Setting Up an Email Account Automatically
multiple, Reading Email
setup screen, Setting Up an Email Account Automatically
synchronizing, Synchronizing Mail, Notes, and Bookmarks
Enable Restrictions, Blocking iPad Features
encrypting iPad backup, Restoring from a Backup
ending destination, Getting Directions to a Specific Address
entering text, Typing Text
EPUB (file format), Synchronizing Photos, Transferring Ebooks and Audiobooks from iTunes to Your iPad, Converting Files to EPUB Format, Converting Files to EPUB Format
converting to, Converting Files to EPUB Format
downloading free books in, Converting Files to EPUB Format
importing, Synchronizing Photos
Epub2Go, Converting Files to EPUB Format, Converting Files to EPUB Format, Converting Files to EPUB Format
Erase All Content and Settings, Resetting and Erasing Your iPad
Erase Data on/off switch, Erasing Data After 10 Incorrect Passcodes
erasing data, Resetting and Erasing Your iPad
Event Alert window, Setting an Appointment
Evernote app, Evernote, Simplenote, PearNote, and PaperDesk
Explicit label, What You'll Be Using, Blocking iPad Features
external battery packs, Additional Ideas for Conserving Power


Faces feature, Viewing Pictures, Viewing Pictures
FaceTime app, Setting Up FaceTime, Setting Up FaceTime, Setting Up FaceTime
making a call, Setting Up FaceTime
setting up, Setting Up FaceTime
FaceTime, on a Mac, Setting Up FaceTime
factory settings, returning to, Resetting Everything, Resetting and Erasing Your iPad
favorite websites, sharing, Saving a Website as a Home Screen Icon
Featured icon, What You'll Be Using
Fetch New Data settings screen, Turning Off Push Accounts
file attachments, forwarding, Replying to a Message
file formats, What You'll Be Using, Importing Files to iTunes on Your Computer, Importing Files to iTunes on Your Computer
converting, What You'll Be Using
iPad-compatible, Importing Files to iTunes on Your Computer
FileMaker Go app, Documents To Go, Office2 HD and QuickOffice
filtering content, Blocking iPad Features
financial news apps, PCalc Lite
Fine Scrubbing, with Playhead slider, Viewing a Video File
Flap (Maps app), Viewing a Map
Flipboard app, Flipboard and Zite
folders, Rearranging Icons into Folders, Rearranging Icons into Folders, Saving a Website as a Home Screen Icon
for apps, Rearranging Icons into Folders
for bookmarks, Saving a Website as a Home Screen Icon
foreign characters, entering, Customizing the Virtual Keyboard
foreign language keyboards, Switching the iPad's Default Language
forgetting a network, Forgetting a Wi-Fi Network
Forward button, Controlling a Song, Viewing a YouTube Video
forwarding emails, Replying to, Forwarding, or Printing an Email Message, Replying to a Message
Fox News app, PCalc Lite
Full Screen/Shrink button, Viewing a YouTube Video


Half Speed Scrubbing, with Playhead slider, Viewing a Video File
Handbrake, What You'll Be Using
Hi-Speed Scrubbing, with Playhead slider, Viewing a Video File
hints, turning on, Turning On VoiceOver
History window, Using Bookmarks with Safari, What You'll Be Using, Clearing the History Window
clearing, Clearing the History Window
revisiting stored website from, What You'll Be Using
Home button, Using Your iPad's Physical and Virtual Controls, What You'll Be Using, What You'll Be Using, Multitasking with the Home Button, Multitasking with the Home Button, Muting the Volume or Locking the Screen Rotation Without the Side Switch, Muting the Volume or Locking the Screen Rotation Without the Side Switch, Adjusting the Screen Brightness, Turning On VoiceOver, What You'll Be Using
and adjusting brightness, Adjusting the Screen Brightness
and locking screen rotation, Muting the Volume or Locking the Screen Rotation Without the Side Switch
and multitasking, Multitasking with the Home Button
and Music app controls, Multitasking with the Home Button
and muting iPad, Muting the Volume or Locking the Screen Rotation Without the Side Switch
and volume controls, What You'll Be Using
holding to restart iPad, What You'll Be Using
triple-clicking for accessibility, Turning On VoiceOver
Home screen, Turning On Your iPad, Using the Scroll Command, Customizing the Home Screen, What You'll Be Using, What You'll Be Using, Rearranging Icons Through iTunes, Rearranging Icons into Folders, Changing the Wallpaper, Saving a Website as a Home Screen Icon
arranging icons, What You'll Be Using, What You'll Be Using, Rearranging Icons Through iTunes, Rearranging Icons into Folders
between panes, What You'll Be Using
into folders, Rearranging Icons into Folders
via iTunes, Rearranging Icons Through iTunes
customizing, Customizing the Home Screen, Changing the Wallpaper
deleting bookmarked icon, Saving a Website as a Home Screen Icon
multiple panes, Using the Scroll Command
Hotmail, Setting Up an Email Account Automatically
Hybrid view (Maps app), Viewing a Map


iBooks app, Importing Ebooks into Your iPad, Reading Ebooks, Jumping to Specific Chapters, Entertainment Apps
iBookstore, Shopping on iTunes and the iBookstore, Shopping for Music, Movies, TV Shows, and Audiobooks, Shopping for iBooks, Shopping for iBooks, Shopping for iBooks
browsing, Shopping for Music, Movies, TV Shows, and Audiobooks
Featured, Shopping for iBooks
Purchased, Shopping for iBooks
Top Charts, Shopping for iBooks
iCal, Synchronizing Appointments
iCloud, Setting Up an Email Account Automatically, Setting Up an Email Account Automatically, Finding a Stolen or Lost iPad
locating iPad with, Finding a Stolen or Lost iPad
icons, What You'll Be Using, What You'll Be Using, What You'll Be Using, Rearranging Icons Through iTunes, Rearranging Icons into Folders, Rearranging Icons into Folders
organizing, What You'll Be Using, What You'll Be Using, Rearranging Icons Through iTunes, Rearranging Icons into Folders, Rearranging Icons into Folders
into folders, Rearranging Icons into Folders
on Dock, Rearranging Icons into Folders
on Home screen, What You'll Be Using
via iTunes, Rearranging Icons Through iTunes
images, Using the Scroll Command, Copying a Graphic Image from a Web Page, Copying a Graphic Image from a Web Page
copying from web page, Copying a Graphic Image from a Web Page
resizing, Using the Scroll Command
iMovie app, Remote
In-App Purchases, filtering, Blocking iPad Features
Inbox folder, What You'll Be Using, Reading Email
Information icon, Bookmarking Favorite Locations, Placing Your Own Bookmark
inserting periods automatically, Customizing the Virtual Keyboard
INSTALL APP button, Installing an App
installing apps, Installing (and Uninstalling) Apps, What You'll Be Using, Installing an App
via App Store, What You'll Be Using
via iTunes, Installing an App
International key, Using a Foreign-Language Virtual Keyboard
International Keyboards, Defining a Foreign-Language Virtual Keyboard
International settings screen, Switching the iPad's Default Language
Internet service provider (ISP), Setting Up an Email Account Automatically
Internet, connecting to, Setting Up an Internet Connection, iTunes Won't Recognize Your iPad
iPhone apps, Deleting an App from the iPad, Deleting an App from the iPad, Deleting an App from the iPad, Running iPhone Apps on the iPad
expanding to fill screen, Deleting an App from the iPad
running on iPad, Deleting an App from the iPad
shrinking, Deleting an App from the iPad
iPhoto, What You'll Be Using
iPhoto app, Remote
ISP (Internet Service Provider), Setting Up an Email Account Automatically
iTunes, Rearranging Icons Through iTunes, What You'll Be Using, Installing an App, Deleting an App from the iPad, Transferring Songs, Videos, and Other Stuff to Your iPad, What You'll Be Using, iTunes Won't Recognize Your iPad, iTunes Won't Recognize Your iPad
blocking music, What You'll Be Using
connecting to, troubleshooting, iTunes Won't Recognize Your iPad
importing files to, What You'll Be Using
rearranging icons, Rearranging Icons Through iTunes
iTunes app, Importing Files to iTunes on Your Computer
iTunes Store, Finding Apps in iTunes
iWork apps, What You'll Be Using


JamPad app, Netflix and Crackle
JPG (file format), What You'll Be Using


magnifying glass over text, Moving the Cursor
Mail app, Setting Up an Email Account Automatically, What You'll Be Using, Synchronizing Mail, Notes, and Bookmarks
Mail Link to this Page, Emailing a Web Page Link
mail server settings, Setting Up an Email Account Manually
Maps app, Using the Zoom Command, Using Multitasking Gestures, Using Maps, Viewing a Map, Viewing a Map, Changing the Appearance of a Map, Finding Your Current Location, Finding Your Current Location, Using the Compass, Searching for an Address, Searching for an Address, Searching for an Address, Searching for an Address, Searching for an Address, Searching for an Address, Bookmarking Favorite Locations, Saving or Sharing a Location, Saving or Sharing a Location, Placing Your Own Bookmark, Placing Your Own Bookmark, Getting Directions to a Specific Address, Getting Directions to a Specific Address, Getting Directions from the Information Icon
addresses, Using the Compass, Searching for an Address, Searching for an Address, Searching for an Address, Searching for an Address
clearing, Searching for an Address
locating, Using the Compass
recent, Searching for an Address
stored, Searching for an Address
bookmarks, Saving or Sharing a Location
businesses, searching by type, Searching for an Address
compass, Finding Your Current Location
contacts, locating addresses of, Placing Your Own Bookmark
controls, Viewing a Map
current location, Finding Your Current Location
displays, Changing the Appearance of a Map
Information icon, directions from, Getting Directions from the Information Icon
mass transit directions, Getting Directions to a Specific Address
pin, Bookmarking Favorite Locations, Saving or Sharing a Location, Placing Your Own Bookmark
adding, Bookmarking Favorite Locations
removing, Placing Your Own Bookmark
sizing, Viewing a Map
viewing surrounding area, Searching for an Address
walking directions, Getting Directions to a Specific Address
messages. See email, Documents To Go, Office2 HD and QuickOffice
Microsoft Office apps, Documents To Go, Office2 HD and QuickOffice
Microsoft Outlook, Synchronizing Appointments, Synchronizing Mail, Notes, and Bookmarks
Microsoft Word files, converting, Transferring Ebooks and Audiobooks from iTunes to Your iPad
Minimum Font Size, Customizing Mail Accounts
misspelled words, Spellchecking
Mono Audio on/off button, Turning On VoiceOver
MOV (file format), What You'll Be Using
Movies tab, Transferring Movies and TV Shows to Your iPad
movies. See also video files, Blocking iPad Features, Blocking iPad Features, Transferring Movies and TV Shows to Your iPad, Transferring Movies and TV Shows to Your iPad
filtering, Blocking iPad Features
synchronizing, Transferring Movies and TV Shows to Your iPad
transferring, Transferring Movies and TV Shows to Your iPad
MP3 (file format), What You'll Be Using
MPEG-4 (file format), What You'll Be Using
Multi-Touch screen, Controlling the iPad User Interface, What You'll Be Using, Using the Multi-Touch Screen, Using the Multi-Touch Screen, Using the Multi-Touch Screen, Multitasking Gestures, Additional Ideas for Controlling Your iPad
detecting fingertip, What You'll Be Using
multitasking gestures, Multitasking Gestures
Rotate, Additional Ideas for Controlling Your iPad
Scroll (drag), Using the Multi-Touch Screen
Select (tap), Using the Multi-Touch Screen
Zoom (pinch or double-tap), Using the Multi-Touch Screen
multiple panes, Using the Scroll Command, Using the Scroll Command, Using the Scroll Command
current and hidden screens, Using the Scroll Command
viewing, Using the Scroll Command
multitasking, Multitasking with the Home Button
multitasking gestures, Multitasking Gestures
Music app, What You'll Be Using, What You'll Be Using, What You'll Be Using, What You'll Be Using, Finding a Song to Play, Finding a Song to Play, Finding a Song to Play, Finding a Song to Play, Displaying Album Art, Displaying Album Art, Finding a Song by Genre or Composer, Searching for Any Audio File
controlling a song, Finding a Song to Play
displaying album art, Displaying Album Art
playback controls, Finding a Song to Play
playing a song, What You'll Be Using
searching, What You'll Be Using, What You'll Be Using, What You'll Be Using, Finding a Song to Play, Displaying Album Art, Finding a Song by Genre or Composer, Searching for Any Audio File
by album, Finding a Song to Play
by artist, What You'll Be Using
by composer, Displaying Album Art
by genre, Finding a Song by Genre or Composer
by playlist, What You'll Be Using
by song, What You'll Be Using
Music tab, Importing Files to iTunes on Your Computer
music. See also Music app, What You'll Be Using, What You'll Be Using, Blocking iPad Features, Blocking iPad Features, Transferring Music to Your iPad
filtering, What You'll Be Using, Blocking iPad Features
synchronizing, Transferring Music to Your iPad
musical instrument apps, Netflix and Crackle
muting iPad, Multitasking with the Home Button


Pages app, What You'll Be Using
painting apps, The Weather Channel
Pandora app, Pandora
PaperDesk app, Evernote, Simplenote, PearNote, and PaperDesk
parental controls, Using Parental Controls
Passcode Lock, Setting a Passcode
passcodes, What You'll Be Using, Setting a Passcode, Setting a Passcode, Defining When to Ask for a Passcode, Defining When to Ask for a Passcode, Erasing Data After 10 Incorrect Passcodes
adjusting time interval, Defining When to Ask for a Passcode
changing, Setting a Passcode
erasing data after failed attempts, Defining When to Ask for a Passcode
removing, Setting a Passcode
setting, What You'll Be Using
pasting text, Moving the Cursor
PCalc Lite app, PCalc Lite
PDF (file format), converting files to, Converting Files to EPUB Format
PDF ebooks, Synchronizing Photos, What You'll Be Using, Opening (and Closing) an Ebook, Turning One Page at a Time, Jumping to Any Page in an Ebook, Searching for Text, Using Bookmarks, Using Bookmarks, Making Ebooks Easier to Read
and bookmarks, Using Bookmarks
and brightness, Making Ebooks Easier to Read
importing, Synchronizing Photos
jumping to any page, Jumping to Any Page in an Ebook
reading, What You'll Be Using
searching in, Searching for Text
turning pages, Turning One Page at a Time
viewing modes, Opening (and Closing) an Ebook
PearNote app, Evernote, Simplenote, PearNote, and PaperDesk
periods, inserting automatically, Customizing the Virtual Keyboard
Person icon, Getting Directions to a Specific Address
phonetics, turning on in VoiceOver, Turning On VoiceOver
Photo Booth app, Taking Pictures
photo-editing apps, SketchBook Pro and Adobe Photoshop Touch, Remote
photos, Transferring Songs, Videos, and Other Stuff to Your iPad, Synchronizing Photos, Viewing, Using, and Sharing Photographs, Viewing Pictures, Viewing Pictures, Viewing Pictures, Viewing Pictures, Viewing Pictures, Turning Your iPad into an Electronic Picture Frame, Sending Multiple Pictures by Email, Sending Multiple Pictures by Email
assigning to contact, Sending Multiple Pictures by Email
emailing, Turning Your iPad into an Electronic Picture Frame, Sending Multiple Pictures by Email
multiple, Sending Multiple Pictures by Email
synchronizing, Synchronizing Photos
viewing, Viewing, Using, and Sharing Photographs, Viewing Pictures, Viewing Pictures, Viewing Pictures, Viewing Pictures, Viewing Pictures
albums, Viewing Pictures
dates, Viewing Pictures
events, Viewing Pictures
faces, Viewing Pictures
places, Viewing Pictures
Photos app, Copying a Graphic Image from a Web Page, Viewing, Using, and Sharing Photographs, What You'll Be Using, Navigating Through Pictures, Navigating Through Pictures, Turning Your iPad into an Electronic Picture Frame, Assigning a Picture to a Contact, Assigning a Picture to a Contact
creating slideshows with, Navigating Through Pictures
navigating, Navigating Through Pictures
saving images to, Copying a Graphic Image from a Web Page
sending emails from, Turning Your iPad into an Electronic Picture Frame
trimming videos with, Assigning a Picture to a Contact
viewing modes, Viewing, Using, and Sharing Photographs
viewing videos in, Assigning a Picture to a Contact
Photos tab, Transferring Movies and TV Shows to Your iPad
Photoshop Elements, What You'll Be Using
physical controls, What You'll Be Using
physical keyboards, connecting, Additional Ideas for Using the Virtual Keyboard
Picture Frame icon, Turning Your iPad into an Electronic Picture Frame
Picture Frame screen, Turning Your iPad into an Electronic Picture Frame
picture frame, turning iPad into, Navigating Through Pictures
pinching gesture, Using the Zoom Command, Using the Zoom Command, Using the Zoom Command
with four/five fingers, Using the Zoom Command
with two fingers, Using the Zoom Command
Places tab, Viewing Pictures, Navigating Through Pictures
Play/Pause button, Controlling a Song, Viewing a Video File
Playhead slider, Controlling a Song, Viewing a Video File, Viewing a Video File, Viewing a YouTube Video
Playlists tab, What You'll Be Using
PNG (file format), What You'll Be Using
podcasts, Blocking iPad Features, Filtering Content, Transferring Music to Your iPad
filtering, Blocking iPad Features
synchronizing, Transferring Music to Your iPad
Podcasts tab, Synchronizing Podcasts
portrait mode, Browsing with Safari
power usage, minimizing, Charging and Conserving Battery Power
pre-installed apps, Installing an App
Price button, Installing an App
privacy, Protecting Your Privacy
PSD (file format), What You'll Be Using
purple pin (Maps app), Placing Your Own Bookmark
push account, turning off, What You'll Be Using


Quarter Speed Scrubbing, with Playhead slider, Viewing a Video File
Quick Scroll, Using the Scroll Command
Quick Scroll Stop, Using the Scroll Command
QuickOffice app, Documents To Go, Office2 HD and QuickOffice


Ratings For, filtering, Blocking iPad Features
reading apps, Entertainment Apps
Recents window, Searching for an Address
recharging, via USB, What You'll Be Using
Record button, Taking Pictures
red pin (Maps app), Searching for an Address, Bookmarking Favorite Locations, Getting Directions from the Information Icon
Reminders app, Staying on Track with Reminders, What You'll Be Using, Editing Your Reminders, Searching for a Reminder, Deleting or Completing a Reminder, Deleting or Completing a Reminder, Deleting or Completing a Reminder, Deleting or Completing a Reminder, Deleting or Completing a Reminder, Creating a Reminder List, Storing Items in a Reminder List
Reminder lists, Deleting or Completing a Reminder, Deleting or Completing a Reminder, Creating a Reminder List, Storing Items in a Reminder List
creating, Deleting or Completing a Reminder
deleting, Storing Items in a Reminder List
editing, Deleting or Completing a Reminder
reminders, What You'll Be Using, Editing Your Reminders, Searching for a Reminder, Deleting or Completing a Reminder, Deleting or Completing a Reminder, Deleting or Completing a Reminder
completing, Deleting or Completing a Reminder
creating, What You'll Be Using
deleting, Deleting or Completing a Reminder
editing, Editing Your Reminders
searching for, Searching for a Reminder
Remote app, Remote
Remove Pin (Maps app), Placing Your Own Bookmark
Repeat button, Controlling a Song
Repeat Event window, Setting an Appointment
Replace menu, Selecting Part of Your Text
Reply icon, Replying to, Forwarding, or Printing an Email Message, Replying to a Message, Forwarding a Message
Require Passcode, Defining When to Ask for a Passcode
resetting, Your iPad Cannot Access the Internet, Resetting Everything, Saving Your Data While Resetting the iPad, Saving Your Data While Resetting the iPad, Resetting and Erasing Your iPad, Resetting and Erasing Your iPad, Resetting and Erasing Your iPad
all settings, Resetting Everything, Saving Your Data While Resetting the iPad, Resetting and Erasing Your iPad
and erasing all data, Resetting and Erasing Your iPad
while preserving data, Resetting Everything
keyboard dictionary, Resetting and Erasing Your iPad
Location Services, Resetting and Erasing Your iPad
network settings, Your iPad Cannot Access the Internet
restarting iPad, What You'll Be Using
Restore button, Restoring from a Backup
restoring iPad, from iTunes backup, Your iPad Cannot Access the Internet
Restrictions settings screen, Blocking iPad Features
restrictions, disabling, Filtering Content
Results window, Searching for an Appointment
Reuters News Pro app, PCalc Lite
Reverse icon, Getting Directions to a Specific Address
Rewind, Viewing a Video File, Viewing a YouTube Video
Rotate command, Additional Ideas for Controlling Your iPad
rotor, modifying, Turning On VoiceOver


Safari app, What You'll Be Using, Browsing with Safari, What You'll Be Using, Searching in Safari, Clearing the History Window, Clearing the History Window
blocking, What You'll Be Using
bookmarks. See bookmarks, Clearing the History Window
clearing history, Clearing the History Window
navigating with, What You'll Be Using
searching with, Searching in Safari
Satellite view (Maps app), Viewing a Map
Save Image, Copying a Graphic Image from a Web Page
screen brightness, adjusting, Dimming Screen Brightness
screen rotation, locking, Multitasking with the Home Button
Scroll command (drag), What You'll Be Using
scrubbing, with Playhead slider, Viewing a Video File
Search iPad field, Searching with Spotlight
Search Results screen, Searching with Spotlight
Search/Directions tab, Viewing a Map
searching, with Spotlight, What You'll Be Using
Select command (tap), What You'll Be Using
selecting text, Selecting, Copying, and Cutting Text
Send button, Replying to a Message
Set Lock Home Screen, Changing the Wallpaper
Set Lock Screen, Changing the Wallpaper
Set Passcode screen, Blocking iPad Features
Settings screen, Turning Your iPad On and Off
SGI (file format), What You'll Be Using
Show Calendars window, Viewing and Managing Multiple Calendars, Viewing and Managing Multiple Calendars
Show To/Cc Label, Customizing Mail Accounts
Shuffle button, Controlling a Song
signature, email, Customizing Mail Accounts
Simplenote app, Evernote, Simplenote, PearNote, and PaperDesk
single word, selecting, Moving the Cursor
SketchBook Ink app, SketchBook Pro and Adobe Photoshop Touch
SketchBook Pro app, SketchBook Pro and Adobe Photoshop Touch
Skype app, Making a FaceTime Call
sleep mode, Turning Your iPad On and Off, Turning Off Your iPad, Turning Off Your iPad, Putting Your iPad to Sleep, Putting Your iPad to Sleep Automatically, Waking Up Your iPad from Sleep Mode
automatic, Turning Off Your iPad
confirming, Turning Off Your iPad
settings, Putting Your iPad to Sleep Automatically
waking from, Waking Up Your iPad from Sleep Mode
Sleep/Wake button, What You'll Be Using
slide to power off arrow, Turning Off Your iPad
Slideshow Options window, Making a Slideshow Within the Photos App
slideshows, Navigating Through Pictures
sliding gestures, Using the Scroll Command
Songs tab, What You'll Be Using
Sounds settings screen, Turning Off Audible Keyboard Clicks
Speak Hints on/off switch, Turning On VoiceOver
speaking features, Turning On VoiceOver, Turning On VoiceOver, Turning On VoiceOver, Turning On VoiceOver
adjusting pitch, Turning On VoiceOver
adjusting rate, Turning On VoiceOver
adjusting voice quality, Turning On VoiceOver
Speaking Rate slider, Turning On VoiceOver
spellchecking, Spellchecking
splitting virtual keyboard, Turning Off Audible Keyboard Clicks
Spotlight, Searching Your iPad with Spotlight, Searching with Spotlight, Searching with Spotlight, Searching with Spotlight, Customizing Spotlight
customizing search, Searching with Spotlight
item types, Searching Your iPad with Spotlight
screen, Searching with Spotlight
search order, Customizing Spotlight
Standard view (Maps app), Viewing a Map
Start & End window, Setting an Appointment
Still/Video sliders, Taking Pictures
streaming video apps, Entertainment Apps
streaming videos, What You'll Be Using, What You'll Be Using, Viewing a Video File, Viewing a Video File, Choosing a YouTube Video, Choosing a YouTube Video, Viewing a YouTube Video
browsing, What You'll Be Using, Choosing a YouTube Video
searching, Viewing a YouTube Video
viewing, Viewing a Video File, Choosing a YouTube Video
Subject field, Searching Email
suggested words, Typing Text
swiping gesture, Using the Zoom Command, Using the Zoom Command, Using the Zoom Command
sideways with four/five fingers, Using the Zoom Command
up with four/five fingers, Using the Zoom Command
synchronizing, Transferring Music to Your iPad, Transferring Movies and TV Shows to Your iPad, Synchronizing Contacts, Synchronizing Contacts, Synchronizing Mail, Notes, and Bookmarks, Synchronizing Mail, Notes, and Bookmarks
appointments, Synchronizing Contacts
mail, notes, and bookmarks, Synchronizing Mail, Notes, and Bookmarks
photos, Transferring Movies and TV Shows to Your iPad
podcasts, Transferring Music to Your iPad
with iTunes, Synchronizing Mail, Notes, and Bookmarks


Table of Contents icon, Jumping to Specific Chapters
tapping gesture, What You'll Be Using
Terrain view (Maps app), Viewing a Map
TIF (file format), What You'll Be Using
Toggle VoiceOver, Turning Accessibility Features On and Off
Top Charts icon, Finding Apps on Your iPad
Top Charts tab, Shopping for Music, Movies, TV Shows, and Audiobooks
touch gestures. See Multi-Touch screen, Viewing a Map
Traffic overlay, Changing the Appearance of a Map
Trash folder, Reading Email
triple-clicking Home button, defining, Turning On VoiceOver
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting Your iPad, What You'll Be Using, What You'll Be Using, What You'll Be Using, iTunes Won't Recognize Your iPad, iTunes Won't Recognize Your iPad, Your iPad Cannot Access the Internet, Resetting Everything, Resetting Everything, Resetting and Erasing Your iPad, Resetting and Erasing Your iPad, Additional Ideas for Troubleshooting Your iPad
customer support, Additional Ideas for Troubleshooting Your iPad
frozen app, What You'll Be Using
frozen iPad, What You'll Be Using
Internet access, iTunes Won't Recognize Your iPad
iTunes won't recognize iPad, iTunes Won't Recognize Your iPad
resetting, Resetting Everything, Resetting Everything, Resetting and Erasing Your iPad, Resetting and Erasing Your iPad
iPad, Resetting Everything
keyboard dictionary, Resetting and Erasing Your iPad
Location Services, Resetting and Erasing Your iPad
restarting iPad, What You'll Be Using
restoring iPad, Your iPad Cannot Access the Internet
Turn Passcode On, Setting a Passcode
turning off iPad, Turning Off Your iPad
turning on iPad, Turning Your iPad On and Off
TV shows, Blocking iPad Features, Filtering Content, Transferring Movies and TV Shows to Your iPad
filtering, Blocking iPad Features
transferring, Transferring Movies and TV Shows to Your iPad
TV Shows tab, Transferring Movies and TV Shows to Your iPad, Transferring Movies and TV Shows to Your iPad
typing feedback, turning on, Turning On VoiceOver
typing shorcuts, Typing with Voice Dictation, Typing with Voice Dictation, Typing with Voice Dictation, Trying Your Shortcut
creating, Typing with Voice Dictation
deleting, Trying Your Shortcut
using, Typing with Voice Dictation
typing text, Typing Text


uninstalling apps, Installing (and Uninstalling) Apps
updating apps, Installing an App
USA Today app, PCalc Lite
USB port, adding, Additional Ideas for Using the Virtual Keyboard
USB, high-powered, What You'll Be Using
Use Phonetics on/off switch, Turning On VoiceOver
Use Pitch Change on/off switch, Turning On VoiceOver


vCard file (.vcf), Sending Contact Information by Email
Video app, Watching Video Podcasts, iTunes U Classes, and YouTube Videos
video chat, Setting Up FaceTime, Setting Up FaceTime, Making a FaceTime Call
with FaceTime, Setting Up FaceTime
with Skype, Making a FaceTime Call
video files, What You'll Be Using, What You'll Be Using, Transferring Movies and TV Shows to Your iPad, Watching Video Podcasts, iTunes U Classes, and YouTube Videos, What You'll Be Using, Viewing a Video File, Viewing a Video File, Viewing a Video File, Viewing a Video File, Viewing a Video File, Taking Pictures, Assigning a Picture to a Contact
blocking, What You'll Be Using
importing, Transferring Movies and TV Shows to Your iPad
playback, Viewing a Video File, Viewing a Video File, Viewing a Video File, Viewing a Video File, Viewing a Video File
controls, Viewing a Video File, Viewing a Video File
skipping backward or foward, Viewing a Video File
recording, Taking Pictures
selecting, What You'll Be Using
trimming, Assigning a Picture to a Contact
viewing, Watching Video Podcasts, iTunes U Classes, and YouTube Videos
Video screen, Turning On VoiceOver
virtual keyboard, What You'll Be Using, What You'll Be Using, Displaying Different Virtual Keyboards, Displaying Different Virtual Keyboards, Typing on a Virtual Keyboard, Typing Text, Customizing the Virtual Keyboard, Customizing the Virtual Keyboard, Customizing the Virtual Keyboard, Turning Off Audible Keyboard Clicks, Turning Off Audible Keyboard Clicks, Typing with Voice Dictation, Switching the iPad's Default Language
customizing, What You'll Be Using, Customizing the Virtual Keyboard
displaying numbers, Displaying Different Virtual Keyboards
displaying symbols, Displaying Different Virtual Keyboards
docking, Turning Off Audible Keyboard Clicks
foreign languages, Switching the iPad's Default Language
shorcuts, Typing with Voice Dictation
splitting, Turning Off Audible Keyboard Clicks
suggested words, Typing Text
typing foreign characters, Customizing the Virtual Keyboard
typing on, Typing on a Virtual Keyboard
Virtuoso app, Netflix and Crackle, Remote
voice dictation, Typing with Voice Dictation
Voice Dictation key, Typing with Voice Dictation
VoiceOver, Making Your iPad Accessible, Turning On VoiceOver, Turning On VoiceOver, Turning On VoiceOver, Turning On VoiceOver
controls, Turning On VoiceOver
effect on iPad behavior, Making Your iPad Accessible
settings screen, Turning On VoiceOver
turning on, Turning On VoiceOver
volume, What You'll Be Using, What You'll Be Using, What You'll Be Using, Adjusting the Volume, Multitasking with the Home Button
adjusting, What You'll Be Using
muting, Multitasking with the Home Button
physical controls, What You'll Be Using
slider, on screen, Adjusting the Volume
Volume slider, Viewing a Video File, Viewing a YouTube Video
Volume Up/Down buttons, Using Your iPad's Physical and Virtual Controls


waking up iPad, Waking Up Your iPad from Sleep Mode
walking directions, Getting Directions to a Specific Address
wall outlet, charging from, What You'll Be Using
wallpaper, Modifying the Wallpaper, Modifying the Wallpaper, Modifying the Wallpaper, Changing the Wallpaper
brightness, Modifying the Wallpaper
modifying, Modifying the Wallpaper
previewing, Changing the Wallpaper
warm temperatures, effect on battery life, What You'll Be Using
warranty, Additional Ideas for Troubleshooting Your iPad
WAV (file format), What You'll Be Using
Weather Channel app, The Weather Channel
web pages, What You'll Be Using, Navigating Safari, Navigating Safari, Searching in Safari, Searching in Safari, Creating and Using a Reading List, Creating and Using a Reading List, Copying a Graphic Image from a Web Page, Printing a Web Page
emailing link to, Creating and Using a Reading List
opening, What You'll Be Using
opening in new tab, Searching in Safari
printing, Printing a Web Page
saving image from, Copying a Graphic Image from a Web Page
searching for, Searching in Safari
zooming in, Navigating Safari
zooming out, Navigating Safari
websites, What You'll Be Using, What You'll Be Using, Navigating Safari, Clearing the History Window, Deleting and Rearranging Your Bookmarks
address, entering in Safari, What You'll Be Using
saving as icon on Home screen, Deleting and Rearranging Your Bookmarks
storing in Bookmarks window, Clearing the History Window
visiting with Safari, Navigating Safari
What's Hot tab, Finding Apps on Your iPad
White on Black feature, Making Your iPad Accessible
Wi-Fi, Setting Up an Internet Connection, What You'll Be Using, What You'll Be Using, Setting Up a Wi-Fi Connection, Setting Up a Wi-Fi Connection, Forgetting a Wi-Fi Network, Forgetting a Wi-Fi Network, Canceling (or Switching) a Cellular Data Plan, iTunes Won't Recognize Your iPad, Your iPad Cannot Access the Internet
coverage, Your iPad Cannot Access the Internet
network, Setting Up an Internet Connection, What You'll Be Using, What You'll Be Using, Setting Up a Wi-Fi Connection, Forgetting a Wi-Fi Network, Forgetting a Wi-Fi Network
asking for permission to join, What You'll Be Using
connecting to, Setting Up a Wi-Fi Connection
forgetting, Forgetting a Wi-Fi Network
password entry, What You'll Be Using
troubleshooting, iTunes Won't Recognize Your iPad
turning iPad into hotspot, Canceling (or Switching) a Cellular Data Plan
Wi-Fi Networks settings screen, Setting Up a Wi-Fi Connection, Your iPad Cannot Access the Internet
Wi-Fi on/off switch, What You'll Be Using
Wi-Fi Password screen, What You'll Be Using
wiping all data, Resetting Everything
word, Typing Text, Typing Text, Selecting a Single Word
completion, Typing Text
selecting, Selecting a Single Word


Zite app, Flipboard and Zite
Zoom command (pinch or doubletap), What You'll Be Using, Using the Scroll Command
Zoom feature, Making Your iPad Accessible
zooming in, in Safari, Navigating Safari
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